T II E E L K A I) Y 0 G A T E ELECTION PKOCLAM ATIOX. mmriirn'KAS. in nml bv (lie 23.1 S..rtinn of tint net of the Ccncnil Aieembly of I'eiitiHvlvania. pnsed .Tuly 2d 1S39, eutitlcd :.u a.n rclatins to the Elections of the ;oininonwesitu. u is ujoined on the Sheriff of every '"'Y'"'. !n Pnimsrlvnnin to CIVC llOtlCC ot Oil Rooeral Elections to bo bell in "aid Common wealth, and to enumerate in fuch notice the officers to be elected. In pursuance thereof, I, P. "A. Hays. .Sheriff of the county of Elk, hereby make known to the electors of said count? that an Election will bo held in the aforesaid county of Elk, ou Tucs .lay the 10th day of October next, for the electiou of "the foUciwinj; officers, to wit : Otic perstn for Auditor General. One person for Surveyor Ocneial. One pen-en to represent the counties of Clarion, Forest, Elk, Cameron and Clearfield, in the Senate of the Cnimoii. wealth of Pennsylvania. One person to represent the counties of Clearfield, Elk an 1 Forest in the Itencral Assembly of Pennsylvania. One Associate Judge. One Sheriff". One Treasurer. Tito Commissioner-1, one to serve ono year and one thiee years. One Auditor. One Coronor. The qualified voters of said county ol Elk, will hold their elections in the several districts as follows, to. wit : Kigblanl township, at the honnc of Levi KUithorpe. Jones township, at the house, of H. W. Hrown. Suriii2 Crcolt township at the house of Stockdale, Downer & Co. iliJgway towusuip. at mo ....... Fox township at tl'.e brave l ara tfchool House. li....Tii.r.M t.twtiKhiri at the School . ' . . . ., i ... i .. U011.se on 'Michael st, near Elk Creek 1 lirlif.'e. St Mary's borondi at. the- hou.-e of Ignalius Garner. t 1,:.. ilw. t...iur Alfred .lay towu,u.r .... NeiiczcUc township at the house of TLo. Ovirlurff. And I also give notice that every per son cxeeptiug the Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under tho government of tho United SUtcs, or of tho State, or of auy city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or othcr- . ....I.....l!..n .-fT.i.ni fiv ii.'ont. who h or (hall be itnplovcl under ttio J.e.MjLtlee: . Executive or Judiciary uiso, that every member of Congress", of the State Leo'islature and of thcselect nud Com.-nou Council of r.ny city, or I tion t urn tftUviH-iifn anneo, on the es Commissioner of any incorporated dis ! ,a, of Anthony Kuntz, lute of tho bor f riot, U by law iocapidde of exerei.-ing j J"'.-'1 o Sf- -Vary's doceased, having at the same time the office of Judne, I b Hr;,."l41, u t'"5 unrleisigncd. All Inspector or clerk of auy election 'in j I'01"01" indebted to .sji-d es'ato arc rc. this Commonwealth, and that no Inspee. I Miiested to make payment and those for, JuJj or other officer of any sueh i '''"'V' claims to present them without dection, shall be elignble to any offiec then to be voted for. And. iu aud by the 4th section of an .Vet, approved the l ')th day of April, i.oo, u ,s enaeteo nat ine , .section ofanaet passed July 2d 1S2!., en .tied '.o act rcla ing to the flections ol thts Cotnmonwea th, .hall not be construed M- l-V I'll III. tl (If IlllllUllV VJI liU UU'' I (r i ' tit n officer from serving as Judge, Inspector :CBU:!llM S1,eC,Ul CleC' tion of this Commonwealth. And the return Judges of th. re. ... t ... p . . .pcctive districts aforesaid, arc requtred to meet ...Hidgway the county Beat of TlTVjt ahVU WCMi lueday ot October next, then and .1 I-. .1 .i . i .- , nirio io ui.