1 I THE LOCAL ADVOCATE. job wonrc. Eighth sheet hand bill, 60 copies or less $2,nu Quaxtor sheet Hand bill, SO oriuss. 1,60 , Half sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or less Full sheet hand bill, 60 copies or less ts.oo. PLANKS. T Pot any quantity under rWe'-qitlrcs, $1,. 60 rer quire ; on all omouuts over that a reasonable reduction will be made. TERMS OF PAPER. $ 1,60 per year In advance $2,00 if paid within the year, and $2,50 If not paid with in that time. N O tTgE . Hereafter the Post Offiee will be elosed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at 6 1. M. , : - , LUTHER; iUM. Brti.T"be Commissioners of Elk coun ty will meet at tlieir offiee ron Wcdtjts day, the 23d day of May 1$G6. By oTder J. K.T. HALL, Clerk..,: Man KlM.r.r. i man named John English, formerly an employee on the I & E. road, was sitting on the track, when an enzipo cams alon? and struck him on t he'back part df the ' head and on the back, iojurinsr him so eoverely that he died in aTshort time afterwards, and was buried the next day, (8th inst. tt ;.i r...:i.. Swindlers. Two men came to our town ono day last week and hired a two.borso rlg from. iPeloapV livery, say. inf that they wanted to go to Ck:i field by way of Erookville and return tn ihis place. A couple of days after the rig was sent tack with another man, with the carriage broken and the 'lorscs fng. gcd, but without any money to pay for the hire of the team. They gave their names here as Brown and Jones, this former from Eric and the latter from Cleveland. Communities should keep a sharp eye for such gentry. Accident. Last Saturday, a little child belonging to Mr. David Luther was kicked by a norsc soiucwucre auoui the head, injuring the child very se verely, and had it not been for the timelf assistance, of Dr.t Bordwell, who mppened to be near at the time, the ii.i ill 1 1. 111.1; lit i'- Li w a w Livva tBy reference to- our advertising columns it will be seen that Messrs. Williams & McCounell are prepared to lo nil Viuda cf wcrk in iheif line. As this is house-cleaning season, persons rifhing to have whitewashing, painting tl .' ! .1 , !n m4..1a n Vi i , 1 (1 nivA fjt them a call. WbJl.I1 you want' to bavc"ariythidg ilone in the blacksmithing line go to Belnap'a shop. lie employs good workman, who will do your work well and cheap. m,Dr. W. M. Shaw, of Clearfield, Las hung out his" "shingle" at the room formerly, ocpupied by Jlrs. Clem, ents. Wc can recommend Dr. Shaw a being an excellent dentist, and those having anything to do in his profession phould give him a call. Fcrnitube Rooms. When a much necded branch of business Is started in a place, every one should cncouiage it by patronizing it. Therefore we would recommend tho' reader to call on Mr. Thomas at his establishment. TXguOur St. Mary's frienas had an excitement on Monday ja's? in the shape of a darkey light. Our ancient neigh bor is thus early reaping the benefits ot the veto o( the Frccdmen's Bureau bill and ' tlie passage bftho Civil Rights bill. It seems that during an animated 11c!i;,-m hetvreen . the barber of . the Franklin House and youDg McClintio, the son of the station agent there, they came from words to blows, and the lat ter being .unable to-' whale- the darkey, aought redress before 'Sijuire Voluier, who in the absence of an officer of the F. B., done justice Ly 'comiut'dng the d&rkev to answer at court. t05uly reference to advertisement ot The" Virgin Gold Mini;ir' Company, of Colorado, on our second page, it will be found that a very favorable opportunity is theie offered of securing 'an' " origi nal" interest in this region of inex liaustible