The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 03, 1866, Image 2

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I , N .. - a,
nil i:si). r, .!.! i
u u.t.,
nia, rr i.i.i
i nii rum i ii i
nut ;i. h?ni n,
111 I'.STKIt CLYMKi:,
u' t h"i I' i'l-f liie ilrif'j" villi yen.
Jf i'rrlnl, 1ip "''' '''''' "
' f.t i'i in"! I'd if i in "' ii'ir.
r'u.'li are tho deserved tributes ex'or.
ted !iy his li. nil from political bus.
Tin' ;:;!. .. ih 'fraction and'idandor v.'iil
it rourso be exercised Id the utmost, da.
riti'' I In: Campaign fa'iiinst liini, but af-
tcrsueh nu en lois.uiient ly his ene
mies', till' Jif:Hvlo lllUst. SCO it H tllC
v cr jriiawiiijr tin; fi!o.
'I lir radio. il in t'l'ii'r. - M' 1
t.;iss a bill to fvi i' e I'i t--idci.t
l:i in r'tiiivii"' i ilifiais who do not en
(lut!1 b's policy
Within tlin f ast uei-k tbo Pie.sblent
l (.rd. ici! pardon to ba issued to for.
ty nine. Ti xan".
The a;jovi'uat( npj.ropviittiops in the
bill reported )r,m tb Committee tm
pi i 1 l iatiol!.- IVr the I'll i d li::il V lol
vr.oi . r tl'c r.cxt !.
(is 1,1 0 '.
Tho IVm.:,!,!
Si ll n! cr rs I .iisi;l
YMitu h. ( ; ii ;j i i.
A b:.i:!. at ' I'::.!;
v. el; v :.h n : ii i
Juofvv Yhti '
raiiuhl. :.:!! SI.'.:-,
l'ir. Mm-u,'-;. ,
Iiati'd a pi 'M '!'
lie ;- t . v: ..ii i'i.
PusiJ. iif Jubiii i.n
A :,:.t iiro n.'.:
p 'trob-ittii ( c(.:'. Miohiiv.n.
'J fete is no
liil so!u! i: c!
I. T i P.
d V
" T? nt there is still another class for
' whom no enc has yt spoken on this
floor, who have contributed to your
' s-uccess imt Irt than the soldier or
' the creditor, I wtt nliiv ft uhtnd to
" miii. twt frts than the frralmrn, J
" menu the ni'th niirx of tin- nmnlnj.
(Souator Sumner in the!'. S. Sonatr,
Apiil ? li-UO. !eo Cotiressiotiiil
Til..' p .bi! r. tl.e mid the
white li'.echanic of Aw'-ro !'.::ve in iv
The Ann. ll'e call atkontion ti the
prospect ns of l'.1! '' A if! pi'.bli:dn d in our
advertising column. H e feel it, our
Inly to our readers as well ns to a jour
nal well dotervinji of it, to say that no
better investment in the newspaper I n:
can be niado than a subscription to the
A he. It is a Democratic paper an ! at
the present time supportini; the. rcstora.
tion policy of l'resid jnt Johnson. It is
devoted to the interests of lMinylvnnia
and wo feel a sortof Stat? prido in it
enhimccd by the fact that it i th. ot7
!rri,Juij paper pf Phiht'li'lphta thn' ?ot:i
sitj-part the P, i-i'Iriit. It is ably edited
and in every respect a worthy family
paper. To a persistent and obstinate
radical it might be an unsafe, compan
ion, for the candor and liberality of it
editorials would bo dangerous to the
resolutions of a man who had detcrmin
ed to adhere to his prejudices.
i.e i.
d I'
ll pr. :
rstit:it'. ii 1 t"it:. itor inline'', porno
c i ' i , 1 b'tv. lu i s in tlo' f a.vat.iin (a tiu'
(L.tioii. 1 1 " was tiliif-t. about l" say '
ili: I t !, fi.'.ume!! f.iiod with each,
'out I..: !:.i',s to ( nmu ia'.c the :u ntie.ont,
ii, d wo fairly infer tlia. in his opinion
1 c :;'.( atid privations of the for-
' n ( r se.rp:.-; tl-.o-e of ail cithers. This
i- tl.e !.. '!!. n'.. I.ii'irnie of the Hun a.
t. !-. in a .'tv.di-d to flatter and
pv;d.-e tl.o tr.c eliaiiic. It was called out
iiitinp; a ui-eu.-.-ioti upon a bill lor the
relief of certain naval con'.rnctors, in
,!.ic!i the t.;c:r.c cno-ei
ti.f. was vab.o
li.i'.i.e ti i
nil it
Jo ti e i."
i 0 .
