Vv";'"- ritnisDAV, VAKCrxnu, i.saa. jour J. V. C. 1I.H.I. KPlTtlTl A l'nul'KlLTbll. moukl, i'vbi.siu'R. T5S IMrMTEC!. MTl'i rlO" The great defect in tlio working ol the American f jeteni is, that the ma jority of men think, net and vote necor. ding to their prejudices, and nut socor. ding to conclusions resulting from a careful consideration of tho nuestions I and he tells us that there is but one is ntill mnio increased, that there should hellions South enjoying republican gov. he such a diversity of opinion. Mr. Johnson has noted unon his policy ti the full extent of his power, ami under his instruelions state governments have hern organized in every Southern Slate, y.4!,v,nit:on. In taking leave of I lie patrons of the submiiteJ to them. Thi is in a great measure owing 1o education. Two neighbors live side by side equal in Apvocate, I tender them my sincere ! .,;,, t f intelligence, and having identi. thanks tor their unilbrm cuti.-ideration - , : , , ' n ,Muca ios,.,,, ,,r thins lacking ,0 i''';o the restoration complete, and that is the admission of the representatives of those States to (lonsrresM. Tt is evident and will be ac- . . i ... 11,.. .... rfcelinns in t tie I itmnviai, nuici ion with ii, j'3 not. They ditler simply because .oit lor whicii I am not wholly Tcspuiisi- I their fathers differed before them, and Vie, ns will appear whn L ttato tho , ,,,,;,. ci,;;,rer, j;(t,t n'!f!r (iu,m 1110 acknowledge many iiiiperf tmner during tnv ei'iine. crnuionts, while tho loyal Ninth would he anti.republican. Now, candidly, dues it not nppeir improper to thrust upon the South negro suffrage, while we repudiato it ourselves, more especially when wo consider how far above the ne. proes of the South the neproc$ of the North are in point of intelligence. I" it intended as a ptinishnieut ? Tho vin. dictive may triumph over o fallen cne- iwth no belter reason, rut ty nffiliatinns create partisan ties and partisan antipa- ll.,na c n.'n..... ... rt flint tl.nil fA' I vim. r., ci'.i 117 i'ili'. "iiiu i.iin i in y ... ten drag thinking men into conflict wilh their convictions, while the un knowledged by every candid man that m?. nml ''"light, in inflicting upon them speedy restoration is a result which n odious system in revenge, but to no. must be highly beneficial not only to ble minds revenue is not sweet. Besides those States more directly interes'ed- ' we '""V t repulsive measures up. but also to the whole country. This is on whole communities, of which the loy to b- derived in many ways. The re 1,1 hnnMr.ds who emigrate from the tnm r,f law and order to that, portion of Worm will loim n part, and they th . 1 j. . i... mi X'.-- J-. "la.1 THE L41T OP EVIDENCE. TnnouuH the kindness of Hon. C. T'i. Earlcy. H. U , we are favored with a copy of tho House bill entitled "An Act relating to the law of evidence," which provides that hereafter, interest in tho event of any action or proceed- ing pending in any Court of Justice. THE M il III: It Tit IDE. We havo every reason to believe, that lumber will this spring brins; to our manufacturers who fell in the markets ot tho Ohio river, remunerative prices. The restoration of peace and tho pro pectof a completeand early rcstoratiou of the Union, inspire the dealer? in those shall not render the person incompetent I markets with the hope that, their field of as a witness ; provided that no person ( operations will be much larger and the charged with a criminal offence shall demand much greater than at any pre. bo competent or compellable to give . vious time. The replacement of the evidence for or against himcclf and pre- buildings, railroads and other improve serving tho present rule in regard to meets destroyed by tho war, iu the husband and wife. With nil due re- Southern section of our country, will speet to tho gentlemen elected by the certainly require a large Bupply. Two