T II E E L K A J) V 0 C A T E BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. coil, i' i r I ; i ' !:-, i iiiu r. ,mu. T'n ravt Q6Tiplt vt I ih r ) itVy ap poinlal J ii lies.- or -', n njitl i'.t leVi in the country. Till" only one in the city posses-uiu a I. nislatiTc Cli'trt r. nnd ih i only otic in l!io I'nitcd Sin f s 11 nt liori ' 1 lo cutter Decrees of Merit. Diplomas nwurdc I to jrn lnatcs in the Cnmuia'eial Course under in rorpo rate seal I'.V autlHiritv of law. Conducted bv irentleiiion of liberal ,ln tatuTu and extensive experience in business, nml titho-dine unequalled n Ivaui tiros I'm ho thorough theoretical and r:iri i.-il editrit tion of voting nioft fur the various duties and emplovuiotits of business life. TIlLoKY AND I'KACTICF. COM I'.IN I'D by a svstem of CTUAL liUSISKSS TRAINING nrtginnland pre-eminently practical, irivinp the student in the chartist t hue n complete insight into the routine, details, customs tiud forms of busim.ss iu pwieral. as cnmlnc fedln the best-rcfriil.vo 1 commercial ntid 'financial establishments. Theoretical Dookkeeping Upon new plnn, with tin orijiinul exposi lionofthe seiance of necoiuits. arranged nd published by the proprietor of this In stitution exclusively for his own use. saving onodtalf the ordinary labor of the student, nil piving him a complete knowledge of the prac:ice of the best accountants. THE COMMKLCIAL COUIISI'.. l:iinut:s. Bookkeeping. Commercial Arithmetic, Ten. umnship, Ilusincss ( ,'orrrspondonce, Commercial I. aw. Lectures on busi ness Affairs, Commercial Cus ' ' toms, Forms, and Actual " liusiurss Practice. ' :. SPECIAL, BP ANCII l".S Aljclra and the Iliphtr .Vntln malies, Vhr.iw graph), Ornarmntul I'i iiiii'in -h'ji. Mi? .-Ir, "f J)flicl.n;i C'-hn-lerftit .honni, Hn;t ifrrinrr, Surrit,.nt .- A nt-y ! ri and TEl.KliUAI'lllXa. The nrr(!ii(reinenis tor '1 e'.e pin h inp tiro farina'iMH.ce of Anything of the find over offered to the public. A rt pi.'.i; Tel prui-ii Line is connected with the Institution nuh twenty branch offices in various pans of ih e city, where public business is transacted, and in which the students id' tiiis Institu tion arc pusaiittcd to practice. No repu'ar nftice practice can he hail in any other school of instruction in the country, without wl h h no one can obtain a position as n prnet cal operator. Young men are cautioned against the deceptive representations of th. ise who, without any such facilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing'. - VATHOA'AGE. The Institution in now enjoying the lar gest patronage ever bestowed upon any commercial school in tli5 State. Over five hundred students were in attendinee the tlrst year, and over seven hundred during I lie past year. Tlie best class of students may invariably be found here, and all its us social ions (ire first class. LOCATION' AND ACCOMMODATION'S, The Institution is located in the most cen tral part tff.the city , nud its aceoinirodations, for extent, elegance and convenience, are unsiirprnso I. All the r lotos h ive been fit ted no in tho very' best hi vie with BUftytWi offices nit counting HOU.sRs. TP.LEi WW OF FICIOS, ST VTIOSKKY STORE. AND It Kill' I. At! HANK OF DKIMHIT AND IfUt.'K. supplicH with finely engraved litomp'iic notes us 1 a-i a circulatirg medium in tlio It-pirluient of Aoni il Umiiiss. TO "YOILYG M .5N. j who desire tiia very bo-t facilu es for ti ; Practical Education for I5umv ss, we guarantee a course of insiruciiou no where else epi)iil'il , wliilo tlio rcpuiaiiou nnd standing of the Institution ntuoug bu.