V, o:ll
in re
f,.-.-.-oi, t.o- ln ri-ii.o-n.
f the Atpcrican
;:.!e in tl.e ..cent civil si ru;:!e.
jiitvi .. tl.o to loo is cfjuul to a:)
w.ui:. :.i:.l !. ve be cxpvrsfcs hi
.. :i. :i tii,:t isis n rviees lire greater
il, . j t i ,!! ir.f :i bore the
fciVSenator l'.'littl.', ntcp), o!
IT i'leon. in, in the debate upon the ad
t.iissbm of Coloi'a'lo a- a State y;av some
pvut'y stioii to -liinony an to how tbo
is-.'oi'su soldiers feel ujion the (Ucs
tion f negro fuiffrapro. After stafiim
that it wiv-voted d v.v.i by ton thousand
majority, ho said " and when the sol.
dicrs of Vwfconsin came to vote, four
in every Ave voted against if, and of
the soldiers in the field, out of eleven
hundred votes cast, how many doyen
suppose voio.J lor ncpro sullrajjo r
T!!R KK ' ' l'lacc
ycurselves on that issue and you are
hr.iicd out of s-'ht! "
1 Lore r.pisoflrof O'.fu-
COlH. .l t'lfhlf (tH'.l I ll'ftn-
traits tl'onutn.
Vou remenibcr Kobert liineobi, son
of the late President 'f lie wai "rener-
allv liked hero as mi amiable and intel
ligent youn gcntloninn, notipiitc equal
to hi father in ability, but, ol superior
culture. A story is just now current,
in which his name is so freely bandied,
and so universally, that, seeini' all the
parties are of public; notoriety, there
may tic n impropriety in attiPtniL' f if.
Nearly two vcars. n.;o, so ilie story run .4.
Uobert fell in love with a youn:; lady,
whose father was, at the time, o'lt of
office, and out of money. To be in this
condition at Washington, is next tiling
to being convicted of forcing a irovern
ment bou 1, or murder in the first dcizroo,
and the idea of marrying the lady in
that, condition was not to be thought of.
So tho iimiab'ie Kobeit S"t about men
ding the matter, and made a th operate
effort to secure the propose.) father-in-law
a seat in the lower hou-o of Con.
oress. He fill, d in this, however, and
v;t at a " i i'i ii.tit, vi::n, pi'-Kity, a
ni"i:'b"r ol'ibe c'lbinot .'i .. lb re' was
a va.-an 'V. and the lov.'r. f pivoiug on
thn wit:'.' of J'-: phi tiii!..ri!s. Mew to the
Pre-idi'lit. ;.i:d M.ite.l the wlf b v to
1. If Willi oYo'it I rati kite.: " 1 !;!:e
Veui' W:. of lioili ; ti:i'i"S. ii b." 'aid
Mr. i,i;o' ,,i:. and iT ; o 'ble I will
e' yon." 'I',, en
did ' work it "-
iti.-iati bi noe a in.;t;ibev
the ot;:.:r a Pi;!!:;'.' v... ;
I into a leader of f.i, liioii
I ';' s t i
ol tin
' i
i, i'r.