-euarge me uuues rujuireu by law. V. W. HAYS, Sheriff. Office Kidgway, Sept. 0th ISO") "w. J "hlakely, Hook.selleF Stationer nud deul vv in Fancy articles. (One door Sriuih of Esq., Rudolphs.) St. Mary's Street. St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of a writ of l-'iirie I'nciai issued uut of the Court of Common Fleas of Klk county, and lo me I'ireeted and .l.,lir..r..,l l i'l..., , ,. ...IK Ht the Conn limine ii. Uidiiav, on Muu- ! .day the., .Jay u( October next, at 1 o'clock ji. ra., the fiillowiinj described real c.-iato, Ij wit : All that ceitaiu tract of land situate in Jay township Elk county Pa., bun. did and described as follows: Uegin. .nin:; at au Oak stub, being the South East corner ot tract of land couveyed bv Jcoi'gc Thompson aud wile to the said Oeorge W. Iluller, by I'ccd dated 11th April 1 Slid, recorded ut Hid 'Way, iu .1 l k.,..i. r . .- .i . nu j'u.m; .oi, iiience .oriti tiloiig the tantern boundary ol said tract jno huud'ed and tixty pt-rchesto a Post being tho .North East corner of said laud, thence West along Northern boundaiy of said land, lii'ty seven nnd one half rods, thence South by 1'um through the middle of said Thompson tract, to (he Southern boundary, one hundred and bixty rods, thence East fifty beveu and one half rods to the place of beginning, containing tilty seven aod one half acres, and being ties East half of said larger tract convened by Cfcorge Thompson and wife, to said O Y . iluller. Having about twenty acres cleared, a one story aud a half frame dwi IliDg ho ise, log barn, and other out tuildiags thereon. Soiled and likuti ioto Execution as tho property of 'Geo. V. Hulltr, at the suit of Reel aud Vnver. P. W. PAYS, t 'Ml Jfili... ruv.iv Administrator's Notice- IETTEBS of Administration bavin;: i l.r,.n nnnU l; ihn nuUm-Hinr nn ETTEBS of Administration Imvlncr the estate of Ceo. A. Kien.te, late o St. Mary's borough, deceased. Notice tbcinlvrj. in-lJbte.l to said estate, to make immediate payment, and all those havinir claims npuiiist said estate, will present the same duly authenticated for net t lenient. FREDERICK K1ENZLE, Administrator liiihju ii'j Aon. 10M 1 8(14. 1ST of 0 rndd Jurors, drawn for October Term 1SG5. Rruiiner Michael Bauer Geo, Carman Hiram Dewalu Nicholas l)elo Georirc A Earley C- K Hancock Elias Mohan John Mvers John St. Mary's, l'cnzingcr. Spring ('reck. Hcnzinger Fox do do do do lo do licnzingcr do do do St. Marys do' do do Uenezett do M'Caulley Win. Jr Taylor Win. Sr Taylor George 1? Wonderly John Gross Win. j Kitter Charles j Sorg Martin j Schneider Palllus i llabetbnsh Xavoirius K,., j ;' Retger George Wamsley ("ionr-go .Johnson W.-illieo It I Johnson R-.ilph Jr I Moore Henry 1 pring-cr cck I 1ST of Traverse Juror drawn for Oo j toller Term lS'jo. i llrowii ,M.f i. i ox. t.rae.;c'i mirn", , niJ ..tVi ,5,;,,,,,, ,,:,, s. iiid-way, p.r(,k : ius jninv?, Jiy. U iyle .lolm. St Marys, j t'uok .Ioi'i'!i Sr. t'ot. Calalian .t.rpnii.ili 1 Fox. Cook .olia, I'ox. Cool; PiUiiel. 11-4. way. Cui.'O T. luihrway. fill liont'ziit. Hid'jWiiy. Liimavan Junius, 1.117. rriui- f,,,rr 'Vl..lllr' St eis X. I'ox. ! icil ind Oliver, y;eni-ztl, Varys, Uaidner . I!. r 'liariiie. Iieri.iii-r, Si. Murv; f'.lov. 1 ll.u-toii li 1:0: Jr. Hidawnv. Ileal v w. I , ..... , : ..,., Jacol) V. Kiil)Cny, lleindi-l Jno. lleiuiuger Hewitt Friiukliii K. Fox, IlololmusU Jolm Fox, limit Win. 11. Spvinj; treck, Hnius Jacob, i;eii'.'