THE LOCAL ADVOCATE. Tub 0 iimu ii. By reference to our I Bjvcrjij;ing columns, it will be seen llint THURSDAY, MAltCII 2Dth, ISM. I ' F,ition ns i,con proved t our " .... C.,urt of Common Plea for tho incnr- "I'lIK, t - .,- ,, Tu;,, nnrniiim 111 it ti jj ' 'hi "i i. ...... IP5" . i- ..... Eighth elicct liantl bill, 0f copies or $2.,r.O Quarter elicct hand-bill, 60 copies or less Ilnlf sheet hand-bill, f)0 copies or less $5,110 Full sheet hand-bill, f0 copies or lens $8,00. BLANKS. For any quantity under fire quires. $, 60 per quire ; on nil ntnnunts over that n reasonable reduction will be made. TERMS OF P APER. $1,50 per year in a'lvnnop f'J.OO if paid within the year, and $2,'i0 if not paid with in that time. is ii step in the right direction, long delayed hut "bettor late, than never." Wn'fcol it our dutv. as well as a picas. i ure. to say a pood woid in favor of this 1 project. Not that wc nro in favor of on Episcopal church, more tlinn any other ! church, but we arc decidedly favorable j to the erection of a church edifice, and i we tire not disposed to throw cola water j upon what promises to ho a successful attempt to iivc us one. merely because i wc like some other denomination better. Attention, COMPANY! TO THE Philadelphia Cheap Store ! Yrsi l'.ir flint flirt nitl-jfina r.P tn v.lnAA "wrC IT. Volk, is still at his old ' Pcrally will see the importance ol this stand in St. Mary's, where he would be and contribute liberally accor happy to have his customers give him a !1hc" mM"": Vnwto its sue II ' j cess. I lie aecomplishment of such an i object in Ridgway must of course de pend in a trrea measure upon the pen-crot-ity of its own citizens and largely DRY 000D8 & GROCERIES FOR THE Hf3)uThe Commissioners of Elk coun ty will meet at their office in llidgwav, on Friday the "Oth day of March. 18GG. JAS. K. P. HALL, Comm'rs Clerk. upon that portion of them (tho larger ) portion we fear) who "not liuvmg the I fear of Cod befoie the'n eyes," will bo j I prUIIipiUII Ulll.y UJ h-iiimii.h vuu.nHim- j PThe of Co partnership in the ho- 'tions. To these wc desire to address a tel business nt the H yde House, be. few words by way of showing, that even tween Moore & lioyington, has been dissolved. See advertisement. 'Persons visiting St Mary's, and wishincr to stnp at a co vl hotel, can-uiit themselves in that respect, by stop ping at either the St Mary's or Wash ingtou house. B3uSeo J. S. Ilydes new advertise ment in this issue. He keeps constant ly on hand a lane assortment of any. thing that man or woman may want. 1 Give him a call. HSyltwill be sccu by reference to our advertising columns, that Weis Brothers, of St. Mary's have just receiv ed a splendid assortment of everything useful. No one who has half an eye will fail to see their advertisement. ffcBy reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that Mr M'Bride, of St Mary's, advertises his stock in the Advocate; We would advise all wan ting anything in his line to give him a call. S&'J. S. Hyde advertises that he has some valuable lots for sale in the immediate vicinity of the railroad de pot. It strikes us that this would be a safe and profitable investing ut to per. sous desirous of getting rich. , 0"Bordwell & Messenger's Drug Store, is certainly an institution which should be patronized. The reader will see their advertisement, aud conclude that they must be doii; a good business, else how could they afford to advertise so extensively. BThc banking house of Culver, Pcun & Co .New York, has failed. They were largely interested in the oil regions, and thoir suspension will virtually cause a panic in that country. It is already rumored that several of the banks in Crawford and Venango couultes have iailed. B,Mr. J. K. Whitmore advertises Lis agency of Wheeler & Wilson's Sew. ing Machines. They have an established reputation and are the most popular family machines extant. To those desir ing to purchase, Mr. hitmore offers the inducement of furnishing them at New York and Philadelphia prices, thus saving to the purchaser the cost aud risks of transportation. 