The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, January 20, 1866, Image 1

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sTufilER "& WILLIS"'
Attnr.liex's nt Law, Ridgway Elk coun
ty Pa., will n trend to all piofessiouu'
business promptly.
"j O II X G II A I. h
i'iilejwav Llk County I'enna
Ridgwav, Jor Eenzinger P. O. Klk Co,
Com ire fotliC Tuiiit.
P. W. BARRETT Editor INDEPENDENT TERMS $1 50 per Annum if paid in Advance
T T. A R It A M S
sr. m. n ) s cy; . u.
Late of the Army if tin- Potomac. "
ffayl'atticilar ut'cntion given to all
casts of surgical nntuie.
VOL. -6
IJidoway Ki.k County Pknna. SaTUKday January, 20th 1866.
NO 2
-St. Jhry's I Ik County Va.
d rT "wTwTs'h AW
Trnct'ces A;Svirgery
I tutrix ilK' hlk Co. I a.
E c i. v. c r i c Physician
H airly of lla'icii county Pa'.)
W'i-i j ri'ini'tiv answer !.U professional
calls i-v nij: lil civ l:tv, Residence lC,
: .". Hnt ol tin' late residence oi Ilou.
.1 I '-i!U.
CO a.
57 p.
K ... K. I', KlMSCV
' Ck. Pa. Will attend Id all
night nr ilnv. .u'v -1. l'il.
Dil. A. S- HILL,
Kersey, Klk County Pennsylvania.
Will prvnptly answer all professional
c ill, by of day.
Eagle Hotel
Luthersburg, Clearfield Couuty Pa.
R3".'Ve.!riek Koth Proprietor hnv.
iiig li'!t large and commodious house,
is 'i i v ti:- mi ire I to eater to the wants of
th ? traveling public.
Luthersburg! July 10th 1SU. 1y.
. m.
37 a
10 p. m
. c Til eh sn en a no tee .
Luthersliuig Cleat field County Penna.
Lutlieisbnr.-, July 7tli 10L tf.
n ati i n a rn t
Cjra9r of Paaih Street tind
the Buffalo lioad,
h A' J ll P A.
E!I03 B. H07T, Prop.'ietor
CSayTlm House is new and Ct;cd up
with' u pucial cue for the cmivi iiiiccn
an 1 en ni'irt, of uneats. at moderate raet.
tv?T loiiii s i t ii i.i a i t acii Ki"Q,-n
KO A D. This treat line traverse?
the Northern unu Northwest comitieK ol
Pennsylvania to the city of Kiic. on
Lake Eric.
It has been leased by the I rnmyh-n-via
h ail. Road Cumpuvj, and is open.
cd by th oin .
Its entire len,2thw;'S opened for pnf'
pen iter and freight business, October
1 TtTi. 1
Leave Landlord.
Erie Mail Train 8
Erie Express Train 7
Ijiiivi: Wolu-ard. MailTrain H
Erie Express Train 10
l,,iisencir ears run through
ehi.nL-n both ways between Philadelphia
and Erie.
Leave New York at COO p. ni., Arrive
nt Erie 3 87 a. in.
Leave Erie at 1.55 p. m., arrive at New
York 1.15 p. tn.
Ei.eo knt Slkewno Cars on Express
Trains both ways between Williainsport
snd Haiti more, and Williainsport and
For inlorniation respecting 1'nssencr
business apply at the S. E. corner oOth
and Market Sfs.
And for Friij'ht business of the Com
pany's Acetits:
S. 15. Kiiii-ston, Jr. Cor. 13th and
Market Sts. Philndelphia.
J. VV. Reynolds Erie.
W. Browu, Agent N. C. R. R. Rul
tininte. II II. TTnrsTON.
am'. Finijlit Ay't. PltiTa.
II. W. Gwinnvr.
Gni'l. Ticket A,ji. VhiVa.
Alfred L.
General Su'(. Wms't.
Oh, don't he orrow fill, darling !