.inj;cr, Kyler Adoljilius, I'ox, Kyler Hays. Fox, Kelts O. 1'. Fox, Kern merer John, liidv.ny. Lewis Kills, Hen' ezcttn. Musier Sijuiro, Fox. Mend .Insiali . Jay, iMuvry John, Hcnezelt, Meyer John, St Mary's, Ferrin Martin, Sprii.g CrejU. l'lMulerpast Anthony, l!eii.injter. Fowell Jerome, llhlgwny, t'ogers James V. Fox, .Vosenheimer .loh'u, St, Mary's. Stuhhs Clias. d, Sehoming tievliart, St. Mary s , v; ,-..,1 1. Fox. Sliort Sampson, r ox, , TayiP jUnies U. Fox Wilcox Clirlc A- Fox, - ' -' u' Murv's. Wtllielm I . O HC.v Lutter.i of Admiiiistra "ulai' 10 ADOLPtI I'OCIITiMAN, M. Jary s, YAK Lo. l'a. June 1st 'Go. Gw. w TST of Causes set down for trial at J tho October Term, 1805, of tho E,k Couuty Comuif)n Hoth rlovm. Waher , b U l'n I f,,H ,, ,k "I II I, Joy ex'h ttr use vs, deo. II. liowers Jo g. , j lo ct u, n Q ,, . , : Jo.V lor use VS Geo. II. liowers & Co., P..1..1, i t :n u i. m . i . i . i .iiiu mil -i iuauuuui .iavuooi erai J. c. chapin vs David S. Luther j y ' ,e flt fl, j c Jr Mi'l'WraW at at vs Simeon c- . i J.au, ti ui V. Perry carter vs J. c. chapiu GEO. ED. WEIS, Prothonotajy DRUG STOKE Dti. C. It. Eakley & II. II- FKs-st.En, will constantly keep on hand at the old stand ot J)r C. 11. Early, a lull assort, mem of choice Drugs aud Medicines, which will bo .sold ut tho very lowest cash prices. ci-Potessional Calls "ill be promptly attended to, by II. II. Eessler. All consultation to Ollico busitiess, will be strictly attended too by Earley aud l'essler. Ivereoy August 1st PJo-i I lssni.LTIox ,-Xotiee is hereby given that tho limited partnership, here tofore existing between Theodore Palen of Wilcox, Klk county, P.'ni!sv!vanin, and James (Mark of Plain!) i ! I tli State of New J .-l-s.-y. f'i.-r the m uiufai tun: of hatlu r at Wilcox Elk county Pa. I -.l.l l.'irl iii.i ! it. 1 M.i .... I..,., 1 i,,..l.... .1... ...... t.....v,......,....., ,.,, ct,, -s.oi iljly of the ' st March ! i s:lii, entitled "An Act lelative to limi I ted partner-hips" and its supplements, ! ii i i , ,. ,. , '.. ,. : win oe unsoivej, limy ami Unaliv on ' .Monday ihe 'Jl.st day of Au-ust A ! : l')-i;llm said iiartnersl.It) thou cea.,inr ! and deti i iiiiniug hy the mu'.uil cuti-ciit of the parties. THKO. PA LEX. JAMES CLARK, ilcoy July l'Jtli 1 SlJ.". Consumption. A valuable treatise by a Retired I hysician, ou the iiature of t ousm,.,) tion and its various st.,g.w. tocher with rule, for sel ; treatment, ,,,,,1 lmiue ,,ro. sci iptions whicn have cured Ihousainls will be sent five ofehupge, to any one applying. It will eost y,n, uothi,,. all(J may be tho means of sas in- yollr ,ll0Ill.y and perhaps your life. Seuu au oddres. STKP1IEX JI AM LIN, M. D. 31 u ray Street, SI Vun- Y.rk Tit. Mjt.1, IT. 'i'..-. :, " ' United States Mail. Pennsylvania. , , I J'rnpnS'l It Will bp rCCOIVod at tilt! Con- j fact office or this Department until 8 P- '" of Inly 81st lSh. (to he decided 'on thu following day) for conveying the "'ails of the United States, from An-. ust ' '" ''line ..t'tn icu. on ,ne followini; routes in the state of IVnn. , fylvnnia. hy the schedule of departures iiUU iiiiitim 'iv.ii.iii t-irii.nn' 'i i m- others as will make the desired cornice t'ons tit the terminal offices. The proposals must be endorsed "Mail Proposals, State of Poimsylvaria," and addressed to the Second Assistant Post. master General, Washington P. C 1'ouTK No. 2740. From Wilcox, by Knsson, to Smithport, 2U miles and back, sis times a week. Leave Wilcox daily, except Sunday-, at 2 p. in., arrive at Wilcox by U p. m. Leave Smithport daily, except Sun. day, at G a. m. arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. in. KoirrK No. 2710 A. From Wilcox by Williunisville and Serjeant, to Clcr. inontville, 10 miles and back onjc a week. Leave llcox taturuay at Arrive at Clcrmoiitville by Leave Cleriiiontvillc Sat', at Arrive at. Wilcox bv p m. 7 p m. w n in 1 P- in. For forms of proposals, 'juarantv and . 