T H E E L K A D V 0 C A T E m wants' aarorr rom B-sefal and Sorofoloue Cisaaaes. Sxtery ZHu, ei etll-'mnum SMrdkiiat qf Oe fori, Maine. T Sara told larg quaatlUre of j-onr Ramam i - A. but mtt yet on bottle wlifch fallal ul tin .rodffoot tod ni 13 atln;nci lo'i totho.e who tout 1 la fart at our w-oplH try It 1 ftty aroc tln-re liif J Bi intjl.lut Ills it buiOit ia uur cuiumuiUty." I "jptliraa, Pimples, S'.otcJios, Puatu!e, Ul k 'Tt, Sore, J nil Dijaasca of the 0ia. Vom ff(r. RW. Stntttun, tirlt'nt, EnglmJ. " T only flo ms rtutv to yuu aufl tli puhli.-, ftiira !1 mv testimony ia that yoa jinMish of tne ti:9 t .n.nl virtuea of Tuar H ik,-ahili.. Mv (Ii ijIi ' ', aged tra, h4 an IDMInif limnur til lii'r cava, i, and hnir fia- years, wM.-h rra limbic to j until we trtod your AMttArAMLLA. alio lm i i well lor aomt tirutl." rm Mr. Jirm K. iV-nr unit murt ' ;ne4fii..i .', Cu Av Co., A. . ' My osnghbvfcta iif toI ft.r a year past with t .ifulout entr-tli, w!u?H at very trouhlenomo. 1 thine tfbrut't any rtlief until wo trie! your I . utArAHILLA, Uj ll toot completely eurol lii-r." Sttg; SfMrrif f (V, m-tmifjolurert nf emtnelieit twtrt im y.iFmt, .v. Af. ' I h4 for Mnat.il yn t rery troublesome 7 .-r In my which trr coiittmitly wore i II It illfl)pni itir fratur. i I hvmina a t Intnl. r. .ila a!t(4lo. 1 M.'il alin' evry tiling; a mui ; Jd of br t.1 anj m lt.w, 'jut wtiiuiH j. : ef trhiww, tntl I y.ii 8.P.ArARiu.A '. inmeJle' -is; woran, at yot t-ii l mil : -ilyht (brt ttn( ia In r fc wwVt t!i rw . brgta ta. .f tn.1- t.i hlotchrp, anl r-t- i.-d until iht M It aa an-io'h ra a iyho.ly a, i 1 1 am ftitho.it any ayai;lonin m tlm iitsc:ii. innt . :nowof. 1 cit)y'jK"rl . health, nnj w ilnoul t .'Jt OlVt It to yJUf SARtAfAHlt-LA.' T 7&lp9la4 Oaneral Eejilitr Parify th SIjoA. . "m Dr. IJnM. .5itnn, Jlmuton St., Xeto Tori. ' D. ATKR. ! ttUlona rail to remove hvtiptitmt r -1 tornrtiliaii Sarrt by the peraeveriiifrnrtoryoiit I sap ARILLA, tad I litrt Just no n ourp.1 an attarlc .liiino"X Kmiiliit ith it. No nltontlva wo ..fit n,uat taa RAiia rHll,t.A yoit have tup. ..! to Hit prohtaijj at well at to tltt people." Frtm J. K. .4fot, Kfj., Wiil-m-i. Okin. . " for twJva er, I lial the yellow Krynlpelnt a my riiihiann, darhij which li.iie I trie! all tht ..bratcd phyij4,ia 1 co'.il'l reiteh, awl took bun 4 .1 of (Mlurt worth of ineIHnea. The uleera re lo bad that tin corda bcrairw vlwlhlr, an. I tht ( .'tort dojk le.l th:4t my arm muat bo amputated. I ". ;o t.ialn- yn'ir aus t r,iu. . Took two hot 1 a. and toint of your l':i.t.s, Togrther tlicy liura red me. a-nnn at wt-11 .iad aouo 1 ra any boiy, ; Injr lo a piiSltj nltce, my ciac la known to every n iy 'a tltla eouuatuity, iuJ txcitet the wouder of ';l." , r.wn ilem. Hrnry Urn, it. P. P., of Xemsnsflf, C. IT", ti itaafiriay mtmuer of th4 Canadian i'arliur ir:t. I have med viir S.tPR.i'AniM. It my family, t ' vTeneral rftWN'N, and lor purifying tie .frW, I rrry he:iofl t l reult, and ictl couiiicuui ia t ..uiueuau II w tUd tiUotatl." t:. AntbODf'a Tito, Bats, Salt Eheum, Sca.4 Hand, Sore yea. m fan ey Siciltr, t.tq., tht ulle nlitor cf tht 7un;Atnttd"ea Jjtm icr.it, I'tiaihyh-ania. "Our only child, auuut Alirvu yeara oi ' ugt, wat .;ITwktd by piinplet on Ida lureliead. TIm-v Tiiiii-lly .read until tliey .oruied a loutluome an. I viraU-iit . .re, which coerl I. It lace, and actually bli.nled .. eyre lor wni ilayt. A tkil ul phyhU'iiia qiplied I . rata of ailver auu oilur remcUiei., without any .i iirent eSbet. or HAten dnya we Kiiardi-d Ina Z ida, leat with them he aho'il.l tear open the lea l .lug aad eorrtpi wound whl.li rovi ri-d Iiih w hole - .w. tltviic tried ceery thiii); elnu we hud uny .ut from, we bvfin K'V''U' "r 5ai:k vrAkiii.i.A, .iid applying tlit ioiiido ot ptuah lotion, un yon iirtxt. 