The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 28, 1865, Image 3
T H E E L K A 1) V 0 C A T E BOOK STOItE. jrT KEcFivnn at mp St. Vmv's Rook Ptouk, direct from llie Publisher" ir New York, l'ofton ami 1'hilndelphin. n veil fo. n-i-icd Ktock .r Kcnnor, igoks. mimion for nil parts of county niid yoi tii iiM nf llie adjoining counties. Teachers. Pehcml Ilircctors, nnd the public me invited to rail Ml J examine my utock. Having purehn-ed the whole from the publishers for cash, I m enabled to i-ell low. , liiirrnl discount tnade on all purchases of $10 and npwanls. W. .1. ISLAKliU". Rt. Mary's Sept. 14th (in. vf.'j. rl aicely, ttooksHllcr Slatiimer aiul ik'il vr in Fancy m;ticlf s Ooo door South of Esq., Rudolphs.) Ft. Mary's Street. St. Mary's, Elk county. Pa. ' BOOT &SHOF, SHOP. r-i:... ? New Wo L n r 'oir I' Bll t.l 9 t V IT The undersigned, having opened Hoot & Shoe manufactory in Sehiiltz' Steam Tannery, St. Mary's, Pa., hav discarded the "old man" of high price ud shoddy work, and girded themselves with the "new man" of low prices and A. 1. work. They will keep constantly on haud and nianfaotnrr tooidcr. custom made Roots, Shoes, Gaiters. Slippers, Etc. All of which they warrant will pivo Mtisfactioi. Repairing doac ncntly f.nd promptly. Customers cnu rely on receiving their orders nt the promised time. SEXTON & IiOlLS, January 4th, lb id. Administrators Notice ETTEUS ot Administration havtivjf been irranted to the subscriber on the estate of Geo. A. Kicuzlo, late o. St. Mary's borough, Notice is hereby given, to all persons knowing tho mselvcs indebted to said estate, to tnake immediate payment, and nil those Lav ing claims against said estate, will prcseutthe same duly authenticated for ctt lement, FREDERICK KIENZLE. Ai'mim'iralor HiJyuag Aoo. lQtJi 1804. Consumption. A valuable treatise by a Retired Physician, on the nature, of Cousttmp tiou and its various stages, together with rules for self treatment, and simple pre scriptions which have cured thousands, will be sent, freo of charge, to any one applying. It will cost you nothing, and may be the means of savin ' your money and nt,. .-"' c' Juvelopo to STEPHEN HAMLIN. M. D. Muray Street, 84 New York City. March 17, '65-3m. MME- DEMORESTS'S MIRROR OF FASHCN QUART EULY JOURNAL DU RAO MONDE.) Circulation 40,000 (largest in the world.) ..Each number contains lariro and magnificent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations of all the fashionable and Paris novelties, for ladies' and child i en' Dress, useful information, and the four life-size Patterns, cut ready for use, etc. . etc. Yearly, $1 ; single copies, 20 cents. Published atMME. Demokeht's Empo rium of Fashious, No. 473 Broadway, N. Y. 8FLENDID AND VALUABLE PREMIUMS '. '. ! rach Yearly Subscriber to ?Ime. Dc morest's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of Extra Patterns, or a copy of Mmc. Pemorcst' Systme fo Cutting Children's Dressesy or for 50 enta extra, the Ladies' Sss em. For a club fo 5 subscribers at SI each will bo sent Person's, Arthur's or any other ?2 magazine or newspaper for one year, or a splendid Photograph Album. For a club of 8. Godev's La Iv's Rook or any ether S3 magazine, or an elegant -ilr n. ,l n.....u o:.i. i ... i. fj.fl, Ul BICVI I'aittk Will'.', Ul .UIJIU, A Club of 10, Mine Deinorest's 85 Running Stitch Sewing Machine, or a . Self. tucking Attachment, or a full set of , fc'toel or Gilt Combs. j A Club of C5,a new Wheeler and Wi'd ' hou's SewiDniachino with iloiuuieran . Self tucking Attachment. ! A Club of 65, a splendid patct lever Gold Watch. All the Subscribers are entitled to the ' lim premium, and to the getter up of ,the club an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for oue year. ny n iu her of s?l sub.