The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 28, 1865, Image 1

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    I PROrSSIONAL CARDS V FW . fA . . X. -
......... r. .tv.,.: f ii i riif r.i i
JWllTMiJ, JUV l.I..: V I A V-'.J - -
' t. t" a imPa'Si s7"
A T T O It N V. V AT I A W
iOCAT ll.iVLX.
Attorney' at Law, Riugwuy i'.ik eoun
tv Pa... will a'trr.d tj all proi.'ps'n.u
tiitiiiu s.i promptly.
"': j. C. CII AI'IN .
Attorney and coaneewT at Lav. Office
in chapinV Plock. Ridgway Elk Co. Fa
Fai ti ular attention i;ie r. 1,1 co'U ctli t
u:ii hh 1.1 p-vmptly if tni.'tcd. Will
klio prrttice in aJjoiiiir. r counties.
"j"o Ti n g ii at. l
llidgway hlk County IVnm
St. Mary's Klfc rouiiiy Vn
bxTwTw. siiAW
Practices vipdicinei .Sarg-ry
Uciilvuvillo ILik Co. I'h.
T.f',- nr ll'ivivn prointV Ya.)
Vin''vA;nfilv c.11 irof.-vjionul
calls bvDbiU or dny. ItoMdonen miu
door Fast of the lalu residence ol Uou
J. L. Giliii.
Dil. 0. TL Kerrey
Co.. Pa. Will aitond ti nil
iiiuht or d;v. July 1(U-
Lutlitrsburc. Cleivlu-ld Couuly Ta.
tFre-lriok Korb Fr.priot.-ir hav.
ins? built a brcn and cimmjdioi h u.
i, now prepared toeiier to the v.a.i.t ' c.i
thij tr.-ivesins p"''1!'?
Luthcrflmrc. July lC.tti ISol. -ly.
'"TvtTiFrsburg hotel.
Ltiiliersburs Clearludd County una.
V.'ILLIAM PCHW'F.M. Froprielnr.
Luthcibi;r-. July 27th ltH. tl".
Corner of Peach Street and
the Buffalo Road,
E 11 1 K V A .
juiivro Pt-nprictor
CST"Thia House is now and Ilt'ed up
with especial eare for the couvenicceu
and co'.ufort o? jruests, at. moderate ra-iet.
fctf-aoon srADLixa ai - Ac inuiSa
Ri'rWdl. K'lh OIlUll) '((.,
Btf.ThU i.ou'O is pleu-snntiy slmatul on
liie bfink of tiic C'lavitn. i'.itlu lnwcr cui
(!' IliO toirn, is Toll l wi. li liim
r,,nm f.nd st.ilin'. fliv! lllC J'.vovrU-tr.r wiH
tiiarc no r aim tj rcn'tr tiie siny of his j
Jihiift'iy Jul l.VJ.
"ITyTm: ii . ). u s
Conty l-Vui'i.
Cot'.s'i.r. of MAiuii-r an ! v ah
CI a fi l'n
GEO. N COLP.L'PN, Pi:oi hii;tou
Mary's Ki.k t'oiNii' Pknna
M. WELLENPOlli", Prop'r.
YA.' iJt J &d dUI M.V UZ
H.Oti E3VKS, EM.
E. Vv'. 13IGONY, Proprietor.
Otnuibua runiug to aud from the Pepot
free of charge.
lTOORAR 04:S.!?' St
iUP'-ookvillc Pa.,C. N. Ivrelz. Prop
'1 ins house lias oeon reiuicu una inrni. u
ed in a neat style, mid is every way
adapted to the wants of'the public.
U U S I E S S C A It 1) S
C A It 1) S
liculirs in I'uinj niul n.oniieri'",
3'erfumery i Toi'.ci Arti.-lea & Stationary, j
Ki'ljicni, E;t County J'uivi. j
" woods VwuiG irr ;
Lricic Havk.n, Clinton- County Pa
DEALERS in Flour. Grain and
Feed near the Pa--en.;cr Pepet
Corrected woeekly:
Applet, (dry) bushel -Buckwheat
" "
B 4 00
1 fvi
4 00
2J 00
1 flij
10 00
(10 i
' 5-3 Knlr Hi W I K J -1' Li. 3- it? IM ' W WW Mi V 3 Mi ite
1 ' " a
r. W. BARRETT Editor
j lie A I. Tlii pvat line tvavciseH
ho Ni.,-tl;.-rn ami Nvtliwoel oouiitiesof
i'emi.-vlv.nia to the city of Frie. on
ike Fne. !