-i ness men uiako its endorsement the le-t passport 1o ucoess and advancement. All voiiteinphiti:ig entering any Commercial College, are invited lo send for an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR & CATALOG Ci:. containing complete interior views of the college, and full particulars of the course of ius'r action, terms -c- L. FAIRBANKS, A M Iirxiriit. T. XE.tRCil, Sjuciiil Teadirr and Supt. Otfiec lia-s.'ufit. TO (.'ON'l'.M PTIVKS Oonsuuijttivo sullerers will n e.eivo u valuable prescription fur tli turo ot Cunsiiiuptiun, Asllnna, liruncluiis. and all throat and Tiling iiii'cctiotia, lice u) charirc by ."ending their aiMre.is to .Iluv. JIDNVA I'D A. WILSON, Wiltiatusburp;, Kinprs Co., 3 months Xcw York. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW " ! NOTICE U hereby given, that one Jacob Scliritl'cr mlvcitisiiiL' in this a per, under thu head of Valuable Town Lots and Farms tor sale, lint no authori ty to sell the .i town lots and ti') nctes of ljiid iu and m ar St Mary's Iioroud), as I am the iole owner, any &aV uiado rf .the suinc on any part tliero d' without my approval will not be vil'ni. JJOXKFATirsS'MlMOXr). , : M ,rV'n. Iu'w M 'fi'i Fih iSale Stationary and Portable Engines, with new Pajetif Piston, complete tor SAW MILLS Oil POKING FOR OIL. -4 L S 0 Portahe, Saw aims, witli Two llotary Saws, rigged ior Saw ing any sized logs. ALSO DRIVING PIPE, Manufactured in Sandusky, Ohio, nnd delivered ut any station on tha Pail lload. cheaper and better, than can be furnished by Eastern Manufacturers. CfefirPor further information, address 1 by letter flic subscriber nt Itidgway, P. ; Elk Co. IV., or in person at Spring Creek, on the Clarion Piver. I Wui. Q. SWAItTS; " ' ; '' A'jtn't. . Jly lit m 2m. IM. ' ' Orphan's Court. I In the mvter of ih" ) I'i the Oi l'etii ion of ilHpin. II Court of LI! plmti's . ('mm. 'larr guardian of Mary iy. Ilcllen M rr Wil'iaai j i nti Orphan's I'. Ma riod '.'i iii MnM- 1 Conn, lo-M ni and hi I' Hull iMi iv J liidirway. in and i (ii ui of Divid It. Mnrv. for I 'Coonty i f ! Alfred ii rr nod i, j Ik. in ti e V.tb I ne ii Marr "liiv vc'iil , day of Ochdier, ilren of llavl Ln -' r I D , : jsi;,-, j Of Nor! htniihc -laud t o I 1 doc-.sed. J AN exeond'Hed vwoi-d f. ion the Oi pli-m's ''onrt of voniiiui)io'lan I emitny I'con'a.. decreed a ale of cor:a o rea' tjiaie iheio'.ti mem ;on And now to wit Ociobor I'tii H;. the I'eiiiion ol Wm. H. larr gn-ii diaii i f Marv IlellenMarr. Wm. I'. Marratnl Ateni Mart nml Wm. 1'. Hull guardhi'i i f David II. Marr Alfred Marr and nnctta Marr. minor eliil. dren ol Daviil Marr. late of Nin thu!iib?rland county, in the state of I'onnsy lvauia de ceased, setting forth among other things that their said Wards are Feh'.ed in their demesne lis of fee of and in the sixth sev oii I Ii interest in a certain tract of land, nit uate in lay township, F.Ik county, contain ing eighty seven acres of land and praying the Court to make a decree, nuthoi iziii said I petitioners to raise the sum of one thousand i dollars, from the sale of said Heal Estate. Whereupon the courl alter due considera- (ion bad. do order and decree a sale of the aforesaid real estate. i tiro. t:n. wnis. ' Clerk of Orphan's Court. ( rphan's Court Sale. 1!V VIKTt;lC of the aliove order of Ihc Orphan's Court of 1',1'k county, there will be exposed to iniblic sale at the Court House in Uidgway. Mk County I'enn'ii . on Mond.iv the L'Hih dny ot Novilmber. A. 1).. ISUo nt 'l o'clock p. m., of said da3 the sixth seventh i ut ore.