The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 10, 1866, Image 3
THG LOOAL ADVOCATE. Ehriitl .1 I ' J i til WOHK. sluot hand 1 111, "iO copies ni- sheet hand bill :") covoe i' r ull copie. oO or c :o3 oi' loss loss lulf sheet hand bill, (tit Vull ',,.! L.iti.1 l.-.U IILANK3. Kor any fii::itity un lev five quifi-s, 1, 60 per tpi'iic ; i:ti nil am. units over that it reasonable re I u t ion will lie made. terms or i'ait.i;.' $l,.in per year in a Ivance $-,m if lnid within the y Jur, and S-V"0 if mil paid with in llitil lime. N O 'J' I C E . Hereafter the IV,? t Oiiiee will close every evening .'it 8 o'clock. Sunday it will be kcjt open I'rom 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed !' M. l. luthek, r 1)0 On S to it 0 M. prtTlie Commissioners of Elk omin t.v Will meet at their oHiee on Wedues (by, tin- 2Hd day of May lstitj. By order J.K. IV II ALL, Clerk. On t ho 1st!ieresi'li'nceof the brides father, in l'i. township., by T. ('. iMeAHUtr. Pr.. Mr. (icorirn Null", Jr.. to Miss Emily Clarissa Piatt. On the 17ih nl't., by the same. Mr. C L. CJ'iNm of this county, to Mrs. 101 len Swiek. ol Livingston county, New York. On the 2'Uh ult.. ly the same, Mr. Solomon Pontius, to Mws Margarit llol lobauuh, hoth ni this county. ml limilBB MMIHHiHHIllMlSMMMMMMMMamMM iii:d. On the "ith i ust , Willie, son of Joel anil Mary Taylor, aired 1 year!) and I month. Etay-The. pigeon hunters are having a fine lime in the way of success, ami by the way wagons loaded with them "rc comiii'' into town, we should judiro that thcie has been aboutl .OOfU'UO.OOn.nOi) 000,000,000,00,770 of them killed. lesy-lJ'c this week t'ivn a I:rtrr amount of readimr matter than has been our custom heretolore. The attentive reader will observe that we have about sixteen columns of new matter. A "Pat Take." Wc see. by the Clearfield papers -of last week that Geo. W. Snyder, publisher t,l the Urpuhtvin, and a brother typo of the publisher of this paper, has been chosen Superinten dent of Common Schools in Clearfield, with a salary of $1000 per annum. ftacRead the new Advertisements in this paper, they will repay perusal. tVc take pleasure in announcinp; to our citizens that Mr. Henry Thomas is about to open a cabinet ware-room in this place. He intends to keep a full and varied stock of furniture, and conli-.l.-nt'm rimccls to sell upon such terms as will make it to the advantage of the community to patronize him. Persons about to buy furniture will do well to call upon him. He believe he will open rooms for the present at the Methodist j 'arson a in. The Vigtott Wisli.ts. The Pigeon Nesting in Highland continues to be a irvoat attraction. Hun ters and lovi rs of the curious are daily ;:oini.- and returning. The " squabs " tlave beui puliered in great quantities and shipped oil'. Acres of timber have been cut down for the pnrpnscnf fretting tlicw. They are now able to fly and fto presume must be shot. After they had grown to considerable size, and just be. ioro tliev could flv. a verv easy mode of cnpiu: Jlif; mem wus iuj." '.." .. tho squabs would jump out of the nests a id fall or flutter t the ground. A colony of about sixty Indians have, es tablished themselves among them aud are making terrible havoc. The little 1 iidianbovs are said to be bringing down the T'i 'eons by their bows and JtetY-In all enterprises which have had for th tir object the development of the national resources, whether Railroad, Cupper or Oil, as vill be recollected, those whnjirsl took hold of them made money, some larger amounts than oth ers, according to their investments. Miniiitr operations in the fields of Colo ratio and Nevada now mainly engross the public attention, aud already several Companies have been organized upon Ledges in these districts, and arc ae. tively at. work. When their " returns " now on the way in the shape of ''bars ol' silver " and "bricks of gold" are received, the enthusiasm which already has manifested itself, as may be conceiv ed, will be greatly increased. As will be seen by advertisement in this issue of our paper, the Virgin Gold Mining Company presents especial in ducements to those wishing an interest in these auriferous retrions : those de siring to avail themselves of tho oppor. (unity now presented of securing one or more ol the bl:J ' " original interests should at once send m their subscrip tions VI at form oft hi .Valiotial I'n ion t'lnb..So!tnson Meepttb. I. 7i"d't4vf, i hat we are now, ns heretofore, ardently attached to the Un ion of the States under the Constitution of the United States; wc deny the right of liny State to secede, and hold that all the States are now States in this Union, as before the rebellion, and we deny the power of the General Government, un der the Constitution, to exclude a State from the Union or to govern it as a Territory. 