Now don't besonowlul. pray !
For, taking the year together my dear,
'Kiert isn't more night than day.
Tis rainy wrather, tny darling ;
Time's wave's lliey heavily run,
Hut, taking the. year together my dear
Thi.'ie isn't more cloud than sun.
We are old folks now, my ilnTnvr,
0:ir heads they arc growing gray ;
Hut, taking the year all round, my dear,
You will always find tho May.
Getting in at Night,
The door was locked when I got
kins up the (Jovernor was the diificul ' j l"K-d Jo take the cue, of course joined
here, sir, Old Zip," silenced him, for he
recognized tne ; but the fistic little fel
low sarted the mocking b id, and all
the dogs in the neighborhood having
ty I kne"' he it give me particular
fits if he fe Hid out as I was absent
alter ten and the clock had juit str iek
one. The back yard was an im possi
bility, and but one chance renniued.
There was a porch at the front door,
tlin roof of which was a few feet below
two windows. One of them I knew
chorus for the third time.
1 ran along I he passage, reached the
door, unlocked it, just as the Governor
roused the second time, opened his door
and seeing a man escaping from the
house by the back way, of courso cried
"Thieves ! thieves !'' and made a rush
alter inc. I was too quick for him
though opened the door, sprang out,
C.. . ..,.! .1., t.n mwl t!m nthor nrmn
edlro.n a bedroom which might or ! n""lu tllu dwr Pcnei1 in,t0 ,t,'ft
. ., ; room oeiow mine, ana jusc reacueu n.
e've ha I our May, my darling
Ami our roses lont ago ;
liutGod is God, my darling,
Of night as well as of day !
Aud we foci and know that we cau go,
Wherever He leads the way.
. . . , , i n .... room or low in n(. nun lust
aunt had arrive I on the same day and '.h w,,,',n " "ot r '"J , hci"i
i,.,i.i ,1..,, ti :n weni a oi ick. aim auomcr voice uiui. i
ll w,i-i ,nj mi........... . i . . ., .,. . . 1.
I.IIUIT UUI'MllU'.l IU HIV ItVAti Vllil 111,1.-
bor. Tompkins, who joined the Governor
in the itv of '"Thieves ! thieves! uiur
dor ! murder!" I was safe, though.
Rushing up the stairs, I shelled"
myself quicker than I ever did before
or since, and was in bed and sound
asleep in loss than half a minute.
Wasn't there a row though ? I
that room, but the bed was in the cornrr
farthest from the window and I hoped
T . I.....I 1 Un ..I.!,, t.i .rut in in 1 llirnili'll
And the time of the year m coming my the rm wj't)l0Ut Zoning her, and
dear, then I had an easy thing ol it.
For the long dai knights aud the snow. Getting' a pl.itik from a neighboring
lumber idle, I rested it against the eves
of the she 1. pulled off my s'iojs and
y, God of the night, my darling,
Ol the night of death so grim ;
The gate thai from lile leads out good
Is the gate that leads to him.
it ! i .itit-i-if- find ttvriti nfvntv i
It'lb liUJHI in my i.iyi 1 ii i i , , i
cd " ll ri-'lit . so far, but I thought "ever heard so ninny dogs belorc-the
it. necessary Ui order not to arouse sus. n' bird of course, was outdo ug
the morning, to remove the j l"eY1, nlu '.s -U1U c,m ,ic"' ,"r,7""
r ,.f i. i to crow lomiiKins, nexe uoor, naiioo-
IL 1111. L 1 1 1 1 V I" III!, i ...
. A Rood story i told of a Methodist
prcachT and tho story is truu to the
letter who lived about forty yeartmjT).
Io was a bachelor, and we could wnta
his real minie, but prefer to call him
Smith. He resisted many persuasions
to marry, which his frieuda wore con.
stantly making, until he had reached a
toleraby advanced age and he himself
began to feel the DCd of, or, at least,
to have new ideas of the comfort, of
being nursed by woman's gentle cure.
