s.'isarcru..:2EJ.?y... THE ELK ADVOCATE EW ADVERTISEMENTS BUSINESS COLLEGE X. E. con. Trim and Ciii;TjirT Street, PHILADELPHIA. ' Tha most complete and thoroughly ap pointed Business or Commercial College in the country. The only one in the city possessing a Lo gis'mtive Cbamr. and I lip only one in tho I'nitcd Sta'es authorized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diplomas awarded to graduates in the Comnio-rial Course under its corpo rate eul by authority of law. Coudueted liy gent lemon of liberal edti cation and extensive expenonee in business, ind ntlordiiii! line iialled advantages for 'he thorough theoretical and practical educa tion of voting men for I tie various iluiies aud CDMilovmiMitf of business life. THKony AND PKACTICE COMBINED bv a svs'ein of At 'TUAI. IH SINTSS TRAINING original and to e emincrtly practical giving the stud.nl in the shortest time a complete insight into the rculinc, details, customs Mid forir's of hii-oness in genera, as eowliic ted in llie best ri'ii'liatcd commercial and liu.jr.ji.il estaiiiii-iihieiits. Theoretical Dookkeeping I'pon a new pboi, with an original exposi lidn of thp psiuiK'p of accounts, nrranged and published by the proprietor of this In titiitinn exclusively for his own use, paving one-half the otditiary labor of tho student., and giving him a complete knowledge uf the jirnc:iee of tlic best accountants. TIIK COIIMKLCIAL COUliSE.. KMIIItACKH. ., Bookkeeping, fomraereinl Arithmetic, Pen. manship. Business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Lectures on bust ness Ailairs, Commercial Cus toms, Forms, and Actual ' Iiusinrss Practice, SPECIAL, BRANCHES Algebra and thr Higher Mathematics, Phono graph,, Ornamental Penmanship, the. Are of Drtirting Cnun tiriit Monty, Engi neering, ifuri eying Xariyation and Telegraphing. TELEGRAPlilXG. The arrangements for Telegraphing are fir in advance of anything of the kind ever offered to the pnblic. A regular Telegraph Line is connected with the Institution with twenty branch offices in various parts of the city, where public business is transacted, and in which the students of this Institu tion are permitted to practice. No regular office practice can be had in any other school of instruction in the country, without which no ono can obtain a position as a practical operator. Young men are cautioned against the deceptive representations of those who, , without any Buch facilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing. VATROXAGE. Tho Institution is now enjoying the lar gest patrouage ever bestowed upon any commercial school in the State. Over five hundred students jrcre in attendance the tlrstjear, and over seven hundred during the past year. The best class of students may invariably be found here, and all its as sociations are first class. -LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS, The Institution Is located in the most cen tral part of the city, and its accommodations, lor extent, elegauce and convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have been fit. led up in the verv best style with Iil'SI'ES3 OFFICES OR COUNTING HOLMES. TELEG Ul OF FICES, STATIONERY ', STORE, j AXD A RKHITLAR BANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, I supplied v.ith finely-engraved lilographic not js used as a circulating medium in the Department of Aotu Business. TO YOUNG MEN". who desire the very be-t facilities for a Practical Education fok Bustxpsa, wo guarantee a course of instruction no where else equalled, while the reputation and standing of the Institution among busi. tiess moil make its endorsement the best passport to success aud advancement, AH oonteinplati g entering nny Commercial College, are invited to bend for an ILLUSTRATED CI CUE All & CA TALOGUE containing complNe interior views of the college, and lull pai iieulars of the coure of instruction, terms, ice. I. FAIRBANKS, A J 'ir.