1 T ;H E; :E i K A .1) V 0 GATE Tim p ocnlinr taint oi V ir.fi'ct'.nn which vc c:i!l Scitorn.A lurlcs in the cwittituiioiu cif lllllllitlldlM of 11H.11. It cither produces or is r. 20- .'-( ' .."-, riroiltlCCU iv r.n ' rL-:-XiU;VJ- feeblcd. vitiited Mate ! J;j'ivvd , f. f tlio 1 looit, wherein &rSviC M.V'-'-"- lhlil1 u'L'olil's !' 1; VK? fBVonipcter.t to tu-tms ;' j,a.f fi'tlicvitiilfort:-('S;illiiMr :V(Y'"ff": vigorous action, r.i'.d 'i: iililCrV ir u-lo:tV .'3 the ( V tL'111 tv) "-" fall into I'.i.-oukr luul r. The fcntfiuVus com.imiftilion is v:: : :'iy c.iumiI ly viorruriul i!i.-cii!e, luw disorder', d'llii'i'stion lVor.i unhealthy : ,1, i:::niro r.ir. flth find Lit! y habits, ileprcsi ing vices. Mil. nl.ovo id I, ly venereal ir-fction. Y.'h.iK'Vcr 1 o ki ;';n, it ij horcdiiary in the ton.-tiuitior. 'ccn:n-y"lNi!t .parent V children lint-, t'.iird i.:i(i fiur.-t'.i-pncrc.iiiin;" indeed, it : :i:s t.) 1 e the rod of Hint who s ays. ' I will t t';c iuui-.i'.lits (t'liic fathers i.pon their M 'il'j 'ise:i:-e3 it originates I. .ho t -, name?, r.ccnriliti;: to the orpins it : ;c. .. l:i the 1 iiJi;.-. Sorot'um produces er 'ics, r.nd iinaliy Consumption; m tho a t wl11;ii(;s which suppurate nr.d he r ulcerous tores; i:l ti.e ttomneh and i rientiH'onieliH v h'.ch produce indi ii.ii. ily.;pcp.-iii, i.nd liver complaints; cn thin, eruptive mid cutaneous iil'ection. rse, i.il lii'.vir, lt the sunn; orkin. rcuuire the .0 remedy, viz.. liii ilieiition mid imP-tora-i i if the" 1 hin.h I'uri'y the I lood, r.nd : c ibnircveu:'. tiistpiiipfi s leave you. Willi : le. fni, I, c: corrupted 1 U-od. v u c-:inn-t n l:ca!i!i; villi that "Ji'.'e f the fiesh" ,.ihy, you iv.nnot have urofuhms dUuiuc. .yor'j Cr.vsapr.riila cmpounih'd from the most t 'Icctual nnti - cs that medical Kience Ii:'..-- di.-eowrcd for ' : r.f.lictins liiMcn.pcr, end for tlie euro of tliMU'dcrs it entails, That it is I'.'.r supe--r to liny ether remedy yet deviled, it un I y nil vho have iriven it a triah That dues eonil ine virtues truly o.tritordir.ary : llieir cil'ect upon this tla.'n of conmlaint , : indi: pr.tai ly jirovetl ' y t!:e (rrei.t n.n',ti:uile j-uhliely hnown and reii.iii kahie tu;3 it i made d' t'.io following diseases: Kincj'.) ...1. 11, cr Chni'ihr Svelltr-gs, Tumois, . .'vpticr.3, Pitr.fbs, 31otche3 ami Sorei, ! yapehs, Scso cr St. Anthony's I'ira t t llheun, Seaid He:d, CoughJ frou .2roulo'J3 dc'jiO'itj in tho larajs, Vhito ;L:;vsF, Eslillty, Dropsy, IJeuralgii, sp.-pai cr Jadijjo ition, S.pbilis and :!rli't:'i 7:ifcctior.3, Jlcrcu-io I risow, 3 "1 ' Vlk 'Ci'lD ', r.nd. itideed. the whole .3 i.t con.r.h.iins iii..t arhe iioi.i iiiipnrity the 1 lood. Minute reports i:f ir.di-.ii'.ual ..3 nay le toiii.d in Ann's Ami.uhms MAN.vr, wl.icli is i'uri',i.-i:ed to the ih hi. :;i: ts cr.itnltuiij i!i triiution. v herein n.ay le - :;.eu the directions for in me, nnd loir.o tlie reinarhaLIe Hires v.i.ieli it has inside en til other len:idies l.i.d lhilc d to i.iloid l lit'. Tlio. o tit.'is i.:e ) urfoM-iy U l.in : .in r.'.! fiu'.nr.s if the n,i.nt:y, in eider ; ,t i ery lei.ih r i.:; y have i.ceim to uni.o . vho c::n i ; c; h t.) l.lm rf its 1 1 r.i l.ts fioni .: . rf otn.l i l i.i h r.i e. !Se:ol'nhi (h pre: ns the ..! cr.ereie.-, M:d Ihtta leiues its victims far a ie nieitt to cli: e;n e i.r.d its fatal rcfiiits 4 ..;i r.ie l.ti hly ti lutliutic i-. Hence it ::iU to il.uiten, rr.d ch es (.icr.tly shoiten, i e i.vcrar.e li.ii lit n cf l.nmaii life. The i t injoiti rie i t' thcto lemideii.tions has i il v.s to ipinl yiars in pcrlectii n un iilj v l.lch ij ri'.ujn te to its cir.e. '1 his ve r.i.w . cr to the i nl. lie i.r.dcr the r.r.n.e i t' Avi.n'i "ai:s.umi:h.i... i.HI i njdi it is icn pined i f ridiei.ts, ion e cf which cxciid the 1 c.