.Shortly iittei etiteiingotieof hiscircuits, a
maiden lady, also 'of ripe years, was
strongly recommended to him, and his
friends again urged that he had better
get mried, representing that the old
ludy named woulu probably uotreiufi8i
accept, him, notwithstanding his repute!
Do von think tho V responded tlio
dominie, for he wry perceptibly lisped ;
then I'll go and thee lier.
He was a man of his word. His riug
at the door bell was acswered by tho
Ith Midi P within-T briskly
but calmiy asked the lover.
'Yes, sir. Will yon walk in Y
'No I thank you. Re kind enough to
thay to Midi P that I with to-
thpeak to her a moment.'
.Miss appeared, snd repeated
the invitatiou to walk in.
'No, thank you : I'll thoon explain
my buthiness. I'm the new Methodist
preacher. I'm unmarried. My fiiendth
think I'd better marry. They reeotu
mend you for uiy wife. Have you any
objections .
Why, really Mr. Sm '
'There don't antbwer now. I will
call huh day week, for your reply. Good
On tliataday week he reappeared at
the door of Mis 1' 's residence.
picions m
nlaiik. Dra
end, and down it went with an awful
clatter on astray dog that had followed
nm lor two or three squares, and who
iui'iicdiatcly set up the most awlul whine I
hound over give vent to. That started
tiult'a dozen other dotts in the neiulr
-- ' b.uhood barking ; a mocking bird in the
Mannkhs AND MoltAI.s I.N RoMK. window above comtueiiccd us if ho ii
The Turkish women till sleep in night, tended to split h's throat at it ; and an
Ciips. ai.d 'ie Greek with all their !d woman in her niglit clothes. with a
clothes on. The Iti man women, thir t. lrt H,. in her hand, appeared at a win
husba ids and their children, all sleep , low across tlie street. I was sale as lar
Mark naked. At Paris it is wi ' ;'; as she was concerned, but if any one
to sleep in one's stockings ; at I'ome to Camo to our windows the candle gave
slecn in a shtrf. A la ly h id comurs- I Clluii'h linht to reveal me. Nobody did
come, however, and the old laay, utter
peering up and down tho street for a
iii'iiuti! or two, popped in her held and
smiicd M. hluiuu l u,v. ti-cncrt
lioveli.-t, (at least so he my.) io carry a
tirjseiit to her foster sister, married to a
.''"I. EU,' iidiu'i
H. fiis h'MWfl is fiti'iisaui'v siiiiiiied on
tliR iia' of iln rinriin. in 1 lie lower end
of i'io town, (h well pvnvjilcil linusn
run an 1 st i'ilinj. nnd llie proprietor will
ill-ire no n iins to render the stay of Lis
quests pleasant and ncrealjlc.
Jlihjivii .hnj 2S, ISCjJ.
r1 1..
DealiT in
Ciotliiug, Huts, & Men's Furnishing Good
Lock IIavkn, ("union Co., 'a.
( cuti-eviir.e, l-:ik comily I'a.,
locksmith o!' l!oroi;lio. U e went eary
j in the morning, and knocked. 'Ct
exclaims a voice. 1 1 told his errand.
"Excuse me;" replied tho man, "I inn
I rot dies-ed." hat does that Mainly :
'Come in llien." He
locksmith, stalk naked.
with a low bow, and led him to his wife,
who was in bed in thi? same state. (!-i
seeing tho pre-ent, a silver witch. sh
sercamed with j n, an 1 IherJilp m lour
(ilunieless bipeds, two sons an 1 iw i
(laughters, emerged from a neighboring
The bath of Rome is u luxury beyond
the reach ot the lower class. "What do
i mi . . . - 1.T...1 i i
rivi.iM. J no llricsiiig unu i"i
up its eternal whistle, and it was fully
half an hour hel'oru itatid the dog settled
down and g ive me a chance to move.