people to represent them in General sources of supply have heretofore been Assembly we. beg leave to Mate, that competing in those markets, Canada and in our opinion, innovations upon the tlie country watered by the Allegheny common law are becoming altogether river and its tributaries. During too frequenf. I he power or tne nanot Ist summer it was alleged that lumber box is great, but so surMy as "there is no cnj t,e furnished irom Canada via f ifto Iluntu? the iiruiitur part ol time we labored under great disadvan tages in the way of transportation. Very often we would no' get our paper for weeks after it should have arrived, (hir mails also were very irregular. Siuce the opening of the Huiiivad, it is true these causes have not occurred, but 'lining the past year, almost, constant tidiness in my family has prevented me from performing (ally my duties to the public. During ihe greater part of the winter I have been confined to my bouse, tind the hand of disease has pressed so heavily upon me that I have been una ble to write, tnv mechanical worK i" r u l . xr. , , ..y in Pennsylvania, while Lancas ! ....,,.,. vnxM he carried thither, thm in good faith . We have been sat- P!7isl8tures are never content to leave Canada, cannot but have a beneficial ef. these laeis oeioie loiui i i.u ... (.v... i..;.i .. t.:j ' ' . . .. .... : i . n ..i ..... .i. ... ...v i ... l i v.. . i t .v. t...v j. w. Hi. i (.h'trit'ib'v iiui"' niv ' ijms Miosnut, mm liiu nuiiic niun hnt was if ft wou'H enseqnenny is n-'i niniig i mi suco ooji-cious were wen ennuun umur. um. in..-. itoi uic iuuiiht uuc, . ' " t..' ,.. : a.:m . . . ...... ... . ... .u.: .-.nborinr- nt th law tinder the spur of tha Penian ereitement. The warlike ll not aoOfeiner. lo hu uui uinc uiuiciii aasiuiu nicir urt.at ..n. -- - . ----- - - ti. I l,k,-r,,.,, Tf Ju the present ideas nt progress, i ney demonstrations ot the Irish Krotnernooa, , ... ... .. .M..l t. OUT UUUW . .1 1 Ill lillT HUH UHHI ' I"" - ,1, ' l 1 1 . , . en t : i suffer ns inneh trnni thoir nnorntion na i rnvnl road to learning. 80 surely the Clnean'O. or thn I.nnisvillo market at 1 1 ti ion opens a moe ueiu ior uim. , - i , . . -.,. . - --- -- .... .i ,i ;0f ' tbns- who bavo been deemxst in tho 1 snnra-es nr a u,ilJ 1 ,. , cneapcr rates man we eouia iurnisn u. cration, improvement and the invest- those who havo been deepest in the, vf,.w non n eand date sniu ; i. .:.: f Tf:. mentof capital. A rapid emigration ' crime ot rebellion. picpss of le-al knowledge. It is hard- rn(.;tv Treaty, which exnired on the thinking but follow their accustomed I fl.mn t nrtn t0 the South would en. It is said that the people of tho J ly to be expected that men. the Piajority 17th of this month, Canada lumber U lenders as the disciplined soldier obeys ' diminiMiino- tlto number of labor- South are still animated by a spirit ot i or whom hnve never mn'lc tlie law an subject to a duty, which strips it ot any the mandate, of his superior, with 'hm lind in'the sam, ratio inercas. treason, and that their submission is on ccal study. .M J nldr, to d,s- advr.ntage it may have had heretofore ,. ,.,r ... . l4 ... i ers nert, au i io me . cover defects in those long settled rules and no competition can come from that muchiiidiherenccastotheri-htorjuslice.,,..,,... the fewer the la- ly fe.gned. With candid men it is only ,l0n w,;ch the best jurists of past years quarter which will prevent our lumber of the contest. And so majorities run ,nrpr:j tne higher the wages. while nt necessary to oppose to this objection have been centent to rest ihcir cases, from bringing paying prices. Another for generations with hardly any percep. j t1l() Mm(1 ,lllo ti,n fiP),i fT the invest, the testimony of President Johnson and without a thmizht that the course of rnater which is creatiug quite an excite- tiblc change. Berks is still, as it has ! ''.' r ,nT,itai wnnld be so enlarged Genenl Grant who say that thn is not justice was interrupted in its even flow ment generally at.d is of personal and . i. i. .. i. ! i, ..... i ., . ... : . ....... "... hv those very rules mat were. s wen aneeia interest to a lame portion oi our Vi hi" . H"-,:,,Ir "0-!thtn great proportion of our surplus true that they have accepted the sit.ua. kJnown and trled. Yet it is true that cj,iz,ns as well as to our neighbors of hliortcomingo. My own siekui ss has i ot a population, ever since And Mason j,e r.ri nP-rer, il'not altogether. d. Auain. been to protracted that I have cmsid. ry was born to its ephemeral existence. CqU;x-;d,.nt with gold ered it my duty u yon, to transfer the ! 1)(IS bccn the GibraUcr 0f theoppositior.. wnnts f ,he South are never seem to think that pro-t ess may have filled the "'Kanucks" with such . i t. ... i ti. .-n r.nwt t(l l) )C w ni:s-u utuu " i naiile him 'o i'.ive it more and better nttention. Ofhim who v. ill cntrul it in the future, it would be superfluous to or the many obligations I am under to yon, allow me to solicit for my successor 'the patronage you so kinr.lv bestowed upon me. ' 1. W. B.UtRETT. TO TJiF: I'l OPLK. The undersigned, in assuming tho rnntrol of the Anvoc.VTE. is animated are many, and must rem tins in any person's mind on this . , b merely a retrou'rade movement, nnnrehensions. that all business there, is 1'ut occasionally, radical differences be- he sutiplied by Northern manufacturers subject it ought to be removed, since but so there is motion at all. whether paralvzed. We apprehend very littlo tween the leaders, disorganizes the proving a source of we ilth to our seo the proceedings in the Senate ol the forwards or backwards, i. is all the sam shipping of lumber or anything elso party, weakens its hold unon the Intel ion All these results necessarily flow United Stateson the 16th instant, on the to them The srcroftampmns wjth will b. indulged in by them, until their I UUfO Hill PCI IIC-JI I Hi 1 " ' " " Ul 1 C'1 ll;s"lJ luvi v, u-vn.vi , is apparent The continuing decline of gold will believe that 0f course to some extent depreciate tho vidence. jus- price of lumber. But it will abo lessen toward each olher.Rre suddenly brown t Mesao in Europe, A meriam tecurttiei their incorporating certain provisions in tice is ordinarily quite as wen serveu as the price ot every other commodity, r .. .. . . . .. ... . . 1 I. a ,1,A ,.n.Antnnnt nrAVfll Hll It.... L!l. f.A. nm mnn U .ollAlliaH ineir constitutions, cniei oi wnica is - . - .j--- in tho future, it would nc supcri.uous to party. weaKens its hold nnnn tlie intel tion. All these results necessarily now i imun oiuiraimiuo iuui luauiu.uu me .....-. , speak. Ile.b well known to yon and the j SQnt niemhers. while those who had from our speed v aooption of the Presi- introduction of Senator Stewait's reso. .J i-ict tla-ut l.o is toooitil 0iI;"l"'I:.: been blindly rushing on, beboldingtheir dent's policy. It is to be remembered lutioos which provide for restoration of t0 every iawyer, and wo bel rncnt'ands'ncw accustomed oracles in hostile at'itude too, that upon tho receipt of the Veto tho Southern States, immediately upon under the present rules of cvid Then too the proposed amendment is their actual, relative value willbogreat . ., i i f i -i ... ... . i i . i . fufiieient taiih in the lntelbareuce ol Ihe people of Klk County, to believe that our enterprise will be appreciated and the paper sustained. The Advocate will bo devoted to the interests of Klk county and the devel opemcut ot her resources, to a standstill, and forced, as 't were, to al vtinwi investigate the causes of discord, and While the radicals are a unit in oppo. univetsai suttrago. 