The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 28, 1865, Image 4

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I II E E J, K A J) V 0 C A I E
The peculiar taint oi
infection which wo
call Sr'-.cri t.A lurks
in tiic consliiinion.' of
i.:iilituiK-fc nf nan. It
c itln-r products or is
loiiiiixJ i-.v mi cn-
v .: ir,- , -i- u
licl lul, v:t:..(ctl s t.-io
ft V.:2 i looil, v.iic i a)
IhiLt I .ti ill l.i. colli, j in
c (in; ; ; t i ) in- i.f.r.
il.e ,1..! l.i' i i ii. tin ir
i ;mi; i ;.. :.i.n, ami
vt i i: .. Mil ti
a i:,' '.'. " ia I" liiij
.!. 1....1 i.. .1-
i... i-..m-, low
,.i i f.n i l.i. 1 1' li 111 y
I . I 1. : y l.nhil.',
in-'. Mi..c ill, ly
-'l...tcir 1 e i.)
The :
1 V 1'CV
-ii i. I (V
'".7 vi;'.
I. I'. pi:
r.L pic
vigin, it i i :-: il.:...y in t..o
-ci ii:".l:.; "1 -.:i p...c:.:i t-j cl
o t'.ii:l feu I ,.t. ..
er..s to 1 o i u.l i f 1. '..j
:i t.ttino. .
t . i 1 i
1 i...V l, it
v. , "J vill
t t..O !;-..;: .:
.iildrcn." 'a':.o
lac!:'. In tli-i
tf t..i f .;'..-. i., on tin ir
'i.rij it o. .glm.ti s t.dio
.tor.Ki: to Co o -pai'S it
li.n --. ivrofiiU l.ioi'.ui cj
'. .hcrdc;, mil iim.l.y Cot r.tiiplion ; in t;:o
; I.l'.iJ.', .'wciiliii vldcll tujpl.nie M il bc-
dr.o ulcerous i ir s ; i:i t o i'n 'i..;cn inn!
I'.iWi i-, ih r.iliri'Uici.l i wh'cli poiiic im'.i-,-"-.i..-:i,
i!y. pep la, i i.-l liicr c un.i'l.: int ; on
1' e s-ki'.i. impaio im-l cutuiuoiu iiilci linn?.
', !ico, I ll I avii. ; too in,'? o .in. ) . quire ll-o
: ' r.ic vvmtny, i.unticntUin iiivirm
i ...n i f tl o" l.i.).. i. l'm-ity t'iO, ni 1
i' esc darne-romi ik'tcmpe is 1 mvo you. Vi'ith
1, ft.ul, t.' l.iooil. J i:tt cani.C't
i ivo health; villi that "iil'e ft' t!ic; flesh"
1 -.ulti.y, yen cannot L.'.vc ei'rol'i.loas lii- ciuc.
iyor'a Sarscparilla '
comiiouniUd f.or.i the most ftTtTiual nnli
(tos t!i::t mcilKal 5i.!rnco Iris ili-covfird lor
,'.:s nillifiir.t; ili.-kmiier, fur the cure of
: c iliiorilcri it cntuils. Tliut it is fir curie
: .ir to ar.y cli't-r rcnicdy yet dcvijid. i;.
7 iiov.n 1 y nil l:o lmvu given it :i ti inl. That
: . Ones coiV.Hno viil-ios truly f Ntr;;inlin;iry
: i tlii ir ill'oi t upon litis cl.uf cf fi'ini'liii.iti,
- indip I'.laMy pvoven )y tlic pro. it untltitiiile
- f pnl lii-ly 1:: n n:nl rcni.irkullo cures it
1 imuic of l!,e fllnvinfr diseases: King's
jivil, cr Gl-'ncbl-ir Swellings, Tt-movs,
: 'vnpt iens, Pi:iipl:3, Blotches eul Sorei,
'.Ji-yjipcl's, r,(.sb c;- St. Anthoay's lire,
fnlt lihcuni, Ie.iJ, Coii-t IrcrA
' ibrrauloua fic-,o-iu in iho l.'.iup, Viiito
v.'cLb.;.-, L'j'.Jii'y, I-io;.sy, IJanvaljjia,
. ;;upcpii.i 1'udifiCiiioa, SyhilU cad
philiiio Liicliijuu, XicTvU' risaac.
