rygt',ia: t - COUNTY DIRECTORY ' rrtsidnt JuJjt -llo. U. Q. WhitoWells . tb.tt,. ; ' Anouate fuljet TTotj. Charles Mii'l, idgway, Pa., nud Hon. E. C. .Sohutizc, It. Mary's, Pa.' Sheriff James . Malone', Kersey, Vn. I'rottytnfarf, Hefi.it and KeeorJer Hco. Si. Wii, St. Mary's, Ta. : - PUtritt -rftfornry LaunO J. ltlakely, Bidgway, P.. . ., Trw4urcr3itti9i Coyne, St. Mary's, r. Covntv Surveyor Ocorca Wal'iisloy. St. i. CooTnitmoner Wm. A. Bly, Fo. Louis ' . volmer, St. My'g. Pa.. Joeeph Taylor, Fo. Commimouft Clerk Junes K. P. Flail, Ruhjwj,-p. . Auditorial. A. Wilcox, Tot. Jacob Mo Cauley, Fox, H. D. D.-rr. Bcneiette, Pa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J OMR 0. HALirAUowyatYaV,"" Ridg. Way, Eli oounty P. mar y. LArRIE J. BLARELY, Atlonieyand 'Counsellor at law. and U. S. Commis sion.:. "Will practice law in Elk, Cameron had M'Icib counties. Office in Kidgway, ' Fft. mrr 22nd'0u ly. Attorneys at law. to alt fvofessional business promptly Mar-az so.iy. AUeiitio!. co v TV y i ' BUSINESS COLLEGE I ' 1MIIT I T.i.M in It r; :t 1. i.tiL 'Mi1' t -J-.::' : V.h t- V 1 vv : A V IV tt U e ri tLi TO THE Philadelphia Cheap Store I DRT 000D3 4 GROCERIES FOR THE !! K . KM OL'S IltiStl -TO -'Till'. .run.Ain'.i.iMji v -!.? a ,.. ATTnwT? a wf.ru Ridgwoy. Elkeonnty Pa., will attend i. Lata of Warren county Pa., will W." . 01 r- J. S. BORDWELL Elcctio Pliyal JL-r '" I'M "r6niptly answer night or day. Bjdence one door enat " the 4at residence of Hon. J. I. OilUa. .: Mar-22'63-ly. B. HARTMAN. St. MarsTiilk onnly P. Late of the Army of the ''PotofeM. ' Partifltilar attention piven to nil aeo 9t urgioal nature. tnar-22'GO-ly. DR. W. JAMES BEAKELY, Physioinn and Surgaon, St. Mary's, Elk eonnay -..Po. mar-22'6-ly. DR. W. W. BITAW, Practices Medicine nd Surgery, Centrevillo Elk county j Pa. 'mar 22'CO-ly. 1 MRS E 0- Clements, ' Begs Ieare to announce to the citijens of Ridgway and vicinity; that sho has opened . DRY GOODS & GROCERY STORE DR, A. 8 nil.I,, K-Ty. Elk eotinty Pn. WiTl promptly answer all profoiionnl -calla 17 night or day. (mar-22'6d-ly. ITIXCnAS'rtE IIOT ETRidffwTyT"Elk ll county Pa., David Thayer Proprietor. This houso is pleasantly ' situated on the bank of the Clurion, in the lower end of t ho town, is well provided with house room and etabling. and the proprietor will spare no , pains to rendcfUhe stay of his guests pleas- : ant ana agreevwe. (mai-z. tb-ly. in the room formerly occupied by Mr. Brooks as a Restaurant, Opposite the old Fou.itaix House, ".TOBS, Cards, Handbills. Blanks, Bill. fj Headings, Ac, neatly, cheaply and ex peditiously executed at this offioe. HYDE B0TT3E, M. V. MOORE Propri etor, Ridgway, Elk oounty Pa. RORDWELL & MESSENGER Druggists, Dealers in Drugs abd Chemicals. Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery, Toilet ar ticles Bud Stationary, Qidgway, Elk oounty Pa. - mar 22'CC-ly. - ' C-H. VOLK, Manufacturer & Dealer in . Lager Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, 5iint Mary's, Elk county, Pa. fc-mar-.'atMy. TTASniKGTON HOUSE. St. Mary's, f Elk county Pa., Edward Bahe Pro Brietor. This house is new and and. fitted . . , .u' : ,. . . , . upwitll espeomi care iur mc tuintmtuvc vi guesta. Good Stabling attached. Ma-29'66Iy. ST. MARY'S