-1 of I he following ib'scribe I tract id' land, intituled as follows. Commencing nt the Novih wei corner of land now owned by Joseph Hill and leorge W.dsna.l r lining thence Wet one hundred and eighty seven audit half perches, thence South 10 a corner, tiience I'a.-t to corner iu the line of tlio nfiiresa d Conge Aims and .lu.-eiih Iill, thence Not ih n'mig the nloresiid line to the tl'beginning. sitii'i'c in Jnv towns' Llk county H"ven and IVnli'ii. and cout-iMiin on" half a-M-"s of land eight bo the saaie more or c-s,- 'l'ei'tn cash. vi m ii. m i:i:. WM 1'. II I'LL. "iMard:an of minor chi'iben. of llavid Ma-r. 1 ee if N'.jvth I'tiLcrlund County 'a , dceastd The above adpr,i"!ie,l, ttn'il M Mt lay Ucc p. ni. mher the .9;h, at 1 o'clock To Con3umutivo3. Tho itnd:rsiuut d Ii.iv;m : Iio'.mi restored to health in a lew weeks, bv i v- i v sint pie. letnedy, alter having suIR re I seve ral years with a severe Iiiiil' alfectioli. and that dread disease, ( 'o'lsunrition is anxious to tnaku known to his lellt.w sull'eiers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the preseriptii n used (free of chaise ) with the directions for prepar ins a,"l usiii the same, wl.itdi they will find, a sure cure for (lonstimtition. Asthma, I?ronehitis. (hiuohs, ( 'olds. (Vc The only object of the adverti-.-rin (mhI invr the Pre-eripti m is to Inn fi- the al!l CK.'d. and sptt ii'l itifnt ni iiioti whii h he conceives 'o b invaluable ; and be hopes i vi rv Miff r r will try his remedy, as it will eo,t rhu nollmis. an I may pp e a bless'-fj. Piirti-s w sli 'i.' the p-e-eri-eii tt will please address, j lUv v : v: i,-;on. UMlia js ('.. Ne V.nk. IHON IN Till'. ''.ntf The Pertivion vi up -it i'.'i- - ibt-Ll io 1 with its Lifk Ii i;mknt IliOV inhis iiiL' Strength, Vi.ror. and Now Life info the whole system. 1'or hvsuen.in, Pronsv. Cbroriie Iiarhtra. Peliility Fn male Weakness, etc., it is a specific. Thousands have been chanaed bv the) use of this medicine from weak, sieklv, pitfFerinsr creatures to stron":, healthy, and happv men and women. A !i'J pai-e riaiiinhlet sent Free. Price S1 per bottle, or ( for 5. J. P. P1NSMOUE, :',6 IVv Street, New York. Sold by Pruggista generally. TO COXSl'MI'TIVl S Sufferers With Consumption ASTHMA. J5ronchitis, or any disease oi tiie Throat or Lunirs, will be chcer- fully furnished, without charge, with the retueuy ny tne use 01 wnicii tne jiev. EinvAlil) A. Wji.rioN. of Williamsburg, New York, was completely restored to health, alter having sullercd several years with that, dieud disease. Consump- lion. To Consumptive sufferers, this remedy is worthy of an immediate, trial, It wiil cost nothing, and may be tho tneaiis of their perfect restoration, Those desiriii1.; the same will please ad. dn sS Rr.v. EUWaRD A. WILSON, lti") Sou'h Second Stieet. Wiilianih burh, Kin" C.udtiy New York v oner: U lit reus. Letters 1 csta 1 1 iiieiitary to the hstalo ot .tlichao Ovel late of' .ley township Elk county dt e'd have Li en granted to the sub.