'. ;mlD7c-103 i.V, a:id. i.i.V. .1. t!u- vin.le
. . . iv i cf iv.:.'-!!.i;.U l....t nii.-L' IV..i:i iu.pui'ity
.' t'.io 1 ir.'.l. Mlr.a'.c reports -f ir.iliiilui:
. . cr? n,::y I o fuiiivl in Avi.u's Amili.u.w
. 'i.sai'i wl'.eli i: fiimifhcil t i the i: i : ;;i --i-i
: : tcr.iUiitou.i ili.lril.iition. vneiein n;ay lc
; iir.ed llio diivclior.s f r i ' n.-r. i ml '::o
' iho i'LT.iii:i.:i'. iw- c '..: i: v. Mel: it made
.I'll nil ti.t-r i;;;'.i'iUc3 ! :.d faiied in i.l.i.ul
l lief. 'Jlui-o i i i ;.re ii: , n-ciy t.ili.:i
. .mi i.l! Mrtienj of i'.? ic tiutiy. in ouk-r
it ciry r L.di r ::.i;y have i:n'e;s to Mune
'.en ;.) tan f c.:U t' i.lin ef its fenelits f:c;in
t :o:i;.l -' i crii ::v. h'erofula iliprcwes the
ml cm ries. iii'.d thus leaves it.i ii.iiniM far
j i iii ji i t t'i ilii-cate Mid iu fatiil results
t ;.n arc luiilihy ci'nMitulii.n. lii-nie it
; r.ds to ih.'il.ii, u.d dees uinnly thcpiU-n,
c i.virae (:i;ral'n ii if l.i:i;i;:n life. 'J'he
-,'t in. -.oitii!-f-e i.f tl:i . e cr.-iirlihialiiii'.s has
; d lis In nicml ycarrf in -.ei-feeliicr a
hiei: ia :.d. .,'iiaii' In iis i uie. Thi.v. e now
li'er to the puidic under the i f's
i ins ir.Min.i.A. alil i uj li it j ffii'.poM'il ef
i .s,iciiiuit!:. mine of vhiidi CM-cid the ln-ft
4 f S:-rifj'iiril!t: in f.ltcrr.tivi power. Hy iis
:.,d Vi 11 li.i-y irnic c t yoni: e'.f fiont the ' nllc r
ji i; ii ml i'.a:.p-.r of Ihi-M' ili-onler.-. l'urjie
4 i:t ihe fjiil corn. liens that rot ind fo.-tcr
in ihe, im'e out the causes of disease,
) ml vionius luiilih vill follow. IHy itr. .eeu
J ; i r i iitiic s this remedy Miimilales theiial
liiictions, '!.'.: f.pi-ls the
hieh lui!: within t!:e ly.-tciii or hurs-t cut
n any pa; t of it.
We' km. v.- the jnUic have lu-en deceived
y ii any fti..-i;ini-. of : ;: it'u, 1 iu. t
-. .l.iiircd li.ticU i .l ill'l r.eti.iiig : hut tiiey
-. iii i.citiu-r I o c'eii;til '..'.t ill -.. -oir.l. 1 in
. ii-. Iii villi!'- liiiii! l.ecii p;-ii ly al i,n
i'iiii; trial, in d there nhiiiin., ru tjiie-tiiiii of
I ? . u. -inX ( :;ii '.c;:iv fi..' il-i . ;. i f tiiO
! Ililcii:;,' di-e.-i s it i-i i.i'.ei ih cl to uai h.
. .i'.hoa. h r.r.di v il.e .-.anc lii.iiie, il is a vi-ry
il'.liei' t;'. ii'.cdieini- f.' v,i ar.y other wnii h has
' i n le-toie the -ei j i.', is farr..iiie ef-?..;-:t::l
than any vhieh hai ever been
..lui.l to the Lit.
cnr:nuY pecixiral,
Vlio Vv"orli';i Grcnt TAOvucdy for
C'ctis. Coids, Incri-t tort
stiii rjtion, and for tUo relict'
of toufivtmptii o piitionts
in ucivai-ccd ttagca
of the tlisufito.