1 I. . ' " . . - ; cer'ilicute and conditions to bo incorpo- 1 . . , . 1 . rated 111 the contracts, see pamphlet ail. veitisenii'iitH for conveying the mails in Pennsylvania, Sic, dated, 10th Novem ber ls't;:;, mid l,"th December lSiil, to be found in the principal Post (lilies. W. PEN Nl SON. Postmaster General Imformation Tree TO NERVOUS SCFFELU1RS, A GENTLEMAN, etirek of Nervous Debility, IiH-ompetoiify Premature De. cay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free tf ehariro,) the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used iu his case. Suffrrcrs wishing to prolit by the advertisers bad experienci mo possess sure rud valuable remedy can do so. y oddressing him at once tit his place of 'I ... lln,,,,.1 n,,,l l.tll ..,1,,,..,,. " ou-iness. I lie lceciptr.nu lull iniormu- lion of vital importance will bechecr. fully sent by icturn mail. Address JOHN 15. 0 5 PEN: No. GO Nassau S'reet, New York. I'.S. Nervous SulTurcisof both sexes will find this iuformatiou invaluable. (.3 moths .,si.iM,r..T i n: .n I niiu i oiiauio i.iiguies new Patent Piston. coiih.Ii.m ' ' it i AV .MILES OR liOitiNG i'Oil OIL -.1 T. X O- Portnlile Saw Miis, with Two Kotary Siws, ripgoJ for Saw ing any sized logs. ALSO 1 HIVING PIPE, Manufactured in Sandusky, Ohio, and delivered at any station on th.. It.iil ivoad, el; toad cheaper and better, than can be U tlP -.,lf',n,,? !',n',ld'Jr by letter the subscriber at Jtidgwav, O., Elk Co. Pa., or iu person ut So P, pllnjj trcck, on the Clarion ltiver. Win. Q. SWA UTS, July 1st ISO j. 2m. PJ. 4 DMmSTirvfoiTsrxOTIC Notice is hereby given, that let ters of administration on the estate of Julius Yombaumen, late of Henzinger towuship, Elk couuty, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, ufl persons indebted to said estate nre re fjuested to make immediate paymont, and those having claims auin'.t the same will present the name duly authen ticated for settlement to, . HEH.VAX KOCII. iJeiuingcr April l.'ith lSOl. EXECUTORS NOTICE. A herons, Letters Testamentary hav in- been granted to Juo. Stockman and -inioii i oentman, J-.xecuforn id the last t will oii.l . .o. ........ . i t .... ...ounntiii ui i.oieny rtockmau, ate of St. .Mary's, .lee'd. "all persons i knowing themselves indebted t t..;,l ! said estate uul make lllitllediato leirir.oot and those h.-i li .r r.l.,;,,,. T . -i ' I - . ilillllM tl io . same will pivsent them ilnK- amheuti. j cated f.-.r settlement. J Olio. K'O. WE IS, Register &c LI; SOLI TIOX OF CO PARTNER. Mill vVIMM. , , . . ' " ,v" . '"''coy given, that the . " 1 ;"'tl"'1"-I'ip heretolore existing uu- , '!' ""V''ll,!os "' Anthony Kuntz nn, .John ki-iiii-h st. i. , , . s. nas tins u;,'v bco" dissolved by mutual consent 01 1110 l':u'tK" AXTIIOXY Kl'XTZ. JOIIX KRUtiU. Juno '2d 'Oo 3t Pd. -Vll K.--AII persons indeliied to lato linns ot (., i.uln-i; ml S(.lu)lli (.o. iiro re.-pie-teltliciruccomits l,v ilie nrs. ol Ju'y next, t.iilu..- l.y ,.ul0 ol. ,;1lt.1.. wise, wlicn the aecomiK will ll.oi. t,e )t.(l lor immediate collection, fersons mdeUlod lo l ied Jscliu'iiinp lX (.- , WlU ,-, llvh. tw counts at Cemrcville until thu uljoo staled time. ,t. Mary s. May l.jil, 1SU5. NO 1' I C OP 11SS0 Lll f ION. l'.r,u,r. .ud JameM-uVk. 