hOTEL. B. E. AVELLEX DORF Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk coun ty Pa. Thishouse is new and fitted up with esnachkl ears, for the convenience and comfort of guests, at moderate rates. Freo Hack, to and from the Depot. Good sta- county, bling attatho.. . (mar 29'tJtJ-ly. where she has nowon hand anl for sale, a largo and wcl' selected stock of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, which she will sell As Cheap, for Cash, as any other store iu Itido ay or Elk PRACTICAL CLOCK & WATCH MAKER ST. MARY'S. ELK county, Pa.. Edward McBrdo. keeps con stantly on hand and for sale. Watches,' Clnofc, and Jewelry of all descriptions. ttrWpairing neatly executed, and done on short notice and rsssonable terms. ALSO Has attached to her Store- a Millinery and Dress making cstab THS MODEL PARLOR MAGAZINE OF : AMERICA. : j Demorest's Monthly Magazine. ComfehM. and present the most interes ting, aaful, and attractive array of popu lar fixtures evtr offered in a magazine, in cluding LAEOZB ft MORE COSTLY STEEL EN - GRAVLNGS ' ' Than ire furnished in any other Original Storie aud Joems by the Moit Eminent Authors. NEW AND VALUABLE MUSIC, By the sanst popular composers. ARCHITECTURE f MODEL COTTAGES, With diagrams. Fink Portbaits or Eminent pn- - 60N. - .... THE FASHIONS, ' In evary eVpartment of Ladies' and ChiU drea's Drees, splendidly illustrated with unrivalled and model Fashion Plates, and our usual FULX SIZE PATTERNS, BRAID AND EMBROIDERY. Also, JIouifhoM malttrt and teeiptt, with (IMm im('i Tulki on Womim'a Topia ; Perir Corr'$pm4fe t Ete. , AV. , . Together with a constant sucoossiou of Brilliant Novelties, all to be finely and ar' tiatitally illustrate!, and the Mugatine to be printed on lbs finest paper, and in a etyU for binding into a handsouia volume for to center-table at the close of the year lishment. Cutting and 'fitting of latest styles, done at REASONABLE PRICES The most complete m( j! poimeu ousmess or i tnii'i-ei--' - " (h country. L ..W. " The only one in the eity i.')t --if. -r it ' giclntive Chart )r. unci ilie uu'.f,- '-i'e 'ir tin. United Sta es nittlioi izcd to confer' Pegvpes of Merit. Diplomns awnrded' to gividunies In the Cnnime'cial Course iilioVr its rorpo-. rate seal by nnthorify of law.. ' ' Condueted by. gent'lemen of lihera'. cdu: oation and extensive experience in business, and affording unequalled advnntngos for he thorough theoretical and prnctionV educa lion of young men fort lie various duties nnd emplvmentR of business lrfe.-' :t - THEORY AND PRACTICE COM PINED by a system of ACT IT A I, BUSINESS TRAINING originnland pre eminently praotienl giving ' the student in the shortest time a complete insight into tho routine details. cusliiniS' and forms of busintss in general, as conduc- ted in the bet-regulntcd eotnnicroial and '. financial establishments. j Theoretical Bookkeeping: I Upon a new pln,,, with an original exposi tion of tho science of accounts. nrrHnped . and published hy the proprietor of this In-.. .. stitution exclusively for his own use', suving "' LaillH ftri lohe-hnlf the ordinari; labor ftf the student,, . ; and giving him a complete knowledge of the " ''' ' praeice of the host accountants. : . - TII1C CfiAiMEKCIAT. COUttSIC. BMtin