The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 23, 1865, Image 2

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TIoruiMU.i: Octhaoi-: uv a Nimto
Jh- commit n ':ijie m ,i Ilr .jirn Ci."
Y'ur Aj-. We have the particulars
. i - i i i
11 a nornnie outrag-' coin:ii,Uc,l ley ii
'Ireedmeii ' Ironi tint S. hi; !i . (In Toes
lay morning, as Mrs. Jerry King, of
Pro-ton, Cliciiang j county, w is in the I
Held picking Let lies, she was aeco.-tcd
hy a uejro man, who cugai'rd Lor in !
conversation, alrl then ma
improper j
ovcritir. s to tier, which slii' :it once in
lij;:aiitly declined. l!e ncvt s,--i. mI her,
Van lie!. iii',' :i larje kn'f? and tlnv il-or
lo t;ib lirr to 'hi irt in'
Would accompany LI ill tn ;h.
Shi.' S"i :; nod and IV-esVl. i
knile with her hand, which va-
thrmijih her lin i
C l!ii 11 nia.
licr info lb -' w
Is, tellitiii her her erics
could tint be bean
Cijjnrdisliod 1,m heih-1, purple M,s.
Kit.-; fUiV'-cled iii -eae!.!!!- her hous,
hin slic aivc ii.- iidorn.atitiii to her!
fiiends :u;d iic'..libirs, vhi started in
pursuit of the in ;ro. 'liny lonnd him
in tho fit id near where the outiaec was
yp.-jK;t.i:.' I. ; ..'I ''rv'.-". h.y at
rtioo jT '; 'ii him. an 1 took him to Mr.
King's 1:o:Im wlcro ho was I'oily tccoy.
t!17. '1 li V .l is. ISIIl. i 111' DO
ro. wi
iiatni! is Jnlpi Saialivr i.-.Js. u is!
rit .i Norwiib, and by .TiHlici
l la-
CO'', l'.iily iMiiiiiiittod the county j:iil
The m'at) 1 jury oein in 'ession, Mrs.
Kins Was taken before it the satu.' day,
urA an id.'ei'mnt, f mn 1. The ncro
was shortly a!'
I'ncd in court
fore Ju ' je Uiuorm titnl a-.-opiatc
t)ip court diicelcd a jdea of not
s-hen !
to be cntrr. d, and ri-si.:ned I". II. Ihin
d!c a .-r.:iir-( I (or ih'.' prisoner. In the
f vr ni tip: he was r titi b:- )'i;:l-.t into the
cwirt, when, by the advici- of hi- man
ned, lie pic-id uiiiy. Jude 15u!..'i :ii then
sentence 1 him to the Suite prison lor
the tern, of fifteen years, retnaikint; that
if he had been bra iht up hcr.-i and in.
veiled wiih a higher decree of lespi.n-
nihility fur his acts, ho should sentence j
liim for life. Uut in consequence- of his
ipnonn; and his f'.rni?r condition as I
slave, he would let him off with thu
blinrlcr term of punishment. Thus, in
one d iv, was the crime committed and
the violated law vindicated by the cap
ture and condemnation ol tl.e guilty
wretch by whom the outrage was per.
petruted. Mis. King is a woman sixty.
4'.ir. f.,ovc r.t'-.m, 'I l.. -- - '
with tho 11 1th icgiiucnt having been a
servant of Lituteuaut St. John. Ho
claims to have been born in A irg'.nia,
and i-, about twenty ouj years ol age. .
L'iira (-V. V. OUrrrr.
An AvfK'-rtxn Si'kne On Wcd
l;eblay afteriii oii an old man, cane in
baud, was pas.-ing along the south side
f f ,Y:.shirmti.n strei t, near the corner
of Cuhanue. iu this village. He was
inging in'1"-', i-i'l
.arenilv i'.i dei
lation. On the ether side of the street the coiih i . f Cai), arine. in this vil
la"e was a reiurued soldi.'r, vh
n-rviiig the
the old p'tith-in. :
.wards him, j Jh.'ostin
riJ.t. 'Ihe ol.Kffipi.o 1
acre: S toV:l
as Mr. WriJ.r. .tie o!
i t not I
api car to hear
the : oilier, U4T'1 he was
,.v. vtakc.i ai, I saluted with a "how do
you do, Mr. Wright ':" 1
The old ..'cut hail' hesitatingly reaidied
forward bis hand which was heartily
ll-isped 1 y tho soldier. ; peeved iu.
