T II E ELK A D V 0 C A T E iioBallauce due fund Total 8K,t) 4.", l'r. Vox School 1'iiinl. To bal duo fund at hist set'mt S '.''. !2 do A nit reed" Horn unseated lands ti 42 Total Cr. By district receipt do Trcas com on S':4'2 Tlo Balance duo fund SUK' 34 R ;i f)2 l:? (j ::! Sioti ;S4 : I'und. m ,r)2 Or. Total lr. Fox School uiluini To bal duo fund Jan 2 'l!5 do Amt reed from unseated lands Total Cr. By dist Tieas receipt do Trcas com' on 07 per cent do Ballauco duo fund ?13." 4 10 !7 Total 5l3. Dr. Highland Bond Euni. To bal due. fund Jan. 2 '05 do Amt ot tax received 1 -- Total ?227 !j 8 125 00 2 5C 1 47 40 8227 4G 'und. S 237 50 21 M 8202 40 8 237 50 51 Cr. By order redeemed do Treas com on SI 25 00 2 per ct do Trea com' on S73 55 (Jr 2 per ct do Balauca due fund Total Dr. Highland ich To bal due fund .Jan 2 Co do Amt of taxes received Total Cr. By dist Tread receipts do Trcas cum' on S24 0(5 2 per cent do Balance due fund Total i. Dr. Jay Road Fund. To bal duo fund Jan. 2 '05 8 do Taxes received do Balanco duo Treasurer 24 4'5 40 03 43S 27 31 07 Total 8409 01 Cr. By orders redeemed $ 459 27 do Trcas com' ou 8-159 27 2 per coat 0 19 do Trcas com' ou $27 31 (") 2 perct 55 Total 8400 01 Dr. Jay School Fund. 'To bal due from Jan. 2 do Ami of taxes reed :5i 15 Total By orders redeemed 62i.5G 251 do Treas com on ?lf .'JO 2 tier ct do Bulauce due fund 80 15 00 Total Dr. Jones It ?1PJ 78 I'und. To Bal due fund Jan. '1 Ml do Aral reed from misdate J ta $ -J08 S410 S --' Total Cr. By orJcrs redeem e i do Treas coin on -''7 -SI 0i, - perct do Balance due iii'i-l Totul Pr. Join ? School Tumi. To bal due fund at 1-isi settlement do Amt uf uuseateJ Hues iv-j i i ISO $ 11 J S M Cr. By district fiu'.s receipt S do Trcas coin on S-'iO 8"jf., 'J per ct do Balance due fund So 1 1 CGI Total iJr. Ridav Bond 1'iiinl. To balancedue fund Jan. li '0-i ; Total $201 By oriel's redeemed S do Treas t-om on SJSl 'M per ct do Balanco due fund '231 i o S2C1 Total Dr. Unlaw iy To bul due fund Jou. 'ehool Fund : -Ho : St)" f3'.i7 Total Cr. By district Tren reenipt S Spring t'r.-ek R-it-d I'niid. To hal duo luud m Jan. 2 C'i ? SI Tota Cr. By orders redeemed uia TVenseoin cm j2o C4 do Balance due fund ?H Total s:;l 2i ' u in'.. I 51 24 1 51 24 1 5H 00 ct J 00 24 Dr. Sprins Creek Scho'il Funi1. To bal due irom Jan. 2 C Cr. By dist treas receipt do treas com on 5 I 0 "i do Balance due iuud CI 21 Jr. .St. Mary's 1'oaJ and Corporation Fund. To bal duo fund Ja G5 10 2,i do Amount of taxes reed do Halauce due Treasurer Total Cr. . 1$y Uoro Trcas reci 'u,t do Treas com on SJ.j ;')! ti, 4 ptrct 30 2.j 1 830 Total Dr. St. Mary's School l'unl. To Lai due futid at last sclin't 6 11 do Amt of taxes received 18 Cr. 15y district Treus receipt do Tmns coifi cm ?1S 554 (d) 4 20 lli per ct do Balance due fund Total Dr. Bounty Fund. To Amt taxes reed f'oni un. seated hinds To Amt red Irom collectors 73 2 01 829 50 8 831 45 8205 7! 