tCR.. Bookkeeping. t"cminercinl Aritlinietic. Pen manship. Business 'Correspondence, : Commoroinl Law. Lectures .on busi ness Affairs, Commercial Cus toms, Forms, and Actual ' Businrss Practice SPECIAiRKANVriES Atjdraanii the UhjhcT Ntitumalici, TfhoJio grtiphy. Ornamental Penmttnrhip. the Are of fJeteclinr Conn- ' ''' ' . terfeit. Momy, Eniji , tuning, Smveyimj ,'' X'lviyatiun and 7 Telegraphing. TE LEGR .1 1'IXG. The nrrnngements for Telegraphing are for in advance of anything of the kind ever mercu to tne public. A regular Telegraph Lino is connected with the Institution with twenty branch offices in various parts of tho city, where public business is transacted, and in which the students of this Institu tion arc permitted to praciice. No rcgitla office practice enn be lmdin any other school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a practical operator. Young men are cnutior.ed against the deceptive representations of those who without any such facilities, pretend to teach xvivi iipuing. PATE OX AGE. The Institution is now enjoying the' lar gest patronage ever bestowed upon nny commercial school in the State.- Over five hundred students were in attcndnnce the hrstyear. and over seven hundred during uiv Pnttt year. The best class of students may mvarmui, r,, , and alii sr, sociations are first class. "Hits as- LOCATION AND ACCOM MOD ATrONS, The Institution is located in the most cen tral part -if the city, and its accommodations, for extent, clcennco and convenienea nn. unsurpassed. All the rooms have been fit. ted up in the verv best style with . BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING ;' . HOLME. TELEOIPH OF FICES. STATIONERY STORK. A n f nrorr.AR BANK OF DEPOSIT AND TS?UE. supplied with fiiielv-enc-rnve'l liloeraphte notes used as a circulntiog medium in the Depurtnient of Ac'uul Biminess. . TO YOUNG MTN". who desire the very he t fneiliiies for a Practical Education fo-? T?rivFs. j we guarantee a course of instruction no " wheroelse equalled, while the reniitation and stnnding of the Insiiti.tion nmopij busi nessmen make its pmWsetneiii tbp.'bt. passport to success nnd ndvuice-nonl ' tl' cnniempiati it entering nnv Cnmnierei-.V College nre Invited m send for en 1L LUSTIt A TK P rr crLAK cfc CATALOGUE. containing complete interior views of the college, and full particulars of the course of instruction, term L. FAIRBANKS, A M. ' I'lCu'ifi'll" ' T. c. nn.mrrr, Special Teacher and Siipt. Officii Euiikem'. X e v i o o i k AT CheapCash S t o r e Wlmre he i.as nti lmri'! and for sale m ex : OY'S va km Nr. ' Dry 'oi),Ss ITV-H't.'-J goods, r, OODEY S -LATjY'SrBOOS rntiitti 'H!.rHzinp or tm w rvp I dTKIMI I'l'P. PINI ATJfO t.-r. t :: r .- lOV n;ATE! : tv.'nod "mufavinos 'on : ' ",Jr..' 5'i:.jv:,''rvVir.j'Wtniir 'rntr.lntrrost 'Vwlie I 3 "J J! Oi'fhH knittipsr.Nrttin?. Embrofdety; ' '-.' ': j Arriclc fnr rlio Toilet,"' for' the Parlor i nil! nuuiiiiil , puu iiiy uiujuiid, J'jvoiV' I th'hfr. In faot,: to. tnoko b poMfLBis mpy's Pome. t' - ' j- , . The Ladies favorite Jo'Se .Years.,;', '.i? I . No Ma gait no hns been -able tOi-oempets veil hit. None atlempt it. "J: V f- - GODEY'S RECEIPTS yw for every department of a household? .'then alone are worth (lie price ef the Book. '. Model Cottages (no other Magasimj gives them. Willi dinrams. - A - - DRAWING LESSONS FOR THETOUN'tt Another speoiftlitv with florley ' rOJUGINAL MUSIC, worth SSia ear. Ot her Vngniineslpiiblish eM ' wnrn-eut mu sic i : but the subscribers ta GodeveLtt. hit Jffir'Q the music stores. ,' " . , . ; On-dening for Ladies. Anotborpcilliar .. ity with Oodey.1 ' -J Fashions from Messrs. A. T.r Stewart & ,;iCo..of New lork, the miliipnaire,' Jhcr CKNTREyiLLE, ELK CO-PA NSV GOODS D A I L Y A R R.I V I N;0 Awakp. to TUtm Interest ! Fiirnifljin"' A ni!in'l'usled by the dnily throng lu vit,miiij,iii; Itivr.l ii.,ft3. " for G'joJj. p ." LA I) IE. DRESS GOODS, Ladies' nnd Gonta' Shawls. Sontog , Breakfast Shawls. "Nubias,'.. Comforters, Searfii, ' : .. .- . Hoods &e.i.- , '!.. All the Donicstiv Cottou Goods -arc high. Custouio.s, ons and all cxulatns I Hoy) Cheap our Dress - Good . ARE i wiants, appear n uouoy, ;tno oniymaga- of ' zliio that, hastheqi. , - r Ladies' Bonnets. Ve give More of them iffn year than atiy other maijniiino. 1 In fact the. Lady's Book enables every lady to bn ler own bonnet-maker. f !.: : .5 Murlon Ilarlantl.f; jr, Authresa ..; "Alone? Wdtrn.r. Path," "Unfa Side," "Xemesie, ".an "JMsnt)" wrifes for Godcy each mouth) and for no other magazine. , A new npvel by her will V. . .... 1 . 1 : .. i. 1 : .. 1 c . nt. L - 1 .. . ton. -I , f ' My ktoek consists of Boots & Shoes A very lurre and well selected STOCK of the best luudo and warraufed iu every D r y C o o d ss. flats & Caps, G r o c c v i e ' TERMS OF " GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 166- - f from which liiqre can beno Deviation. ) The following arc ilie terms -of the Lady' Book for lS(;-): , :; 1 fine copy, oho year ; :'$S CO Two copies, one year ' 6 60 .Three copies, one yoar ; : i:.-'7:60 Four copies, one year p 10 00 Fjve copies, one year, and an eitri ," ,' copyfo the person getting up the club,' -making six copies i 14 00 , 'Eight copies one year, andanertra '. . copy to the one getting up the' club, making nine copies , . . n 00 Eleven copies one year, and an ei- r ' tra copy to the one getting up the club. making twelve crtp.es ' 27 50 ; US?" All additions to clubs at-club' rates. pffluGodey's Lady's Book Jind Arthur's Homo -Mficnzine will bescnt.ieach on voar. on.Te'.-eipt of S4 50. - j- B5iWe have no club -with any "bther . magazine or newspaper. ,; - i 9A ifitmcy irui9i ait ve wem az onetime i n m .j r r. . ; . . JirayCnnada subscribers musf sejil .i!! Ccrfts additional fo. each subscriber. "V Atitl'esN Ij. a. GODi'.y,.;: M E. Corner Sixth and Chtttnut Strn'i Philadelphia Po, ' . CLOTHING 'TIN" WARE, HARD WARE i ; : Cj,rocei;ies, V Oils and Paints, Vr . 'UH-'watit agents to sfcllocr Improved S20 'Sewilig Machines. Three new kinds. Under an J upper feed.-. War' ranted five years. Above salary ot large oommirioiis paid. Tho o-lt machines sold in United tales for less than $40 which ar ! IfiV lieenifd ly Home, Whecltr & Wilton, ;. hrovr d' inker. Singer .j- Co., ami bachelder, j .iM.othercbeap machines are infringement! and the nellfr ox use r tireliatfi W arrest, fine, ami hnprhonment. Circulars' free. Address, or cjill upon Shaw & Clark,: Biddeford. I Maine, ., . , , . PUTTY FO DTI .'