The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, December 23, 1865, Image 1

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Attorney's f Lw, Ridgway Elk coun.
j?,'',wi,l'. "htJ AH -profess tonal
ftouiptlyv - - ' -
r J. c. ciiAPiN
.Attorney nnd counselor' nt Law, Office
iunhp-in's Block, Ridgway Klk Co. Pa.
Particular attention given to collection,
and ali monies promptly remitted. Will practice in adjoining counties.
Ljdgwayy Ek County Pcnna
'J'dgwVlV Benz'mger P. 0. Elk Co.
o r
CINDE PENDENT.. TERMS-$1 50 per Annum if Faid in Advance
Kidgwat Elk County Penka. S
aTctrday December, 231 1SG5.
NO 1
T. T.
nut at Law
HA VEX. J'a.
t-itu 'Mm t.-"'
Mary's Elk ?nutv l'a.
Practices AlVdinne? fcnmery
rCRntrevillo Klk Co. Pa.
I ' ROAD. Thin great line traverses
the Northern imd Northwest counties of
1 ennsylvama to the city of Erie.
Lake Erie.
' Xt W York Weekly,
"Wit, Wisdom and Fun.
We coninienco this column with the
following rare hit of laughable ingenui
ty on the typographical errors of "My
Fitst Poem"; .
Ah 1 here it is ! I'm famous uow
An author nnd a poet !
It really is in print ! ye gods !
How proud I'll be to show it !
And gentle Annie ! What a thrill
iv ill animate her breast,
A Deaf Crier. .
An old court crier, who had
grey in the cause, and as deaf as
Ithn, KMI, V .i, . t..- "Vuu.uiuie ner or
,,.. To reaJ thes(j ntd(jnt niM kQQw
. Ji".r L.yuio. UU IS DDL Tck T 1 .1 1 i i
lu tvuuui iney are aauresseu
IBCTIC P II v s i n i a ,
f Lately of Darren county l'a.)
Will promptly answer j.11 professional
eHs by night or day. Residence one,
or East of the late residence of Hon.
Jv L. Gil lis.
R. Earlev, Kersey Eik
Cb., Pa. Will attend to all call
ightorday. July 21, 1861.
Kr8ey, Elk County Pennsylvania.
Will promptly answer all professional
IU, by night or day.
Eagle Hotel
Luthersburg, Clearfield County Pa.
. iWFWrick Korb Proprietor hav
0fnilt large and commodious home,
i boW prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public ,
Luthersburg, July lflth 1304. ly. i
Luthereburz Clearfield Count Pnnna
WILLIAM SCII WE M. Proprietor.
Lutheraburg, July 27th 1864. tf.
via iniii jioatl company, and is onora-
! ed by them .
j Its entire length wns opened for pas
i senger nnd freight business. October
1 17th, 181.4.
Ijcive Eastward.
Eric Mail Train . 8 39 a. m.
Erie Express Train 7 57 p.m.
Leave Westward.
Erie Mail Train 1 1 37 a. m.
Erie Express Train 10 10 p. m
Passenger cars run through without
change both ways between Philadelphia
and Erie.
Leave New York at G.00 p. m.. Arrive
at ftrie & 6i a. ra
Why, bless my soul l-hcre's something
strange :
What can the paper mean
By talking of the "graceful books
That gander o'er the green."
And here's a T instead of R,
Which makes it "tippling rill ;"
'Wo'll seek the shad,' instead of shade,'
And 'hell,' instead of 'hill.'
itm which lie generally man.
aged to get wrong) from the second stoi v
window of the court house, in such "a
stentorian voice as to be heard with dis
tinctness for a square or more. On one
The custom of taking a text as the
basis of a sermon is said to have origi.
nated about the time of Ezra, who, ao-
companicd by several Levites in a pub.
; lie congregation of men and women, ns.
ceuded the pulpit, opened the book of
: law, and after addressing n prayer to the
I Deity to which the people said" Amen,"
read the law of God dietinetly, gave the
. sense and caused them to understand the
j rending. Prcvous to tho time of Ezra
(4.17 yean B. C.) the patriarchs deliv.
ered in public a.-semblics cither pro.
pie ; and it was not until the return of ,Jrdo1r.lrom ourt to call the witness.
thn .Tnu7 f... tl. - . MiOokitlL' linxinllslv .Tt tlif .Tn..rn n-tll. I,:..