,'M ::L
!ti m;.!
iur: o! l
! i!,
" l'ri:;r;pii s i...t in, 'i is :'.: "! '
motto in the I'oPi-iera'i 1 fa: v. mi 1 oi
whieh has lest r.o.i- it '.' Iv i
rn:j!p'-;io:;a'.j!y, it is of tlie !'pt in.p ,
tance to support souod poiiiieal it i:iei.
pies ; the men vboi they are to
bo upheld is but a secondary considera
tion. Yit when o .ifhc! principle are
represented by a candidate who in bin
f-elf is itoblo, ibey are lik-i 'appl.M o!
trold in pictures cf silver " Mid jtw i
for priiieij.les is fanned into fii'lvu fi-tn
by our love for the man. Su-di a h i;.,
by coiijiinetioti is f und bi Hon V ; :-.-TKnCr.YMi:!!,
the rvmecr.itio "..P-iidat"
fur Covet nor. For y".'. "s be l.a.-: be. ':
in tho State Senate a the w.nn'yw iVoin
15ei'ks county, and while bo litis' "...
bcrn regarded p.? the llcmecrafio leader
in that body, he has at all time e i?i
uandol the respec. a:. 1 eoi.fol. o, : o!
lii political opponents, lie is a man
of fine ability and knowledge..! euitnr ',
nnd what is still bottar of utd-'oinished
integrity. If elected, ther.- no doubt
but he will i1i.-;cbargo''t!i'J duties ol the
trubofra! iria! olliee witli cre.'it to him-
j".' lit f. r tho l iiiion. The
iv.e iitcihanic, the r.ectro
','! .T nil wbi'e men, the negro
1 to Vutc, to ,-it i n juries, to trav
itli us, to sleep with
;ir.'! political ligh'
"F.r ET
Is, ', VI'. i i
I'or to attempt, tT (ii!'L;iiten e:r
aoers ni
this loca'i
0 Sliii
e' wit Ii It, to 01'
!o ei-c'V tv.
I ibat w.
iii.- unioni
et.ioy, arc tl.e Alpha and Omn-
daily thou;:.!.!., they the
tit tr:;i: f.f the negro loving
"White mou jirotcct your.
fclvc by your ballots.
f-'elf ur.d honor to tl.o (.'ouitnoir.veallh
I.cst our Jlepitbiioan friend.-i i-honld
think t'tat o ir par'.b'.oi r.eal hi- ie 1 us their radical and revolutionary pro.
Coiifiifitcnt in itistinioti.
In C.i:gr-?r on the Gd day of March
i - ilJ. 'Mr. l.'obnaii, (J'cm.), offered the
JbllowiiiHt r'.s.dution :
,'i.-i-lcoit. That in the judgnict,t of
this Homo tho unfortunate civil li'ar
into which the (iovcrnmont ot the Uni
ted States ha been forced by the trea
sonable attempt of the Southern Seces.
sionist to destroy the I'nion, should
not be drosccitfd for anj other purpose
ihaii the restoration of the authority of
tl.o Constitution ; and that the welfare
of the whole people ol the United Slates
is permanently involved in maintaining
the present form. of .'ovcrnment under
the (.VnMitution without modification or
'llio tlisunionisbi defeated this rcsolu.
ttoti by a vote of GO to 59. Every
iVmocrat voted for the resolution.
Thaddous StcvcDs and Mr. Speaker
Grow, by this bold act avowed their in
tuition as early a 1802, to carry out
jet't of pigeon nestings would ho i lie. in
deed, but there are many o
short. In
down p..
cabinet ;
all wont sweetly at a marriage-bill to
ward tho wedding- day. 1'ut the adage
never f-.'iisr.j hoid it? owti in this a in
every other ca.-;o, the r urse r.f true love
did not rr.n Miioo;h. The band of the
a:-sin tt.tcr-esc-l. The vonnsr ttentle
o:ati f.e.tnd l.iu:ei !" bereft of fa'her, of
! irttttiC and of plico a! o;:e fell swop,
(in tlie oilier hand, the e:.blnot moiuber
ereat ' l by bis iiiferpo.-i'i ai, bad expo,
ri-.'ii.'.. d a ehangoof I'm tune; for, having
Ii u filed hi.-; card skblfuliy, be was ju-'t
returned a .'ena'or in Congress. The
la 1" wave:-.-.! ; th nift'-..!.-i were iko!-
A Monomaniac The following rin
gubir affidavit was made before a justice
of the peace for lloboken, a few days
since, for the purpose of allaying the
fear of a man who perfectly sane on
every other subject imagines that he
is persecuted by fiends:
tfialr of AY W Jersey, Jftidscn County, .. .