4e,.iK in! . his face, and reolied :
"Well, I declare u have got
Kurt of ino thi time."
"Voiloiighr to know me,' Said
K.ldier.'-I u.-ed to work for you.'1
When '!" .-'ed 'Jo' "Id man.
r." : ail the vMi-T.
ure?" iu.i;iiel Mr.
"Are y
Wliere do I livi
I wl
s my uatiie .'
"AtUriar Hill, and your rime is
"W right." said the ,!!: r.
Well, tiiis is .-tniige ; how long did
you wurk for me?" the old man in
"A good many years,'
.e re-
"And vit I don't recognize you
"What is yj ii i,an:e :
"Albert Wri-d.t."
said rhe soldier.
Ai this aim Jiieemeiit t lie ok! mm
,,ropptd his cane and Itll upon the sod
dier s breast, e.e.aimmg : "My Uod .
s this m son Alo. it
The H-el.e v.h.e'l lo.lo'Ve I is l.eyoioi
description- I'"-' k" emhraced the
father. lUh wept tetiv.s of joy. 'J'he
old man danced with delight, and in his
torpsiehoreau feat tut a j.igeou wing
double chasse. halt right and left do
fC Jo ataman lelt and b i'iam e all, in
si style which indicated that he had
uite" forgotten his age or infirmities,
i ml exclaimed, as he wound up bis de
li.dited performance, "Wouldn't the old
voman give her eyes to know this." For
f.,me minutes thc two met uagoil in
tfu-sp immoderate exhibitions ot love and
, fTce'.ioii,aud then went ( IV together.
,j,i. ,itLitr:i .viirunl.
. r Come till America, Pat '." wiites
, H.uid tl'O Emeral Isle, to bis friend
j. Ireland.
Tis a gno country to get
i, living ni.
AI! jc have to do is to
l .1
g thrie.eoiinr.d box, and nil it
vol . any it tin tne tap o.
ti iour iitfry bui!di.,: and the a top
I'liMwhml Kveiy Saturday
in l. w. iiiimrTT.
Ridgway, Pa, Sept. 23 1865-
11 Te.tffi!,' the '" ;, 'i putulr'i riht m-imtiin
f'niH-t'tl h'j v-.r'ii tin'! uuhnhf.i hi, trim :
I V ).,.. I I..I . . 7-....J. I .1 - t
ii i n i "hi i 'i i i u i :i. i ,iii ti lit ii ii i j i n i- .
ao ion
m-'ttv im mil no h-tr floiU i'f
11 !J fas-iau St.. New Yoik
and 1 0 State St., Boston
S. M. PF.T'l ENGiLL ',.., art- the
Agents lor the Et,K AiU'fi'WfK and the
d ; in, .st inuuential and largest r .ireulatinir
! Newspat ers in the United States and
I the ( 'ana las- t hey arc auflioi izcd to eon -
! 1
!,,,,,...,....,., vm-i ti.' TiiMCKr
!Cul. W. W.I I I) WIS.
j Of Bwk Cm nig.
j 1MB SL UVKYi'll (I F.N CHAT..
! LMut.Col J. V. LINTON.
0 Cumliri't County.
" " " '
i i)!:Min:.Tic (WNTvimmmittix.
! Ceo. l;e!,iiison, Chttii-mitn. Hidgway,
Henry lierr, UeiK.ett.
Adam Jesherprr, 15cr.zliif;cr.
John C. MeAl'iiMer, Fox.
Spaiifiler, Jay.
Henry Warner, .lone?.
Charles Slubbs, Hiohland.
,1cr. . Elliott, Spring Creek.
Michael Uruncr, St. Marys.
j Sheriff
! James Malonc, of Fox township.
Associate Judge.
Geo. D. Messenger, of Ridgwny.
J. C Chapin, of Kidgway.
Win. A. Bly, of Fox tp. S years.
Louis Volhncr, o( St Marys, 1 year.