-i,l, ht. t. t . E.m if, Special Jiuc'iir and Supt. Ofier Ihi.iinf.-A. TO CON LVM FT IVES. Cmsuaiptivu euii'ore.s will r;,v.ivi- t valuable proscription for th. cure of consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, and all throat und Lun ntfecciims, f freu of fliar-rc by sending their address to Uev. KDWAUD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kinprs Co., 3 ;onlhs New York. I F YOU WANT TO KNOW "'" NOTKJK is hereby given, that ona Jacob SohriiTer udvertisin; in this pa I'cr, under the brad of Valuable Town tUts and Farms lor sale. W no author! ty to nell the n t0WI, iotsa(j 25 acres of land in and neir .St. Mary's Borough, as l atiMhesoie owner, any pahj .adc of the same on any part thereof without tuy approval will not be v. lid BON K I-ATI US S( ' 1 1 MOND J -t. ary's, Jud 22d '05. For l Stationary and Portable Engines, with new Patent Piston, complete for SAW MILLS OR BORING FOR OIL. -A L S O- Portabe, Savr Mils, with Two Rotary Saws, rigged for Saw ing any sized logs. ALSO DRIVING PIPE, Manufactured iu Sandusky, Ohio, and delivered ut any station on tlie Hail Road, cheaper aud better, than can be furnished by Extern Manufacturers. WyFor further information, address by letter the substrlber at Ridgway, I. ., Elk Co. Pa orln person a"t Spring Creek, on the Clarion River Wm. Q. S WARTS, ORPHAN'S:COURT SALE. NOTICE it hereby given that, in pursu ance of an order of tha Orphan's Court of Elk eoitnty, we will expose to public sale, on the premises in the finroupli of St. Marys in said county on the 'Jd day of December next at one o'clock p. m.. the following de scribed Town lots in said borough of St. Mary's, to-wit . Town Lot Number sixteen (li) on Mau rus street. Town Lot Number eighteen (18) on Mnu. r.i? street. Town Lot Number nineteen (1'.) on Man rus street. Town Lot Number seventeen 'A") on Ccn. Icr street- Town Lot Number street, thirty-one on Cross Each of said Town lots having one hun dred luet front on said streets and running back at right angles with said streets, two bundled feet. Terms of sale, one half cash at time of' Faleand remainder within six months there- titter with interest, to be secured by the purchaser, to the satisfaction of tho sub tcribers. E. C. SCI1ULTZE, MARYFlSHEli. Administrators. Ft. Mary's, Nov. Sth 1SU6. Orphan's Court. In the matter of the Petition of William II. Mnrr guardian of Mary Itellen Mnrr. William P. Marrand Alem Marr and Win. P. Mull guar dian of David 1!. Marr, Allied 'arr and An nctta Marr, minor ehil- In tho Orphan's Court of Elk Coun ty. At an Orphan's i ouri.. Held at itidgway, in and m. onZ'fiX Elk, on tho Oth day of October. j dren of David Marr late A. D., 180u. oi iioiiiiiiinoerianu to,, j deceased. j AN exemplified record from the Orphan's ; Court of Northumberland cottntv Penn'n., I decreed a sale of certain real ertato therein j mention. I And now to-wit, October Oth 1805, the i Petition of Wm. II. Marr guardian of Mary ; Hellcn Marr. Wm. P. Marrand Alem Marr . and Wm. P. Hull guardian of David R. Marr I Alfred Marr and Annetta Marr, minor chiL j dren of David Marr, lateof Northumberland I county, in the state of Pennsylvania dc. ccascu. scttine forth amour mWi- tt,;n. that their said Wards are ftnizorl in rhoip enth interest in a certain tract of land, sit uate in Jay township, Klk county, contain niR eighty seven acres of land and praying the Court to make a decree, authorizing said petitioners to raise the sum of one thousand dollars,, from the eale of said Real Estate. Whereupon the court after due considera tion had, do order and decree a sale of the aforesaid real estate, GEO. ED. WEIS, Clerk of Orphan's Court. Orphan's Court Sale. BY VIRTUE of tha above order of the Orphan's Court, of Elk county, there will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House in T.idgway. Elk County l'cnn'a , on Monday the 20th day of November. A. 1.. 