. u ., ,,,,,, i iuL. jjum luniau can;. vi iv- i . . , . "c1 "no ma
I J.'.mi!. J ; i: -.'),:. .,.,.:,.,. s ., ... (
i lusonieunJ uu-;gl,i!y,difiieully, fi,d oi,o.
i V-filT Jiajile to r;in Ihroueh a lo rd '
tie lo the scri,s detriment of lb,, j,,
pearan. c of the stoek. The remedy is
a very jimph; one, and. as we are inloim.
ed by a p..jipt.i..!etit. a very ffficaci.m.t
a eoiii. ei b, aud rub the
affeuted part until the surface is smooth,
nud ppply. .some .grease as an cuinl'
he nt.
fft,A driver or a coach in Tcxi-,
J stopping to get some water for the young
adics iu the carriage, being asked wha?
he stopped for, Jeplied, "I ttm waterin
( my flowers, delicate compliment. "
j 0&.A young MTs'sTcTroHsed in a whito
waist and blue skiit, when aiiked when
i the red needed to form the tricolor wu
simjily pointed to her cheeks.
i A eiergvman said in a reeetit sit.
tie, was in the habit of calling the name I 1,11x1 flle r11"1 ,,f "''Ctitud,. had been
travelled so l'ttle of late
eouipletc'y run to grass.
ycais it had
A .Mls of thii'teen summers, resi,
ding in Portland, Maine, woiirhs tUro,
occasion, iu the course of a very serious '"""lretl pounds, and is gaining
Htwl Entnnirl.nt I ... . . . . .
...UiliMiim.ifU1ll sliir( t)0 p,.fi ,
seneo of a, named Arabella i
Hanks, was deeded. The ciier, like a j
parrot, sat nodding on hi.s perch, when
he was aroused from Ji
If if funny to see a young hi.
both bund. in soft dough, and ;
quitoon the end of her aoc.
'Thcy look so' What ! I recollect,
'Twas 'sweet and then 'twas 'kind;'
And now to think the stupid fool
r or 'bland has printed 'blind.
I Was ever such provoking work
( 'Tis curious, by the by
York 115 p. m P givinS " eye'
Eleoknt Slkf.pixo Cars on Express
Trains both ways bet ween Williamsport
tun oammore. arm williamsport and;
I lnladelphia.
Tor riur..t!im I)n..nnM ; Hit .
. . f "h ' ' oi:ur i u no ever saw in sucli a spaee
"I'l'v " corner oym I
and Market Sis. j
And l'o" Frii''u busir.o?
' 'Uast thou no tears,' the t's left out,
'Hast thou no ears,' instead :
I 'I hope that thou art dear' is put
'1 hope that thou art dead.'
Corner of Peach Street and
the' Buffalo Road,
Ji It 1 !J P-A.
12N0S B. HOYT, Proprietor
WThls House is new aud fitted up
with espocial care for the convcnieccn
d comfort of guests, at moderate raet.
iirooop stablisq attaciii:d-&
RuJiftoai, Elk county Pa.,
1tf.Tliif JioUsa ia plaasaatly situated on
th.hnkof tho Clarion, in the lower end
rih town, u well provided wiih house
room and stabling, and the proprietor will
part no pains to render the sta jr of his
eu4ta pleasant and agreeable.
Rutyicay Juy 28, I860.
IIYD K ifo US n
Bfl;Y I K O I (I N & M O O R F ,
' : Pronrietftrs
gway EJk County Penua.
of the (!om.
panv's irents:
S B. Kingston, Jr ('or. loib and
Market Sts. Philadelphia.
J. VV. Reynolds Erie.
W Brown. Agent N. C. R. R. Bal
timore. 11 II. llfifSTOV,
6V7. Freijht Ajt. PhiFa.
'Gut' I. Ticket Agt. Phil a.
Alfiied L. Tyler,
General Svjit. Wmt't.
So many blunders crammed '
'Those gentle eyes bedimmed'.is spelt
''I'ilnun (run tin aAii ii ldiiiiinii,
ST. MA Ii 1S, ELK CO., PA.
Liiate ot tho Army of the Potomac
P&r Particular attention given to all
cases ol surgical nature.