-t .v4f.v; '('.' in i:l-:cn.live i.iur. V.y its .. i yell n.i:y preV. ct oiiricK' f. ei:i the ii.tler--j.,"i.r.d ih.'rgir cf tl.c-si- il'uoiders. I'm to . t the fold corieptier.s that rot end fe: U r (he lliaal, j me c.i.t ti e ci.i.ms i lV.hcii.-c, .' l.d inn.tis I eailli w ill leiit.w. I'.y il icilt ,i ;.r viilucs this l'.n.u'y .'lln.i.h.tes ileiili.l 1 rctl(;r.v. rid lies cNpi Is the di- tin pels !.i( h lir. k will. in ihe tvstLiii or turst cut 4 :i any ait f it. i e" hi. i.w ii e nl lie have I un iheeived I v i:i:ry on poi. i. (Is cf S"rn:j-it ill", that I onihc'l r. inh i.i.d il'd rotliin;.' : 1 i;t thi y id neither I e dieciud jor diM.ppointeil in A is. It , virtues l.n e I ecu )! dm ii I v al.i.n- :.t trial, and there remains i-.i (.notion cf , Mir)i:i.inj c.'.ci heme tor the cure i t' Ihe j llielinj; ili.-eiocs il is intended to leach. .. Ithonh under the mine name, it is n very t lien-lit medicine from in other wl.ieh hiis I en l.ifoie ihe j cople. r.ud is far more ef 1 .. inal than my other wl.it ii has ever heeu x aihihlu to them. CHERRY l'KCTORAL. Ciui World's Grcnt Bcir.edy Tor Coughs. C o'df, Iticipicnt Con tumption, ar.d i'orti'.o relief of Couhuniijti'. c i.iticnt9 in urivaiicid. ttugca cf tlio ditcuiC. Tl'is bus ' eon ro 111 ii'id find fo uni ir!;il!y l.ri.wn, tin t v. e mid ln no more 1 .i n iii-Vnri. ti e I'lil.l'.e tl.nl its (jiudily is kejit . . in li e li . t it i wrlias liien. i.i il that it j i v le ii lii d on to do i.i! it has cur done, i'ltniatd ly )u. .1. (.'. Avi.H & t'o., i'lCtelicut ami Aunl'lieal fhemittt, Lowell, M.US. Sold l y nil dili;'flifts every where. 8 tLiit rU.i. UH'i lltll.Vl AVALLIS IMVUOVEU MAGIC BALM. VV I V C THE 15 V L M 'V I M. I) O Hc'ii iva Oti.it ructions, nllay lnflnmation facilitate l'"rsp;r.niuu and i.'irciihilinn, re- i liiee Kul.-ii-jreun'iiis-. and vitalize and j ,'ew York , Was completely restored to uren-theu weikeaed pans -lamp and Iril- : In,.,!,, t,,r luiving sufli red several JiciiH ('.ihe. Nerv.im Ileal elie. )-.ar.i';he. . , ., . , , ,. , Utinis. F,-e,,.es. To,hacl,e SPn,i. UruUes, ;.V-arswi h that d.ead disease (onsump ,'. e. ; an I for N.irains. l'.niUe. Galls, i lion. lo ( nnsumptive suflerers, this :ieave-i, Dinemper, ., in horses The j rt inedy is worthy of an itiiuii'diaie trial. quickest relict lor pain oi any i am Miicr .11 use. lll'.'re h nil rciliciy linn win mci o proaiply in relieving t lie ills enumerated a t lie M i Vi" U ilia. which deserves lo re- eive ihe favor ot the puhiic. It is its own i ecoMiiaeiid Uiou. aa 1 hy tlio performance f goo 1 woi lis. where il is known, now en inys Ihe liighi"! repuiaiion. I'r sale by "'. well. Ibiiik S M'Vean. Ilidgwny IV.. 'VliuIe.tnle by C il lers 4i Hull, il Warfecls I rug stores, Erie l'a. 1 lSSlir UTIO.V OF CO P A It T .V E It S II 1 i. NO"l'"Kls hrveliy (riven. Iliat the Co 1 nrinernhip heretofore exist u;E under ihe j time oft". I.ulir .V Co , ai St. Mary's and I red Sidiienim X Co.. ai Kersey, is dis . uived since ihe first day of April last, by n intinl convert. The books nml accounts in- l.mli esialilislimeuis will he loll in ihe t amis of Chas. Luhi'St. .Mary's lor settle i. mil. CII.VS. I.UllIt. J S. SNEIt I NGER, ruKU slihening. Vt. r,ih Iff.:,. .lilltj;. lie liiniks in d .HOuliliU ol 1cuh J. Siorer Si Co., and Cliarhs II. "ieni.g A Co.. of St Mary's, have been meet' in the hnnd oftliu uiidersigiicd tor eiil inetit. I'm I ics iinh-lited lo ei'her ot 1 1, abuve firms, are notified that their ac in iti he seul ! I hy j-.