T II E E LK AD VO C A T E KT.K A l)VOC ATE i . .it i 1 1 :. Vi'i-y ruUir.l.iv V IV T. ItttlKI-'TT. Bidgway. Pa. March3d 18GG. Hrrnhull the 'v.j thtpmph '. ri.lns nm, ,'.;a I'nntrnt bi party aiui vitnhnl h;i trim ; YltJtir i hut to Truth, l.ihrr u .m. ,w, -Vtf favor .iwaiis u itiitl m f'.ir tint'! tine.'' p7MwwTisc.u.. CO,' " APVRltTlsnSd .MlRM'V 11 9 Nassau St.. New Yoik and 1 0 State St., Poston S. M. PKTTKX.il I.I, .V: Co., ar- the Agents for the Ku A ivo.Tt: .md the most influential and largest circulatim Newspapers in t!ic I'nitod States nti 1 lie Canndas- they nro authorized tn eon itrct for us at our lowest rates. Terms of Advertising. One fiitnre, one iiisei li.m, SI.Oo: iibscqiipnt insertion. "() rents. each Qiinrter of a col'ii. inserted f.tu Half r.in Ono column, I'mi Quarter ut' a column lv Half " lv SI2..".. L'0,011 ."."..(;() '.'.I. (10 10,(111 One column. ly Pr..l'es.ii.iial an 1 iliisliicss Carl-., nm ffitinjj cidlit lines, one year. Sr.. (III. I.IK) ! eiitnr's A.Iniiiii.-triitor s, and Aii.lit.ii Nntief. caeh S.iMt. Applieiii.ms tor I.i- ! '""""-'"n. pcrvaueu Willi a proper I onstitutnm then pending before that rne. fneh. .'J.i", iiiuiions, Ksi r.Vs. ; sense of the dignity of their calling, dody. Senator Lane of Kansas has pre Notiees of Dissolution, el.-., not cveecdinit i Moreover, this class must also be thor. sented a tietitinn in favor nf romn, In.. .11 rim. Keu;;:p,AZi,;;!,':!:!; U'Z& Nntiees, Kstrnys. Dissolution of Pawnor. i-hips. Cautious, and nil transient adver tiseincnt, mnrt poitirrln i.- paid in mii-nirr. Fourteen lines will be computed one f"1"'1"' m ,..,. Kiuhth ulitet hand bill. M copies or le?s $2.fti .I'l'i "I'll V. Q.iarter sheet handbill, of) cojues or loss $3.SU Half "beet hand-bill. $.'l.O( 60 copies or ' Mill sheet liana-bill, on copies or oil copies t.00. BLANKS. Fir iny quantity under five quire". $1,. 50 per ipiire ; on all amounts over (lint it reasonable reduction will be made. THUMS OF PAPER. $1.50 per year in advance $2.00 if paid within the year, and 8:2,50 if not paid with in that time. gaThtfie who sincerely love their .PAim-l-p lliaa nrtn rr.t nntt fi . b... f tb.if in - "l ..v. ... V .1 V.1M i ti. u ........ ... the Chief Maars-mte. they have ono who will not isuore their ancient rights ; ii-.t t .Vjn-jv;r u. i nn . I u 1 LCii .1 . mu written guaranties ot their treedoiu by arbitrary and unconstitutional, infamous .mil despotic acts. President Johnson, has not cut himself loose from the Ilali cals. With them ho wua never identi fied nor did he hoi 1 anything, in com mon, with them ; but in his rovent most 'Admirable and thoroughly self abnega ting and patriotic veto message, and in bis speech delivered to the people in il asningiou ou renruary jiui, tun, ho has given the Radicals to understand Ihatfr-m him they nesd not look to ,. .i t i "i i ii. further then w.cked schemes; and that i. :.t . i , i ..... i iiu I'uiisiuds iiii.-iiiMjivuH as iraiiois, uuu their doctrines treasonable. All honor to him. who, at this time, has President, the courage to be and the wisdom and nerve, like the i intriot 1 Htrlut' boldly to proclaim aud sustain it. The principles which he has euuncia- tedarewhat.be Democratic party, as 1 . a mass, corinany susiaiu, tiint eintinaii- eally endorse. It is not ulone the man. the mental strain, which perhaps ho So far as the President upholds, protects ha-i hitherto imposed on hii iself and up and defends tho Constitution, so far will 0,1 ,,is PPils- .Truly it is uot a place . ... : for elementary insti ucti. in ; 'he trained the Democratic