Thomas Murphy being duly sworn,
deposes and says that be is a resident of
the City of lloboken, in Hudson Coun
ty, and resides at No. 22 1 llleoinftold
street, in said oily, and that deponent
has been, and is still, pursued by evil,
disposed persons, or fiend, who persis
tently persecute depnetit by attacking
him by nihtaswcll as by day, with
vile, deadly, and noisome gasscs, causing
revere pnins and mental agony, tortur.
ing him by every means known by the
villain, causing him to be deprived of
bis natural rest, and interfering with
him in hi daily labor, by which schemes,
plots, and devilish machinations his
sii.'ht has almost been destroyed, his
labor unproductive, and bis happiness
destroyed, and bis life endangered. -He
therefore prays that said villains, or
fiends, may be dealt with according to
Sworn and subscribed to tips 17th
April, btbi, Thomas MtitviiY.
it is stated that Mr. Murphy has boon
afilb'ted in this strange manner since
1 vi!o. and at one time n:i confined in
n'vlum iu California, where be resided
f..r many years. From tlienco he re
turned to Moboken, and imagine that
bis friend.1! followed him thither, lie.
cently a celebrated physician of New
York attended to affect bis cure, but
Mr. Murphy having become impressed
with tho idea Ibat tho physician is in
league with the trionds, threatens ven
gcancc upon him. .A". 1. WorlL
75 CKNTtt!
73 CENTSff
or the Campaign.
Great I m p r o v cments and
Great Inducements !
lOlVi wll.) l!
vcr.laut as wo v . -to, win loot; upon to
,.,.,. re t.-.l no!lionor then bud; witi, I liH'u 5 .ool oiiaoy. as vis.oiis ol a gayer
their ncls as they are now t
in tho Highland wood lor
no soon
miles in
mi pi nor in . ;s oO'' in u i : acoss nor
iles in ! ot autitut blue eyes, sue resoiViM tut.t
extent, and covering thousandu of acres. val) so 111 lovc a f'110 n:lJ
of Nature lloudors. When ,:,'pn' ""'Kr 1,1,3 eu-aoemen.
altoorellier. 1 tell you the tale a it wai
told to n:o. It is just now the gossip of
the 1 our ; and as I bavo no doubt it
wii! be put in print, such secrets are too
valuable for a poor devil of a letter,
writer to keep I give you tho benefit
of it. Iris an illustration of tho
i"ie.k!;T..'. of womankind. )'n.Jtiu'iin
.-. .'."'' r,in:r-.:
into a eulogy uot ues.
rvod bv Mr. Civ-i graiuiiic of disunion. l)id not President
ruer, wo quote fi oin throe of tho lead
in;; Republican papers of Philadelphia.
1'orucy's Press says :
" It gives us pleasure to boar testi
mony to the high personal ch iracter of
'ilon. Iliefter Clynier, the Democratic
candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania.
Gen. Geary may wcllay that ho has v.
focman worthy i f his steel." Oecu.
Tj.ying positions exactly the reverse on
all the great quertion of the day. the-.'
..two teprcscntiitive lncti will ,l,.ul.!!c. s
-conduct the canvass in that spirit which
t-bould characterize a treat controversy
Johnson speak truthfully when be said
they were disunionists ? If"
On the evening of tho 25th ult.,
a great mass necting was held in lirook.
lyn in support of President Johnson'.
A letter was received lrom Maj Genera!
l'-ix. e.xprc.-HiiiL' bis approbation of the i
i purpn'-'o of the meeting, and bis udbcr
i once to the President. Gen. lix has
! acted with the llepublican parly since
' liil. At the s.amo mooting addresses
a 1 oy, wo read Audubon's account of
a groat pigeon roost in one of the wes
tern Slates, and bis vivid description
iirou-ed a desire in us to see souiething
of tho kind for ourselvc. a desire which
has newr been grMified until now. 'c
have been to see this nostinir. lfe loft
our horses at the bouse of Mr. Stublis
in Highland who directed us to go dowe
the draft south-west from bis house about
a mile. He said wo " couldn't miss
it." Well might he say so, for long
before we reached thorn wo were made
aware ol our proximity by their loud
and contiued noises. V e reached
the nesting about noon. Wc found the
cocks were on the nests while the heus
wcro away feeding. This is one pecu
liarity of the pigeon eminently necessa.
ry to their multiplication. Myriad of
them nesting in one locality it requires
a large scope of country to furnish them
their food. They arc known to feed
fifty miles distant from their nests. The
absence, for this purpose would require
so much time, that the eggs would be.
come cold, were it not that the cock and
the hen each sit ou the nest while the
other feeds. For this reason a flock of
pigeons during the batching season is
always either, all cocks or all hens.
