The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, December 23, 1865, Image 2

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K :v.y S it i . Ivy
w. ituttiv.-rr.
Pa. Dec. ?3d 1865
ttirnh nit the Trem the people' srialt main! an
i'nnwed hi prtrlil and tin bribed bu fltin .
Vled'ed but to truth, I.ibertti and J.atr,
Xo favor nil-ay us and no far fhall tnn"
"' s7m i irr f e n i i i & CO,'
11 9 Nassau St.. New Yoik
and 1 0 State St., Loston
S. M. PETTENGILL & Co., :ire the
Agents for the Kt.ii Ahvocatk and the
most inuuential and largest f irculntitur
Newspapers in the United States and
the Cnnadas- they are authorized to eon
tract for us at our lowest rates.
Terms of Adver tisirg.
One square, one insertion. SI. 00
Hibse(ueiit insert inn. ol cents.
Ouarter of n coin, inserted Urn
Half ';
( Ine column. " 'in
(Quarter of a column " 1y
Half " " lr
One column. " ly
nut ox-
Professional unil Unities Card
reeding eight linos, one year. i'i.nil. Ex
ecutor's Administrator's, and Ainlitot's
Notices, each .J.Oil. Applications for Li
cence, each. S-.OO, Cautions, Estrays.
Notices of Dissolution, etc.. not exceeding
one square. S insertion". $'J.-"o each.
Advertisements of Orphan's Court Sale.
Executor'. Administrator's and Auditor's
Notices. Esirays, Dissolution of Partner,
ships. 1'iuuions. and all transient adver
tisement. n'l" pnn'tirehi be ptiid " itdeaiiee.
Fourteen lines will be computed one
Eighth Flit ct hand liill, 30 copies or less
C'oarlcr -li..t hand bill, oil copies or less
Half sheet halt 1 bill. uO copies or less
Full sheet hand-bill, -"iO epics r loss
I'or any quantity tinder five quire. ?l.
i per quire .- on all amounts over that a
reasonable reduction will he mado.
SI. 5" per year in advance 00 if paid
vithin the year, and SJ.Vl if not paid with
in that time.
BroukrU'e Ihrnll.
The Railroad. During last sum
mer we hul frequent occasion to notice
the progress of a railroau survey from
the. mouth of Bonnet's Branch, on the
Siiinciuahonin-r. at the Driftwood Sta.
tiou. on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail
road, to Franklin ou the Allegheny
River, tlicn to connect with the Lake
Shore Branch to Franklin, on the At
lantic k ft mat Western. That .survey
has been finished and the route has
proved to bo entirely satisfactory. The
gradients do not exceed iu any place 40
feet per mile, or tho curves G degress.
As soon as the report comes to hand we
will lay it before our readers.
During the past week two corps of
engineers arrived io town and both par.
ties commenced work ou last Wednes
day. The corps under Mr. M'Minn to
(o locate tho preliminary survey of last
summer, and he immediately proceeded
locate, break ground, and formally take
possession of the line. Tho other corps
under Col. P. Jarret, proceeded in tho
same directum, to make a prjliniimry
purvey on the same ground passed over
by Mr. M'Minn. Both parties win
to entertain the most friendly relations
tow.irJscach other, and no difference of
opinion ate manifested to the uninitiated.
Rumor, however, says, the first party is
under the direction of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company, but this we are au.
thorized to contradict. The Bennett
Branch and Franklin survey, made last
summer, was an independent arrange
ment, aud was ma lo in srood faith, with
a determination to immediately proceed
to its construction. Tho corps under
"'ol. Jarreit is making a survey for the
Central Western R. 11. Co.. link of tho
Atlantic & Great Western R. V-. Co.
We do not know vhat will be tho re
suit of these two surveys, but hope there
will be no conflicting interest, and that
we will get a railroad in the quickest
possible, time. We extend a hearty
welcome to the different corps, und hope
us we believe, a first rate route is before
h-m, and they will find no difficulties
in their route.
GrThe holidays are close at hand
and our dealers are preparing to meet
the w nits of tho season. The largest
and hot t-.tock of goods for this trade
will be found at l-ner& Duriress, eon.
letitinaty establishment, Erie, Pa.