Creonimj slowly al mg the wall till I
enters. 1 lie reached the window, 1 put my lianas
eceived biiu nn the sill, sprang in. and with my legs
you tak
daiiiL-el :
nm tor?'' re
'I am a virtu oiw girl
C.ryGeneral Manufacturer of Wagons,
Ruggies &C.-ALSO Furniture, such as u,;t dip my body in water.'
Ruieaus. Tables. Stanos licdsfads and mode of thinking was one
Chairs. All kind of Repairiu done at
reasonable rate.
n i
II ') US K
o h Si M r ri n r. ,
HiVgway 1 Ik County IVnna.
Cokneuof Market ami Watkr St',.
(Jra. fhd J'a
Jrookvillc Pa.,C. N. Krctz. I'ropr
This house lias been refilled and lin iiisl.
cd in a neat Mjlc, and iscvciy way
adapted to the wants of the public.
Sr. Mauy'.s Ei.k I'iii'M'V Pksna.
M. WELLENDOltF, Prop'r.
lAivii. ti tvs:. s
E. W. 1HGONY, Proprietor.
n running to and from the Depot
fren of eh irgo.
li U S I N
tt;tivv .
.1 s
C A It D .S
i.i. & vi ':si:xc:i:it
It III (. (JITS,
De.ilers in rnu mnl Cliemicnls.
Poi'fa.u u-y x 1'oilet Vniules .iati'nary.
? I I! If. E't I ''ilflh, I' ,.,,
Vrexlth-nl Judijr.
Hon. R. ( White. Wcllbori.ugh.
Amuifiiitr J ildijrn,
Hon. V. S, Rrockway, day tp.
Hon. E. C. .Schultzc, St. .Mary's.
P. W. Hays. Ridgway
J'rollirni.lnri). Er.J. nd Lcc.
George Ed. Weis, Ridgway
D.'sn'ct AHnrnry,
I L. J. Rlakcly Ridgway
i 'fritixiirrr,
! Charles Luhr. St. Mary's
1 Co Snriiijor,
jGeorge Walinslcy, St. Marys
j C'llMii I'sinnrm,
CharlesWcis. St. Mary's
! Geo. Dickinson, Ridgway.
j Joseph W. Taylor, Fox.
III. T. Kylcr, Fox
I .Incoh McCauley. Fox.
j . D. Derr Rc-nczctt
hanging out, stopped to listen. es she
was in that room, for I could hear her
breathing. After waiting for a min
ute. I cautiously drew up one leg. and
then the other, dcew them around, and
putting them down to the floor, was just
conscious that I had stepped on some
tiling soft and yielding, and was with
drawing them when another yell broke
out at my feet. The old maid jumped
from her bed, crying
Murder! murder'." and the dogs
and the mocking bird started again.
A little girl was lying on her back,
under the window, and I had stepped
on her f ice and. of cujvse, waked her
tip. 1 decided in a Hash what to do.
The house would be aroused, and I wa
caught, to a certainty, unless I could
"et lo my room before the Governor was
Worlley Montagues icplytotlie creucii Up ; but t badn til moment to lose, ioi
ladv who suggested that her hau is tc te nigger was screaming, so I
would be iiuiin ved by a little 'soap and started for the door, ma le three steps
water:" "Ah. madam, it you could see an 1 struck a ch lir, tumbling it over
my feet!" . and in -iking the awfulest racket you ever
, . heard in the "dead hour of night," iu a
Ai.L PitUMt. A young sprig of a peaceable house.
.1..... ,., m.nrivinl i.nrtv. The darkey and the old maid now
ing "tlnevcs . anu calling tnc uover.
nor. I could heai screams Mid all sorts
of talking and noises among the neigh,
bnrs, until ut length the old gentleman's
voice was heard in the yard below cul.
ling 'Tom ! Tom !"
Tom fortunately was sound asleep.
"Tom '." cried the old man, in a voice
that would have roused a mau from an
epileptic fit.