'ilie aura beuu to heid wueu we hud iJ'h eTi l.ic lirnt botUe, and well when we bad lluMied 1 .. aeeoud. Tho ehltd'a eyi-l.-thea, w lip-h hu-l eoino .t. irew aaio, and he ii now un ti.-ul y nu.l lair uny otht-r. 'i'he wiifdi ueiliuui'Uiio preuicted 4'' it the cliilJ muat die." t?yphili tud Mercuxi Dicaase. . -an Dr. Hiram Sl.n.t,vf M. Iuhi'j, Mlsnturt. I fiaC four S.tlikAi'Aiill.l.A a luoie vlleelinl ..ut'dy lor the eceomlary tyiuptnniH of SiiMiu .i-i lor syphilitic tiiheaau tniiii any ut.it-r we lKtK. lie proiewMiau art Indebted to ) un lor bunw u tM V-t uivdieiuea we have.1' J'r -.m A. J. FrtHh, .V. ., cn tmtnrnt pky.ii'kia n 'uu.Trtic-e, Mi4., u7ri it a ;-vmiieu uumUr if . : lAyulutmt of M.HtiHci.tueitt. Dr. Attn, li y dear hir: I have found rour 4iAR.tAtAUll.l.t u excellent remedy for SjphUis, 5t. Ci of the prim anil ift-omui j type, nn.i eiiet It I iu aunu cjihcs liiai. woe tuo u:e tmate to yii-IJ 4 4hi-r reui'tijlea. 1 do u .t knov .'hut we ci.u em g with more certiduty , nucued, v. uerc u powr aiterativo i retired." .Tr. Vims. S. I'un f Xein Inn.'m'i'ix, .V. J., I i (Ireadful nlcem on hi h';;, e..i.se.l by the abuse mercury, or mereuri..! (ii.tuxe, whieh t;rew more t I more a'ravated lor yeara, in aiiito ui' every y .iiinly or trentmeut that coul.l he r.pplU'd, until the L i beverin" ue of Ayi.uN hAKSAPAltll.i.A f;lieed ".nn. Kewcaaetcan bo found mcro inveteraui and I'lutreialng than tluu, tud it tojk acvcrtl doien f .it'lrt to cure 1dm moorrheea, Whites, Temala Weakness, a frmieralty produced by internal Scroulitwi Cl t rniion, and arc rery often cured by the alterativo r eet of thta SAItaAPAKii.i.A. Somecusea require, i jwever. In aid of the Slt ai'aiiii.LA, tha nkil.ul , tplicatlnn of local rcmciliea. '.oft) I7:e vdtt-nn nn4 iHtlely-cfltbratctl Dr. Jtteob Afurrill, of Cincinnati. ' I have found your M liAiaAMLL an rxndlent i .ferative in dlaeasea of female. Many cage of Jrr''iil-irity, I.eucorrhtwa, Internal rieeratiou, anil t i--l dnhility, nripiiipr from the aerofiiloua diathesU, li ere ylel ld to it, mid them are few that do not, hcu it effect H properly ahletl by lne.nl treatnient." .1 y, unwilling t' cltrv the publication of her vnme. write i u My daughter r.nd myelt' have been cured of a . -y di hihtatinn Inrnrrhnra of Ion1' btumhu;, by (bottles of your Sausapamu.a." ' laumotiam, Oout, Liver Complaint, Dya- peptia, Heart Disoasa, NcuraUia, - r.rine I by Xrmfiila In the e vstcm, are rr.pidly t ..Vd by till kXt. SAKSAI'Altn.LA. AYER'S ; JATITAIITIO TILLS ! j iscis so many nilvntitagcs over the ntlior ' , itr;.:itive in the market, un.l their nuperior . rtties a: e 63 universally kniiwn. tlmt we need l ill) inot e tln.n tu ttosure the :nhl:c tlieii ; i r ;lit Is t. pin vr.'. ecu;. I t'i tiie l est it evei i J Iieen, and tliat they may he depended on j I.) lo all that thev have ever dune. l'reparcd hy j. C. AVER, M. T)., & Co., 1 .iwoll, Mass., und tuld hy UKE CURE FOR D1PTHERIA O V,'ALLIS IMI'ROVED MAQW CALM. -V HAT T II E 11 A I, M W I L I, n O Rtmovo Obntructions, iilhty lniliimation facilitate respiration and Cirehition, re. laces Enlnrgenienta, and vitalijo n-cd Mtrcngthen weakened parts Ci amp ami ilil !iom Culic, Nervous Headache, Earache. Horns, Freeiea. Toothache Sprains. Itriiisei. .Ae. ; uad tor Sprains, HriiUcs, Oallu. Jleaves, )istempr, -o., in horces Hie Quickest relief for pa'.ii of any I'ain Killer i uso. There ia no remedy that will act promply in relieving tlie'tTln enumerated i th Mimie II.iIti, which deserve to ro .'