It ha been leaded by the rnnsih-n-R'iaJ
Coiiij'.nit, and in opera-
d by Ihi'in .
Its entire lens'li was opened Tor pas
-oimor and freight business,
( T t Ti .
l.tufi: Enslicin'J.
Erie Mail Train 7 2;. a. in.
Fric Fxprrss Train 7 dl p.m.
Lcnvc WcslwarJ.
Frie Mail Train H -'- ""
Frie Kxprcfs Train 10 1.) p. m
Ia.-sen:er cars run through without
(diuiiiie both way? between Philadelphia
and Frie.
Leave New York at 7.00 p. m., Arrive
nt Frie o -10 a. in.
Lo ire Frie at 2.O.") n. m . arrive at New
York 12. mi iii.
Kt.roESTSr.F.r.rixo Caiis on Express
Train- boili ways between Williamsport
nn-t ...e'l - an - " i
For intorniation reapeetinj Pusener
business iipply at the S. F. corner oOth
ami lavKet .-;s.
And Tor Fr:ight business of the Com
pany's .V-renN:
y. P.. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 10th and
Market Sts.'l'biladelphia.
J. '. Cevnol Is Erie.
W. P.ruwu, A;j,eut N. C. II. 11. Pal
timor". II II. TIorsTOV,
Cen I. Fr'hjhl A't. IVuTa.
II. AV. GwtsNV.a.
Gen I. Tt'ckrt Ajt. I'hiTa.
ill.l iif.,, t.. Tvr.K.B,
Grnerm .y.;-. irw.
o('the A nil v of the Potoniae.l
CaJ Particular at'.cntion given to all
cases of surgical nature.
Dealer in
CIuLii.p. IlLts. & M '-'" l"urtii'l.lngGooa--
v.Ti:i; s'n:r.!.r.
Lock II.wtN, Cmntos Co., r..
A I) O L V tl
t.'ojjJrcvi.'.c, '-'.Ii
c .i jy IM.
Manura'-'urer of
-AI.O F.iriiiture.
.t-j-ies e.-.M.O F.iniitiiro. :-eli us
ii!e'. Staur.
p..dsl"-r..!s an.l
'.:nir-!. Al! kind of Pepairin done at
r a a ibb' rale.
Hon. Pt. 5 White. Wellsborou-li.
A.ixni-inti' ,1 II
Hon. V. S, l!,v,eU-uy, Jay tp.
lion. F. C. .-ehaltze, St. .Mary's-
! I. V. Hays', llidway
' Georiru Ed. Wets, Eidway
! DUh i. t Attorney,
! L. J. Blakely P.idgway
Charles S Mary's
((), .Vi''ir,
0eor0 V,,lmslev, lit. I
( c,imm :,,';,.,,
; (j..iH'fi,, St. Mark's
tieo. iiieiiinson.
Joseph W . I ay lor,
4 ...J 'I,.,.
II. T. Kyler, Fox
Jacob McCauley. Fox.
II. P. Perr Benczett
Ccal Lands For Sale-
rgpIIE subscriber offers for palo the
('oal ptivile-e, with the rijlit of
minim.' an 1 other udnerals under V.)')
acres ol land situated in P,X tp.. Clear
fie'.l county PeniKvlvania. within 2
imb.s c,' ihe'llid-w.iv & Sliawinut R.R.
which connects with the Phila iV: l't a;
H. If , at RidgT-iy. with a cix font vein
ot Pi'iiminoiis t'otd upon it, which i
now coiniiitiiidini; siteh enormous prices
lor matiutaetuiiuir purposes. For saie
cheap, terms cash, a jrood title i:iv.-'a.
