THE LOCAL AD VP OAT E . .H) W01IK. Eighth sheet hand Mil, 60 ropier r,r h -- $',ro Qimrlcr shoot handbill, CO coi i -. or V! $.1.50 1 Hnlf sheet hand bill, fO cor'.. - or 1,. $5,00 ' Full sheet hnnJ-bill, oO copies or le-s $8,00. 1 ULAN Ktf. Vor any quantity under live qiiiroi, f 1,. f)0 per quire ; on nil nmn:mls over t lint. n reasonable reduetiou will ho made. T Ell MS OF I'.UT.l!. Sl.fiO per year in advance s. 01 if pnhl withiu the year, and $2,'t'J if nut j. ii.l tviili in thai time. IWWMW i.n . i li u r N o t i ; i: . Hereafter tho Pout Oilico will be closed every evening at S o'clock. On Sunday it will lie kept open 1'rom 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed nt G F- II. L. LITTMKK, 1 M. flt3yTlic Commissi oners of Elk county will receive plans and projiosih for bnililini a l'rotlionotavy'i" (iPice, at their office in R'ulpway, on Monday tin; "111 lnj of May, 18(ij. Size about 20XP.O feet to be built of stone or brick, and fir,c proof. By order, '"J.K. P. HALL, Com'ns. Cl'k. Usri.EAS.ANT. Tlio Tveather for tlio last tew uays liaf been very unpleasant, rcmiudinp: one of March or April, rath er than May. Fire. Ho leain that a fire occurred in St. Mary's on Sunday last, but not having heard nny of the particulars cannot give them. Knit ata. In publishing the report of the County Superintendent, an error was made by the compositor. Where it reads "Number studying Grammar," it ohould read " Number studying Gcr. man." Removed. James MeUloskcy has removed his establishment to Centre villo, whero ho will be happy to meet und aoeommodatc all who may favor him with a call. Horrible AcciUENT.-Last Monday tho mills at Highland Iclon'Miis to James & Evans were completely do. niolished by the bursting of a boiler, blowing tho mill to pieces and killm;,' a man named Smith, the engineer, who was the only one in the mill at the time. The man waa blown about one hundred and fifty yards and was found lodged in n hemlock tree about fifty foct hirh. HsF'ffliC proceedings of the Conven tion of School Directors held here on Tuesday having been rather dull and bpiriilcss, our (''' Dr. ('. LI. Ewrley performed a sorio coinieo act by way of iifterpiece, in which he essayed the part of Aunt Kcziah, General of the Ainbcr ill Bripade, imagining us to be the cno Uiy. To make his rou'osr.nt:ition cojd plete, lit only lacked the pepperbox, rolling pin and bag of dougbnuN. The umbrella he had, and flouri-hed it in a manner worthy of a vck r.i:i of the " Ambrrill Diigade." 1 1 is related ol the Elder Booth, that in his best acling upon the staao he seemed tofo:get that he was merely an actor and imagin :d that he was the rcul hero, to the real danger of his co-uetois. We for ;i time feared that the Doctor labored under a similar hallucination, but we did him injustice ; " Aunt Kcziah " had not tor. gotten her part, and after striking an artistic w, tho fatal blow was not flivrn. Impartial criticism requires us to Bay that the theatrical effect would have been better, if the fiiend who stepped forward and seized Aunt. Kcziah's amherill had done so before it was so evident there was no danger. IJut seriously, this quarrel was a mis take which gentlemen should not be guilty jf. Encounters of this kind whould be left to bruies ami blackguards. He are charitable and don't think the Doctor such a bad fellow after all ; we arc rather disposed to look upon this breach of propriety as only an exhibi. tion of an infirmity common to human nature. The Election. Tho School Directors of Elk county met in tho Court House on Tue day last for the purpose of electing a county Superintendent. There wero forty di rectors answered to their names. On motion, Henry Souther was elec. cd chairman and J. L. Brown Secre tary. On motion, the Convention proceeded to the nomination of candidates, as fol lows : Mr. James Blakely, of St. Mary's. Dr. Hr. 11". Shaw, of Kersey. Geo. JJ'almsley, of St. Mary's. The nominations