-ieriptionts sen. ,towurd making up a club, will bo .credited tho Bameasif sent altogther. Back numbers as specimens sent (..v fare oi receipt of li eeun. Splendid terms for ageuts. Send for Circular. Administrator's Sale rY order ol the Orplians Court of th.i county of Elk, in the St.ita of Pa , t hall expose to sa'e, by public vendue or out cry at the Court Hou-e in Ridg. way, on Tuesday the 31 day of J ami uy next ot 1 o'clock p. m;, as tho property . of Anthony .Meyer, deo'd. "Five lots in St. Mary's, iu the i-aid county ot Eik, known aslots.No. nineteen (10) twenty one (21) tweuty-eiglit (2) twenty f.nir (24) and twenty-six (24)' on oross street, in front on cross i-treet one hundred (100) feet each and in depth nt right .angles two hundred (200) Jl-et. Terms of sale, one third of tho pur ehase money iu hand at conformation ol ale and tho residua iu two eipial annua instalments thereafter, to be tccured U Judgment, Bond and Mortgage ANTHONY ME YE Administrator of ANTHONY MEYER .U-j'J NO'JK E I.cltiis tf Adiiiiiitstra tien nim lislitmnito, on the is t.ile nl' Anthony Kuntz. late I the hor ouuh of St. .Vary's ib ci -( ', having been trained to the undei mllik d. All persons indebted lo faid es'alo tire re. (jtieslcil to make payment iintl those having claims to recent theiu without ilohiy lo apolpii focmtman, Ft. .Vary's, Klk Co. Pa. June 1st 'fla. Cw. DRUG STORE Pit. C. R. & II. II- FKssr.En, will constantly keep on hand at the eld stand of lr. C. 11. Early, n full assort. nient, of choice Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold at the very lowest cash prices. Professional Calls will bo promptly attended to. by It. 11. Fessler. All consultation to OUicc business, will be strictly attended too by Earlry and Fessler. Kercy August 1st 100-j. J 'ft is.iOLf thin. -Notice i. hereby that the limited partnership, :ivcn here- tolore existing between ll.iodore l alen of Wilcox, Elk county, Pennsylvania, and James I'lark of 1 'lainfield ol the . State of New Jersey, (or the manufac ture nl leather at Wilcox Elk county I'a. said pai Inei.-hip being lormed under the ' Act til Assembly of the 21st March l?sM i ntitied "An Act lelative to limi ted partnerships" and its. supplements, will be dissolved, f ully and Guitlly on j ; Monday the 21st day of August A. !) ; llij; the said pavtm rship then ceasing , i and dcti'iruiiiini! by the mutual consent I of the parlies. TMEO. PATTEN. J AMES CLARK. Wilcox July IDtli ISO."). I Post Omrn ii:r,uTMi;'r. ) M"ashintnn, June ItHh 103. United tatc3 Mail. Pennsylvania- I'rosih will be received at the Con tract office of this Department until 5 p. m. of July ost (to be decided on the following day) fur conveying the mails of the Uuitcd States, from An-, list 15th lsOj. to June -'th lSOf, on the following routes in the state of Penn. pylvaniu. Ii the i-ehediiltM of departures and arrivals herein specified, or such otheis as will make the desired conncc. tion at the terminal offices. The proposals must be endorsed "Mail Proposals, State of Pennsy'varia," and addressed to the Second Assistant Post. . , , r , nil master tienerai, w i:siiinirron J'. Kj. - . v., -ri-oiu Wilcox, bv Kasson, to Sinitnporc, ..... b.ick. six times a week. Leave Wilcox daily . except, Sunday, at 2 p. m., arrive at Wilcox by f p. m. Leave Smii hnort daily, except Sun. day. at 0 a. m. arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. in. Route No. 2740 A. From Wilcox by Wi!li-iiii: vil!c and Sergeant, to Cler. montvilie, 10 miles and back onjo a week. Leave Wilcox Saturday at 2 p in. Arrive at Clcrmontville by 7 n in. Leave Clermontvillo Sat', at 8 a. m. Arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. in. Fur forms of proposals, guaranty and certificate and conditions to bo incorpo rated in the contracts, see pamphlet ad. vert'setnents for conveying the mails in Pennsylvania. &e., dated, 10th Novem ber 180:5, and 15th