rk"iiij-'"-ij THE ELK ADVOCATE Tns poculiar taint m infection which" we rail ficnoKi i.A lurki in the cunKtitutinnt cf piultiiudcs of mm. Jt cither produces or is produced by tin cn- - leeMcd, vitiaU'il ftnte . ii-.-. tit' the hlo-ul, wherein t7 -affidinpctcnt to mslum if WjfiiiTtlu: viliil forces in their --oJ-t li'ii ves the t v.-lent l,j fall into disorder ami The riTcifuloiis riiit;iii;iti!ilion in va- nuncd liy 'liion-urhil disease, lir Uordered ili;''-ti'n from unhealthy lire nir. Mtu mid. lilthy habit, sMUg vn-cs, and, nbovo till, 1 v 111 iiifoilidti. Whatever lo iis hereditary in tlie cnnstitiilinr.. "from parents to children untu fourth generation;" indeed, it : l:o rod of llim who says, ' I v ill l uitics rf tl.o fathers upon tlicir lie diseases it originates take 's, nci'ordinif to llio organs it tlic lung, Ki-rofuhi produce ,d finally Consumption; in tlie int;j which suppurate nnd lio ns sores; in the ttuniiich nnd I ,-,'ciiicnl- v. Inch produce indi- ypsiu, nnd liver complaints ; on live nnd cutaneous alleeiicms. I itijj tho nmo origin, require the viz., purilicatum and invignra-doo-.I. l'urifv tlie blood, nnd ,ig di? tempo! s leave you. With r corrupted lilood, you cannot , with that "hie of tlie flesh' t innot l.avo scrofulous dUease. ;r's Sarsaparilla d from the most t-Occlnnl nnti- liicul science lias discovered for I distemper, nnd for tho cure of : enuiiis. i nat it is t.ir supe vr romoilv vet devised, ii have irivon it a trial. That Ivirtucs truly extraordinary il tins class ot complaints, :von iiy tlie great multitude .ami remarkable cures it lowing diseases: Kinc'3 Loweinngs, minors, otehes and Sores, k Anthony s Eire, W, toughs Ironv 10 mugs, vvnite V?, Iieuralgia, vypnuis ana itMseases, Xc7 from that ecry one who can f n;.k to personal experience. Scion vital energies, mid thus leaves its wcliins far more tuhject toilucuo nnd its fatal results than me 1. tidily o ust'.tiaions. Hence it tends to ihnilcn. i'.r.d docs grcatlv shoiten, the r.vcriige duration of hmiian life. The van in. ol tam e of these considerations has led us to spend years in pcrlcciirg a remedy -which in ; di (jiii.te to its cure. '1 his we now !.( r to ti e puUie vmler the name of Avr.u't 8ai:ka!'ai:illa, nlll.oiiili it is composed of ingredients, soii.o of which exceed the Lest of SarwjHtnlia in nlteraiivu jiowcr. liy its iid you may protcd yoiii seli' 1'iiuii the Miller ing anil danger id' thesc(isoi(lers. l'urjie out tho fi.ul corruptions ttiat rot mid fester in the blood, l'urjie out the causes of di.-ease, and vigorous health will follow. I'.y iis pecu liar virtues this remedy Mimuhilcs the vital functions, niid thus CApels the distempers vhich link witiiin the system or burst out on nny pin t of it. We know ti e public have Leon deceived by liiany con. pounds of fr'naiurilla, tout promised mm ii nml did notl in,n ; but they vill neither he deceived :ior lisi..iointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, nml there remains no question of Vts suipas.-in' excellence for the cure of the jirlliotiiiK diseases it is intended to reach. Allhoutih under the same name, it is u very dillerent medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which has ever been jivuihtUc to them. AYEB'S CHERRY PECTORAL. The World's Grent Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of tho disease. .This has boon fo lonjr ued and so uni versally known, that we lived do no more than ussure the public that its quality is kept tip to the best it ever has been, and that it may he relied on to do all it has ever done, l'lejiured by it. .1. ('. Avkii & Co., J'l at lkal awl Aunljilival iitmists, Lowell. Mass.' Sold by all druggists every where. LinrJ 1'uii ImH7iYi:ai WALLIS IMI'KOVED lAGIC BALM. W H V P T 'I i: Ii V L I W I I. L I) O He imve Obstructions, allay lnflaiiinlion ."i. iliiaie I'erspiraiiiMi and Cneuhii ion, re 1 .ret i;iihii;re!iie:ils, and viialie ami si i PUil .'mil weakened parts lamp nnd Mil lions I'ulie, NeiVDin Head olio, I'.aracho, llui iis, Krfeioi, Touthaolic Sprains, liruises, to. ; and fur Sprains, Itiuisns, Galls, Heaves, llistemper, Jfc. in