Fur further particulars, a'hlress
Cleat field P. O..
Clcu! field Co., P.l
NOTKT.. Ml persons iiehblcl tj Into
Firms off. I.itlir t'.i. mil Ft-ml tsclicrnin
i (.'o., ar rt'ipicsinl ilieir iil-ciiiiih liy U;o
lira, of July next, either liy imiu or oiliuv
wise, when ihu iicevmu's will ilien bo left
7;" ! fur imine.liate eelleelion. To 'sous iinl.-,ieJ
f,U . tu l'rc4 Schuiuing wiil fuel tlicir UCv
!,,-! loiiunlsat t'tutrtvillu uuliltho ubove ttutoj
hllme- ' CIMP.I.niR.
rO St. May J M-.
mow ay Kr.K Coj:;ty Tkn'n-a. Satckmav OotbiM-, QStlt l'-t'-o
Tho Eliyrtic of the Depot
i. Vanity ef vanities,
Climax nf vexation,
Waiting for the ear
At a rail. road station.
Thinkim: every Moment
Tint the train will go,
Worrying out an hour
In a Miiall depot !
Sultry summer day.
Ho' Sahara weather,
Motley or. w,l i f p oj.ln
Huddled up together ;
Crowded in a room
Pilled with don furs' sm'jViiig,
Wits and politicians
Arguing and joking.
Every class of people
In this mighty nation,
Fully represented
In the rail road station.
Ilest!cs whistling Yankee,
With impatient tread,
Wishes that the ears
Wuiild just 'go ahead '!
Funny little Frenchman,
Willi ejaculations,
Shows his .'reat impatience
In gesticulations.
Bowdy at the ;Ja,
With a i'm'-;;. moutaelie,
Obviously thinks
That he cuts a 'dash.'
Corpulent, old fellow,
Looking very wise,
With a hi7y yawn
Closes op his eyes :
Waiting for tho e:iis,
It is no wise o Id
That he takes a train
To the land of AW.'
Fairer politician,
Closing up his peepers,
Buns of! in a train
Laid cm henry s7crp,rs ;
Paper in his hand,
So the s'raii:er teaches,
He was lulled to deep
By JVcssutii's long speeches !
vi r.
Philosophic stranger
Says the curs are late,
But we all must learn
'To labor and to irait,'
Suddenly is beard
An unearthly scream ;
T'is the engineer
Letting oil the steam !
vi ir.
Universal rush
For the narrow door,
Haifa dozen sprawling
On the muddy floor :
Oii.j would think the pc-iple,
Crowding in so fist,
Th'ittght that every moment
Was to bo their iV'f.
Every one impatient.
Every body crumbling,
Train at length conies in
With tremendous rumbling:
Like a bund of furies
From the realms below,
Wil Hy rush tho inmates
Of the small depot,
E'bowed. jammed and erov.ded,
We may thank our stars
If we find a scat
Tn the nil road ea's :
Chuckling with delight,
With congratulation,
That wo havo escaped
From that rail-road station.
Worst of little miseries
That ir, life beset us,
Greatest of the troubles
That for ever fret us,
Waiting one long hour
For the ears to go,
Elbowed, jammed and crowded
In a small depot ! J. s.
""" - - - cared not, for she knew the best would
A Kind Act Rf.var;i;p. A short still remain,
time since a one-ni uicd . ohiier entered a Reverses of fortune wiil cjuie. The
eroyilcd car in the city of Chicago. He once wealthy Pale faurly became, bank
looked very weary, but none moved to vupt, they had changed their residence,
give him a seat, until a neatly dressed A s'""1' cottage a few rods from the city
young woman observing his empty blue was all they had now. Mr. Pale began
sleeve, arose nnd askc l him to take her to gw de-poo hug and Mrs. Pale mel
place. At tho sound of her voice bo aneholy, but Vinia chejiv l them with
iookel up, iheir eyes met, ami immedi. her smiles, ki.-se.-s c nvs-es an 1 plra.-ant
atclv they were cla-ped in caLdi other's prattle. She fitted through the hou-e
arms, and she was sobbing for joy ou bis bke an angle of light. Shy had till the
shoulder. The young woman was the servant, dismissed except one hey, and
soldier's wife, from whom he had beet, she did the wVrk hers., -i p.ea-ed at
-eimra'ed three long years. Ho had knowing she felt e.-:.insitly debghted at
been wounded and taken prN i.ior, aud saving expense and dotn- all b.useil.