December 1801, to be found in the priucipal Post Offices. W. PENN1SOX, Postmaster General A D M I N I ST R ATO R'S NOTIC'jI. Notice is hereby given, that let ters of administration on the estate Julius Vombaiimeii, late ol Renzin township, Elk county, deceased, having been granted to tlie undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc re-qna-te l to make imuie liate piyment, and those having claim against tho same will present the same duly authen ticated for settlement to IIKU.VN KOCH. Benzlnger April 13tli lSti-L EXEcrnuts notice. Whe: e.H, Letters Te;ta mentary hav. iiu -.ri'iii : o I to Jim. Stock mr,u and An on Fociitm in, Executors of theli. t ivill a 1 1 testament ot' l.oreny Stoekm:i:i , late of St. Mary's, dee'd, all parsons know'i'i,' them-elves indebted to slid cituo mike imuiuiito piyment, mil those h.i vi t tr claims against tlu s 111! J will prusjiit tli e.u u -lu'y '.huuti. eatoJ forsi'tfleui'Mit. (JEO- El. WKIS, Register For Sale ! Stationary and Portable llngines, with new Patent Piston, complete for SAW MILLS OR HOUINu FOR OIL -.1 h S O- Mills, A'lth Iivo IiotarySiws. ri. 'ed for Saw. ing any size 1 n.rS. AESO-DUIVINU 'PIPE, Manufactured in Sandusky, Ohio, and lelivered at uny .st;;'iou on the Rail 'load, cheaper mid better, than can be !'urnished by E xtern Manufacturers. fejjrFor further inforniati in, address 'iy letter the subscriber at Ridgwav, P. ' )., Elk Co. I'a.. or in person at Spring Creek, ou the Clarion River. Win. Q. S WARTS, 'Ajfiif. July 1st J3Q5. 2w. PJ. Imformation Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMEN, enrol of Nervous Pibility. Tneompetriicy l'rrmaturc I'e. eay, and Yotithlul Error, actuated by n desire to benefit ( t'ltrs, v, il! be liajipy to furnish to all who need it (free of dinrjre,) the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers bad experience, and possess n sure rnd valuable remedy, can do so by (iddressing him at once at his place of business. The Receipt and fnll informa tion ofvilal importance will be cheer, fully sent, by leturn mail. Address JOHN 11. OODKN: No. 00 Nassau Street, New York. I'.S. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. (3 moths 1HSSOLUTION OK CO PARTNER. SHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Co-partnership heretofore existing un der the names of Anthony Kuntz and John Ivriyh, at St. Jary's, has th's day been dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. ANTHONY KUNTZ, JOHN K HUG II. June'22d '05 Ct I'd. I f E W M IJ S I 0 "F U N E II A J, I i M ARCH T O T II 10 M E M :ORY OF ARRUIAM LINCOLN," j Die .Martyr President, by Mrs. E. A. I PARKIl'UliST, the poimlar composer The Home Journal says : "Tois is a imp composition, well worthy the rrputitioii of its writer." Very solemn mid im pressive 1.000 COPIES ARE I?sUKl W EEKLY- Price 30 cents ; with vig nette of tho President, 50 cents. Mailed free. Publisher. HORACE WAT ERS. No. 481 Bvoaiiway, N. 1. M .1 R II ! MAUCIi UIGIIT INTO r.IDGH-.vY ALONG .VAIN an?EET TO THE V h a p I n W Where you will Cud Drugs, Medicines, UliS. Paints, Varnish, . Brushes. S t a 1 1 Oil i 1 V WATCHES WARRANTD SILVKRWAIU:, i WAUIIA.NTE1); j A general assortment of W ' i and ma) zmv$ Fancy Soaps, Violin Strings iv-P, umcnes, Albums, lankce Notins &e. iiamp Oil hy the barrel, Dye Stu. Iiistru- ments and Implements partaiu ino: to tlie "fiDUUG BUSINKS.S, iDc. iiire fLiquors, for Jledieal purposes, only. BORDWELL & MESSENGER. Ridgway, Aug. 17, '05. JOTICE Whereas Letters Testa. L . . .1. 1'...... .1 If I 1 l iiieniary 10 me jjsoue or .uienaei Ovel late of Jey township ' Elk county dee'd have been uranted to the subscii. hers : All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment ; and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN nvi . Benczett tp.. Elk county A. W CRAY. " Jay tp. Elk county ( August 10th 1S03, TRAY C.