horses The Quickest relief b:r pain of any l'nin Killer n use. There is ie remedy that will net o proiuply in relieviiijr the ills enumerated sa the 'Jii'iij italm. which deserves lo re .eiv the liivurul I lie public. It is its own i ec , uai'-'iiilatioii. an I by the perforin nnce uf (ion 1 works, where it is known, now en joys tlie hijrhi'st repuiminn. l-,,r Plll,. ,y J. I'oell, hunk Jc M'Venn, Ki.lway l'a. Wholesale by Cai icrs IlalL, Warfeels I rug stores, I'.rio l'a. I I vSU L L' T 1 1 .V Of "cTM'A li T .Yi. ! S f'. SO 'lri: is licrehy jrivon, lli.it the Co- l'arinership l orcl itoie exist njr under the names oft'. I.uhr Co., nt St. .Mary's un 1 I'red SclKenin Co., ni Kersey, is dis solved since t lie first day of April last, l,y mutual consent. The buoks and iionuuin's .or both establisbini iiis will be let'l in .(he hands of Chas. Luhr Mury's for settle uiuut. chas. i.riu; jas. .s.m:i:iokr, k h u l scikkxixo. Mv, lSih lhC.'i. .SO I ICli. Tiic liuuks and iiccoiiins of Incob J. Storer Co.. mid Cloirh II. ienug ii Co.. of St Mary's, have been i nice 1 iu tlie h lads iil'iln, undersigned lor ei i Vinenl. Parties indebted to either of ,i-! above firnis. are iioiilied that their ao . pits imi-t bmi-ltled by juiyiuent to the (.iersg' cd. wii bin SO iluya. . lAl'ltlK .1. H I.AKELV. Atl'j for QKR1NU & CO. Jt STOIIKR ii CO. .i -'' ' " " ' FORWARD. M .1 11 C II ! 0:0 MARCH TUG I1T INTO H IPO WAY ALONG .VAIN S711MCT TO THE Old C h a p i n ft v W Vj W 4.l ' Where you will find n Medicines. Oils. Paints, Vamisli, ISriusfces. S t a t i o n u r y , WATCHES, WARUANTD ; PIMT.KWAUE, WAltKANTI-U; A I't'iii-nil assortment of Va rieties and Fancy Soaps. Violin Ftritijrs Perfutncries, Albums, Yankee Notins Lamp Oil by the barrel, Dye Stuff's. Iii!"4rti- meiits and hnjileiuentv paitaiu inrr to the imVG BUSINESS, tCc Pure Liquors, for Medical purposes, only. BORIiWEJJ, & MESSENGER. Ridgway, Aug. 17, 'G5. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER SHIP. ifi is hereby given, that the i heretofore existing uo itiiiiuy tvuntz utid Jjuij a, has this I dav been di.-solveJy mutual eoliiseDt ..c :.. j vii viiw Manila. I AMIIONY KUNTZ. JOHN KRL'GH. June 22d '(Jo 8t I'd. A f E W M U S I C "F U N E It A L 1 M A 1! CH TOT II E M E M -OKY OV ARRHAM LINCOLN," tJio .Martyr PresideDt, by Mrs. E. A. PARK II I'JIST, the popular composer The Home Jotiriiul says : "This is a fiue coinpcMtion, well worthy the reputation of its writer." Very solemn and im pressive I.O'.'O COPIES ARE ISSUED U EEKLY- Price 30 cents ; with vig nette of the PreoiJert, ol' cents. Mailed tree Publisher. HORACE WAT ERS, No. 481 Broadway, N. 1'. y OTICE Whereas, Letters Testa i mentary to the Estate ot Michae Ovel late of Jfy township Elk county (lee'd have hoeu orauted to the subscri. bors : All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make inimediiite payment; and thoso liaving claims against the same will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to JOHN RRR. Denezett tp., Elk county A. W GRAY, Jay tp. Elk couuty August 10th 1805. (jTRAY C.tTTLE Came to the V premises of the subscriber in Fos township, on or about the 20, ot April G V a red it white spotted cow. about 7 years old since had a calf, one rod steer about 1 year old. The owner is desired income lorward. prove property, pay charges, &c or otherwise they will be dis Osed ol as the law directs. Pox tp. Aug. 10, "(j.-), GEO FAUST. TO t'OSSOII'TIVl S ' Sufferers With Coxsumptiox AVi iiMA. Bronchitis, or auy disease ol the Throat or Lungs, will be cheer fully furnished, without chat-.o. with tho remedy by the use of which the Rkv. Ehw.mii A. Wilson, of Williamsburg, New Yolk, was completely restored to health, after haviuir suffered several years with that diead disease. Consump. lion. To (' otisiinititive sufferers, this remedy is worthy of an immediate trial. it win cost nothing, and may he the means of their perfect restoration. Those r!eirinLr the same will please d l du-ss Rkv. EDWARD A. WILSONJ 10') South Second Stieet. Williams-j burgh, Kings County, New York. TO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. j HE PITTSBURGH SANITARi' 1 SOLDIERS' LOME, under the eliaige of Dr. Cyrus King, an experi. eiiC'ed Army Surgeon, is now ( pen for the leceptiou of sick, Woiim'ciJ, maimed, and helpless soldier and sailors, PR HE KNl'ENSE. Applicants u-iil rrceief a I'cnnlt, by applying to any of I lie Directors, and bo admitted to the Home, provided their discharge papers are approved by the Surgeoo. R.C. LOO MIS, President. OKMSUV PHILLIPS. Secy. Thus. Bakewell, N. Holmes, W.S. Haven, Win. McGrccrv C W Batchelor, John att, Jno. W ChalfanU 0 L.B- Fe;tej-riiiin- New Arrangement! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE IV cw &tore of CKNTREVILLE, ELK CO. PA NEW coons DAILY ARRIVING THE PEOPLE Awake to their Interest 1 A manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging "gheen backs" lor Gaods. All the Poniestie Cotton Goods are ln'gh. Custome. s, od and all exclaim ! Ho-w Cheap our Dress Good ARE My stock consists of r y Good flats & Cjms. i I Cti lOfIio Tl tfV Ct 1 "T 'Ti 3 . ?t, Si CLOTHING TIN WAKE, . HARDWARE Oils and Paints, Wooden Ware Pork, Flou It is useless for to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invite oue and all. to drop iu, and examine for themselves. BSrP.utter, Eggs, Potatoes, Grain Hides, Calfskins and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. Centreville, June 1st, 18G5. Administrators Notice Letters of Administration have been granted in due form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. Mack upon the Estate of Kliidia .lAick, Late of Salem Mil de ceased. All persons having any claim against said Estate, ate requested lo present them duly authenticated for set tleinent. Auy person owing the Estate, are requested to muko payment forth with. WILLIAM MACK, K1minUtritor of the EUt of EtUhu -If, ti'i.U.inr h n ! ' i M QOLDIER IN THE ARMY O and our peop'e at homo Are 'now offeredun opportunity which thev fun obtain a GOOD & PURVIJLE TlMK-PIl K AT A VRY TOW FIGURK. ot'r WATCttRH rn waar rinc n 11 tieokeyear nnd the buyer is nllowed the Privilpcre of Kxarninnt.ion. BEFORE TAYtoKXT IS 11EQUIRET) Imprrvrtl Duplex in full Huby Artmn. A first class Hnntinn'Tiine-PMcc of Silver miiterinl. over which Is electro-fine plated 18 k. jrnhl, most durable wroutrht. mnkine the imitation eo fiiiltlexs that it cannot, be detected from Hie solid material by the most experienced judges : acids will not af ect it. London made inove'iicnt. Tjirnov .n Dt'rt,KX in fi'i.lbi'bv action, has sweep cconds, and isnjt to be excelled in general appearance, his is nEcinEnt.T one of the best ARTici-K! ever offered for traders nnd speculators. A'nRineers. Emigrants, and persons travelling, will find them superior toiiny other ; alteration of climate will not affect their accurney. Prise, pached in good hape and good running order, only $35, or rase of fi for $'20(1. SILVER DOUBLE TIE HUNTING LEV ER.", REST QUALITY PILVErt ASES. over which electro-fine nlnted IRk. gold, similar ti our Improved Duplex, and superior ad fnsted movements with "Stop," to be used 1 timing horses, cto. : has Four Indearesp nor Washington and flreenwic'i time, swee eeeond. and all the improvements. All in all. taking its beautiful nnd faultless ap pearance and its superior movement into consideration, we regnrd it as deeidedly the cheapest nrticle of the kind in the market. Price, in good runn'ng order, $S5 of case of 6 for $200. BwyWe ask no pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible par ties, fo nny part of the loyal States, with bill payable to exnreosmnn when the goods are delivered, giving the buyer the privil ege of examination, and, if mt satisfactory the watch can be retn-ncd at our "ipense The express companies ref .e making collections on sodier nnd other disloyal States, consequently all such orders must be accompanied by the cash lo insure nt tention. We make a deduction of two do lars on euner watch when the paymen n forwarded in advance. Money may be sent, by express at our ex pense. TITOS GAFPERTY k CO.. j 93 an 85 broad St., opposite City Band l'rof idence, R I k NOTICE. Letter of Admtnistra- toin have