.eive the fvor of the puhiio. It is lis own r-'coitimeudation. and t.y the prfnrm ance ef good wnrka, where it is known. nov en Jryii the highest rcpiitntion. For m1e hv .1. Powell, Honk & M'Venn. lihlirway Pa. Wholesale hy fan or Ai Hall, A Warfeels .Drug Ktores. Erie Pa. WHISKERS ! WHISKKKS: Do you want Whiskers or Mon.-t:iehes? Om' Grecian Compound will force them lo jrrow on the Hmooihent fuee or chin J 4-r hair on bald heads, in Si Vleeks. I I iicp, 5 1, (Hi. Sent by mail uiy here, slowly Healed, on receipt of price. Addrc. WARNER & CO., Uox 183 Jiroiilklyn, N. Y. Feb. 25th 'fl:j Iti. NOTICE. The Dunks and account ot 1t)ub J. Storer h Co., and Thai-ha II. Gering & Co., of Kt Mary's, liave l,eea I ucedin the lutud of ike undersigned tor 1 1 ;t lenient. Parlies indebted lo ci'her ot II above Srms, are unfilled that llicir ac 4 1 uiita mu"t bctellledhy payment lo the 1 idcrsig-ed, W'lhin K) dava. bt'liIE.I. UEAKELV. Atfy for GERIXO & CO. & HTORER i CO. AUr; ' rViary, Set '. l. MJt ll II! -0:0 MARCH RIGHT IXTO RIDOWAY ALONG .VAIN STREET TO THE Old h ap i n Where you will fiud Drugn, Mediciucs, ; Oils. Paints, Vamisb, Rrushpg. S t a t i o n a r y , WATCHES, WARRA.NTD i SILVERWARE, WARRANTED; A cjeniM-ul assortment of Va i i-lics and Tim Ji&'b.i'&t Fancy Fonps. Violin Ffrinp!8 'Viftinirrics, Albums, Yuukee Nctlns Lninj) Oil by the hcrrel, Jc tlltTSa Eltl'll- mt'iits and Implement:- jiaitaiti iiv.T to the DiiUG BUSINESS, tf-c. Pure. Liquors, for Medical purposes, only. MKDWKLI, & MESSENGER. 1 Iti'lyw.-iv. Any; 17. "65. Imformation Free to xnRvorrs sufferers, ArtK.VTLRMKN. enn-k of Nervous : !cliiitv. Iticniiificteiicy Premature l)e. I 'ay. iitii) Yon-hill' Errnr, urinated by a li-sif tn liomfr t ii rs. will le happy to iiiriiili to all vlii niter it (free of cliarytO the rreiie and directions fur making t)u ainiple remedy usqd in his. case. Sufferers wisliinr tn profit liy the ailvei tisers b.'d experience, and possess a urc rod valuable remedy, can do so oy ..IdresMnj.' l.-'u. at mice at' h is j,lace of Dullness, i nc urce pr anu tnii lnterma linti ol'vital iinpi'flance will becheer. fully sent by ictuni mail. Addrosis JOHN B. 00 DEN: No. 00 Nassau Street, New York. Nervous Sutfereisof hotli sexes will find this information invaluable. (3 moths J DISSOLUTION OF (5aPARTNER I SHIP. j NOTICE is hereby civen. that the I Lo-I'artnership heretofore existing un der the leinios of Anthmiy Kuntz and John Kiuuh, at St. Jary's, has this ! day been dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. ! ANTHONY KUNTZ, I JOHN K RUG II. June 22d 'Co 3t Pd. f E W M U S I 0 "F U N E R A L 1 M A RC H TO T H E M E M -OUY OF ARRUIAM LINCOLN," the .Martyr President, by Mrs. E. A. PARKHUKSl', the popular composer The Homo Journal says : "This is a fine composition, well worthy the reputation of its writer." Very solemn and im pressive 1.000 COPIES ARE ISSUED v EKK fY- Price 30 cents ; with vig nette of tho President, ftU cents. Mailed it-p. Publisher. HORACE WAT ERS, No- 481 Iiroadway, N. Y. jVOTlCE Whereas, Letters Testa 1 inetii'ary to the Estate ot Michue Ovel laic ot' dry