'TIT" T 11 E E L K A D V 0 C A T E EI.K . I)V(KI.T1 I.! Tl i : 1 1 1 ImiM'v S.-.t niiM It if l. VT. IHItRI IT Ridgway, Fa, Dec. f'nd I8G5 Miru tU ih t P'tiil 't'f'c Wr' nr'tililt itmin 'n; f'lt'c't V p ;r'.'f iiihI unt,nb'tl ; .'".i , r'WH Vi" f i 7V'irA, .ic't rfi' .i.f. Vi f tvjr lu-ni n rtiotf no V.ir 'rn7 nice" ' S M 'pl-rrTK" N ( i I i-li A; CO,' AllVKUTIoRINH AliK.NC'Y 11 9 Nassau St.. New Yoili and 10 State St., Uoston .S. M. PEl'TKNtjlLL At ('., an; tlio Agents for the Ki.k Aiivoc.vrr. and the w ist influential and lartrest cireulatini: Newspapers in tin; United States si ml the (Vn;i l.i-- they are authorized to con trict lui' us at our lowest rale. ( '(irinti l)i !')( inf. j OIL NEWS. j ' Cl.YIUON Oil. M.Tf Kits. Tin; ten companies, of which I Inn. 'A" in. 1'. Sehell is Presidi -if, njiorat iii'r in differ- : ent purls o( this county, are mtikint? ar. J : rnngetnents to consolidate. S en of 1 ' tlio companies, we understand, have a!. nendy made the arrangement, and the . others are exp . eled to ." into if. The . intention is to put. down several wol's i ' otic t1iou-i:i!i I feel or mere d'-eii, through I the thir l -and lock i " he wi ll just below the mouth of (he i Clarion river wiliced in aunt her place j - ia vi"l'l in lt over 40 bnrrcls ft day and Ins ber steadily inereasinir coming up j from a ten hatrel well, in the hist three j ,'.eks. It is between .NOO mid 0 leer j deep, and it U estimated that to reaeh j the same strata of rock further up alontr ) tho Clarion we must go deeper. We are iM that the Plvson run well ' i 7 miles above here, on the Clarion river which has been pumping nil for several months, is inereasin'.'. and be eotninir a valuable well. The company intend nutting down another well in the same locality. i We liava no late uew frmu the oili. j r wells, nl' a detinite diameter, though we hear rumors of several' important j stiikes. We shall endeavor to gather' information on the subject for publiea. ! tion m-xtweek. j A company has put up a derrick and engine and arc about commencing lo put down a well, i.enr tln iair ground, a!, tile west end ot our borough. We gather the following oil news from our exchanges : Oil. IN A:iMSTK:iNtl t'uLN TV Messrs. lirewer, Lurke & Co., received on Saturday a consignment of 'J7" bar. rcls of oil. it being the second shipment, from a well recently struck on the Al legheny rtver, at Robinson's Mills, near l'arker's Lauding, opposite the mouth of the Clarion i iver. Thin well is owned by the Clarion and Allegheny river Oil Company, the stock being principally held by Philadelphia capitalists. This well i.s the only development as yet made on tneir property. Tt is Sill feet deep, :ind when first pumped produced only en barrels daily, but has increased steadily, and the daily product is now between thirty and froty barrels. The (nality is of tho very best lor refining purposes, like, most Alleghany river oil. The expenses of development are inurdi less than on Oil Creek or that vicinity. Wood i.s very cheap; coal ten cents per bushel, and rents and all items that make up tho cost of living, less than half, what they'iiru in the Oil Creek region, j A twentvfive barrel well in this lo-a. tion i.s worth more than a fiTty barrel! well on Pithole, while land can be bought in fee or leased at this point on much more favorable terms than on Oil f'rek or Pithole. We should sin- ! pose that tho many dry holes in the ol. , derod regions, put down in a very ex penive manner, and on territory leased or bought at fabulous prices, would in- , ducc those purposing to invest in the , in'insr or boring for oil, to try their luck ! iit this new point, which has just been no satisfactorily tested. 'iltsbmyh Co in in t re ill, Xu 0.22. PiTtioi.K, Pa., Nov. 17. Within tho past few days the (ov. ;rntnent officials have brought to light fuets which show the most extensive fraud.-i agaiust the Iutcnial Revenue Uepartinent. Yesterday the officers icicJ wells numbers 47. 