C. A. Wilcox, of Fox township.
Cot oner.
J. II. ,1 J.UI, Ol 1 UA. lOWIISUip-
r S'l-ritii :ni it
I forace, in one of his epistles we tniti
records, in the aoove language, the ad.
vent of a "ucwscrv
itude". To tne l'e-
mocracy ol jmk i-oui.ij, -!
would not recommend the adoption of
' Horace's words as a motto, for our ser.
1 vimde is old, and not only old already
i but seems likely to become still more
; a-ed. Eik county is part of the repre.
: sentativo district composed of the coun
ties nf Cleai Held, Klk a:.i Fore-t. Ac.
eor.'.in ' to the usages of the party here.
. i-,i ...i.. i. .i,. .iviiv ive
tol'ore. each county has been allowed a I
representative lor two yeais i.i s.o. i.
,t seen, to have
, d Clearfield
sion, but ai present imgl
.,l.,.n llie of li''ht,
claims an unUU-nwt-J s.r.., h. .
cause rsoit she has the largest num.
her of voters. Uo the I uinocracy 01 ;
Elk county Consent to this ? W i'l they
consult to yield their claim' toothers
merely because they it ? We
trust they are not yet so degenerate :
we trust that enough of the old Demo
cratic lire yet remains to forbid a cou.
cession to degrading. We trust that
I their rights, not to speak of their eandi
! date and his great services to the parly,
will nerve them to eoiitet to the la-t
' v'i -tits v.h'uh should never be yielded.
I .-
1 Ye; . day the delegates of the Coun.
! ty Cou .entioii re assemhled to take into
consideration the course proper to be
I pursued iu the present unhappy position
of affairs. The convention was almost
! unanimous iu ratifying the action which
1 its delegates took at the 1 ite District
! convention. Almost, we say, fur a
, BllittU part of the delegates could not
, ,( , Ut bc duZzloa ;,y thc gIaro of the
, ,h ;S, 0f future
, r
uouois, uj p.,.-cj i -'-
ty and of light. j;ut, alas; lor me
weakness of their cause, for not able of
themselves to substantiate their asser-
tious, they requested and afterwards j
,h ,n,iwltd that a gentleman from Clear- !
tieldeoun.y should, '..lighten the repre.!
J r '
sentatives of the pcoj.lo of Elk county
upon their duties in the present contest.
Alas ! poor Elk ! alas ! for the darkness
and ignorance which muddles the brains
of your benighted people ! Alas', that
straneers must enlighten yu;i ''in the
j way iu which you should go," which in
uinr words means that you should hum.
bly ask pardon of yrur ma-tors for hav
ing dared to oppose them and promise
for the future- ''to sin no more."
Thc assistance, however, which these
"ctilliMiieii expected from their ally
I'l,. m Cli.nti' Id H.i- not forth coiiii g. as
tho gentleman, uo doubt feeling tin
impropriety of his position, confined
himself to a few very general remarks.
The principal pnrt in this was
borne by a gentleman who claim1', we
believe to be a citizen nf Elk County,
but who, we think, has tint been long
enough absent lYom the halniv tliino of
Clearfield to divest himself ul' his love
for that county nnd its oitizens. We
trust, however, that a longer residence
I among iis will convince, him that l,ik
i county has men cnuugli who arc able to
I guard her interests, and to direct her
affairs without, the assistance-of those
I who arc morel v lledjlings among us.
I A G.Mr Cir.wcr.. Court will com
! inoii'-e in Ridgway. (m Monday the 21
! da , td" October next: when all t!ioe
; knowing themselves indebted to the
I A-'r'ic,(i office, cither for Job work.
I V...I-.. , i. . ...:u i i
! opportunity .d lorki;,-over T.'iose who
i 'v ' htmiii.-s tit p-mrt. can sen 4 tiio
iti'mcv iM'her bv mail, or with their
tieiohhor, sonic id' whom must necessa
rily attend as jurors witnesses &o. All
monny mailed to us in the presence of a
I'ost histcr, will lie receipted, lor by lis
wheilicr we receive it or not.
IIS 13
certainly liberal eiiontrb.