18H5 at 1 o'clock p. m.. of said day. the sixth seventh interest of the following described tract of land, founded as follows. Commencing in i lie .orui west corner ol laud now owned by Joseph Dill and George Weisandr tnning thenco West ono hundred ivnd eighty seven and a half perches, thenca South to a corner, thence East to coruer -in the lino of the aforesaid George -Veis and Joseph Dill, thence Xorth along the aforesaid line to tho place of beginning, situatcV'n Jay towusWp Elk county Penn'a. and containing eight seven and ono half acres of land bo the same more or less. Terms cash. WM. H. MARR, WM. P. HI LL. Guardians of miuor children, of David Marr, lateof Northumberland County J'a.. deceased. The above sale, stands adjourned, until Monday December the lSlh, at 1 o'clock p. m. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a verv sim ple remedy, alter Imvinjr suffered scve- I ral years with a severe Iuhl' affection. and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow Buffetors the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (Tree of chatge ) with the directions for prepar ing and using tho same, which they will fiiid, a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma. Kronehitis, Coughs, Colds, &c. The ou'y ohjeet of the advertiserin send, ing 1 ho Prescription is to benefit the afil.cted. ami spread information which he conceives to bo invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prtvo a blessing. 1 arties wishing the prescription will please address, Rkv. EDWARD A.WILSON, Williamsbutg, Kings County. New York. Dr-H Ander's Iodine Water. AN INVALUABLE DISCOVERY. A Full Grain of Iodine iu each ounce of Water, D!tuhnl without 11 Solvent ! The tiio-4 powerful Vitalizing Agent ami Restorative known. Scrofula, Salt. Rheuui. Cancers, Rheumatism, Con sumption, and many Chronio and Here, ditary' Diseases, uri cured by its uso, as thousands testify. Circulars sent free. Price. U per bottle, or 6 for pu- II. ANDERS L Ce Physicians nnd C-heinixta. 4X XT I Ol VM' " UJ 1 i"l C T IOrk SulJ bv l)ril0-crwta MiiAnH I iroTinTiTeTiood; I The FeruvionSyrupsappliestheUood with itsLuK Elkment. 1UON, iofus. j ing Strength. Vigor, and New Life into tne wholo system. For Dyspepsia, Drapny, Chro-iio Diarhiea, Debility Fe. inale Weakness, etc . it is a specific. Thousands have becu ehansed by the use of tins medicine from wjk. sickly, wifferiug creaturt'i to strong, healthy,' and happy men and women. A 32 p.iire pmiiihlet sent Free. Price tl per bottle, or 0 for 5. J. P. DINSMORE, 6 Dey Street, ' ' ' New York. JeH'by Drufgisti gnrally. ' SIGN OF THE FLAG JHf Jip ARTNEY, rilOTO. ' 11JL ORAPIIEK AND AJIBROTYPEB, having re.moddled and fitted up tho ball room of tho "Fountain House," would respectfully announce to the citizens of Ridgway and ad joining counties, that he has made additional improvements to both light and aparatns, and ! lie flatters mmselr that he can satisfy the most fastidious taste iu a TEUJi aud lifelike like ness. He also keeps constantly on hand, a good assortment of cases. Particular attention paid to copying all kinds of pictures etc. KidgwayNov. 11th 'Go- GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOli !86j. T II E j Fashion Magazine of the World ' . "IATE, FINE ARTS AND f as ii 1UN h. The most niacnificcnt Steel engravings. DOUBLE FASH. ION PLATES. Wood engravings on every subject that nan interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir, ana the Kitchcu Every. thing, in fact, to make Lady's Book. COMPLETE The Ladies Favorite For 36 Years No Magaiine has been ablo to compete with it. None attempt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These alone are worth the price of the Hook. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. ' DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG Another speciality with Qodey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3 a year. Other .Vagazines publish old worn-out mu sic j but the subscribers to Godey get it bo fore the music stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar ity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co., of New York, the millionaire, mer chants, appear in Godey, the only maga zine that has them. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in avear than anv other rnmrnzina. I., ri I tl: h s noon enables every lady to be j uiiuei matter, arlon Harland. Authre,s"A!one," "Hidden Path" .mm owe, .emcis,- and ''Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no otner magazine. A new novel by her will I be published in 18G6. We havo also re j tainccl all our old and favorite comribu- tori. TERMS OF GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1S66. (From which there can be no Deviation. ) 1 he following arc the terms of the Lady's Book for 1803: ' une copy, one year 53 00 Two copies, one vear Three copies, one year Four copies, one year Five copies, one year, and an erln 5 CO 7 fiO 10 00 copytoihe persou getting up the club, making six copies 14 00 Eight copies one year, and an ertra copy to tho one getting up the club, making nine copies oj qq tra,c.Py ,0 be one getting up the club, vupici uiic yuar, nna an ear. uniting iweive copies 07 tyAU additions to clubs at club rates SP'i.Oodcy's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year on receipt of $4 50. ' ' BWiVVe have no club with any other magazine or newspaper. WThe money mutt all be tent at one time jut nil? 0 me ciuon. JisgrCanada subscribers must scad cents additional fo.- each subscriber. 24 Addresi L, X. E. Corner Sixth Philadtlfihta Pa, A. GOUTY. mi Chettnut Strttte BLACKSMITHING ! The undersigned takes pleasure in announcinsr to the citizens of ltioWa,i j and vicinity, that he has built s new and commodious shop on the East side I of tho street, leading to the P. ft E. ; Raid Road Depot, where he will do all : kinds of work with promptness and in L My ,. , .d.es uot i,,teBd ta be gllrpassod eithcr in ,ow prioes or good I mo, ne trusts mat considerable ex. 1 nerience and prompt attention to the Dustness in person will secure a liberal share of paying patronage. SAMUEL STRICKLAND. RidgMay. Oct. 28th '65. tf XE W ESTABLISHMENT. JONN McCLERY & CO., TANNER AND CURRIER Centreville, Elk County Pennsylvania. Will keep constantly ou hand, H kind of stock iu their line. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, Joseph Windfelder of St. Mryi, will receive all kinds of hides and pay cash for the same, CtatrtTi!!e; Oct. 23th C.v'-jf, 1 X. W 1 KING'S PORTABLE LEMONAD E Is tbe only preparation of the kind made Iroru the fruit. As an articlo of ccono. niy, patily nx4 deliciousness, St cannot be surpassed, and is recommended by. physicians for invalids and family use. It will keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form renders it en. pecially convenient for travelers. All who uso lomogs aro voqucsted to give it atrial. Entcrtainmentsat honie,partise, and picnics should not be without it. Foi sain by all Druggists and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS J. KTZ'OKR. No. i49 Pearl Street, New York. 5 .d; ' g (9 .CO a "S & H 5 s Us VI S . m W. J. BLAKELY, . Iookseller Stationer and deal er in ancy articles Post Office Building. Centre Street, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. . -. T' notice.": ' The Commissioners of Elk county, will meet at their office in Ridgway on the 24th of November inst. By order ol the Commissioners. v JOHN C. M'CALLISTER, CLERK. Ridgway Nov. 10th 1865. : . ., . utivc, is ncreoy given, mat a I quantity of logs were carried on my I lands, on Bennets Branch in Bcnezettc township. Elk county Pa., sometime iu ; Match 1865, with the following marks. G M TOM-OTTO-RFOO-WD and other marks I dou't know the meaning of, the owner or owners thereof. are required to prove property, pay all township, Elk county, deceased, havfnir ; il'l'l;Nr,1" a x D valuable prkmiums !1 ! legal charges and take them away, oth. been