-iy meat lj the ndi isig"e 1, within HU Java. LVU UK 1. liI.KF.LV. Atf'y for GUI SJ fi STOKE it ii 00. In Old Ch a p i n 'ill Where you will Cud Drugs, Medicine?. Oil? Tainl!", Vaiuisli, Brushes. o i) ii v y , t ii t i WATCHES, WAKRANTD ; PlT,VKRW.r,r., WAKEANThD ; A jreri'Tal assortment of Va- J ritifs and 1 BaiiD -SATs' ... Fanev Soups. iolin Strings Perfumeries, Albums, yunkee Nutins &c. iimp uu ny the barrel, JMx- . Instru- ineiits and Implement:- partaiu-inn- to the DUUG BUSINESS, dc sire Linuors, for Medical purposes, only. s HOKIAVEM- & MESSENGER. Hiiljrway, Aug. 17, 05. DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNER. SHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Co Partiii'i'j-liip hcietiifuie existing un- : tier tlie ii'iuies ni Alimony iuniz unu ! John Krugh, at St. Jary's, has th's dav been dii-olvcd by mutual content of the parties. 1 k VI HAW T'TT''l'7 I llll. 1 l U i JOHN K RUG II. June 22d 'G ot I'd. AfKW IN M A MUSI C F U N E 1! A L RC II TO T II E M E M - ORY OL-' ARR Ml AM EINCOLN," t ic Martyr President, by Mrs. Ii. A. P.UtKlil'KST, the pnpulnr coinpi si'r Tlie Home Journal snys : "Tliis is u Cup eoiuposiiion, well worthy the if -million oi' its writer." Very solemn nnd ini preive I.OUUCOPIES A HE IS.-PI'' I) v EEKEY- Piice ii 0 cents ; wiih vig Iietle id the Pusi.lrft. ;"(! cents. Mail' d i,e... 'i,blifber. HORACE WAT ERS. -tsl Pi'oiuiwiiv. N. V. OTICE Whereas, Letters Teta liieiitary to the Estate id Michuc Ovel late of .ley tnwusditp Elk county I dee'd have been lanted to the Mibeii. i b-n : All persons indebted to suid : E.-fnte are iv(iiested to make tnmiediatc ' ii.iyuieiit ; and those having claims j against the same will present them duly authenticated lor Bcttlenif nt to JOHN P. ARR. 1'enezett to.. Elk countv A. W GRAY, " Jay tp. Elk county I .Ugtlt J IHI1 I 'M).). (Tit AY C.PI'TEE ','auie to the premises of tho subscriber in Pox township, on or about the -0, of April 'G5- a red it white spotted cow, about 7 years old since bad a calf, one red steer about 1 year old. The owner is ; desired to enuie forward, prove property, i tiav eb.in'es. ,vc. nr otherwise ihev will be disposed ol as the law directs. Pox t p. Aug. 9, 'u', . GEO FAUST. J OtO.VSl JHTIVI S. Qufferers With tl.M A, Jironchiiis, Const Mr Tins or any disease ot the Jhroator l-uns, will be cheer fully furnished, without charge, with the remedy by the use of which the IU;v. EnwAitl) A. Wlr.sn.N, i.f Willianisbuig. , i, Wli L.,,st notlmi''. nnd may tie tlie means of their perfect restoration. Those desiring the same will please ml. i d,ol!n- V I lV A It I ) A WllStlV I " ... .. ..... ... - Iti'i South Second Stieet, Williauib burgh, Kings County, New Yolk. Iinformation Free TO NERYOl'S SlTPEllERS, A CJENTLEMEN, turek of Nervous Ilebility. Ineompeleney Pre tuie J)c. ciiy.iiiid Yimiblul Error, uciuaied by a desire to benefit i .titers, will lie nappy lo furnish to ull who need it (tree ol charge,") the recipe mid directions tor nuiking tho simple remedy used in bis case. Sufferers wishing to prnlit by the advertisers b:ul experience, and possess a sure mil valuable remedy, can do so jy oddiessing l.im at oiiee at his place of bu-iness. Tho Receipt and tnll infernin. lion of'viial importance. will be cheer fully frnt by leturn mail. Address JOHN P. O'! DEN; No. (10 Nassau Street, N'W York. .S. Nervous Surte.i'eisot'h'ith sexes wc find this iuloiuiutiou iuvuluuble. (Tm'H.t. FORWARD. Jl .1 It (' II ! 