Our c-iti.fta were Fomewhat
astonished ou Saturday evcniuir. by
hc.vinsr the constant roaiim; of
the cannon, near the oil well of our cs.
teemed and eiiterniisiiiLf fellow eitien
Judge lhekinsou. On repairing to
the spit, it was found that, after several
months labour he had succeeded in sink
ing a well to tho depth ot SI 3 feet,
having but litt le or no eno uraircnient
but hi own persevering and fixed opiu.
ion. li is motto wo believe was, "oil or
tea," and we have the pleasure of say
ing that he succeeded in the former and
willingly abandoned the later.
Many false statements han "one
abroad with regard to tho oil nrosne.cts
of Klk county, but in tho present case, fJ'torial in a late Clearfield Picpublicau ged to bear his share of the public bur.
we wish to say candidly to our reader, w'''oh it was claimed that den according to his ability,
that no humbug or lying is necessary. 1,,,r the proper place and the con. I am pleased ti.ut t!i! Convention took
At tho depth of K13 fect. when in a vent'ou the proper time to object to Dr. action on the subject of equalizing the
sand rock, tho drill suddenly dropped . l'yr- bounties of soldiers. There is every
into a crevice of tho rock some 18 in. i lr. Ulakely explained the action of reason why the patriotic men who cli
ches, when a very strong tras was found too delegates at Luthcrsburg, showing listed in 1SG I and '62 should be placed
to emit from tho well. Tho drill was the falsity of tho Clearfield report and on an equality with those who enlisted
immediately taken up and the sand ,s" that it was impossible for them to at a later period. Should I be elected,
pump put down, when it was ascertain- ?et otherwise owing to tho secret organ- , whatever infliieiico I possess, official or
ed that a vein of oil had been struck. ! '"'"n of the conference, that orgauiza- ' otherwise, will be exercised in obtaining
Ilavinu the Tubing on hand they
.. n . . J
I imn.cdiatcly commenced to tube tho
j well, nnd in a few daM will without
doubt, be pumping (if not. flowing) Ironi
the bowels of the earth, that long smitrtit
I'os'Wa'tetiieiit " fabulous; to such we
would say, come and eoo toryo'uscll. In
our opinion the only cause of tlio oil
not :it (.nee flowing is. that when ihe
,-.-,.: I,, tl,e dei.tli of -131' feet a strong
siream oi was ,...i ,.....
continued to flow ever since, and con.
sequcntlv the heavy pressure of water
would prevent the oil from raising. If
there is anythiuir in seeing and smelling, .
. i i i . .lis.
we had a lair cnanco oj .u,u.
fact, and cheerfully say that oil has
been struek, to what amount ouly ro.
mains to be determined.
.y-Tlie proceedi'igs of the 'ate re.
assembled County Convention will be
found in this paper. The convention
fully sutmed the proceedings oi men
' !
eneeaL ., k . -.sou , ; , nf ,r, '
;. l- in!y t;l',ly bef he P' f 11
district as a caud.late for he hex I ;
j',,',! C0Ulltv, C3st his vote for the j
(( , 0C,,M." and" victory is certain to I
perch on our banner.
m m , , j
ASrnvsfir. Mix. The C-hinct of!
. , i i;.... t.;.,,.,.!f ia '
I resi.'elii. ii.,!, ...liiu mi.
ceriale'.v the stran-est "mix of anta-on-
Htic elements that ever assemhhid in
Cabinet conned, lint it nevertheless
sticks n "ether cither throu.'h "iucolic-
reueieb" or the hve of nower and plan.
" Secret iry Sevvird fitvs that John
Urown was -a ma:r i:i" the eaire of
human nature." while president J-.l.ti-
..... ..r.. l.;.,, -o, mo.-b.'v:-. a lobber. a
thief and a traitor."
How Ioiil' this house divided against
itsell will stand we are not prepared to
,,av, but the division being evidently
v:'rv great, the houso is bound to cone
lown. Like the military dispatches
used to state, '-it is only a questiou of
time. litp u b lieu n .
Fi om the Writ Branch Vocru'..
Camphell's 30,000 YVar Loan.