granted to the undersigned, all i rae'' vurly Subscriber to M me. Dc erwise they will be forfeited according persons indebted to said estate are re-1 niorcst ' Mirror of Fashions is entitled to to the limitation of the law. . quested to make immediate payment, tIle s-"';ction of 50 cents worth of Extra RALPH JOHNSON Sr. ' and those having claims uuainst the ' 1atte'-S or a copy of Mine. Demorcst' Sept. 29th''65. r . f.: ' , , . I same will present the same duly autheu- ' Systmc fo Cutting Children's Drcsscsv Consumption. A valuable treatise by a Retired Physician, on the nature of consump tiou and its various stages, together with rules forself treatment, and simple pre scriptions which have cured thousands, will be sent, free of char-e, to any one applying. It will cost you nothing, and may be the means of savins: your money and perhaps your life. Sena an oddrcs-, sed envelope to " . STEPHEN JIAMLIX, M. D. Muray Street, 84 N ew York City. March 17, '65-3 m. ' Book stork, jcst RecrivKii at the St. Mary's Book Store, direct from ihe Publishers in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, a well se. lected stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, euitablo for all parts of Klk county and portions of the adjoining couutiea. Teachers, School Directors, and the public nie invited to call and examine my atock. Having purchased the whole from the publishers for cash, I am enabled to fell low. A liberal discount made on all purchases of $10 and upwards. W.J. BLAKKLV, : St. Mary'g Sept. 14th '65. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch ' 1 Wheaton's Ointment ' ' ' '' Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. ALso cures Salt Rheuu:, Ulcers. Chil blains, aud all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 ccuts. For sale by all dru-'l gists. 0 By sending CO cents to WEEK'S POTTER, Solo Agents, 170 Washing tou street, Boston, Mass., it will be fur warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of tho I.' nited States. Sept. lth 1SG5. Cui. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE. Threo town lots for salo, adjoining the Washington Hotel, Centre street, iu tho Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co., pa. Likewise 25 acres of land, i of a mile south east of the Borough., Likewise nine hundred acres of L'ood farm land Three farms with good houses and barns upon them, and likewise Coal of au ex cellent quality, the eoal veins 4 feet in thickness, with a good nroeneetof nil on Pine erk, near Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. Likewise e share iu a flowiu- well in Oil City, aad five interests in oil leases. Also for sale a larro ami nn. modious Hotel in Greenville, Clarion Co.. P. ' , Fcr terms and other particulars apply to JACOB SCHl'FFER, at tho Hotel in Greenville, Clarion C., Pa ' ' May I?th. '5.M ?1 SO. ' Furnhiire. i 0 . I I.'IIWI, MANUFACTURER OFi modern and 4n lone lurnl tlU'O. , MAIN STREET. B B D O K V I L L E P K N N'A. Tet-a-tctcM, ; Sofas, Diavans. Easy Chairs, Rocking ('hairs, DRAWING-ROOM CHA IRS, And Upholstered ware of all kinds, also Uniu Chairs, Cain Hocking Chairs. Common or "Windsor Chairs. Beadstcads, .Tables, ' Stands, Beaurcs. Lisfht Stands, What-nots Corner Stands Wafih Stands, Wardrobes, Bookcases, &C. fid. &.Q. We spare no pains in packing furni ture so that it can be shipped any dis Do not tanco without being injured. lorget the rilaee. BROWN'S WARE ROOMS. Dec. 24th 18G4.-tf. NOTICE Letters of Aduiinistra I tion cm textammito anvc.cn. cm tho ea. i 5 i tate of Anthony Kuntz, lateof the bor- i uupn or ai. jyary s deceased, having i "o-pn i to iiiu nnaoisifjnea. All persons indebted to paid estato tire re. I quested to make payment and those! having; claims to present them without) delay to A DO LP II FOC HTM AN, j &t. iijrv s. K k Co. Pu. I June 1st 'G;". Gw. , tssoi.i Tiov.