Il'hcn we were there the bens com.
menced coming iu about 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, and coutinucd until wc
left which was between four and live.
The noise made by them coming iu, can
only be compared to a mighty rushing
wind, while the confusion and combina
tion of sounds occasioned by tho cries
and flapping of wings of thoso auioug
the trees, must bo left to the imagina
tion as beyond desciiption. Tho nest
are much smaller than we had fancied,
apparently not larger than those of our
smallest bird but very different in shape
ami construction, neing punt ot suck,
and almost flat. The L-con it on lop
of the m st. uot in it, the bead and tail
l.foiecting. As many a a dozen la.-.!.-;
will be lound on quite ft small tree, m tho country.
The limber is generally beech, maple i day iu a but, r.ud
were delivered by Maj. Gen. Rousseau
publican party.
ed that bo bad been a Whi
prior to j a leaning ami innu-
of the Republican party
between principles that arc eu mally an
unequivocal ho.-tile. j all,i t. Cleveland, both of whom
The ! irrr sajs : : bare been heretofore acting with the
..'ii i ..., . , i . ..
-Jin- j-.i-uu.ii.oiy . o. '.,i v., can vartv. V.ouseau stat-
1 ennsylvania transacted its lup-incs
with little difficulty, and bus, porbaj s.
plat-ad in nomination the be.-t candidate
that could have been selected from tl.e
ranks of the party. Mr. Clvmcr is a
gentleman of excellent ebarael. i and ot
line abilities. There can be no .l..::l,t
that be will do orcui1 to the ojbee,
should it be bis fortune to be i bjc'-td."
The J'laiiv T'li iiiiijih savr :
" Mr. ('knur is a I', .-,,
riii a Democrat so d-. p'y r .!'.:. i
a to have remained faithful anion -1 .
faithless in our recent p:.i ; v -i ,n I ie
troubles; and y-L im v,fii if n,r
vile reproach hn. i r I- ' l. r.a'lm!
ttgaintthim. ILWlrr .7rn-r nu l,l
Man, a fliracJ jioH'i'-iun, 'm l a .!
otiJ cnuiiexiz purti-i-m 'C.'" i e .io
not Fay lie is the l.e.-t man -f bis polities
in the State, lut i.v .'.'.'.. f '
tlir viry I'w ic'i.o mil 1 .a I ml . tin
i ii lire vote (f t!ic J'i m'i utn- j'liit, in
the fihu'iij i-onfert. In (hi manor be
will have the ciu'un ii! aid of bis friend j
titid foriucr colleague in the State Sen-1
ale, Hon. William A. H'allaec. Chair
man of the Ccr.tral Committee, through
who-e inderatigable efforts; M r. Clymor's
niiiinaliou was secured. Ilin-ter ('
i -r L ii fnmiil.-riih!'' r.veu'lre ulUiln.
Jf, rrjtrrirnn- in th- S'nt Senti''- fill hin In fppn ritrip. nvif orii-ji
9-'J iii'rri'-t ff ' f;v" ('tifinimt.
The t'lseapc of Sic ft its.
The followinu. Ironi a correspondent
of the Lnndon Timri, will bo road with
interest bv somo of our readers.
'The evening I saw him ho was ele
gantly dressed, observing, throughout, a
modest demeanor ; wailing to beaddres.
sod before speaking to any one, and
answering all questions put to Lun in a
simple and natural manner. When
asked fur details as to his arrest, his
iniprisonmcut, and his plat., ho said :
' My arrest took place because I wished
it. For many hour I knew that the
police were on my traces, and it was my
pleasure to be arrested, in order to prove
that I could cscapo with tho greatest
case. While iu prison I was treated
with tho utmost regard. I wanted for
nothing, and in this respect I cannot too
highly praise the English government,
lint it was absolutely necessary to de
part. I had expressed my desire to do
so to a person of whom I was Eure, with
whom an unexpected circumstance put
mo in communication, and the prison
doors, so to speak, stood opou befote me.