1 nnfinin-the door wide for and inviting er. On the whole we think the nrosDect decide for themselves. Perhaps we sition to the foregoing view, they have These resolutions also, provide that j-rau,is and perj uries. But' it is not so very favorable. have stated this too broadly for even failed to unite upon any definite plan of upon the performance of these con. mUch against this one act that our ob- then a large proportion take sides more their own. The larger proportion of ditions. "a general larane shall le i" Tht'aTmXuTs rf"d oSla from nersonal consideration than from them, however, consider that notwith procmmcd m regard to all persons m in ,,nBf,ti ii imr tuws throuehout the country, too good to cut l Ot DIOOUy war lo .hik wwc . y v.. and pUt people all abroad as 0 wnilt uiihii. jui u-anusnu iiuil i iicn u"u. from going out of nectr-d witli wmel opposi'twn to the gov their rights, privileges and duties are. ers frequently and earnestly ask: What fore as a discord amon, the chiefs of a the Union, was crowned with victory, ernmenr or me L.nrea vares, wnouy x o d.p. . . ... . . , party intoxientod wi.h si.-ees, and yet they are ot, nevertheless. This exonerating thr.m frcm all pa,m, penal- J? "han fiftn years Their law cngraf ing. Tt is often the case that grown arrorrnnt with pnn-ev. rin'norities position seems to be token not so much r disabilities, to which the; may unsettled, and at one time as pruning should go along with grafting, rnrelv quarrel amon- themselves"! seems from any lo.eal deductions of reason as have bwrne tialk, by reason ofconnec. many different interpretations obtained The tops of the trees which have become tohaveatendencvto awaken the neo for the power it gives them to in. nose .& rebellion." These resolutions as there were judicial districts, until thick d matted bo , . . .niiii.i..i . uf-j the Dest anu most ceieormeu uuuunci v.. .uii.. urn ju. .u ....Ur.. Our forests pie to a nroner sense of the.r gnve res- terms non the St:.e before thm- Ipt show that they aro not so much afraid . , . one mount tho trcca rough shod, and by a desire to make it a first class conn- j ariV tlcdJpd opinion unon thn merits of standing four years i try paper. To succeed in this we need , (hp pnntrovnr p,,,,, cv(nts ,hpr. ' vpnt",he,e Rtates ft -your hearty co operation. i o have J i Wc believe ' and our mines will be sources of wealth pon'ibiliMes as sovereicrn voters and are them in. Snm tnke thn i-rnmd tlt the ex rebels after all, are really . Dur8Uedand the lcishiture wascom with ax and saw hack away at the lower .t . 11'. i. i all . . i t . 1 w a i Cnn -res has n r rht to ,i"fi-p who n im willing to adroit them again into Uon- I polled to introduce a statute to entirely limns ana tnose in tne interior, insioaa eniotr t'n. nriviWs of sufT-pw. This Ta9. but they do want them to allow abrogate the common law and substi- of this, thin out the old, decayed limbs. . . i- ..j tf mi I tnto nnaitivp pnnetments. in many re. cut out a few of the upper limbs as well are innriv to v is 'ei'in,.,.H,, ne..rro sunrago J ueso resolutions were I ' r -----... ,u t J r, tTin spects similar to tne ceienrmu vuuc "o i...,. ouu .j - 1 .... . . r . i . . . t f: u view, we bv 'he majority in Concries. O'hers well received by the radical portion of contend that Consrress has n richt to the Senate Henry Wilson exclaiming impose such terms as they see fit as con. "T am, for one. and I believe the country tor generauons fi come. u o 0Or,wf1K,ntiv flWed by n mor e. iiieiiavisiiuiiaiui-i.iuiiwiviiwuivvi.il- . . ty will teem with a busy popuhnion of b'-'btened exere.se of tbn.r dnrv Si.nb minors and manufacturers. It shall he n ra-s rems to have arrived and tWae our pleasant duty to demonstrate the yofleeliont have been snnwjtpd by the extent of these solid foundation of our . pvpopnt nf mrio uturo fn . pent . viVA.i , . Tint sihntion i snmnwlisit nnnninlmi ll Miilll 1)1! l'Ul Uim iti'' i'' 'ii,,-uii, i i m O li. l. II 4 onv rohimns uch a choice snl,.,:fiou of A maiorifv nf thn lender f th nnrtv ditions pmeedent to their arlmwion. is in favor of getting this whole question , : v. ;n" i- i ........ .. . . .. - v- ..-j:..s t.. .1.. f. on the basis of universal liberty, uni- nusceiiaueou. rcuooi-i in ...v. that elevated the I'risiront to nniror. at annn'ia "v , . .. ;,i .uff.nne an '"yy-"'''' welcome visitor m every v?r;nr,0 i,;ni on the -w !mnor mer prono-e bv -oereion Others seem J, ,imU'y The fear of the taiiiUj,. 1 J t i -il ructions of the fort ouestmn which em i-rUnti the to confine tetnsolres to obietion to the Southern whites then is all put on. as a Jmv jrotvrnhoTwr ' wiH bo con- nnWi- mind at th!. rorm of o- v-ro Treinenfs nl-.n Of these obieetinnsi pretext, for the support of their hobby iiaj, un , ' . i." i ... . .... , , . . , ai r n- Tf ; Tho great republican partv was or. servative. lnduh'in in cau lnl crilicism TV xeth manv of thorn in Vnttnr hoct'litw thi Tn-meKial ire thn following I' ,f . . ' . , r J ' , ,. , ii- i . ... anized upon an idea opposition of public ui'Mi and public m jasuros, but iri,m wT,;tP those n th mit who i,md that immediate restoration virtu- chatte glavery. Within a very in scurilous abuse. rie er. or.ncoed bis eVetion nrp loud md fcm nil v ol-nes the blieks under the power f0w years, its great, mission was accotn- With this brief reptesentation of ., ,. ,' , .P , , vbat the Amvocmk is to bs in the fit- nnstrotive in their snnnort i eerHinlv of their forme- misters, who bv learmla- plmhcd by the abolition ot slaveiy. ture wo 'commend it to your patron, not nn everr dov n.-envre-i-e in Am-iem tion and combinations, will fit their wa- Having performed its work the party iuri, luu"'1 ,M!rl .... , , ., vf ceases to have a common object, and age. JNO. (. HALL. poiltlo,. Thnt IVmnmi. shonld be tres so low as to place them in as abject bon, are frce t0 take s;(Jleg boisterous in their enthusiasm fo An- a condition ns before. His objection is the new issues that have since arisen, drew Johnson while thoro ia nnv bone well answered by President .TohnHon, in aR to them may seem riirht. Now come NEWS SUMMARY. The civil lights-bill, passed by Con gress, which assumes to give the general government power to regulate the rights and remedies of the p'jonle in the South ern Slates, for the purpose of affording lnoUr to b ppccial protection to the negroes, lias been vetoed bv the 1'resideiK. r Napoleon " in its stead. symmetry of the trc-e. In prattmg, te. Many objections might be brought gin at the top and renew about one third against this bill in terms, but we pro of the tree each year, pose to confine our remarks to but one Thegrnund will need renovating, al point, and that is the distinction made so, by plowing and manuring. Should between civil and criminal actions. In be done carefully, without barking the the fotmer, the man who sues for the trees or breaking their roots, we think it enforcement of a right, or thn recovery best ordinarily to merely scarify the sur. of a few dollars, is to be allowed to tes- fiee with a harrow, and to givo a good tify on his own behalf, whiln the defen- top dressing of barn yaid manure, com. dant, in the other, the man whom the posted with muck. lime, and wood ashes, judgment of the court may affect, to the When the trutks and limbs have be. extent of his property, his liberty or his come mossy, and so rough as to harbor life must hold his peace, to be convic insects of their egss, scrape them, and ted perhaps upon the testimony of the en wash them with weak lye or strong, only other party to whom the facts are soapsuds. A common whitewash brush known. Is this consonant with the will answer for applying this mixture, maxims that "a man i supposed to be Exchange. innocent until he is proved to be guilty" A . ., - .. . ir... xt t.o T7reorl. ; .lie r'lil ea I loader and attemnt to nso and mat "tne aw ureters ratner mat ten .uLTTVATlxrj r otatoes a cor Ot his nirl in their helnlt in tne eonimtr nis lamons vim.. -,-,,, . ... . - , , .. . . , . i a, r . n ,1 . . .. a.. ...i. Ir, trt ooeree their Inmior fr triiiltu shoiilil esenrii- than one lnnoeent resnonoent. nt thn l,ounlru lientleman A mnn's Bureau Bill. H t.kC!l tOft ' 1 J " " " K. ' T t. r , . . .... - elections is not strnnoo tlii tt,o rest .l.ii.t .T.ilwiion l.os written to K S. those )T,nt,-To, otnfe the tiro o-ret no Cleveland. Postmaster at Hartford. Con- litienl nnrties or rntlier tlie 1o,1er. of is our every day experience ij int.. thm new menanrn Th br nunisked. Lt. ent emen. we are savs. " I would advise new besrinners in enls shonl l endenror to elonk tbo,rn-ii oronnd. which to us seems unanswera- pr(,k;(-(,nt an(- a nmher of the best and to he subjected to change ; if the fouo- raisriig potatoes, not to be so particu im from tho cirne Eir.;tor l-.le, that the price nt lahor. nfo tne raost reSpeoted of the party, and we he- dation of law are to be torn up please iar about Jthe number of eyes the set ot motives, is to he erneeted So f-.r n price of anv tbinT else is regulat". hv ji0Ve majority ot tho masses of the save ug troin the long chrysates or trin- potatoes has, as the sizo oi tne piece. t,o1.ma of eimnlv and demand This republicans never advocated iMearo Sut. sition and uneei ta.n state enauren Dy A potatoo smaller tnan a turitey b egg, tne laws oi Mi.ipi.y an . - t . , - .. . e xt v I. i i .i ll i .1 .( inn,:n Ttif. r.verv trage. ana uever inoiiLini or maKing ll a ourncignoorH oi ;iuw i m . nu iiiuipg- ihiuhi never ue ucu wi jjiauuuj;. ' .f n( their erend. The. President has ino nt nnen in media res Strike boldlv si.n will miike fewer sets. Plant the TOWS nccticut, theso words '-Vour political them . thev re nrohlt- ennnll' entt'lo lumberman knows full well that a sear- 0ffnf;ainst this ladical programme, at the point which the most radical three teet apart, and the sets one foot ucti m in upholding my 'iieisures and !; u., m t w of hnls raises and a sunerabun. Tn this we think that all conservative hones to reach. in tho row. Ground that has the ma- policy u approved, lour resignation ; ' ... -a., j o. m-n without regard to former nartv af. As for ourself we are bv nature and nure Dlowed in tho fall will produce one- is, therefore, not accepted." Mr. Clove tor tnem-e-ves tne -.-i.- nance or inem ue,,. D - ; ,,.,,, ivfl him their "sunrort education conservative, and we are free third more, and of an evener size, than In truth, it is as ansurri regulate tho price of labor I as to attempt to resulate the price of j.eeping the states out and preventing a of a questionable improvement when to ral moisture of the ground, and the crop butter. The contrary of this objection complete restoration unless they can ac p,ain that improvement we rau-t be is tardier in sprouting." would b- neirer the truth Restoration complish their purpose, will produce dis launched upon a sea of change, at the ! brings with it, entemrise, improvement, content in the south, distrust and un- will of an irresponsible majority, to en ! jgy-We call the attention of our read- . , ' ' . certainty in the North, paralyzo the counter dangers whereof we know not. er3 to new advertisements in this paper, and prosperity in the s.mtn. such as if , j ener-ies of the neonle. have without chart or compass. Let the has never known Th st iple pro loots ft withering influense on the business ' Sulky Sister" still continue to bo gui- of thr- Soiiih are commanding enormous hopes of tho country, and depreciate the ded by those land marks by which for prices and will Hlfird ho payment of credit of our government securities ia centuries she has meted out her deci- ,. , ' . .i ,l i . Europe. We should consider the ques sions and all will be well, but remove high wige- in their growth and manu- , nrima tn ,v. tnnj