J.IWJWJlUT.'a'gJlJlta!LiL'.-t.U THE ELK ADVOCATE The World's Story-Teller. "Ve Mlvrotire of Romance, snyde he, 'Slinllo sliowe ye pictnure all : Of (talyiinte knighle and lnyde fnire. And pleasonrc bryghle and love'? dcspttyre, And jetilom wighie and poynn rayro ; And read it to ye worlde," sayde he, 'From Court to tyrennyde's hull!" Old Ballad 1860. -j The New York Mercury. T II E X T Y E I 0 H T H YEAR. Tn cnmmencinfj a New Year, which, tin. like its immediate proileccssors. finds onr whole (ffat country bln.it with happy Penie nnd wide content," the proprietors of the Hepresentative Amerioan Literary Paper hex leave to announce a glorious new intellectual banquet of Romance, Wit and Humor, Home Stori'S, Poetry, Tale DJ adventure, Essay, Picture, Literary Notices, fashion article. Gossip, Curious and Interesting News, Vivacious Feminine Correspondence, Foreign Tetters, Instructive Editorials, Literature for the Little ones, Talks about Art, New Books, , and the Drama, etc. In fact the New Yofic Mekcitrt for 18RC will be so complete and exhaustive in all the departments of choice reading, that . those who mbscrihe for it will take no other ! city paper tho year through. To all it ; "will seem tn he, I Not one, but all press kinds epitome," I arid will prove to every home North. South East and West a weekly visitor dispensing the useful and the beautiful alike. THE BEST WRITERS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE. will be regular contributors to this lonR established and peerless literary m rror of the world. .-Imong the host of (treat names added to its staff for the New Yeai ma be mentioned : W. Gilniore Simms, SI. A F.arlis. "Cousin M. Carlton," Kev. J. II. Ineraham. J. H. Robinson, Olive Logan, Tierce Kjran. M. E. Braddon. E.Z. C. Jud Ipon, ITnrnet E. Prescoit, Gcoreo Martini. and numerous other celebrities, who are now Iprepnring literary gems for the same col Dunns Now is the time to subscribe for The New York Mersury. as it will commence the .Vow Year of 1866 with a niiipniliccnt posthumous novel from the pen of iho J,nt Prof. J. II Ingraham. Antlior of "The Dinciut; Fe ither," "Prince ofine House of David," "Lafitte. t ha Pi rate," &c. &., whoe wonderful powers in fiction have never been surpassed by any i living writer), entitled Mortimer; OR THE BANKRUPT'S HEIRESS. A HOME ROMANCE. I Also ft brillant tale, illustrated, from the pen of Harriet E. Prescoit, and a charming poem, beautifully illustrated, from the pen of the late Cleore Arnold. ,Tns New York Mercury, with its .forty columns of sterling original matter, wilt continue to be issued at fix eon's a copy, and sold by all new.imcn and periodical dealers in America. To mail sub-tci-ibers our term are : Cash in advrncc : Single copies, $.!,50 year ; three copies. $7; six copies, $13; nine copies, The party who sends us $20 for a club of nine copies will receive an additional copy free. .Six months' sub, scription received. Canada subscribers must send twenty cents extra for each sub script ion, to pay t tie American postage. Subscribers should be careful to write plainly the name of their post. allien, coun ty, and State. Specimen copies sent free to all applicants. Address OADI.DWK'.L & WHITNEY, Yrnprietors of the Xew York Mercury. fcos. 48 Ann fct. and 111! Fulton tt, New York City. fj-aJT-Proprietors of newspapers giving the above Prospectus five or more insertions, with an editorial notice, will be entitled to have two copies of THE NEW YORK MiUt C'U.tY sent for one year to any address they may indicate. vlinl-ly. fMlli MODEL PARLOR MAGAZINE OF JL AMERICA. Demorest's Monthly Magazine. Combines and presents tho most interes. ting, useful, and attractive array of popu lar features ever offered iu a magazine, in cluding LARGER & MOKE COSTLY STEEL EN GRAVINGS Than are furnished in any other Origimtl Stories awl Poems ly the Most Em in ft Authors NEW AND VALUABLE MUSIC, Br the most popular composers. ARCHITECTURE ,y MODEL COTTAGES, With diagrams. Fine Portraits op Eminent Per