0.0 MARCH iUOMT INTO RlDfJVVAY AI.ONO .VAIN BTTtMKT TO THE 4 ..O i it, ia la A r r a n in e n t . TREMHNtOUS IttTSII TO TIIK New Store of CEXTREVILLE, ELK CO. PA NEW COODS DAILY A It 11 I V I N G THE PEOPLE Awake to their Interest ! A matiii'eslcd by the daily throng of customers exchanging "u risen backs" for Q jods. All the Domcstia Cotton Goods are uh. Custome. s, oua and all exclaim ! hi Ilcrw Cheap 5 our Dress Good ARE My stock consists of v y & o o d flats & Caps, Groceries CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARD WARE Oils and Paints, Wccclnii Ware, Po-k, Tt is useless for to attempt, to give a full list id the stock, but invito imil all, to drop iu, and examiuo themselves. one lor teSTl! utter, Egtrs, Potatoes, Grain Hides, Calfskins uud all country produce taken at market price, for goods. Centreville, June 1st, 18G.3.! Administrators Notice- Letters of Administration have been granted in due form of Law. to ihe sub scriber Win. Mack upon tin Estate of Elisha .Vsek, Late of Salem Md. de ceased. All person having any claim against said Estate, me requested to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. Any person owing the Estate, Hie requested to make payment forth' with. - - - ' .- -WILLIAM MACK, , ifminifritor nf the Ltte of L'litha Meek, flwGUfb. '. ' t " T. I I 'I lOPl , e w Administrator's Sale-' BY orJer of the Orphans Court of 111 f? county of Elk, in the Stuto of l'a ; 1 shall expose to sa'o, liy public vori(lue or out cry nt tho Court House in lliil.n way, on Tuesiluy the 3d day of January next at 1 o'clock I'. M., n the property of Anthony Meyer, dee'd. l'ive lots i" St. Mary's, in the paid comity of Elk' known lis lots. No. nineteen (1!)) twenty one (21) twenty-eight (2S) twenty. four (24 i and twenty-six (20) on cross street, in front on cross street one hundred (100) feet each and in depth at right anules two hundred (200) feet. Terms of sal'ono third of the pur. ehnse money in hand at conformation of ! sale and the tesidun in two equal annual instalments thereafter, to be secured by Judgment, ?ond and Mnrtarajre.' ANTHONY M EVE Administrator of ANTHONY MEYER dee'd COLLIER IN THE ARMY O and our peop'e at hom Are now offereilau opportunity which they can obtain a GOOD & DUUVHLE TIME-Ptl CE AT A VRY T OW FIGURE. err watches urtt WAAR I?M Ii 10 IO J P IIFONXVEAU nnd tho buyer is allowed the Privilege of Kxatnination. BEFORE I'A I'M EXT IS REQUIRED Tmvrrvril Duplex in fiOl RiSirf Artion. ' A first class Hunting; Timc-Pume of Silver material, over which is electrn-fine plated 18 k. pohl, most durable wrought, milking the imitnlion so faultless that it cannot be detected from Ihe solid material hy the ' most experienced .iiidjes ; acids will not fif- ect it. London made movement. iMpnov Kt) Ditlkx in full ruby action. 1ms Rweep econds, nnd isnM to be excelled in general arPpnvance. m is iF.riiKi)i,Y one of the nv.sr articles ever offered for trnders and speculators. Engineers. Kmijrnnts, and persons travelling, will find them superior toimv other : alteration of clir.inte will not ntfert their accuracy. Trice, pnehed in good 6hape nnd good running order, only $35, or rase of li forS JOO. SILVEIt UOCDLE TIR HUNTING LEV F.H.o, PF.ST QUAUTV SILVER CASES, over which electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar j t i our Improved Duplex, nnd superior nd fu(ed movements with "Stop," to be used I 1 timing horses, etc. ; has Four Inderesp ' nnp Wnuliinrrlnn nml ninr..irl. lima aurftn second, ami nil tho improvements. All in oil. taking its beautiful and faultless ap pearance nnd its superior movement, into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in tho market. 