township Elk county dee'd have been granted to the subscri. bers : All pcrsous indebted to said Ebtale are requested to mako immediate payment; und those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to JOHN J1ARR. Rcntzeit fp., Elk count v A. W GRAY, Jay tp. Elk cuuuty August 19th 1SG5. ('TRAY C.ITTLI'i Came to the k. promises of I ho subscriber in Fox township, on or about the 20, o! April a ted A; white spotted ci w, about 7 years old since had a calf, one red steer about 1 year old. Tho owner is desifcd tucomi! lorward. prove property, pay charges, Ajc, or otherwise they will bo disposed ol as the law directw. Fox tp. Aug. 19, i;., GLO FAUST. TO iOXSl .MI'TIVI S. Sufferers With CoNgi'MPTioN .vs'in.MA. hronchiiis, or any disease ol die '1 hi o tor Juties, will be cheer fully luiu shed. wiihout charge, with the remedy by the use ol which the Rkv. Kdwaiu) A ii. sun, of Williumsbutg. New York, was completely restored to health, utter huviug sufi'cred several years with that dtead disease, Consump lion. To Coiisumptive sufferers, this iv mod y is worthy of an iiuuiediate trial. It will cost, nothing, and may be the nnairt of their perfect restoration. 'Ihtuo doeiring the fame will please ad diess Rkv. EDWARD A. WILSON, 105 fiouth St.eoiid Sttect, Williamii kurgb, King! Qewtfj, Nw YcrV. New Arrangement! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE New Store of CENTREVILLE, ELK CO. TA NEW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING THE PEOPLE Awake to theie Interkst ! A manil'esledbj the daily throng o) ustumers exclianjiriff "green backs' for Ojods. All the Domestic Cotton Goods ar li'jili. Customer, one and oil exclaim Ho Cheap j our Dresa Good ARE My atock consists of Dry G o o d s, flats & Caps, 1' O C C 1' I O 7CL C C 1 IJC Wjfc IJW ';CJ 'ijg $ CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARDWARE Oils and Paints, Wooden Ware, Pork, Flour It is useless for to at'empt, to give a full list of the stock, but invito one j snd all, to drop iu, and examine for themselves. -Rutter, Eggs, Potatoes, Grain Hide. Calfskins and all country produce taken at market price, (or goods. Ceotreville, June 1st, 1865. Administrators Notice Letters of Administration have been grunted in due form of Law, tn the sub scriber Win. Muck, upon the Estate of Elisha .Inek, Late of Salera Md. de ceased. All persons having any elaia) against said Estate, are requested to preseut them duly authenticated for set tlement. Any person owing the Estate, are requested to mako payiueut forth with. WILLIAM MACK, A'faunutrator of tk Etltt of Eluha Meek, Detttitezh. Ju.allUi lfe&i. MIRROR OF F 3 i0V QUAlirKHLV JOUKVAf. DU R(t MONPK.) Circulation 40,0'H) (largest in the world.) Each number contains large and magnificent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations ol all the fashionable and Pari novelties, for ladies' and children's Dress, usc'ul information, and tho four life-size Paiterns, cut ready for use, etc. etc. Yearly, 81 ; sinsrle copies, 20 cents. Published at Mme Demouk.st's Empo rium of Fashions, No. 473 Broadway, N. Y. BPLKNniT) ANDVAt.UABt,EPRF.MHIMs!!I rach Yearly Subscriber to ?Ime. De niorcst's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to he selection of 50 cents worth of Extra Pattern, or a roryof Mnip. 1'emoiest' Systme fo Cutting Children's Dressesy r for 50 ents extra, the Ladies' Sss em. For a club fo 5 subscribers at $1 each vill be sent Person's, Arthur's or any ther $2 