been granted to the under, sisroed uuou the estate of Lewis Hurt. late of Vernon. Oneida county New York and formerly of Elk county Pa., by tlle RcKister of k"5 county. All per- sons knowing themselves indebted to the estate are requested to make payment forthwith and any persons having claims ajainst the estate are requested to pie. sent them to the undersigned for settle- 1UCUI, TI. W. M ATI AN, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. Ridgway, June 22d, '65. Furniture. M ANFU ACTURER OF Modern autl An Ique rurul line. MAIN STREET. BROO.KV1LLE PEN N'A. Tcte-a tetes, " Sofas, Dfavans, Easy Chairs, Rooking Chairs, DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS. And Upholstered ware of all kinds, also Cain Chuirs, Cain Rocking Chairs. ! I n i j.. UU1UU1JU IV L XUUaUK UIIMIIIt. Tables, Stands, Rcaures. Light Stands, What-nots, Corner Stands, Wasii Standi, AVardrobes, Bookcases, kc. kc. ie. We gpare no pains in packing furni. ture so that it can be (dunned auv dis. tance without being injured. Do not i torgct the place. " UIIOWN S UrARE ROOMS. Deo. tilth 18Gl.-tf. To Consumptives. The under.-ig led having been restored to health iu a lew weeks, by a very sim ple remedy, after haviug suffered seve ral years with a 6evere lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make kuown to' his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of chaige ) with the directions for prepar ing and using the same, which they will find, a sure euro for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds. &c The only object of the advertiser in send. inr the Prescription is to benefit the afnictcd. ami snread informntinn u-hw-h I ho conceives to bo invaluable; and he hopes evpry sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost theiu nothing, and may pn ve a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription .will please address. IIkv. EDWARD A. WILSON, l(':li: L ir; Williauitbui ir :.... n New York. NOTICE Letters of Ad ministra tion rum trnlumi)ito unnexu, on the e late of Anthony Kuuiz. late of the bo ousjh of St. Jary's deceased, haviu heeu uranted to the undeisigned. A persons iudebted to said cs'ate are ro quested to make payment and thog having claims to present ihem withou delay to ADOLPII FOCIITM AN Volunteers and Conscirps I To solliersor nny others'wifliing to in crease their income, there fs no belter way lo doing so at thip time, than from the sale of our watches. Thky am WAhrantid as Rr.rnrsrsTFD ! 'Particularly valuable for officers in the Army and travelers." Frank Leslie's, Feb. 21. "Frettiest. best nnd cheapest, limenieces ' ever offered." JV. 1'. llluttrated Nim, Jan. iu. "Very pretty and durnble Watches for the rmy." N J". Army y tiary Jour (Gov ernment Organ,) Aug. 20. "One of the oldest and most reliable hous es in business." Louisville, Ky., Journal. July 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS Doing a Hunting or Open Face or Lady'sor Gentleman's Watch fnmchine, with Patent Self Winding Improvement a most Plenqinff Vf.vplfv. 1 "NE OF THE PRETTIEST. MOST CON- " VEXIENT. AND decidedlv the best and cheapest time piece for general and reliable use ever offered. It has within it and con nected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unne cessary. Th caf.es of this Wafch are com posed of two mct..!s, the outerone bcin fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved rubg ncnuii icTer movement, and is warranted ay accurate time-piece. Price snperblj enn graved, per case of half dozen. JSP4. tttn pie Watches in neat morocco bores, $35, SILVRW TFV7ri2 9! First CUss Hunting Time Pieces for accu racy of movement, beauty of material, nnd above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that it can hard y be detected by the mo experience, udgos. The material being of two metals, theouter one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is fierman Silver, it can not he recognised by cutting or heavy en, graving, making it. not in Bppenrnnce. but indnrability. the best resemblance of SOL Dl STIRLING SILVER in existence. The sale of these Watches in the Army is