This has hfen so l"i.j; used to ini
v. rsaily ki.ov. a, that ice need do no n ore
f an ii-'Miic the pidiiie that i' qiiality is kept
to the l i t it ever 1ms hein, iitnl that it he relic il oil to do nil it has ever done,
l'ri p.iied I y 1k. J. C Avi.u & Co.,
i'.TClifal and Analytical ('liniihis,
Lowell. Mass,
Sold hv all litup'tits t-vcry w lu re-.
on in: ni;'
V,' II A T T 11 11 II A 1, lt W I l. I. T O :
Heinove I Ills' ruet ions, iiliay liiihiiiiituuis
'aciliinii- riispiiLiiii ii and ('imihttion, re-
to'cs ili.!.ii.i'uienls. :ini vitalize and
i treiitlu-il Wealieiicd Riis "i am ji alii l'dl- 1
lluu.i Culic, Ni'-.-vous ili'iidache, l-laraedic, !
i'e.riis. I'r.-i i T'lOilmelu- Spntins, Uruiscs,
c. i i.d ."'pnilBH, lli-uisi's. (iall-i, j
Jleavr-s, I i-1 .1.1 j.-r, jo., in horses The
l.iiii kpst i '.lief f r pain !' any Fain Killer
aus". Tlo're is no reiiH'ily thai will act
i i pi-. sappy in relieving ihe iils ciuiiiii '.'at "1
to 'hi' Mai" Irihii, wlii.-'i dcsiii-.'s in re- :
rciii: il.-' t;:.v .i'.i! the -l'i.i'.'. If is its own )
"l ic, .-''i .' :. mi. an 1 by lii" p-.ii'-ii .11 aio'i' j
off.'.'J w..i :,s. ivl.jn; it :s liiiown, now "ii- :
joys the hip!"'-' l tpiita: l-'i. For sale by
J. lVvfcil. Il.m'; ,i H'Vi.'.iii. I'.l'l i'.vay I'i.
Wliiili -ii .e I. v I ' u : rr ,t i;:i'l, ,v W in-!, l'is
1'iv.;, siui-'j :., ll.-ie Pa. i
s ! V.'lllSKKitS
iiirkrts or Moil ta
i'i you WJiit ii'.-tris or Aloii tai-he
Hi i- Grecian eompouiid will lliiee liicni
li -i-niv mi t'n' in u'.l'os; J'.it'.; or chin,
ci Ii ilr mi h . 1 l- nds. in Six i,rcd;s.
i :e c i ,11 '. S. iit hy mail i.ny lu re,
C-l J ,1 1'r" Scaled, oil 1' 'Ceipl nf price.
Vd'.lvcs U' MtXKll A CO., liox 1v:l
rio.-l.lyn, N. V.
l-'co. "Jo'll 'o 1 VI.
cl 1 li.'il. 'flu lloiki nad nccoiiiiis of
.-no .1. Sloicr ,V (0. unci (iiinis II.
Cl-iing .t V'n . cf St Mury'fc. have h"nn
j , , cl iu the l.c .Is nl' i itf sdn si .'iif-l for
f ilvuoml. Pu.i'iys iiuh'btpd to f i her of
ti .- n'f'Ve fnins, nr notilied that Iheir lie.
ci . on must he skilled by payment to the
lii.,! -ijf " !. will. in i.o.iivs.
l.l '111 KJ. iih.VKl.I.Y. A I i'y
for lFllNi'. C0, V STUHKI!.'. CO.
fcl Mry'n !'hinni' , 2ji'a "". jl .
X r v :i n o in i) t !
i;i',mi:m ors ur.n id tiik
.KU . .fit-
nti;i; illi;, klk cu. l'A
l. V
11 1 V I N G
A i ' ' o ' 'ii.n' Ir.i i in
. iiiinii.- i-:
.ii tlic I oin. .-lie I'.iltoii (i-i.-vis are
-.-..ii. i u.-te.ine t, iitii. and ail cxelain. !
How Cheap .c our Crcsa Good
lk con. .. I
Q c o d
iia IT o c e
i e
A r
i!. ami Paints
J j
Wooden Ware,
Tt is useloss for attempt, to five
a full list of the st.xk, but invito one
and till, to drop in, s.ud exaniino for
r:-"5"llutt.-r, E-ras,
liide--. Call-kins ami -.
a ken at inai ket price
Potatoes, Grain
11 coiiiiti'v produce
for lO'ds.
l'e:itrevil!e, .Time 1st, lSi;.",
Administrators Notice-
Le!U'-:i i
'ranted in
if Administration have bei-:i
due form of Law, to the sub-
serili"!- W in Mac!;
li t do nf
Kli-ha Jick, l.iiie nf Sah-m M l. ib-ccii.,i-
l. All prisons hiviiiL; imy claim
riLi.inst stll Ks(,tte tne ri.qu".'cd to
pr.-sii:t llli'ih C il'.j il'.lilii nl ie i'o 1 i' lrsct-
t'.cttient. Any ;ier-.n oiviiig; the K-Ind;,
are r."iiiu'stcd to make payment forth
..lii'ili'ii','-.'.'";' nf thr. .". uf I'I i thn
M .-. Ihrrr.ti-r,'
J urn- 111!) iv-il.