wero then closed, and the balloting commenced. Mr. Blakcly was elected on tho first ballot, by a vote of 22 to 18. On motion, the Convention adjourn ed. The Oil City AVyiVcr says four. ' fifths, if not all the people cf the 20th district, are anxious that Mr. Culver should resign his seat in Congress. It contends that " if Congress fails to re move the tax on petroleum, it will bo clearly his fault." There is another so called representative of the petroleum iuterests wlio will have to t-harc the bluuie with Culver. Olmrrcti: ill. a n i: a t e x c i r i: m e x t Is kept up hy the DAILY AKIilYAL OK NEW GOODS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store, Where he has on hand nml for sale MEN k ROY'S CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, LADIES & GENTS FURNISmO GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, LADIES' & GENTS' SHAWLS. SONTAG3, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NITIIIAS, COMFORTERS, SCARFS, HOODS &c. ALSO HATS & CAI'S, BOOTS & SHOES, A very lnrpc nnd well selected STOCK of the best nifi'le, and warranted in every respect ALSO GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA RICE, FLOUR, SALT, PORK, FISH &c. ALSO CONFECTIONARY AND YANKEE NOTIONS IN GREAT QUANTITIES AND QUALITIES TOBACCO AND SEGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY. tTl say, to one und all, Hint my stock is full and complete, and will be PoVl :.i small profits. Give me u call before pui-chwiiug else where. FREDERICK RUDOLPH" St. Mary's, Nov. 55'fiO-Jy. &Tf ,!Y;, 2 sua 'M J 'nil R1DG WAY, 1'ENNA. wholesale: & retail DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Bayers will find S T R E S AMONG THE Most Compile e ax i) best mto r; AND THE PLACES TO GET Good Bargains ! March 29th, ISCG-ly. ia,j W W iiiif, 'mil 4,1 WWW IDIH AT THE New Stoio of W Ei 5f El Ei OTIIHK8 at St. Tdary's,, Hlk County Pennsylvania Successors to Gkork Weis. Offer fnr Palo, nt wholesale nnd retail, a well selected Block of SI'IUXO SUMMER iM' dm 'tU '''lui'iuj 'iiliu1 V iuj Hui ': v. -" Silks, Merintff, Poplins, Dehiines, Mohairs, Cohurps, l'lnin and tigurcd Alpacas. A huge assortment of Prints. White Goods of every le. 6cription.. Flannels of all kinds, Ging ham, Tickings & Sr h i r t i n p; in grcnt vaii. cty. & c IADIES 0 HILDRENS Millinery Goods ; such as Bonnetls, Hals, Caps, Ribbons, Dress and Bonnet trimmings of every description. Gloves and Hosiery, Spring and ftimmcr Balmorals, Gents furnishing Gomls of every description, Cloths, Cassimercs, Tweeds. .S'litiinetts of all kinds. Hats, Ci'ps and (luthing of better quality than any establishment in Uio nullity. Oil cloths. ;!:ivs. W:uvni:d l.nmps, ;.. its und Slioes, u hirre nysrirtment nt n low Jijture. In Hard, ware, oun-tockij uoia J'lcte. AVc have Yau. keeNoiious. II iop ,9kivts. and Mir. rors in variety. GROCfilllES AND I'itOYlSlO.N.- A li.rfre stool; of Flour, Tea, (Mo i;., In short, we have everything needed for family nso. Cedar and Willow Ware of every do .-erijitioti. Coufeetiouary, Brush, esolull kinds. A full assort uicnt of Stationery, Wall Ta per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment of Segar.s and Tobacco. yEBUY OUR STOCK directly frota tlicflanufaeturer and there fore wo can afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment iu Elk county. J'lfH PL'KLIO arc respectfully in 1 vited to call and examine our s-i ok and prices 1 Whether they vih to buy r riot, for wo claim to have one oi the most eiiiji!ete Mocks mid the finest STOUE in i1k e oihtv nnd can s. II tor profit, than any otlur house in the county. Weis 3rotiif.:?.s. St. Mary's, Maah lOi'u 'CG. NEW ARRANGEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE " NEW STORE OF " FREDERICK SCirWXlXaf y CENTREYILLE, ELK CO., PA. N K W GOODS DAILY ARRIVING THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO THEIR INTEREST! As manifested by tho daily throng of cus tomers exchanging " GREEN BACKS -' for