. J CILISIAttO iifFH -Uti.llt. Tl.A, 'ill-: Sho invites, one and all to- givo her 'in o .Horse aifl Cattle Pwtos. i'ork This preparation, Ionic. nd fuvorsbly knDw-n, will bor oughly reiurtgonu brlcuo-1uira sail low-spirited ,hbrt, by HrrngMieninn ace 'Cleaosigg toniacb aod intt. lines.'.; it it tp a lure bm venMe1 of all' id. G':.SS, a call AXD SEE FOR TI1EMSEI VE3. MRS- E- 0- CLEMENTS Main St., Ridgway, Elk County Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Hy t virtue of an order of the Orphan's Yearly, t3.00, with set of Two beauti ful Parlor Steel .Engravings, or a Package containing Two Dollase Worth of Eura F all. siie Patterns. , as a Premium to each Subscriber. ' Each additional Subscriber. wheasent in Club. $2.50 ; Three copies j. land of one Kuatiinger. on the West by iand ror 7.DU,- Five copies ror Sl; Ten copies, tot $22 with the Premium to each sub. server. Court of Elk County, tho undersigned guardian of the minor children of Joseph tn aj ... P' , . Ditsch deceased, will en ,! -R.I. ,,.,:-1 tWO Ordct S for luaclll April next at the Franklin House in the borough of St. Mary's in said county ex pose to sale at public auction to f lie highest and best bidder the following described real estate, vii ''. All that certain tract of land, Hltuale in Bentintter township Elk County Tcnnsyl vmia, known as bit or Farm Number seven (7) on Renzinger Road: Bounded on the south by Benzitiger Koid on the East , by Finkle & Lyon ' 8EWIXG MACHINE CO. ' I ' Office 581 Droadway, New York. ; Guar A vtke. After a f.iir: trial, if any purehasi-r does not reiri.-rd tlu Fin -KLKci Lyon Skwino MArniNK us su." pcrior to nny niin-liino in inarkcf, he e;in return it and have his tnonny It bus taken many of the highest. ''prices. is less complicated than any otliprfirst cIhss ' muchine. does a wider rano of work without cliangiiijr, requires ni taking apart to clean or oil. and no "lessons" to 1 set needle, regulate tension, or operate -t machine. . J Ml? a ni , I f. iuv VICIliVUJUIl NHIlll nr U8 nes, kIiuII recoive one for himself as a present. The same proposition is extended to Professors and Teachers. VVe have now completed our new manufactory at a cost of some 8200, 000. inclinlin? new patents and imrwr. tant Improvements : and the ol.jeet of the above proposition is to sec-ire ilia immediate introduction of our improved 3 -i Wooden Ware i i i Pork, Fldv I C.iiinoetd with the uliov.e hinre stoek of (roods, you will find a larjrn stock, of t Tt is useless for o a full list of the stock, t-oiifectionary nnd all, to drop themselves. in, and attcmpf, to give buti invito ' one: entmino for this anlmat ,uch LVSO FEVtlt, CtA.NDIES YELLOW WA. j,w ,-v.t, TER, Hea VE8, COC(! H9, D1S- TEMPER. IE- i VERS. Pot'XnKR . Ul.SS 0 APPE- ' TITB AND VITAL; V E-nv, j , sc. Its use Improves the W i a 1 , increases the pp--tite- givei a iu o o t h and to, ekin aod tran.fo ru, t k a Bmbl akeletoo lau , ane-looklog ed plrll4 To ICPeTOf-a ef Cnmm ,1.1.' :T . ..'J..' Inoreaaea the quantltw-aod iniprsrca the quality 01 we mint, it has bet-o proven by ac tual experiment to increase th -ejoan tity ot milk eel cream twenty pec cent, and ma( the -butter, firm aad eet. In (atkBinai cattle, it (iret them an appetite, looian ueu- c I e. and win U-1 1. V Bach-(aster. and Addreaw : JENNIN'O.VDEMORF.aT, 473 Broadway, New York. Single oe-ple mailed freV on, receipt of prtoe. 