The Republicans are making a great
ado over tho Campbell subscription of
.?:10,000 to the war loan. This sounds
very patriotic indeed ; but their story
st.eis a little too so m. They forget to
tell the voters of Pennsylvania that t'.iis
jjciO.OOO loa-i yields Mr. Campbell an an.
nmil income of One Jhuusnwl E:ht
IhM Dfxr and that . ,. ot
....... imiii it in Hi,' mi i at tux-
atioii ! Who would desire money to bc
placed in a'bettcr way ? Tho Republican
organs know that the tax payers of the
State furnih this annual sum to Mr.
Campbell, that they are the ones who are
burdened with the' nation's obligations,
while tho holders of these bonds are not
obliged even t pay a fas toward the
support of the Government. Wo advise
our Republican friends to say no more
about this loan busincs, as it requires but
a word to show how far a bond holder is
entitled to special regard as a governiiien'
contributor. S'ic'i patriotic deeds will
never liquidate our uauoiui, but
extend them " 'h ",'' .1
1,1,1 . i -
Delegate Meeting.
The delciues cltcted to tli ; I) nn
cr.uic I'oiiotv Convention oi c rin'y
reassembled at. the Court, tloo-e m
UidL'wav on h'i-'ub,y the 2id iti st . pur
snant to cad .1' Hon. (je . Itickinsoo
Chairman cd' the county committee, tor
the purpose id considering the attiim ol
I lie delegates ot Hike un y at il.e l!epr.
scutativo colifeicnce. heid at L'ltlters
Imr on the 1st iust. 'J'lic O"iientioii
oi-airzed by the oiiL' otrieeis titkniLr
their scats ; tfdward .M'Crpad Ks'p, in
til'" ('hair, and W .lames lS'ak.dy and
II 'J'. Kyler, Secretaries- The rhair
man bavuii: stated the object of the ie
assembling of tho o invention. Jacob
M'Cauley l-.-t( , fif Vhx jiie-eiiicd the
lullowinir preamble and resolutions :
ll'Acvas, At a meeting' held at Ijii.
theisbui ;; by the delegates iippomted by
this convention, the lo'lowing preamble
and resolutions were adoptu l.
W'u rin.t. We C 'tisider that tlin office
of lippresentativc belonos ol libf to
Klk county, lor the present and coming
year an I H'nrca, A'o liave sent t iiat
it is tho intention of the delejires of ilui
other counties to lorcti no in the iJi.tirict
! ? C!,".,,,t,a,.' "n.telul '-'very respect,
i '.' XUU! l" l"C(1-us promises Hereto
fore made to tho contrary, and in niitu
oi an coiisioerations ol Honor ana lio.'i
esty. therefore.
Rrsilcfil. That having placed in
jn .initiation Itr. C. . Iv.r'cy of Klk
c jiinty. for the ofTice ot Itcpiesentative,
we heartily rccomiiicnd him to the sup
port of the people of ibis district and
I (Ized ax, Those delegates have re
quested the democracy of the county to
suI'l""'t tllL'lu ,n thc:r action, therefore
. ';,v,' That this couventiou hear-
' c"icide, with its dclerjtes iu their
"(-',io" in nominating Dr. C. K. Karley
office of Kcprcseuta'ivo and does
: ',Ciirt-'l recouimend him to tho support
hi inu ue.iiocraey or inc uisirici.
John (jr. Hall Esq., opposrd the reso.
lutiotis, and at his request Mr. I. W.
Moore of Clearfield was invited to state
the ieuliiigs of the iJemocracv of his
-'ouuty, Mr. Moore read a portion of the
""" "ving been made unknown to
,1 II.. 1I I. .... 1 .1 i , ,
mi;.... im. uianciy requested mac ( reo. ;
A. l'athhin bo invited to state the ro.
suit of his observations in Forest conn.
. , ..-nib auuoi.ou
ty, wnieli "v , 1
o'l the resolutions as read.
Upon the q.iestian, shall the rcsolu
tions as read be adopted ? the yeas and
nays being required, the vote stood,
yeas-nine, niys-threo.
Mr. Hair of lienezotte subsequently
requested that his vote bo changed,
making the final vote, yeas-ten, nays
two. On motion the convention adjourned,
sine die.
EDW. McOltE U)Y,
11. T. KYLEU, ) Seeiotarys.
' Letters of Acceptance from
j Cols Davis and Linton.