They manufacture and keep everything
in tho Cindy lino, as well as a general
asi-.ortiiient of Notions, Toys, ece.
Everybody knows them by the repu.
tatiou of their Cough Candy Moss and
Elm. It proves itself the bust article
of tho kind ever introduced The im.
mens.! quantities they ship every day is
proof that tho public appreciate a good
article. They are prepared to fill or
dors tor it in uny quantity: Everybody
who tries it says it is just the thing.
(nov 1 tf)
lirown's Bronchial Troches, adver.
tiseil in another celum, arc highly re.
c unuiended for nublic speakers and
ethers, for the relief ot colds and to clear
the voice. Their efficacy is strongly
attested by congressman, clergymen aud
biovrers, who use them. Among the
i-ortiGcates to their merits we observe
letters from Henry Ward Bcet-her, N.
" -,n j" IT Hnr:- and others ol
tlOi.The Editor still remains ill, and
is not able to leave his room, which must
account for the non-appearance of the
editorial, und issue of hall sheet this
n eek.
past lew days.
-The weather, for tho
Left. Our young friends, Marshall
Earlcy and Daniel Clements, for Alfred
Centre, Allegany Co., X. Y., to attend
College. We wish them success.
Oit.seh. Mr. D.Thayer, has open
ed a Saloon on Main street, where he
will accommodate all who may give him
a call. Fresh Baltimore Oysters, kept
constantly on hand.
Still int Towk. llice & Luther aro
still in town, nd are ready to buy all
kinds of Furs, l'elts, Hides, Venison
Ac, for which they will pay the highest
cash price. Give them a call.
Chimstmas Ball. A general invi
tation, is extended to one and all, to at
tend a Chkistmas Ball, to be given
at tho Hyde House, on Tuesday evcu.
ing, December 2Gth ISiJ.'i.
Commenced. Mr. Edward Souther,
has commenced putting up his new
dwelling house, on the Road leading to
the 1'. & E. R. R. Depot.
Lost. On the evening, of the L'Otli
inst., a little oil link hut was violently
blown off the subscriber's head, into the
j Court Square, while gallantly protuina-
j dinir down Main street. A liberal re.
ward will be pai 1 for the recovery of
said hat, by the subscriber, who can bo
found at the Post Office.
From the f'htr'on D'innrrnt.
SriiDEV Death. We weresurprised
yesterday by receiving the following
notice of the sudden death of 'Madison
Btirnell, Esq.. the distinguished lawyer
so well and favorably known in this
Stuattasville, Dec, 14,'(m.
R. B. Brown, Esq
Dror Sir : Our friend,
Madison Burnell, Esq., fell dead on the
street, at his house in Jamestown, X. Y.,
ou Friday evening last. His health was
as usual, and lie started to go down street
and was found about three rods from
his house quietly sleeping in death.
Yours, itc,
R. Rulofso.v.
We deem it to be our duty to say to
our readers, that the most implicit re.
liance can be placed in Coe's Cough
?alsam. It will euro your children of
crcup, and yourself of any cough, cold,
sore throat, or pulmonary affection. It
is the cheapest and best preparation in
the market.
Iyspepsia can be surely and perman
ently cured by Coe's Dyspepsia Cure.
Thousands o" dyspeptics aro sending in
their testimonials to the proprietors, say.
inr it has cured them. We say to those
who are suffering from dyspepsia, con
stipation, siur stomach, or any disorder
ot the
stomach or bowels, give it a
Panic Among the
j The recent ruling of certain clauses
! of the Internal Revenue Laws, and tho
j determination to abide strictly by tho
construction nut unon them by those
irullv entitled to enforce such claims,
has spread consternation throughout the
ranks of tho milliners and dressmakers
in the city and country. j
It is known that a tax ot six per
cent , is levied upon all mauutaetureu
articles, but it has not been generally
understood to what extent this would
bear upon the dressmaking -and clothing
interest generally. Not only six per
cent charged upon tho receipts of dress,
maker and milliner for their labor, but
upon tho cost of all the materials that
p.i-s through their hands. Thus, for
instance, the value of a rich dress may
range from one to five hundred dollars,
ut out of this the charge lor making is
only twenty or thirty ; the dressmaker,
iwever, is not only charged with a tax
of six per cent., upon her labor, but up
on tho entire value of the material, which
has already, in 1 lie hands of the dry
goods merchant, paid a foreigu or do.
inrstic duty.