party sustain linn. . . - . , , 1 tn i iti alone can take un tho guntlet. Should he depart from that path, that An iire masU,r,.. Ic'ures on scientific, grand old party, as in the past, will be ; moral, or mental themes are delivered ; found then the stern, uufliuching un compromising foe to all enemies of Lib. crty, civil or religious. A I.OTAL FllKAK. (Jell. Howard, the head of tha Xcro Rureail h sium i tiic uuid ui ui .. nio iiir,..iii, is siuiu. liinir the New England States, try in to raise funds to build a Negro Church in Washington, by which bo intends to improve bis loyal pels. We would sug gest that be had better biro them 0'it lo work, or get something for them to i .at, or the half of them will starve lo- fore he -jots his church ready for them. 1 lie aud the "divine" Stanton may have j them devouring uovernu.ent ratiui.s ui in "inn M'vii mucin, hi. , however, by which they may sustain themselves until he K-U his ohnud. ! ...... .i.. . ,..,!.. i UC HIIUUCI ll"l .11.11, IIJHUl . , .,. . . , ., i these demagogues, wmil.l take in a white i man Ur . j , . . . .. . . e have no doubt that il four I or five thonsind. poor white people, would no to Washington an I ak these , , n ' holy men f..r eoverr. incut rations, they1 ,i. . . i , " . would be put in pri.oii, ..r nnesteil lur ii , . ..iii i treason Hw u.itor'.iti.i'e to be both i poor and white, winus ii.e .a'iui is j povcrn .d by a party cuti'u!lod by ' grand nioral ideas." II'iiiIjIichii. I 1 white, while the Na.i,,,, is Br-y Where are our opposition friends now, who by so nnny ' fine spun" arju. lueuts endeavored to make. tt;o pci; le believe that the President ol the l inied States was the Government, anu that those who oppi.se. 1 the President were iijipo-iiiij the liovnrnnient '. Have we l;o Government now 'I Is tho GoVeru r.iei.t deal '( Why don't I hey ii.'nc J(.r Ii uiuiifuily no I sustain tlio (jov.tii lu-ut. call pu'.lie meetings to sustain tn: I'lesi dent in his li-viu ' boor in ;.is ! ill. ut to maintain e. iistitiitiuii.il f i licit 'j in this country. It is ''loyalty" now I. or Leu. Wade to intimate that the Pieai ... ut is it "traitor " It used to ho con nJered ''I'.iptei headiMii." A year i munv chau'es ( lur ion IJrmit I Lax" lUM' Expence of County Insti tutes Tlio (iution, "whether the cxpen. scs attendant upon (miiit v institutes ; should he borne by the Commonwealth, ; or by the participating teachers anil ; county superintendent,' is not one of i finriiice simply, that lcinr of minor iin- , poilaneo. History teaches that those : ........n-, wcin io ;uosi pi osporous aim j powerlul, where tho masses were the best educated. A glance at. the nations of the present .lay will show the rapid degenrraov, physical and moral, of tlnwo ui which education is neglected, 'I he tiati. n doel not make the citizen ; the latter is the architect of the fabric under which he shelters. Tlio answer j j to the (( icstion, "what must wo do to ( ..-scryc lor ourselves anuior posterity, the priceless boon which wo now pos- sess?" is, wo must instill into the mii.ds of our youth the principles of sobriety, morality and virtue ; and to accomplish this, it is necessary for us to have a class .l'.,,.ron.,n Ill .1. ,,...!.. ll.. I ... iv i.-.mut mi nun.ui.; ll.t;,H3U, V US UI this noble task ; never deviating from uiuirjiniii ui uuiy, nut wuit a soul- earnestness giving themselves up en. tirely to thoi.