80037 10 81HI5 IV 7100 00 4(55 41 1 45 lit I 43 SO 187 50 S00o7 10 id. 8 81 02 880 01 8 41 Total Cr. Ty amt duo Trcas at last set' do Bounty order redeemed do Interest un bounty orders do Trcas com ou 0037 1 0 at per ct do Trcas com on 87(50 58 at per ct co Balance due county Total J r. Jay Bounty Fur To amt taxes received Total Cr. j By Troas com ou 81 02 at 2 per ct do Balance due fund Total 80 01 880 01 Dr. St. Mary's Bounty Fund. To amt of taxes received 8 2 30 Total Cr. By tre.ns cgin on 2 30 do Balance due luud 8! 39 i 05 2 34 Total 82 30 I Dr. M'Kean. Klk, Forest & Clarion State Bond Fund. To atr,t of taxes reel Jones tp 1 75 do do do do do I lij-'hland I township 18 02 Total Cr. By treas com on 20 37 at 2 pur ct do Balance duo fund 820 8 41 io oo Total Dr. 820 37 Jones Bridtro Fund. To amt of taxes received Total Cr. By treas com on 175 at per ct, do balanco due fund Total 8 1 75 81 75 03 72 1 SI Cliarle3 Luhr Esq-, Treasurer in a--coiint w it ii t!io louimonweaitli of 4:1 Petmsylvania. Dr. To b-ilaucc diu; fund i"01 30 82 7S do do do taxes i ced from uuser.t ed lam's do cio 03 107(5 do col Total 81871 60 Cr. Jiy state treas receipt, do treas com on ls.l-S SO do balance duo fund M 83 r,i; Total Dr. Military Fund. To amt of taxes received do bal due at last nct'iut ,v 1J Total 104 54 Cr. 45 1 114 1G1 320 320 300 By amt of Relief fund S do treas com on 10154 do balance duo i'und I Tt,f:l1 Dr. Tavern License. To amt of Liceuse granted 00 (i2 CI) 71 oil Total Cr. By State treas receipts do trcas com ou 320 at 5 per ct 10 320 tVJ i Total Dr. LiiUor License. To Licenses ''runted :W DA 75 00 75 00 71 25 1-0 o'J Total Cr. By State trcas receipt do treas cum un 75 00 utSpcrct Total J r. Brewers Licenses. To Rtut of Licenses rrautcd 14 11 11 21 75 80 80 02 4 IS SO 21 I Total Cr. By state treas receipts 8 do 'j'reas com on 80 00 at 5 per cent do Dal due treas at former set as per And st'mt Feb. 27 '05 ol r.i Total i.'r. I'lilinsi Ilmi'-e Licenses. To amt of Licenses grauttJ Total CV. l!y state trcas receipt do Treas com on 00 00 ac 5 per cent. 8 HO 00 85 4 90 00 5-1 ! Tot-d lr. lletailcrs Licenses. 40 'fo amt of Licenses granted 2; 00 00 00 00 Total 233 $ 221 11 Cr. Hy state trcas receipt do Trcas com on per ct at o Total ii33 0 10 JJ4 We tbo undersigned Auditors an Commissioners of Klk county, havii! met at tVioTViiiiiiissioiierii office in Kid, S1S18 W 18 10 84 55 55171 (5'J 8 158 07 2 87 the foregoing nrcouu(3, lind them to be correct as stated. In witness whereof we have hereto set our hands the day and year above written. HKNUYD.DK II 11. JACOB M'CACLEV. CLARK A. WILCOX. Auditors. Attest : J.C. M'ALLTST Eil. And. Oik. LOUIS VOLMK1I, J. - TAYLOR, Commissioners A7iH' ES TAHLISUUEXT. JONN McCLERY & CO., T A.N.N KK AND CU It 111 KK Ccn;revil!e. Elk County Pennsylvania. Will keep constantly on haul, all kind id stock in their line. CASH PAID FOB HIDES. Joseph Witnlfidder of St. Mary's, will receive all kinds of hides and pay cash for the same, Ccntrevillo. Oct. 20th 05.