-ITTLE Came to the 1 o promises of the subscriber in Fox township, on or about the 20, of April j '(VV n red & white spotted cow, about 7 I years old since had a calf, one red ! steer about 1 year old. Tho owner is desired toe lino forward, prove property, : pay charges, tic, nr otherwise they will ; bo disposed of as tho law directs. Fox tp. Aug. 10, '03, GEO FAUST. T O i! f S V .1 J IT 1 V 11 .1 Cufferor3 Wim Ooxhumption . ii kj vsTil.M.v, Bronchitis, or any disease ot tho Hi Mat or Bungs, will be cheer- 1 fully furnished, without charge, with tho remedy by the use of which tho Rkv. Eiuvaud A. Wilson, of Williamsburg, New York, was completely restored to health, after having suffered several years with t4at dicad disease, Cousump tion. To Consumptive Bulferers, this ivm?dy is worthy of an immediate trial. It wi'd cost nothing, nod may bo tho means of their perfeot restoration. Those dosiring tho same will please ad. diess Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 1G3 South Second Street, Williams burgh, Kings County, New York. Furniture1. ' W $-. V MANUFACTURED OF modern unci ln'.i!i:e l'uinl tin'. main street Pi R O O K V I L L ti P E N N'A. Teti a tetes, Sofas, Diaynns, Easy Chairs, Rocking Chairs; DRAWING-ROOM C 1 1 A I US, And Upholstered ware of all kinds, als.o Cain Chairs, Cain Rocking Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. Bcadsteads, Tables, Stand1!, Reaurcs. Lk'ht Stands, Whatnots, Corner. Stands, Wasih Stands, Wardrobes, Rookcascs, kz. &.C. Ac. c spare no pams in pacxin; fiimi. ' turc so that it can be ubippe l tanec without being injured. any Do lis not ! forget the filacc. I RROWN'S WARE ROOMS. ! Pec. 24th 18Gl.-tf. valuable town lots F Alt MS FOR SALE. AND Three town lots for sale, adjoining tho i Washington llotpl. Centre street, iu the Borough of St. Mary's, Eik Co., Pa. Likewise 25 acres of land, 1 ol a mile south east of tho Borough. Likewise nine bun. lied acres of ool firm kind. Three farms with good houses and barns upon them, and likewise Coal of an ex cellent quality, tho c nil veins 4 fee' iu thickness, with a good prospect of oil on Pine ceek, near Greenville, Clarion Co.. Pa. ' Likewise one share in a flowing well. ! in Oil City, and five interests in oil .leases. A ho fur sale a large and com . mndiou.i Hotel in Greenville, Clarion ' Co.. Pa. ' I'r.r levim and oilier particulars apply to JACOR SCIII'ITER, at the Hotel 1 in Greenville. Clarion Co.. Pa. May Pith, "05. Pd 81 50. NOTICE. --Notice is hereby given, that a ouantitv ol logs were carried on our lands, on Benncts Branch, in Benezette tofiuship, Elk Co. Pa., dur ing the high water of March 1SG5, with the following marks, and letters : S X E. S T J, If D, L X M, E, c G W, R F &e.. AD, O T T O. D 3 in cen ter, A iS: S, diamond, hart, harp. Also two or three marks that wo do not know i uoauIiiLt or. Tlie owner or o'.iuers ' thereof, are requirc-d to prove property. I,ay n" c'larros tiikc them away wuniu tnrcc monuis ironi Marcn 2Stii, A. D..18G5, otherwise they will be forfeited. W. II. JOHNSON, WM. JOHNSON. April 2Sth, r05. Pd. 3t. DISSOLUTION OF CO .PARTNERSHIP' NOTICE is lieretiy given, lliat tlie Co Purtiiership lierotol'ure existing under t!ie lmmes ol'C. I.ulir .t Co., nt St. JIary's and 1'fcl Scli'Ciiins & Co.. at. Kersey, is dis solved since the first day of April Inst, by mutual consent. The books and ncnounts lur uuiil vsi u uiinn iiivii in vol iiu it'll, ill ,1. hands of Cbas. Lulir St. Mary's for settle ment. CH AS. I.UIIR .IAS. SN Eli ING Ell, FRED SCHCENINU. May, 13tli 1803. I NOTICE OF LIMITED FARTNERSH.P NOTICE is liereliy fsivcp lliat Tlicodrj I I'alcn, heretofore residing at Allegany. Cut taraugus County, in the Slate of New York ' but now residing nt Wilcox Kilt County, I Slnto of Pennsylvania, mid James Clark, resideiieo nt l'lnentield in tho .Slate of New Jersey, have formed a limited partnership I pursuant to llie Act of the General Assembly of tho Slaleof Pennsylvania, passed the 21st , of March 18:!1, ent'nied "An Act relative to I limited partnerships' and its several sup plements, for the manufacture of I.calher at Wilco aforesaid, upon the following terms to-i-it: 1st. The n line of said tirin to be Thend.