-Cli. b1 i : Ail j erso'is ind dited to said l..-:atti are r. tjin sit-1 to make immediate payment; and lli.so having tdaium a-aiiist the siinc ttiil .re.-ent iln.lit d l'y auilienlieated lor eel tit lot 11II0 ; .10! IN iiAU.'l. Pen. zeit fr... Elk e iiiuly , A. W Ii Jay tl Elk c uiniv August 10th 1 G.'. QTRAY C1TTLE anie to the premises of tho suh.-ei-ib"r in Pox township, on fir about the '2'K of Vpril '0.')' a red et white spt te-I cow. about 7 years old siuec had a ca'.f. ono red steer about 1 year old. Tho owner is desired to como lorward. prove property, -j pay eharyet. iVo', or otherwise they wi tie disposed ol us tho law directs. Fo tp. Aug. 10, 'Cj, GEO FAUST. PIGX OF THE FLAG a 5,t viriNi:v. photo. (ill VPIIKIJ. AM) AMlliMlTYl'i;!;, h-.vii.- rejuoddUMl junl dttt'il np tilt; Ictll room of 11k1 "I' lnt.'ll) 1 louse, would ! vi.vtw.ftl'ti'lv .-.imoni.e . tn tIip', c'ri li ot IJiiliav.'iv .111(1 n- j riling C'lilillt'S t.li.tt h" liilS tli.'l'lc .'ttlilitioDtll Ml)ni'ovoillt'llt?t to I -1 Ii Iilt' t a in I !iar;i1iir4. :ud lit- il itffi-s litinscH' tli:it ho can s,iti-i!'y the most i;isti!ioi:s t.usfe in ;i Ti.rv: ami lifelike like nes. lie also keeps Constantly in linild, a good . assortineiit of cases. . Particular attention paid to copying all i imls of pictures etc. ' ' UidgwayXov. 11th 'Ci". GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1 SOU THE i Fashion Aiasraxitio of the World I.lTKIlATUKi:, VIM ARTS .1) FASHIONS. The lnost nuiL'tiifieerit Steel en-ravinsg. POUJU.K VASII. ION PJjATKS. AVood enrrravitis on every subject that enn interest ladies. Crochet triltitiir. Nottinjr, Kinbrnidto-y, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the lioudoir, and the Kitchen. Fvory-thin-r, in fact, to make a complktk IiAIA'.S PiOOis.. The Ladies Favorite For S6 Years- NoMajta.'.ine has been able to conipct-' wiili'tt. None nitempt it. dODIiV S KI.'CFIPT.S f ir every dejtart inent of a household. These alone m o worth the (irico of the Hook. Model dilates (i other Magazine gives th-Ma i. with diagrams, till.VWlNO I.FSSONS FOU TIIKVOl'XG Anoitier opocialitv with liodev. OI1ICINAL MUSIC, worth a year. Other Vijrazin s publish obi worn oiit tnu sit: : but the. suhsor hers to Codoy gut it be fofo he tiiii-to store-'. C,-i-,), iiinir for Ladies Another peculiar ily with (Jo lev. Fashions front Mcr. A. T. Ptewart & Co., of New Yo-k. the. million-lire, imr e't ints, appear in (io ley. the only maga zine that lias them. Ladies' flonnels. We (rive more of them ina vent' than nuv other magazine. In fact the Lady's Fo.,k (Mirddes every lady to be i her own bonnet maker. 1 ItlariiMi Ilailnntl, .l-t.lr.-.ts o -Al,ir," 'n;,i,i,n rt;,,- l. .s'lVc." 'AV.vf...'' ,m,l 'Mirlfn," wri'cs I'm-Oo.b-y eatdi month, nnd for no other nitisraziuc. A new navel by lo-r will be published iu li;ii We have also re tained nil our old and favorite contribu tor". T V !! M S O F GODEY'S LA.DV'3 BOOS FOR is63- f I'rr.m wlnrh these mil !n:i,i;.n I lie fiillowing I are the terms of the Lady's oil: f,,r IH I loc C"py. ono yer I'm o copies, one year S3 fill o AO 7 .'it 10 00 I lo ee c one year Four I',,-.. ipies. one year pies, nun year, and an elra co y to the prison (;cttitij; up