'ptui Cu,"' ol 'Vi'f-" Very solemn and im iu Hie basinet ot'TanniiiRat H'ilesx II1 Co i 1,IU,MV0 IJ'WCOPIKS ARK lUED Pa., m tUu iuy diolved l.y ...umal coaseui V i"-EKLY- Price ilO Cents : with vi-VfMi'-'-'''1' 'UE'' I UJ"e ' I'rident, :,U eents. Mailed FORWARD. Jtl .1 It V II ! ( (;() MARCH RIGHT INTO I'll Ml WAY ALONG .VAIN sntKKT TO Till- -kw m m Jl(l J It CI 1) I H s WMicre you will find Drugs, Medicine.':, Oil Faints, atui.su, Brushes. S t a t i o n u r y , WATCHES, WAURANTD ; SlIAKUWAItK, WAKKANTr.ll; A genr-ral assortment of Va rieties ami MitD z! i ? r o ' l'unev Sunns. in .n iiiiis T e - 1 v . ! Perfumeries, Albums, laiikto Nutius Lamp Oil by thv barrel l9 BJyc Stud's. I list I'll- nioiits ami Imjilemi'iit- partain-; inir to thu D'UUU bUSlNfcvS etc Pure Liquor.s, for Medical pur"St'S. only. BOItDWKLL & M ESSEN'G MR. RiJg'.vay, Aug. 17, '05. , - . OTICE. Whereas, Ltttcrs Testa. iniiiit'irt tii . V 0vut,.lfe 0p township Elk county .i... i i i , ,.i ... .!,,. fi:, ; VI U: U IIUVU I "J 1 1 ilUUIMi lO L l . i? VI OOV I I- mri . A illJobto, j, roqueted to in ike . . . . btol to uitl mcIt . U11(l t,,,i0 !,.,,,, cillilU3 , inst lhe 3am(J win proscnt ,hcm Juy authenticated lor uettloment to JOHN HA UIl. Ueuczett tp., Elk county A. W. G HAY, Jay tp. Elk county August HUli I8G.1. jTlt.VY C.Vrf LK Ca7reto""the towiinhi;., on or about the '(,' oV'.,j Viii '00- a ltd i white spotted cw, about 7 years old -since had a call, one red steer about I year old. Tho owner is desired toe nno loi-.vard. prove properly, pay charges. c , or otherwise they will be disposed ol as the law directs. I'ox tp. Aug. 19, -Of), GEO- FA EST. TO tUOVjl'MI'TIvTsT Sufferers With Consumption, asthma, Hroiiehitis, or any disease of the Throat or Luns. will be fully furnished, without charge, with the remedy by the use of w li eh t h o It i' v York, was completely restored Z nletelv restoroil m health, alter having suffered several years with that diead disease. Consump tion. To Consumptive sufferers, this remedy is worthy of an immediate trial. It will cost nothing, und may be the means oi uieir pertect restoration I'll, x nose aesirin .1.- -n . . diess ltev. EDWARD A. WILSON' inn same wm pteae ad. iuj oouiu secona street, Williams burgh, Kings County, Xew York. Post Office Department, ) Washington June 10th 18G5. f Furniture. O m n E 0 W If MANUFACTURER OF -Mo ill-in and in ii,ia I'm ni liii-t. KAIN STREET, IJ O O K V 1 L L E P E X N'A. i'to-a tetes, Sofas, i'iavans, Easy Chairs, Rocking Chairs. DRAWING-ROOM CIIAIIIS AllJ I pholsiercd ware of all kinds, also t am tlians, Caitl Rocking Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. Ucadstca Is, Tables, Stands, Jleaures. Light Stands, Wl'-l nots, Corner Stands, Wash Stands, Wardrobes, I00 keases. kc e. e A o spare no paios iu packing furui. ture so that it can be shipped tiny dis tance without being injured. lo not forget the piaee. "JIROW.VS WAKK ROOMS Dec. I'lth lMil. -tf. VV M IS IC--1"X EliTI 1 MARCH TO Til E MEM- wax ut -AliUYUAM LIXaJOLN," Die Martyr President, by Mm.' E. A TAli,klJL ''" '' tl10 l",l"llar composer , . .. iiuiiiu journal says : - l .ns is a line LRS N ' ll R.