-K. NOTICE The subscriber has the Aycney, tor the sale ol N F STONES' Patent. Saw Oiinin ei. Price S20 00. Recommended by the most prominent sawyers in the Western country, us the best in u-c toi Hie. practical sawyer. For further particulars apply by letter to Riduway P. ()., Klk Co , or in person to D. L. SWA UTS. Sprin- Creek. Elk Co., Fa. F I' ll N I T U II E STO 11 K . A lot of furniture ju-1 received and for sale, consistioi; in part of COMMON CHAIRS ROUND COU- NEH. KXOIi;SEi H.JIHTE VPS, Bound Corner, Panel -end B.;bsteals. Cherry Tables, W VSH ST VXDS kc. Also Wall Paper and Muslin Win dow Shades. An) thim; in the line of luriiitnro. furnished on short notice and reasonable, terms HOUR & M'VEAX. Bidgwav Pa., Jan. loth 1800. 1ROX IX THE BLOOD. The Peruvion Syrup supplies the blood with its Life Er.K.MEST IRON, iulus iritr Strength, Via'or, and New Life into the whole system. For Dyspepsia, Dropsy. Chronic Diarlwa, Debility Fe male Weakness, etc., it is a specific. Thousands have been changed by the use of this medicine from weak, sickly, sufl'erin creatures to strong, healthy, and happy men und women. A 32 pairo pamphlet sent Free. lVion 1 ner loittliv rtr ft f'nr J. P. DINSMORE, 80 Dev Ftreet, New York. I Sold by Driii'-ts nerally. NOTICE is hereby R'vcn, that a quantity ot los were carried on my I lands, on Bunu:-tts Branch, in lleneze.ttc j township, Elk Co. Pa., some time iu ! March 1805, bearing the lollowini; marks : Two rimjs, () T T O, diamond T in centre. A ti l'. II F ; Co . liarp, X I). E 8 8, TO M. A D. S X E.and other marks, not knowing the meanini; of them The owner or owners thereof are refuetei to prove property, pay al' cl arp's and take them away, otherwise they will he forfeited according to the limitation of the law. J JONES. Dec. 88d, '05 pd. Ttr-h ! lTcl7f Itch! I 00 1 02 02 54 j 00 00 00 ' Scriitcli ! 'crutch ! MTatch Wlicaton's Oiulinent Will Cure the Itch in 4 Hours. Also cures Salt Klicnti' ricer.-. ("nil of the Skin, by till druy- li!:iius, nii'l nil Krnitini)s I'riee 50 cents. Fur Mil ri-ts. I!y senJint: fiO cent tn Wl'.HKS & rOi'TKU. Sole Agents, 170 WVhini: tuti street. Uuston. Mttrs.. it will bo tor wai'iled by inail, free of postage, to any OH 00 I part, tit the I nite-1 .Stales. Sept. 1 8th 1805. lim. The World's Story-Teller. "Ye Mirroure of l'omniiae.' saycle he, "Simile sliowe ye pictoure all ; (If (rulyiinte kniglne ami lnyJe faire, Anil pk'a.soure bryglite ami love's ilespayrc, Aii'l jenlous wiglite anil poysou rayre ; An.l reii'l it l-i ye worhle," siiyilo lie, 'Fro.n Cuni'iu io tyreinayile'j hull I" Old Ballad 00 00 00 23 00 75 t)i InGO. Thf New York Mercury. T II E N T YE I ? II TU V E A It . In commencing a New Year, which, un. like, its iniiiiediiiie irc lceessura. tin. Is our whole gr-ai couiitry blest with '-liappy Peace ami wiJe conient." iho proprietors of the Itepreseuiiiiive American Mternry Paper bej leave lo Hiinounee a glorious new nielleutu.il batuiuut of ftoiiitiiH-es, II ' nnI Humor, llmne Sorici, i'tntri, 1 nit nf adventure. Lstuyx. 1'irtnre. L'lvf'iry Xulires, Faith ion artirJm, (Joitm'p, Curious iiiul lutereiiii;j New. Vivacious Feminine CinTesponilcnee. FoieiH Letter, nslruciive 1'iliioii.ils, Lileruluro for the Little ones, Talks about Art, New Uooks, uid the Urania, eic. Ia fact t lie Ni k York Mi:r,cf8y for 180(1 v ill be bo complete mi l exhaustive in nil lie uVpHriuiunts of choice reading, that liofe who mbecrihe tor it will take no other iiy paper iho year ihroutfii. To all it will seem lu be. Vol one, but nil press kinds epitome," rd will prove o every homo Norili, Souih asl ami West h weekly visitor diepensing oe useful and the bountiful ulike. 