son. THE FASHION'S, . In every department of Ladies' nd Chil dren's Dress, splendidly illutrated with unrivalled and model Fashion Plates, and our usual .FULL SIZE PATTERNS. BRAID AND EMBROIDERY. Also. Hous'hald mattert and Receipts, tcith Jennie June's Talks on Womnn'i Topics ; Tar it Corretpondenee ; Etc, Etc., Together with a constant succession of t'rilliant Novelties, all to be finely nnd ur listioally illustrated, and the Magazine to tie printed on the finest paper, and in a styln for binding into handsome volume for the center. table at the close of the year. Yearly. $3.00. with a set of Two beauti ful Parlor Steel Engravings, or a Pickage comaiiiinR Two Dollars Worth of Extra Full. size Patterns, as a Prmium to each Buhcriher. Ech additional Subscriber, whnn sent in Cluhs. $2.60 ; Three copies for $7.-r0,- Five copies for $12: Ten copies, for ; with the Premium to each iub-a cribcr. Address W. JENNINO ? DEMORF.ST, 173 Driadway, New York. Single copies mailed free on receipt of T-riee. Baok Number, as specimens, 10 cents. Splendid Premiums are offered for Hubs, consisting of Go'd Pens. Alhimi. yearly euhsoriptionstothe best Maftsiinee. Web pter'a Largo Dictionary. Clothes-Wringere, Music-?nxrs, Molodeons, Sew-ng Ma chine!, Piano, etc, etc. Anybody eaa sccur on of the above Premium. s.6b1-1t. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. BY VIRTUE of on order of the Orphan's Court of Elk County. 1 s hull sell at the Court House, in Ridg wav on Thursday the 125th day ot Jan uary A. D., 1866. at2 o'"lock p. in., the following tract of land, situate in Benzinger township, Elk County Pa., containing 50 acres more or less, be ing the one half part of tract No. 5 a? designated on Adam Pillcrs subdivis ion plan of land in said county. Terms Cash, upon eonfirination of sale. MARY M'KKRNEY, Administratrix of Estate of P. M'Ker ney, late of Philadelphia Co. deo'd. vGnl-tt. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Whereas, Letters TcRtaniontary hav. ina been granted to Jno. Stockman and Anton Fochtman, Executors of the last will and testament of Loreny Stockman, late of St. Gary's, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and tho.e havit a claims against tho same will present thctn duly autheuti. cated for settlement. GEO. ED. WETS, Register Ac. dmTnistk ators notic ':. Notice is hereby given, that let ters of administration on the estate of Julius Vombuumen, late ol Beuzingcr township, Elk county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons iudebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present the same duly authen ticated for settlement to, HERMAN KOCH. Benzinger April 13th 18G4. Notice. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the "Daguscahonda Improvement Con pany," will be held at their Office in the City of New York, on Tuesday, the 0th day of February nest. An election of Officers for the year ensuing, will be held at 10 a, ui. same day. .10 UN S. GRIFFITH, Sec'y. Jan. 6th 1800. tf CAUTION. Whereas, my wife Barbara Grass, has left my bed and board, without just cause or pruvicaiion, I hereby caution all persons from harboring or trusting her on my ac count, is I will pay no debts of her con tracting. ANDREAS GRASS St Mary's, Jan. 3d '00. 1 Will Per Year! We want arents to sell our Improved $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds- I'ndcr an.l upper feed. War ranted five yars. Above salary or lartro commiscions paid. The okly e-achincs sold in United : tati;S for loss than $40 which are fully Itemed Ly Ilov.', Wherter ,y Witsnn. '(rover ,J llilrvr, finjrr Co.. and Itach'lder. All other clwap machines are inj'rinyements and the teller or iMirarc liable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, l'iddefui d, Maine, or at No. 82!t Broadway, New York ; No. Carter St., Philadelphia, Pa ; No. 14 Lombard's Block, Chicago, 111.; No. 170 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, O ,- or No. 8 Spaulding's Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. vonl-iy. "agents wanted! 