T HE'ELK AD VO OA T E thence East to comer iu the line of I lie (oa)4 George e'ia and Jocph Dill, thwM North along the aforesaid line in the pla.ca.Qf beginning, Bituate in Jay towns'-ip Klk eonnt. Penu'a. and containing eight Mven and one half acres of land bo (ho fame more or less. Terms cash. VM. II. MARR, WM. P. HULL. Guardians of minor children, of David Marr, late of Northumberland County V, deceased. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1866 T II B Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE, FIN G ARTS AND FASHIONS. The most magnificent Steel engravings. DOUBLE FASH. ION PLATES. Wood engravings on every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles tor the Toilet, for the Tartar, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Every thing, in fact, to make a complete Lady's Book. The Ladies Favorite For 36 Years- No Magmine has been able to compel 0 With it. None attempt it. GODEVS RECEIPTS t arc required to prove property, pay all ! of Wilcox, Elk county, Pennsylvania, for every department ot a household. These . r, . , ' J l J , I , T , i . . r 1 1 .t alone are worth the price of Hie Book. j legal charges and take them away, oth. ! and James Llark of Platufield of the Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives ; "wise they will be forfeited according , State of New Jersey, for the manufac them). with diagrams. to the limitation of the law. ture of leather at Wilcox Elk county Pa. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUXO RALPH JOHNSON Sr. said partnership being formed under the iTCihT wot,? $3 a yea, ScP'- 29th '65. Act , Assembly of the 21st March Other Jagmincs publish old worn-out mu- ' - ; ! 18.J6, entitled "An Act relative to linn sic ; but the subscribers to Godey get it be Consumption, i ted partnerships" and its supplemcuts, tore the music stores. j A valuable treatise by a Retired will be dissolved, fully and finally on Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar , Physician, on the nature of consump- Monday tho 21st day of August A D I.Won. (Km Messrs. A. T. Stewart. & ' " a"d it8ouf9 taK- ?etJier with 1805 ; the said partnership then ceasing Co., of New York, the millionaire, mer- rulf self treatment, and simple pre- and dctcrmiuiug by the mutual consent chants, appear in Godey, the only maga- tine that has them. Ladies' ISonncts. We give more of them in a year than any other magazine. In fact the Lady's Uook enables every lady to be ber own bonnet maker. Marlon llai land, Authrns of "Alone," ' Hidden Fath," '.Vow Side," "Xemesis," and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no other magazine. A new novel by her will be published in 1860. We have also re tained all our old and favorite contribu tor!. TERMS OF GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 66- From uhieh there can be no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Uook for 18C5: One copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, one year 6 60 Three copies, one year 7 60 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an eztra copy to the pet son getting up the club, making six copies 14 00 Eiglil copies one year, and an extra copy to the one getting up the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the one getting up the club, making twelve copies 27 50 gyAll additions to clubs at club rates. BtBi.Godcy'8 Lady's Book and Arthur's j Home Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of $4 50. 83, We have no club with any other ; t.7'Ae money must all be tent at one time ; for any of the clubs. ' tafCaiiada subscribers must se.id 24 cents additional fo. each subscriber. Address L. X. K Corner Sixth A. GOOEY. and Chestnut Streets rhilaHrlilittt l'a, "blTcksmithingI The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity, that he has built a new and commodious shop on the East aide of the street, leading to the P. & E. Raid Road Depot, where he will do all kinds of work with promptness and in the best style. He does not intend to bo surpassed either in low prices or good work. lie trusts that considerable ex. nerience and prompt attention to the business in person will secure a liberal share of paying patronage. SAMUEL STRICKLAND. Ridgoy, Oot. 28th '65. tf XRW ESTABLISHMENT. JONN M'CLERY & CO., TANNERS AND CURRIERS Centrcville, Elk CoUDty Pennsylvania. "Will keep constantly on hand, all lind of stock in their line. :ASII PAID FOR HIDES, Joseph Windfelder of St. Mary's, will receive all kinds of hides and pay ' cash for the same, for us. Centreville, Oct. 26th 65.