- adwiv, V Y. VALUAV.LE 1 OWN LOTS AND FA K.MS FOR SALll. Three town lots for sale, adjoining 'be Washington Motel. Centre street, in the Eolouuh of St. Mary's. F.Ik Co.. I'a j Likewise i't acres ol land, I ol a mil.' ! sou m (list ol 1110 liiiroilgli. lkewise J"'"" bundled acres of -nnd f.rai laud. I Iluee larn.s with jfoml lemscs and barn upon tliein. and likewise Coal of mi cx cellcnt (jiiality, the coal veins 4J feel i in thickness, with u jrood prospect of oil on 1 mo cicek, near Orecnvillc, Clarion Co.. Pa. Likewise one share i i a flowing well. in Oil City, and live interests in oil leases. A lso for sale a large and e.mi inodious Hotel in Greeuville, Clarion Co., I 'a. I Ft.r tfrms and other particulars apply to JACO.! SUHI FFEIt. at the Hotel in Greeuville, Clarion Co., Pa. I May 12lh, 'Or). I'd SI f0. NOTICE. "Notice is hereby L-iveu. that a iU.iiiiiiy ol Ihs were carried on our lands, 11. 1 Uennets Branch, iu Belli Z 'tte tof. iiship. Ilik C Pa., dnr im.' the hi nil water ol M ireh H'j.j with the fo'.lowino; marks, and htUrs: SN I!. ST J, IF I), LX M. Mil. rU W, II F .Vc. Al, O T T O. DJ in cen ter, A & S, diamond, hart, harp. A No two or three mirks that we do ut knov the meaning ot. The owner or owner thernof, ait rerptitvd to prove property, pay all h-gal f'l.i and take tliein away within tluee tnoiitlis IV nn Mmdi 2Stli. A. P., lsii., otherwise thy will be forfeited. W. II JOHNSON, WW! JOHNSON. April 28th. '(;.". I'd. St. L'lSor Fl'lo OS- rn.l'Ait I'NKllS! NO.'h:i;i., i.e;-,-l.y give'i. Ill i! Cn I'.n'i :r;i'- .;p i ei'.l' oro eti-i n iia 1 -i" nani'1- oi'r. halo I'o.. to M i "y s Fi- d S.'Iio'm'.i ; v Co.. til K'T- 'V, is Fo'ved s:i:ee ll:0 .lr-t . 1 n v of Aori! Vt in hi M :t t euii-fi.t. 'I'lie t k 1 and iic'i 111' I1, mm I d 1, i. 1 1 In, b I. ui, a !i ruiiljlislimenis w'!l li ft in Hi- oi' Cha.-. r Si. M irv's s..lilj IIK'M'.. I CIIAS. I.Lilll ! .i.vs. sn r. i:i Stir.it ! FitFD SClltEMM Mny, 13i1i 18ti0. NOTICE OF LIMU'EI) FAilTN III' S II . F NO 1'lCli is licrchy given that Tlieo lr. Falun. Iicretofora r I n .? :it Allecrany. Cat tanuigas County, li l!iu State of New York but now reeidmg-itt Wileiu- Klk C.'mity. State of I'ciitiiylvfln'.ii.' and .lames Clin k. resiJeiu-c a: I'laeiiiieM in the State of New Jersey, liuvj torm-d a limited artticrs!i' pir.-suaiii t.) Hi" Act of i lie General ssemlily of I he State of t'ennsylvania, pa-ed I lie li J si of March S W, entitled "n Act i-!ativc to limited jarincrsiii.s " and its several sup plements, for the. iiiaiiiii'ii'tui-e of Leather at y ileoj-iifm-.'sai 1. iip in i lis fo!!.wiiir ter'ii" ViP'.i'i '.rn'.-i-. The nann.' of-ai'l tirni to 1 , . ' '" ' '"' p-'n-r.il u iimi-j o. iho l.usiuoss ini'i-! icted is tlieiiiainilV.einre of leather: 'U The name of the Lreno)al partner i T'leod ne I'alen, n..w re-idinu ,u I" 'I'-ox af..i-.-,id .- lib. The ani'.unt of r-aniial eo-.ti ilmte 1 l.y the speeiul pai-t.:or James I hnk, in lhe eoiniiDii slock, i eifthtei n thousand dollars : :,th. The eai t- "U,MI11 's loeoiinniie fiom the n'ntli d iliy -ipi u .. u. lM.il. to the niiolid.iv of April i -Sd A-1. IKij'.i. Uaied at I mil 4 LITTLE OK EVUItYTIIl.VO 1 m relating to the human system, male and female; the causes and 'treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well and a thou sand thinos ticvT published before road the revised and enlarged edition of "MkHICAI. COMMON SkvsK." a emi. 0'is book .'or curious peoule, and a trood ii. oook ior every one. Illustrations. Price 41 HI pases. 100 81. ")'l. Contents - ii- . . ... .. ----- iaoie sent tree to nnv n. I. ma ii..i--a i ,,. , . , - . , '"- ' may oe nau at the book stores, nr u- be sent hv- ...:i t.i " . the price. Add-ess ... WJ ........ (iuji jj.uu on leecipi oi E B. I-'OOTK, M. D . 1130 Rroadway, N. Y. DORESTS'S MIRROR OF FASRCN yl'AHTEKLl- Jl'l'ltXAI. DU UA O M OX DE.) Circulation 4(1.