bis wife having lost all trace of him, had V-;V-tors were few aud h.r between,
removed from their former residence to but what did she eare, the was to hap
Chicago, so th;it when be was lclcased, py-
his letter, failed to reach her and be ' Mother . Mothei . I have got my
could hear uothingfrom her. Ho had reward, I knew 1 should, I knew H.
' IOllV IV. V. II IV. Iti.' iJ---."
r ..n 11 Mw HI I IT, 111 UH
arch of her, and
1 ii,.. O.w kin. I fn'i of hers thev were
bappily restore! to tach other. '
TEEMS SI 50 per A
V I N I A .
r.Y may i.oyviue.
Vii.ia P ile sit in her mother's hep
pnrlof. her book bad fallen on her lap
her eyes were fastened on the moror
with one M.aall white ham", she cinsoo '
a rich rug, and with iho oilier she w a
idly t"iiig with one id her many brow;
curls. At lat with a weary igh slo'
arose, shook out the folds ot her dm--nnd
gliding languidly to her mother's
boudoir, sank nr-on the luxuriant crim.
F n sofa by her side.
"Well. Vinin, what is your wish,"
said Mrs. Pale, stroking the brown curls
"Mntlu r I tun about, (o t.;ll you some
thing I have never dared to mention
before.'' Yinta began with flushed
I Why. child, what is it."
"Mother I am weary of the life I now i
live 1 want to do something l tur
tired of having nothing to do but re
ceiva and make calls, and cry over the i
last new novel, my mind wauls more :
substantial I'uod, it must have it, moth
er it must.''
Mrs. Pule smiled.
"What woitid you do dear ?''
"Anything mother, anything
fere nee what, but sjiiicihing
no dif.
I '"Only seventeen juto:i-i year I
I boarding school, and di-c lntente 1
' ready," said Mrs. Pale reprovingly.
!i the
dear mot !u;r. so .
! much the w-M'se. s i old .in I never
anything u-eliil yei
and Yiui.i
WCiil ilv.
" would the world
think Yin
i i ?"
"Tiie w irld may :I. ink as it pleises.
it is t.o in e I cm live m
idleness no longer; but I must go I
siippoSsi." she said a.- the hell r.oig.
Next morning 'i:ii:i arosn early, and
throwing open her window, fell on her
kt.eesand silcutly invoked a bles.sing en
her endeavors. She th ,n attired her
self in a brown calico dress, adding the
daintiest little collar imaginable, then
going to her mother's ruom, taprd
JiUUlW Ul tl.W ,lTOV.
' It's myself mother, my own
she cried laughing. "I just came to
inform y .ti that you ne.'' not come down
to order break last. I will do that; trend
morning," and away idie tripped with a
light heart to order breakfast.
Al! forenoon she glided through the
i hou.-c, doing ibis nnd that, learning I bis
; and that, her mo'in rail the time plead
ling for her "not to disgi;:?.- the family,"
but Vinia would answer with :i smile.
'Oh mochc-r never fear, I will trot my
j Ami so the time pass,-, ot;, raeh
forenoon saw that bright laee. brown
curls, calico dress an 1 ..i. .vv collar in
every p:irt ol the house. (lilting hither
thither, learning t'.ie io Meries ol bous
keeping, and house tending, which
every woman should know. In the at",
tvriieon the calico dress, was thrown
aside, but .still the dainty little fingers
were busy with sewing. Night saw the
sanic.bhie eyes, aud broivn curls in the
lull room, but less freijueutly than for.
Mrs Pale looked on and shook her
head solemnly.
" Vou yill die an old maid Vinia, no
ether way of it," she said one day, with
a deep sigh.