54, and 70 three of the 1 if-egt on tho 1 homns llolmden farm. The I lovci ument claims amount of $118 00, ofwliieh $38,000 is owned by the Vnitod States I'etioleum Company, and tibniit. by a large operator here, who, if is alleged, last night made nl! h'f interests over to a second puity. The Government haa notified the He" of iha wnriinjj interest in the veils not lo di liver any more oil to tin :i .i, paid. 1 h te is much excitement here ibe (ml jeet. aiul it is feared tho hot. m has not yet been reached. There are but few people who realize be ar,liial value of a flowing well. Am', i is only nf'icr the figures are put upon nper ll.at we i.rc cua'ded to see, the rot uahh which is poured tut or a .nod will iii a single year. We are led o those i t market by figuring upon No. 0 the "liurchcll Well" llolmden .'aim. This well is producing 7"i I'arveis (iaiiy. which multiplied by '''", :ives two hundred and filly five thou, -mid and five hiindjcd barrels us one vein's product average price per bar rel ?;"), making a grand total of one nillion, two hundred an i seventy-seven thousand, and five hundred dollars. A correspondent states that great ex. cilt ment prevails at Prnnklin over a big strike made, on Saturday afternoon on the Miller farm, about four miles below Franklin, on the Allegheny river. (Jood judges, who have been on the ground, report it flowing 1,(100 barieli per day. The lowest estimate made by any is ;l'0 to M)0 barrels per day. No. 1 IS. Thomas llolmden i'avm, Pithole Cret-k, is now flowing at the rat of L'iiO barrels per (lav. Tho well whs pumped lor over a week without sue. ee.i-s, and commenced to flow very slid. den'y. The indications arc that No 7'i llolmden farm will prove n S00 barrel well. J'nm tin- Lrie Obi:r.-rrr. Man Shot iiv a Pouckman A man naiucd Kdnard Kimball, w;.s shot by st ceial policeman. Captain I 'unlaji.in the saloon of l'eed & Thompson, on Satur day evening last. The particulars ol 'he i ceurreree are about as follows; "A t artv ol n ine six or einht. most of them employeas in the Philadelphia i I'rie S'lop. were in the salocn drinking, and loakiiiL' considerable noise Mr. Puidaj. ciMiie in wi'li two or h'c" IViin N imd. while there, two of th prlie- coorii'Mic ed fighting. He insisted on sep rating them, when he was in suited in a gross maimer bv several of the crowd, one of whom defied him to take him Mr. Punlnp. who kept viry cool during the whole ji flair, took him by the collar, and led him up stairs, where he w.-is followed by the companions ol the prisoner, who, unnn reaching the sidewalk, fell all to gether upen the officer, beating him badly and taking away the prisoner. Mr. Punhip, finding his life in danger, fired three or four shots, which had the effect of scattering them somewhat, lie then went, as we understand. into anotli cr saloon for help, and as he was com'ng out. was again assailed, when he filed the hist and laf;(l shot, llesta'es that he was coinins up ti e steps when one f the par'v who was standing at the top i f the stairs, exclaimed. Mere he is!" and aiicd a kick at his face As be ihu w hack his head to avoid the Mow. he lired. The ball struck the unfortunate man in the right breast, passing about, two inches above the heart, and burying itself in the right lung. Another ol'the parly named Williams, was shot through the hand. The wounded man seemed to lie unconscious of his hurt, and walk ed up Slate street as far as the Amen, can House, where he fell upon the side walk. He was assisted into the hall, and his hurt discovered. A physician, Ir. ISrandes, was immediately sent for, and a clergyman. The wounded man madean affi lavit as to tho circumstances, and exhonerated the officer from all blame. I le declared, however, his in. noeence of any assault ftt the time of the firing of the pistol." Although at first supposed to be beyond recovery, he is now thought to be out of