- work, thoroughly imbued - with the spirit of charity and of patience, their minds imbued with a luudiblc , ... . , , ioug-ily competent, by their own cduca. ! ,( rr to V,ose ovur ' w,lnm Vlp a,'e V avc,l an' not Oie j fpe' ficially learned who uuf'irtunatcly are so prevalent. Teachers of the !at. tar class nro easily obtained, devoid of i 'hose correct principles which tru . . . . ' """'"JJ "parU. J o them it is merely a ruestion of money. They enter pro- lancly the sacred temple, and make it a 11 binn fl h ,i 1. rn 1 r 'T Y nin r.t (lm I'.-. class are with diffiei.llv ..ht,.id Th.. i.re well aware that there is no rovul road to learning; they know well that there is no point ou the way where they can exclaim, "we have finished our journey; fiut ever toll ouward, availing themselves of every aid with which they meet, to lead yet further on, to bring them nearer the brilliant prize which awaits only the laitMul and proscvenng f-eker. J A mogr valuable aid in the thorough TlTC IIM Tat lOIl of tlin teacher W OlM no.ll.lu I , ... ..-..u. j lns,il,,fc i iin assembly of the teachers or me county wneroin they labor, called together by the superintendent, anu at VVIllCil "llCt'e is a mutual exclianiro ot inc. principles ol the art and profession . 01 teaching, winch the members may nave elaborated aud (leaned, i'rot. Hates (Deputy Superintendent of Com- mou Schools of this Commonwealth; who has devoted much time to this sub. ject, in Ins admnablo work on '"Teach er Institutes," says: " Tim Institute, is nut tlie place to tjive in. it rwt ion in the. i h nients a" the xcirncrs." Tho partici. pants have entetcd tho vast arena, and mi lm; t not to lie lt UUmI in tho minor lacucs ; uui i inner as a council ot veter. ans. wherein is to be decided tho plan , ' "u f 1;'"u. "'; "'1 'Sns. ut,e 11,0 qulL'K "mpereu and Hasty muct tliu Janjest allJ licnt; . - i ... views arc expressed a to tne govern, menf of the pupils, classifications, ele., by the members, and tho teacher her ? I"irsl!1"- a len P!lt". l0"k1", neither to the right nor to tho left, finds there were many bv was, and easier . . . paths to reach the hearts ot those, whoso I'm re destiny, temporal, aud perhaps 'nal he is to mould. Classification of studies isdtscusscd ; and the overtasked t.,.,i, ,,i,, u .i.:..u . i- and thus the good seed is sown destined to produce a thousand fold. The pub lic arc attracted by the fame of the lee turers. Interested, am', instructed by whut they hear aud what they see, they ! I 1 fir.ntim tn. .!- o-ivnnf in tlio it en rtttrxt iA ' , , , . -V i . . " who still have some lingering feelings i ,,a iin iu 111.111:1 lai.jf . uiicii. j cans. Two ot these bands made their coiupieceu ns soon as possible. T!i ey ed and ultimately removed Parents, too, ! appearance iu front of tho residence of ' nZrv to pay una halt of the amount learn to place a l.hcrestiimiteupoii the j t,e valorous Col on Friday ni-ht last, necessary to establish a lino of steamers toucher and his office, and are more dis and alter playing ' Mail to the "chiel," between Philadelphia and Kngland as . , 'v , , '", r ;" V . , t Z . . T : .i I a ' 3' "T'' , I h; ins.HutcS, however, a.c alas , j,., m,.ic or less expense, such ; . . r . , . . . i -. , 0?,b'mrJ fuf ' if ''-' uuiu in.. ui, luci. iiui. cie. ciiu:.rj , .... .... memljci s ot tlio institute invite one or . . , . Hi, iv:. inns IVf dUi.ICMI IIICIU, UUiJIll. , ... , , , ,, . , , j ..-a I't-i.a.; nu. un u;,ii(-i.i. onoiiiu nicy i not do so, their rich repast would want ! :. ii i. i. i i i ( i I l.llll. If. nil? Ul't'll MK.H 11 ,11 lltUT ,. . . , exee.'Uiiijly ure.it uiiportaiicu is the . i , i . thuruii"h t. ai luT, aiui how even he i i- ... , i a al. , '" U .a,J'. U,1 ami ng wtncii is ii.e county i. stitute ; but how is a teacher, with tho meagre salary he receives, and that only for a portion of the uur, eptciaMy in the rural di.