0 VY
t'.-i f .j ri
: L. trmL A W m wfwow"iri u nit
Circulalion H.l.OOl) ( i.-iv-irost in tin:
woi'lil.) Kit eh number contains: lnr'i
ami inniinilii.-oiit Knshiuii I'latos. spleii'liil
i "list r.i t inns ol nil tin1 I'l-iliifiinhirt Mid
Paris iiovidiie.-. l.-ciievs' nnl clilld reii's
1 hesH. ti.iidtil in liinn.ilion, ami l!io f'.inr
i: !.. ii ... ,.. i- . . .- - . -
iiie-M.i. i nut'i us, na ri'.i.iv lor use;, eie. j
ele. Yearly, ?! ; sinerln cnpii-, U eetiti. I
ruliii.slieil at Mmk !!-.Mnr.fT's Ktiijiij- !
riiim nl' l'usbiims, Nei. 471! Kru.iilwav. I
N. V.
M'l.KM'in AM) V M.IiAlif.K I'll t. Mlf Ms 1
la ill YeiLilv Sulisi'iihcr tu Mine. I'e-
tnoreslVMirn.V of Fa-hiems wcmitl.-'l te. j
the select. oti nl';)'; inU vvorlli of Kxlra I
1'illti I lis,
Svsttin' Ii
nt ii ei 1 v '
. I'tesfTj-y
('n'tino- ( lii
or I'o r
inn .
) euis extra, the Ladies:' IS'ss
l or a club In a Kiilisei iiicrs a! 1 i;:ie!i
will I)
o' In. r
ni 1'e-sin's, Ait'nir's or any
inajiai no or iKwiintirr (or one
wlu. or a spieii'lid I holoiiipli Alhuiu.
i- or ii cioli iil'S, t roilev'is l..'1'lv'.' lii'dk
or any o'ln r 8: magazine, or an elrir nit
pilt, ur steel Il.ii'li Coiiib. or Si lo Comb,
A 1 liih . (' li. Mine Ileinorcst'ti
'' i. on: ! .-'litf'i SiMvin:.' Miieliine, or a
."e l 'in kiio; ':.. :iii,eiit. rv 1 full set ol
.'mi'ci or 1 1 il; ( 'oii.'o.s.
A Cub ol'i,.") ! im'iv Wh lovriuel W i I tl
son'fi Ncwiiij; iiiao'inie with lloiiimerati
Self tufkinir Atlai hmcnt.
'A Club ol'tjij, u splendid patent lever
Gold Watch.
Ail the fiubscsibers arc? cnlitled to tlic
lirst preiiiimii. and to (be jrettur up of
the club an extra copy ofthe Mirror of
I'ati'hioiis for one ynar.
I V :i t n bur of 81 subscription's sen.
tovvurd making up a club, will bo
credited the same an if sent altoerthor.
Uaek numbers as specimens Bent icf
hue on receipt of 10 "cuts.
rsploncli'.l terms tor a;
IT I '
id for
Administrator's Sale-
UY order ol iho Irphans Court, nf (lis
"eo'inty ,,(' Klk. ji, the State nf Pa ,T
sliall expose to mi'o. by public vendue
or out crv a? the Court in Hide;,
way, on Tues lay the "1 d iy of January
nc::t at 1 o'clock J. M .. as the property
of Anth iny Meyer, dee'd. Five lots in
St. Mary's, in the said comity ol Kik.
known aslots.No. nineteen (ltl) Iwcntj.
one twcniy-cie:ht (l!S) twanty.fiiuv
(2li ami twenty sis (20) on ero-s street,
in front on cross slrect. one hundred
t' 1 Ovt loot cac -h and in depth at right
.'inirlos two hundred (201"!) feet.