01 o. St ot Ol 0' Ol 3 0 Till BEST WRITERS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE. ill ho regular contributors to this lon)r - - ' -j ""' ,i"',,""Y Tn rrr.Tf mentioned : W. Gilmorc 8iiniii, A Farlis, -'Cousin M. Carlton," l!cv. .1. H. Incriilir.m, .1. If. ll.ihitisoti, Olive Lomn, Pierce K(r!ti, M. K Praihlon. F..Z. C .lo t sun, Harriot V.. Prosewt, Ccn-jre Martial, nml numerous oilier celebrities, who are now preparing lit erary gonil for t lie sauie col minis Kow is tlic time tn subscribe fir Tlio New Yon. .Ior?iiry. as it will commence the .Yew Year ( 18 W with a magnificent posihuir.ou.i novel from the pen nf the 1 ato Prof. J. II IriLrraiKim. Author of "The Dancing Feather," 'Prince I oflho Mouse of David." " l.alilte, the Pi I rate," tc,. A., whoso wonderful powers in j fiction have never boon sin pissed ly any living writer), etilillcl nortimor; on THE BANKRUPT'S HEIRESS. A 1IOMK HUM A V( K. j Also a lirilUnl tiilo. illustralo'l. fro:ii ilie. pen of Harriet I'.. l'reeott. nrnl a vliartuiti poem, beaiitifiiliy illiistrnteil, from the J'ca of the late (ieoro ArnoM. The Nkw Yomt M rnn r.", with i'x forty en'.uiiins of sierlin original luattcr, will cnntiiiiip io be issiie l at six cents a copy, and soil by all newsmen and pcriolioal dealers ill America. To mid subscribers our terras nr : Cash in advruce: Single copies. 8i,ofl n year ; thrno copies. , : six c.ipies, ?m ; i nine copies, I . Tlieimrtv whoscnils lis ; JO t.ir a cl.ib of nine copies will rei i ive an additional copy fret. Sir. luoii.'Iis' sub. seription received. Can-id siiberibt-rs must iiciid twenty cents extra for each sub l sci-iption. to pay i!ie American po-ln,:o. Siib-t-.-iiers shr.u'-l tie earrfnl to writ ? plaooy l!ie n wne ot ihe:r posi.oti.ci-, conn., ty, nii-i S ao-. Specimen copies sunt free tit all anplic.iti's Address iMLT.DWKM, & WIHTNKY, Vmprieinrtvf ilic Xnr Y'.'k Mrrruri. os. dW Ann st. and 11:5 1'iilton 't. New York City. Bti?' 1'roprifltors of newspapers jiivinp; the above Vropcctus five or more in-eiiions, Willi an editorial notiee. will lie eniiiled to have twocopios of TilK Xi:W YOUKM!)!!- CUaY sei;i i'.ii- one vear to i.ny ad-lres ; they may indicite. ' J 111". MOIHM, I'AIU.o: " a.mi:i;ica. M.i-.l-ly. M A: ;a j.ISK or Di-mori'st's Monthly Mg:zi!K'. Comiine and res"nts Hie most intere?. tin;;, u-el'iil, and nttrncMTu array of jmpu lar features ever oll'erod in a iniiga.-ine, ia ciuding LARGEU & MOUK COSTLY HTiXl. V.S r.lt.VYlXHS Than are furnished in liny ol! .ier U.'fjlllil! .S0-K.S 'JV.ii I m ill H tUr Muni LmtiHiil A'tUtuf NEW AND YAld'Al.td-'. Ml SIC, I 15 v tl.e most popular composers. I AllClUTECTUtK .V MOiKL COTTACKS, I Willi dincrniiis. ! I''" Btkait.s or Emsxi:st Pkh SONS. Till' FA!? 11 ION'S, In every de)i:irl un lit of Badic' "" dreu's Bros. S.ileii.iid'.y Illustrate uiirivnlied and ino-lol Fashion l'lai.. our usr.n! I-'L'L. SIZR PATTKBX.. BUA.l 1-MilHiUOKilV. Al.so. Il'A'r lioUl ut'ittfrs al .''