the club, til ikni sir cipies 14 00 Oiu'in e-eiics one year, and an or Ira copy lo tin- one petting up the club making nine copies 21 00 Llcven copies one year, nnd nn er tra copy to the one puling up the club, niakinji twelve copies 7 r,0 eyAll nd-litions lo clubs at club rates. Vf 'Jodey's Lady's Hook and Arthur's Hume Magazine w ill be sent, each one year, oil receipt of $1 CO. KSAVi'e liave 110 club with nny other inaazine or newspaper. HfT The inuneit must all It sena! one time for . of the chihs. BiiayCiiniida subscribers must sejd 21 cents additional fo, each subscrii cr. Alltl'CN fj, .V. E. Corner Sixth Philadelphia l'a. a. cij:y. and Chestnut Streeti BLA.CKSMITHING ! The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to tho citizens of Ridsway unu vioimty, tlmt ho lias built a new and commodious t-hop ou the East side) of tho street, leading to tho I'. k E. Paid Road Depot, where he will do all ' kindti of work with promptness and in j the best style. He does not intend to f be surpassed either in low prices or i-ood work. He trusts that considerable- ex. nerienco and prompt attention to the business in person will secure a liberal shave of pavinsr patmnaue. ; SAM PEL STRICKLAND. Ridgway, Oct. '05. tf xl w ESVAnusmiExr. McCLSRY & CO., TANNER AND CURRIER Ccnrruville, Elk County Pennsylvania. Will keep onantlj on hand, all kind ol stock in their line. C ASM PAID FOR HIDES, J north Windf.dder of St. Mary's, will r-e-'v? all kinds of hicks and pay oa'i for the same, KING'S POUT AIJ LK LKJIO A D 10 s tlio only preparation ol the kind made Iroin the fruit. As an article oi econo. runly 8t-d dnlifiousness, it rannot "'Ted. and is rtcoininended by , phy-ici.nis for invalids and family use. I It will keen fnr 1V1rs in nov olim.iio j while its coilc.,ised form ictiiieM it th! peeially uivcnient lor travelers. Ail who ue tetutuis are requested to ive il nttial. Fiiilerlaininei.isat li : .inc. pai tiso, and picnics, should not Le withne it Fot fale by all UiuisU find fust el...--O refers. .ManufaeliiKal only bv LOriS V. K'JTKJKU. ' No.. 543 Pearl Street, New York. W sJ r-s ! 1 rr J. .--1 o " 'S. ; '-a I-. -K 1 port not 73 C-l mm I W. .1. UIiAKHI.V, , I Hriks-1 lev i ritii mer anil deal er in ancy articles Post Oflice Buildiwr. ('enlre Street. St. M.iiy's, lik countv. Pa. NOTICK. ; . ' The rtimmi'.sioners of I'lk enmity, will meet tit f heir oftii!P in Kidnway on the 24th of November int. l!y order ol the t 'omniisstoners. JOUN 0. M CALLISTER, CLKltK. Kido-way Nov. 10th Notice. 1 hereby pivrn. that a (titantity of loirs wore' carried on niv I lands, on Peniiets Pranch in Ikmezefte township, Jvlk county Pa., sometime in Match IS!."), with the lollowin marks. tJ M T O M-0 T 'J' O-U V O 0-V I) ami other mark:) I don't know tha meaning of, the nwner or owners thereof, are rciircJ to jivovo property, pay all lo.ua. I chiirji's un l take tlie-n tiway, oth. et wiso thi'v will be fulf'eitcd aceordiiiL' to tho limitation to' the law. ItALPlI JOHNSON Sr. Sept. L"-Uh 'Go. Consumption. A vaiuuble treutt.