Ihisisuot only severo ana oppres.
sive, but it is destructive to the entire
trade interest. Ladies will not have to
ay so heavy at:ix, dressmakers caunot
exact u. sis iu many lusiuuuus n mi.
weighs not only their prolits, but the
whole cost ot making, and rather than
submit to Mich extortion, ladies will have
their dresses made at home.
Take, tor iu.-tauoe, a velvet dress, tho
value of which, with trimmings, would
oe 8-30'J ; the cost of making this would
oe, perhaps, S-t, tho taxes $31,50, rais.
hilt the diessina'.ter's charge, iu itself
moderate, to the exoibitant sum of $5ti,
3U. When it is remembered that the
material, has already paid a foreign du.
ty of ninety per cent., which doubled
e"ut to the purchaser, tne prcpostcr-
ous injustice of the claim will be made
There arc, to bo sure, private dress
makers who never pay any government
fax ; who hang out no sign ; whoso busi
ness is carried on secretly and behind
closed doors; who work for ordinary
prices, and whom ladies may covertly
rintronizn. But what a nreiuiun this
offers to dishonesty of every description !
It is into such hands that the entire
business will be thrown, to tho ruin of
hundred and thousands of honest, de
serving, pains-taking, industrious wo
men. .V. Y norhl.
Court Proclamation
WHEREAS, Hon. R. G. White
President, and V. S. Brockway
and E. C. Schultze, Associate Judges
of the Court of Common Pleas, and Jus.
ticesofthe Court of Quarter Sessions
and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delive
ry of Elk county, by their precepts to
me directed, have ordered a Court of
Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Ses.
sions, Orphans' Court, and Court of Oy
er and Terminer and General Jail Deliv.
cry, to be holden nt Kidgway, in and
; tor the county ot f.ik on tne i
j First Monday in Jan- 1866 i
being the 1st day of the. umuth and to J
conttuue one week. Notice is hereoy
given to tho Coronor. Justices of tho i
Peace and Constables of the County of
Elk, that they are by these precepts
commanded to be then and there in their
proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. iu., of
said day, with their rolls, records and
inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which their ollices ap
pertain to bo done, and that all Justices
of said county make returns of all the
recognizances entered into before them
to tho Clerk of the court as tier Act of
J Assembly, passed May 8th 101. And
j those who arc bound by their recogni.
I zans to prosecute tho prisoners that arc
! or shall be in the jail of said county of
Elk, aud to be theu and there to prose.
cute aguiust them as shall be just.
P. W.1IAYS, Sheriff.
Dec. 9th ISO").
fIST of causes set down for trial, at
the January Term 1 StJO, of ihc
Court of Common Pleas of Elk county.
' Jacob Moycr,
Sharttaw ctux
vs Elias Moyet.
vs Earl etux,
vs Palmer Gilo ct al.
vs F. X. Sorg et al.
vs F. A. Loeseh.
Pep'y Pro.
V. M. Clark,
Henry Millingar,
A. Uobcunth,
lowing named persons, have filed in the
Office" of the Clerk of tho Court of Quar
ter Sessions of Elk county, their Peti.
tions for License at the January sessions
next, agreeable to the Act of Assembly
of March 2d 1G3, entitled "At Act to J
regulate the salo of Intoxicating Li
quors &c :
Tavern License-
C. II. Yolk, St. Mary's.
Joseph Windfcldcr, do
Edward liable, do
M. Gerg, Fox.
Moore & IJoyington, Kidgway.
W. J. Long. Wilcox.
P.O. Oyster, Fox.
Thos. Kennedy, St. ,1ary's.
James T. Martin. Fox.
F. Schocning, Fox.
Geo. Ed. Wcis, St. Mary's.
Christo & hurke, St. Mary's.
LIST of Grand Jurors drawn for
January Term 18GG.
Ucnczett tp. Cornelus Wiiinwrighu,
John Johnson, Ralph Johnson, Jr.
