A v ittlo of .iivcrhiu'. ..XOUii;) Fo.l UsiNlI I'DUVCt!". In .1 in ur iiciiiboi'iiig towns tlio lads i m ii mi .u quired llie liabil ol mho. ' . .iiiil le.Mui.ed to I in- luutit. ingenious ;n : , eniceai ttic voice frniu the . .. :i:r. tu ihey were stieeissftil until inn) tvc;ii;i;, when the master caught the in nt il, and stood helote tlieui ;n awiu! titguilv. ' I luW now '!" slim! tin; lirst lad, "h.'W iia: ma-icr to lie stin fciii" tl'l lU'Cl) ?" "oil' " said the lev, 'i am subject to I o:i'.iaclii. ami a pipe iake oil she ruin." "Ali'l V' qti'iii il ti.e in and yu'J ar.o yoti . mi. '.it'.-'.i'itiuii; eve ry i eu.iL UC tiny in Ins turn. O.ie liad a 'Taj "oil ii.e tl... Mini iiU ti.)!:i, .i'-c. ogh tin,;. illU'tlliT l.i siio'.i. '. hey nil I 'Now. S i to the l is I moke I"'.-': A hi" .' rdo lie. .i'i," h.:'.lur...i th .-, "what di-',r.k'i must', do y. oxetises were i:sli autcil ; i uitinu' lmt tue inK'-.i'iiaiod nirliiii. .iwn his J -. a!'UT a farewell whiff, ami looking ii ri Lis m.is'er.s lace, said in a vhiir.ii- l y . critical t .'i e : ''Sir, 1 miiouls lor coins !"' The id' matt ri.i'..- following met fci'i'iy mvertoi y id' t tie poetry d tin' day has ocen Kiti'iiy prepared ny smiio prominent. iici'MHi for t lis cuiiveiiicir hi such an feci themselves inspired by llio tuuelul mind: 2ut.l Liu I niruthod cannon' 2500 whi-tl.Tiir bullets. 15') j on'i i- gl n i : ? e '1. 2 tons ol' 1 auli'-tieid Mi.ukc. oOC pranciiii; and iitihiiiLT steeds. SOU boautil'al uriidea, assorted. I 2o' jinHant youths. 10 broken hearts. 75 raveti tr'-M:s, various IcncMi?. SO auburn m-s s. variou lcin;thi. 175 s!::i:S t Triii k i in tr and blinking;. 120 but; eyi'P, !iui?st q i il.ty. 100 bkieii lyes, of uiifomtuoii bright-lets- 1 Imuslu'iid of tears, lOO'.l silis, dei'ji and averting. 10 dijen Lileaiuiui; s.vijr.is. 1 10 waving flags and streaming ban i.era. 1 idea, supposed to be new. 1 izrain ol C'Miimon sense. If t!iipli.-t does not present a fa'r in. voice dt the oetieal po l., ware?, nd TiuicbandihC cminitiitinp tbc tti.tk in tn.de d oar inspired frioDds, wc will take pleasure iu making any desired cor rection. Pi-jnsiii.o Smf.li.krs. Tn Pal crave, a recent work on Arabia ther is an amusing story of a man who com plained lo the Amir's ei-d, tl.at one of bis nrigbburs smoked. "llowdo you know it?'' asked the Amir. "I fundi it,-' said the man. ''Then y.'u entered jour neighbor's private apartment '(" 'No," was the reply, ''I only put my noise iu." Whereupon the Amir ordered the j. cutioi.er to snip off the complainant's nose, so as to save it from the tempta. tion of sniffling in another man's harem in future. That wa3 not so bad, and some peo plo had better make a note of it. Tho habit ol 'stiekini: one's nose in another's dish," as the Yankee phrase has it, rould be sensibly diniini-hed, probably, il' the Amirs remedy ifv were admiuistert. :r si'.cli a prochv. promptly. OTTA story is told of an inveterato drinker who signed tho temperance pledge, br.t ws found soon alter im. Lii-i'.ig isolten as ever. Id l'.s trieuas who remoustiated with hi:n, he replied : that the (loeunient which ho had signed j was invalid, because it bud no iittrnal ! revenue stamp. i A Younrr lady out West . wha latt-ly