(10(1 cl,... :.. 4v World.) Each number eontains larire and magiiifif i'tit Pashion Plates, splendid illustrations of all tho fashion ,bl, ni.l J ans novelties, for ladies' am! children's I 'ress, useful information, ami (ho liuir iiie-si.e 1 alterns, cut ready for use, etc I.'0! r'r"r' 81 "S'"-10 "l,iM -,s nt. uuil.Tll'-il ill .11111. , II -Mi, 11 i . .- nu.n of Pashions, No. 173 Ihoudwav, ! X . . " i Ill J II J- I'L K.N M i I A X I) V A f. I. Alii. E PItLMiO a ! ! ! racli l early i-tihscriber to V.i me. 1 o- morest s Mirror of Fashi,.i.s i, ....tTi .1 i .- ..... ! , . ttl"""u 01 W c-'"" worth of Extra i alterns, or a co f.'me. DeiiHircst' o . .... .-wmejo t uttitig Childi-eu's Pre y - .jo uius extra, tlie Indies' fcVs j Cl"l', , , . j i'or a clulj fo ., subsc-nn,rsat SI e.u-h ' i l Uese.it lersous. Arthur's r any ! oilier muaazine or newspaper for one I ycai. or a splendid Photograph Album. "i a emu oi lioiley s Ijiidy s I )i Kk' i or any other mau'tizine, or an oic an gut, or steel Lack Comb, or Side Cou.b A Club of 10, Mine l, Running Stitch Seeing Machine, or a1 Sell. tucking Attachment, or a full set of 1 Steel or tiilt Combs. i A Club of (j.j.a ne Wheeler ami Wild J sou's Sewing machine with Heimnti-iiii- I Self tucking Attachment. ! A Club of (J.J, asileiidiJ pate! t lever U old atoh. All the Subscsibers arc entitled to the I lirst picuiiuni.uiid to the getter up ufl the club an extra copy of'the M ii rr of i Fashion., for one year. ' Auy uumber ol 31 sub scni.tioijts ...ni towurd ii.aLiu.' no ..!..). . . i credited the same as if sent altogther. Rack numbers us KpneUncns sciit k faro on loeaipt of lj cents. ' U U U . IV Splendid torm fir s;jent. s "i c 4il: ' " ' 1 Administrator's Sale- ffV orrlei o I tin' Oiplians Court of ho "i-nnntv of Klk. in the Stale of I' ,T shall cpo-e to s i'e. by piihlin ven lm or out ci v til th'; Court Ibm-c in Hide, way, on Tui'sliv tho ill diy of January next t 1 o'clock P. M.. us the property of Anthony Meyer, dee'd. Five lo's in St. larv's, in the slid enttity ol Kik, known iislits.No nin'-teen (10 t twenty- one (l ) twentv eiir'it (i) twent v.t''it- 21 1 and twenty six (2l'i)on cro-s street. in trout, on cross street one liunoren (100) feet each and in depth at right angles two hundred ('200) feet. Terms of sale. one thirl of the pur, base money iu hand at confirmation of sale and the tesiduo in two equal annual instalments thereafter, to be secured by -I'ldnicnf, llond an 1 Mortuiiire ANTHONY M EYE Administrator of ANTHONY MHYKlt doo'J JOLDIERS IN THE ATIMY ; and our pcopo at homa We now olFi'iv: Ian op;i irtiiiitiy . whicli they can obtain a GOOD & DUit VliT.E TPIF.-PlHOn AT A VARY i OW FKMJIiH. ri n wiTur.s Ann 'V A R 11AM I'TO Kl I F TIM V. ONF VKA'.t n n I tlic buyer is ail'iw.'d tlie ''rivilee of Kx I'ltin itioii. nr.ro hi: r.ii'Msvr n urrniF.;) hnirrri'.l lin,!,r iit full R.i'ij .I'-t'.-ms, A fin i rhis H intinc Timi'-l'ii'iee of Siiver Minte,'1-'1 Aver whie'i is e'eetro. fnio plated Is K n ' in -mi .lai-alile wouirlit. m.il;in' the in. nut ion so foi't'.rps -lint it cannot h.i leieetel from the solid materia! tiy till most expei-'.eni-ed , judges ; acids will not ftf i't il. I. 'nn 1n nade move iient. iMIMtuV ki Ti"rt.-: in rrr.t. ri nv ai tiox. lin sweert e.-i'i.'l'. nn 1 !- n il to lieeseeM.'d ill C'tieral i ppear.'i nei". tit" is nr.rn.r.in.Y one of I lio ir.fT aii nci.r- ever olfi'-.-c 1 fir traders and iT :i : i - . .'noieers. Fpiifrrants, and ;ior. . it:.-: :r:. eilin, wiil fin 1 them superior I iroi v i.'