";; ;.to, mother, UO no. all will come
out rieli' in the end, I will marry vm'
i touid not formerly have secured,"
Vinia auwere 1 gaily.
Self willed little girl, we will hone
for the Lest, said her father cares.-'.. ig
hit! little gill lovingly.
But reader do not think Vinia had no
troubles. Oltcn she would grow tired
of the work she imposed upon ber;clf,
weary with her many discouragements
she would re-tiro to her room, shed a
jew buter, scandm r tears, then fall on i
her knees aod ask Ue'p iu this her hour
it i-ianii th-n fitttifn niul t'ltrt nn nor
of need, thcu return and take up her
work with a cheerful iinml, this !le did
till every duty became a plea-ure,
though some of her visitors tell off she
she erica, noiinanig into ucr moniors
... , ,
room one (lav, her taco was wrcaitieii
f miles, and in one band O.e h-! l a tiny
note, sb" ihrpw t1'" " tr ou l:cr mothers
Inn. d iviner nsb" did ho. .
"Head it mother, fi-n i it n id see."
She fiiripeil cailv ew.iv to die ki'ch.
"ii, smiling and too happy to sing as
Mr. v,V look the
note, and slowly j
nprnivr ' r."'id.
Il l.t,r: "T write now thi'
which i 'iiino-S'alile lor me to keep.
love von 1 Fivsi T loved vou f ir
vm tor vo ir
, , . r i ."
l)i':urv mvi n't' lrv ; now I lov
utv roi'i n'fi'v : now I love you
lor i
vour ill los'rv self deoi.-il nnd kill lues -
to yo'tr life we-irv narents. Vinia. mv
rni'1" ittt'" anti'd, mav T eomc very so nt
and have the t'h.visuve of solie'tiug your
hand of y nir re'ivnts.
Your ardeni film'rer.
"J. Lf.r."
Ti wis with a fluttering heart V'tiia
reeeiv('d J asner Lee the lies', evening :
and in answer to his anxious fUestious.
she slid with blushing ch"ok :
"Yes Jasner, yes, 1 shall be tn hap
pv. and father Mid mother also. I had
eiven tip all thought of wedding on so
far above mv present station in soeietv.
and if T have done wcdl, was it anything
but my duty
Few would have done so anyhow."
"Hut my dear parents, h iw can they
do without me !"
"Thev sh-ill live v.dth you dear," sail
Jas;i.r Pee kindly.
"Surely, surely. I have received a ten
foil ry.vard." murmured t he mppv nirl.
as Jasper fol iei her in his arms atid ki-.
red her bl'ishim; clicks.
Pra'Sf! Vour Wife.
Piviise your wife, man : fir pity's sake,
ivo her a little encouragement; it won't
hu-t her. SIv makes o;i
fortubl,.. your hearth bright and shining.
fond agreeable lor nity's sake, tell
!. th.,7,L- 1,,.,. tf.fhl,,.', m.n-n 'siirti"'-"1 familiar eye detected something
don't expect, it : it will make her eyes
open wider than they have these ten
years, but it will do her good for all that
and you too.
There arc many women, to. day. thirst,
iiiir for the word of pnii-e, the language
of encouragement. Through sumuer's
heat, through winter's toil, they have
drudged uncomplaiiiiiingly, and so ac
' eil.l "Ml. l'l loivt: lliriv Irvtb.,"., l.wUy.
'and nushands become to their niomiton.
oiis labon. that, they look for and upon
them as tbp do the daily rising of the
sun and its dailv going down. Homo
.every .lav mav be made beautiful bv an
: B'ir,er;-,tt,in of bo'iuess. Vnn know
that if the floor is clean, manual labor has
, been perl. irmed to make it so. You
, know, if von can take from your drawer
ee!o !v
er.i havo arched in the
toil of making it so fro-li and agreeable,
so smeiith and ht-'rvia. Everything
that pie ases the ey,. and the seto ha
I ' i'ii jirodueed by constant work much
thought, givat care, and untiring efforts,
bodily and mentally.