j collided with nn ice-bound side-walk, re- j marked, as she assumed a perpendicular i josifioa, ''I'll have a man to hfj oa .o j before another winter." j ?r.Welt Charley," said a friendly gent to an urchin of three years mi! Christmas Pay, "what did you find ill j your stocking this morning?" ''l'iud,"i ieplied th- you n j hop"hi', -why I found , ;i b.ig hole." The questioner gave the ! boy one cut. I tL. story is told of an inveterate! drinker who "si-med tho temperance' pledge but was f )iin l soon after imbi bing as oft'tn us ever. To his friends w ho remonstrated with him. ho replied that the document which ho had shjued was invalid because it had no internal revenue stamp : have one of the bc-it wives in this I section,' said a good-natured husband, '-he always strikes me with the soft end i.l the broom." "A certain landlady makes her pits ;-o li-lit that her lodgers can see to go to bed without a caudle alter eating, n moderate sized piece. Revenge is hwcet." as the boy ,-aid wh ) had been whipped by a grocer while he was stealing his sugar. KA gontlemau eouiplainitig ot tho xarious taxes says, he cannot put on his boot! iu the moruiti": without u itump. lir3uWby is an arm chair like the Marseilles Hymn? 15ecau.se it lias "To. i'.vius" attatcued to it. Hr-!i. distinuibhe 1 xvriter says 4 thui men are fas.t" Well, they uiut 1. v eitcre linolv 'iit to i':i!eh the women Attention great txrii ri M It If pt up by lb Dailv Arrival OF if ' o il e v O AT Ii:LItEi:i(K UI DOLI ',S Cheap Cash Store, Where he has on hand and for sale MEN & ;OY'3 CLOTHING Dry &oocls ! Ladies and dent's Furnhliiiiir I ' goods, i i LADIES DRESS GOODS, i I I Ladies' nii'l GouIr' Shawls, Fi.ntass, j Breakfast Shawls. Xubias, I Comrnrtevs, Scarfs, I iioods Hals Hoofs & Caps, & Shoes. A very large and well selected FIC-CK of the best made and warrauud iu evei y respect Groceries. Coiini:, ltar, Tea, Kice tc. Flour Salt, Pork, Fi.h Connected with the above Innre stock of goods, you will find a large stock of Confectionary anil Yankee Notions In great quantities and qualities. E;v- say, to one nnd all, that my Mock is lull and complete, uud will be sold ut small profits. Givh niu a call, before ui'chii(dny eLeivho.o. f. MarvV. Nov. SSlk 'dft. Ms BUSINESS COLLEGE I'M ! -: ,p:n . T. poii;' tl.C I' T i ri. ni;'l 'li'-rii'ip'-'y .in" .:i'i: r'V'il f o''. t m ur' - f y nt ' 'i: i !i i' i v 1 1 i - -1 ' j m I, :' I' i. nml the i-ii'v nt (i in the I ;,a I - Mti: Inn 't In i'i'!i''ir Dotrroes nf Mi Pplnili'is aw-ii'l?it lei griiilnnies i n Hie ' ui'mi" c -i ! ' oiii-'ii' imiiIi v itn corno- rale iv1 tv i io lim-ii v nt" lnv. I'i'li l i' i 'il liy iji'ii' 'iMiii n nt' lilipri' d'l ("i ' i ' . r M il i ii ? v" M'i ii'iiei. in linM(f, an 1 n!V ' 1 "f n m j n?i V" i rii if f." ! tli Mnii-'ii ilipii'-etii'-il nui! rr-u-r i-.l ..i:ei linn 'i1' i iii'ier 'i'"M fur M" v.ii'iiKH 'liit'n-i itnil f..:,, . Ill- 'i'' lillill '- V" TlinuiiV I'i! M'Tli'K COMI'.lNKl) liv n svsf'-ni of 'i'TUU. r.t'sivn-j-j ri! r-tTi orifrWeil and live euiMii'iiOy or O'licul. iH'lnj; llie sliiili'Mi im i In liori f-t t mo n fonoi-'f iiis'ijlit ini'i the ri u i in", ili'tnili eiiiiniiiM itll'l t'le lil'i liii-!ti.