magazine or newspnpe!r for one ear, or a splendid Photograph Album. For a club of 8. Godev's Lady's Rook r any other S3 magazine, or nu elegant .ilt, or steel Rack Comb, or Side Comb, A Club of 10, Mme Doniorest's $5 tunning Stitch Sewing Machine, or a 'ell. tucking Attachment, or a full set of toel or Gilt Combs. A Club of 65, a new Wheeler and Wild nn's Sewing machine' with Hemtneran Self tucking Attachment. A Club of 65, a splendid pater t lever rold Watch. All the Subscsibcrs are entitled to the irst premium, and to the getter up of he club nn extra copy ofthe Mirror of Fashions for one year. ny number ot 81 subscriptions sen. owttrd making up a club, will be credited the same as if sent altogther. Back numbers aa specimens sentM.jc are on receipt of 10 ents. Splendid terms for agents. Send for Circular. Administrator's Sale- yr i f.v n v n . r.i 1 order of the Orphans Court of ti e ft 'countv of Elk. in the State of Pa . I hall expose to sale, by public vendue r out cry at the Court House in Ridg. ay, on Tuesday the 3d day of January next at 1 o'clock 1. M., ti the property of Anthonv Mever. dee'd. Fire lots in St. Mary's, in the said county ot Elk, known as lots. No. nineteen (19) twenty, one (21) twenty-eight (28) twenty .four 24 1 and twenty six (26) on cross street, in front on cross street one hundred '100) feet each and in depth J'gn' angles two hundred (200) fea I Terms of sain. one third J J rur chase m uiey iu hand at cufinatitin of sale anil tho tesiriue in tW equal annual instalments thereafter, to be secured by Judgment, Rend nnA Vnrtrn?e ANTHONY ME YE Administrate of ANTHONY MI YER dee'd (JOIDIERS IN THE ARM O and our peope at horn Are now offeiedan opportunity . which they can obtain a GOOD& DURVBLE TIMB-PIl CE AT A VERY LOW FIGURF. Ot;R WATCHKS ARB WAR R A D TO KEEP TI E ON ETEAR and the buyer is allowed tho Privilege of Kxaraination. BEFORE PAYMENT IS REQUIRED Imprrvnl Duphx in full fixity Art.innx. A first class Hunting Timu-Phtcenf Silver material, over which is electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, most durable wrought m iking tha imitation so faultless 'hat it cannot, he detected from the solid material by the mr.st experienced judges ; acids will not af eei it. London made move-nent. ltpaov tn Di'plbx in riaiBCBT actiom, has sweep eoonJs, and is nit to be excelled in general appearance, ins is nuctniiDi.v one of the nr.HT articles ever offered for traders and speculators, engineers. Emigrants, and persons travelling, will fin 1 them superior toimyethar t alteration of olir.iate will not affeet their accurnry. I'rive. paclted in good shape and good running order, only $35, or rase of 6 for $200. EILVER DOUBLE TIR JIJJHTI SO LEV , -..i 'ERfJj BEST QUALITY SILVEf CAPES, over which electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar 1 1 our Improved Duplex, and superior ad- fusted movements with "Stop,"' to be used i timing horses, etfl. : has Four tndeiopp nor Washington and Greenwic'i time, owne second, and all the improvements. All In all, taking its beautiful and faultless ap- pcarancc and its superior movement into consideration, re regard it as deei ledly the cheapest artiele ofthe kind in the market. Trice, in good runn:nz order, $j of Cusc of6for20). &S W a ask no pay in advance, but will forward either of them to responsible par ties, to any part of the loyal States, with bill payable In expressman whei the goods are delivered, giving the bttver the