The following are tiie letters ot accept
! auce written by Cols. Davis and Linton
in rospons.i to thLM.irioiul ;:ittilii!utioiis ot
their nomiuation. They are b .th unas
SUU; , , s!y,.. ttIlJ commend tl.ei,
UR'U ;
iuiLLsiun., i w.m
tltlUUI- i'lll( .-yj'Jt J
G ksti.k.mes I have tho honor to
iiekn.iwl.; I the recentiou of your let.
- ; , . '
ter ot the 2oth instant, at.iiounoing my
iiomination as Deuioer itic candidate for
Auditor General of the Suite. Although
I the position was not sou-lit for by mo,
1 accept the nomination, and tend -r my
j thanks for the compliment thus paid me.
! A decent respect for the opinion ot tlu
people of Feunsylvaina, whose suffrage
is solicited, seems to lerpuro a trunk
'. statement of my views.
I I was opposed to sec. ss'.on, even wh::n
simply a politic if .login i,
,lv a politic . I .login i, advocated at
hustings and at the forum; which is
i.ioved by n,v subseq .eut conduct when
it had ".own' to arme l iiisurrc-tiou.
I am opposed to negro suflrage, as
every white man should be. Nature
J . . . ...
has erected a barrier against the wo
i',ij ni.ivinii' Ain-. I rwklirii'.il ru'liW i'l
the same commuu-ty where the approxi- that if they should ever make their ac
tuate i numbers as iu thc Southern pearauce in our markets a j.iin. it would
. i .i i ..i.i I.,......... .
States. San Domingo is a gort casj
iu point to prove the" incompatibility of
the two races exercising equal puluital
privileges in harmony. There has been
f.i i ...Vr-.M l..n-,.,e, fh.,
negroes and mulattaes since the island
has been in their possession ; which has
been uulv a struggle for the ruhng in- hftween the i.ure Aliieau and
IIIU Million ,uu ....
mixed blood. If this people, ol the
,. r..,. Lot of i different c isle "an 1
I :t'nu m; ;:
the i
are we to suppose would bo the condi
tion ot things when tho negro comes iu-
to compction with the pure t.'aueasian
in the stru -de for empire iu the South ?
The founders of our Government i.iteu. i m our mai Kct nave noomieuity iu ot.tain
ded that the white should be the gover- i ing all reasonable taoilmes for the re.
ni,." race in this country, and it will be uewal ot their bu.iuess. Most of their
calamitous day for both'people when the j purchases, ho-.vever, aro for cash. 1 ho
black man is given the political fran- promptness. with which the old cummer
chise and entitled to hold office. I am ! cial relations nf the North and South
opposed to any change in th". Stao Cou- , have been re.umed, otters most lavora
siituiiou in this respect : and deny to hie augury of the speedy restoration of
Cungiess all rtgnt wuareer io u me
quahlieatiou for suffrage hi any State.
I am iu favor of President Johnson's
P ,li. v of re-l , ring tne ."laics, lately
rchclhon. Infhnir Miikfifiinnn i.l. um
-ions. I cannot 4,lt that their nidi-
.... ces u sec,,, ,,, u,K any ot t.iem on
. ........ . . , ,i nrinci .in. . . ..f. j .,,i.,i i,,'MM ... Miii.-.i
tunctioiis. I).it u nl not destroy th.-ir i len.
tity ns States. Hence the a, in i
their political siL'nilieation. not having
been destroyed, they need no rccoiiMruc-
Hon. but. simply to be restored to their
reciprocal ruhts and duiies; wheu
the Cnion will be made whole as before.
Whenever they shall f, nd repres..,la.
tu-es t., C.,,,..Me-s who an, qualified by
the t (institution, mid the laws ol tho
, cetive lates. there is no rihtful poiv
t in that body to lelme th.ur admission.