--m in ir,,.,fM.:l ;1M ,,of n,t tot in tli" hp-'t vMiriiliiinl iviiiiMU'reial and fiiKinc'al es'-ili':-ln:i iirs 7h3orctic d B okkoop:n(j Vp'in II linW p' ll W.t I an hi iinril t-X pus i - I .im i. f tlio m"i.iici' of jH!'.ouiils. arninped itrnl piih' she 1 liy tin- pi-npriet-r of this In -lil in i 'ii t'xrlu? vi ly tin- hi- nwii ns(. sn vin fiiu"..!i!f llie nril'i'iirv lull ir nf 1 1; r- siinlelit, ami );iviiiir liima ci:iiiil"tc kimtvli'de vt tlii piac'.ice of llie hesl iieeuiuitants. THE CfiAiMK!;Cf AL COU'ISK.. km ii a veils. Uoolikeepinp. Oimtnerciiil Arilhinetio. ?e mans'iip Pnsinpss (rvpspinidenc, Ciiiiniici'i'iiil Law, I eciurps nn Imsi lioss XR'aivs. ( 'oi'iiniTeial Cus toms. rmiiis. nail Aelual liiisiniss l'i'iietice. SPKCI.Mi BRANCHES Ahjelra nml the lVjhr Viith'ttintirt. ' yajthii, Ornnm-nlti! I'tnmnnsliif, lhe Are of Detecting Coun terfeit .'(, .'! nerrin;, Surrcying A'trii'ilinii and j T ' rni 'i?7. ' , TEIKGHAVUISO. ' Tlio iri'Hniremciits for Toleprnpliinir r fnr i'i iniviini e nf nnytliinp nf llio kind evr ntfi'i'il tn lhe lml'lic. A repiilar Telegraph Line in ennneeieil with the Institution with twenty h' ;ineh nftices in varinus pans of the ; city. whi'V pnilic husincss is transacted, j nnd in winch lhe students of this Instiiu- tion are permit'ed to practice. No resula ' otliec practice can tielmdin any other school of iiiFtriii'tion in the coimtry. without which no oiio can nlilain a position as a practical orrrnlnr. Vounir men aro ciiiiiioi.pil nguinst the di'coi'tivp repvpscntaiions nf those who, without any Mich facilities, pretend to teach Te'egrnpliing VATUOSAGE. The Institution is now enjoyinn the lar gest patronnjrp. ever hetnwetl upon any C'liiimerrinl school in the State. (Ivor five lumilipil sHuli'tiis ero in attendiincr tin , fit-si yonr. and over seven hundred during the past year. TIip host class of sliidpnis ! may invHi ialdy lie found here, and all its as. j Bociaiions are first clnss. ;I.o'oT avo AcoMMot"Tiovg. I The Intitiiinn is 'ociiod in tlio mot con ' trat part if lhe ci'y. nnd it- nccommodnlions. for extent, oloa-icp atel oonvpnienoe. r iinurpas-pd All tlio rooms havp been fit. ted nn in Iho vorv hpf ptvlp -itli Bl'SI vr si OFFICFS OT! rflJTVTIN'G HOI' !'. TFI.KO X T fl OF FICES. PTATlONEliy STOKE. ash nrr.ru a BAVK OF Hi;P(SlT AND Is'IT, (upplied with finelv-eneraved lilnpraphit notes used ns a cire uln t i" p n-edium in tht Ueprriment of Xrm.il Uiiinos 1 TO 70X1 VG MW. who desivp lhivcry lie t fiiciliiic" for a Puxn'trMf, Kiit t'rii v Km: I!'iv ss o ru'i'iintoo a pnnvip r,f inmriiptinn nf where olso piii'i'li., whilp the rppula'ion and sliiinlinsr of llio Institi tinn nnionc lmsi.. no-s men umke if enilm-pnient the hp"t passport lo siiecpvS and advanoe'iient. All p.-inio'nri'ili enloiinp nnv Commercial (VIW ii'-i" ievltoil -n upnd for nn il i. rs tr a ri:n v cru n & OA TALOO.VE containinp cnmnlptp inlerior views of the collpsre. and full particulars of the course nf instruction, to-nw ,-(. i L. FAIRBANKS, A M . I'lPHiilrV T. t R.f RCH, Special T-ncher and Sua'. Oifict liuv Fhikle & Lyon ! FEWINO MA CHINK CO CfTiei. 51 Uroadway, New Y-.ik. ; Cu.xn xntki:. After a fair trial, if i any purchaser does n it reg; rd the Fin. km: etc Lyon Siwixo .Maciiink as mi. i potior to any much inn iu market, he can ! return it and have, bis money. It has take i many of th." highest, prizes. is less eo, indicated tliaoanv o'bei Er.