'J o sell prize Certificates for GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Ladies Jewelry, Diamond Rings, Pins. &c, Only $5 each. For any article drawn. lUtail Price from $10 to Sl!50 All Goods Warranted (iSennine Price of Certificates 25 cents each. Liberal Premiums and Commission allowed to Agents. Sample Certificates Sent Free- For Circular and Terms address, Messrs. UAYvVAUD &CO., 29 Broadway, A'ew York. QC)0& Month!"- GENTS V 'wanted fur six entire; veto articles, .just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, ltiddeford, Maine. vUul- ly. Office or the Oil Creek Ridcj- " way Rail Road Co. Philadelphia, Dec. 23d 180,'). ) NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual -meeting, of the S'-nckhnl. ders of tho Oil Creek ami Ridjjwuy Rail UoaJ Company will be held on Monday, the eighth day of January 186(5, at 1 o'clock p. m.,"ut No. 238 South od St., Philadelphia. Annual ehctinn for President and Directors will be held sauso day and pluoc. JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. IrOSOl-DIERSANDSAILORS. 'IMIE PITTSBURGH SANITAR7 I SOLDIERS' HOME, under the charge of Dr. Cyrus King, an experi. eneed Array Surgeon, is now open for the receptioD of sick, wouuded, maimed, and helpless soldier and sailors, FREE EXPENSE. Applicant will receive a Permit, by applying to any of the Directors, and be admitted totbe Home, provided their ; discharge papers are approved by the lv ' v . n. . . ... . K. C LOO MIS, President. ORMSBY PHILLIPS, Sec'y. Thos. Bakewell, C. W Batchelor. N. Holmes, W. S. Haven, Win. MeGreery, bov22'G5- John Watt, Jno. W Chalfant. G L.B-Fctterman. W. J. BLAKELY, Bookseller Sf atinner and deal er in fancv articles - Pot Office Building, Centra Street. 6t. Mtry'B, Elk couoty, Pa. St. Mary's BOOK STORE, Just received a fresh stock of Paper, &e. Legal Cap. White ami Blue Laid Cap. Plain White Cop. White nnd Blue Laid Post. Commctcial Letter. Octavo Note Guilt Edge. Lady's Note. Wank Deeds. Blank Books. Tuck Pass Books. Time Books. Blotting Paper. Arnold's Writing Fluid, Steel Pens and Pen holders. Envelopes Large and Small. Copy Books and Mucelage. Hooks of various kinds from lOcts to SI.- 50. Segars and Tobacco nnd various other Notions of the best quality. AIjMJ A general assortment ot Confrct'oniiri, Xuts. Frails A'C tte. FRESH CAN OYSTERS. vGnl-ly. F O U T Z CtLIDHTID s Horse ana Cattle Powders. Tills p-epnratirn, lon nnd fuvombly known, will tlioi ouj(My rt invigorpte broken-down find low-ptritcd horses, by strengthening nnd cleansing t)e stomach and intcs tin t'rt It is a Dura prt vcntlve of nil din cws incident to this anlmnl, Mich as LUXO FEVtK, CLA.M'tKS, YELLOW WA TEH, HRAVK8, COUGHS. PIS TEMPER. FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OK APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ko. Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite gives a smooth and Flossy skin nnd transforms the miserable skeleton into a flne-lookiDg nnd spirited horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation is Invaluable1. It increase the quantity and improves the quality oimcmiiK. it nas been proven by ac tual experiment to incivn4 the quan tity of milk ar.d crtum twenty ptr cent, und make th butter thra and sweet, Iu fattening cattle, it gives them an Appetite, loosens their hide, nnd makes them thrive much faster. In all diseases of Stvinc, such as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lun?s, Liver, fcc, this nrtcle acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a pi;r to a pnper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will DL-eradicated or entirely prevented. If glren In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Pipe-, o 6 Papers for $1. PREPARED BY s. v, pout nuo., AT TFETR WflOLKSUE DUIfi AND JlFDinK DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. F.ir Snle by lriJfi;isu aud Storekeepers through out the United States. Fold at. AJunu (act itres Tirii'ct, by Borwrll & Mosseriger llidgway, A