wealth. Prof. E. N. Kent, of the" N.Y7 Assay Offioe, "who has vis ited this district, says : " At to the extent of the gold mines of Colorado, I am not prepared to give o estimate, as I toand enough to fully employ my time within a radius of five imles of Central Cityi the location of the Ledges of this company, but as to the riches of THEM, I have no hesita . tion in saying, 4a I believe tiisw to ha .7i..m - -- j:. nriii, : lir riCHCaf ever Hivirie"i ?, m ovr enee, capital, and the Pacifio Railroad, Colorado ia destined in uiy opinion, to lival or supersede California or Austra lia, and become the El Dorado of the IThilat-ge'-basfi frf ' this enterprise Its choice Ledgps as well as its lair and equitable features are such as to commend it to the attention of all those having Surplus funds for investment.- As " original interests " in thi6 compa ny eanSiow be bad at $100 cachj those wishing to secure them should at once send in their subscriptions., 8-We this week surrender a large portion of onr ppace for the initial num ber of papers of the "History of Elk County." We will hereafter endeavor to have it published n the outside. lPSpeaking of Democratic papers, we would advise any of our friends who wish to subscribe to a paper that has always been untcrrificd in its ndhesion to the principles iof the ' Democracy, that they can get no better one than the Ilarrisbur" Patriot Union. ;. , i ",- - .. --j. T ; i Wilcox, May 12, 1806. Mr. Editor: Inyourlast issue youjudg. ed from' the wagons loaded with pigeons cominsr into town there had been about 1 .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,770 of them killed. Now, how many. States, the size'- of 'Pennsylvania would that number of pig?ons cover, allowing each pigeon to cover bnt'Anef squarA inelr'ol ground ? HENRY WARNER. We refer the above to (some pt our mathematical readers. There are 46, 0.00 square miles Sri the State of Perin sylvania. ni . . ; Next Congressman. We eall tho attention of our readers, to an article taken from the Elk, Advocate of the 2Gth nit., bearing upon the qncstion of our next Congressman. Tho sugges tions of the writer are worthy of atten tion, nd erf far as our townsman, ' Mr. Graham, is concerned, is a strong sup porter of tho "government' and would make a popular candidate. We can only pay on this subject, " go in lem ons," the defeat of the 'traitors "in this district, by the election of a man who would sustain the policy of President Johnson would be glory enough for tho Democracy; O harfield Republican. OCT A corrcspnndent of tho Elk Ad. vocatc who says he is a Republican, writes a long communication in opposi tion to the re-election of Mr. Soofield, and suggesting that the Democrats and conservative Republicans unite.' upon some mnn of the latter class to run against Scofield in case he is a candi date. He thinks it the duty of the Johnson Republicans to take tho initia tive, and mentions as among the gen. tUmon rjuolifiad lor the place, and en tilled by their moderate puiiai. -rU-n-s to tho respect of conservatives" of all classes, the names of Col. C. B. Curtis, of Warren, and James B. Graham, of Clearfield. We, should no object to supporting a Republican lor Congress who is sound on the issues of the day; but ho must be a stcadtast and outspok. cn advocate of Mr. Johnson's policy, and none other. Tho district is too strongly radical to hope for the success ot a Democrat, and, under tin .circum; stances, if a talented, popular and ener getic Johnson Republican can bo pre. sentod, who will s'.and a fair chance of election, we believe ,the Democracy will rally to his support unanimously. i rook v life J J era Id. f'eto of the Colorado Bill, A telegram from Washington, re ceived last evening, announced the in. telligeuce that the President has .re turned with his objections to the Senate, whence it originated, the bill creating a new State out of the Territory of Colorado. 