Dealer in
Clothing, Hats, & Men's Furnishing Ooodg
Lock Haven, Clinton Co., l'a.
CcnlrevilP.c, Klk
T T m M .
couuly Vn.,
'The color of the rose' is 'nose,'
'Affection' is 'affliction
I wouder if the likeness hohh
Iu fact as well as fiction.
'Thou art a friend,' the n is gone ;
Who ever would have deemed
I hat such a trifling thiug could change
a -incu'i into a 'iieud :
'Ihou art the samo u rendered 'lame !'
It really is too bad ;
And hero, because ao I is out,
My 'lovely maid' is 'mad'
They drove her blind by poking in
An eye a process new ;
And now they've gouged it out again,
And made her crazy, too.
'Where are the muses fled, that thou
Shouldst lire so lonzunsuncr
Thus red my vision here it is
'bhouldst live so lonr unburn?.'
'The fate of woman's lovo is thine,
And a commences 'fate ;'
How small a circumstance will turn
A woman's love to hate.
ny, during which they had almost lost
the language in which the Petatcueh
was written, that it became necessary to
explain as well as to read tho scriptures
to them a practice adopted by Ezra,
and since universally followed, 'in later
times (Acts xv, HI) the book of Moses
was read in the Synagogue every Sab.
bath day To this habi t our Saviour con.
formed, and in the Synagogue, on Sab
bath day, read a ' passage from the
prophet Isaiah, then closing the book,
returned it to the priest, and p.-eaahej
from the text.
Fork Your Garden's. Professed
gardeners well understand the fall man
agement of these important little iamily
farms. It is needless to tell them how
much the success of next year's crops
uepenus upon turning up the ground
uiu in November intended for such
crops. But there are many others
those who have small gardens aud in
this class are many of our well-to-do far.
mers who only raise half crops of veg
ctables, and these of an inferior quality,
aud wonder why it is so.
Now, if they will use tho garden fork,
and turn the soil up full fork deep, al
lowing it to remain iu lumps all winter
exposed to the frost, it will put the soil
in excellent coudifion and tend greatly
to add to the production of next year's
crops. Gardens, csneeiallv old nnos
should also be limed about once in five
years.and salted about every other year,
applying ot lime at the rate of about
thirty bushels to the acre, and of -salt
from eight to ten. Iu applying salt
Keep from coming in contact with
boxedgingaud all other evcrirreens. verv
smrll trees, &c. Such a course will
bring up your old gardens in a surpri
sing manner. Turnips, radishes, &
nana to ins ear, iu oroer to e.itr h ih
sound correctly, he said :
"What, your lordship?" j
'Can Arabella Hanks," said Judge. I
Still in doubt, the poor crier arose !
from his seat, and said niin wWli .. i
much puzzled look. "Wlmt, your lord
ship?" "Call Arabella Hanks, crier, and
delay tho court no lougor:" said the
Judge much provoked. "
Tho old erier, thereupon, with a coun
tcanco which iudieated both doub t and
desperation, proceeded to the window,
aud in his loudest voice called out. '
"Yaller Belly Shanks ! Yallr Belly
Shanks ' Yaller Bally Shanks : come
into court !"
Artemus Ward says his hair rcsein
Ides lovers on the eve of sep.iratiou. It
is hard to part.
A Western editor npoWiscs to his
readers after this fashion : "Wo expec
ted to have a death and a marria'-n ,
: publish this week, but a violent storm
prevented tho wedding, and the doctor
l being sick, the patient recovered, and
1 we are accordingly cheated out of both."
bad the curi.
auswcri'ic' an
.0 serious-
A gentleman who
osity to spend a dime iu
nrtvertiement which promised "valua
ble information" for that amount, re.
reived by mail the iollowiug answer.
It's about the avtrau.;.
Phiem): For ten cents po.-tuge,
please find enclose! advice which may
be of great value to you. As many per
sons are injured for weeks, months ami
years by the earless u.-e of a knife, there,
lore, my advioo is when vou use Lnif..