1 Price, in good runn'ng order, $35 of case! of fi for $200. I JtfegrWe nsk no pay in advance, but will' forward either of them to responsible par- ties, to any part of Ihe loyal Stales, with bill payable to expressman when ihe goods aro delivertd, giving the huyer the privil ege of examination, and, if nit satisfactory the watch can be rclu-ncd nt our wMnsa Tho express companies ref ..,e making collections on soMier nnd other dUloyal Slates, consequently all such orders must be accompanied by the ensh to insure at tentinn. We make ft deduction of two do bir on eithor watch when tho pnymen n forwarded in advance. Money may ho sent by express at our ex pense. TIIO. GAFpEHTY k CO.. 03 an 85 broad St., opposite City Hand Providence, It I k- NOTICE. Letters of Administra toin have been granted to tho untler. signed upon the estate of Lewis 5utt, late of Vernon. Oneida county New j York and formerly of Elk county Pa., by tho Register of Elk county. All per suns knowing themselves indebted to the estate are requested to make payment forthwith and any persons having claims noiiinct tlie estate are reoueftetl to me. I sent them to tho undersigned for settle ment. II. W. MA II AN, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. Ridgway, June 22d, '05. Furniture. 0S jBH0W iMANF U ACTUEUR OF ill ode in aii'.l in ique Finn! tiit. MAIN STREET, H II O O K V I L L E 1' E N N'A. Tete-atetes, Sofas, Piuvaus, Easy Chairs, Hocking Chairs, PR AWING ROOM CHAIRS, And rpholstered ware of all kinds, also Cain ("hairs, Cain Rocking ("hairs. Common cr Windsor Chairs- Peadsteads, Tables, Stauds, Ueaures. Light Stands, What- no ts, Corner Stands, Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Bookcases, &c. ke. &c. We spare no pains in packing furni. ture so that it cau be shipped any dis tancc without being injured. Do not forget the place. " JJROWN'S WARE ROOMS. Dec. 2 ltli lSlH.-tf. NOTICE. Letters of Administra, tiou rati lentn meutii iiiiie.ii, on the es talo of Anthony Kimt., late id the Lor oul'Ii ol St. dury's deceased, )iavin' beeu granted to tho undersigned. All jieisiuis iudebted to said cMato are re. quested to muko payment and those having claim to present them without delay to . ' ' ADOLI'lI FOCIITMAN St. Jury's, Elk Co. T. ,i;r,t;,llIit.,jiii..-.,,rg NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED The following facts demonstrate that these Machines comprise the hyhctt improvements in the Sewing Mcthine Art, viz' 1. Each Mehine is guaranteed to ?iv better satisfaction than any other Sewing Machine in Market, or money refunded. 2. They have taken many of the liijlirst premiums at the most important ex. Iiibit ion nnd fain ever held in the United States. 3. They make the rick utitrh alike on both sides thus savintr more than half the thread nnd silk used in tlio ravelins ridge seams of the loop stitch and single-thread Sewing Machines1 4. They are adapted to the widest range of heavy and light sewing. 5. They have no rattling wires, or deli cate attachments to keep in repair. 6. They icquire notakinsr apart to clean or nib and no "Lessons" to set needle, regulate tensi in, or operate Machine Please call and examine and demon. strate for yourself, or send foi circuar with samples of sewing. N. 1$. Town and Country Ageuts wanted. ' : FINKLE & LYON'S. S M CO., No. 358 Rroadway, New York Volunteers and Conscrips I Tosolliersor nny others wishing to in crease t heir income, there is no better way lo doing so nt this time, than from the sale of our -watches. Thev abb Warranted as IvErilF.SFNTF.n ! "Particularly valuable for officers in the Army and travelers." Frank Leslie's, Feb. 21. "Prettiest, best ana ehenpest timepieces ever offered." iV. Y. Illustrated Hews, Jan. 10. "Very pretty nnd dnrnble Watches for the Army." N Y. Armi V Savy Jour. (Gov ernment Orpnn.l Aug. 20. "One of the oldest and most reliable hous es in business." Louisville, Ky., Journal. July 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS Being a Hunting or Open Fnce or Lndy'sor Oentteiiinn'f Wntoh Comehine. with Tatent Self Winding Improvement a most Plensinir Nt.velt v. ONE OK THE PR fiTTIEST. MOST PON VKN'IKNT. AND decidedly the best nnd cheapest time piece for general and reliable ue ever