2. 7iVWr"i7, That our confidence in the ability, integrity, patriotism, and statesmanship of President Johusou is undiminished, and we cordially approve the general policy of his administration. o. Ivrti!v1, That we endorse the resolution of Congress ol July, 1801, declaring the object of the war on our part to be the defence and maintenance of the supremacy of the Constitution, and the preservation of the Union, with the dignity,- equality, and rights of the several States unimpaired. 4. Jtt'iio'o", That, in the language of the Chicago platform of 13G0, and as quoted by tho lu;e rresnjciit Jj'.ncom iu his first inaugural address, " The maintenance inviolate of the rights of States, and especially of the rights of each State to order and control its own domestic; institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, subject only to the Constitution of the United Stales, "jVToTicrc to stockholders. J3l The SloeklmliU'i s) of Hie Kersey Oil mill Mineral Cunniany, nro hereby notified llnil llic luimuil liicelinn tor election of Di- l eilleis I H'icei.i ol' sui t comininv fur the ensiiin;: y cur, will bo lield at tliuir otlico in liousi'Villc, Venaii'io count y I'n. on Friday tin- lirst ibiv uf .lime lHiiii, bcl ween the liours of 10 o'clock A. M. ami 2 o'clock 1. M. of I lie kiUiic dnv. ISA All MIM.KR, Vice I'rcs't. S. A. MKT K1K 1.1), ) W. II. COFFIN', lbrec'rs. j. w. iii.i:i!Nsi;v. ) JAS. V. OF FUNSr.Y, See'tVi-oicm. lloiiseville. Miiy S'0'i-L'l. ui. ji "ar w M 'iui mil "ul i ssrsw AT THE j 1ST OF CAU-'lvS SKT DOWN' I t fur trial at July Term. Wi, (,C lu Court of Common Pleas ot Klk county, commencing J uly -it, l (jlj. Crowd I vs. lkuiezetto twp. Miarlraw er, ux. vs. Hvdc& Cum tilings vs. (!!ark Pry an'. & Euwcr Mvers M'illinger Loesch Ply Di I worth Hunt ct. al. Ad's, Same lionzinger ct. al. Kemniercr Iirenner Irwin CEO, vs. vs. VS. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. iviri ct. u x. l!ryant& Euwcr Gill ct. al. Taylor Hays ct al. Sorg Paub. llorton ct. at. Uhincs Wilson Same I'iiehenger ct. Nulf . Thomas ct. al Short. New ftto v, of IV Els II K O T II E It S at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successoiis to Gkobog Wkis. Offer for s.ulo, at wholesale aud retail, a well solccled stock of Sl'KIXO SUMMKll al. UJu,:,' ;l4l ulj ltlilJ ''.iMi .ill ''iltUll1 l4illl s A. H ATH BUN, Deputy Prothonotary. I 1ST OL'1 T11VVE1LSH JUROKS Xj Prawn for July Term H00. Pox. J. W. Rogers, Enos Hays, Win. Taylor, Sr. Thomas Gross, Rc inan Meredith, 1. 0. Oyster, Jerome 15. Taylor, Lawrence Mohan. Si'iuxii Cuklk. Pavid G. M'Naul, Martin Perrin, Win. G. Hunt. IjKNZINGKh. Louis Geis, Casper huiiglit, Jacob Haines, George Kerner, Anton Paiier, Stephen Heury, Prancis Keller, Paptist Push. Riihiway. John Smuts, Iliram S. Belnap. Jay. Samuel Vasbinder, Armol Turley. Junes. John March, Michael Wei. dert. Sr. Mar's. Charles Luhr, Joseph Wilhelm, Xavier Haberbush. Joseph lndlclder, John Soscuheimcr, Benezette. John 'A LindemiiMi, Andrew Overturf, D. U. Winslow. Miles Pent. HuuiLANi). Levi Ellithorpe, Win. tubbs Silks. Morimi'R Voplins, Delaines, Mohairs, C'oburgs, i'lnin and figurci Alpncas. A large assortment of Prints While Goods of every de scription. Flannels of all kinds, Cling' . ham, Tickings x Shirting in great vat i-eiy. L-VPIES & C IIILDI;ENS T J" ALUA15L1 LOTS P( V The uiii'.crsigned Jias 1 arrows with an unorrinpness ct aim woithy or the diiys, when through this land the rights "of their race there was " none to dispute." is essential to that balance of power on . ince of Oil SALU. laid out a vil luge upon Ilia ground adjoining the ltidg. way Depot, to bo called The lots are 50 feet front by loO feel deep front, ing towards the railroad. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. Foi the socond lot sold, 110. For the third lot . sold, $120 and bo on increasing in price as lots arc sold. ' ... IXQu. i iim jimuiiuseis gci me caoicelots at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of tho purchase money must be paid at the time of the application. CfuAprlicatinns will be made" to John 0. Hull, Ilidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. KMgway, mar.J'.i'CO-tf. Millinery Goods ; such ,n llonnctts, Hats Caps, Itihbnns, Dress and Uinnct trimming of every description. Gloves and llosiovy, SnrhiK and Summ- Italniorals, Genti 1'urtnshing Goods of every description, Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Tweeds, .S'nllinetls of nil kinds, lints Cups and Clothing ot belter ipialily limu any establishment in the county. Oil cloths, Glass Ware and humps, Hoots and Shoes, n large nssorlment nt a low figure. In Hard ware, our slock is com pleie. Wc have Van. kec Notions, Hoop Skirts, and Mir rors in great variety. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A Iui cc siutK uf 1 ',id 1UDQ WAY, PENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER 75 CENTS ! 75 CENTS ! TSIE WEEKLl .. For tlio Campaign. Great I m p r o vements and Great Inducements ! THE BEST FAMILY JOURNAL IN THE STATE. SHINGLES, AND Buyers will lintl milE PUBLISHERS OF " THE I WEEKLY AGE" will present their issue on Saturday, May 4th, 18C5, in a handsome and improved form. It will bo in all respects A FTRBT CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL. particularly adapted to the Politician, the Pa.'inor, the Merchant, tho Mcchan. ic, the Family Circle and the General Reader, having, in lact, very charac tcristic of S T ORES FLOUR, roRic, AMONG THE A LIVE NEWSPAPER. At an early day will bo begun. AN INTENSELY INTERESTING SERIAL, by one of the most popular and fascina" ting authors, and it is also the intention to publish from week to week, in the course of the year, three or four of tha PEST AND LATEST NOVELS. In order to place this journal" within tho reach of all, it will bo furnished un til the first Saturday after the Gubernn. torial election, at the extremely low price of SEVENTY FIVE CENTS For a Single Copy. The following scale been adopted for the issue : Ono Copy, one year Five copies Ten copies Twenty copies of prices have regular weekly $ 2 00 9 00 17 00 33 00 For I lie Advocate. Wn.cox, Apiil -JVth, lGi). Mr. Editor: After perusing the re. ninrks of your correspondent, L. T. L, T have conic to the conclusion lim ine Democratic electors of this Congression al District, or any othi-r Congressional ti.rict in the Stute would take more delightin supporting a candidate ol' their own selcctionlhan they would i:i support ing one of L. T. L's choice, taken from the ranks of the enemy, thoje old deser ters thut have been for the last five or six years making speeches an 1 degrad ing the party they were once attached to. I have heard such men say they were swum to do all they possibly could to ruin the Dcmocratis party, and they meant to be true to their oath. If tho Democrats of Pennsylvania cannot elect raudidates of their own choice they had letter hear defeat than be cajoled by the Abolition Republican or Douglas Democrat parties. If Curtis, or any other man should be elected by either f the opposition parties, and prove true to the Constitution, and to thu support of our present Chief Magistrate we cau '.hen sustain him as we now sustain President Johnson. An Elector. A correspondent of the Elk Advo. catc, who suys he is a Republican, writes a long vomuiuuicatiou in opposi i ion to the the re-election of Mr. Seo field, and suggesting that the Demo, crats and conservative Republicans un ite upon some man ot the latter class to run against Soiicld in civc he is a can. didatc. Ho thinks it is the duty of the .lul.ns m Republicans to take the initia tive, and mentions as among the gentle- i,.nn r.wil'ifind fir the tilace, and entitled by their moderate political views to the ervativcs ot all clashes, w nc i me licneci'on aim cm our political fabric depends." 