The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 16, 1865, Image 1

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    iavbTe j. elakely"
AT 1..WV.
KiJg v.:v.r .istiipi J'. . K'.k Co
A i i
T. A 15 K A M S
u H n l. v A t I. a w
look h i vex. m.
Attorney's nt Daw, Kidgway Eik ouii
iy Pa.., will atu-ir'. to all profession
business promptly.
" cUaTln- wn.iicTl.
Attorneys anil couusi lers at I. aw, O'JicC
in chapiu'n Dloek, Uidgway Klk Co. Pa..
Particular attention en to coilict'on,
nuil uli uiouie;- promptly i . ;i: it : cl. W i 11
uko practice in adjoining c untiis.
j o if n giT aTiT
IHtlgwtiy j )k (-'utility lVnna
tit. Marys 1- lk . County 1'a.
."" lrTwTw. shaw
J'ractices Mcilicir.03 o -Siirg-M'y
Contrevillo hlk C . I 'a.
drTs bo xi d 'w ELL
K cikciu' Physician,
'Eaielv cf li'arren e.-,m:y Pa.)
Will promptly answer f.U
calls by rivdit or day. Il;
door East of the late reside
idoiice one,
cc of Hon.
j. l. ran;-.
DP. C. 15. Kahtxy, K hi soy Elk
Co., Pa. Will attend t.i a'd call
niiilit or .lav. July 'Jl, 1SU.
jon.s o. vor.TtJini.Li'. ;'.''-.
Kidgway, Klk Comity p-nn'a.
Kasle Motel
Eutlier.sburg, Clciriiold County Pa.
gf&-Freurick Korb Pro) ri-.tor, hav.
in" built a largo and commodious house,
is now prepared to c.iior to tlie wants ot
the traveling public.
Euthersburg, July 10th p-tOE ly.
LV Til Eli SB i ll G II 0 'IE L ,
Luthersburg Clearfield County Penna,
. V.'ILLIAM SC1IWEM. Pr .pri. tor.
LutUcraburg, July T,i V tf.
Corner cf 'Peach Street and
the Buffalo Road,
J'J 11 I t: r A .
EN03 B. HOYT, Propiietor
to-TliH House UliCv and li'.'el up
with e I'ucial .ue for tbe ciivctiieeu
and eomf Jit of -utsu, :it m
Efcooa r.DLisi aiia
lent.! rmet.
EXciiANGK non:i7""
' v&.Thui bonne is i-:: i"y 11 ' 1 1
the bank of Ihe Clnrku, in t . i r l"v,;' ,:'
lf lllC town, M Well lil-Ovi'U-l tl.ll i'lJ-
rjjiu auJ stabling, und il:e pru
Kiiai-fl no naiad U veiiJ.;!' t'i'J
U'4'a pltiisaiit and jigvt'uaV.i'.
liiily tail July 28, 55 .
II Y 0 K J l ( ) U S 10
T5 ft v t v r. T n n k M " it l
Proprietors ;
lliJgway Klk l.-;rif.. j
OoaNEE or Market and h-T't. j
Vim ;;: I I 'a i
4jKO. N COLUPKN, Pu.-'.tir.T":t
isT. Mary's Kmc CVumy J'i.nna,
M. WKLLKNbOUF, Pn n'r.
IJ. UKJOXV, Proprietor.
Omnibus runoing to aud from the IVpot
i'reo of charge.
"rooiuiE.i uorsH, -Main st;
jUlirookville. l'a.,(J. X. Krctz. Prop r
This bouse has been refitted aud furnish
.."I iu a neat etyle, and is every way
adapted to the wants of the public.
IJ IJ S I X K & H (J A 11 V S
WOODS & wniciiT
fjocic Havkm, Cm.. sty Pa.
IxKALKUSin Plour, Grain and
j Feed near the Pa.-seuer L.:pot
Kidgway Markttrf.
Corrected weeekly:
Applea, (dry) bushtl - -
Buckwheat " " - - -
; 1 on
1 W.)
j 01)
'.:., 12
) no
1 3t)
10 00
'oru "
7 a
if ' ill
I VOL. o
j J;((AP. This great line traverses
the Xnrthern iimi .Northwest counties of
Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, ou
Lake Erie.
i It lias been leased by tin1. ' 7 '
I )'(' .(?)' lu'ud vumjHiri,', and id opera
! td by tlii'iu .
I Its entire Icncrth wos opened fur pas'
j siMicr and freight business, October
I 17lb. lNll.
A T iU I ni WAY.
1,1-n ie Last icanl.
TI;rou;;b Mail Traill 1
Oo p. in.
u. in.
Li avi'. stu ard.
Tbrouuh Mail Train 12 3o p. in.
I AccommodHtion p. 111
Pa.-si'ittur ca:s run tlirouuh without
J cbanue both ways between Philadelphia
I and Erie.
j Kt.K I EXT Sl.KKl'l Ni OARS on Kxpres?