danger. Three others of the alleged rioters, giving their names as Hcndrcks, Williams and Kel. ley, were subsequently arrested, and held to bail in the sum of $"00 each, to ap pear at the next term of court. Fatal Accidknt. A fatal accident oeeurcd at Pithole on the morning of the 0th. At about four o'clock nu explo sion oeeurcd at well No. 2 rrink'sLeasei Holuideu farm, resulting in the death of Unit is Milligaii, driller, and seveai ly fienlding Felix Vi.skenski. engineer. The boiler was forced t hi. .ugh the derrick, carrying away tl'e sampsou post, bull wheal, clc. .c !fi iiijf. Smiiot s ArcuiKM'. Wo learn that, on Thursday November Ot h, Mr. John !rowu, ol I'm usiilo township, r.ict with a ci'ioiis accident. uhiUl helping to raise a house. In patting up n log, it slipped and fell on a cant ho ,k, which struck Ml. lirown in the gumi will) such lorce as to knock him i nliiily si useless (or g.iuic lime On .-uiol..y tnoiuiiig last he w.is stiii living, but no hopes were enter. tallied lor his iccovcry mint's Jo 1 1. Oheat Haii. in Cm;sTKHFnr NoTKS. On Saturday f man niinied Uohagcr was arrested in Now Yolk, mid on the police scinching bis room, they found n stock of bogus Ticasury notes, of the denominations ol five dollars nnd filly ;oiits, representing altogether one hundred and eleven thousand dollar packages. The bil's nrn rather po u ones, and would not ileeeivo those ac eusloiund to handling money ; but it i lielieved that lurge ij'i.'.utilies ot then. have been sent to ihu West and Suit!,, .rhero l hey may have a Letter chance o getting into cneuluiion. It is mpposei Ilia house was the hendquartein of : targe gsnr (if counterfeiter. Jtf.-ulfi- Ia o c si I s ll.NWKl.t. -The F.dilor forilie past week being unwell will te? 1 1 it, tor the defi ciency in our local column this issue. Cu KAr. The Elk A,h:,vatc, nt 81, oO a year. Pr.KAsA.vr. Tin few days back. weatln for Stim, ix Town. J. F. M'Carlney, the Photographer, hut will remain only, for a short time with us. QriTB It.l.. Mr. J. 0. Chapin. who left hero to vL-it his brother in York Stale, some time ago, waslaken with Ty phoid fever, and was from lasts accounts, 'juitc ill. Nor Puni.isur.D. Those verses left with us some tinio ago, by Miss A. S., but will try and give them a place soon, in our columns. JfcT-.Ttist as we were going to press, a telegram was received by Mr. J. Pow. oil, stating, that Mr. J. C. Chnpin was still dangerously ill, near Corry. Mr. Powell and l)r. Niver started immedi ately to fcc him. Wantf.d. We would announce to our readers, that they may not be back ward in offering u country produce on subscription we will take Potatoes Hot ter, I'uckwhcHt, Corn, Apples &c, and wo seldom refuse, Ui e'itb.icks or (Joil. IPr.Tt.iiXKi). Mr Daniel (ilenicnls, and sister, who Ins for a few months past, beeii at Allied Centre, Allegany Co., N. Y. at College. A "out to Oi'KN. Tin) new Saloon i of Mr. Iavid 'I haver. M the old stand, known us Chapin' Pl- ck. on Main St. All wVhing a .ood di'.i of Oysters, or n nood glass of larger beer, will find "l.rviticiia" there, rca ly to wait upon you. ImI'IiuVf.mknt. Quite an improve ment has been made in our town, by a of side wioks. Messrs. Houk & M Yean have laid one in f ront of their lots on Main street. Mr. li. I. other lias also laid one from the Post OJiee, to connect with the one, laid to tho Hyde House. KirThe following notice, was sent us b u friei d, iiskii g its publication. - OAW 7 .1 L E S SA L E. J P.Y Yllll t'K OF an liiecuiion to me diivcled. there will be exposed to public siicatihc house ol Scavers & co )iM:iiM'iitt'r in alli-gheiiy lp., Yenango county, on the '1 day ol iiovcmher at 1U o'eiok. II m ihe foiiow nig properly viz: as splendid set ot Drlliin tools samlpuuip lioap orgi rstem Prills Kimtsra Keiuhes lfelicv anvil ami all the sinull'j traps that lielougs to a oil well Taken in execulioii as tho property of W P Collins at the suit ot 0 E JJyugton and to be sold hn me, I i F I Nolou Constable, ATTEMPT AT MJICiDE. Un InilVS day November .'JOlh, a man calling him sell Chirk, aud hailing as he says, from Camden New Jersey, came to this place on the 11 Ji7 a. in. train. lie was no ticed walking around town, by many of our citizens, who supposed something was wrong with him. He stated to several that he was alraid of being shot, that he had been fired at some 15 or 10 times. Nothing mere was known of him until o,..il-a.i ; !, iitr.,,1.. it..,.i 111. I.HI.UU IUIU IIIO . I J -. ' ' JAUU.