privil- J ege of examination, and. if nit sttisfaotory the watch can he retimed at our uncase i The express companies ref ...e making collections on soMiers and other disloyal States, consequently all such ordnrs must j be accompanied by the cash In insure at ' tention. We make a deduction of two do lars on either wa'ch when the paymen n forwarded in advance. Money may be sent by express at our ex- pense. I Titos, fl AFFERTY CO., I 03 an 85 broad St., opposite City Rand Providence, it I k- i NOTICK. Letters of Adiniuistra toin have been grunted to the under, signed upon the estate of Lewis Hutt, lute of Vernon. Ooeid oounty New Yarlc and formerly of Elk county Pa . by the Register of Elk county. All per anna knowing themselves indebted to the estate are requested to make payment forthwith and any persons having claims against the estate are requested to pia. sent theui to the undersigned fur settle ment. II. W. MA II AX, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. Ridgway, June 22d, '65. NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED The following facts demonstrate that hese Machines comprise the hyhett imjirovewimt m the Hcicing Alahine Art, viz' 1. Each Mcfu'ne is guaranteed to give better satisfaction than nny other Sewing Machine in Market, or money relur.ded. 2. They have taken many ot the h'ghett premium at the most important ex, hibitiim and fairs ever held in the United States. 3. They make the nek stitch alike on both sides thus saving more than half the thread and silk used in tho raveling ridge seams ofthe loop-stitch and single-thread Sewing Machines 4, Ihej are adapted to the wideat range . or teavy aod light sewing, i 5. They have no rattling wires, or deli I - cate attachments to keep in repair. 6. They tequire notaking apart to clean or oil. and nn "Lcssona" to aet needle, j reznlate tensi.m, or operate Machine I Plea.o ca!l and examine and demon. strate for yourself, or send fot cireuu: with samples of tewing. ,N. B. Town and Couatry Agtuts wanted. ) FIXKLE & LYON'S. S M CO., No. 853 Broadway, New York Volunteers and Conscrips r To roH'crsrr frr nfrrs w!h?r to in crease 1 eir irrt ire. tl ere is r o be'tcr wey to doirg so at this t'tre. tfan frrm the sale of rvr watches. 1ntr ab WAatxD as JintrsrsTitTi ! Tsrtirtilsrly vslnalle for rfFccrs In the Atniy and tiavelen." Frank Lethe' t, Ftb. 21. "Prettiest, best ann chenpest timepieces ever offered." N, V. llluitrattd Xetr, Jan. 10. : 'Very pretty and dnrnbl Watches for the -4rmy." N Y. Army & Novy Jour (Gov ernment Organ. ) Aug. 20. j 'One of the oldest .-."d most reliable hnns ! ee in business." Louitville, Ky., Journal July 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS. Be'ag n Hunting or Open Fs!b nr Lady'sor Gentleman's Wateli fomebine. with Patent Pelf Windine Improvement a mot Deasinst Vovellv. OS P. OP Til E Vn ETTIET. MOST COV. YF.N'IENT. AXf) decidedly the bet and cheapest time piece for general and reliable use ever offere It Iish wi'hin it and eon. neeted with itsniaehinery. its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unne cessary. Th" cases of this Watch are com posed ef two metals, the outerono hcin fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved rttbg action lever movement, and is warranted ay accurate timo-pieee. Vrieo snperblj onn graved, per case of half dozen, $304. Sum pie Walchcs in neot morocco boxes, $35, SLVE TFA2CIIES! First CUss Hunting Timo.Piee.es for accu racy of