genu for Elk county. To Consumptives. The unJert-iflt mid having been restored I to health in a tew per ks, hy n vcrysiiu 1 plo remedy, atter having suflered seve ral years with a severe lunr ufleetion, and that dread disease, Consumption is j anxiouy to make known to his fellow I sufferrra the means of cure. ' To all who desire it, lie will send a copy ot the prescription used (free of chatfie ) with the directions for prepar Iii" and using the same, which they will I find, a sure cure for Consumption, (Asthma, ttronohitis. Coughs, Colds, &c. I The only ohjeet of the advertiscrin send. ititr the Prescription is to biwfit the . afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives 'o bo invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. KDWAKD A.WILSON, Willianbmg, Kings County. New York. LOVE AND I1ARIMONY. Aoy Lady or G.'ntleman sending tue j their address, will receive full directions for gaining the affect ions of the oppo site sex, aad which will enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, or beauty. Address Mrs MAUIELEMOTLLE. Harlem P. ()., New York city. GarcG 17,'45-8m. Imfomation Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMEN, curek of Nervous Debility. Incompetency Premature De i y. u"d outhful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to I,... I. . , nil .11 II 1 1 1 1 II . 1 ir I leu. rw lUrillDll M mi" wvt. iiu charge,') the recipe and directions for makiug ttie simple remedy tised in his case. Sufferers wishiog to profit by the advertisers bad experience, and possess a sure rnd valuable remedy, can do so oy oddressiug him at once at his place of business. The Receipt and f nil informs, tion ofvital importance will be cheer fully sent by teturn mail. Address JO HN B. 00 DEN; No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. P. S. Nervous Suffereisofboth aez we find tliis information invaluable. 1 r3 ntthi BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. cob. Tenth and Crfstnct Stbksii, PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thoroughly ap pointed Business or Commercial College in the country. The only one in the city possessing a I.e jrislfttive Charter, and the only one in the United Sta'es aulhoriied to confer Degrees of Merit. Diplomas awarded to graduates in the Commc-cial Course under its corpo rate seal hy authority of law. Conducted hy gentlemi-n of lihcral edu cation and extensive experience in bi'F.iness, and affording unequalled advanlagesfor ihe thorough theoretical and practical educa tion of young men for the various duties and employments of business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a system of ACTUAL r.USINERS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giving the student in the shortest lime a complete insight into the routine, details, customs ami forms of busintss in general, as conduc ted in tho het -regulated commercial and financial establishments. Theoretical Dookkeeping Upon a new plii,wilh an original exposi tion of the scionce of accounts, arranged and published by the proprietor of this In stitution exclusively for his own use, saving oiichalf tho ordinary lnhor of the student, and giving him a complete knowledge of the practice of the best necmmtiints. HIE (CMMKI CIAL COCIISK.. KMBRACR. I Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic. Pen. mnnthip. I'usiness Correspondence, Commercial haw. Lectures on busi ness Affairs. Commercial Cus toms. Forms, and Actual ISnsinrss Pructice. SPECIAL I3HANC1JES Algebra and the Higher Mathematics, Phono graphy. Ornamental Penmanship, the Art of Detecting Coun terfeit S'onejf, Engi neering, Surveying Navigation and Telegraphing. TEL Ei R A VII IXC. Tho arrangements for Telegraphing arc far in advance of anything of the kind ever offered to the public. A regular Telegraph Line is connected with the Institution with twenty branch offices in various parts of the city, where public business is transacted, and in which the students of this Institu tion are permitted to practice. No