-'-''., iri'.'i Jtnnie J'lne's 7W.-. un Vv::i'in'.i '-' Vj ; Vnrtit V rr jt-jii! n -r ; A"c, -.','r., Tojreilier -.villi a rimst.'inl siii-fe-'inii of Brilliant Xnve'lies. all to ho finely and ar tisliealty illustrate 1. and tiie M.ipaine to ba printed on Hie f.t.e.-t pner. and in a style for liiudinjr into .1 handsome volume for the center. lali'.e at tiie close of ilie year. A'enriy. ST.1'1. with n et "f Two lieuuti fill Pari", r Sli-c! Kii'.rrnviii'n. urn I'.iiliiie containing Two liolliira Vut-lU of hxirn Full size I'nti i rns. nun Premium to ivicli f-iitiscriler. K.-n-li n 1-liiii'iial f-nl)sci':lier. whn simh in t'luli'--, ?J.5 : Tliroe ennics for .".', l'ive c.iies f'ir .12 : Ten cojiie-. for S'J- : willi the Pre. ilium to e:i,-!i Mill scriber. AJJress W. J F.NN I NG .? Mi Mi )P. lT. 47! llromlway. New York. Siur-ie copies iniiileil free on reeeipl of prire. Puck Xurters. us specimens, 10 cents, Fpleinliil Premiums are offercl for i.'luhs. cnnsisiiii! nf Colli PeiiM, AlliiirnH, yearly suliseriptions lo tiie bent Alaga'.iiiei, Web sler'si buiyo Dictionary, Clothes- Wringers, M ii8ia-faxes, Muludcons, Sew!n Ma chines, Pianos, etc, etc. Anybody can easily secure one of the above Premiums. vo'iil-ly. KXKCUT(.)IIS XOTICi:. AVliereas, hetttTs TcHtamotitiiry liav. inn been u'canteil to Jim. Stuck nuiii and Anton l'lielitinan, Executors i-f this l:it will uuj tehtaiiient of Lureny Stockiuun, late of St. "Mary's, dec'J, all j.ersiiiis knuwiiiir tliem-elves indebted tu said estate will make immediate pavment, and those havii claims ai'iun.- t the I same will present them du'y uuthenti. catea lor sett lenient. ;i:o. vi:ts, iicister &c. 4 lMINlST!iATOU'S NOTICE. Notice is licttby tiven, that let ters i f iiilmiiiistration on the estate of Julius Voliiliaunieil, latft ot Iii'liziiiL'er township, Elk county, deceased, havinjr Leen i;i'antL'd to tlio un ter-iiied, till persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make iniiiiediato payment, and the having claims aainf the same will present the same duly au'he-u-ticated for settlement to IIEIMAN KOCII. Hcnziner April loth 1S0L w"'; The annual meci inj; of the Mof khoMcrs t f iho Daui'cahiiida liiiprovenii-nt Con ( puny," will he held ut iheir Ollice in ihn I City of New York, on Tuesday, the Cth day of February next. An election of Oificcrs for the year ensuing, w ill bo held at 10 a. in. same Jav. JOHNS. GllIFI'ITH, Pee'y. Jan. f.ih lfiilii. if' CAUTION. "Wlicrea, my wife I'ai'Iiara firf.sK, huu left uiy l ed und hoard, without just cuusr or provicalion, hereby caul ion nil persons from hurboring or tiustinp her on my ac count, is I will pay no debts of her con-tract-lip. SH) A Monjli ! ACEXTS if' "wanted tor rnfirrh vir nrticlr. .jint out. Address (). T OAIU.Y, City liuiiiiititr, Hiiblelord. Maine. Vh-iMv. -r-v an f f BSfililw ivi .UVvMll SEWING MACHINE CO. OlVicc 5sl Broad wav, New Yoik. I Ci;ak.amkk. j onv purchaser dot U'.er a fair trial, if i not iT!'i.id the FlN. lu.KiVLvoN Si.wiMi Machine as su. peiior to any machine in market, he can .