It is needless to say tin
ncss of the court room was conclusively
dispelled ; and quiet, was restored onl'v
to be niraiu disturbed by tho lauuhte'r
caused by tho orier. who in ausirir to
the Court as to whether or uot tho wit- j " w"is W'n'ticJom yju
ncss replied, said, "No, your lordship ; '
and 1 don t believe there is sueh a per- I "ay. feaui, what do vou .-!! d
son in the county, for I've lived here "' -s lur '
forty years, and 1 never he'erd ol him ' ""II d
before "' i "Why not ?"
ivase, uVv
'iW, ?,
died ; in a day of onlv five boms
hundred and forty-four thousand; in
The Lahok cf Wum.xrj. rapid i Val.
ououmi, can write t:urty words in a min
ute. To do this he must draw hi quill
through the space of one rod six.teeu
and one-half feet. In forty minutes bis
pen travels a furloDc: and in fivn an.l
onc.third hours one mile.
We make, on an average, sixteen
curves or turns of tho pen in writina
each word. Writiug thirty words in a
minute, wo must niako four hundred
and eighty-eight to each minute; iu an
hour, twentv.eiffht thousand f;.hr l,,,.,.
Jcdioated to tLo
to Ol) h
Tile following U
i uiiouiers :
There was a little m mkey
little tree-
He sato there at lunu
t j lie ;
And when liu tot tired
don't you see
.Ud tveut and 'sale on another little
us he wautcd l'gr
WSHicnpral Manufacturer of Wagons,
Buggiee ALSO Furniture, siic-h as
Bureaus, Tables. Stanus Bedsteads and 1
Chairs. All kind of Repairia done at
reasonable rate. I
CoRxfn 6r Market "and Water St',
' Clearfieil Pa
It. Mart's Elk County Pf.nna
fr :,L'VELLENIX)RF, Prop'r.
LOCK. 114 ia. -
K. W. BIGONY,"pr7prietor.
Omnibus running to and from the Depot
.free of charge.
U S I N E 8- 8 C A
It D S
" ''' "' navtifiiBTs
I.ealer. in Drugand Chemicali,
Umtry 4 Toilet Article. 4 Stationary.
-v-"y. uounty I'tnna.
WO ) US & YVlL(ttlIT
Lock Havkv, Clinton County Pa
-BLBR3i Flour, Gruin a
rookville Pa ,C. N. Kretz. Pron'r
This bouse has been refitted and furnish
pd in a ueat style, and is every
udanted to the wants of the public
I'll read no more ! What more I do !
I'll never dare to send it !
The paper's scattered far and wide
"l is now too late to mend it,
Oh Fame ! thou cheat of human bliss !
Why did I ever write !
I wish my poem had been burnt
Before ir saw the light.
L Feed near the Passenger Depot
liklo'way Markets.
Corrected weeekly:
Beef "
Hide i
"to '
bushel - - - 5 4 00
" 1 50
" 4 00
ft . - - 45
" 9(o)12
M. 20 00
bushel ... 1 50
bbl. 10 00
It) . . 08
tcvu 15 00
l. ... 80
. . 2 50
- 1 75
M. ... 4 50
dozen 3q
' 20 1
Yreitleiit Jwhje..
Hon. R. G White, Wellsborough.
Axuociute. Judges,
Hon. V. S, Brockway, Jay tp.
Hon. E. C. Schultze, St. Mary's-
P. W. Hays, Ridgway
Prolhenutiirii, Req. nd Rec.
George Ed. Wcis, Ridgway
JJistnct Attorney,
L. J. Blakely Ridgway
Charles Luhr. St. Mary's
Counti Surveuor,
George Walmsley, St. Marys
Charles Weis, St. Mary's
Geo. Dickinson, Ridgway.
Joseph V. Taylor, Fox.
R. T. Kyler, Fox
Jacob McCauley. Fox.
II. l. Derr Benczett
Let's stop and recapitulate
way j I'vo d'm'd her eyes, that's plain ;
; I've told her she's a lunatic,
And blind, and deaf and lame.
Was ever such a horrid hash
In poetry or in prose ?
I've said she was a fiend, and praised
The color of her nose.
I wish I had that editor
About a mile a minute ;
I'd bang him to his heart's content,
And with an u begin it.
I'd jam his body, eyes and bones,
Aud spell it with a I).
And send him to that hill of his
He spells it with an r..
A Good Wife. A translation of a
Welsh triad :
She is modest, void of doceit and obo-
Pure of conscience, cracious of toneuo.
and true to her husband.
Her heart not proud, her manners
affable, and her bosom full of compassion
for the poor.