Terms of third of the pur.
chase money in hi u 1 at conformation of
sale ami (he. residue iu two canal annual
i ins'iiluienl.-; thereafter, to be secured by
i Jud'iin.iit., Ihind iiint yiorterairo
Administrator of
AXTItOXY MKYKlt dett'.l
O and our pcorje at horn
vc now ofl'i'rc:.liin opportunity
tliev can obtuiu a
orn vv.iTi'iir.s ark
WAP. 11AM H 'i n Ki i;p Tl II OM-.YF..r.
end tht. buyer is ai'owc 1 liie
i Ppivil'eit' of ICxaMiimtion.
i r.i:Frj:iM;n:xr .? v.'ii'i nun
A Cr.
1 Ditj-'i . id hi'1 Iin'iAifi'iii'.
'ass Uo.iiiiiig TiiiK'-l'i- tee of Silver
. v-.'.al i'riii!. over wliieii is clet'tro. lino Jihite l
! is' li. g'd 1. laosi durable v.i'ouidil, maUing
j the' iiiiiliilion so fuillh-ss thai it cannot bo
lciciii-'l fi'.iiii 111" solid material by tlic
ir.i'st cvpc.-iiiii'!
I ind :i s ; neids will not r.i"-
ect it. I.nndon made movenent. lvii'.iov-
ru Dri't
rri.i. lit iiy actios, has sweep
- n l to be excelled in peuei'iil
and i
appear.". "icv. it is I' hf.i'i v one of Ihe
in : T Aii iii ever ofTo'C'l for traders and
speculators. -Inirlneers. Vliiii'r.-tiits. and
persons (ravelling, will find lliiini sniicrior
loany oih.'r i alli'ration of clir.iale will not
nfTi'cl Iheir acciiritcy. Fri-c. pachedin irood
shaiic ni l go i l running order, only $''", or
raso of I'. fir
fsII.VKIl liol.hhl-1 T1R HUNTING LI1V
F.FST OC VMTY C.ZF.. i vcr
j w'.iicli electro fine iilaied 18 k. gold, imihir
! t t our Imvrovrd I'aolci. in 1 superior ad
i fusicd ULovei iiiits with vitov. " to be Used
i liiidog l.or-es, etc. i has Four Indeyesp
j nor Washington and I iioeuwic'i iinii. swi e
j second. i ti 1 all lim iiniirovi'iiients. All in
J all, taking in beautiful and fauliless a,
! nciiranee iind its sunerior niovutnent into
eoiisiileraiion. we regn.'d it ns deci ledlv the
cheapest ar'ichi of the kind in the market,
price, in good ruitir njf or Jer, ijwo of cu-o
of (i forS'DO.
f-.-T W e ask no pay in advance, hut will
forward either of iliem lo responsible par
lies, to any part of Slates, with
hill pi.yable to exru'essiitau when the gondii
are delivered, giving the buyer I It o privil
ege of exainiiiiiliou, and, ii'n ( saii ifuclory
ihe waieh iiin he roiii-ned at our expense
The express ninipaiiios rc'"...-e mailing
I'olh'ii li.'u , u .'-.I'dl-'i's and oihcr disloyal
S' I'l-s, fo:i-rqiieiii!y all sii'di oi-d.-r.-i inu.-(
he a - iv.r.ipanieil by lh" oaslt lo insure at
'ciui iii. Wc niake a dediiiiion of two do
hn s oil eii her wa'oii when the. payiucn u
forwarded in advance.
Mmi v T.tiy be -:;t by express at our cs-pfir-c.
TIIOS. ("iAFF.I'TY .. Ci)..
HI an 1 f-1 liroad St., onoisiie Ciiy I'.nu l
Friiviih'iici'. I! I k'
! NOflCK. Lellers if Adiiiini.-rrn-
toiii Iiiive tieoii eranfi! I to tlio ttmter.
signed upon (ho cstale of Lewis lu:t,
late i.f Vernon, Oneidi cMiinty New
York a-.:-J fonuerly of Jiik coaiity Pa , by
tl.c it. -isie-r nf Klk county. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to the
estate arc n"j nested to make payment
lorthwith mi l any pci's'ms having elai ns
against the estate aro rer':eti'd to ptc.
sent them to ihe um.leisi;.'i.c J for settlc
mc.t. II. W. MAIIAX,
Ciiiitou, Oneida Co., X. 1 .
lliil-viiy, June '22 1. 'C,X
Volunteers and Conscrip3 !