-etui u it mid have his money. It has taken many of the highest prizes. is le-s complicated thaiiany other tirst class nia-..-hit:e. dees n wider ranire of work without chaiiL'iiiir. rctiires no taking apart to cleiili or o'.l. and no "lessons" to set. needle, regulate tuiiaiou, or oicrale inaeiini.'. N. 1. Any Clergyman sending us two orders for niac'iines, shad receive iwr lor himsell a' a prerent. The same proposition icxittrlod to Piofessori and Ti'-MlVT. We bavo now completed our SF.w VAM FA'jroitY at a cost of s.itue iMW. ; 0:.)H. inciudins ne w patents and impnr. taut i.MP'it-ivKMK.NTs ; and the ohji ct of tae above proposition is to ser-ne the immediate introduction of our import d machine mi'o every town in the l.'nited States without incurring the jit cat ix pense of a truvclir.tr fluent. This i'roposiiiou cannot avail in towns oesnpiod by our own n;'Oiits J'lcase send for de-ci'ptivo ('ATA I.OOCE, with samples of sewing. LL'CIL'S LYON. See'y. FOUTZ'8 csledkatxd Hqisb H Gattle Fewgers. Thii preparation. and ravoramy ;WV known, will thor OUfilll IVI11T1,'MIIW broken-down and low-spiritf t liorsoB, by itrenfrthening and clennitirift tha stomach &Dd inWi iinfs It is ft sure pre Tcntive or &n u enrn fnoidfnt this animal, such as LVSG FEVER, CLAN TEH, II E A V ES, COLT.HS, 1)18 TENfPER. FE VERS, ForVll:B i.O$ K APPE TITK AM VITAL E.NKK'.'Y Ac !( urc improves the wind, increases tiie appetite gives ft smooth and f rr,n -v i,r: -aJtMfe miserable keleton Into ft fine-looking and splritct horse. To keepers of Cow? this preparation is invaluable. It increases the (luantity and improves tl.e quality or the milk. Jt has been proven by me titHl experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cnam twenty per cent and make th butter fl;m and iwtt. In fattening cattle, it given tliem an apiHtit. loostns their hide, ana makes them thrivt much raster. , ' la all dh'?a?s of Swine, such as Couphs, Ulcers In 4c, thi9 article til act as a specific, yjt- '.' 2r.12 By puttinir from one-half a pipi-r ifttarV. to a paiiT in a V ' bnrrel of. swill ttie above d i si; a spi XEJjjS will h,. rft.licjira.l ""' 'X'JC' or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certala preventive and cure for the Hug Cholera. Price 25 Ceata per Pape. o 5 Paperi for II. PBEPAKED ST s. a.. Forrrz & URO AT THEIR vrnoM!st.E mm and MF.mnK HEroT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Driiguiata and Storekeeper) through out the Cnited Statsa. oll iu .. i, uf'irt uios pliers, by IJord well iV Mes:ener ixi-.lv.av, Agents for Elk county. GODEY'S LADY'S ECOK FOlt : sc. il. T II K Fiifiliion ?Tair:i!tiie of tin; World LITER ATT HE, FLN E A UTS AND FASHIONS. The most inaL'iiifieent Steel enjravin-s. POCELE KASII. ION PLATES. Wood enirriivini.'s on every subject that can interest ladies Crochet knittiiiL'. Nettincr. Emhroidi'iy Articles lor the Toilet, fur the Parlor t lie IJoudoir, an.i tiio Kitchen. Every thinjr, in fact, ti make a complktk Lady's IJohk. The Ladies Favorite For 35 Years No Alnjrazine hai been able lo comneto Viilli it. None nth'inpt it. OOUKY'S PFCriPT.