-re Palcn: l!nd. 7lie general nature of the business transacted is the manu fact me of leather ; "d . Tho name of the general partner is Theodore Palen, now resiilinj nt H'ileox nt'oresaid .' -llli. The niii inut of enpiinl con I rilnit el by the special partner Jane's ('tnrU, lo the common stuck, is ' vighlem thousand dollars : oih. The part -! noiship in lo eonliniio from the liiuih day j .-lpril A. II. 18 i I. to the ninth d'iy of April A-l). lS'jP. Dated at ileoz," June 231 : 1801. ( 4 LITTLE OF EVEliYTHIN'O j I relating to tho human system, male j and female; the causes and treatment of i diseases ; the marriage customs of the j world ; how to marry well and a thou- sand things tievr published before read j the revised and enlarged edition of! , "Mkiuc'al common Siask," a curb oms book for curious people, and a pood , book for every one. idJ pages, l'JU j I Illustrations. Price 1,50. Contents1 j table sent fWe to any address. Books j i may bo bad at the Book ttores, or will i be sent by until, post paid on receipt of ; ; tho price. Add: ess E B. I'OOTE, M. V., li:)0 Broadway, N. Y. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW NOTICE is hereby given, that ono tiacoo ccnriiicr aavertising in uns p.i I per, under the head of Valuable Town Lots and Farms for sale, has no authori j ty to sell tho il town l"ts and 23 acres of I hud in au J near St. Mary's Borough, as ' I am the sole owner, any ualc made of i the samo on any part thereof without tuy approval will uot bo vilio, BONEFATIUS SOU MON'P. St. Mary's, June 22d "05. how 1I- 1 1 ( 1 ( tl. ";. y-X.V,-''':' Int publ.'ubed. ' "! ' ' ' new edition of Dr C Ivcrwclh Celebrated Essay of the rnttniltiirc (without medicine) tr Spkp..matohuiic;., oi (-ctninal Wrr.k tie.'-s, Involuntary Seminal Losses, I.MPO TK.ncv, Mental and Physical Incapably Impediments to Muringc. etc. osoctp Co.N'SI.'niON Eph.I-.PkV. nml Pits, in I ,;,i i. ...jc ,i,..,ao ... ....i w UY rvil-lllilUlyVinc Ul HI A'llll I'A travaganee. t-u? Price, iu a sealed envelope, only G cents. The celebrated author in this ndinira b!e es.Miy clearly deinonslratcs, from a hiity years successful pratiee, that they Harming oom-oqucr.erB of f-tlf uUucm bo radically cured without the dangerou. use of internal medicine or the applica tion of the knife pointing out a modt of enre, at one? simple, certain and effcer ual, bv means of which cveiy Miffercs no matter what his condition may by may cure himself cheaply, privntcla and iv.,Ve'77. 0'5Th'.s Leeluie should be in the hands ol every youth and every nnn iu tho land. Sent, under seal, in a plain cnvelopt, to uny address, jvnl j)!;!, on reeept ol six cents, or two post stamps. Addre s the publishers. CIIA3 J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post office box 450. LOVE AND IIARI.MONY. Any Lady or Gjntlemnn sending me thoir add reus, will receive lull directions for gaining llie nff'-etions of tho oppo site sex, and which will enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, or beauty. Address Mtis MARIE LKMOfLLE. fjarlem P. ()., New York titv. GarcG 17,'C33.a. TO CONS C M PT1VES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for ths euro of consumption. Asthma. Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections, freo charge," by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wiliiamsburcr, Kinirs Co.. 3 iiionths New York of HKEV'SS A.iaEt:tO'Kl POP. THE HAUl rgilKS KI.KG.VNT II A! 11 MtliSSING AXD WOXUKP.PIM. Hair Restorative Mill retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, and is superseding all other prepa rations, nut only in this country but aUo io Europe and South America. Thou, sands of bottles are annually u -e l in the Court circles of Paris, Loudon, St. Pe tersburg and Madrid, and tho sale in Cuba is enormous. BREEVES' MA BROSIA is composed ofan oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is ; highly scented with a variety of cxqui.s. ite perfumes. It eil'ectually prevents i tho hair falling out, ami causes it to grow xtxsViS thick and ion ' It makes the hair curl, nod gives it a glossy appear ance. No toilet is complete without it. Price 75 cents per large bottle. Sold by drujrgcstsand dealers in fancy goods in all parts of tho civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists in every city, and ot REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, No. G Fulton St., New York. s4 The following facts demoiitrato iie.e MiehiiKM comprise tho ticx intprovfinrnta in the S'wiiij MuUU: Art, viz' I. Ei:'i .1 'n ; ii i if i ito ! 1 ti sve better satistaetiot) tl a i any oth ;r Sewing Ma hit;j iu Market,or uiou.n' relut.dcd. 2. Tliey have taken many of the hiihtst jimniiim at tlie most important r.r. Itiliiti-ms and flits ever held in the Unite 1 Slates. 3. They m.iko the ork mlitrh alike on both sides thus saving more than half ilte thread nod silk used in the raveling rid -io seams of the loop Mitch and single-thread Sewing Machines 1, 'J hey are adapted to the widest range of heavy nud light sewing. 5. They have no rattling wires, or deli- eate attachments to keep iu repair. G. They jeu!ro no taking apart :o clean or ix'.J. and no 'Lessons" to set needle, regulate tensim, or operate Maehiuo Pleajo cull and examine and demon. strate for yoursidf. or sjtjd f'ji circui with samplci of sewing. N. B. wauled. Town and Country Anu TINKLE 4 LYON'S. S M CO , No. 37S lr.nj, Njy YorV AlflTlliOOtl V1' 'IsT'-' ' ! ina vearlhi ' .."i i ' -fZ .nTP l thel.advsl V SEVVl .PHOVt-U jrfcO., . IVI-W PvTW ' i i:ill'l?V Vl'in Volunteers and Conscrips V To ret i rrri5P 1 1 tr try o'l-rn witliirp to in. . r n n n o. ii mp i r.o i ciur t ot io t'oine fo rt ihis i'ii c, Il nri fit m 11 c rn'ii cf r nr untrl r. Inv WritAMin nt V. n nr.FrM ri ! "1 nrtirii'tiily vnlrnl lc fr ciTicfis In t! , Amiyrr.d tinvtliis." Frcnk Felt. 21. "1'retLirst. 1jct mm chcapnit timepiece, ever circl ed." A". 1". lUvttraled Neir, Jan. 10. "Very pntty nml durable Watches forth .Irmy." N '. Ann; Nor.v Jour. (Dot-. eminent OrirnnA Aiir. 20. "One of theoldct rind most reliable lion.-, cs in business." I.ouisrille, A'y., Jovrnttl, July 21. MAGIO TIME OBSERVER Ueing n Itu itiiiR or Open Face or Lndy'sor, C.eiilliM.niis Wat nil Comebinc, with Piilent Self Winding Improvement n moit Plensinir N veltv. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST, M()9T CON.. VKNIENT. ANT) decidedly the best nn4j ctienlest time piece for general and reliable, use ever offered. It tins within it and con nected wiihils machinery, its own winding, attachment, veil los ing n key entirely unno-' pessary. Tho enscs of this Watch are con nosed "of two metals, the outerono bcin-. fine Dtcaiat (told. It lins the improved rubs, id inn lever Movement, mid is warranted ny aceurnle time-piece. Trice snperblj eni iraved. per case of hull' dozen. ioC4. ftin, ile Watches in ni-st morocco boxes, iJCo, SLVE WMVMV.