I appraciate the peculiar and trying
sitii.iii'.n of the President, and think he
should he treated with foi bearatico by
nil parties. His ..Ian i.f restoration
gives evidence that he does not intend tX-dohn Hull, conversing with sr.
to ionore (he ri.i!its ol the States, and Indian, asked him if ho knew that tho
he led c tp'ive by th radical doctrine of sun never set on the Queen's lUmiiniov-T
consolidation. j "No," said the Indian, "po you know
The Convention did wt 11 todemand an the reason why?" ak0d Joim. '-Bc-imtnediate
and complete, restoration ot cause God is afraid to trust an Knirlish,
all civil tights in the loyal States. If man in the dark," was tho savage's
there wi an excuse for withholding . reply.
them in the days of rebellion, then c.t- .-.-.-.-. . --
lainlycan oe none now. ou say to the
I' firmly and kindly, restore to
the neotde tlio hulmin rormi.t nnd
tri il by jury, as fully tH they wcrj en-
: ii .- ., . ., " , , i- i
jovedhclorethe rebellion, a id a!o :sl,
mil, lury courts except for the trial of
persons in the naval or military service
of Mi,; United States. Those tilings are
, i ... .1 i... n .'..:..,
u.iiiiii;., iu in.; uv II. r .o. SI. ill-
,-, I .;,i i ii- ,i .'I,.-.-
n - , una ii i. .i.i.nuiii uiuiit , ii.ui.;n i. in
spirit in the I'ict. When we ask that,
they be restored, we only demand what
belongs to us.
. T am in favor of the most riuid system
of economy in the administration of pub.
lie affairs. In view of the heavy tasa
tion there should bo enrrenehment iu
every pos.smic way. All ulticers, civil
and military, whose services n state of
peace docs not absolutely require, should
be dispensed with; and our system of
taxation should bo so umended and1
equalized, that every man will be obli-
justue for the early defender of the
.1 . ,iri . .
uovt-rtiiliCTt. V liatevcr honors otliors
may have acquired in the contest just
f&Wrti till' !iniBtC.?d,dv;n, wJjj( bore tli.
is entitled at all times to our considera
tion and gratitude. .My past history is
sufficient guarantee that I shall not
overlook his claims. I remain very ro
spcetfullv, your obedient servant.
i.f. mat of cot., jn'o. p. linto.
Joti-.-sTOWN", Fa., Aug 2'.l, Tio.
tiEMhKMEX Your favor of the 2o:h
iust.. olheiaily informing me ot my nom.
inatioii lor Surveyor (general "by the
Democratic State Convention assembled
at llairisbuig on the 21th iost ," has
just been received. i
Nut ouly was this nomination unsought
an 1 unexpected on my part, but h id I
been consulted beforehand I would have
urged my friends not to introduce my
name into the Convention. Any hesi
tation, however, in now accepting,
might be construed int.. a want of an- i
pteeiation of the distinguished honor
conferred by the Convention, or a want j
id faith in the principles promulgated j
by it. I certainly feel neither. The
importance of tin posilio:i would h-ivo ,
been my chief reason for not soliciting!
it, and tiie resolutions adopted are but a j
practical appl'fl.ui ou to. iistiiigexige.ieies j
ot those ca'dinal principles which I have j
always conseiously maintained.
Accepting, therefore, this nomination ;
and it responsibilities, I lvuuiii, I
Yours trulv. !
Southern Traih- an l rayrai-nt
.. . i i r . i .
of OKI Debts
The prevalent i.L'ii that the Souih.'ru j
: mercli itits-wore roia.ij ru.ue . uy u.o (
war, seem to oj a,. , . ,
, much as th-y are iu the Northern mar-
j kets this f ill iu great numbers, and h ive
e )"ie prep.ired, not only to nu.;e new
purchases of goo Is an l p.y lortoooi, but j
1 . ..... .... ll,. t i.,ir .l.itilj n in.
a""'"!" ' -'-v " -
'. triictj'
ted betore tnc war. iiwassuiiiioseu
j oe 10 wj "V , "'-i ,
I on the contrary, they come, cash in I
! hand, to pay their old debts and open !
novv aeeounts. New 0;lo.ius Savannah
and Mobile are reported as likely to pay
-0 -f;-;;"-
old obhg. ti. ns Uwi kstoii . ty, m.