- t i ids. to avail himself nf these aid.-, He may be, an I no ('..iibt is, willing to devoi-: his time, l.itt he can iint out of his i.n;all s alary pay his trav. cling expi'iises to and from the institiiie, his l.iiniijili!.' while iu utteiidiiucp, mid his quota ot the other expenses. Per. haps he has n family dependent upon vital him lor their support, and it is of l" '" im.-u.uiu ins ro oinces, and thus he may yearu for (he refreshing draught which Tantalus-liko is within his icji'li, yet beyond his gia.-p The var.t moral influence of the institute he loses also; ho cannot count himself a link of the chain which biuds his in laborers to'fther be is of Wherein lies tlio remedy ? This nn swer is plain, mid is the only correct one. Let the Legislature annually np propriatea mini pnlficioiit to pay tlio expenses attendant upon an institute, in i raeli count of the Ci.niiiii.nwealth. which they can do with as much reason as they appropriate annually sums for the expense? of the School Department The Legislature, in estalilishinir the present system, had in view the educa- t.ion nml general improvement of youlh , Let them, then, the better to attain their sublime ohjeet, establish n means for tho improvement of teachers ; for il the fountain be impure, the stream cannot be pure from taint. Let no fale n.o lives of economy intervene. Covern ments are itisti'ntcd. and taxes must bo apportioned for the benefit, of the eov- crned : and in what mn.fn ,.., tU, l. benefited more, than in the education ot tl.e.r children ! The Conclusion is inevitable, fie expenses of the county institute should bo paid nut of the fund, of the Commonwealth. James Blahely. ' - I "!..... T - . .r ' IIAI'IUAN i, IMi I S I. ATION' iCVPr in the history of this country were the ncms 01 tut; people in sucli danger from legistativc acts ns they are at present 1 Senator Cowan stated in a speech re. cently, in the United tatos Senate, that, them .-......jr a..u-.iuiii-ins m roe distinctions on account .of sex Petitions ?nd 'rr-in u "f--.-i- lty and sufTrasc are of daily occurrence, I We appeal to the common sense of the people whether this is the proper time for such experiments. Is it opportune to de- cido now whether vnmnn i.r nr.,nt, . ... w" ..ii.-'o Should be endowed with tho elective franchise? There is so much to he done in the Pimple way of readjusting the tt.litin..I ... 1 I . ,t r 1 Lei.rn L ,b t J..A..H.Z ' built, that only madness or crimp wnnl.l attempt to amper with those foundations at tins crisis. What the Republic needs now. more than at any other time, iu the National Lcirisliture. is forbearance mode. alio,,, rcfi-ctmn and patriotic dis'. passionate action in behalf of the ircneral interests. What on the c nfrary. is the record that is daily presented? The exhibition of passion, prido, resentment and partisan malevolence. Wild and visioillirv Hlmmna . mMwn;..Atn.i nC - . . , vi',i-iiiiticfl Ui Hill- bitious factions ; menaces, denunciations and recriminations of fi-ry, fanatical demagogues ; a disposition, in brief, to overtnrow what is. anil Inn Id anew nnon . . i the ruins, under the phn nsy of fanati- cisin. Such a Congress would make chaos out of order ; how, then, can we expect it to create order out of the con- fusion th.it prevails. One Senator clam- ors for women's rights: another for negro equality. Thud. Sevens denoun ces and threatens the President de clares tha. ho shoulil bo impeached. The spirit of exultation and fury governs the national councils, We turn to the pplc, the source of power, for a sin imu win give nope tor the future. Thereat least, though there may be ( -..y .cro is .Pigment ; but when,. non win they interpose to elieck the riotin-of their unfaithful servants? - Genius of IAUerty. A ' Goak." Ou Thursday afternoon I.. ... 