-t class midline. does a wider ran ire of wnk .without chaiigihir. requires no taking j apart to clean or oil. and no "lessons" to 1 set needle, regulate tension, or operate machine. I N. 15. Anv Clert i.'Vi'ian sending u- i two oideis fur machiiie.s, shall reeeivi j out: for hiin-elf as a pr.-eiit. 'J',(. Ntne i proposition iscxtcuded to Piofessors and 1 eaeliers. V'e have now completed our new MANL'FACrouy at a cost, of sotuo SJ00. ...... .1 . t , . ; iji.i i. ineitniiiii: new I'.xtkn rsaii'l unpor. taut nii'itdvrMKNTs ; and tho obj-et i f , t he nlinv e proposition i.-, ,) Maeiie the I imiueit j introduction of our improved maeliiie' 'i,(u every town in the United Slates ui: limit incurring the great ex ptn.se ol a trim ling agent. Thi priipo-iiion cannot avail iu towns occupied by our own agents Please send for descriptive Cata LOOUE, with samples of snwiii". LUCIUS LYONCsee'y. JOB PRINTING done at this ofilce n. short noi ico. Also, Ulunks, Curds Pauiphlets, Bill cads, &c. tspecial care will be taken to render (satisfaction. JpviyApDKKS.s "ELK ADVOCATE," Itidgway, Pt. GCDKY S LADY'S BCOK T H K ."ii'jinn 'anzirip ff tjV W01M I.ITKU T111M. FIN Ii ARTS ANIl I-AHION'S. The most nine-nifieeiit St, - I MiyrivitiL's fiOTMH R FASH ION' IM. VI I Wood eiiL'ravintri nn rvrrv snbieet that can interest ladies. (V-elii" k "it'iinr Nn'tiuir. l'mhroidery. r,:e'es '.ir the f.iilet for the Parlor, the l!-i'i''nir. ami the iCiteheii. Every" thititr. in 'aot, to make a roMri.i.Ti: li'nv's IIikik. The Ladies Fnv'nto For 33 Yens Vo l.inri'.'tio ha Iioivi n'lle to compete with il. None nlto'imf it. :niKV iti-'fKlPTS 'or evc-'v 'lot':irrnont of a hou-.-ehold. These aP.no ai'o worth the price of llio lionk Mo'ii'l roiian-os no oilier Mapa.ine pives them i. r:th din in-lnia. 1)1: XWINf! r.K-:s Vs3 fou THE YOUNG Vnnil'.ei' irooi'il't- with I'ldov. 'Xl'IMVU. Tir, wonl'i iSf. year. Oilier t,'"r,v.',iti',s piOiliwl, old worn out mu sic : hut 'lie ".iliser:lnrs to Godey fret it be f.ive t he mil ic stores. (I i di n'iir for Ladies Another peoulinr il y with Goilov. ViisIi'iiti" from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & To., of New Yo'k. the millionaire, mer ch ints. npnenr in (lodey, the only maia zine il'at hn iheni. Lmlies' nnntt"ts. We give more of them inn ven-thnn any other magazine. In fnct the I ndv's Honk enables every ludy to be her own hotinof maker. iKsu ioci liaiismd, .4'rMS of "Alone," IMeti Path," Siile." "Xemesi." and 'Miriam," wri'es for Godey ench month, nnd for no other mnjrazino. A new novel by her will be publisl e 1 in lSHO. We liavo also re tained all our old and favorite contribu tor!. T V R MS O V GODEY'R LADY'S BOOK FOR 163- ( Frnm tehich there can he no Deviation. ) Tb Mlnwiuf5 are tho terms of the Lady's Bi ok for IMif): Out -copy, ono year $ 00 Two copies, one year 6 60 Three copies, one year 7 60 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an ertra copy to the pet son getting up the olub, making nz copies 14 0 F.ijihi copies one year, and nn cz'ra copy to tho one petting up the club lnakinp nine copies 21 0 Klevcn copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the one petting up the club, ninkinp twelve copies 27 50 rr,y.All additions to clubs at club rates. BfijuOodey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of SI CO. Bj7XWo have no club with any other mapn7.ine or newspaper. Rt 5 The mnneft must all bt lent at one time for any of the rlttli. fVfy-f'nnadu subscribers must sejd 24 cents additional fo. each subscriber. 