It is pot that many men do no appre
ciate the-e things, aij foci a glow of j
gratitude for the iMiniocrless attentions I
iirstowco unon tneni in .-lcUiies.s aipl in i
health, but thrv don't eouio out with a i
hearty V.'hv. bow pleasant you make
things look, wife !'' or. ' I em obliged to
you for taking ;;o niueh pains; They
thank the tador for giving their, "firs,"
they thank a irao in a full omnibus who
gives them a seat ; they thank a young
lady who moves along in the concert
room in -hurt, ihev thank everybody
out of doors, .because it is the custom, and
come home tip thoii-chair back and their
bee'- tin. pull out (tie newspaper, gium-
blc i
tlieir wif.. is!;s them to take the
baby, scold if the fire h is gone down
or, if everything is ju-t right, shut their
mouth with a sin ick of satisfaction, but
never say. "I thank you."
I tell you what, men. young and old,
if you did but show an ordinary civility
toward those eoniunn articles of house
keeping, your wivei. if you would giy.e
them t tie bundled ind sixteenth part of
the compliments you almost choked them
, wUh be,ort, nl wero Mlttrried. Icwcr W(1.
i . . 1
men would seek for other sources of af-
fectioti Pr.ais ) your wife. then, for all
the good qualities she lias, and vou may
i i . i . . . . '
rest assure. I (bat her deficiencies aro
. , , ,,
cjunterhalaneed bv your own.
..v.. ....
Wouldn't Mauiiy a Mf.ciianio.
A young comiiience I visiting a yo rig
wouian, and appearo.1 tube Weil pleased.
j One evening be eaded when it was quite
Lite, which led tne girl to empure where
he had been.
"I had to work to uiglit," replied the
young may..
"Po you work fora living?" oibjuired
the astonished girl.
"Certainly I am a mechanic," re
plied. "My brother doesn't work hard. a:ij
dislike a metbanie," and she turned
up her petty nose.
This was the but time tho mechanic.
visited tho young lady. Now be is a
wealthy wall, an I has one of tho best of j
Jr L:- Tl.. ...!..
WOilloil lor a Wile. l lie ouug iij n ii'j
disliked the name ol mechanic is now the
in wj(c nr tt nn.soratilo lool a regular va-
?r:1Ilt :,h.,ut vro.T-hopsad stf.. poor
!je.) to support hc;v
c"f and ebildien.
Ye who dislike the nntr.ivcf,,
whose brothers do nothing W loaf nml
dress, beware how you distrust men. whr
work for n living. Far better discard
the well fed pauper, and with all his,
lHiu UUU Ulll.' ll IflUG'JllliT- M J
pisity, a-ui take to your aoee-ions tno
cillous handed, industrious, inteiligcufj
mcelnnie. Thousands hava bitterly re
pente' the folly, who have turns 1 theie
lneks tilnnest indus'.ry. A few yeari
of li tier expei icnee taught them a son.
rus li s.s'.'i. To tliis c uuntry no man oi.
worn an should bo respected, in qnr way
of thinking, who would not work m,en.
(illy or ldi-.s'eilly. and who curl their.
ii,v with so.irn when introJused t-i hqrcl
w. r-:ius Men.
Too Vermont Ror.nnlrr fulls tho fol.
'o.ving anecdjto out of the hero of Ti-.
conderoga :
'E'han Alien was oue3 sued upon a
f.roiiiis.irtr fr.r HlTlr nnilndi nn.l
.ls it ns fV)t cr,nveil;ont fr him to meet.
a ju Igement, he employed a lawypr ti
lirocure a c intinuaneo. As the readiest
m aitis of doing so. the lawyer detertnin-.
, . ..,.,.. ty. j,,,..,.,,,.,,
Th" attesting
:,,.I i;.,.i : , i :
- ' - " - "
sibility of pr.'icnrin him would make u
e int.nTioee necessary. W hen the case,
was called, Allen happened to ba pr -cut,
and to his nstoiiishinent ha heard
the lawyer gravely deny tho &ignatnro
of the note. With long strides he niado
his wiy through the crowd ami confvon-.
ting the amiud limbs of the law, robtii
ked him in a voice of thunder :
'M , T did not hire you ti
come here and lie. This is a true uote.