mapte nnA wn miht us well The railroads, bridges and ... ., ., . ti . .,i,..i,i 0;,lo il. nrhor mnriin ; to our censure ' deeide for them -elves tho o-rot issue land is. stumping the state for James I'L j which has heen mn1 hotwoen the Pres. jMigliah. Democratic ( anUidate for ;,-Pnt , ,i,p T1;nols honest Covernor, who supports the President, ... , . , ., . . .. i , '. .i 1 r ii i men will f'eeide thnt issue ntterlv re. ti'iJ opposing (mil. Jos. It. llawley, j llepubliean candidate who supports the 1 Tarrllw of -.nrtv m-nevers for the nt. radicals. j tainment of tiower Tt is to siteh nnlv An exciting vote took place in the wo would nreent n few thon-hts ..Senate last week on the! right of Mr. With the bigoted whether he he rennh . I.. ... T.. ' .a P. V riocKiou, i ii:inoer.uic .enaior,inim .ev ,. , . , . . a i a rn , . , ., lienn or democrat, we waste no woros. He is joined tohis id'is let lln nlone. the wazes. men, without regard to former party at. As tor ourseit we are dv narure ana nure plowed in tne tan win prouuxe uu- to attempt to filiations should give him their support, educition conservative, and we are free third more, and of an evener size, than i a- It is the great question of the day. The to confesi that wo prefer the law as it that manured in spring and planted im- by legislation i t;on nf tne radical programme of is ascertained and settled than the chance mediately ; the manure absorbs the natu- Jersey, to bis seat. The vote stood M'i in bis favor to 21 against. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, republican, had paired off The President's rmsitinn as we un- with Mr. VU'ight, democrat, ot .New derstand it. is that the Southern Sntes Jersov who was absent, but Mr. Mor. . , , . . , ... ,,, , W n i a .i i i have alwavsheen and are to-dsy, ennstit. rill voted. Mr. .Stockton then voted uent inemoers ot tne tenerni nvprn. facture elusion on the merits. THE MARKETS. Ridoway. Pa., March 29, '66 FLOUR, per barrel, $9 50 to $12 PORK, per barrel, 33 maXIIQ WlIViT ror hnuhel towns destroyed during the war are to .,. the nartv platforms closely and "imorantia leaU nemne exrumt" and tvl, ' ' iii for himself, prtserviug the niajo.iity. ' , be rebuilt, und such a demand for labor support that whioh coinoides with our make ignorance of the law good as a rftR ner bushel Ss.mator Sninner has since moved to ment. find are as oneh entitled ns of ut remm, u.i . ui. ,p t(..l., ,i. : v... fl 'jUKS, per ousnei, o.l tV,o T.i.irM,.! l.v st.-il.inr, ..,t. thn eonrco t i .,.; 1 ,l..n. ! will be created, auording sucn remum.-.. MUCH'. Will w.-i..i- v. . - --j-, . . .1 : in , i i I " I vote ot Mr. iVdi-.ton. i of States. That the rebellion was in Another bill has passed our I egisla- (.ttpl by n) , t0 Mvo turo authorizing the l'hila lelphia Si , ,' ... ,.,.,, m, . Krielt. U. Co.iM.any to build branch these relations, which failed That l .ads, wherever they may ibink proper 'he loyal people massed themselves un iu the counties through which their line der the banner of their countrvin denial runs, and counties adjoining them. 0f r;,,ilt tf) fiPcej0 tj-h!lt ,1U, (he This bill omits the 4t h Hectiou of the . furuior bill objected to, by the Governor . . ,. , . , in his veto tnes.snac. Tho Legislature t0 arms to indicate tl.e;r assumed .has fixed the 12th day of April as the right to go out of the Union, the gen. day of adjournment. Tho Washington S''"r denies the re port that Lieut. Gen. Grant is shortly to tail for Europe in a vessel t i'ho provided by the Navy department. " Foreign advices indicate war betweou Austria and Prussia. The bone of con. tentiou i3 the tsrritory wrested from "Hen mark in the lite war in whiuli Au, li i-t and Pruasi.i wore ullios. The cattle diseaea known ns the Hiii.lernest, continuej to prevail in Eng. l.i.l. flic e.oitemut in Ccnl i over the ri'iiyp (.! F-svi'i i'tvuij-i. till e-.ij. oral government battling to maintain the inseparability of the States. This was the mighty issue dependant on the shock of contending armies. Tho issue has been decided tho effort of the Southern States to tro out failed, there fore, rays the President, they aro uw out. This plain statement seems so sen. sible and logical, that we can hardly re alize that there can bo any other view, and when ne consider the pra'.'tieal re. suits u hiuU would necessarily flow from fhe . 