I judged it prudent to wale then,
and jumping from my bed, raised the
window rubbing one eye, and looked
particularly frightened, (which I wasu't)
then asked :
"Why, father, what in tho world's
the matter?"
"There's thieves iu the house '." was
the reply : "get your guu aud come down
be fUick.
'lies in the room below you, loin,
hallooed Tompkins, "I'm certain of it;
I saw him as he ran down, and threw a
firebrick ut him. I know he didn't
pas the door, Mr. Jones."
I was directed to look out for myself ;
It was promptly opened by the lady her
'Walk in, Mr. Smith.'
'Can not, ma'am. Have not time.
I start on my circuit in half an hour.
Ilh your anthwer ready ma'am ?'
'Oil. do walk in, Mr. Smith,'
'Can't indeed ma'am, l'leath anth.
wcr me Ycth or No-'
Well, Mr. Smith, it is a very serious
mutter. I nh'iuld not like to yet out of
tint icaij of I'rooidmr.e
I 2erccth vndm stand inu Mith
P . We will be married thith
day week. I wiil call at thith hour,
l'leath be ready, ma'am.'
He called on that day week, at that
hour. She was ready ; they were mar.
ried, and lived happily several years.
a Riium
an 1 I do
The same
prevalent in
other countries, Mi-s lleriy, in her ".So
cial Lilu of England and prance,"
speaks I rum personal recollection of a
Time when the use ol warm baths by the
fair sex was far from being deemed cm
Hematic of puritv or propriety ; and
. ,i i .. i . i .. i
tnoft readers win renicinoer uauy .'iai.y
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.
several laiks who wi re bent on placing
in his hat a vi ry heavy brick (or in
plain language, tn make him gloriously
i-creained louder than ever; the mock,
ing bird screeched like a steam wh'stlc ;
and the dogs made a chorus as loud as
diunk.) which ihev accomplished about Julieu's. I reachel the door, however,
ten o'clock at night. 1 he poor doctor twnny ami ipuui.j ..pciicu ... j-y
insisted upon going, and the pirty an. got in the hall in time to see the old
coini anied him to the stable lo assist gentleman open his door, with a candle
. . 1 i i t i. .i 1:1 ;,l kiu tiriiwi !tml p.mif tiurrv.n ' tin the
.Mil tt limn nr ins nurse, which iik'v h - - r
., .i i . . . '11 ...,r1i..lin noui if horn
(III 'Ml:! ill IS. I U til a aiuiui, iivm ....... w
L'lCli II.WKN. ('i.lN'I'dN I'dl Nlv P.
I Vl,!'!,M in l-'lour. Grain ami
) Feel iwar the Passenger Depot
lli.l, 'way Markets
Corrected weeekly:
Applet, (dry) fl bushel -
1 00
Ruck wheat " "... 1 50
R.M.1S, " ...! 00
Huttor " Ri - - 48'
Hoof ' ' - 1 Offla
Jioarda ' M. 0 00
Corn " bushel - - - 1 50
Flour ' bbl. - -1100
Hide It - - - OS
Hay ton - - 15 00
Oats bu. - - 03
Wheat ' ... 2 50
Rye " ... 1 75
Shingles M. - 4 50
- E jgs - ' dozen - 50
Jlaiiu ' ft . . 25
..'UVrk ' 18
-j "I - . ,
VOPIPR III ners.iiis indehicd lo late
Firms uf C. I.ulir: Co, and Fred elnriiing
.'i I',) , are reiiiested llicir iiccoiuils by ihe
lies, of .Inly nest, either by nolo or oilier-wi-c.
when I lie iieeniinis will llien be 'efl
for iinni liatecolleciioii. Persons iml'dilcd
to Ki e l Sidiienin" Co.. will find their nc.
conuisat C'eui rcville until llie atiove stated
I iine.
St. Mary's, May 1 5tli 1 80,1.
Notice. --Pnrties attending Court
as witnesses in I oininonweiill n cases
must licrt ufler claim their fees of th.1
undersigned, before leaving Court, or
they will not be taxed iu the bill of
13y order of the County Cnmr's.