4riil I,. 4. (JODI Y. A". F. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Slreett Philadelphia Pa, . Ci f f41Ter Year! P " 'want asients to sell our Improved S'-O Sewing Machines. Three new kinds Under an J upper feed. Wnr ranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The oxi.y machines sold in United tales for less than $10 which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler Wilson, Grover J- Baker, Siwer $ Co. , and haeheldcr All othercheap machines are infrinyementt and tho teller or uner are liable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine, F O U T Z'S v. Horse and Cattle PowflBrs. Thi nreparntlon. long and tavurabljr knuwn, will thor oiifilily mnvtgorat Lrokn-down and low-ijiirited horsel, by itrenpthening and cleansing th toinach and InUa tinet. It Is a sure prt. vcntlve of all dit fara Incident to thli animal, inch u LUNO HL&SiVLRa, a r, L L O W W A TER, H EAVK8, COl'OHS, 1118 T E M P K K , FE VKHS, FOl'KDKK LOSS OF API'K TITE AND VITAL K.tKGV,4c. Ita ih Improve! th wind, lncreasi-a ttie appi'tlte- give a imootn and . gloai.v skln-aud ' tran -forms t li i miserable (kelcton Into a fine looking and mlrlud borae. To keepers or Cor tht preparation la tnraluaM. It Incieaaea Uie quanlny aud iuiimvet tho ouality oi tne milk, it tiaa bern proven by ac tual experiment l Increane the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make th butter firm and aweet. Iu fattening cattle.it gives them an appetite, loosena tlieir li l a e . ant makes them tnriv auch fUster. In all diseases of Swine, auch as Coughs, Ulcers la the Limits, Liver, kc, this article acts as a specific. uy putting from one-half a p:in.-r io a pupcr in a burrel of swill the above diseases will bu eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certaus preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. fries 26 Cents per Paper, o; 6 Paperi for II, PBEPAEED BY S. A. FOUTZ &; IIIIO.. AT TFEIH WIlOtFSUE BRIO AM) MFI)ICIH BRP0T. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For gale by Iiriigirista and tortkeejrs through out tht L'uited Biaies. "niu u. i.iuutuetures prices, by Rordwell& Messenger llidgway, Agents j for Elk county. iOyf) A. Month ! gents V ''wanted for m'x entirety new irticles. just out. Address O. T. QAREY, City BuildiU, Biddutord, Maine. vGnl-ly. TOORIIKAD HOUSE, Main St Allirookvillo Pa.,C. N. Kretz. Prop'r fa is house has been refitted aud furnish (d in a neat style, and is every way adapt! to the wsnt ofthe publie. v' A ri to sr The World's Story-Teller. "Ye Mirroure of P.oninnoc.' snydc he, "tdmllo showe yc pietonre nil Of pnlynnte knighte nmJlnyde faire, And pleasoiire bryphlc and love'n despnyre. And jealous witfhps and pnysnn rayre i And read it In ye worlde." saydo he. "From t'ourle lo