I don't know whether any one nieaut to
stop me, but. around nic I saw only ac
complices.' ' !5ut once out of prison,'
observed a listener, ' bow did you man.
ago to leave Ireland?' ' Once out of
prison I fled to the country. Money
and a revolver were given mo. I then
a lar.-e reward of 1 ,',) 00
1 for mo. and that any one
The t'enlaus.
Eastpout, Me., April 20. Three
hundred Fenians left here to-day, home
ward bound, finding that there was no
chance to pet hack the arms which were
seized by the United States authorities;
nnd as it was never intended to put Ihc
whole force of tho organization into this
affair, order were received from head,
quarters for all to return to their homes.
The announcement of tho fact created
intense excitement among the Fenians.
They hold private meetings among
themselves, and vowed they would ncv.
cr return without a fight ; but when it
was shoun to them by their leader
here that there was not the faintest hope
of making even a successful raid upon
any point with tho few arms they bad
procured from their schooner during her
detention, the majority became sonic,
what resigned, although they bitterly
complained of what they openly called
the perfidy and mismanagement of some
gentlemen here, regarding whom there
is a great difference of opinion. The
affair has turned out a miserable, fi'tsen ;
lidiculous, did it not bring with it so
many sad consequences. Hundreds of
fino young fellows left their homes,
threw up their situations, cave up every
thing, to join, heart and soul, in this
movement, and it was truly a nielan.
choly sight to sec them leave by the
boat to-day.
The majority arc utterly ruined, not
knowing where to go after they arrived
at their destination, the funds not being
sufficient to do more than to pay their
passage back again. They cried bitter
ly like children on leaving. No more.
K Y. WorLl
I lb EliKLY AGE " will present
their issue on Saturday, May4th, 18G0,
in a handsome and improved form. It
will be in all respects
particularly adapted to the Politician'
the Fa.-mcr, the Merchant, the Median-
ie, the J'auiily Cnclo aud the General
Reader, having, in (act, every charac.
teristiic of
At an early day Will be begun.
an inti:nhi:i,y intehestixg serial,
by one of the most popular and fascintu
ting authors, ami it is also tho intention
to publish from week to week, in tho
course of the year, three or four of tho
In order to placo this journal within
the reach of all, it will be furnished Hn
til the first Saturday after tho Gubcrna.
tonal election, at tho extremely low
price of
?s ot.el'ts
I 'ubliii. dead or all
io the time ol my
EGF Voters of Pennsylvania, rcinem
bcr when ycu cast your votes for III KS Clymhu, that it is not for him
alone, but that you will sustain J'rcsi
dent Johnson asainst the disuoionists
in Congress
Late advices by tho rteamcr Costa
Rica fdate that Valparaiso has been
bombarded by the Spaniards, and the
town and 0,000,000 of property do
W 1ST OF LETTERS remaining in
the Post Office at ltidgway, May
1st, loGti.
Edwards, Cieonre ; Fisher. Jerome
Paugherfy, Miss Mary E. ; Gerrv, Ed
w.ird ; ti reffeth, Mis Emma; Gcnscl,
Henry I.; (roen, James 1-.; hooch,
Michael; Montgomery, Thomas ; Mack-
For a Single Copy.
The following scale of prices have
boon adopted for the regular weekly
issue :
One Copy, one year $ 2 00
1 ivc ii Ot)
1 eu copies 17 00
Twenty copies 83 00
In all cases where the papers arc
sent to ono address, the following de
duction will be made :
Ten copies, cue your $10 oO
wenty copies tiO 00
One copy will bo furnished gratis for
getting up a club of ten, to one address,
for one year.
The above fcims will bo rigidly ad
hered to, and no notice will be taken of
a subscription until paid in advance.
Ihc postage for,,lho 11 ecklyAgc,
if preprid, is five cents per quarter, f t
twenty cents per annum.