1 t . i u""W!"-sa i.tsnurgi, paper, a rr"C"ca! joker in the city, went to the "'ui-'e of one of the accident insurance companies among us, aud desired to take tmt n policy for 8'),00iJ for twenty- . ,1,p a man in kuveUnd. 1 ho preliminaries were sot- tied and the policy iriveu after some little discussion. During Friday alter noon the customer of the day beforo came u.uu l;. tut (imco una explained to the astonished insurance man that .i. . i i . ... . ... nicy nau iweirv.lour Hours bctoro in j . r ..i.i.. . siired against death. Dr. Hughes, who iii i . ,, ii, ' had been hung at C eve and . ronNKY is "Jiik Last Ditch. companies, have entered into un agree Cul. Forney who before tho war, was 'cnt to carry freight and passengers willing to die in "tho last ditch," has ver each other's lines, by which con not found it until nmv Vr..biri..., neetions will be made liet-.rccn lMiib.d.,1. contains several martial b.iii.l ,,.u .' i c m t ... . ' eu"roly 01 liepublicaus, who :.:..: i.. '. . ., , riuini inc. i .nun Hiii-u ihu, m uio uu rcau in serenading White. Republi! "' . . ",Vl,eil..t"e ' "' ",I0 "ls VTl" "'" fiavc Ihem "Uuiptuous feist and a two hour's speech, declaring himsell iu fav .r of all tho demands of the black race Kornev 'uliujuus oi un. mat k race, rorney al the n.gircr ! Hail Columbia ! ! Can depredation tail iower ! Silvkii Found in Rkavkh Cou.v TV. There is considerable excitement v Frankfort Springs, stoned by tho dis Mil on Travis Creek ' in the vicinity of rranklort Reaver County, occasioned eovcry of a i!! vein near the Heaver ami tlio Allei'lieiiv ' County line. J wo companies have been oruainzcd to explore lor Silver, ono off which is sinking a bhalt. The indica- ! tioot for silver iiregjod.und it U thought j by experienced miners that a paying, quantity of hiker will bo obtained at i lroiu twenty to forty feet. The compa. ! uy now sinking the shaft have got good 1 biker ore at seventeen feet, and intend I sending u portion to the mint to be test j Od. I Small Qi'.urtTY. One teaspnonful of J I hat 'iirUI renowned remedy, Cue' Dyn pepsi.i '.lire, litkea at'icr meals, will eiulilo I lilu luosl euiitiruiB J J j o i e j( i c tj eat uny iiiiiij; (.mnsua, wuiiuui leal ui any (lis Iressnig clt'eei. It in a blu'injj to all who uie Irmilileii with diseased pertaining io I Lie eiomacii uuJ buwels. ''lie proprietors of coo' oougli balsam say. lake little ami olieu. Doctor the tliroiit aii l broociiial tube Dot the moiuach. riiin ia (lie necrt of its sueceis. It will not hnrm o (! a I s Ukadkks W'c t.re ngiin compelled to iss-'e tho A'frnrulf, without the assis tance of the Editor, who, as yet. has not been able to leave his r.ioin, but hope, ere anotherissnn ho will bo able to bo with in ir. tho oflicr). CtlrWe notice that, our friend I.. J. Iil.AKKLY Ksq . has cotiipleteJ bis re. moval to Uidgway. All who arc in need of the service.