$ First CUs? lluntinp; Time. Pieces for seen nicy of movement, beauty of tmterinl, an I above all, cheapness in price, these watchci must injure universal approbation. An initiation so faiihlcss tlint it can hnrd-. y be delected by the mo.t experieroe. udgci. The material beiuir of two metols, tin- outer one tir-t quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Silver, it can not be recognised by cutting or heavy en, jtrsvitif. mailing it, not in appearance, but induvnYilhv, tin) best resemblance of SOL 1)1 STvltbiNO SILVER iu exigence. The sale of these Watches in tho Army is snare of enormous profit, retailing. s hey wry readily ilo. nt $2" nnd upwards Many hundred dollars can be ninde in a sins gle riiy diy by any one of ordinary busines. alta'i 1!?,AT WlIOLEfsAI.E ONLY 1 Ik heavy hunting enses. beiiutn'uliy enjravcu. wliitH enamel dial, nnd fancy cit hands, jn eooiI tinning order, by the half dozen, $72. Sol4 only by the ense of six '. Upon receipt of two dollars, .as guarantee, of good failli, we will Fend walclics by et press to any pari of the loyal Htalcs, collec ting balance of bill on d.-iivery. This en sures buyers ngninst fraud, g'ving thent, their waiches before payment is required. Soldiers in tlie. statin must remit cash in aiivanck, us the ejpre-'s nompanie-i prrrmpinrllfl TrfuKis making collections in, such dangerous localities. Itemember, (,'tnh in aili'tincr from tritltin thertrmif linn In chtl t'i!rt I Ve iuitrnnlett the tafe delivery nl' ra'"'.'T'ietlier they are soatby wail pfor rpress Hubbard Bors., Solo Importer GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK T II E Fashion Miinaine of tlie Worl. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS AND FASHIONS. Tho most niatrnificcu Ste el engravings on every subject tha can interest ladies. Crochet knitting Netting. Embroidery. Articles for the Toile , f. r the Parlor, the Itoud.iii and the Kiloli en. Kverything, in fact, to make a com plete I.inv's Rook. The Ladies Favorite For 33 Years. No Magazine has been able to conipeti with it. None attempt it. r.orKY .s RECEIPTS fur every department of a household. TUes i alone nre worth the price of the Rook. Model Cottages (no other Magazine giv j them I. with diagrams. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG. Another speciality willi (Jodey. ORIGIN AI MUSIC, worth $3 a year. Oil .Vagazincs publish ohi worn-out mu sic : but the subscribers to Godey get it 1 i fore the mu-ie Mores. Gn-deiiinu for Ladies. Another peculiar . ! ity with O.idoy. ! Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart : Co., of New York, the millionaire, m -j ' rchauts, appear in Godey, the only mag - zinc that has them. ! Also. Fashions from the celebrV. i lirodie, of New York. onutts. We "ive mor of th in any oilier niagji.ii'.c. In fi'l look eual) c every lady to b i lier own boniu't maker. Marion llailnml, .-lrirjs of "Aloii,;" -Uithlrn lUh." " Mjs Stilt." "Xi-mrsif," tiud "Miri:im" ; writes for Godey each iiiniiih, and for nj j other magazine, lie havenUo retaiucd a'l I our old nnd favorite contributors. T F R MS OF i GODEY'S LADY'S ".BOOK j FOR 165 " J ( Fur idtirh th- rc dm I'f no Ihrintii'L ) The following nre the terms of the Lad' lionkfor lt'tio. At present, we will recein siio-eribers i,t lhf following ra'es. I)ue n tiee will be given if we are obliged to ad . vaiue, which will depend upon the prieo o! i fSPcr. line topv, one year $3 01 Two copies, ote year 6 6 I I j i 1 ) j ! i j j j j , j j I Iiree copies, enc year 7 C ) Four copies, line yuar 10 0 Five copies, one year, nndnn erirn copy to the poison sending llie club, making si..- eopies HO) Kighl copies one year, nnd an ctr copy to tho oun seudinj llie c'.ub lu.i'.;ing nine eoiics 2J 0 J lilevon copies on3 year, nnd an er tra copy to the one Rending the club, jiaKing f.vv'.ve copies 27 A'l lit tints to any of the nbovo elfllu. pi ti.'l each siibsurilmi'. Gadey's Lady's H i ik nnd Arthur's Ulnj "dag iznio will ba sent, each recuiiis of I 01. oue year, o j We have no club with any other Vjgii'. i or Newspaper. ' ' The m-mey uiuit all be sqnt at one tiraj f any Club. Canada subcrihers tn'i( send 21 .cm'.i nJditionitl for eacli iub.icribpr. ' ' Add CSS r 'it l ft. 1. A. CDDSY.