-e by a ltetircd Physician, ou tho nature of consump tion and its various stages, tosether with rules forsolf treatment, and simple pre seripl ions which Iihvo cured thousands, will he sent, free of ehat'e, to any one applying. It will cost you nothing, nnd may be the means of saving your money nnd perhaps your life. Sena an oddres sed en vol.ipo to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D. Muray Street, 84 New York City. March 17, '05-.m. BOOK STORE, j oi'st ItEertVFD at TtiE St. Mary's I!ook Stohk, direct from the Publishers in New York, Hoston and l'hibvlelphbi. n well sc. leeted stook of SCHOOL liOOKX, suitable I for all partd of lilk county and portions of the adjoining countie". Teachers, School i Direct or3. and the public, (ito invited to call nnd examine niv 'lock. Ifaviiiir purchased the whole from the publishers for cash, I urn enabled to sell low. A liberal discount made on all purchases of $10 and upwards, W. J. DLAKELY. St. Mary's Sept. 14th '(15. Itch ! "itchTltcb ! .Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch Whcatou's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Alsa cures Salt Rheiiu.-, Ulcers, Chil blains, and all Eruption of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For sa'o by all dru"--gbls. Py sending CO cents to WEEKS & POTTER. Sole A-euts, 170 Washing ton ttrect. Poston, Mass., it will bo for warded by mail, free of postage, to auv part of thd I nited States. Sept, ISth ISIJo. Gin. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE. I lhrec town lots for tale, adjoining the WiishiiiDtoti Hotel. Centre street, in the IJ.uoUL'h of St. Mary's, Elk Co.. Pa. 1 it. ...;.- -. . . ..c 1 1 Aiiiwu,, i.?u '! iti:i-o titllll, :j South east of tho Borough 01 a imlj ' Likewise bin.! hundred uoros of good f irm land Three farms with good houses and barns upon ihem, and likewise Coal of an ex- j cellcnt quality, tho coal veins 4J feet j in thickness, with a good pr.iect of oil on Pino creek, near Liittuvill.', Cluriou i Co., Pa. ! 1 .itaivi.ii i.iirt ii n : ....11 .....v....... ...... -iii.iu iu u lioHiii. wen, iiilM Lily, und Itvo liitere.ts iu oil l'r gaming the uiiecltons of tlo oppo-Pa.-es. Also fur sale 11 largo and t-utu-j tito hex, und whitdi w ill enublo them t modiom Hotel iu Gieeuville, Clarion ; marry happily, irresueelivo of u-o.-iltb Co.. Pa. l or term and other particular, apply ' b. JACOU SCIIUFFER, at the JJotel ) iu Ureeuville, ('htrion Co Furniture. ! MANF U AC TURK R OFj 1 31 ode ni anil in Iqim 1'tit til ' 1 11 ' MAIN STREFT. 1 ROOK V I L L E P K N N'A Tet-tPteh, j V Sofas, Piavans, Easy Chairs, Lock msr ( hairs. FM1 WfNV. IIOd.M OII.MHS, , Am) I pbol-tetetl vine of all kinds, also P.-iin ( 'hairs, Cain Itot kin Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. I!t xdslcuils, , Tables... ' ' ' ' Stand, I lieaui'es. : LiL'ht Siands j What nots- j Corner Stands, ; Wash Stands, j Wardrobes, ! Bookcases, I Sic. c. ile. 1 We spare no pains in packing furni ture so that it can bo shipped any dis tanco without being injured. Do no' lured I he ulaee. PROWN S WARE ROOMS. Dec. 24th lSGi.-tf. 1 NOTICE Letters of Admini.-tra finn rum text a mm to anncx.n, on the es tate of Anthony Ktinfz, lale of tho bor oujrh of St. Jary's deceased, havinu been oranted to the ttndctsioncd. Al! persons indebted to said es'ato arc re (Ue.-ted lo make payment and thost hnvino; claims to present iheni withou' delay to ADOLPIJ FOCITTMAN St .1iry's. Elk Co. Pa. June 1st 'Cn. Gw. 3 tssoi.t'TitiN. -Notice is her. by jfivc. 