-tf. KING'S P O R T A B L E L E M O N A D E Is the only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of econo. my, purity, atd delic-iousness, it cannot be surpassed, aud is recommended by Iihysiuians for invalids and family uso. t will keep for years in any climate, while its oondensed form renders it es. peciully convenieut for travelers. All who use lenjoQn are requested to give it atrial. Entertainments at home, partise, and plcnica should not be without it. Foi sala by all Druggist aud first-class Grocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS J. ETZGER, No. 549 Pearl Strt, New York. Notice.Trtics attending Court as witnesses in Commonwealth cases, must lierealtcr claim their fees of thj undersigned, before leaving Court, or they will not be taxed iu the bill of costs. By order of the County Cotnr's. LAUHIE J. BLAKELY, District Attorney. wT j.bEa KE ly Bookseller Si atinner and deal er in Fancy articles I'ost Office Build ing, Ccntro Street. St. Mary's, Elk couuty, l'a. NOTICE! The Commissioners of Elk county, will meet at their office in Ridgway on the 10th of November next. By order ol the Commissioners. JOHN C. M CALLISTER, CLERK. Ridgway Oct. 14th 1865. Notice. Is hereby given, that a quantity of logs were carried oa my lands, on Benncts Branch in Bcnezctte township. Elk county Pa , sometime iu Match 1805, with the following marks, G M T O M-0 T T O-lt F O O-W D and other marks I don't know the mcaniti" o?. the riwncr nr nnrnorn t hnrnnf &enpuons wnicn nave cured thousands, will be sent, free of charge, to anv one applying. It will cost you nothing, and may be the means of saving your money and perhaps your life. Send an oddrcs scd envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D. Murnv Street, 84 New York City. March 17, '65.3m. BOOK STORE, Jcst Reckivkd at the St. Mary's Book Stork, di reel from the Publishers in New York. Boston and Philadelphia, a well se. leered stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, suitable for oil parts of Elk county and portions of the adjoining counties. Teachers, School Directors, and the public aie invited to call and examine my utock Having purchased the whole from the publishers for cash, I am enabled to sell low. A liberal discount made on all purchases of $10 and upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. St. Mary'siSept. 14th G5. PS w S3 w o V a o O Til u j , jc P CO 3 i3 rS3 2 3 r-1 3 c c H c 3 to - i-3 O H O w "a Itch! Itch! Itch! .Scratch ! 'cratch ! scratch Wlieaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheutr, Ulcers. Chil blains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For salo by all drug gists. By sending CO cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washing ton street. Boston, Mass., it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. Sept. 18th 1865. Cm. OCKE CURE FOR Dll'TUEKIA YYAILIS IMPROVED MAG 10 BALM. WHAT THE BALM W I L L D O Remove Obstructions, allay Inflamations facilitate Perspiration and Circulation, re duces Enlargements, and vitalize and strengthen weakened parts Ciamp and liil lions Colic, Nervous Headache, Earache, Burns, Freezes, Toothache Sprains, Bruises, &c. ; and tor .Sprains, Bruises, Galls, Heaves, Distemper, ffo., in horses The Quickest relief for pain of any l'ain Killer in use. There U no remedy that will act so promply in relieving the ills enumerated ea the Mugia Balm, which deserves to re ceive the favor ot the public. It is its own recommendation, and by the performance oi guu-j wonts, wnere it la Known, now en joys the highest reputation, For sale by J. Powell, Houk M'Vean. Ridgway l'a. Wholesale by Carters & Hall, & Warfeels Drug stores, Erie Pa. WHISKERS ! WHISKERS 1 Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian couipouud will force them to p;row on the smoothest face or chin, or hair ou bald heads, in Six weeks. Price, $1,00. Sent by mail tny here, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER & CO., Box 183 Brooklyn, N. Y. , Feb. 25th '65 lyr. NOTICE Letters of Administra lion cum tcstamcnto annejro, on tho es tate of Anthony Kuntz, lute of the bor ough of St. jlary's deceased, having been granted to tho undersigned. All persons indebted to said csiato ore re. quested to make payment and those having claims to present them without delay to ADOLPH FOCIITMAN, St. Jary's, Elk Co. Fa. June 1st '65. Gw. DllUG STORE Drt. C. R. Earlky & II. II- Fessler, will constantly keep on hand at tho old stand of Dr C. It. Early, a full assort ment of choico Drugs and Medicines, which will bo sold at tho very lowest cash prices. &&.Proiessional Calls will te promptly attended to, by II. II. Fessler. All consultation to Office business, will be strictly attended too by Earley and Fessler. Kertey August 1st 1005. AissoLUTiON.