Henziugcr tp. Adaui Kopp, Win.
Grofs, George Rouer.
Fox tp. Conelius Whalen, Lawrence
Mohan Sr. John C. M'allistcr, 0. P.
Kelts, Hays Kyler, Robt M. Rcnnctt,
Edwin Alden.
Jay tp'. Justus Weed, Wm. M.
Webb, Jos. Dill.
Jones tp. Wm. II. Galleghcr,
Ridgway tp. Geo. Dickinson, James
II. Ilagerty.
St. Mary's Uor'o. Edward Rabel,
. Bradford, Michael Fey, Fred.
crick Rudolph, Charles Schisslc.
1ST of Tra verse Jurors, drawn for
January Term, 180r).
Bible Auton
Clark O.G.
Chamberlin Jos. S.
Calahan Michael
Dill Beue;ette
Precland Oliver
Hewitt Jero
Hays Isaac
Hasseliuan lieo. Jr
Irwin Thomas
Johnson Jesso
Spring Creek,
St. Mary's,
St. Mary's,
St Mary's,
Johnson J. O.
Kraikcl Philip
Kime 11. V
Kroft Joseph
La'gy Henry
Lewis P.llis
Luco Wm. P.
Moycr Coonrod Jr
Miller Valentine
Ncaring Chai. C
Nessul (ieorgo
Pistuer Joseph
Pistuer John
Schultze Wm. C.
Short Sampson
Surg Xaveriis Jr
Schocning Gerhard
Schoeuing Fred
Thomas John S.
Thompson Peter
Wilson Samuel
Wei Albert
Wouk Ferdinand
Webb Chas
Zimmerman L. U.
Orphan's Court Sale-
HY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Elk county, I shall sell nt the Court
House in Hidgwny on Tncsday the 'Jd day
of January A. 1). IHliO, nt two (2) o'clock
p. m., the following described tract, pieeo
or prcol of land, situate in Fox township.
Elk oounty I'a., containing one hundred
acres n-orc or less, with the appurtenances.
being part of warrant No. 4 1 81, ltoundca
on the South by land of Gardner and on the
North and West by residue of said tract No.
418(5. Terms of sale, cash upon confinim.
Hon of the salo.
Administrator of the Estate of Levi Nolf.
late of Armstrong county deceased.
Nov. 2."illi '05.
JiOTlCK is hereby given that, in pursu-
nnn f nn nrlni nf i t, n Hi-nlmrt-a I'mirl i.f
Elk county, we will expose to public sale,!
on the premises in the Itorough of ht. Marys
in said county on the 2d dav of December
next- at one o'clock p. m.. tlin following do
scribed Town lots in said Borough of St.
Mary's, to-wit .-
Town Lot Number sixtceu (lfi) on Mini
ms street.
Town Lot Number eighteen (18) on Mau.
r;ts street.
Town Lot Number nineteen (10) on Man.
rus street.
Town Lot Number seventeen (17,' on Cen
ter street-
Town Lot Number thirty-one on Cross
Each of said Town lots having one hun
dred feel front on said streets and running
back at right angles with said streets, two
bundled feet.
Terms of sale, one half cash at time of
sale and remainder within six months there
after with interest, to be secured by the
purchaser, to the satisfaction of the sub
scribers. E. C. SCHULTZE,
St. Mary's, Nov. 8th 180o.
"fV VMtTl'E of sundry r)ts of V-ri
I 1 I'lirias an:l Yen l.'z issued out of tho
i Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and
I to me directcd'anddilivered. I will expose
j to public out cry at the Court Honse iu
i Kidway, on Monday the 1st day of Janu-
ary next, nt 1 o'clock p. in., the following
described real estate to wit :
All the rijjht, title, interest and claim of
Johl.ti. Poiierficld, of inand to the follow estate to-wit .- Two cer
tain town lots situated in the village of
KidpwRy, Elk county Ta., known ami de
scribed as town lots, numbers thirty-six
r:;(il and thirty seven 37 upon the map
or plan of said town ns recorded in the
Iteeording office of said comity, containing j
together, thirty thousand eight hundred and i
sixtcm feet till improved, upon which is I
erected one two story frame tavci-m house,
fifty five by forty feet and one frame barn
sixty five forty i'eet and other out buildings .
erected on said premises, said property is
situated on the corner of Main and Mill st's '
Seized, taken into execution and to be I
sold as the property of John 0. PortcrfielJ,
at the suit or David S. Luther.