'l.-.titi on i.f ill's theory, our surprise utive prices that thousands after thous. amis wil' flock thither from the North To protect the blacks from this phan. torn of low wasies and malevolent dispo sitions of their former masters, which views, it voters wouia adopt tnismoae special piea in oar - OATS per bushel we should have a Miter and stronger , of QiyWa BUCKWHEAT, per bushel, government, and the great defect ,n the Q CLOV EUSEED, per bushel, American system would be remedied. to pJease pMo ftnd wfl TIM0THY SEED, per bushel, . ,. would advise any person wanting a POTATOES, per bushel, Strwe uaa nopeu to present in vuis maaz;ne t0 seud for Godey's Address. ON ION'S, per bushel, conjured up, they propose to arm them with the right of suffrage. This prop osition imposes conditions on the South thus restored would not ba a Ut-ion of equal States. In support of this, it is aigued that wo have a tight to guaran tee a republican form of government, and a republican form of government under radical ideas, is a government which allows universal suffrage Hut there is not a sinirlc Stale of the Noi'h 1 25 1 60 05 1 50 10 OQ lC 1 7S 2 50 3 0? 50 8J 15, CO week's issue of tho Advocate an arti- t an,iv V R. Corner 6th and BEANS, ner bushel. the imagination ot the radicals have j cle on the ccwl deposits of this county, chestnut Sta., Philadelphia. Price S3, BUTTER, per pound, anu areiicrioumy uisujqju.uucu '"- - pcr yoar KtitiS, per dozen, iugoble todoso. It is a subject full of ' - - , e,4 II AY. per ton, interest and woi thy of study. In her . ir a,,,,,- u um sniVGLES. ner M.. 85 00 ta. 5 f ) ! coul after all, lies the principal wealth ber ot the (ameron reM a new paper 3 ( (1 not known: Bt the North, and the Union i of Elk county VJW ork !? credhaU , LUMBER, per M., $10 00 . V 30 UriUUUCUJUUU. ILI BC.rittl i I BvV-vBI IU1.U' t 1 who are thoroughly conversant with the and us editorials snow anility v;. m. subject to give us the benefit of their Dickinson, Esq.. is Editor We wish observations m a series 01 articles. 11 .usu,.,.0 -uw..--, ' " u..i en nn oa riO we succeed, we bhall probably furnish jig-The Republican State Convention Tjpp per harrel 818 50 to 20 00 the fiibt instalment of these papers next : raet at Ilarrisburg on Wednesday the yoitN per busht-i, 63 to (.:' week. !9th inst.and uominated Gen. John W. qat' DCr busbel' 43 to . . . I , il.,,,nrt- Wo ahull rvit'A t OA . . .n . . . . , a o en a- 4 1" ... 1.1 . a- ai. . . n ui;aiv lui iiu,ciua. am. " inr N v nA. nil . .1 i r , i 4 1 vocate toalunse number who are not tM proceedinga next week. j POTATOES, per bu. 85 to 1 C o..I..mK.o roLinif K!a nw.thn.l tn l.rinw tit J n (rnnt nf I HKAVS. RCr buabeL SI 75 tO 2 C 23 to 2 $2 20 ta 2 S Erie Pa., March 27th, 186ft. FLOUK, per barrel, 89 25 to 811 5-- PORK, ner barrel. Zt UU to w t . in- 1 'T I . ' o Erll D WUUIU IlliUim -" " ' . r hat iiduuts universal sullrage, and it olir r.r0inamnie to their notice, and ho- r,vorn that we have sent to the 1 BUTT Lll, per lb. they should succeed in their proposed 1 pjn?; that they will receive it favorably, east for a new stock of Job Tjpe, and j EGGS, per dozen, umeudiuent, they would leave the coun. aud unite with us in the attempt to , that we will hereafter ba prepared to do I SHORTS, per cwt. try iu the lingular condition nf tho re crdUtWs and useful paper. 1 1 tbe wrrk they may favor us with. TEED, per cwt.