5-' that the limited 'partnership, lo r -tofore exislino between TI endure Palen of Wilcox, Elk county, l'ennsvlvauia and James Clark of Plainfield'ol the State of New .Jersey, for the manufac ture of leather at Wilcox Elk county l'.i said parlnc'ship boino- formed under the Aetol Assembly of the lil.t March IoO. entitled '-An Act relative to limi ted partnerships" and iu f-upplements. will be dissolved, fully and finally on Monday the 21st day of August A 1 ltfli:"); the said partnership then ceasing and tletrrminitij; by the mutual consent of the parties. TIIEO. PALEN. JAMES CLARK. W;ir. .Tolv Km, 15l'.-. I A D.MINISTUATOICS NOTIC1. Notice is hereby given, that let lets of'Hiiministration on the estate of! Julius Vomliiiutuen, late of l'en.ino-er ! township, Elk county, deceased, having I been srauted to the undersigned, till persons indebte 1 to said estate are re ! iitested to make immediate payment, ! ami those having claims an iiust (lie sauin will present the same duly authen tieated for settlement to liriMMN KOCH. ! Bcnztnger April l.",th 1804. j EXECUTORS NOTTCE. J Whereas, Letlurs Teslameufary hav. 1 1110 been granted to Jn 1. Stock man and , Anton Pochrman. Executors of the last i w i!l and testament, of Loreny Stockman, j late of St. Mary's, dee'd, all persons knownio; themselves indebted, to (-aid estate will make immediate', payment, and those havit claims against the same will present them duly autheuti. j cated for settlement. GEO. EI). WEIS, Resistor &c. NOTICE OF LIMITED I' A UTS K It S 1 1 . 1 NOTICE is hereby given that Tliolro Palen, heretofore residing at Allegany, Cat taraujrus C'outity, in the State of New York but now residing nt Wilcox Ell; Coioitv, State of Pennsylvania, and James Clark, residence nt I'laenficld in the .Slate of New Jersey, have formed a limited partnership pursuant to tho Act of the General Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania, passed the lst of Maroh lfftjii, entitled "An Act relative to limiled partnerships" and its several sup plements, for tho iiiitn'tfactttre of Leather at Wilcor aforesaid, u,.. u the following terms to-rit: 1st. Tho name of said firm to bo Theod.rc Talen: '2m. 7ha general nature of the business transacted is the manufacture of leather: :ld- Tlio name of tho ceneral partner is I heodoro Palcn, now residini? at I ie:!..w :.i - ,.i. in. . . j oiiuu.x linn i--;uu ,- 1111. 1 no IllllOUnt OI I 1 capiial contributed by the special partner) j Jaines Chirk, to the common stock, is ' oi;;htein thousitnd dollars ; .rth. The iurf-I nership is to continue from tlio ninth dav Ipril A. I). IStil, to the uinthdav of April A-D. lPo'.t. Dated ut II ileoz,' June J;ld , 1804. i ' AIPi;TLE OF EVERYTHINa .' relating lo the human system, male and female; tile causes ami treatment of diseases ; tho marriage customs of the j world ; how to marry well and a thou sand thin" uevr published before read f tlio revised and onlar 'od nilltlon nf "jf ous book for curious peopl.!,itnd a irood book tor every ono. 4 I pilots. ' 1UJ Il!nstr.,t;,..,a T..;.. si u ',1 .. t - .ble sent fn. t,. nm. ,l lra,. ' ---w'm,.i u4 iii-.-j, linuivn 1 may Lo had at the Book stores, or will bo scut by mail, post paid on receipt of the price. Add OSS E B FOOTE. M.D., 1130 Broadwuy, N. Y. LOVE AND HARIMONY. Any Lady or (I .'iitletuan sending ma their address, will receive lull diictiuus tt,..i,. . . n ,- niv... uuuiu-a, .tin ruuetvu lull Ull'CUOUS , or beauty. Address ' Md MARIE LEMOILLE, Hurlcm P. O., how J'm tUutl ' Jo?t 1 ui.diu.'