4.he',rre9idcnt docs not consider the establishment of a State government at present necessary for tho welfare of the people of that Territory. The population is small, it being estima. ted by some as less than twenty-five thousand, while the advocates ef the bill reckou it at ft oiu thirty. five thousand to forty thousand. The reasons given at length by the President for the present exercise of his constitutional functions are clear, cogent and unanswerable, and in tho minds of all but bigoted and in terested partisans will be conclusive. Every day and hour strengthens 'the faith of the people in tka wisdom, pa triotism, and unswerving fit tuness of Andrew Johnson, and ho has already done enough, a& (lie champion ot Un ion, Restoration,' and Constitutional Liberty, to entitle Li in to the lasting; gratitude cf the j'roe citizens of this Re public Ag , , . ftirRepublicaus are inakms a veat blow that they have the snldier's enndi date for Governor, u e cau t see it in that light. Ninely-niue hundredths t( ell the soldiers who faced the rebel fire during the war are opposed to negro suffrage and in favor ot the Union of the States and the restoration of peace, while John W. Geary stands upon platform which declares in favor of ne. gro suffrage and equality, which de clurea that the nesrrocs fousrht our bat ties, and which opposes the Union of me states ana the restoration of peaoe. Hence John W. Geary is not the sol- -diers candidate. Exch Exchange 1 . i uEAUT AND THE SOLDIERS A let- tei from Liverpool to the editor of the Perry county Democrat says: "We have brave soldiers in this region, some ot whom served under Ueary, who de nounco him and would not touch h'm with a ten-foot pole, : notwithstanding tueir former republican proclivities." -VOTE FOR CLYMER AND SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT. TOTICR TO STOCKHOLDERS. i ' 11 The Stockholders of the Korsey Oil . 1 . " l n . . mu mineral company, are nereby notified hat the annual meeting for oleotion of Di ed ors A Officer of mid pnniTiiinv fnr ii,. ensuinpt year, will be held at their office in oiixoT ii ie, venango county rn. on Friday io first, day of Juno 18C0, between the hours f 10 o'clock A. M.anrt: e oVlnnk P. M nr the same day. ISAAC MILLER, Vice Pros'U 8. A. HETFIELD, W. H. COFFIN, . .,1 Dircc'rs. J. W. GUERNSEY. - I JAS. W. GUERNSEY, Seo'y Protem. uousevillc, iUny 8 oo-Zt. T 1ST OF CAUSES SET. DOWN I 4 fnr Court of Common Picas of Elk county, commencing July 2d, I860. Crowcll vs. Bonezette twp. Sharlraw et. dx.,J vs. Earl et. ux. Hyde& Cuinminas vs. Brvant.t Kuwer Clark vs. Ifilllct. 1 Bryant & Euwer vs. Taylor i'ljers vs. Millingor ' ')'. S vs. Hays et al. Sorg Raub. Horton ct al., . , Rhines Wilson ' Same Eiohenger et. al. Nnlf Thomas et. al. Short. ioesch vs. Ely vs. Dilworth vs. Hunt ct. al. Ad's, vs. !amo . vs.- Benzineer ct. al. vs. Koinmerer : , vs. Brenner vs, Irwin vs GEO. AIRATHBUN; ' Deputy Prothonotary. f 1ST OF GRAND JURORS Drawn 2 . for July Term, 1866. Fox Alben Ellinwar. Jnafinh TTorh. Henry B. Shons. R. T. Kvler. IToracfl Little, Jos. R. Taylor, P. W. Hays. John A. Millcr.oa.i . Si-RiNO Creek. Miram Carman.. , :Blt!i7r.VORli '.Tnonh' Hr nfrnr': Francis Cassady, Jacob Wist.. v, , ! , BtNEZETTE J. W. Winslowl'jnliua Jones. RlDOWAY'. F. Q Dickinsdn'. J. S. Hyde, G. G. Messenger. r : Jay.