-IU, when it was seen that his throat was partially cut from ear to ear. A Doc. tor from Yoi State being present, of. j fercd to dress (he wound, which he did i in a skillful manner, alter scwiug up j u.e gasn in t no tnroat, attention was called to his leftside, which he had stanhcil. Willi Ihrt himoi knife liuvmo- same Kune na ing the ktiit'rt still in his possessiou. 1 he knife struck a rib, iuflictiug a wound some three inches iu depth. lie in a uiua about years old, and rom papers in ins possession, seems to ..avc ueeu 11 uumocm man, .hu "snakes got into his boota ; which will tuby explam the Ciusaol the rash act. Whkiie TO IL V IIoM PAY GO;iPS.- ! Dealers and consumer always find it lo their advantage to buv their goods where the largest stock and best assortment can be found. In the ., . . Confectionary aud Notion lino wo do not know of a larger uud better selected assortment than is to bo f uitid at Loner & Burgss' Yariety Store. 'I hey ure doing their host to keep u;t tho supply and meet the dtfoiuud lor their go i.s For the Holiday Ira.lc they can offer an aluio.'t endless variety ot Sugar Toi, ('andies, Notions and Siuad Wares, suited to the trade ot the season. Dealers will do i well lo or.ier and buy early, as the uc. maud lor this cl:ii of goods will bo im mense. 1 lo not wait until the lat mo. iiieul. us the chances I r gelling an 1 us. fortit.eiit le.-seu every day. Suppkn Dkviii ()a Friday aficr- i noon last Mis .M'( jm.it in, wife of Nichol. sou M (jil.sii'i of Pinecreek township, a in ihe. SioiU of Air. Blood, muting i nut; puieti.i.-es, she toll to the floor iu hi Spoleiio fit. ho wis picked up by . hose present and carried into tho resl lenceol K. L. Blood, and medical aid .lulled, toil all (-florin to revive her tailed, is she died iu a few minutes. She was leeompaiiieil by her mm, woo us 'soon as 10 saw her taken into I lie house, slavtod lorlhc faiiuly, but none of them snivel in toi n tf her alive.--frruJ. Itema of All Sorts, Mrs. Jefferson Davis is residing nt the house of n Mr. Schuyler, nca.' Au gusta. Georgia. She enjoys her usual robust health. ''If you ever think of marrying a wid ow," aid an anxious parent to an heir, "select, oae whoso first husband was hung ; for that in the only way to pre vent her throwing his in"iuory into your face, and making annoying compari sons." ,-Kven that won't ptevent it," exclaimed n crunly old bachelor, "she'll praise him by saying that hanging would be too good lor you." PrZ" fights between woman arc of daily occurrence in South Staffordshire, Fngland. They strip to tho waist and follow the rules of Fistiana implicitly. "I nm willing to split hairs with my opponent any day if he insists upon it," said a very distinguished American law er, in a speech at the bar. ''Split that, then," said tho oppenent, pulling a coarse specimen from his own head and extending it. "May it please tho Court, I didn't say bristles'." A young lady was told by a married one that she had better precipitate her. 1 self off N'aoara Falls into tho basin bo- neath than to marry. The young lauy replied, "I would if I thought I could find a husband at the bottom." i i A fruit preserving house with a capacity of "."i.'KIO bushels, is to be erected at IJuGaloata cost of ?1 00,000. j There are 1 02,000 skeletons of horses and cattle killed during tae war in the Shcuaudoih Yalley collected at a j bone factory