8Mrs. E. O. Clements has just started a new store, in the room former, ly occupied as a Railroad store ; and like a sensiblo person, advertises her stock in the Advocate. We call the attention of our lady readers, to one feat, ure connected with her store that will be hailed with delight by them. It is the millinery and uiantua making depart ment. This is under the charge of a lady every way competent to give entire satisfaction to customers. Fire. Tho Portland Mills wero en tirely consumed by fire on Sunday even, ing 25th inst. It appear that a fire had been built under the boilers for the purpose of thawing them out, so as to be iu order to run the mill the next day. By some means the fire was communica ted to tho wooden structure ot the mill, 1 and when discovered, the progress of the I accordina; to their mode of thinking, it I will pay. It will enhance the price of j property, and increase the population , and tho business of the place. The j erection of every good building tends to 1 advance the value of property. For instance, such a building as the resi j donee of Albert Willis. Esq., in a small ! place like Ridgway, virtually adds to the ! value of every other house in the town. ! How much more is this the case, where ! to the architectural beauties of the j building are added what is far more im. j portant the elevating influences of the church. Ridgway is unrival'ed tor the purity of its atmosphere and its water. Situated in the midst of the Alleghenies, we breathe the invigorating air of the i mountains, while almost every house iu town is supplied with water from run ' ninii fmntains. With these natural ad vantages in our fivor and the rapidly increasing development and population ot tho coal regions of the county, and the influx of wealth invited hither by the richness of our material resources, j what is there to prevent Ridtrway from becoming the social and business centre of the county. Alas, that truth com pels us to confess it, there has been. there is, but one cau e, we have no church. What man who loved his fani'ly would dare, what mother would ' consent, to move to a town, abounding with all tho snares that entrap the feet of youth, without the moral influences that counteract them. Again, give us a church and there is no reason, why Ridirway, for which Nature has done so , much, should not be a favorite summer ' resort, for the wealthier denizens of tho cities, who yearly leave the sultry con. fines of brick walls, and seek new life j and vigor in the recreations aud cooler ' climate of the mountains. Our woods j abound with game. Our streams are full of trout. We arc upon the line of: the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad. But j men will go where they can take their families, and we have no church. This i the reproach upon our fa'rninne which deprives ns of this source of pleasureand prufit. But these considerations impor tant as they are, sink into insignificance in comparison with the moral benefits to be derived from a church well sustained and well attended. Wo feel confident that if wo have a proper place for reli- gious service, it would be well suppor ted. Upon the risinsr generation the good influences of the change from a sabbath-breaking to a church going peo ple, could not but be salutary. We hope our people will view this matter favorably. We are informed that con siderable aid has been promised from abroad, when we shall take the initiative. We are glad to hear it. and it is but proper that we should do something ourselves before we ask other s tor assistance. We understand that the site selected for the church is upon the corner lot of Jlr. Souther's addition, at the eastern MRS- E O Clements, Begs leave to announce to the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity, that she has opened DRY GOODS & GROCERY STORE n the room formerly ocoupicd by Mr. Brooks as a Restaurant, GOOD NEWS: mww oobs. AT THE New Storo of WEIS DROTIIERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania. Successors to George Wets. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SrRIXQ SUMMER Silks, Morences, Poplins, Dclanes, Mohairs, Coburgs, Plain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints. White Goods of every de. scription. Flannels of all kinds, Ging ham, TicsingsSt Shirting iu great vaii ety. RIDGWAY, PENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find Opposite tixv. old Fountain House, where she has now on hand and for sale, a large and wel' selected stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, which she will sell As Cheap, for Cash. as any other store in Ridgway or Elk county. ALSO Has attached to her Store- a Millinery and Dress making estab lishment. Cutting and fitting of latest styles, done at REASONABLE PRICES V jADIES & c IIILDRENS Millinery Goods ; such as Bonnelts, Hats, Caps. Ribbons. Press and Bonnet trimmings of every description. Gloves and Hosiery, Spring and Summer Balmorals, Gents furnishing Goods of everv description, Cloths. Cassimeres, Tweeds. Sattinctts of all kinds, Hats, Cps and Clothing of better quality than any establishment in the county. Oil cloths, Glass Ware and Lamps, Boots and Shoes, a large assortment atalow figure. In Hard ware, our stock is com plete. We have Van. kee Notions, Hoop Skirts, and Mir. rors in great variety. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A largo stock of Flour, Pork, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Rice, Sugar, jj i: u o s t o n v. . BORDWELL & XIM U R, EEAMIIS DRUGS, MEDICINES. LAMP OIL, POINTS. LEAD, LUBRICATING OIL, TANNER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, VARNISH. BRUSHES, DYE. STUFFS, CONFECTIONERIES, RAISENH, CITRON WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS, VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGARS, PURE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL MKSSEXGEK, RIDGWAY, PA. HIDE'S STORES VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Tho undersigned has laid out a vil. lage upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be culled KLIi. Tho 1ms are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms Forthc first lot sold, $100. For the second lot sold. ?I1(J. Por the third lot sold, $120 and 60 oa increasing io, price as lots arc sold. HS&, First purchasers got tho chuicc lots at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent ut the purchase money must Ijc puirl at tho time of the application. .Applications will bo made to Jcha G. Hall, Esq., Ridgwav, Pa. J. S. HYDE. r.idgway, mar,29'Cu-if. AMONG THli WHEELER & WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. Tho under signed having been appointed Solo Agent, for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk ccuniy. He'keeps oa assortment constantly on hand. Machints ( sold at Phil adclphia and New Yor'.t prices. Any parties desirous ol obtaining tiier.i ca" address J. K. WHITMOKE. March 29'00-ly. at Ridgway, Pa. Most Comple e AND BEST APPOINTED Salt, Lard, terminus ot Mam street, this is cer tainly a verj pleasant location. Swabtz Li-cas By C. It. Fuller Esq., on the 18th insiant, at the Exchange Hotel, in Ridgway; Mr. Wm. Swarti, to Mrs. ianny Lucas, both of Spring Creek town shin, this county. be overcome. Houk Kesy On the same evening, by the She invites, one and all to give her call AND SEE FOR TIIEMSEL VES. Oil, Whale Oil, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAP OF ALL KINDS. mi 1 1 . - - r. inese mins it is Mia cost $ou,UUU in their construction. They were owned by Breeden & Co. No Insurance. Fatal Accident. Oa Thursday March 15th whilst rolling logs into Trout Run in Jay Townihip, this coun ty, Mr- Lynch, late from Canada, came to his death by a number of logs rolling over hit, body, killing him instantly. His body was taken to Canada for inter ment. At the same time, a man named Dwyer, from tho same Province, suffered a compound comminuted frac tare of the thigh, and is lying jn a criti- j cal condition at the house of Mr. Robi am, near tho place of accident, bnt ' hopes of his life are entertained by his ! friends. 1 SQrKeep your feet dry, wear crood hoes, keep them well stuffed with oil, Mar-29'CU ly ,i ii j., , ., 'i ouu weiuiieuueu, uuu men ii same, at Ins resilience. Mr. Levis T. Houk, to Miss Maggie Kesy, both of Kidgway. Jonks Spenckb ISy the same on, on the ( 19th instant, at the llyJo House iu Ridg . way, Mr. Jessie Jones, to Mrs. Marian Spencer, both of Kidgway. j Sadlsbuby Wasson By the same, at the house of the brides father, in Spring Creek township, on the --ml, Mr. Jerome Salsbury, to Miss Delilah Wasvon. all of Spring Creek township, this county. NEW ADVER TISE MENTS. ("T-n7VOLKr Manufa cuirer &Pealcr in j Lager Peer, opposi te the It'iilruaJ Depot, Saint Mary's, Elk county, Pa. uiar9'6ti-ly. WASHINGTON IIOUSR. St. Mary's, Elk county Pa., fcilward llabel Pro prietor. This bouse is new atil and tilted up with especial care for I he convenience of guests, tiood btabhng attached. In short, we have everything needed for laniilv use. CLEMENTS., Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, es of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. DISSOLUTION OF CO PART NERSHIP. The Co-partnership heretofore existing between Moore & Pny ington, of the Hyde House, has this day March IStli. boon dissolved, by mutual con sent. The business will still continue at tho same place by M. V. Moore. M. V. MOORE. E. ROY1NGTON. Mar-22'GG-tf. IN THE COUNTRY, MRS E- 0 Main St., Ridgway, Elk County Pa. i DM1NI3TR ATOR'S SALlI-By virtue of nil order of the Orphan's w Court of Elk County. th undersigned guardian of the minor clli'dren of Joseph Ditsch deceased, will on tno ".'Hth day of April next at the FrAukliu House in the borough of Si. Mary's in m'd county ex pose 'n sale at public miction 'oilie higtieai and bct bidder the following desci ibed real estate vij All that certain triot of land situate in Ilenziiigor township Elk Coumy Pennsyl vania, known as lot or Farm Number seven (7) on Kenzinzer Itnsd : nounded on the