All the right, title, claim and interest of
P. T. Hrooks, all the defendant above named
in and lo the following real estate to. wit :
Two certain town lots situated in the vil
lage of Kidgway, in the township of Ridg
way county of Elk nud state of Pennsylva
nia and known as town lots numbers sixteen
and seventeen, "A'os 10 & 17" according to
John J. Uidgways map or plot of the town
or village of Kidgway aforesaid and boun
ded on the north by Main street, on the
cast public street, on the south by an alley
and on the west by land or lot of Charles
Horton, containing twenty thousand and
eight hundred square fctt. "20800" all im
proved upon which is erected a frame buil
ding adapted or arranged for a storo room
and dwelling house and under a part of said
building, slonebascment story. There is
also erected on sail lots one frame barn
anc' pigpen &c. There is also an apple or
chard and other fruit trees growing upon
said lots.
Seized, taken into execution and to bo
sold as the property of P. T. Brooks, at the
suit of Thomas Stewart.
All that certain tract or parcel of ground,
situate in the town of Ridgway, Elk county
Pennsylvania, known as town lots numbers
ninety nine and ono hundred "A'os. tti) $
100" on J. J. Ridgway'u plan of said town,
bounded on the north bv Centre street, on
tho east by town lot No. 98, on the south by
an alley and ou the cast by Mill street, oon
taining half of an acre, more or less, upon
whioli is erected a two story frame dwelling
house und a woodshed, all improved.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of P. M. Can-, A, H. Head &
Adeline Head.
P. W. HAYS, Sheriff.
Orphan's Court.
In the matter of the In the Orphan's
Petilion of William II. Court of Elk Conn
Marr guardian of Mary ty.
Hellen .Marr, Williaui At au Orphan's
P. Marrand Alem Marr Court. held ut.
and Wm. P. Hull guar- . Uidgwiy, in and
uian of David B. Marr, j for the County of
Alfred Marr and An- Elk, on the lilli
ue'la Marr, minor chil- day of October,
dren of David Marr bile A. D., lSOO.
of Northumberland Co.,
deceased. J
AN exemplified record from the Orphan's
Court of Northumberland county Penn'u.,
:lecreed a vale of certain real t-staie therein
And nuw lo wit, October tith 18ti. the
Petition of Win. II. Man-guardian of Mary
Hellen Marr, Win. P. Marrand Alum Marr
nnd Win. P. Hull guardian of David 1!, Marr
Alfred Man- and Annetta Marr, minor chiL
dron of David Marr, late of Northumberland
county, in the state of Pennsylvania de
ceased, setting forth among oilier things
that their s lid Wards are seized in ihuir
demesne as of fee of and in the sixth sev
enth interest in a certain tract of land, sit
uate in Jay township, I'.lk eounty, contain
ing eighty seven acres of land and praying
the Court to make a decree, authorizing said
petitioners lo raise tho stiuio. ono thousand
.. A - ....! 1 l,..l X- .......
dollars, iroin uic sine 01 muu iu-m t-r-um-.
W hereupon the court after due considera
tion had, do order and decree a Bale of the
aforesaid real estate.
Clerk of Orphan's Court.
Orphan's Court Sale.
BY VIHTL'E of the above order of the
Orphan's Court of Elk county, there will be
exposed to public sale at the Court House in
Hidgway, Elk County Penn'u , on Monday
the iitltli day ot November. A. D., 18ti5 at 1
o'clock p. m., of said day, the sixth seventh
interest of the following described tract of
land. Jounded as follows. Commencing
at the North west corner of land now owned
by Joseph Dill aud Gcorgo Wcis and r juuiug
thence West one hundred anil eighty seven
and a half perclieR, thenoe South to a corner,
thence East to corner In tbo lino of Hie
aforesaid George 'eis and Joseph Dill,
thence North along the aforesaid line to the
place of beginning, situate in Jay township
Elk county Eenn'a. and containing eight
seven and one half acres of land be the
same more or less. Terms cash.