District Attorney
Ho-A-sMler sfatinner and deal
er in fancy articles
Post Office Ruildiug. Centre Street.
St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa.
with his lace to llie animal's
lo," said the doctoi. alter leeliug for the
.. i . . .. i'
reins. "1 am lnsiue out on my iioi.-e, o.
laee behind, I don't know whicli-soine-tbing
wrong, anyhow." "So you are,"
exclaimed one of the wags ; "get off,
octor, and we will put )ou on right.
Get oil' the devil !" hiccoughs the doc.
i .. .i i...
tor. "no vou ioii t. .1 nst turn mo noi.-a
around, and it will como light you
must all be drunk."
I and I sprang behind It. Lp
cime the Governor, reached the door,
opened it ana went in.
Iu the meantime there were all sorts
of confusion and inquiry down stairs as
lo what was the matter. No one else
camo up, though from where 1 stood I
heard every word ot inipiiiy and exp'a
nation below and in the room. Ol
course thev couldn't make much of it.
... 'Tho little darkey was too frightened and
The head of a turtle, for several too sound asleep at the time to under
,l..i us Kin,:ti:itioii li'.iiii tlie bodv. stand the truth and the upshot ot the
i..i'..;.. mnl i vhibiis animal lile and sell business was that thev concluded that
satiou. An Irishman had decapitated she ha 1 been dreaming, aud the Cover
nm. and soiac davs afterwards was amii. nor. after giving her a sound shakins
sing himself by putting slicks into hi and explaining the matter to the kroiised
mouth which it bit with violence. A neighborhood, from the window, went
ladv who saw the proceeding exclaim down to his room again.
,.J I So far, so good. I now had to go
"Whv. Patrick. I thought the tor- down stairs, re-ch the back door, un
tlewasd. ad." bar it, get int.. the yard, and Make for
i... Ii i....' iiii Imi. lm pr.itbnrs which was in the second story ot a D ICK
not sensible of it."
"Ma," said little Hopeful, at the
nrcu'tlast table, "if a man is a Mister, is
not a wo nan a M islery ?"
Mainitia fainted.
Three things only are essential to
happiness, ninc'iy: s itmitiung io un; creak, each with a peculiar uoiso ot its
building that stood uncouriccici with
and about udoZ'jii vards fiom the main
one After giving everybody another
half hour to settle down again I started.
Roys, did you ever try to go up or
down a pair of stairs at miduight, with,
out nuking a noise ? You may try all
sorts of was, but every sicp is sure to
Americans are peculiar in one thing;
they will sing a song to deith. In our
brief existence we cau recall many in.
stauccs of tho kind. We remember
how often "Old Dan Tucker" was taun
ted with being too late to come to his
the Governor stood sentinel at the door j evening meal ; how little rest we gave
below, armed with a club, while T p. "O, Susannah," (we owe Susannah a
kins had five minutes to collect aid from j weighty debt.) and how entrancing we
the neighbors, and iu less than half alluded to the eyes ot "Dearest Mac,"
that time so thoroughly was every house : tho-e orbs that rendered midnight en.