-h.'r : a!ter:it i..n of elii.iate will not i!l'e--t ll . ir n--' iir.icy. Fr'. .-e, pae'.ed in ood -i'l-ip.' an 1 u'iod i-. inning or l'."-, only or ic !' ii f r sii.vt:?, DouiirintMi: ncNiiNa lkv Fits, !INT i.il'AI.ITY StIA'i'r CASKS', over n'.neli e'eeiro-line plated lSk. gold, sitaihu I i mir Improved Ilanl": and superior nd fns ed movements with "Stop," to lie used li limine; liov-es. ele. : bus Four.. In lees tor Wasliiiiirion and flreenwiu'i lifnc, sweep "I't-ond. and all tliu iniproveinents. All in all. taking its tie.iutifnl and laulilesii iip-P''ii!'.'HM.-e iitid it superior limvenient inta eon-i'ler-itin!!. we rea-ir 1 it n i1ieMe.lly tlia eli.'npest article of the kind in the market, l'l ice, in c iod rnnn:nj order, $ V) of case, of ti fur Sid). F-rrt'Wo nsk nn pay In n.lvnnen. lint will forward either of them lo r."-n'inil.!e Ji'ir ti ".. to any part of tli" loyal States, with bill pr.vahln to expre-sioan when lhe. (rooii i: . ...i. .'... , I,,. i,yf. tin. priril rire of eviiainition. and. ifn it satwfaeiory the watch ran l.e i-eni-ned al our vrpeii,- Tlio erpr.'ss i-ompanies re' . . e niakiiiK culleeiioi,-' on M.di.-r-. and oilier diilovtil Stntos. C(.n-ieiiieiii!y .--. sueh ovl?rs tnii-t he Hi-eompanied ,y il ,!, ,,, i,Mri, ,. lenlioii. We iiialie .ledtietioii of two l.irs on eillier w.n. 'i n.'ien t!lC paytnen in fill-warded ill ndvr,;-(. -I'Hi'y -nay be sent hy express at our ex pense. TIMS, fl A TWENTY .t CO.. H3 un I 8"i broud St., op, unite City Hau l I'l'ovidence. ' It I n NOTICK. Letters of A diniuisr ra tion have been granted to the under, signed up ,., the estate of Lewis Hurt," lato of Vernon. Oiioi.la cotin'v New York and formerly of Elk county' Pa , by tho Kegister of Elk county. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to tho estate are requested to make paynieut hi ii ii aim anv iiersons nnvin.. i- m-iu t . .... i. i i . . . . . . .. . " " ' aaiuM tne estate are reouestej ....... .1 ...i , .' . " 1 . to pto : u'u,u "'"icrsignei lor settle ' meut II. W. MAIIAW Clinton. Oneida Co., X. Y. Ridgway, J line 22J, 'tiij. ADMISTATOR'S NOTICS Letters of Administration have been granted in due form of Law, to the sub- seiber upon tho Kstute ol'Thomas Over- tuit' 't'2 u Heiiezetto township Elk j County, deceased, All persons having ' any claim aarainst said Estate, nro ro. j 'pJcste l to presetr. them duly autheut; i '-'utod fur st-ttlement. Any person ow nig the l-.state, are reitiested to make payment forthwith, ANN OYKRT-CRP Administratrix of ti-i IV YOU WANT TO KNOW X'l'I'It'K is hereby eiveu. that O'H Jaoolj S,-hrill",-r a Ivertisin- it, this t,-.. i i.i.',r. uu.h i tliu li.ni.I ,.f r .l., .1,1., 'P..-,, Lot.- mi l Farms lor sale, hano author!- ly to si li tho :I town lots and 'J.") acres oP I in and n ar St. Mary's ISorotmh. ai I am the sole owner, any" sale made of the samo on any part thereof without my approval will not li vilid DONEFATIES SCIIMOND. St. Mary's, June 1 'tj.. XOTIC'H. Justices of tho Peace and Con stables of the several townsbipa ol Elk county, tire reipicsted lo send their returns to ilie uudcrsigQCil by thj !h of June. LAURIE J. P.LAKELY', District Attorney Elk co., Pa. lLu.iiiger P. O., Jui)3 Ji '03. V.'IUSKERS I WHISKERS! Do yon want Whiskers or M&usfacho,' Our l . .. "r- lu "Iun 0,1 1110 smoottust face or c i n, or hair on bald lia.isi. in Six We At. ? l.HO. Sent by mail r.ny who. t, closely sealed, on leceint of urice. Address. WARNER i CO., Cox V3J Prooklvn. X. Y. J'.b." I'f.,!, 'z;,. -Ui.