movemnnt, beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in price, thase watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that it can liprd y be detected by the most experietee. udgo. The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while tlie inner one is Herman Silver, it can not be recognisod by cutting or heavy en, graving, making it, not in appearance, hut indurabilit y. the best resemblance of SOL Dl STIRLING SILVER in existence. The gale of these Watches in the Army is source of ennrmous profit, retailing, as hey very readily do, at $25 and upwards Many hundred dollars can be made in a sins gle pay day by any one of ordinary busines. attau ax.AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! Iu heavy hunting aasea beautifully engraved, while aaaiel diiil, and faney cut hands, in pood tinning order, by the half dozen, $72. Sold only by the case of sir ; Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good fail h. wo will send, watches by press to any part of the loyal Slatos, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en. sure huyers ngainst. fraud, g'ving thorn their naiche8 hel'cre payment is requirod. Soldiers in the that aval tlatts mvst remit cash in anvAKCi:. as the erpres nninpnnles p'remp'orily refute making collections in such dangerous localities. Remember, Cosh m nricnnf.e from within the army linn tn eh'l el ites I We guarantee the safe dtbvery nil wfcS't, w uthot- they arc sent by mail or zprcss Ilubbard Bor3.. Sole Importer ItbEVa' AMU..OAIA TOR ljlE HAHl TUIS ELEOANT HAIR rjREBSIXO AND wu.VDKRniL Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in tashmn-ibln ;,.. cles, and is supeistdinjf all tithe. prcpa. ! rations, nntnt.lv in thi- eniii.tr., K... .V.-I . 7 - J . j wu in i-.urnpe ami fou:t America. Thou sands of bottles nro annually used in the t.uurt circle ot J'lins, Loud m, St J'e. tursburi: and .Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is enormous. BHEEVES MA. RKOSIA is ouniposfd uf an oily extract ' frum herbs ol woiideHul viriue. and is I highly scented with a var;etv of exouis ite peifuuics. It cff.otually prevent the hair falling out, and causes it taprutr rapidly, thick and imij; It mukes the hair curl, and i'ivcs it a j;lasy appeur. anee. No toilet iii oompleto withou; it. I'rico 75 cent per larue bottle-. ! J-'old by drujests ami dealers in fancy gooua m an paru or tne oivilnad world. Wholesale by all wholeiale drujigibts io J every ciry. ana ac REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT.' Nj. 03 FultQo St., Xfcw York. Attention : ORE Al EXCITSM NT I kept tip by tit Daily Arrival OF New Goods AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store Where he has on hand and for tale MEN & BOY'S CLOTHING Dry Goods Ladies and Gent's Furnishing V 1 em nrr- goods, LADIES DRESS GOODS,, Ladies' and Gents' Shawls, Sontags,. Breakfast Shawls. Nubias, Comforter. Fcarfs, Hwds Ac. Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes A very larp;e and well selected STOCK of the best tuado and warranted in every rcspeot Groceries, CoFFEt, Sugar, Tea, Rici Ac, Flour Salt, Pork, Fish. Conneoted with the above Uro stook o$" f;o ids, you will fiud a large stock of Confectionary and "iSlllrfl TViit 1 1 1 1 a M ""kV'V IUIIUIIS In great quantities and qualities. t&'l snv, 'o one and all, that mv stock is lull and complete, and will be aula nt small pr a s. Givb tne a rail, before purchuoiog eUenbert. P. II. ft, Mary'a, Not. 25tb'C5N