WM. H. MAflR,
WM. P. HUM..
Guardians of minor children, of David
Marr, late of Northumberland County 'a.,
The above sale, stands adjourned, until
Monday December tho 18tli, at 1 o'clock
p. m.
XOTICE is hereby
given, that u
carried on my
quantity ol logs were
lands, on 13enn -tts Branch, in Benezetto
township. Elk Co. Pa., some time in
March 10"), bearing the following
marks : Two rings, O T T O, diamond
T in centre. A G F, R F & Co., Harp,
X D, E 8 8, T 0 M, A 1), S X E, and
other marks, not knowiug the meaning
of them The owner or owners thereof
aro requested to prove property, pay al'
charges and take them away, otherwise
they will be forfeited according to the
limitation of tho law.
Deo. C..d, 'H-V pd.
Office or the On. Cheek lima. ")
wav Rah. Road Co.
Philadelphia, Dec. id I50,. )
The annual meeting, of the Stockhol.
ders of tho Oil Creek and Ridgway Rail
Road Company will be held on Monday,
the eighth day of January 18(50, at 1
o'clock p. in., at No. 2o8 South 3d st.,
Annual election for President and
Directors will be held same day and
1 SOLDIERS' HOME, under the
charge of Dr. Cyrus King, an cxperi.
enccd Army Surgeon, is now open for
the reception of sick, wounded, maimed,
and helpless soldiers and sailors, FREE
Ajyilicants will receive a Permit, !
by applying to any of the Directors, and
be admitted to the Home, provided their
discharge papers aro approved by tho
B.C. LOOM IS, President.
Thos. Bakcwell,
V. W. Batchelor,
John Watt,
Jno. W. Chalfant.
G L.B- Fcttcrman.
N. Holmes,
W. S. Haven,
Wm. McGrecry,
To Consumptives.
Tho undersigned having been restored
to health in a few weeks, by a very sim
ple remedy, after having suffered seve
ral years with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption is
anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will scud a
copy of the prescription used (free of
charge ) with the directions for prepar -
ing and using tho same, which they will
find, a sure cure for Consumption,
. ... . ..i. v- -
Astnma, lsroneiiius, uoiigtis, uoms, ixc. ;
Tho only object of the advertiser in send. '
ing the 1 rescnptiou is to Uenelit tne
ulllicted. and spread iuforuiatiou which
ho conceives to bo invaluable; and he
hopes every sufferer will try his remedy,
us it will cost, them nothing, aud may
prove a blessing.
Parties wishins the prescription will
j peusc address,
liF.V. J'JUW All!) A. IJj&U-N,
Williamsbuig, Kings County,
New York.
Notice is hereby given, that let
ters of administration on the estate of
Julius A'ombaunicn, late of Benzinger
township, I'.lk county, deceased, having
been granted to tho undersigned, all
pen-ons indebted to said estate are re
(juostP'l to make imiiicdiato payment,
and those having claims against tho
same will present tho same duly authen
ticated for settlement to,
Benzinger April 13th 1801.
Whereas, Letters Testamentary haw
inn been granted to Jno. Stockman and
Anton Fochtman, Fxecutors of the last
will and testament of Loreny Stockman,
late of St. Mary's, dee'd. all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will make immediato payment,
and those havitg claims against the
same will present them duly authenti.
cated for settlement.
GEO. EB. WEIS, Register ic.
P O R T A B L E L E M O N A I)
Ts th.o only preparation of the kind made
from the fruit. As an article f-f eeono.
my, purity, aad deliciousness, it cannot
be surpassed, and is recommended by
phy-ieians for invalids and family use.
It will keep for years in any climate,
while its condensed form renders it es.
pecially convenient for travelers. All
who use lemons are rcquestca io give it
atrial. Eutertainmontsat hoiue.partise,
and picnics should not be without it.
For salo by all Druggists and first-class
Grocers. Manufactured only bv
No. 510 Pearl Street, New York. -
N. E.
con. Tenth and Chkstndt S-rnf .ti.