near Winchester. , i About 100 colored e migrants sail ed from Paltimor; for Liberia last cat uiihiy in a vfsse.1 chartered by the Mary, land Colonization Society. fienerul Grant's reception at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, on Monday evening was attended by over 11,000 invited guests. The Democracy of Wisconsin have gained two senators and numerous rep lesentatives, and have popular majoii. j tics in three congressional districts. Last week a Cleveland justice of j the peace suninione.il a negro a jiuy. ! in.! n. but had to back down, as the whftc jurora refused to serve with him. j A young nun named Power has been committed in Waxford. Ireland, ou a charge of killing his father by stab bing him in fifteen places with a hay lork. ino board ot Aldermen in ington have resolved in favor of Wash a spe cial elcniion to fettle the question of negro suffrage in that city, in the event of Congressional action ou the sub ject. ! A railway is to be built through the Alps by the pass of St. Gothard. Eight i years of labor aud au expenditure of " ! eighty millions of francs will be involved in the undertaking. Tho Emperor of Napoleon, upon being informed that the chief of police of Marseilles had left the city during tho prevalence of the cholera, atoucc sigucd an order dismissing him. The Floiidii Convention has an nulled the secession ordinance of that State, abolished the reception or negro testimoney in the court, repudiated the rebel war debt, and adjourned. -In Boston, on Saturday, a boar ding-house keeper was found murdered , ;a ,lis buJ In t,,0 vicinity of tho 8alU0 1 ci, 0 Rllluj thc bdly of a umrj . ,- , . . .... , .., ,i;jr....0,i nr i , .i,;,.,. Tho b,io ;n Xew york ! 01, act;(,untof lhu appearance of the chol. cra hts ellt in.y subsided. The sick on board the hospital ihip at Fandy Hook j, rapidly convalescing, aud the cholera j.j -Atlnnt" is now entirely free I from pestilence A Providence mini deposited 81, 000 for safe keeping in an unused stove, , Ho. was called out of town unexpectedly, and coiu snap coming on, a tire was km ,, , . n lit 1 lilt hiir.l narn'miri , ol years were reduced to ashes in a sin gle moment. I Gen. Sheridan is ut San AnUmia, Tt-xas. Orders have i.one forward to Coneentrale a prelty laioze military f'ureo iii ihat vicinity, the precii-e object of which has not yet transpired, but it is! supposed to ha lor tho purpose ol look. ing alter I he French troops. Theodore Smith, of West Chester, cautions the public against trustiug his wife, she haviug left his bed and board. Matilda replies that the bed belonged to her innih'r, aud as for the board, Tucodnie owes lor it, their two years ot married life having been spent at her father's house. The Cloven, mom hii discovered that some of its own detectives have beeu lor some time engaged in ''bhoviug" the new oouiitei'lo'it Guy dollar greenbacks. What Letter could bo expected ot the tools of Suutou If Petroleum has be-on diboovorcd in llussiu iu abuudaucc and with oasy facil. ilics for working. This will eventually confine American petroleum to the home ws'ktitf. ftlrThe holidays are close nt hand nnd our dealers arc preparing to meet the wants of tho Reason. The largest and best stock of goods for this trade will he found at I5cncr& 1'urgess, con. tee.tionaiy establishment, Erie, Pa, They manufacture and keep everything in the candy line, as well ha n general as5oi tiiient ol Notions, Toys, ito. Everybody knows ihem by the repu fntionoftiKir Cough Candy Moss ami Elm. It proves itself the best article! of the kind ever introduced The in. . i mense quautilies they ship every day i.s I proof that tho public appreciate a good I v ., .... ' 11 . , article., ..1 hey arc prepared to fill or ders fur it in any ouantit v. Everybody ' ' J who tries it says it is just tho thing. , - (novU'63. tf) An Error Corrected. Most practitioners and midiciec ma kers, in preparing pulmonary medicine, use