'Baek Sruiabr; as arpeolraens, 10 co'irto, ''-' '-- -' ' Uptendid Premium are offered for Clubs, nasisiinf of Gold Pens, Alhunns. - yearly ftutMoviptiona to the best Magaiines, Web-' alar'a Large Diotbmary, 'Clothes-Wringers, Musio-ifoaes, Melodeons, Stewing bias. Pianos, .eio.. ato. .Anybody can nil ieut oo of the abov Premiams. : vtJul-ly. of A. Bobenrith and on the North by land "i" 'uto every, town in rbe . IJntterl of Ign. Gamer, Containing sixty two. and 'at without incurring tlie great ! one half aeevs-J-and eing the snime. bind . ponsa of a traveling ;ent. . t. ' . ': purchased of M. Bentingsr A John Eveh-I Thlt nronoKitinn.T.nr. .M I,. 8lU.. jneunif l.n -. AnAnn . , Flease send for descriptive 3 Cata" ItOOUE, with fa triples of sowing;. , (;: Lunys lyon, Sec'y. baeh by articles of agreement on , tho uay ef April A. D. 1818 8aid eale'tb be made hpon the following terns. One third of the purchase mousy to be paid 'oil the Confirmation of the Sale, the balance' to be paid in two equal annual installments with interest to be secured by bond and mortgages upon the premises or in such other way as may e required "by the undersigned. ' K - - - apam tesberoeh, '--;' .. . iko ..:...,. fcw. Guardian;' mar-29'66-9t.'' ' ' '' ' ' - ' 1 rice en Yank ei- o i ions : 1. 1 - .1 . ' L - ' . r . - -- - ' I- C i "In great (juantities and'rjualitics. p - Tf)B f RISTltfo'do'ne at 'this" oil I tihoTt nrttiee. Also. ' B lunks. Hards, PatapblciH. Hill eadm &n. K.snerinl er ' wiu dv taken to render, satisfaction. 1 JlaAUURB8S vv- ) - ' "ELK ADVOCATE," i Ridgway, P Jfirl say, to oue and alL that .wj stock is lull and cmupleto,, aud .will to sold ut etuall profits.' .' ... - i Civh me cull, ,hefpre purchasing el.-ewbert. ',,.,. ... ,.uf (01 1 j t & P. II. ( r U-f- -T fc,' Bt, Mary' Nr 26th '65. . 1- -L T! r ..' 1 I- ;. j.' ' T.-i- JnyRiitter. Ktrars. PotafoeS. Graiil H.idiM. fall'-kins nud nil couiiitr.V prodiiii.t 'a,kpij ut. iiiurltut prtee,. tor cbaus. i-C-J- i iu , tt 1 f-r il ' Centreville, Jdwie 1st, ISffa U) L In al) seases of 8 wine, such as Coughs, Ulet t aaa Specific. By puttipg from - wie-Hair a paper P PWrr in a barrel ofjwill the bare diseases WuJ b ftradioj.tri ZZZl Prevented, ff given In time, a eoUIaV Priea ii Cents per P4per, or 6 Para for J A 6 p 'yHOiPStlK DRIfl Mil HRDICIK& IkfTOT. I,,'.,1' , ?-, - "'tyw .Wiasfsw- 'h": haudcrsigotyl takes plbSsuroVJu I S . ZSliLl . . i . ii. j .? .... 1 ai uiiuioii ni r-. Tlr I I't'tl rt and.caainiodious shop Bo-rihe- r9t Bbll , r tw . ,f', t . M n of the street, leudio'' to thn-Tr ; V) I Lv'ijr - , :. i? TTr Ta" Uaid Road Denot: heM ho .Hr, , .ul'lll WpntnTiGENTS bef siirpaedithor M Jovt prices or peodl- J i- , b v84l-iy.f,,fl wm-k.-clle tru th!U.'erj.sidenil lo tt: "WinMr-ntJ. ftipaitentfaiu fo U I 1 QRIIEAD JjOUSEri ilain: 8r! 'Jtnnq.ss'ui persirtl wtil rurla. lib-iulilVf lirookvill ln ,11 V trZ r'rT 1 . .. - - . ----- - --v" - inf. rron r . snare ,ot jiaytntf patroiiaa'e. i.V. N. Km, pb- ( (V i. I Um botfso hudAn ,tefirt,l an. L .... i'tiuiivu.-i.iu. inu 111 k nenr. arvin .nr- r. 1 . . . I J - , "uu uiujjway, vet. ioiu oj,-n ia ercry waj adapted to the wants of the pubKo.