5. .'' ." ' V", That under the Consti. tution of the United States is reserved to the several States the right to pre scribe the qualifications of electors therein ; and that it would he subversive of tho principles of our Government for Congress to force universal sultrage up on any portion of tho country in oppo. sition to the known wishes of the eiti. zens thereof. G. Ji't."UeJ, " That this Union must bo and remain one and indivisible tor ever," that the war for its preservation having been brought to a triumphant clo.e, mid the supremacy of the Consti. tution vindicated, 'the right.-, of tho Slates under the Constitution are to be maintained iuviolate, and that loyal citizens within the States and districts lately overrun by rebellion arc cutitled to all the rights guarranteed to them by the Constitution. 7. UnoU-vl, That all the Slate,, of the Union are entitled by the Consti tution of the L lilted Mates to represen. tatlou hi the councils of the nation, and that all loyal members duly elected and returned, having the requisite qualifica tions a- piv.-cribed by law, should be admitted to their scats in Congress with. out any unnecc.-sary delay t,y uieir re. speetive Houses, each House being the judge of the election, returns and qual. Vficatioris of its own members. S. li' i,lral, That treason is a crime which should be punished, and that wc are opposed to compromising with trait- Tiy 1'urtciing ' universal amuosiy universal suffrage. !l. Ji,:j!,-t'f, That the payment ol tlic national iy LSSOLUTTON Of CO-PART. N PRS 11 IP. The Co-partnership heretotore existing between Moore & ltoy- nig!on,niuie nyiic House, Iin.3 tins liny March 13th, boon dissolved, by mulual con- sent. The business will st ill continue at the same place by M. V. Moore. M. V. MOORE, E. UOVIXGTON. Mnr-22'CO-tf. NOTICE: Whereas letters of Adminis tration have been grunted t the undersica ed, upon the estate of Willouchby M. Red-1 line, late of Spring Creek township, Elk county, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to make them known, ani all persons owfcg said olato uu tiKjuuatod to uiuke paymoul lu S3. L. SWAttTS, Arroyo P. O., Sprins Creek tp.. Elk Co., Fa. February, IMst 1800. Cw. SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. YVIIEREAs, Leticrs Testamentary upon tlio Estate of E. H. Dougherty, dee'd., have this day been grained to the undersigned. All per sons having claims against tho estate will present them duly authenticated, and all per sons indented to said estate will make pay ment, to SUSAN 15. UOUOUERTV, lis'i, al Kidgwny, I'n. Msr-6'IJii-(iw. ors for debt a saered obligation, TUTOR'S NOTICE. WHEREAS, ellers Testamentary upon the Estate ol Volfgaiig.Scliluttenhon'er Into of Uenziiig er township, Elk county dee'd, have been grinned to the Biibscriliers. All persons in. delved to ihe said cslale, are reipiested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the name, will present them dulv autiienlicaled for settlement lo TIKIS. StlilLUTTENlIOFFER, FRAN. hCULUT, TKN1IOFFER, Executors. mar-0'OO-ljw. WHALE OIL, I'JSTRULKUM CANDIiKS. SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for family use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every do scription. Confectionary, Brush, cs of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pam per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment of Segars and Tobacco. Most Complete In all cases where the papers are sent to ono address, the following de duction will be made : Ten copies, one year $1G 50 Twenty copies 30 00 One copy will be furnished gratis for getting up a club of ten, to ono address, for one year. The above terms will bo rigidly adl hered to, and no notice will be taken of a subscription until paid in advance. The postage for The Weekly Age," if prepnd, is five ocntB por quarter, or twenty cents per annum. WELSH if- ROBB, 430 Chestnut Street, PHIL' A, PA. EW CASH GROCERY STORE. AAZ BEST APPOINTED 0 w IX THE rcrcct cf cons the names of 0-l. 0. P. Curtis, of II ar ron, and James B. (irahain,of Clearfield. Wc should not object to supporting a Republican for Congress who is sound on the leading issues of the day ; but he must be a steadfast aud outspoken advocate of Mr. Johnson's policy, and none other. The District is too strong ly radical to hope for tho success of a Democrat, and, under the circumstances, if a talented, popular aud euergetio Johnson Republican can be piv-entcd, who will Etanl a flir chance, we believe ihe Doniocracy will rally to his support unanimously. 