--Jacob A. Spangler A. ' E. Goff. Jones. Ira Westeott. Sr. Mart's. Philin Fisher. John Walker, O. R. Sexton, John Krug. " r-ISTlDF 'TRAVERSE JURORS Drawn Tor July Term 1866. ,. Fox.--iT. i W.:' Rosre'rs. Enos ' ITavs. Wm. Tavlor. Sr. Thnmna (irnen II man Motedith, D. 0. ' Oyster,1 ' Jerome u. layior, Lawrence iUohan. . kJl-iVICTVT VBIIH. iBVlU UT. iU X BUI, Martin Perrin, Wm, G. Hunt. BENZINOER.-Louis Gei.q. flnsnor jmignt, tiaooD names, ueorge Iverner, Anton Bauer, 'Stephen jHanryr Francis A&.cuvr, xuuiibb UUblJr Tiirlp JONES. John March. Miohnnl WeJ ST. MAR's.--Chftrlns" TiilTi" Wilhelm, ' Xavier Haborbush. Windfelder, John Sosenholmcr, f Bknezette. Johii. Z- iJJodemuth, Andrew Overturf, D. B. Winslow, Miles J IlronLAND. Levi 'Ellithorpe, Wm, Stllbbs. i:; . i " rALUARLE LOTS FOR SALE. V ue,-nn(ierigBeaf.ha3 laid out a vil. lag upo bis groutid ftdjoining .lhe Hide way Dpotsta be called;. ELK;" The lots are 01e from by 100 faaideep front inglw"ard"8 theraSU;oad-i. n , , , Ternis--F6rthe firsl lot sold, 10O. Foi the second lot sold, $110. - For the third lot sold. S120 and ae on increasing In prise as lots are sold. - ' - " First pnrchasers get the choice loll at the cheapest ra. . PirohaBrf will be Jkigistered jn.'lii or- uar oi ineir pppneatp. .' ; T per eit O the pnrchaso money) bust be paid t thi time f the aBnlloatitnu .- ' ' i .Applications f il baBade 14 John u. vttU, .sq., ttiugwa. X , -n ;"'; RMgway; maf,23-68-tf. '"- -..,& liECUTOR'S WTICE.3wii:iETs Ji LetterrTestttmentary pon the EaUte ui i.. ut vougueny, aeoj , ,hare this- day been gfanted to the uodersiirneal. : AH per sons UAVmg claims againathe' estata' will present tlienidUiyaulUentioated, and all per sons Indebted 1 said 6hM will J;... ment, taSUSAN B-'DOUGHERTV, Ex'ji, at Itidtfway. Par' ', :' , ... 17XECVT0R'S NOTJCI. WHEREAS. JJj Letters Teetamntry upon the Estate ui it uugHHgouiiiuiiennoiier raieor uennpg er toresliiPvSlk oWnty deo'd, -lme befi granted ta the s.lbscribcrs: All ceraons in debted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having ciniiu aguHisi, ma sumo, .wilt present them duly authenticated for xettleinent to TH03. Si iII,UTl EMIUr'FEll, FRAN. 6CHLUT TLMIUttbK, lixeontors. mar-5'66-6w REMINGTON & SONS," llANC FACTURER8 OF Revolvers, Rifles, Mueket and Carbines, for the United States Service. Also . , , POCKET AND BELT REVOLVEK8, Repeating Viatel, , Rifle Canes, RevolviAg Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun barrels, and gun materials fold by U dealers and the trade generally. : . Ii :T ' I : ' In these days of housebreaking and rob bdry, every house, store, .bank, and offioe, should be supplied with one of REMINGTON'S REVOLVERS. , 1 'Parties desiring to avail themselves of til late improvemeuts in Pistols and superio. workmanship and form, will find allcombind in the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cult and description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion. H. j . Moori & Nichols Agents, No. 40 Courtlaou Si. Mew York. April th 180.-ly RiD0WAX.T--Jphn-Smut3', Jliranx-S. Jat Samuel V V'ushinder. Jirmol '' wAT THE New Stbriv of .fi.fc'Vif. I . 'll'lll '.Ut-J;'-' WKI8 BltOTilEng . . . . : s . S at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennaylvnina 'l.Tt ' :.'-r SooaRssoRs to George Weis. ": -IT . . Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of Sp-UMVES . , k Silks, Morinocs Poplins. Delaines, Mohairs coburgs, riain and figured Alpacas. . ... A large assortment of Prints t 5 " White Goods of every do-,r scription. Flannels V ' f all kinds, Glng v ' ' ' .... ham, Ticnings& ? : Shirting in , nj great vaii- . ' ' " ety. ' : tiai .. ;-.L ' ' :'"' iu-'- :.. . ..