goods. All tho Domestic Cotton Goods arc high. Customers one and all exclaim HOW CHEAP YOUR DRESS GOODS ARE My block cansia's of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, II ATS & CATS, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, TIN WARE. HARD Y'ARE, OILS ,j- PAINTS, PUTTY, Ul.S. (j LAS WOODEN tVARE, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. It is useless for nie to attempt, to give a full list cf the stock, but invito one and all, to drop iu and sec for themselves. BUTTER, EGGS, POTATOES, GRAIN, HIDES, r CALFSKINS no country produce taken ut nia.ket I I'iie, for J'jjds. FREDERICK SCllLENlNG, Ccai.-cvir.c, Jute life; R U Q S T 0 R E BO R DWELL & MESSENGER HKAI.EHS IN DKHGS, MEDICINES, - , LAMP OIL, P.1LNTS, LHAD, lubricating' oil, tanner's oil, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH, BRUSHES, DYE.STUS'FS; CONFECTIONERIES, RAISINS, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SE PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY',-L'-. INSTRUMENTS k IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. P.O'IDWELL c MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. FOUTZ'6 v. CBI.E3R ATKD Horse ni Cattle Powflers. Tills r-repanitiin. r'ir I "bT knuwn. will Imt- f 'W Vi1 r lnw-si,iriU-il lioffos. lon laid t.y FtrcnRtliiniiiK mid cleansinft itid Ftomach and intt-s-lin.'i. It Is a Fiirc pm ventive of nil ili.- jaw'3? tin's nnlmnl, tncli as LUXO rcVXK, Ci.NUtr.J. YKI.I.KW WA- inci't.nt to i i n. ii t.A V Kp, vi .'i v 1 K 11 1' E K , KK VKHS, Kol'XDKK i.oss of Arri-:- TITK A XD VITAL K.Ki;iiy,A.-o. Us uo liiiprovt-s the wind, increases Uio aipt'tile--givc9 tran'-'f n t h -fes&3fiSk,fcs&- niiseniljle iktletun into a flnc-lookliig nnd Firiteil To keeper" 'if Cows tlda preparation Is InvalinM. It increajca the iuantity and improves the qunluy oiuieniiic. lth'i been proven hy ue tual txperiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty p. r cent, nud make ti. liuttcr firm und sweet. In fattening cattht, it Kives them oach faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Couglu, Ulcer in the Luns, Liver, kc, 1.1,13 article Tr ' s T; i nets as a si.eeific. r !;-.";-.' , ."ti By ,.ultUf from ... i u Panvl of swill the above diseases will he eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, t certain preventive ua euro for the ilog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for CI. rEEPAHED sr s. v. ttotjtv: Ac tiro., AT THEIR lVnOLESUE DltlG AM) MEDIUM BErOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale hy Drugnists and Storckcejiers throuch out the L'nitcd State). Solil at .Muimfiicturcs jiiiccJ, l.y Boiihvcll & Mc.'fciifrcr Ridgwii , .K jm:I!4 for J'ik county. 4 GENTS WANTED TO TAKE or. EE!? (4 2 foi the lest selling book now j ublisH c.l, Hiiiliag Eicrica tf tha Great EeVllicn. l'oniu'isiiif; liuruic ndventiirpg nml linir brcaJlli i-Hcapcs of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and I'cl'iigei'a ; during exploits of Smug glers, Giieiilia.-i, Desperadoes ami ollicrs ; Talcs of Loyal anj Disloyal -women: Sto ries of ilio Nogro, &o., with incidents of Fun nnd Merriment in Cump aud l'ield. Hy l.iuitlcnunt Colonel S. Greene, lulo of the I'nilod Slates Army. Hundsomely il lii'traled with ciigravinys ou eteel and in oil eolors. Send fur circulars and feojtlic liLernl terms ofl'ered. ( II AS. S. GIU'ENE ,t CO., 1'nMihlieiw No. lal 8. Third St.,l'liiUdelpluo. IXECfTOilf! NOTICE. WIIKKKAS. J ?.! v Tc-:!tt!a?!.inr,y upon il:c li.'.'nio ot J'auiel llewilt, l..le of Jay tewn.-liip. El!: oounty deed, have been fui.i-.doi the llnder-.ij.'!u J, All persons iudel.ud i f.iid e-t.:io, arc reuesled la inelro iiiinicnli. ae pnyimiit, f.ud (hose lisvii c'niio a.viiat the ninif, w ill yt. -v.i iluiu Ja' atllliciitica'cd fur tt-H Irment. V, M. I'.. II K WITT. .1DS.WH V.". MEAD. -Apt -'. 1" ':,:C' - d. Exceutori f.' -s..??' .1 .' vi. .ep-THli an apiette. lootti.s TCTPi?Zr- makes thcin thrive eV' .r