-Noticc is hereby gi that the limited partnership, hi ven cre- tnfnrn piitinir hptwenn Thr-ndorn Palen ot the parties. THEO. PALEN. JAMES CLARK, Wilcox July 19th 1805. Post Office Df.partmf.nt, I Washington, Juuc 19th 1865. j United States Mail. Pennsylvania. Proposals will be received at tho Con tract office of this Department until 3 p. tn. of July 31st 1865, (to be decided on the following day) for conveying the mails of the United States, from Aug. ust loth 1865, to June 30th 1868, on the following routes in the state of Penn. sylvania. bj the schedule) of departures aud arrivals herein specified, or such others as will make tho desired connec. tions at the terminal offices. The proposals must be endorsed "Mail Proposals, State of Pennsylvania," and addressed to the Second Assistant Post, master General, Washington D. C. Route No. 2740. From Wilcox, by Kasson, to Stuithport, 22 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Wilcox daily, except Sunday, at 2 p. m., arrive at Wilcox by 9 p. iu. Leavo Sniithport daily, except Sun. day, at 0 a. in. arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. m. Route No. 1 40 A. 1' rom ucox by Williamsville montville, 10 and Sergeant, to Cler. miles aud back on jo a week. Leave Wilcox Saturday at Arrive at Clermontville by Leave Clermoutville Sat', at Arrive at Wilcox by 2p 7p 8 a. lp- For forms of proposals, guaranty and certificate and conditions to bo incorpo rated in the coutracts, see pamphlet ad. vcrtisements for conveying the mails in Pennsylvania, &c., dated, 10th Novem ber 1863, and 15th December 1804, to be found in the principal Post Offices. W. DENN1SON, Postmaster General 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that let ters of administration on the estate of Julius Vombaumen, late of Benzinger township, Elk couuty, deceased, having been grauted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present the same duly authen ticated for settlement to. HER.VAN KOCH. Benzinger April 13th 1864. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Whereas, Letters Testamentary hav. ing been grauted to Jno. Stockman and Anton Fochtman, Executors of the last will and testament of Lorcuy Stockman, late of St. Mary's, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those haviLg claims agamst the same will present them duly authenti. cated for settlement. GEO. ED. WEIS, Register &c. Stationary and Portable Engines, with new Pateut Piston, complete for SAW MILLS OR BORING FOR OIL. -A L JS O- Portabc, Saw Mills, with Two Rotary Saws, rigged for Saw ing any sized logs. ALSO DRIVING PIPE, Manufactured in Sandusky, Ohio, and delivered at any station on the Rail Road, cheaper aud hotter, than can be furnished by Eastern Manufacturers. ; JtayFor further information, address by letter the subscriber at Ridgway, P. O., Elk Co. Pa., or in person at Spring Creek, on the Clarion River. ! ( Wm. Q. SWARTS, I Agent. July 1st 1865. 2ra. Pd. Information Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMEN, curck of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature De. cay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit ethers, will be hnppy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge,) the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers bad experience, and possess a sure rnd valuable remedy, can do so Oy oddressing him at once at his place of business. The Receipt and fnll informa tion ofvital importance will bechecr. fully sent by icturn mail. Address JOHN B. OG DEN: No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. P.S. Nervous Suffereisofboth sexes will find this information invaluable. (3 moths DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER. SHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Co-Partnership heretofore existing un der the n.-inics of Anthony Kuntz and John Krugh, at St. ..Vary's, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent ot the parties. ANTHONY KUNTZ, JOHN KRUGH. June 22d '65 3t Pd. ATE W M U S I C "F U N E R A L 1 MARCH TO THE MEM ORY OP ABRAHAM LINCOLN," the Martyr President, by Mrs. E. A. PARK HURST, the popular composer The Home Journal says : "This is a fiue composition, well worthy the reputation of its writer. V ery solemn nod im pressive 1,000 COPIES ARE ISSUED WEEKLY- Price 30 cents ; with vig nette of the President, 50 cents. Mailed free. Publisher, HORACE WAT ERS, No. 481 Broadway, N. Y. forward: !. V If! , 0:0 MARCH RIGHT INTO RIDGWAY ALONG iVAIN STREET TO THE Old C h a p i n Where you will find Drugs, Medicines, Oils. Paints, Vainish, lKul'.es, Sj i l cl t O ll Jl r y j WATCHES. WARRANTO j SILVERWARE, WARRANTED ; A general assortment of Va" ratios and '.kin wJ )i W vj A lTl C & E S , mm Fancy Soaps, Violin Strings Perfumeries, Albums, Yankee Notins &c. L.aiii; Oil by the barrel, Dye- Stufls. Instru ments and Implements partaiu ing to the DRUG BUSINESS, cfic. Pure Liquors, for Medical purposes, only. BOR DWELL & MESSENGER. Ridgway, Aug. 17, '65. NOTICE Whereas, Letters Testa, inontary to the Estate of Michael Ovel late of Jay township Elk county dee'd have been granted to the subscri. bers : All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment ; and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN Bit It. Benezett tp., Elk county A. W GRAY, Jay tp. Elk county August 19th 1865. OTRAY C.4TTLE Came to tho O premises of tho subscriber in Fox township, on or about the 20, of April '65- a red & white spotted cow, about 7 years old since had a calf, one red steer about 1 year old. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges, &c-, or otherwise they will be disposed of as the law directs. Fox tp. Aug. 19, '65, GEO FAUST. to vox s raiPTiv ts. Sufferers With Consumption asthma, Bronchitis, or any disease of tho Throat or Lungs, will be cheer fully furnished, without charge, with the remedy by the use of which the Rev. Edwaud A. Wilson, of Williamsburg, New York, was completely restored to health, after having suffered several years with that dread disease, Consump tion. To Consumptive' sufferers, this remedy is worthy of an immediate trial. It will cost nothing, und may bo the means of their perfect restoration. Those desiring the same will please ad diess Rev. EDWARD A. W.ILSON, ,165 South Second Stregt, Williams burgh, Kings County, New York. Furniture. MANUFACTURER OF Modern nnd Antique Furnl MAIN STREET, BROOK VILLE PEN N'A. Teteatctes, Sofas, Diavans, Easy Chairs, Rocking Chairs, DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS, And Upholstered ware of all kinds, also Cain Chairs, Cain Rocking Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs- Bcadstcads, Tables, Stands, Bcaurcs. Light Stands, Whatnots, Corner Stands, Wasih Stands, Wardrobes, Bookcases, &c. kc. &c. We spare no pains in packing furni. ture so that it cau be shipped any dis tance without bcinir injured. Do not forget, the place. BROWN S W AUK ROOMS. Dec. 24th 1804.-tf. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE. Three town lots for sale, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Centre street, in the Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. Likewise 25 acres of land, 1 ol a mile south east of the Borough. Likewise ninii hundred acres of good farm land. Three farms with ood houses and barns upon them, and likewise Coal of an cx- : cullent rjtiality, the coal veins 4J feet IU I II l; IV Hum, null tt ;nuu U ji 11 wi uu on Pine creek, near Grceuville, Clarion Co., Pa. Likewise one share iu a flow ing well, in Oil City, and five interests in oil leases. Also for sale a large and com- i modious Hotel in Greenville, Clarion ' Co., Pa. ! Fcr terms and other particulars apply to JACOB SCIIITFER, at the Hotel in Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. May 12th, '05. I'd 81 50. NOTICE. --Notice is hereby given, that a quantity of logs were carried on our lands, on Rennets Branch, in Benczette township, Elk Co. Pa., dur ing tho hijih water of March 1865, with the following marks, and letters : S X E, S T J, 1VD, LX M, HE, c G W, R F &c, AD, O T T O, D 3 in cen ter, A & S, diamond, hart, harp. Also j two or thaee marks that we do not know tne meaning or. 1 he owner or owners j thereof, are required to prove property, pay an ieal enarges ana lane tnein away within three months from March 28th, A. D., 1865, othcrwiso they will be torieitea. W. II. JOHNSON, WM. JOHNSON. April 28th, '05. Pd. 3t. DISSOLUTION7 OF COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given, that the Co partnership heretofore existing under the I names ofC. Luhr & Co., at. St. Mary's and j Fred Schoening & Co., at. Kersey, is din ' solved since the first, day of April last, by mutual consent. The books and accounts far both establishments will bo left in the hands of Chas. Luhr St. Mary's for settle I ment. CIIAS. LUHR. JAS. SNERINOER. FRED SCHlENINO. May, 13th 18G5. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that Theo lre I Palen, heretofore residing at Allegany, Cat taraugus County, in the State of New York ' but now residing at Wilcoi Elk County, State of Pennsylvania, and Jnme9 Clark, I residence at 1'lnetifield in the State of New ' Jersey, have formed a limited partnership ; pursuant to the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania, passed the 21st of March 1831), entitled "An Act relative to limited partnerships" and its several sup plements, for the maniit ictiire of Leather at Wilcox aforesaid, upon the following terms tivit: 1st. The inline of said firm to be Theodore Pnlcn; 2nd. yhe general nature of the business transacted is the manufacture of leather : 8d- The name of the general partner is Theodore Palen, now residing at M'ilcox rforesaid .- 4th. The amount of eapiial contributed by the special partner ; Jauiei Clark, to the common stock, is i eightctn thousand dollars ; 5th. The part I nership is to continue from the ninth day ! .4pril A. D. 18')4. to the ninthday of April A-1). 