.Laboring to be tidy, ekillfull of band.
aud fond of praying to God.
Her conversation aimiable. her dross
decent and her bouse orderly.
Quick of hand, quick of eves, and
quick ot understanding.
Her person shapely, her manners
agreeable, and her heart innocent.
Ilet faco beuignant, her head iutelli.
;cut, and provident.
JNeighhorly, gentle, and of a liberal
wayot thinking.
Able In directing, providins what is
wanting, and a good mother to her child
Loving ber husband, loving neaee
and loving God.
Happy is the mau who possesses such
a wne.
Care of Horses.
A Fix.
A farmer had occasion
msu (who, by tho wav.
to seud his
was a jolly
NOTICE. 11 persons Indebted to late
Firms off. I.uhr Co, and Fred Schoening
& 'o art requested their accounts by i lie
ni-9v of .Inly next, either by note or oilier,
wise. w!un the aceoiinis will then be left
for immediate colleotion. Persons indMiled
to I red .Selioening & Co.. will find their ao.
countsat Ceutreville until the above staled
St. Mary'a, May 15thl8(',5. -
I will give my men the credit nf fi
King good care ot their horses! Of
course, they do not clean them as thnr
;ougniy as they should few men do,
i uero in uot one farm horse m a hun-
died that is more than half groomed
; A little curiy conibinar. in the mornin.
is frequently all the cleaning that horses
get. 1 havo seeu horses brought home
dripping wet. aud left for the
Dutchman tell the story in his own way : without as much as a wit h of straw bo
i en, i i-tmuieu uiijujf. nnu i onoinpii iuuucu over mem. it aim l inon
aloug, till I pot to the hill vat slants on wero obliged to sleep in their wet clothes.
A ......... . I. ...I !. , , ....! ---.I. . . '
I J'utetimau.l to a neighboring town for
. a barrel of molasses. Tho weather be
ting warm, the road rough and tho dri.
j ver inortover driving" rather fast, tho
molasses took a uotion to "work," as it
! is generally called. But we will let the
te top uv te shop, ant ten I t,ley would, perhaps, appreciate thocru
looks rount pehint mv nunrrWo tinl-j city of thoir couduct. MnKt
I vil stliop dat; so I stoped te cart ant seem to have a mortal
scotched ter oxen mit grabblo roik, ant
droves do punhole in as tight as never
vas woodnot, and coomed along agin, till
I got war te forks of te road crosses one
toder mit te meetin' hose, and I looks
.uofit tarm men
dread of doiu
i ii ,. . . ..
uoyiuiug oy cauuie light. It left to
themselves, they would, at this seasou,
quit worn; at live o clock, water thei
Horses as they bring tlwm in, take off
the harness, give them koiiio crain a.-,d
rouud pchiud mi pack agin.aut te sthuff u" 1,10 ,a(;k8 wit Ii hay, bed them down.
Notice. Parlies attending Court
as witnesses in Commonwealth cases,
must hereafter claim their lees of thj
undersigned, before leaving Court, or
they will not be taxed In the bill of
By order of the County Comr's.
Pistricf Attorney.
vas all running oier mit te parel. '()
sais I, "1 bs you bow," ant I picks up
a ehook mit all my might, ant te pung
hole flew out mit a noise like a cannon
ant knocked rte down on do road filat
mit my pack, antecarette cart and dey
runs away mit te oxen aut um deui all
oferant pioke evrytingsiu pieces, aud I
am coomed borne mit myself gist ant te
cart ho run to tc tyful. ;
anu men leave them till ball past livo
or six o clock next morning I Shade of
my forelathem ! what would you say to
such teamsters ? Cor. exchauga pa.
BfljTho bet capitil for a youag me
chanic is a capital young wife. . It is at
least a sort of capital that is generally
product vc, a point always considered in
Tho man who makes one hundred
million of strokes with a peu iu a month
is not all remarkable. Many meu make
four millions.
Hero we have in tho aggregate a mark
three, buudred miles long, to be traced
on paper by each writer in a year.
In making each letter ot ordinary
alphabet we mast make from three to
seven strokes of the pen on a average
three and a half to four.
College Monthly.