regular office practice can be had in any other school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a practical operator. Young men arc cautioned against the deceptive representations of those who, without any such facilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing VATROXAGE. The Institution is now enjoying Ihe lar gest patronage ever bestowed upon any commercial school in the State. Over five hundred students were in attendance the fu st year, and over seven hundred during the paHt year. The best class of studcuts may invariably be found here, and all its f.s. social ians are first class. LOCATION" ANI ACCOMMODATIONS, The I tint it ut ion is located in the most cen -t-rn part of thcciiy. and us accommodations, for extent, elegance and convenienee. are unsurpassed All 'ho rooms have been fit. ted up in the verv best style with BUSINESS omCESOK COUNTING HOUSED. TELEGUMl F I'lCES. STATIONERY STORE. AXI A lUX.ri.A7l BANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely-engraved litogr.iphic notes uved as a circulating medium iu the j Depcrtment of -Xcliril !U"in"s. TO YUUNli aitfN. wlio acsire uie very oe-t iiiciiuies iov a Practical Education for Kusikfp, we euiirantce a course of instruction no where else equalled, while the reputation and standing of the Institution among busi ness men make its endorsement the best passport to success and advancement. All oontemplati-g entering any Commercial College, are invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED VI UVULAR C- VATALOGUE. containing complete interior views of the college, and full particulars of the course of instruction, term Sc. L. FAIRBANKS, A M . President. T. S E.IK (II, Special Teacher and Supt. Office Business. TO CONSUMPTIVES.' Consumptive sufferers will receive h valuable prescription for the cure of consumption. Asthma. Uronehitis, and all throat and Lung affections, free of charge.- bv sending their address to Hev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kinss Co., 3 months New York. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW NOTICE is hereby given, that one Jacob Schriffer advertisins in this pa per, under the head of Valuable Town Lots and Farms tor sale, has no authori ty to sell the 3 town lots and 25 acres of hud in and near St. Mary's Borough, as I am the sole owner, any sale made of the same on any part thereof without my approval will not be vilid. BONEFATIUS schmond. St. Mary's, June 22d '65. For . 1 ! H3 Stationary and Portable Engines, with new Patent Piston, complete for SAW MILLS OR BORING FOR OIL. -A L O- Fortabe, Saw Mills, with Two Rotary Saws, rigged lor Saw ing any siced logs. ALSO DRIVING PIPE, Manufactured in Saudusky, Ohio, and delivered at any station on tho Rail Road, cheaper aud bettor, than can be furnished by Eastern Manufacturers. tFor further information, addreos by letter the subscriber at Ridgway, P. O., Elk Co. P., or in person at Spring Cek, on the Clarion RiveT. Wta. Q. SWARTS, kg JV lit 18e5.5m. Pd. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOlt 1866. i THE Fashion an7.ine of the WovM 1' AMIIUjSS. ThO most mnsjnifi'Tnt I Ftcel mgr.vint:,. DOUBLE FASIT. ! iw.i tijriij?. wood ensravincs on every subject that ran interest Indies. Crochet knittins. Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Uoudoir, and tho Kitchen. Every thing, in fact, to mt:ke a COMPLETE Lady's Hook. The Ladies Favorite Fcr 36 Years- No Magaiinc has been able to compete with it. None attempt it. OODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These alone arc worth the price of the nook. Model Cottajros (no other Magazine gives thenil. with dinprams. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG Anotl-or ;-pecinlitv with Oodey. ORIGINAL MUSIC!, worth $3 ft yesr. Other Mia7.ines publish old worn-ont mu sic : but the subscribers to Godcy get it be fore Ihe mupie stores. Ga-dening for Ladies. Another peculiar ity with Godcy. Fashions from Mes?r. A. T. Stewart k Co., of New York, the millionaire. mnr chant, appear in Godcv, tho only maea- line that has them. Ladies' Ilonncts. We give more of thm in a year than any other magazine. In fact the tally's liook enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marion Harlnml, .dtiMress of "Alone," "Hidden Path," "Slots Side." 