alarmed, there was a dozen or more i tirely superfluous. For a long time
men in the yard armed with guns, pis. j '-Tho Poor Old Slave" was allowed but
tols and sticks. little repose, although ho had ostensibly
The Governor led the attack. Open- 'gone to .est.' "The old Folks at home"
ing the door, he called : were ruthlessly torn from that quiet and
'"Come out here, you house break. ! seclusion which their age imperatively
in scoundrel! If you attempt to run J demanded an forced to do duty in every
or resist, I'll blow your braius out !" ( minstrel and concert company iu tho
Nobody came, huwever. land "Old Dog Tray," the faithful old
"Watch the door," was the order, pup, was lor a long time drown by the
"while I go in ;" and I was told to tail through all manner ot brass iustru
"look sharp and shoot the rascal if ho ments. wound up to an agonizing pitch
comes up stairs !" A momentary search by piano keys, and made to howl plain
was s ithVicnt to satisfy everybody that tivcly in four voices. Tho "Sdvcr
tho thief was not iu that room. . Moon," h id to roll o: by day as we'd as
"He's upstairs, then," cried Tomp. ' night, constantly performing the nnre
kins, "for I'll take my b'ble oath lie ; munerativc task of guiding "the traveler
didn't pass the door." on his way,' apparently regardless as to
'So up stairs I hey trooped, but I had. whether the "nightingiles song was in
lit a candle by that time, an'i there was tune" or not. "Home. Sweet Home,"
no bugbear there. The strictest search, ; bus been so successfully divested of all
even to look under a boot, didn't show 1 its attractive features that many people
the faintest trace of him. The yard was j have become satisfied to become wan
examined, then the house, and every. , derers fir the remainder of their exist.
body was tolerably well satisfied that he ence. "dentin Annie, was a great bora
had escaped ; but 1 was appointed sen- j lor a tune, and atttiougu wj were con.
duel for the rest of the night, and or- Mautly assured that'-J hou wilt como no
tiered not to go to sleep on my post (but inure, gentle Auuie," she still kept
I did) under tho penalty ol a Hogging.
Tho articles mis.iing, on thorough in
vestigation the next day, worn two piea
aud the old lady's silver thimble. The
thimble turned up in a week or two,
being discovered under the c irpet ; but
the pies have not been accounted tor
even to this day. On oath, 1 could
have given very material testimony
the disposition of the stolen property,
but as tho case didn't como before any
court, I remained quiet.
Didn't the local editors loom, though.
Ono of them elongated himself through
a quarter of a column, and headed the
article "A Diabolical Attempt at Rurg.
lary and Murder!'' describing with
graphic particulars, tho fiendish attempt
to throttle Miss L and her servant,
complimented the coolness of li. Tomp
kins, Esq., and perorated with wither,
ing anathema on tho want of vigilance
displayed by the policemen.
It. was tuu for me to net with what
wide awake sagacity the watchmen used
to Mop at our from door anu listen dur
ing their uigluly rounds, for a mouth
after. And you cculdu t have hrtbod a
youngster lo go under the porch on aiiv
account after daik. The excitement
died away though altera while, but I'll
never fotget the night I tried to get iu
without making a noise.
com tut;
Popular Excitement. Popular
excitements, purely religious iu their
character, are sometimes ''or a Reason,
great and bloody. Suoh was the 8 leni
witheraft bnsine-s. Rut excitement in
which religion and polities are combin
ned, have usually continued the longest.
Of this kind was the exoiteiueui which.
necaiinned and kept up the crusades.
Trough apparently religious in its
origin, it soon was interwoven with pol
itics. Its fury lasted forty years. Mil
lions of monev were expended; rivers of
blood wero she.l. In the bold language
of the historian. "AH Europe, torn up
by ihe roots, seemed ready to precipitate
itself in nne combined body on Asia"
Rut the whole excitement, has for Cen.
tnries been acknowledged to bo a laiuen
tahlc instance of the lengths to which
nations may be hurried by the influence
or religion aud political delusion uui-fed.
ouiethiug to love; something, to hope own, and loud enough, you are certain
.'or. to wake everybody. I had fottcn liear-
'y to the bottom when a fistic littlo dog
One forgives everything' to him came trotting up the entry towards lue,
who forgives himself nothing.' - ; yelling furiously. A suppressed "Come
"Sal, what time do your
"Soon as you goes ; that's missus' ' or
ders." '
Si-It has been decided lately (hat a
boy found on a man's door-step may not
necessarily be his step son.
t)U William Floyd Garrison has rft
'ired from active life. This week'
iiumher of the Liberator is tho last.-
He says the object for which it wo
commenced has- been gloriously C'Ui.
tWhy is U tho gayest letter is th
alphubat ? Reoausa it ia always in un