tyicmnyde's hall!" Oi.ii Ballad lon. TIip Noxv York Til ENTY-EI ! Il T Mfrcurv H Y V, A In ciimnioticinu a New Year, which, uu. like ils launciliate predecessors, finds our whole pr"nt country blest with "Imppy rence nnd wide content." the proprietors of the Hoprcentntive American Literary Pnpcr beg leave to announce a glorious new intellectual banquet of iV;)H'n'rr., UY'fiiiif Humor, JIi,mr Sl'irin, I'm try, Inhx nf atlirnlurr. ,'.... Eiititrrx, L'irnry Not'rr.S, j Etishinn tirtich'ft, flump. ! Curious and Interest hi' Vows. Vivacious 1 Feminine ('eri'espo'u'eri'p. Foroisn Letters. Instructive I'diiorials. Literature, for the Little ones. Talks nbout Art, New Dunks, I and the lU anin. etc. In fact tho Nt:w Yona Mr.nervT for 18f,0 will be so complete and exhaustive in nil the departments of choice rendinp. that those who subscribe for il will lake no other city paper the year through. To all it j "will seem to be, i Not one, but all press kinds epitome.," nnd will prove to every homo North, Smith Fast nnd West. a weekly visitor dispensing I the useful and the beautiful alike. rim BEST WRITERS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE, will be regular contributors to this lonir established and peerless literary m rrnr of the world. 4mong the host of preat numea added to its staff for lhe New Vei ma be mentioned : W, Gilmoro Pinims, M. A Karlis. "Cousin M. Carlton," Hev. J. II. Ineraham, J. II. Bobinson, Olive Logan, Tierce Kgan. M. E. Braddon, E.Z. C. Jud son, Harriet E. Prcscott, George Martial, nnd numerous other celebrities, who are now preparing literary gems for tho same col u nj ns Now is the time to subscribe for The New Yori Aleroury. as it will pommence the A'ew Year of 18'ifj with a magnificent posthumous novel from the pen of tho Late Prof. J. II Ingraliam. Anthor of "The Dancing Feather," "Prince ofthe House of David," Lnfiile. the Pi rate," &o., &., 'whoso wonderful powers in fiction have never been surpassed by auy living writer), entitled Mortimer; OR THE BANKRUPT'S HEIRESS. I A HOME BOMAVCK. i Also a brillant tale, illustrated, from the pen of Harriet K. Prescott. and a charming poem, beautifully illustrated, from the pen of the late George Arnold. , The New York Mebccry, with its forty ' columns of sterling original matter, will continue to be issued at six cents a copy, i and sold by all newsmen and periodical dealers in America. I To mail subscribers our terms are : Cash in advrnce: Single copies. $'J,50 a year ; three copies, $7; six copies, $13; nine copies. S'JC. The party who sends us $'20 for a club of nine copies will receive an additional copy free. Six months' sub scription received. Canada subscribers must send twenty cent9 extra for each sub scription, to pay the American postage. Subscribers should be careful to write plainly the name of their post-office, coun ty, and State. Specimen copies sent free to all applicants. Address OAULDWEI.L & WHITNEY, Vroprietort of the Nrw York Mfreurj' Nos. 48 Ann st. and 113 Fulton st. New York City. ggyProprietovs of newspapers giving the above Prospectus five or more insertions, with nn editorial notiee. will be entitled to have two copies of THE NEW YOIMC M',!! I'IKtY sent for one year to anv ml