W signed it, I'll swear to it, and I'll pay
ir I want no shuHling but I want time.
What I employed you for, was to git
this business put over to tho next court,
not, to come here nnd lie and juggla
about it.'
The e innsel of the plaintiff vas so,
imi.resv-1 with the teru honesty of lhi
old patriot, that he very readily cousaq:
ted ti a c oii'itrj inea.
A CiTvT AsswF.n. Some years ago.
a:i old sign. painter, who was very cioss,
very gruff, and a little doif, was rnga.
ge 1 to paint the ten cimmandments on
some I able is in a town not five miles
from Buffalo. lie worked two days at
if, and at tho end of the second day the
nastor of the church came to see how
tho work progressed. Th? old man
stood bv. s:;i .king a short pipe, as tho
reverend gentlemen ran his eyes over
the tablets. 'F.hl'siid the pastor, a
wrong in tne wor.Jiiig ot the precepts;
'why, you careless old person, you have
left a part of tho e mi'inndments en
tirely out ; don't you see ?'
'No, no such thing.' said the old man
nutting on his sneofacles ; 'no, no'hing
left nut where ?'
'Why there" persisted the pastor;
'look at. them in tho Bible; von havo
left some of the emiuvindrn'.nts ont.'
'Uel',. wh.. iil I havo?' said old Oh.
stinaev. nn he ran bis evo compbieantlv
over his work 'what if I have ? There's
more there now than you'll keep!'
Another and more correct artist wai
employed the nast day.
Ir.T.irs-rnxTiov of " too Qr.n
I to bKvrtx Socrates at an axtiema
! age. learned to play on musical instru
! ni'Mifs,
j (1oa at S;- y,-ars of age. thought prop.
er ro learn the irreelc language.
Plutarch, when between 70 and 80,
commenced the study of Latin.
B lcf.aeeio was.' , years of ago when
he eomteerieel his studies in nolito lite
rat tire ; yet he. became one of the tbrea
great misled f,f the 'Tuscan dialect.
Panto au l Petriroh being the other
Sir Ilenrv Spellniaii neglected th
sciences in his youth, but commenced
the study of thonj when ho was he.
twee.n 50 ind 00 years of ago. After
this time he bee imc a most learned au
tiojuanan and lawyer.
Colhort. tho famous French minister,
at 01 viars of ago returned to his Latin
and Inw studios.
LiHovieo. at the trreat ago oflL,
woto the momorie? of hit, own times.
A singular exertion, noticed by Vol
ta;re. who was himself one of tho most
remarkable instances of the progressing
ofaein the new studies.
Olgihy. the translator of Homer and
Virgil, was unacquainted with the Lat
in and Greek till he was past tho ago
or so.
Franklin did not fully commenco Lis
i,1iilosor.hifal nursuits till he had reach,
ed his SCth year.
Pi vden. in his GBth year, comraen.
eel the translation of the tW ; and
... ,
i , !s "?( v 0:,sl1 Pr0J,,ctwns W .
j '"s ar ''
. r.., 7',' T " x , ,
, EyIt thewi on a .Japaiiese don t
' , ... , . , ! i . ,
! s't't liim, he can send her back to her
i , . ,r. .
i r'uvii'.-, iiii't liy 1I..11U. i 1 1 .1 L l- iu 33T
all wives aro warranted in Japan.
t-7T wo little princes were recently
married in In lore, ludia. Tho bride.
j gvoom is aged six, the bride thrco
' A young lady yd-,'1 was rebuked by
j her mother for lis.-vlug her intended,
I instilled herself by quoting j,'i,;c passage,
j "Whatsoever ye would that men should
do unto you, do yo even so to them.
-U V : ro(I ix. Tf a young lady
j wishes t encourage lover when ho
j give her a Kjueczo, the thing she
j can do ij to repress hiie.
t-The Fre.mi i-ons of ji'exas ha,vo
issued an address, counselling cheerfi,'.
obedieiiee. to the United Sute uuthorl.