.. :irw edition of Culverwells CelebratedEsBr ol the KCtiLiihure ( without nicdiei.,. , or Si'ki!M,vionuniKA.f,r scuiiuaMVi il; ness, Involuntary Sc-miual Wet, Impo Tb.NCV, Menial and Physical Jnoapnliv Impediment to Man'ine, etc. n.o!tp, (.vi.nm'Mtion Ei'ifiKi'stv, tinrf Fits. uueed by Eclf-indulyetite or sexual x. travautiuec, ... fca" Price, in n scaled envelop, only 0 cents. - The celebrated author in thit. admirv ble e-sr.y clearly demonstrates, from hit ty years successful pratice, that theu larmin consequences of selfabsuem- he railieally cured without the dangerou, isc of internal medicine or the appliea, ion of tho knife pointing out a mndt if cure, at onee si tuple, certain and effect- ml, by means of which evety sffercs 10 matfer what his condition muy by nay cure himself cheaply, pmktela. nil rniliraUii, ' (C5This Lecture should be in thai lands of every youth unci every unn iq die land. o Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, oiiny address, pmtp!d, on recept of is cents, or two post atitnips. Addrea . he publishers. CHAS J. (J. KLINE d CO., 127 Bowery, New Vurk, Post offic box 458G. WHISKERS ! WHISKERS ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian compound will li rcethfiu o grow on the smoothest face or chin, r hair on bald heads, in Sis 1. eeks. Price, 81.00. Sent by mail try here, Most ly sealed, on receipt of prieo. Address. W ARNER A CO., B0x 133 luooklyn, N. V. l'cb. 2."ith 't).V Ivt, Foil WARD. 1 It V If! MAKCII UIGIIT INTO ItIlGWAV AI.0.NQ .axis .s;kli:t td the Old C h a p i n hi re you will Cud Prus, Medieinet-'. Oils. Paint, Vamibh, Brushes. S t a t i o n a ! y , W.VTcilES, WARI'.AXTI) ; si lvi:hwa!:l WAI'.U.V.N'I El); A irciiiTal assortment of Vft-ri.-ticst !lln Fancy Soaps, Violin String Perfumeries, Albums, Yankee Notins &c. Lamp Oil by the brtiTflL Uyo Stuflft. Iiistrn- I ments ami Implements partaiij . illLf to tlio j DilUG BUSIXKS tie. Pure Liquors, for Medical purposes, only. BOKDWELL A- ,M ESSENCE liidgwtiy, Aug. 7 'li-). Imt'ormation Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A fj ENTLE.MEN, carc-k of Neryoin Debility, Ineompcttuiey I'remature Pe. cay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a de.ireto benefit ether, will bo happy to furnish to all who mied it (fteo of eharL'e,) tho recipe mid directions for making tho simple remedy used in his ease. Siiuerers wishing to profit by tho advertisers b id txperiyice, ud possess a sure rod valuable remedy, can do so by odilressing him at once ut his place of business. The Receipt tmd full iuf'ornia. lion ofvital importance will beeheer, fully sent by ictarii mail. Address JOHN B. n DEN: No. TO Nassau Stwct. New York. P.S- Nervous RutTercisui'hoth seses wi" hnd this iulbrmatiou invaluable. Administrators Notice. Lctte-4 of Administration have bivy granted in duo form of Law, to tho sul , scriber Win. Muck upon the Estate t' Elisha -Utci, Lata of Salem MJ. d. . ceased. All persons hjvhi i,,, against said Estate, uic luested proe-i;t them duly uuthentieated lor set tloment. Any person owing tho Estate oro rofjuested to make rayujon fo-iji' with. WILLIAM MACIC j Administrator of tin- F-fe Crij Unwv.i.irii 'ir in- !i