li-"ss they may indicate. v'inl-ly. IMIE MODI LPAr.LOi: 1 AMKKICA. MAGAZINE OF Dmorest's Monthly Mfgizine. Combines and presents the most intcres. tinp. useful, nnd attractive array of popu lar fentures ever offered ia a magazine, in cluding LAHGER & MORE COSTLY SI'EEL EN GRAVINGS Than are furnished iu any other O'ijiiuil Stoi irx oitil i'neins hy Aiis J.miiiiiit Author NEW AND VALUABLE MUSIC, By the most popular composers. AUCllITECTUltE If MODEL, COTTAGES, Willi diagrams. Fixe Poutraits of E.mixext Per sons. THE FASHIONS, In every department of Ladies' nd Chili lien's Dress, splendidly illustrated with unrivalled and model Fashion Plales and our usuitl FULL SIZE PATTEHNS, BItA.D AND EMHUOl DEltY. Also, Household mutters and lleeeipts, with Jennie June's Talks on Woman's Topics ; Yaris Corretpo'tdt nce ; Etc., Etc., Tojieiher with a constant succession of I . 1 1 1 1 i a 1 1 1 Nove'ties, all io Im finely and ar tislieally illustrated, and t Mngaiine to be printed on the finest pacer, and in a style for binding into a handsome volume fur the center table at the close of the year. Yearly. S.OO, with a set of Two beauti ful Parlor Steel Engravings, or a Package containing Two Dollars Wonh of Euru Full. size Patterns, nsa Premium io each. Subscriber. Each additional Suh.-crher, when sent in Clubs. $2.5"; Three Cuiies for S7.60; Five copies for $12: Ten copies, for S22 i with the Premium to each sub scriber. Address W. JFNN1NGSDEM0RF.T, 473 Broadway, New York. Single copies mailed free on receipt of price. Back Numbers, as specimens, 10 cents. Splendid Premiums are offered for Clubs, consisting of Gold Pens, Albums, yenrlv subscriptions to the best Magazines. Web ster's Large Dictionary, Clothes-Wringers, Music-X'oxes, Melodeons, Pew'ng Ma chines, Pianos, etc, eto. Anybody can easilv secure one ofthe abovo Premiumi. vRnl-Jj". New Arrangement! TREMENDOUS RTTS11 TO TUB New Store of CENTR FAILLE, ELK CO. PA ZW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING THE PEOPLE Awake to their Interest ! A manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging "GREEN BACK.3 ' for Gaods. All the Domesti Cotton Goods are high. Custome. s, on) and all exclaim ! How Cheap i our Dress Good AllS 'y ttock consists of D v y Goods. flats & Cpas, Groceries CLOTHING TIN WAKE, HARD WARE Oils and Paints, A. V 1 &:;VJ' W.-WWI. J,a-r. UaMI VMktM 01 $4 f7? raj Wooden Ware FIou It is useless for to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invite one nnd all. to drop iu, aud examine for themselves. r-TTTUitter, Eggs, Potatoes, Graiu II ides, Calfskins and all eouutry produoe taken at market price, for goods. Centreville, June 1st, 18G5. BL4XKSMITHING! The uudersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Uidgway aud vicinity, that he has built a new and commodious shop ou the East side of the street, leading to the P. & E. Haid lload Depot, where he will do all kinds of work with promptness aud ia the best stylo. He does not intend to be surpassed either in low prices or good work, lie, trusts that considerable ex. nerienco and prompt attention to tho business in person will 6ecure a liberal share of paying patronatre. SAMUEL STRICKLAND. Pidgty. Oct. 2Sth '6-tf sli&ji Lt& 5 lib I