-! - HILDRENS JjADIES , Millinery Goods ! such as Bnnnpltn. ttntii Gaps, Ribbons, Press and Bonnot trimming Gloves and Hosiery, Spring and &umm- jjuimoraia, ucnts Turnislilng Uoods or every, description, Cloths, CassimcrcS,' Tweeds, Ratlin el ts of all kinds. Hats : Caps and Clothing of better quality than any establishment in the . .' county. " Oil cloths, Glass ' , Ware and Lamps, Soots and. ' '' Shoes, a large assortments v' ' ; atalow figure. In Hard. ; .- ' ware, our stock is com plete. We have Tan. . t kee Notions, noop 1J" i iSklrta,ndMip.- : rors in great ,,...:. .yviety. j .;,.. -f!.,,. ...... t GROCERIES. AND. PROVISIONS. A large slock of ,, i.H v V t FLOUR, V -- rotiK, ' , ; . ..SUGAR, ; ' ' : COPFEE, '' ' '. i . , : My ' ; H : " : ;' " .,,3.u1.i:i.-.?wcEs. ' u L v. .IV RICE, ' SALT, V A.-.- . ! - v:! f - : ; r... !-: fit. LARD, ; . . ' -" r. -rat i ' " ' ;i' ' - I j - - - uiu, WHALE OIL, I I- , i ' i . PETROLEUM ' CANDLES. L .- i. . . ' 1 i- SOAr 'OF 'ALL' KtftS . I i 'ui .an i-i ir, 'u. - -lit .,, ' :j i: ! , I !. : I In short, we have everything needed for jantiiy use. , . Cedar and Willow Ware of every deV 1 soription. Confectionary,' Brush. , j es of all kinds. A full assort-' -.ment of Stationery, Wall Pa- .1' ... per, Paper, Curtains, Beau: i , . , tiful. Oil Cloth Window ' 1 Shades,. - A very largo - !:''., atsortuient ot Segars ( . ,i : ' i: ' ' an i Tobacco. ', '' Ul it ' . i : 't. 7"E BUY OUR STOCK directly " " from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to. sell cheaper than any oiner eiWDiinmpiit n luiW oounty. . i T'HE i PUBLIC -are resnectfulltf in X vited. to eall - and examine, our stook and prices I fWhether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have 5 one of the most -complete stocks and 'the finest STORE iq the; county and ego sell for less profit, than aoj other hens m me county,, ,. . l u. , i i'.j I'.liil . i 'i I..,'.. : :,r : ii;' .i "', ; !v: ; Vy bis , Brothers. Bt. Mary'f, March 10th 'C6. ' ; Ii' i t i "RIDGWAT; PENNA. .:1 : ,''i WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN-'? DRY GOODS, -CLOTHING, FLOVR, . ." .... . i.lj- ii GROCERIES, o-l h, . 1 t v QUEENSWARE f! ; an..;, - i. I FEED HARD V ARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buy 'em will And S T O 11 E S ; i : AMONG THE !. I .1- Most Complete i. AND BUST APPOINTED , i' -v i 1 ;'l . li .h t IN THE. A J 'if . ' a ; i J- hps i.' CO UNT R Y , ! :i- i . 1 lit !..' 1 i yi.i ;. AND THE PLACES TO GET Good Bargains 1.13 i III' .' .1 i CA'tiJ&SEE! March 29th,l!?6(3-lj. 7D CENTS.!-' 73 CENTHt THE WEEKLV U OtV " ' For the Campaign. j,,, " Great I mp r ov emeRW'and -a? Great ItidHcerrient V'u.wi TTTE REST FAMILY JOURNAL ''::rN...;THE;STATE.1; IMin PUBLISHERS OF TTTPT . . W'EEKLY i AGE ", will prewat their issue on Saturday, May 4tnT iiu, in a handsome and improved form.' Ir will bo in all respeota- i4 vtr i ii'W : :, n A facet CLAM TXStOLt JOXSVKAZ. parlicnlarly adapted to the Politieiarr, the Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechaq. ic, the Family Circle and the General Reader, having, in factj every ebarae toristio of j ' ...' ' ...rr. -.'H r y J-".-? in' - A LIVE NEWSPAPER. - ! ; At an- early ay will bo began- ANIJiTESSELY ISTERESTIKG SEHIAty ,';': IV.. .0. A :l .' ' by, one of the most popular and fascioa'; ting authors, and it is also the inlentfw to publish from week to week, in the course of the-year, three or four of tha ;,., . : r :-.