VELSIf ,f- JIO Jill,
130 Chestnut Slreet,
JAMES MeChnSKEV. r)n'J0rn
Groceries &c., would respectfully i? ta';
the citizens of Kersey and vicinit '."fjf'
be has gone into the Grocery bu , .
and will open on or about the , na,ia
of May. IIo keeps constantly or.
an extensive stock ot
ter to Puss
cut':.! mem
tvu ;.'.!,.'( ;t. oigai.isation, lias wiitteii
u h tier Ii . m St. Petersburg, denouncing
;. e mi's.- of Sumner and Steveps, and
i T. '-.r-ing the I'n -iiient. When such
i;:.:i as Sewaii'., Pcechor, Poolitlle,
Pixou, Cowan, Raymond, nnd those
above named support the President,
Mirely no c uisi rvali , e Republican ought
1 i hesitate iu follovviip;
was shown by the egg shells strewed !lii iwr.nntl h.,nr Hie Intfer !,:il t
our civil war. and since then a Republi- I f Mi w,k lo wiU b(J ,,1,;,,, ,
can. Gen. Cassias M. Clay, our Minis- ihc nesting to gather the squabs " the
name given to tho young pigeons.
These are said lo bo a delicacy, and
will be .athered by tho wagon load.
lib recommend til! lover of sport as
well as all those who like ui were anx.
ion to sec cue of tho mo-t remarkable
sight animated r.atuvo affords to visit
this nesting. Wo feel: (notwith.-tan
dint: our old shot nun nearly kicked ono
side of our f ce off) that we wcro amply
repaid for our trouble. To thoso who
are fond of the good things of this life,
we need only say that Mr. Stubbs gave
us ono of the best meals wo ever bad in
our life.
vo. I remaino 1. up
tioe: o'ljieard ;hip,
living during tho
;i.iing out at night to
and hemlock. The extent of the ne-t- reach another. In every place where i cv. Thomas : Newbin. I'aniel : Mason.
ing i-j not known certainly, but it uiu.-t : J. took rclugo I was well knov.n. In. Thomas ; Met Jerry, John ; Ridgway or
extend aonz Rear creek a distiueo of deed, I was expected there. Molwitli- Pet' hand Co.; Ridj-way, Henry :
at lest ten miles. Yi lien wo wcro mere : statoi.n'jr tl.o lare suui piU ve t t
some of their young wcro hatched, a Iridi irovcruiiii'ii' I tr itrft app.-i
nobodv ventuied to niton, 1 against llio ;
,il;d this single lact prove Ireland
was at my disposal.' ' And now what
arc your plans .'' I t in going to Ameri
ca ior an army ol'two hundred thousand
men who are expeetin::' me, and 1 will
return with them to deliver Ireland, Iny
Cuutitry, treni tho IJrlilsli yoke.' "
tho Kilev. WilliiiL-ton R.: Pawson. Win. Y :
m, I Palmer, John Vr. ; Swallev, C 4 ; Scott,
his convict
f.-V' We bavo received a very well
written communication in opposition to
the letter (d L. T. L., pub'ished in last
week's A ''.rat., which the author re
eiieMs us to publish. 'This we are wil
lie to do when tho author furnishes us
with bis name. It i a rule of newspa.
per publishers, founded in sound reason,
to publish no communication not ac.
c. ini. anied by the real name of the wri
ter If he will furnish m bis name we
will bo happy to comply with his re.
The desks, books, papers, and other
material belonging to the Superinte.n
dent's olliee of tho Philadelphia .i Erie
railroad have all been removed Pi this
city, and beiicelortli Erie will be the
headquarters ol'ibe road. The ohanee
in the loea'ion of llio ollioi has added
two dozen or more to our population,
nio.-t ot them young. men, eleiks in tho
different departments of the company's
business. The rooms iu lt'iigbt'ti block
occupied by this railroad offices have
been titled up iu ubtlo of ruro uoatuess
and convenience. Erie Observer.
hero th-.' t-cnrvlest tnicf m .