-? f .r every depnrtincut of a liou-elmM. These iilone are vf orth the price of the Hook. Monol f'ottairrs i no other Mapnzine (rives them), with diagrams. imAwiNT. i,i-:ssos fortiu: yolno Another speciality with Oi.ilcv. tlltlCINAL Ml SH'. w.rth n y.-ar. Oilier .lns.'iziiies publi'-h olo vforn-out inn sic ; Inn the Mihvrihcrs lo (lo lcy fet il be fore the in us io stores. (la-dcnins fcr Lr.dics. Ann! her peculiar ily with lio'lcy. Fashior. IV. on !c Co.. of Nc.v York, eh itiii. a tip !) in line ihai ln; i hci.i. l.a-Vu"-' l-oiiiicls. -is. A. "'". Krt'wnrt I in; idey. iona'ie. nn r only m - ia We (rive more of ihi'in in a yri'- than any oil the I.ailv's llo.il; cn-ili r luiii'iizine. In tact s evci v l i 'v to be l.er oivn btiiinet niaker. i j Mai Jon 1 1 a r! a ml, ! .iMrs ft " i .'..,' ':!;.. ,, '.lu.-f .S';..',." "Xi mi sir," vitil Miriam,'' ; wri'es for Co-ley each nonn'i, mn) for no oilier innprninn. A new novel by her will be publihed in l.-' iti. We have also re tained all our oh! und favori:o i'o:itriL.u- ton.. T 1' 15 M S () V GODEY'P LADY'S BOOK FOR 163 (From vlaeh tlttre ran Ik no Jh viatiun. ) '--'r ii" - I , . One copy, fine yer $1 Two ci'pies. ilie year 6 ft'V Three copies, line yer 7 51 Four copies, one year 10 IV I'ivp copies, ene year, and n e-.rlr ecT-vto the nelson aettii it ill) th club. ni.iliinif si copies 14 f Kixln copies ..wyefir. and an exlr ; eepy in toe ';iie (reiTing up ilia lino. I tinikii-u nine copies- 21 Mtfvrn roTjit-M u?ie vcj.tr, and an er- li'H rimv tn tlio rtie aetlinir up the club. iimlintr iwdvp ennics 27-1 tnV' AH r.ddllion I o elites at rluli . lev's I.imiv'h nook funi Ifoinc Mfijs!i will be sent, ejioh ul on jf'i'cii't ff 5'. fiTuW r hvf.- ti cium TTitu aril ijiii.-iino or ii,T-itapor. HiThc nt'iTittj must all he itnta'J for any th cluht. I l&jp ( Vn.i l.i s. itl!-cri hers mutf cent' fuMitioiml i'n eucli aubvnvj X. '.. C'.rnrr Sixth ioiJ C-V, '.iiV-coViAiU I'll, 7 'VC-I BUSINESS CO' N E. cou. ThN I'll AMI C'II'ST. I'lIII.ADELl'llIA The ni"t ef,n:ilete ami tin- r'onic.l I.O-UH--S or l.iiiiruerci j the eonini-y. Tho m!y one in tiie city po-l fi-islniivi' Cli-irt M. mi 1 ti e onlj ("iiilC'l hin'es v.tlMO'izeil to Cut of Merit. liplinins awHfie.l in tn e I iiniinivvi.'i! I mirse end- rnt; soul by nntlini ity in Cetulueteit 1V ji'-iilleinen cali. ni ami extensile nxper i n ii o iilfni'liiijr iinnii !ill tJ ul , lli-ji oiijrn I lieurei K:nl fuel ! lion uf vunns men iufthoi . tMi'.til"Vitii'nts i-t Mi-iTies-, i TllKORV AND l'l by .1 svrti-m f ' " A ("I T A I, MI nviii.iil him! ill!- s; t-.il.-ri r mi! in.ii;.'!i? i:it" lilltl Ire pis tn' 1- leil in ill-! In tiniineiiil Pa. imJence, tiuai- Lecture' i Mfair. Comnit-rcnil Clin- toni". Forois, mid Actual IJusinrsc Practice. SIT.CIAl, TsHANClIES .Wylrc unit th? Ifi.ilnr ymhemulio, 1'h-m-tii'.tjilu, tniiimnttii! l-ii:i'iiifhtf, i'ii- Are if J A h itmij L'cmt-t-i! it .V'.H'V, i-.'n-'i-i t't'i'iii'i, Furif.tiir X iri inti' ii and Ti'l'nriif-hUi'j. Trl.E'iUM'lUSC. The nrrntijieu-icni' f'-r TeU'jiraiihinjf tt far in a-lvinci- i-f niiyliiinc of the kind ever Sere -I t" 'he public. A reciilar Telcgrapti Line is i-unneeicil with the Inslitulion ith iwi'niy l.rarcli otnce in various pans nf the e:ty. where public lowinos is ti-Rnsaetvd, and in whicli the siiideutn of this lnstilu ii"ii are . evil. iiifl lo prnciice. No repuht oilice practice -. 