'Erie Olttrvr. never to be repudiated; and that no debt or obligation incurred in any man lier whatever in aid ol treason or rebel. lion should ever be assumed or pail 10. A'.-W'.-f, That wo cordially en dorse the restoration policy of President Johnson as wise, patriotic, constitutiou al, and in harmony with the loyal sen timent and purpose of the people in the suppression of the rebellion ; with the platform upon which he was elected; tho declared policy uf the late President Lincoln tho action of Congress, and pledges during the war. 11. 1'i'sulcfJ, That the nation owes a lasting debt of gratitude to the soldiers and sailors of the laic war for the sup pression of tho rebellion, and that tho families of the fallen hero' s who died that the country might live, are the wards of the people, and should bo cared fur by the government. E. REMINGTON & SONS, m win- U'Tl'RERS OF Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Carbines, for the United Stales Service. Also l'OCKIT AND lll'I.T UKVOLVKUS. i..ii,,,r Vistols. Ritle Cunes, Revolving V liille and Snot 'un barrels, and gim ..i,.,.; .is u., Id l.v n-iui dealers and Hie iraue genera 11. . V , In these dnvi of housebreaking and v.ili bdrv, every house, store, bank, and olliee. ghoul I be supplied with one of REMINGTON'S UKVOLVhU-S. Parlies desiring to avail U'ciuselves of thf late improvements iu Pistols, and superio. workmanship aud form, will iuJ allcombind iu the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts nnd description of our arms will be furnished upou applica tion. ... , E. REMINGTON & SONS, llien. N. J. Mould & Nichols Agents, No. 40 C lurtland St. New i orlt. April 5th 18ki6.-ly WE BUY OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to sell cheaper than I any other establishment iu Elk county, 'IMIE PUKL1C are respectfully in 1 vited to call mid examine our stuck and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to havn one ul the most completo stocks and tho finest S'l'ORl'j in the county nnd can sell for less profit, than any other houso iu the couutv. COUNTRY AND THE PLACES TO GET Wkis Bin OTHERS. St. Mary's, March. 10th 'GO: Good .Bargains JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &c., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has gone into the Grocery business, nnd will open on or about the middle of May. He keeps constantly on hand an cstonsive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by the barrel or quart, aud everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to call aud satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKET. May 3d, 'C6. Cm. 1 UARIHANS SALE. By virtue of an T order of Orphan's Court of Elk coun. ty, made in rursunnce of a decree of the Orphan's Court of Northumberland county authorizing us to raise the sum ot one thou, saud dollars from sale of real estate in Elk county. We tht undersigned guardians of Mary Helen JMott, win. f. lUarr, Allen Ma rr, David U. Marr, Alfred Marr and Anuctta Marr, minor children of David Marr, late of said Northumberland county lee d, will on Saturday tho l'Jlh day of May next at the Court House in Ridgway at 1 o'clock V. M., expose to sale at publia auction to ihe highest and best bidder, the following described real estate, tO'Wit : All the estate and interest of said minor children, being the undivided six seventh! of eighty seven nud one halt acres of land, more or less, situate iu Jay township, Elk county l'u. lteginning at tho North East corner of land now owned by Joseph Dill and George Weis aud riuiuing thence west, one hundred and eighty seven and one half perches, thence south to a corner, thenca east to a corner in the line of the aforesaid Joseph Dill and George Weis' land, thence, north along said line to the place of begin., ning. Terms CASH. WILLIAM IT. MARR, WILLIAM V. MARK, April 23d ll',ti. tds. Guardians. CALL& SEE ( TIT HEELER & WILSON'S SEW V ING MACHINES. Tho under signed having been appointed Sole Agcut for the salo of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county, lie keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machine sold at 1'hiladelphia and New York price. Any parties desirous of obtaining the ea-i address J. K. W1I1TMOKC. March Ut-'CG-ly. nt iUdgway, Fa. OB PRINTING ' 9 CHEAPLY & NEATLY, March. 20tblSOO-ly. UAl'JSDniOUSLjX j Executed at the Advocate Offie.