-, of an Attorney, will find him located in a pleasant room in .Messrs. Souther & Willi.V buihrng, able to undertake, and attentive to ncss entrusted to him. ill busi. tWThc weather for the past few d.vs has been remarkably pleasant, but the ronds (piito muddy. Now is tho time we npcd sido walks, but as yet a very little has been done towards their com pletion. Why not go to work, as well first as last. Thanks. Our thanks are duo (Ion. 0. U. Karley of the Houso, for public documents sent to our otlice. Also to Hon Win. A. Wallace, of the Senate for like favors. Som Out. Our friend Mr. John Smuts, who lias for the past few years been engagjd in the Saddle and Har ness b-isiuess at this jdaee, has sold the property formally occupied by him aud . . ,lus c'"9 '"s "''"P ur tM present j I Lei friends Constan- " MC LeUS "ud I ullcrton, wlio ,ur so10 Pt have beou under the ""fW fMr. John Smuts; left our town on yesterday morning (Friday) for their homes in Hrookvillo! We were in i i . . . eorrj 6Ce. ,hem leaTe- as tI,(7 wrro S00. quiet, industrious young men. 6SyThe attention of our readers, is called to the advertisement of ''The s , .v . -ill ,. lulrkor l ,ty 1 "'oss Col.ege of Phil- a"t;,'"la' which will be found in another culumn. Any young man wishiii" to ik. ..v.. -n... hi,liis uuun: uuiicrc. can rnirciiase Sol,..ll..i.:., ... ' i.t. . i u .....i.mciiij, ai u i ciinuiiaiuo Jilicc, ly calling at the Advocate office. HSyTho groat controversy between the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company and the Atlantic and Great Western Uailroad aud the Citawissu and Read ing Railroads was decided yesterday by Justice Read of the Supreme Court in favor of the Pennsylvania Tinad h injunction prayed for beiii" -rimed Cum leloir-mh " ' j Vmr at itmrr,i -n l ! . , f--"EM i;ijr uuu uisuucry, owned by iMinon Sherman, of New Rethlel ...... county, was destroved bv fire. , Vr, " S J J - . . day morning of last week, between tho J wu,k duucch tne nol" "0 and two o'clouk. Tho !iro was not discovered till the buildiii" was so far gone that, all efforts on the part of tho citizens to save it, were unavailing T . . . . ..... . u ,s siJ 51,0 ''"''ding was insured to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars. The cause of tho firo is supposed to be inceudiary. Clarion Democrat. n:sTI. l :.. i , . ii- . 1 .iii'.iii.u una viiear. extern i pLuiw.,v (',., ,t, ii i i i- , Ji.niw.iy i ompany, the 1 In aoolphpi and I I l.,..li.. It.nL.'i - . i . Leading Kailroad (, ompany, and other : phia and all Parts of the west. 'I'.. ,.e. - IT. 1. .1 I ... eou.pi.su nns several eonnecting links r i 1... 1...-.I. ..Il ..c . ' . '" ...., an in wuicii are in no t commenced in sis mouths, and to be ! T. Z ""7' ","Uer "".C8 ' " ',BC ovuer nan. .u-mnc ,j Herald. Letter lAut. MST of Letters remaining; in the J'oKt Office at Ridgway, March 1st 'GO - - ...v.n . 1 V, 11 lb l J Rmdel, John 1, Cox, James 1, Cyssel, Win. 1, Crans, Samuel 1 , Corbe, Dan iel 1, Clark, Richard 1, Duffield, John L. M 1. Dnnsnmrn U'm 1 l-'ln w... 1, Hussey, Michael 1, Marcellus A. II. 1, Mitcheltree, Solouieu, 1. Murliu & Snyder, 1, Koons, Miss Mary 1, Kemmerer. P. 1, Lane N. B. 1. Robin! sou. Wm W. 1. Reed. Albert 2 Sher man, A. R. 3, Welch. I.awreuce 1 Unpaid Letters. Jackson. Dunham 1, Patrick Crahan, 1. II. Wilson, 1, Mrj. Mary Jaeksou 1, F- Kilbouru 1, W. P. Hauion. Persous calling for the above letters, will pleuso say udeertw-tl. L. LUTHER, P. M. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given til At tne following unnie.l persona lime filed ilitir accounts in this onj.ie, which will be pi'Daemed at ihe next term of i he Orphan's Court tor confirwuion. Wm. i". aud Mil ton A. Parsons, Executors 4c, of Jehu I'uraona deo'd. OEO. ED. .VEI.S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTfCK : Whereas letters of Adminis- I trillion rave l.ern (; anleil to die tinders ipu. ! c l, upon the i s'ate el' XVilU.UL'lihy M. Iteil j l:ne, late df Sj.cins Creek tuwnsliip, Klk i cuiiitv. dec'. I. AH persons having cliiims iisniiit said c-t.