Yoik to appear at any one of the reli
gious meetings now going o:i in some of
tl.e churches iu tijis city, and (here do.
elate bis repentance, and avow bis
couvi r.siou lo a boil, r life and bis de.
sir.' t i unit.', iu tio: !..'.n.e.vs!i;n of tho-.e
who rote.- to pursue it ; and Were Lis
act to bear out his oi'.ls, ho w nib I be
i ceeived, w elouiiieii, rejoiced over, bap
t;r d. in J admitted.
i ho u xftibiy, titter applying to cr.
lie- .ii. :; this test in moral and reli.
iri.ei ii i:iv ol these same persons would
le.i l mo Serin. hi on ilie Mount at family
pravrs, an I then go and declare their
appro! alien ol u Congress which treats
worse than f!:o seruviost thieves our
Southern f. 'ilto'.' citiiii-i.s, who havo er.
red in a mailer of political government,
who Joeiiiv it, who desire to renew
their old political fellowship and their
allegiance to the Uuion and its laws.
These churitablo men call themselves
Christiana. Ar. V. World.
James ; Satterleo, Evi ; Seclsbury, Je
nunc ; Wilson, Mary; Wing, Orrin.
Persons calling for the above Letters,
will please say A'h'ertiae f.
h. LTITI1ER, P. M.
t j t ii maiiki:ts.
Ripc.waT, May Sd, 1SC0.
J'l.orit, per 1)1,1 S-6 0fe, 11 00
l'dl'.K do i SI filt.
Wlll'AT, per bushel 2 1
iivi: i oo
COKX 1 10
(l A'J'S
Mi! F.I) Al'l'I.KS : 4 00
KKAXS tj 00
liL 11 1,1. per jiouiel
l.A r.n
ciii:i:si: ,
F.llli.S pir dozen
by the barrel or quart, and everything
couuected with a first class Grocery
I will sell for CASn nnd consequent,
ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than
the CHEAPEST. I invito everybody
to call and satisfy themselves.
May 3d, '00. Cm.
GV All WANS KALE. l?y virtue of an
order of Orphan's Court of Elk couu.
ty, made iu pursuance of a decrco oT tho
Orphan's Court of Northumberland county
iiuthoriiung us to raise the sum of ouo thou
sand dollar from sale of real estate in Klk
county. We tli uudevsigned guardians of
Mary Helen Murr, Win. P. Mavr, Allen
Voirr. David U. Msivr, Alfred Marr and
Annetta ' 'arr, minor children of David
Marr, Ink of said Northumberland county
dee'd, will on .Saturday tho lOtli day of
May next nl the Court House iu Ridgway
at 4 o'clock P. M., expose lo salo at publio
auction to the highest nnd best bidder, the
following described reoleslato, to-wil:
All the estate and interest of said minor
children, being the undivided six sevenths
of eighty seven nnd ono half acres of land,
more or less, situate in Jay township, Elk
county Pa. Ueiniiing at tho North East
corner of land now owned by Joseph Dill
nnd lieorga Weis and rimuing thence west,
on hundred and eighty seven uud one half
l-prclies, thence south lo a corner, tlienco
east lo a corner iu the line of the aforesaid
Joseph Dill andtieorgo Weis' land, thenco
north along said line to the place of begin,
niiig. Terms (.'ASH.
- . WILLIAM P. MA Hit.
Erie, Pa., May Cd, 18CG.
I'LOrK per bbl S8 50tol3G0
P. Eli F
lUTi'. FISH 1 bbl
WHEAT per bushel
EUUS per dozen
LARD per pound
I HF.ESi: ,
,..18 00 to 20 00
,.. 8 To to U 00
..11 OOtol2 00
... 2 ftOlo 2 1
.. 173 to 2 00
.. 20 to 22
.. l'Vlo 'J
.. '22lo 24
lilTTJ-.H 4"io
April 23.1 lfiiiti. Ids.
1SG MACHINES. Tho under
Signed having been nipoiutcd Sole Agent
fur the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing
Machines for Elk county. Ilo keeps an
assortment constantly yi hand. Machines
sold ((t Pllilartolphi ayd New Vork prices.
Any purlin desirous of obtaining them
ea address J. K. WHIT-MORE.
March '.U.'Oti-ly. at ltidgway, Pa.
Tr V PFlilTTmiDT w
Ese i:tt l t tbo Advocate Office.