- .' . BEST AND LATEST NOVELS." j . .... i .... j In onl'cr to plkco this journal' within the reach of all, it will be furnished an til the' first Saturday after the Guberna. torial election, at the extremely low price of. j i , . .... . SEVENTY FIVE CENTS ! i 1 For Single "Copy. n ' ' ... The following soale of prices have been adopted rbr the regular weekly issue : ' '. ti. :. ' --.I r - One Copy, one year.., 5 2 fir Five copies., 9 00 Ten copies , , IT 00 Twenty copies... 33 0Oi In all cases where the papers are sent to- ono address, the following de''. duction will be made i . .. ...-... Ten copies, one year............. ...$16 fiO Twenty copies , 80 OO JOno copy will be Airnished gratis for-' getting up a club of ten, to one address, for one year. , , . r ' The'above' 'tcrWwiJl bo rigidly ad. hcrcd to, and no notice will bo .taken of a subscription until paid in advance The postage for ''The IKetkiyAgc' ' if prcpiid, is five eenta per quarter, or twenty cents per annum. ., - . ; iv, VELXH A- ROBB, ... 4JU thestnut Street, ., phil-a, pa," ' NEW C ASH GROCERY STORK. " : -ur.7 r- .-1' : .- 1 JAMES WcCLOSKEYi Dealer 'i Groceries &c, would respectfully inforru the citizens of Kersey'and vicinity, that he bus gone into the Grocery business and will open on or about the middle of May. . Ho keeps constantly on band an extensive stock of . i. TEA?, :'!' " ' 1 - ' .FLOUR; . j r. 7 SUGARS, - '-:.;. TOBACCOES, ;''! 'l SEGAlUiu l": :'HISKEYV 1 ',f:: !'it'' by the barrel or qtiarf; and everything r '. conpeoted with ,a fiist cla Grocery Store. ' i, j i I will sell for CASH aud conscqutBt-, ly ean afford to sell CHEAPER fhaii the CHEAPIvST." t invite everybody to call and satisfy themselves, t .:- JAMES McqLOgKBr.T May 3d, CC Cm. . . ' G UABDIAXS.SALE iiy virttia of an I order of Orphan's Court of EJfe cout4 ly, made in pun-UBiico of a decree of (he Oiphau's Court of Northumberland pointy ' auihorizin it to raite the suui of one ilion- . sund dollars from sule of real estate In Elk ' ' county. , W e the undersigned guardiaM of , Mary Helen'-Marr, Win. V. Marr, Allan Marr, David II. Marr. Alfred Murr and :i' ' Anuelta Marr,, minor children of Datid Marr, late of said Norihuiriberlund county dee'd, will 'on Sa-turday the l!th d.-iy of "' May uuxt at the Court House In Kidjtwar : "!. : at 4 o'clock P. M.. enpb.se t$ aala at public . , auction to the highest and best l.idder, tlie "' following described real euiale, Hr mils ..!...; All the estate and interest of said minor children, hfing tile Undivided six teveiilUi of eighty sevt-n and one half acres f land;' u,iore or less, Hiinnle. in Jay township, Ells .' county I'ii. " Begiuning1 at the Korlh K-.f. orneofland now owned by Joseph fi ll ' and George Weis andrauuiiig Uionce mi,'i. ouo hundred and eighty ctcii and one half , perches, tbtnoe south to a corner. Incurs ' ea.st to a corner in the lino of tho aforctwid ii ' Joseph Dill and George WeJs' land, thenr ' north along said line to tho place of begin-' Ding. Terms CABH. . .. . ' . . WILLIAM II. MARTI, " - ! . . i " WILLIAM P. MHlf ! April 23d 1806.lda. Guardiaas. WHEELEK & WILSON'S SEW. 1 INO MACHINKS.The under- ; signed having bees appoiated Sole Agent! for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Scwin" Machines for Ilk county. He keeps an asortnet oenstantly on hand. Machine t eold at Philadelphia and New lTork prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them ca-address - J. K. UIIITMiiuv j . March 0t.X6-ly. . ftt Kidgway, pa, I ,VKUU'I OIlS NO'ncK.-HKI(FA? . .1 j tettera Testamentary npo the eftto or Simon Erust late of 81. Mary'a. Elk ly deed, have been granted to the mibacri. bera. All persons 'ndebtod to the said estaU are requested to make immediate paymeol' and those hau,g claim atrainat llm aama. will present them duly authenticated fur mi! ft II MIUT, Lxccutors. uiay.liC0Cw.