To P"l lii-iv or nny othrr." wihifft to in.
erf:!"!' I hi'i i' in fo n it1, i h en1 is no lie 1 1 1' i- iv n v ' i
ilVm;. fi' nt tins tinu , ihr.n I'vom iho Fiilc nl
rnr w-:iti ln'!. Tui.Y auk Y Akham r.n as
l'li-rnt-.H r.NTi.n 1
"Pari iridinly v.iliuililn fur rtTioors in thr
Armv and iriivide-vs." l-'imk Leshtn. Fch.
4 -Vret I , hi'.. I .met rhci:-! tiinci!ccei3
rvei-oilui cd." A". '. HliuiiittiJ Nrw.i, Jnn.
"Vrrv pvrl' v nnd clor-ildt ratchf" for thn
.!nny."--N ". A r ,-.; ,t- Sari Jcur. (Got-
I'l-iiiiii'iit (ii'i'iin.) .Aiif. "0. j
"Olio of I ho oMi'si fiuil niO( ridinhlr linns- j
po i'i l.Ur-intsj." LbvUriUc, h'v.. '
July Ul.
. l'ciiiir n Huiiiin or On.-M Favr t hadv'-rr
j lltil. t.'lioill's W'uirji (""nnu.l.inp, W'tll
: I'liloiil S-'i-lf Windini TniTrivi-.tietit
! ii liinsj lMf.isiiir NiAcl'y
! l Ml OP Till'. I'lll-ITTIIIST. MOsT fON.
1 VKNIMNT. AM) di e dodlv ihel i-vt nn l !
cliefipt'si iImip ,ii'(?p Tor triMicivii ,ii'l re'inhlp.
i lisii cvev (ilfcroil. 1! lim w-llhin il (Hid c.ii. ,
J ni'iied wi hils iii!i"hincrv. ifi own wimlins !
i.llio lii.ient. vnti lc-rinw n l:ry r-nl ii-el v tiniio-
1 crJ:-avy. 'I h" c.'e-oi of lh',3 AVale-li arc coin j of two meial1, the oiilcrnno hein- j
. line Idrrir.'it n!d. Il hns th" ini.rove'l iiih(r ;
; aeiinn Icvcl- movcinont. and i wiirranlc' iiy
accurate tinnp-piwi". I'l-iec Riiperhlj run
piiivt d. -or ense nf hnlf d.ircn. S-'I.O I. .5nrn '
plo Wnlcni'8 in unit nicircio 1 cic . f'S",, '
,91 .T Vill WA2GUKSI
First Clips lliinling Time. Pieces for nccu
raey of nioveinciil. hcauty of inateriii!, nnJ
nheive all. cheapness in price, tlinse wntclics
must insure universal ion.
An iniilntinn so fatililcss that it can hard
y he dclee'li"l hy the most experience
mlites. The nin'erial fcinsr of two iiictnlo.
the oilier one first quality Sterling Silver,
while Iho inner one is (terrain Silver, it cin
not he rc'copriisod '-y cutlinp; or heavy cn.
graving, tiuikiiifx it. not. in appearance, hut
indui ahilit v. the host resemhlance of SOI,
1)1 STA'HhiXG SILVER in existence. j
The snle of these iVntches in the Army i i
source of enormous prnf.i, rein Mi up, nsi
h cy. very readily do, nt $2" mid iiiwnrd3
Many hiiiidfcl dollars can he lnnde in a sins
p'o piy day I'y uny one of unlinnry hiisiacs.
t;0AT WIIOI.K1 1.F. ONLY : Tr. heavy
hum inff cases, heaulifully enpraved. while
ennmcl dln.I. and fancy cit hands, in f.ood
uniting order: by the half dozen. $7:2. Sold
only Vy the ciso ofsirl
1,'pnti receipt of t wo dollars, as guarantee
of good I'ai ill. wo will send witches by ex- ;
pvess to any part of the loyal States, eolloc- .
ting balance of bill on delivery. This en
sures hovel's against fraud, g'ving them
their watches before payment i required. !