1 ho lact that this is done pio;.w con-
clusively that, m spire or rigi i meas-
i - . .
ures taken by thc rebel government to
drag all the resources of the people into
the war, they were only pai'tially s.e-
cessful, and that large ani.mut of Wo.u
were ho.trilcJ and kept for luturo eon.
tingeucies. . ..a. .., eousequnm
of this payment of old del.U, Southeriie
peace aud prosr, lity to the whole coun
try. Commerce is the grand solvent of
hatreds. It will do far more than bay i
nets or niartrial law toward obliterating
11 . .
! ,, vin ,,.,J ';: YXZ :
, C,M co operation. The mild ,.,
n.-mocrutic i.olicv nf il, i.,jj.,, :
t'l in'rinc
..1 i - 1 .
iiiiiiiii ii liirficniit t)i,i . i - rr '
this fall.
fThe. New Y-jik Indipendent has
! the Jollninc frnM a mother : -,
; "Dut, did 1 tell yu what a timo I had
. with my little Joe'!"'
"N'o. what is it ?"
"Why I was showing him the mnr
lyrs, thrown to the lions, and was talk!
make him feel hat a tcriibh- thing it
was." .
.... ' " iiimi vj II I 111 II 1 IIIL' in
Mn u-i i.l In, nil ..t ( 11, ,
,1.,. .. . . - J
i.i'.k ar mat poor lion, way behind there,
l,n I ' '
i ' '.'.i il l I .
I ASrili , .11. V.
1 .. I) ';.C- i1- n'"'-v' is (,H'e,(''1 10 ,he vo,e of
""' 'Ictnct, comnoscj of tie cuiiiilic of
at,u,iela, Hk a..,l Porct. , candidate
represent tlio srid District, in tho next
j rMP T,. .,,-..
I t"u
i ....1 , . ..
"r.iire amhoi-izcllo atiDouncothe nauio
.UK;, of S:. M u-v's kiiraiiTli. n
mi ml.priiilrnt candidate lor the oflico of
County Treasurer.
1011 SIIEUIi'F.
I FLMMV I itizkns: I offer lllVS.-l
to your consideration as an Iiti,nri',i(i,it.
(' II. !.... 1 .1-- 11 . r.. J.
v...uoi.iuie ior me omco oi onerilt, and
if elected, will discharge the duties of
the office to the best of my ability.
N'm. J. LEAHY.
I'OX August 21). '(),.
Is the only preparation of the kind made
from the fruit. As an article of ccono.
my, purity, and deiieiousness, it cannot.
be surpassed, and is recommended by
phy-icians for invalids and family use.
It will keep for years in any climate,
while its condensed form renders it es.
pecially convenient for travelers. All
who use lemons are requested to give it
hot sale OV all lrugirisVs aim uihi-emsa
G rocers.
Manufactured only by
"i40 Fcarl Street, Nciv York.
"itch! Itch! Itch!
.Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch
Wheaton's Ointment
Yv'ill Cure thc Itch in 43 Honrs.
cures Salt Khcun-, Ulcer.-. Chil-
blains. and all Eruptions of the Skin,
IVica 50 cents. For sale by all drug-
liy sending Oi) cents to WEEKS &
POi'TEIt. Sole Agents, 170 Washing
ton street. Ih.s-.m, Mass., it, will bo for
warded by mail, free ot postage, to any
parr of the I nited States.
Sept. 1Mb lMio. Gm.
-a B5
CsJ at this 8t. Mtv' Hook
a p.,,,,,,,,,,, in Xcw
Y,,rk. Huston and riii'udelphia. a well sc.
K-eted stook of SCHOOL BOOKS, suitable
- - - - "
for all parts of Elk county nnd portions i.f
the adjoinm? count uw. Te.vdiers. School
; l.ireoiors.aud ,h. pnblta .e invited, o can
;,ic w,liil(J )Vj:n -lie pllblisUe fr t
i nm ewxe to sell low. A liberal discount
made on nil jnircl.ases of $10 and upwards.
St. Mary's Sept. 1 lib 'i5.
NOTICE The undersigned-, Deputy
Collector of Internal Ueveuue tax, of
the PJth District, will be in Itidgway,
Elk county Pa , on Monday- & Tuesday
the 2d and 3d days of October, (Court
week) to receive the amount of Taxes
due in the county for tho year 18(J5.
B5Trall at tho "Hyde House."
P. FORD, Dept'y Col,'
Sept. lulu r 1 P.h, 18V.