The most complete and thoroughly ap
pointed Business or Commercial College in
the country. '
The only one in the city possessing a Lr
giHlative Cbarfir, and tho only one in thn
Vnitcd Stales authorized to confer Degree s-,
of Merit. Diplomas awarded to grdimte,Atf
in the Commc-cial Course under Its corpo-
rnte seal by authority of law.
Conducted by gentlemen of liberal edu
cation and extensive experience in business.
and affording unequalled advantages for lire
I thorough theoretical and praoifcul educa
tion ot young men for the various duties ami
employments nf business life.
by a svstetn of
original and pre-eminently practical, giving
the student in the shortest time complete;
insight into the routine, details, customs
and forms of business in general, as conduc
ted in the best-regulated commercial and
financial establishments.
Theoretical Dookkeeping-
Upon a new plan, with an original exposi
tion of the science of accounts, arrongeJ
and published by the proprietor of this In
stitution exclusively for his own use, saving;
one. half the ordinary labor of the student,
and giving him a complete knowledge of tl
practice of tho best accountants.
Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Pen.
manship. Business Correspondence,.
Commercial Law, Lectures on busi
ness Affairs, Commercial Cus
toms, Forms, and Actual
Hnsinrss Practice,
Altjr.brn and the llightr Mathematics, .FAons--grapby,
Omnmintal Frnmanthip.
the Are nf Detecting Coun
terfeit Monet, Eng'f
nerrintf, Su-t'fyiny
j Xm'iaation and
The arrangements for Telegraphing are
far in ndvance of anything of the kind ever
offered to the public. A regular Telegraph'
Line is connected with tho Institution with
twenty branch offices in various parts of the
city, where public business is transacted,
and in which the students of this Institu
tion are permitted to practice. No regular
office practice can bo had in any other school
of instruction in the country, without which
no one can obtain a position ns a practical
opcrntor. Young men are cautioned against
the deceptive representations of those who,
without any such facilities, pretend to teach
ThcTnslitution is now enjoying the lar
gest patronage ever bestowed upon any
commercial school in the State. Over five
; hundred students wcro in attendance tho
first yenr, ami over seven hundred during
i the past year. The best class of stndcnts
, may invariably be found here, and all its as
sociations are first class.
The Institution is located in the most cen
t ral part of the city, and its accommodations,
for extent, elegance and convenience, are
unsurpassed. All tho rooms hava been fit.
ted up in the very best style with
supplied with finely-engraved litographic
notes used as a circulating medium in the
Dcpf rtment of Actual Business.
j who desire the very be-t facilities for a "
' Practical Education for Business,
w0 guarantee a course of instruction no
where else equalled, while the reputation
I nml alnndinn llio Tnal ifii I inn nmnntf bllKI
and standing of the Institution among busi.
ncss men make its endorsement tho best
.... ........... ... . . . . . w. .1 nml ,iT.,nnamaiil Alt 1
. contCniplatiiig entering any Commercial
j College, arc invited lo send for an
containing complete interior views of the
. college, and full particulars of the courso of
instruction, terms. &o.
T. c. sKJmcir,
Special Teacher and Supt. Office Iiusineis.
Consumptive sufferers will receive t
valuablo prescription for ths care of
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and
all throat and Lung affections, free of
charge, by sending their address to
Kings Co.,
.1 months New York.
NOTICE is hereby given, that orfa
Jacob Sehriffer advertising in this pa
per, under the head of Valuable Town
Lots and Farms tor sale, lias no authori
ty to sell tho 3 town lots and 25 acres of
land in and near St. Mary 8 Borough, as
I am the sole owner, any sale made
the same on any part thereof wiil
my approval will not be v iba.' -
St. Mary's. June 22d '05.
For Sale I
Stationary and Portable Engines, with
new Patent Piston, complete tor
-.1 L S O-
Portabe, Saw
with Two Rotary Raws, rigged lor Saw
ing any siod logs.
E i
Manufactured in Saudusky, Ohio, and
delivered at any station ou the Rail
Road, cheaper and better, than cau bf
furnished by Eastern Manufacturers.
Jvir-l-'or further information, addres
by letter the subscriber at Ridgway, J
O., Elk Co. Pa., or in person at Spring
Creek, ou the Clariou River.
July 1st 1S05. 2m. Pd.