Sohlicisin 1'ir rlmlnynl statrit MfST remit
cash ix MiVAxrr., ns the erpre's aompanies :
ptrfmpioTui nfurct making collections m
such dnngcrous localities. Itemembor,
j Cath in arfvanrr from within tht army linr tn
I c'xl if -it's I ll'c flutirnnlee tht fa; dihverti
' a!l ic ''M--.', wlietlier they are sent by mail
rfor rpress
Hubbard Bors..
Sole Importtir
Fashion Ararrazhio of the World.
FASHIONS. The most nia'iiifieen
Stic-1 engravings on evry subject tha
can interest ladies. Crochet knifing
N ell i tig. Kin broidery . Article for I he T.ii'i-h
fir the P"fh.r. Ih" j'londoir and the Kilct
en. Kveryihing. intact, (o make a com
plcfe I.AOV's l'.oolv.
Tlio Laaica tavonto Tor
No Magazine, his bean aide to compote
with it. Noun alicnipl it.
;o;n"s liiicF.tPTS
for every e'u l ii-i.ih ui of a hoii-i'liold. Thec
alone are worlh ihe price of tlic. Hook.
Model Collage--! (no other Magazine gives
thcr.!!, with dinsrains.
UltAniXii I.I'.ssdns FOft THR VOUNG.
Anoiiirr .spi'i-iaiii y with itoih-y.
oP.UilN Ah Ml'SIC, we i-ih $3 a year.
(;hcr publish old worn-oiil mil'
sic ; but the subscribers to Godey get it he
fore (ho iiuisic stores.
(ii-dcniiig for Ladies. Another peculiar
iiy with (iodey.
Fashions IVom Mi'ssrs. A. T. Ft o wart &
Co.. cT New Vojk. the millionaire, ino-re-liiiiN,
appear in (odcy, iha only migii.
zine thill has thiiii.
I Also, Fadiions from iho colehrateJ
llrodie. of New York.
J I, iidies' llonniis. We give more of thr-ni
in a year than liny oilier magazine. In fact
; (lie 1. ady's liook cn iblcs every lady to bo
! her own bonne! maker.
M it riou Ilailtnid,
i .4 utLet cf .1.;jc,'' '-.'iiiln ruth,"
.1".- j .So. .
.'i myitis,'' eiwl ".V.
K ri'es for Go. ley cadi moiilli, mi l for no
olher magazine'. H o have also reiniiicd ull
our old and favorite contributors.
T V. It M S O F
(Fur which tlfre ran he no f)crintion )
The following are the lorins of the Lady's
Hook fur IS';.'). At present, we will veceivo
f u'.iscribcrs at ihe lollowing raios. Due no
tice will hp given if we are obliged lo ad
vance, which will depend upon the price of
One copy, one year Cf!
J wo copies, one ytar
I Three copies, one year
! Four copies, one ytr
I Five coiiics. one yea ', and n f rlri
j copy lo Iho peison sending tlio club,
making si.f cpies
I l.iglil copies iiuuyear. itnd un crtra
! evjiy to lint one sending (ho club.
' making nine copies
FleM ii copiei one year, nn l an cr
' Ira copy Ic t he cue sending the club,
mak in;; I wvl vo c.ipies
Add.iiuiiH lo any of tlio ahova
f. to
7 f-D
10 00
II 00
27 CO
,' i i e.tiii suiisciilicc.
li nh y 's Lady's Ilouk mi l Arihur's Iloue
j Miil. izine will bo scat, each one year, t,u
I rci'iips or ? 1 oO.
! We have no club with uny other .Vagaziuo
j c." Xcwupnper. '
The money niuel all bo sent at one lime for
j any Club.
I (Vnad i snbscri hers must fccud 21 ceuts tor eieu ciibtcriver.
Adil: ess
.V . K. (.' ;.';
j. -; I'.'r .-'.' .v
.... 4M ll
mm m 'lay
I 11.
St. Mary's
I take pleasure in calling afteii
lion of the public to my
5H n
Vii-i1 w i-i ir.-.s.'"
F ill (
For JLadies, Centemen and chiN
Codec Sfup;ar,
Ja yCiisf Ja III A clcO
A large stock of Confectionary,
Mich as candy raisins, nuts of diff
erent kinds figs and all other
goods of the kind usualy kept.
! A small assortment in the above Hue, will be kept on harji
and sold at low figueia
SES"y stock is lull and cheap
Call and
Post up before buying,
. &h a iLivi i
Si. Mary' Jinw, li 18(54
County Pa
Boots and Shoes
Tea, Rice &c.