-iio are veipieste l to niakn tli'-ni known, an I all persons owim; ..lid estate are rc.iueu-1 to inal.e pnvincnt tn j l. I,. SWA UTS. Arr.iVD P. O . .9nrin I "i.,.L. In I'lb IV, On ' "i .I'll V, - Ml I O'l. r.w. NOTICE. Letters of Adiniuistnilion lmv in;; neeii i; -a:in"i t., ihe uinler-oiied. upon j the estate of .!. C. Ch.ipin l:q., Lite of Hidiircny township .le. .1. Ail persons i knowing I lieinselves ind.'ljtc.l to slid estate j arc rc.piesti-d to make iumiediato payment, nn 1 all pirsons li.iving olaiius will present thrill duly iM'lienti.'atod fur settlement. A'i.loay. I'r!.. :.'!st -i;n. .1. TOWKLt,. MesSOLCilOV Ut' CO-IWUTNEKSMII. The Co piiilnership heretofore existing and trading ns the firm of IF. oil. M'Vciu., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books mid iirumiiits id' saiil firm will re main at the old stand and be settled by .1. V Monk. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said firm, are requested to call and make iinm.vlialo payment, yhe busi HC33 will still continue ui the same place. I .1. V. HOCK, j Uidgway, Feb. lst 'Cii. C. M'VKAX. j LIVES Si: NOTICE : Tho fol lowing named persims, have filed in tho ! Odicc of the Clerk of tho Court of Quarter sessions ot Klk county, their Petition for License at tho March ses. sions next, agreeable to the Act of As. seuibly of March I'd l.Vi:5, entitled "An Act" to regulate the sale of Intoxica ting Liquors kc : Tavern License- Martin Sowers, A. Focli t ma u, I). Thayer, Ch irles Weis. liernard K. Wellendoif Joseph Koch, Store Joseph Wilhclm, James M'Closkey, Wilcox, St. iVnry'8. Uidgway. St. Mary's. St. Mary's. Ceutreville. St. Jary's. Ceutreville. SI. BOOK STiH,R. V lil'i. I liNHiS, V ALI'i.N TINI5S, Valentines, Valentine, Valentines, Valentines, FROM li CENTS TO 82.51), From 3 cenls to 2,i it) From ! cents to 2,50 FOR SALE, FOR S.VLE, FOR SALE, FOR SALE, FOil SALE. FOR SALE. AT THE ST. VARY'S 1JOOK STOIiK. AT TIIK ST. M AltY'S HOOK STOKK, AT Till' ST. M AltY'S liODK STOUE, post oitu: in;u)iv. POST okfum: iumldixo, POST OF KICK r.LMI.UINtl, ENVELOPES, ENVELOPES, Envelopes, Eiividopcs, Envelopes, Envelopes, 20,000 J II S T R E (3 E 1 V E I). 20.000 Just Received, 20,000 Just Received. FRO M T 1 1 E M A N U F ACT L' RES, From tho Manufactures, From the Manuficfures, at the ST. MAllV'S ROOlv STORE. All sizes, and eolores, and will be sold very low by the Hns. Statement. Statement of tho Reccirds & Ex- pemiiiures ol E'.k county for tho year Istifi. Jan. 1st 1SG0. Dr. To atut of taxes collocic J from unsoatod lands, ? 21 1 oil 58 Rec'd from collcctir.;, 27"7 1 n case of Cum. vs 0 rahain (50 Fine in ease of Coin, vs Yolk 25 Chapin &, Wilbur Atty's lor 40 00 county Ri c't from L. Vo'eicr. do du C. 'iVeis do do Souther it V,'iU;s J. C. Chapin ou unseated lands Wui. P. Purviu ou land sold to county C. Hitter extra Assessment A. J. Med lock on land sold 200 10 10 10 a) oo oo 00 IG 20 27 1 to county 40 051 J.i!anco Total Jan. 1 l8tit 81085 02 Cr Cash paid to. wit : Wm A Bly Comr S 8 00 Louis Volmer " 12 00 (ico D. Messenger " S 00 Jos W Taylor ' 130 00 Chas Weis ' 1113 (Jeo. Dickinson Mi 00 Jno (' M'Allister " ilk 270 00 A udiiors elk 8 27 County Auditors .'IO 02 Coroners fees 35 97 Stationary &o 5 00 Justices fees 20 00 Dist. Attorney 41 38 Bounties, wolves Ac 01 00 Jurors 1024 24 Road Viewers 0 79 Repairs 