'Xemct't," and "Sfiriam," wri'es for Godey each month, and for no other magazine. A new novel by her will be published in l0(i. We have also re tained ull our old and favorite contribu tors. TERMS OF GODEY'S LADV'S BOOK FOR if 66- (From which, there can he no Deviation. ) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 18H.V One copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, one year f f0 Three copies, one year 7 fiO Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one yesr. and an ertr copy to Ihe petson getting up the club, making sis copies 14 00 Eight copies one year, and an ca-tra copy to the one geiting up the club making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, nnd an ex tra copy to the one getting up the club, making twelve copies '27 f)0 6ijy"All additions to clubs at club rates. Ii;Godey's Lady's Hook ami Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of $4 CO. 8a.Wc have no cl.ib with any other mapuzitic or newspaper. ..The money must all be sent at one time fcr ami of the luhs. jigrCnnada subscribers must se.id 24 cents additional fo. each subscriber. i. KnnrY. and Chestnut Streets .V. E. Corner Sixth Philadelphia Pa, BLACKSMITHING ! The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ridgway nnrl I'loinkh- tb-if 1. 1 )i..,l, n r. . it. ..,v ..o .,.. .,, - . and commodious shop on the East side j of the street, leading to the P. k E. I Riid Road Depot, where be will do ul kinds of work with tiromt.tness and in the best style. Ho does not intend to L m..u.,K:ii,., in uin.,.i work. He trusts that considerable" es. periencu and promnt attention to the business in person will secure a liberal ess in person w share of pnvintr ratronasm. SAMUEL STRICKLAND Ridgway. Oct. 28th '03. tf XE W ES TA B LISI1 M EXT. J0NN McCLERY & CO., TANNER AND CURRIER Centreville, Elk County Pennsylvania. Will keep constantly on hani, all kind of stock iu their Hue. CASH PAID FOlt HIDES, Joseph Windfelder of St. Mary's, j will receive ull kinds ot hides ana pay cash for the same, Centreville, Oct. 2Gth G5.-tf. Notice. Is hereby given, that a quuntity of logs were curried on uiy lands, on Rennets Branch iu Benezette township. Elk county Pa , sometime in Match 1PG5, with the following marks. G M T O M-0 T T O-R F O O-W D and other marks I don't know the meaning of, the owner or owners thereof, are required to prove property, pay all hi"al charges and take tbe-.u awav, oth. erwise they will be forfeited according w tho limitation of the law. RALPH JOHNSON Sr. Sept. 29th 'G5. Consumption. A valuable treutise by a Retired Physician, on tho nature of consump tion and its various stages, together with rules for self treatment, and simple pre scriptions whicn have cured thuosauds, will be seut, free of charge, to tiny one applying, it will cost you nothin may be the means of saving your money and perhaps your life. Seua an oddre scd envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D. Maray Street, 84 New York City. March 17, '63-3tu. Notice. -Parties attending. Court as wituesses in Commonwealth, cases, must hereafter claim their fees of thj uoderbignei, bf-iore leaving Ciourt, or they will uot be taxed iu the bill of costs. By order of the County Comr's. LAURIE J. BLAKELY, Pietriel AU-irnoy. KING'S PORTABLE LEMONAD f? I Ts tht only preparation of the kind tad j from the fruit As on article t.f eeono. nhvoninnc tnr inv.li.) A r.....:i 1 1 w ill ken n for " "n r T. ::ri " I while its condensed form renders it cs pecially oonvenietit for travelers. All who uso lemons are requested to give it atrial. Entertaintnentsat hinie.partisr,. and picnics should not be without it.. For sain by all Druggists and first-oks.1 Grocers. Manufactured only br r.WUIS.F. ETZGK'R, No. 