1 c )i:nl in any oilier school ol'iii-MriietiMi iu i he enuntry. w ithout which no one cm obtain a position as a pricticat ci er-iior. Youiiineii are cauiii't.ed against lln deceptive re' i-eM'iiiai i"ii" of ihose who, without ary such faci'ities. pretend lo lec!i re'e.'iaj'hii' V.lTHtiXAGE. The Institution is now en'oyiiifj the lar-j'.-l j-aiiioiajre ever bestowed upon any commercial school in the Slate. Over fivfj hundred student ,vcre iu attendance tho first year, and over seven h'indrel during the past yi ii". The bet class of students may invariably be found here, nudallitSM , sociiiii iiis arc first class. i LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS, The Institution is located in the most con tr.'il part il' I In- city, and its accommodation, for extent, elcjanee mid oonvenienee, are ' i-i!snt-iirsciL Ail the rooms havo been fit. ted unit! the vcrv best etvle with 11CSIN KSS OFFH':.S'OR COUNTINO Uoi;.K. TF.LFfi API! OF IICI'S, PTATIOXKUV .STOISE. AMI A llCOl l.AR IiANIv OF UKPOSir AND ISSl'K, supplied with finelv-eiifiraved litograph'i notes used ns a circuhiiii'f; nietliuiu in the Uepjl-luiciii r.f Ae'ii'il llusinocs. TO Y0UN"G MEN. wlio desire (lu very lie-l facilities for Pit Af'TIOA L EliUCATlOX FOB Hl'RlNCSfl, e fruniMiirce course of instruction no where else equalled, while the reputation and standing i.f the Institution amonu busi. iie-s men make its endorement the beH passpnrt to success and advancement. All eonienipbiti g entering any CommercUl relieve, are inviied lo send for n lLLUSTHATFI) OCULAR A CATALOGUE. containing complete interior views of tb colh'ire. and full particulars of tho course of instruction, terms .ve. L. FAIRBANKS, A M , 'resident. T. sp.tm ii, Sfi'c'iil T uriirr ami Sunt. (irHrt Butinttt. 1 5!MPcr Year! We 'rr7 v ' want aoents to sell our Im-rovp.l sf-.'ii Sewinr Maehinen. Three new Unus I'nder an I upper feed. War ranted live years. A Vivo salary or lare j comiiiis.-'urns paid. The nxt.T machines sold. - 1 111 1 mien lau-s lor less man so which are - .'"".' Iii-"i.i l l'i Iliiue. Whrrlrr ,1 HVoiiv (,'r o tr ,y ' i .'.. Snijtr Co., and hurhtlder. All oilier cheap machines are infrinntmtntt , and I he r. ",-r or w.-cr are liuLlr tu arrtt. tin; unit in, pri.'dnm'at. Circularsrrv. Addrtsi, j or call iipj,i i-luw i: Clark, Uidieford, 1 Maine, AGS.TJT5 WANTED i in sell pri.e Ceriincstes for OOI.l) AMI Sll.YF.lt WATCHES. La lies Jewelrv. liiamond Hit(:s, Tini 4" , Only S5 each. For iny ai-tioie drawn. Itt iail Price fn- n 1' to Sjli All (ioihI W'an-Miited (Tenuiiis Price ot Certificates 2.1 cents each. Libaril I'reaiiums and Conmiissiou ailoweii in Agent. Sample Certificates Sent Free- I'oi- Cil'Cjiar and 'leruis addicsH, - M --in" -nn "V mi in'- I'll T '"il