ingredients which must be prescrib ed "not oftcner than three or four times per day;" the pioper treatment in such cases is to einplay a mediciuo that it i.s ' safe to every liftcen minutes. the dircc. : tions for cough medicines should be "little and often." It is tho throat, not the stomach, that requires treatment this is the secret of the success of Ooc's i Cough Balsam. "Take it, little and often." Iu a very short time it has be. come immensely popular. The Throat. Families would do well to keep always at home a box of liriiwa lironrhlal Troth', a simple but most marvellously cflicaeious specific for affections of the throat, affording prompt relief in cases of coughs, coids. 1 ronchial (roubles, etc. Singers and public speakers will find them also ex cellent to Hear the voice and render ar ticulalioti wonderfully easy. Monthly M'l'niziiir Squibs "Hang it!" exclaimed a famous painter, who was engaged upon a pic- tore of King Lear, "I cannot impart the wild exprassiou of iusanity to his f., " "Touch it up with a little madder," was the suggestion made by a facetious friend. The dove was the first newspaper carrier wheu one morning it weut. out of the ark and brought a leaf for Noah. It contained a paragraph on the weath er, iidrifyiiig him that the heavy rain storm had subsided. Power, it is said, will intoxicate the best hearts as winn does the stron gest. This is why there arc so many intoxicated persons iu Washington, just now powerand wine combined. Why is a drunkard hesitating to sign the pledge like a skeptical Ilia, doo ? Because he doubts whether to give up the Jug-or not. Why is Louis Napoleou's baby like , the tail of a herring 1 Because it is the last of the bony parts. "Say, Jack, what is the best thing to hold two pieces of rope together 1" "I guess not." Industry and perseverance well clung to will place a young man in good circumstances It is better to be honest with a competence than a rascal with a million. He that is truly polite knows how to contradict with respect and to please j without adulation, and is equally remote from an insipid complaisance and a low familiarity. A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been iu the wrong, which i.s but saying, in other words, that he is wiser to. day than he was yes- ! terday. The cheerful are the busy; when j ncxl nt one o'clock p. m., the following de trouble knocks at yo-ir door, or rings scribed Town lots i.i said Horougli of St. I nm. l.oll I... mill -:, j ... ... n j j - tiena him word that you are engaged. ! Envy, if surrounded on nil sides by the brightness of another's prosperity, like the .scorpion confined by a circle of fire, will sting itself to death. A Western editor heads his list of births, marriages, and deaths, thus : Hatched Matched Dispatched. OViiliiniu .,,t ilair lifiv u-lmr nr. t mi crying for ?" . . . ... J , J V. . .. . . t ' J , I ' . - J '' 'Hill hove the Bible at me and hit me ou the head." 'Well, you are the first person in my family ou whom Ihe Bible has made the slightest impression." A little Swedish girl, while walking with her father one starry nijht, absorb, ed in thc contemplation of tlm skies, being asked of what she was thinking, refilled : '-I was thinking if the wrong fide of Heaven is so glorious, what must the right side be!" A lit HAL genius of Lunerne county, Pa., las invented a plan lo prevent chickens iruui scratching wardens. Tho plan as to secure a slick to tha bcel of the fowl, so that as tho foot is raised the stick lalls and strikes the. ground, throw ing; tho Jowl forward. ' Repeated efforts to&eratch will causo ihechiukss tOTlk ' clear cut cf tho garden. DIE D . In Highland township, ou Friday Nov. Kill ISfio, of Dipiheria. Alexan der Campbell. Aged 8 jeaia and 1 mouth. ' - I I In Highland township, on Sundr.y Nov. 2Gth 18C5, of Diptheria. Williuui Campbell Aged 11 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Orphan's Court Sale. J'-V VI 111 UK of an order of the Orplinn's C'mrt of Klk county , 1 sliall sell at tlic Court IHitise in Hirfgway on Tuesday the 2J day of January A. 1 isr.t;. at two (2) o'clock v' f"1101'"? described tract, picjo '" V'ccl of land, situate in Fox township, Klk ooiinty ., c..iil.iining one hundred ZZl "3." 