18u'.. Dated at Uilcoi, June 2;ld i 1834. I relation to the human system, male and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well and a thou sand things uevr published before read the revised aud enlarged edition of "Medical common Sense," a curi ous book for curious people, and a good bonk tor every ono. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price 81,50. Contents table sent free to any address. Books may be had at the Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on receipt of the price. Addiess . E B. FOOTE, M. D., 1130 Broadway, N. Y. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW NOTICE is hereby given, that one Jacob Schriffcr advertising in this pa per, under the head of Valuable Town Lots and Farms tor salo, has no authori ty to sell the 3 town lots and 25 acres of land in aud near St. Mary s Borough, as I am the sole owner, any sale made of the same on any part thereof without my approval will not be viliu. BONEFATIUS SCH MOND. ' St. Mary's, June 22i '65. tow ritlld. Just published, new'edition of Dr CulverwellsCelebratedEssay of tho radicakiire (without medicine) or Spermatorrhcsa, or seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impo tency, Mental aud Physical Incapably Impediments to Marriage, etc. asoctp consumtion Ei'ii.Ersv, and Fits, iu duced by sclf-indulgeuso or sexual ex. travaganco. JWirPrice, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admira bio essay clearly demonstrates, from a hitty years successful praticc, that the aarming cousequenccs ot Kclf absueni bc radically cured without the dangerou. use of internal medicine or the applica. tion of the knife pointiug out a modt of cure, at once simple, certain andeffecr ual, by means of which every suffercs no matter what his condition may by may cure himself cheaply, privatcla and radically. OCrThis Lecture should be in tho hands of every youth and every man in tho land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-pid, on rccept of six cents, or two post stamps. Addrcsg the publishers. CIIAS J. C. KLINE fe CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post office box 4586. LOVE AND I1ARIMONY. Any Lady or Gentleman sending me their address, will receive full directions for gaining the affections of tho oppo site sex, and which will enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, or beauty. Address Mus MARIE LEMOTLLE, Harlem P. O., New York city. GarcG 17, '65-3m. TO CONSUMPTIVES. " Consumptive sufferers vrill receive u valuable ii.ccripi,ion for the cure of consum;i!o . AsLlima, Bronchitis, and all thro, t r-'il Lung tffeci.ions, free of charge. by f,Ciul; jg (heir address to Rev. EDW.N 'ID A. WILSON, Williamsburg Kings Co., New York. 3 fuouths REEV'SS AIMB30SIA FOR THE HAIR fTpni8 ELEGANT I1AIR DRESSING AND -- WONDERKUL Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, and is superseding all other prcpa. rations, not only in (Ins country but also in Europe and Souih America. Thou, sauds of bottles nre annually used in the Court circles of Paris, London, St. Pe tersburg and Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is enormous. BREEVES' MA BROSIA is composed ofan oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of exquis. ite perfumes. It effectually prevents the hair falling out, and causes it to grow rapidly, thick and long. It makes tho hair curl, and gives it a glossy appear ance. No toilet is complete without it. Price 75 cents per large bottle. Sold by druggests aud dealers in fancy goods in all parts of the civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists in every city, and at REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, No. 62 Fulton St., New York NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED The following facts demonstrate that 'hese Machines comprise the hyhett improvements in the Sew in j Ale thine Art, viz' 1. E ie!i '.!:' 'is is gnraitesl ti give belter satisfaction tin any other Sewing Machine in Market, or money refutded. 2. They have taken many ot the Jiighest premiums at the most itnportaut ex. hiltitions and fairs ever held in the Unite 1 Slates. 3. They make tho nek stitch alike on both sides thus saving more than half the thread and silk used in the raveling ridge seams of the loop-stitch and single-thread Sewing Mat h'nes- 4. They are adapted to the widest rango of heavy and light sewing. 5. Tiiey have uo rottling wires, or deli cate ."(udiuienU to keep in repair. 0. They iequire notaking apart to clean or oil. and no "Lessons" to set needle, regulate teusijn, or operate Machino Please call and examine and demon. strato for yourself, or send for circuur with samples of sewing. N. B. wanted. Town and Country Agents FIN KLK & LYON'S. SM CO , No. 358 Broadway, New York Manhood h