-Noticc is hereby -'iven that the limited par!tieihiP here- tofore oxiMin.r I,otu-n., 'I'l i...t ... ot ilcox, hlk county, Pennsylvania, I and James Clark of Plainfield'of tho ! State of New Jersey, for the tuunufne. ture of leather at Wilcox Elk county Pa. ' said partnership bein formed under tho j Act of Assembly of the 21st March ! 1836, entitled "An Act relative to limi j ted partnerships" ami its supplements, will be dissolved, fully and finally on I Monday tho 21st day of Autriiht A D- ! JtJOj; the said partnership then ceasin and determining by the iuu'.uhI of the parties TITEO. PALEX. JAMES CLARK, Wilcox July 19th 1SG5. A DMINISTU ATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby civen. that L. 'Proof administration on the estate of Jul ius ombnunien, late of Bei7inri ; Heated ior settlement to. . , HERMAN KOCH. Benzinger April 13th ISO 1. EXECUTORS NOTICE. ; Whfro.-w I.nli,.vi Tnoi, 1 1 1 n been granted to Juo Stuck uian and ! j Anton Fochtniiin. Executors of tl, 1,. ' will and tctameut. of Lorenv Stoefcn,.-,,', i late of St. Ma ary's, dee'd, all persons ..... ' knowin;' themselves indebted to estate win make lmmediato navment. e will make immediate, payment. j and those havitg claims agaiust the same will present them du'y authcuti. cated for settlement. j G EO. ED. WEIS, Register &c. DISSOLUTI071Flu.IuTt7inp. NO"K:i;ia hereby given, that the Co. 1 artnerslup heretofore exit ng iitnler the names of C. I.nhi- Co., at St. Mary s and tteil Kohieiiiuir Co.. 111. Kwr .11,. solved since the tir.it day of April l lsi by imui.ii consent. Tlieljooks and nconiinis ior not ti establishments will be loft in the nanus or Urns. Luhr St mem. Mary's for settle- CIIAS. I.ritH Jas. SNi:iut;i:it. FRED SllllEXIXU. May, 13th 18C5. NOTICE OK LIMITED l'AKTN F.K.SIl 1 1 ! voTirp 1 1... . 1 itjl li. r. is lierubv e-iven tlmi Tl.n.i Palcn, heretofore residinnat AHclmuv. Cat ,' I tar.iugus County, in the Sl ite of New Vorl; M,.- uu. .t-Muing at nncox- i;il; County, WHAT T H E B A L M W I L t D O .State of I cnnsylvania. iiNd James Clark. Uc.iiovc Ob-tr,.etions. allav Inflamatior. residence at 1 laenfii-ld in ihe .Viate -f New j facilitate- Perspiration and Circulation, 10 Jersey, have toruied limited partnership j duces llnVargt-menl-. and vitalize ant pursuant to llie Act of the General .issemhby strengthen wealiened parts Ciamp and Itil ot the Stale of I'eiinsvlv.iiM,! ,1,.. 01 ... 1 1: ,..,1:. v. ' - t - , . .., . y , ' i"-' - ot MiirohlH iO, entitle 1 "An Act relative to : j limited partnerships" ,nd it, several ip- plenients, lor the manufacture uf Leather at ; . M new aforesaid, upon the following t rnn 1 to-wil ;: 1st. The name of said firm to be 1 11.end.re 1 nlen; Jnd. 7"lie g.-neriil nature 1 so j.romply in relieving the ills enumerate.! of the business transacted is the itmniil'acturo sa Ihe Miujio Halm, whicb deserves to re of leather; 8d- The mime of th general j ceive the favor ot the public It is its own partner is TheodoroPalen, now residing at recommendation, and by the perform alien H'ilcox nioresiiiu ; iiu. ine umount f capilal contributed by the special purtne.r James Clark, to tho common stock, is eigntccn thousand dollars ; oth. The part nership is to continue from the ninth' day April A. D. lftiil, totho ninlhdav of April A-D. 1S09. Dated at l ilcon,' June L'S.l l-Slii. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating tn tlio ).iti.i..i ui-.t i . and f...,.ln . Mm 1 I i.! " e . . ,.UU1U nj nuil, UJUIU disea tl. man m77 he j world ; how to tuurrwell and a hou sand thinos never p'ubli.hed before read he revised and edition rfi "Medical common Skvsk," a ,.;. ous book for curious people, and a "oo.2 : book lor every oue. 400 pu -cs "jyij Illustrations. Price ?1.50. Canteuts i table sent free to any address Books linivbe hnrl.t tboti ,1 . , may He had at tho Book stores, or will 1 j mu, iwi jum un receipt Of E B. FOOTE, M. D., TTn1 V mi 1 )- ii Mm tit act. Jat pulliskt co . i new edition of Itr CuWerwells Celebrated Essav ol the raiiitihuie (without incdieii cr .Vi'K.RMATOitautr.A.er seminal Wnk J nes.', InvoJaiitaiy Skiuiual losses, I.MPo j te.n'cv, Mentul and Physical Incapubly iiupeuiiueDW r iUarritige, etc. usoctp coN.st'MrioN Epilepsy, and Fits. h utieed by fclf-iDdalgeusc or sesutil ex. ttavagnnce. fiiaPricc, in n staled envelope, only 6 cents. Tho CulcbrateiT nntborln tbis A mi Tit ; blees.iy elearly demonstrates, from a j flirty fears successful pratice, that then I aarmiug consequences of self '.sueui I be radically cured without the daugcrou. 