7 h'' vri,l',he ",r,,1,nc."'. nioiiff rinrt ot wurrunt n 41RC. U,mit,i on the .South by Und of Oarduer and on tha North nnd West by re-idue of said tract No. 118(1. Terms of sale, (,-ush upon confirm . ; tion of the sale. ADAM FOST, Administrator of (he Estate of Leri Nolf,. late of Armstrong county deceased.' Nov. L'.jth 'Go. W 1ST of Grand Jurors drawo for' January Term 18G6. Pcuczett tp. Cornclus Yainwright,, John Johnson, Kalph Johnson, Jr. Benziiigcr tp. Adam Kopp, Wm.. Grofs, George 13oiier. , ; Fox tp. Conclius Whalen, Lawrence Mohan Sr. John C. M'allister, O. P. Kelts, Hays Kyler, Robt tM. Bennett, Edwin fVWen. Jay tp. Justus Weed, Win. 'M. Webb, Jos. Dill. Jones tp. Wm. II. Gallegher, llidgway tp. Geo. Dickinson, James II. Hagerty. St. Mary's Dor'o. Edward Babel, N iah A Bradford, Michael Fey, Fred, erick lluuolph, Charles Schisslc. SIST of Tra'crso Jurors, drawn Jauuary Term, 18(30. for Bible Anton Clark 0. G. Chamberlin Jos. S. Ca Lilian Michael Bfcnzinger, Kidgway, , Fox, do Ridgway, Beneset, Fox, do Ben tinker, Spring Creek, BenetAtt, do Benzinger, llidgway, , St. Marv'a, Fox, Benesttt, Jay, Fox, Jonei, do Bensioger, Jones, do ... St. Mary's Fox, Benzinger, . do -Fgx Jay, Fox, do St. Mary'g, Jonee, Jay. Fox. j1'11 Henesette ; Preelaud Oliver ! Hewitt Jerc i Hys Isaac Ilasselman Geo. Jr Irwin Thomas Johnson Jesse Johnson J. O. Kraikcl Philip k-;.., i? v- . it nut; at. v Kit ft Joseph La'gy Henry Lewis Ellis Luce Wm. P. j M oyer Coonrod Jr Miller Yalentine Nearing Chai. C Ness ul George Pistner Jnsph Pisiner John Schultze Wm.C. Short, Siinipsnn Sore, Xaveri is J r Schoening Gerhard Sehocning Fred Thomas John S. j Thompson Peter I Wilson Samuel Weia Albert Wnuk Ferdinaud Webb Chas Zimmerman L. U. NOTICE- The ConiruissioneM of Klk County, will meet at their office, in Uidgway on Friday December 8th. By order of the Board. JOHN C.M'ALLISTKK Clk. llidgway, Nov 24th 1S(5. ! KSTKAr.- Left tho premises of thc undersigned, on or about the last of J October, One Red Heifer, about 2 years I old, small horns. Any ono giving information or bring, ing the said hcifor to St. Mary's Bor'o, will bo liberally rewarded by JOSEPH WIN I FELDER. St. Mary'b, Nov. 30th 18(55. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. MOTlCti is hereby given I hut, in purm ance of an order of tho Orphan'a Court of Klk county, we will expose to puhlio sale, ou the premises iu tho itorough of St. Marya in said county on the -d dav of December : Mary s, to-w:t Town Lot Number sixteen f IB) on Mu- rus street. Town Lot N umbei eighteen (IS) on Mau. ras street. Tuwu Lot Number niuetocn (19) on Mftu.. rus st reel. Town Lot Number seventeen 17 onCen. lor si i eel. Town Lot Number thirty-one on Croat, direct. Karfi nf said Town lots having one hun dred feet front on t.ud fctrcein aud miming buck nt right angles with uaid streets, two. bundled luet. 't'ei uis of sale, one ba'.f cash at liiu of ga'e and remainder within sii months there r.f'ler with interest, to bo secured by the purchuber, to tho satisfaction of the iub-i. fccribeis. '. K. C, SCHULTZE,. MARY FISHER. Administrator!., St. Mory'e, Not. 8th 18b5. ' Dr H Ander's Iodine Water AN INVALUABLE DI8C0VKKV. A Ft i.i. Git a IN of Iodine in each ouuce ol Water, JJi'ssoh-ii without a Solvent Tho most powerful Vitalizing Agent. nd Restorative known, crolulu, Salt. Ilheuni, Cancers, Rheumatism, Coo. Kumntion. and niaiiv Chronic and Item ditary Diseases, arc cured by its use, an i thousands can testify. Circulars lent free. Price. $1 per bottle, or 0 (op $5. Dr. II. ANDERS & Co., PbyaiciaM and Chemists, 42$ Proadway, New York S;14 by I'rifgittj eurally.