519 Pearl Street, New York. IRON IN THE BLOOD. The PnruvionSjrup supplies tiiebloml with its Lite Element. IKON, infus. ing Strength, Vieor, and New Life into the whole system. For Dyspepsia. Dropsy. Chronic Diarhujn, Debility Fe mals Weakness, etc., it is a rpneifie. Thousands have been changed by the me of this medicine from- weak", sickly suffering creatures to strong, healthy, nnd happy meu and women. A 'i2 pasre pamphlet sent Free.. 1'riec 1 per bottle, or fi for i. J. P. DINSMOUE, SG Dey Street New York. Sold by Druggists generally. Dr- H- Ander's Iodine Water. . AS INVALUABLE DISCO VKKY. A Full Grain ofTodinein each ounce of Water, Dissolved without a Sulnent ! The most powerful Vitalizing Agent nnd Restorative known. Scrofula, 'Salt, Rheum. Cancers, Rheumatism, Con sumption, ami many Chronic nnd Here, ditary Diseases, are cured by it.? use, as thousands can testify. Circulars sent free. Price, $ per bottle, or G for 5. Dr. II. ANDERS A Co., Physieiana nnd Chemists, 42S Hroadway, New York Sold by Druggists generally. Manhood Low J t hcvr lie. Just published, new edition of Df Culverwells Celebrated ssay of the rudicticurc (without medicine) or '' P e R M a to h r n o'. a . or seminal Weak ness, Involautaty Seminal Losses, I.mpo TENCV, Mental and Physical Incnpubly Impediments to Marriage, etc. asoctp cdnsumtion Epii.ei sv, and Fits, in duced by t-elf-indulgensc or -josual ex. travajanee. ffPricc, in a sealed envelope, only G cents. The eob-bratud author iu this aJuiir. hie cs.iay clearly demonstrates, from a hit ty years successful pvatice, that tho a inning cou.sef(uence i of self fibs uem i be raiiicully cured withuutthu dangeroa use of intertitil niedic'ne or the upplie tion of the knife pointing out a mod J0U iuu,l:- UI l"'-'" ual' b-v nieans f'f M er' no matter what bis condition may by ",a.V enre himself cheaply, pnvatela ' anfl rndireU,,. fnrlhiti Lecture should be in the j nHn,1s every youth aud every man iu ,',e ifi'd- i 'nt und.irsoal, in a plain envelope, l to any atiJress, pout-put, on reeept ot ! six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers CHAS J. O. KLINE it- CO., ! 127 Bowery, New York, Post oflico j bos 458G. ! WHISKERS ! WHISKERS! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? I Our Grecian compound will forecthcui to grou-ou the f.iKiothfcst face or chin, ' or hair outlaid bads, iu Sis i.eeks. i Price, 1.00. Sent by mail tuy here, closf.lv sealed, on leeeipt of puce. Address. WARNER & CO., Uox 183 Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. 25th 'G3. Ivt. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING m relating to the human system, male and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well and a thou sand things never published before read the revised and eularged edition of "Medical common Sense," a curi- 'o'ts book for curious people, and a good book tor every one. -100 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price 1,50. Contents table sent f'rse to any address. Books I may be had at the Book stores, or will I be sent by mail, post paid on receipt of the price. Add: ess Ij 1. I'UU 1 r., .H. 1'., 1130 Broadway, N. Y. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE. Three town lots for sale, adjoining the Washington llou-l. Ceutre street, iu tho Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. .,.i . 'Likewiso 25 acres of land, 1 ol a mile south east of tho Borough. Likewise nine hundred acres of good farm land. Three farms with good houses and barn upon them, aud likewise Coal of an ex cellent quality, tho coal veins 41 feet in thickucss, with a good prospect of oil on Piuo ereek, near Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. Likewise one share iu a flowing well, in Oil City, un l tivo interests iu od leases. Also for sale a, Urga and com modious Hotel in Greeuville, Olarioa Co . Pa. Fcr terms and other p-irtioul irs apply to JACOB SCHl'FFlUl. at the How! in Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. Mar 12th, T5. Pd 1 60. . ..... .