89 80 Flection Expense 248 00 Constables 03 0j Assessors 229 98 Treasures fees 174 00 Prison Eipeuse 171 72 Printing 2 57 Commissioners counsel 119 93 Prothy's fees 150 00 Commonwealth costs 108 00 Sheriffs fees 125 00 Court crier and Jaoitor 90 00 Miscellaneous 81 18 Fuel 80 98 Auditor of Prothy's aect 2S 00 Refunding order 123 62 Treas com'n ou 3 130 02 - Rec'd 2 08 CI Treas com'n on 32G1 81 (".'2 05 js Assets : Tax outstanding ou unseated lands 8 76 do do in hands of collectors 1844 A tn t of Uounty t.ii outstan ding on unseated land 25483 .do of Uounty tax outstan ding in hands of col. (i 109 Stato taxes outstanding 867 do do do on un seated lands S074 $45307. TUal Liabilities Amtof Homily orders oulstan. Jing 8 23 050 do of Interest estimated 2710 1 do County orders outstanding 152 4 11 do due houso of Refuge 100 84 do do State 4H9 GIV do Ralauce 12950 2-r Total 8453G7 02 P. W. HAYS. High Sheriff of Elk county, in account with the county for the year 1805. Jan. 1 18li(i. Dr. To Ral due co., atlastsetlm't $ 03 SO ' Jury fees Clover vs Brvaut fi Ewer " Jury fees Tudor vs Gibstu " Fine (oin'th vs Smith " County orders " Ral due Sheriff 4 1 5 125 201 Total Jan. 1 1800 (Jr. Uy conveying Win. K'inneu Jr $102 33 to House of Refuge do Adv'r Cen'l Election do Summoning Jurors do Filling Jury whsel do Conveying John Ilora-'k to W Penitentiary do Fees on com'tb cases do Serving Subpo iu com'tb cases do Entry on 152 case 9 120 00 75 58 10 3 00 120 00 67 08 10 00V 20 80 $102 33 T.,tal CHARLES LUHR, Esq. Treasurer of Elk county, in account. with the county ,f Elk, for the year ending Jan. 1st 1800. Jan. 1st 1800. J)r. To amtcol on unseated lands $ 211 do do Heed froincol'snf faxes 2757 do do Pd per J. 0. Chapin in eases of coni'th vs Jas. Gi aha in do do L. J. liiakely tine of C. H. Volk d j du (,. ( W. Atty's for co. do do Reed from L. Yoliecr do do do do C. Weis do do do do Soathcr & Wiliis doamt reed from J. C. Clxipin on binds not assessed for 18(50-01 -2 A: 3 do anit reed from Win. P. Pur viu on luil.l kohl to co. do unit reed from Cbas Hitter extra assesnicnt 60 40 200 10 10 10 On lti 27 1 doamt reed from A J Mid dock on lands sold ;-o do Ral due county fund Total Ja:i. 1st 18Gn. ')-. Ry unit due Treas at former settlement ( do nmt county orders red do do Paid co., Anditors do Rdfui, ding order to Jacob Moyer do Treas com'n on 83130 02 rcjd at. 2 pcrct to Tffcs com'n on S32G1 84 Jt-b at pr ct do bM due fund Total 3130 62 Dr. Benezett Road Fund. January 1st 1800. To bal due fund ut last set 8 241 85 Total Cr. By orders redeemed do Treas com'n ou 23 1 0 disb at 2 pr et io balance due fund S241 231 i n 85 OS 03 54 Total 8241 85 Dr. Benezette School Fund To bal duo fund ut lastset'mt 8187 Cr. By dist Treas receipt S187 Di. Beuzingcr Road Fuud. Toamt reed from unseated lands $ (J2 do bal due Treasurer 4 54 30 Total 00 90 3 40 61 00 2 50 Cr. By bal due Treas at last sel'int S do orders cancelled do Treas com cn 802 51 col lected at 4 per ct Total 6G 9U Dr. Bcniinger School Fund. To amt reed from unseated lands ft 02 .14. do Refunding ot dist Treat 150 52 Total 6213 0C Cr. By amtdueTreasatlastset'mtJ 150 52 do Dist Treas receipt bo 00 2G 10 IS do Treas eomn on $213 CG reed at 2 per ct do Treas comn on 855 00 disb at 2 per ct do Balance due fund Total $213 OK Dr. Fox Road Fund. To bal due fund at last gct'uit $ 396 74 do Amt of taxes reed Irom unseated lands 12 69 Total 8109 43 8 340 81 Cr. By order redeemed !I0 4' 8o 00 00 00 00 03 5S 00 92 00 00 26 10 40 10 83130 62 : 184 58 2917 51 SO 00 123 G2r 03 01 65 23 34 91 I