offered. It has within it nnd con nected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unne cessary. The cases of this Watch nre com posed of two metals, tho nnteronc hein fine lflcnrnt gold. It has the improved rubg action lover movement, nnd is wnrrnnted ny nccurato time-piece. Price snnnrhlj enn graved, per ense of hnlf dozen. $S04. cnrn pie Watches in neat morocco bores, $85, SILVltW TTA7HES! First flhss Hunting Time. Pieces for nccu racy of movement, beauty of material, nnd above all, cheapness in price, these watches must, insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that, it can hard y bo detected by the most experience- udges. The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Silver, it can not be recognised by cuttirrj or heavy en, j graving, miming it. noi in appearance, nui indurabilify. the best resemblance of SOL Dl STi'MLING SILVER in existence. Tlie sale of these Watches in the Army is source of enormous profit, retailing, as hey very readily do. nt $25 nnd upwards Many hundred dollars can he made in a tins gle pay day by any one of ordinary busincs. an ho fiffA-AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In henvy hunting enscs. beautifully engrnved. while enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in pood mining order, by the half dozen, $7'2. Sold only by the case of sii! Upon receipt of two dollars, ns guarantee of good faith, wc will send watches by ex press to any part of the loval States, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers against fraud, g!ving them their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in the ilisloinl shifts mtst remit cash in advance, as the erpres nompanies peremptorily refuse niak'ng collections in sucli .iangerous localities. llememner, thel sl'ites I We puarinlee. tlie safe delivery all watrh's, wliother they are sent by mail eor ipress Hubbnrd Bors., Sole Impoter IlEE Vis ' A M II It O j 4 FOR THE HAIR rffltllS ET.Efl ANT HAIR DRESSINO AND -- wonderkitl Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, and is superseding all other prepa. rations, not only in this country but also in Europe and South America. Thou, sands of bottles nre annually used in the Court circles of Paris, London, St. Pe tersburg uuu Madrid, and the sale in Culm is enormous. UllEBVF.S' MA BllOSIA is composed of an oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of txiuis ite perfumes. It effectually prevents the hair lalliiior out, and causes it to jimw j rapidly, thick and ion;. It makes the hair curl, and Ktves it a glossy appear ance. No toilet is complete without it. Price 75 cents per lare bottle. Sold by druspesta and dealers in fancy goods in all parts of the civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists in every eitv. and t - J ,.g KkliVKS- AMBROSIA DEPOT,' inJntVllrn.frl Vnfi.XmV, Attention GREAT EXCITEMENT Is kept up ky th u.- i Arrival OF New Goods AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S - Cheap Cash Store, Wher he has ou band and for sale , MEN & BOY'S CLOTIIINO Dry Goods r Ladie3 and Gent's Furnishing goods, LADIES DRESS GOODS, Ladies' and Gents' Shawls, Sontags, Breakfast Shawls, Nubia9, Comforter?, Scarfs, Hoods &c. Hats Boots & Caps, & Shoes. A very large and well selected STOCK of the best made aud warranted in every respect Groceries. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Rice &c, Flour Salt, Pork, FUh. Connected with the above largo stock of i , -n fi j i . p Q , j e.. Confectionary and Yankee Notions In great quantities and qualities. Ssayl say, to one and all, that ray stock is full and complete, aud will ha sold at small profits. Givh me u cull, before purchasing eltewhert. F. 11. Si. Marj', No. 25th '65.