1 . r ; i i. .. I . ""crnai mcuteine er tne appnea. 1 untie pointinR out a moot I v. w.i v, ut uuwl- nun pif, uti ibiu uuu enter I ual, by means of which every ufi'crc j no matter what his condition may by ; may cure himself cheaply, privatefa j and rrttiruli. ! OSrThia Lecture sbonld be in tha j nalic's ' every jouth aud every man in tne lanu. Scut, nndorscal, in a plain envelope, to nny ud dress, potpid, on recept of sis cents, or two post stamps. Address 1 -tho publishers. j CIIAS J. C. KLINE A CO., . i.t innr.. v York,' Post offico box 458G. LOVE AND HARIMONY. Any Lady or Cuntlenian sending ma their address", will receive full directions j io nniiiig uiu uitections ol tne oppo- isitU!'ex'uliJ wLich 'M enaLle thelu t0 ' ",:l,rr ,,iPP,y. "'respccUvo of wealth, ! or beauty. Address Mna MARIE LEMOTLLE, flarlctn P. O., New York city. GareG 17,''5o.Sm. MME. DEMORESTS'S MIRROR OF FASHON QUARTERLV JOUBXAL PL" E AI MONDE. ) Circulation 4H,000 flanrest in tho i " ,u'-) .liacn "nmbtr ."pntnins, largo ma'tiifieent Fhshion Plates, snlendid illustrations of all tho fashionable and j Paris novelties, for ladies' and children's Dress, useful information, aud the four life-size Patterns, cut ready for use. etc. etc. Yearly, SI ; sitif-Ie copies, 20 cents. Published at Mme Demorf.st's Empo- "utn of Fashions, No. 1 - 473 Broadway, 1 or lor ;0 outs extra, the Ladies' era. For a club fo 5 subscribers at SI each i will be sent Person's, Arthur's or any other 82 magazine or newspaper for one jear, or asplenutU Photograph Album. For a club 4if I Jmlpp's I.miIv'm Uonl.- or ajl' other 33 inatrazine, or an elegatu g'lt, or steel Back Comb, or Side Comb. A Club of 10, Mme Demoresfs 8i 1 i?....: tj. " Run nine? Stitch Sewing Machine, or : Kelt.tueking Attachment, or a full set ot ' tcc' "r f'i!t (-'""bs. A Club of 65. a new Wheeler and Wil I 1 sun's Sewing machine with Ilemnierau Selftneking Attachment, i A Club of G5, a splendid pater t lever ; Gold Watch. j All the Subsosibers are entitled to the 1 first premium, and to the getter up of the club tin extra copy ofthe Mirror of , Fashions for ouc year. ; ny number of 1 sabscriptionts sen. towerd tmiking up a club, will b j creilitcd the same as if sent altogtber. i Back numbers as specimens scut rt .L j fare on receipt of 10 oents. 1 Splendid terms for agents I Circular. Scud f ir It K CLUE Pi'ill L) D1PTIIEIU I n'tl t.is IMPROVED MAGIC BALM- v uuiT, .M-nuuj iieauacne, taractiP- Hums, Freeze,. Tooihdie5nrains, Bruises Sc. ; and tor .Vprains, Bi msea, Galls. Heaves. Distemper, .fe.. in horses. The guiekest rclirt' for pain of any Tain Killer in list. There it. nn remeAv ) will ... ot irooil works, w ipri. ii ; .,. tue nigiiest reputation. Tor sale by J. Powell, llouk ,c M'Vean. Uid 'Tfay T. Wholosalc by Carters & 1111, Warfeels lirug stores, Erie Pa. whiskers: whiskers : Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Ureciuu compound will foroetho 111 to grow on the e:nuo best face or cbitj. '""r ,M" "ai'i neaits, ui MX ecka. ,7 ' '? '"f ' h tiir wZ'Tn , , Brlk vn V ' ' ' W yX hih H-ln ir!J.y.l. -VTICK. The ooks and a.coiiTiii T"Co,J ' -rvr i Co.. nnd Charles 11 f1'': "T, Mnr.v'fc- p Z "' ,,,a1,,," ""'Jw.lgi.e.l for settlement. Parties indebted to either of the above firms, are notified that ihel. ' egiinin must le settjert by pnynirnl to lh sie-ed, within 110 dnv s. IAVKIK J. BUKF.I.V. At.' forOFBlVfl & CO f T'lii' m