AiiAixsT the Current. A waggish
chap, whose vixen wife by drowninglost
her precious life, called out to her ueigh
bors, all around, and told 'em that bis i
spouse was drowned, and in spito of
m-aiuii eouiu not pe lound. lie knew,
ho said, the very noek, where she had
tumbled iu the brook, and he had drag
ged along the shore, above the place "a
u.iic or more
"Above the place 7" the people cried;
"why, what d'ye mean 7"
The man replied :
'Of course you don't suppose I'd go
and waste the time to search below? I've
known the woman quite a spoil, and
learnt her fashions tol'ble well : alive or
dead, she'd go. I swow, against tho cur.
rent, anyhow !"
A Happy Retort. A man was
brought into court on the charge of hav
ing stolen some ducks from a fanner.
"flow do VOU know thev nrn vnnr
ducks?" asked tho defendant's
"Oh, I should k now them anvwhnrn "
replied the farmer, who proceeded to
describe their peculiarities,
hy, sal i the prisoner's nnnn.l
"thoso ducks can't be such a rare breed
I have home very like them in mv
yard." J
-mats not unlike v sir." sr.!,? thn
fanner, "they are not" tho only decks
I've had stoleu lately."
"t U the next witness.
A moon-struck wooer presented a
rose to a lady, accompanied with tj.u
following lines :
Accept, dear maid, thu beauteous rose,
To deck thy breast most f.Wr
Obscrvo its hue, no wonder why
It blushes to be there '.
I will accept thy beauteous rose,
And on my breast enslave it;
But should it blush, 1 should suppose
'Tin for the fool that gave it '.
"Do you like codfish balls, Mr
W iggin 7" Mr. Wiggin, hesitatingly
OT ,....,1'.. J....'. I r O J t
n-ui.) uon i j.iiuw, miss, i never re
collected attending one."
One of our coteinporaries says
had a horse given him. Ho bi-"ot
add the word 'whipping."
convalescent dyspeptic
r-ritooviT v
ny is a
hko a reprived criminal ?
Because he can't di-gest yet.
lie who
iTCtS ail-'lV in n l;,. i.
sion while his opponent keeps cool, hold,
the bet end of the poker.
About three hundred second lieu
tenants are to be immediately appoiuted
in the regular army. The number will
be apportioned among the Congression
al Districts. All applicants must have
served two years in the voluutecrs, and
been honorably discharged therefrom,
A board is in session to examine tho
testimonials of candidates, and scleci
U1 11,1 personal examination
seem fitted.
tFAn Irishman, in iW-ril.m,.
America, said, "You niitrbt roll h',.l,,'i
thru it, an' it wouldn't make A;2 ;,.
the ground ; there's fresh water oceans
inside that wo might drowu ould Ire
land iu ; and as for Scotland Vrt llil.ilif
stick it in a corner and vM ,...,,
able to find U out, except might be by
" oruun oi wmsKy.
B&.The following name i i,iil,l..,i
" the list of advertised letters remain.
tug iu me i.ew iork postoffice
time since, an old citizen of this county
named Maguire, residing near, Gallitziu
ww fc hoc sea uown and robbed of 0Vef
SlOU in money, while crossing the mouu
tain from the coal minis, wear tho tun!
ncl, on tho Blair side. He was so much
stunned by the blow that ho did not re
cover for several hours, whwn , f.. i
tus way to in Justice's office at Gal
J htziu. Constable Ely, of Alto,.a, Wa3'
i te.egraphed the next uioiiiinr r ,
audcapture th hiuhwayinau. JJr
M:.guire had seen the man j;ist as ho
wun aouui hi strike, and gave a de
tiou ot ins bight and appe oanee.
th m I It.. i. ..1.1 . . i
. ..... vuuiauiu MUIICI on a vit
iu mines, mi l soon laid h.-.ld of a
who aiwurrn.l A. ... -r
. . . . .. WIS uiuiipiuu. ilepro-
tetcd '.hat ho was lnnotcl. On takirj .
him before Maguire, the latter ideutiUei
h.m u fie man who had struck bin.
Un searching his persm, o of ih"
mnngu I..I-. ... 4'.. II '
j u..-u ium .ija:;u;ru wa f.i
. . .
li'SCI ip.
file affair h
wh,r k, i z ' -zr' ' "?ir
- urniiiM .or the
John Olleubancicugratetitsteioeribo. auwrf the miner :t next cn PPt'
bcnbicker .. .,u.,n rf-ilur.. ' e ,