source of enormous profit, retailing, ag hey very readily do, nt $25 nnd upwards Many hundred dollars can h made in a sins gle pay day by any one of ordinary busines. j aeUAT WHOLESALE ONLY! In heavy ; hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good I unning order, by the half dozen, $72. Sold only by the case of sizl Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, we will eend watches by ex ! press lo any part of the loyal States, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers ngainst fraud, g'ving them their watches before payment is required. I Soldiers in the disloyal states must remit cash in apvance, as the erpres oompanies perrmpioritt refuses making collections in such dangerous localities. Remember, Cash in advance from within the army lines tn ehel slites I Weguarmlee the safe delivery all watches, wholhcr they are sent by mail Hubbard Bors., Sole Impor KEEVjS' amiTToTa FOR THE HAIR rilHIS KLEQANT HAIR DRESSING AKD -- wonderful Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, and is superseding all other prrpa. rations, not only in this country but also in Europe and houth Amenoa.- Thou, sands of bottles are annually used in the Court circles of Paris, London, St. Pe tersburgand Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is enormous. B REEVES' MA BROSIA is composed ofan oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of exquia ite perfumes. It effectually prevents the hair falling out, and causes it to grow rapidly, thick and .orig It makes the hair curl, and gives it 'a glossy appear ance. No toilet is complete without it. Price 75 cents per large bottle. Sold by dru-rgestsatid dealers in fancy poods in nil parts of the civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists in every city, and at REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, No. 62 Fulton St., New York. BLACKSMITHINQ ! The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to tho citizens of Ridgway and vicinity, that he has built a Dew and commodious shop on the East side of tho street, leading to the P. k E. Raid IWfl Depot, where he wjll do all kinds of work with promptness and in the best btylo. He does not intend to be surpassed either in low prices or good work. He trusts that considerable ex. perience and prompt attention to the business in person will secure a liberal share of paying pntronasro. SAMUEL STRICKLAND. Ridg,y, Oct. 28th '05. tf IF YOU WANT TO KNOW i NOTICE is hereby given, that one' Jacob Schriffer advertising in tbia no.1 per, under the head of Valuable Town Lots and Farms tor sale, has no authori ty to sell the 3 town lts and 25 acres of land in and near St. Mary's Borouih,as I am the sole owner, any sale made' of the same on any part thereof without my approval will not be vilid BOXEFATIUS SCHMOND St. Mary's, June 22d 'Co. Dr H Ander's Iodine Water. AN INVALUABLE 1MSCOVERV. A Full Grain of Iodine iu each ouuee of Water, Dissolve, without a Solvent The most powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative known. Serolula, Sail. Rheuin. Cancers, Rheumatism, Con sumption, uud many Chronic aud Here, ditary Diseases, are cured by its use, as thousands can testify. Circulars 8eut free. Price. ?1 per bottle, or 6 for PMfMTnFJ,S L .Pbn ;;. Attention : GREAT EXC1TEMEHT Ii kept up by the Daily Arrival op N e w Goodg AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store, Where he has on hand and for sal MEN k POY'S CLOTHING Dry &oods Ladies and Gent's Furnifhing- goods, LADIES DRESS GOODS, Ladies' nnd Cents' bawls, Sontagi, j jsreaktast Miawis, ..ubiai, Comforters, Scarf's, Hoods &t. Hats & Caps, loots & Shoes A very large nnd well selected SCCK of the bust ixade and vrarrniiied iu every rcspeet Groceries. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Ricb Ac.. Flour Salt, Pork. Connected with the above large stock ol , goods, you will fiud a large stock of Confectionary and Yankee Notions In great quantities and qualities. ftSTl say, to one and all, that mj stock is lull and complete, and will It sold at small prufitg. Givh me a call, before purchasing elsewliert. F. 11.