trE BUY OUIt STOCK directly from tho Manufacturer and there fore wo can ufford to sell cheaper than any other establishment iu Elk county. AND THE PLACES TO GET NOTICE : Whereas letters of Adminis tration have been granted to the unders ign. ed, upon the cstnte of Willoughby M, Red line, late of Spring Creek township. Elk county, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to make, th em known, and all persons owing said estate are requested to make payment to D. L. SWARTS. Arroyo P. O., Spring Crock (p.. Elk Co., Pa. February, 21st 1800. Cw. 17XECUTOHS NOTICE. WHEKEA." J Letters Testamentary upon tho Estato of E- B. Dougherty, doe'd., have this day been granted to the undersigned. All per sons baring claims "against the cstalo will present them duly authenticated, and all per sons indebted to said estate will make pav ment, to SUS.4N 15. DOUGHERTY, Ex'x, n Ridgway, Pa. Mar-6'CG-6w. IXECUTORS NOTICE. WHEREAS, J Letters Testamentary upon the Esiato of WolfgangSuhluttenhoii'pr hiteof Beuzing er township. Elk county dee'd, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons in debled to tho said estate, aro requested t- make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them duly autiienticated fur settlement to THUS. S ?HLUTTEN HOFFER, FRAN. SCHLUT TENHOFFER, Executors. mar-5"00-w. Good Hargaiiis South by itanzinffcr lloid on r lie East by I1 land of one Ku itzinger. on the West by laud J you are ! ii'V XllDVta llii'ri'r t V W ELLEN- VIL piiiiti- Cold.3, use Coe'g Cough li tlsaiu to cure j y Pa-. This house is'new nndfitied up with it. It will do it every time. especial care, for the cenveuience and It is ah.3 important that our readers ?I0'"!0,"t of Pu'!". at .moderate rates. Free -.,,1,1.11 V.n- ft,,. r- n.. . . iiaeK, io aim nom the Depot. Good sta bling attached. (mar i'j't)6-1y. T) It ACTIO AL CLOCK & should all know that Coe's Dyspepsia Cure is reliable, and certain to cure the worst cases of Dyspepsia; a tcaspoonful a day of it will enable the most confirmed dyspeptic to eat any thine; he chooses without trouble. It is an exoellent remedy for any disease of the stomach ,or ihe bowels. WATCH. ,1 MAKER SI. MAItVS, ELK county, ra.. iidward McUr-de, keeps coa staully on hand and for sale. Watches, Clo-Jks, and Jewelry of ad descriptions. $tg Repairing neatly executed, and done en short nviee and reviM-) r-n-". of A. Bobenrith and on the North by land ' t,.w,l- nH r,rir-a ' of Ign. Garner, Containing sixty two and , r ,. one half acers and being the same laud purchased of M. l!cnzing?r & John Krch bach by articles of agreement on the Uth , day of April A. D. IS 18 Said Hale to be made upon the following ' One third of the purchase mou-ty to I be paid on the confirmation of the Sale. ! the balance to be paid in two equal annual ' installments wiih interest to be secured by ' bond and mortgages upon the premises or in such other way as may be required cy the undersigned. ADAM JESBERGER, Guardian. mar CO'CS Ct. HE PUBLIC are respectfully in- vtted to call and examine our Whether they wish i ro ouy or not, lor we ciaitu to nave one I of the most complete stocks and the finest STORE io the county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the county. Whs B ROTIIERS. St. MaryV, March 10th Q6. NOTICE. Letters of Administration haT ing been granted to the undersigned, upon the estate of J. C. Chapin, Esq., lato of Ridgway township deo'd. All priom knowing themselves indebted to slid estn-u arc requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims will present them duly autiienticated for settlement. fiidgway, Feb. 21st 'CiJ. J. POWELL. DISSOLUTION OF CO. PARTNERSHIP. The Co partnership heretofore eating and tradine as the firm of Houk fi M'Veat., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The hooks and accounts of said firm will re main at the old stand and be settled by .1. V. Honk. All persons knowing themelvcs in debted to said firm, are requested to call and make immediate payment. 7ho busi ness will still conticuo at tho same n!m. J. V. HOUK, Ridgway. Feb. 21st 'CO. C. M'VEAN. CALL& SEE! March Mth,166-1y. In the matterof tho Tu-I ! corporation of "The Rector Is F.i.k corsr Churchwardens and vostry- y ty. Com Tien men of Grace church," j No. I -TV.. Ridg-ay, Pa. J Term 1AC6. In pursunnoe of an order mido ii th above entitled case, March fith lfod an I notice is hereby given that the arti.-ies o;" association have been filed in the office o. the Prolhonotary of the court of common Pleas of Elk county, and will bo presume I for trial confirmation at tho nsxt form o. said eourt, to he held in the Ooai-t TI.miio iu Ridgway on the third d iy of Tulv nTi. GEO. A. RATH RUN". RHjwiy Mr-h "tVVJ. D'Vy tVV.