I Tiuins both ways between Wilhamsport
I and i!alti;nore, and Williamsport and
' l'liiladelpbia.
1'or iiitoruiation respecitius Passcnarnr
j l.'ii.-iii"ss apply at the S. K. corner 'Mih
. and Market Sts.
And for I'l-jiht business of the Com
i pany's A'ent.s:
1 h. li. Kin .'.-ton, Jr. Cor. loi.h and
Market St.s. Pbilad. Ipliia.
J. W. lleyindds Erie.
MMJrowu, A-eut X. .'. 1!. 11. 1U
timoie. II II. Horsro.v,
(.'in'. FreiyfU Ajt. I'iii'a.
II. W. Gmm:k,
o'ciV. Tickrl Ayt. I'ltil'a.
Jori. 1). Putts,
Omcntl M'lnnjar, Wotuji't.
.ST. ,1,1J l ELK CO., PA.
Deiili'r in
Clothing, IIaiJ. .! Mun's l'uruisliins Goods
VAl'i;il fTHIlr.r,
Lues llwv.s, Ci.i.vrr.N Co., 'a.
A 1) Oh V II T J. MM
Soiitr il-?, l'lli. t'sntiiy la.
i C'-j"' Ictifval Maiuil'.u-t-.i.vr of Wajj.jiM.
; llu.'.nies Ac.-A I.SO I'ni uil'lre, 'uch as
j lleieaiis, Table. Staims Iie-!t vl - and
j Chair.-. All kin 1 of lUpa'iv.i dune at
J reasonable rates.
White. Yv'e
Af.-"cinl,- .(';'.',
V. F, liiM. kwav. Jay tn.
P. C. Sel.nli?.e,'St. Mary's,
P. Y.
Il.'vs, Ilidwr.V
P, 'iiiriiilfi,i, !:. ntvl
e Ml. W'uU, !; v:iy
ji.yti i'-t Attnr,u -j,
lll-ih. ly liid-way
T l il itll rl',
.s 1,'ibr. Si. Mary's
rmiiiti .S.i"i'''"'-,
re Y,';d'iisl.y, St. iMarys
1 tieur.
C!i:irlesYei-, St. Mary's
. !eo. l'i'.'kin;
Joseph Y. 'I'avlor,
A iflitors,
11. T. Kyi. '-, i'x
j Jacub McCauley. Pox.
J II. 1. Herr Uenezett
i Cc al Lands For Sale-
I rjMiE subseribt-r oll'.-ra for tale tbe
Coal privilege, with the ribt of
I mini, il' and other minerals under 4'.l;i
i acres ol land situated in Vox tp., liar
tie'.d Bounty Pennsylvania, within 2
i miles of the Uid-way & b iwurit U. It ..
which coune ts with tbe Phila. Si Erie
' 11. It., at Kid j way, with a six loot vein
1 oi niniminoiH Coal upon it, which is
! now commanding Mich enormous prices,
j lor manufacturing purposes. Por sale
cheap, terms cash, k ood title "iven.
! Por l'uitlier liartieulars, address
C. E. P.AllUlllT,
CleailieU P. (..
ClearSeld Co., P,l
.In;-oli J. Iior.r
tlerin & V'j.. nt'
!'" iks aud ucoonn!.) of
. t'o.. an 1 I'liarl.s II.
St Maiy'. 1iho bcn
pi.ieea in ine namis "'i il umit'i sigiuri ivr
setlloniont. )'urtieit iniivbled to eiflier of
ll.c above t'o'ius, 1110 ikii iiied iliat ilielr lie
eouiits mi's' bo si'U led by i.-jyu'i-m to tlie
uu4vriit"eJ, wiiliin b days.
I. VL'iilE J. m.AKDI.Y. Att'y
!V.r OEltlMi SCO. .SI'OMr.T: a i n
I .tsr; ' f 1 rraiy. I'.'ib - -: i
Nob Alounti.iu S';rig
Air "Dt 1'ioutiny ncoir.
Conm all you jolly lcii)oerats,
1 'iay 30U lend an car ;
Of Phillips, Wilson, Wtido and Chase.
A story you shall hear:
Por Phillips, Wilson, Wade aud
A precious crew nre thev,
Oh ! Phillips, Wilson, "Vudo and
A precious crjw are they.
The Union tbcv pretend to save,
Which they had cur.-ed before;
And Wilson, Sumner, Wade and Chase.
Went in fur bloody war;
Oh ! let them but the darkey fiee,
They would not ask any more:
Oh ! let them &o.
The war went on, the contraband
Soon ;ot the inside track,
And Wil.-on, Sumner, Cliasc and Wade,
All jumped upon his back ;
Oh ! let them but the darkey have,
They would not ask any more ;
Oh ! let them &v.
They rode him
liaoiivli the
And yelled with njibt and mtiitj,
And ail their torchlight followers got
The darkey on tho brain ;
Oh ! if they could the iiijror free,
They would not a.-k any more !
Oh ! il they J.e.
Put now theilaikics all are fiee,
The master they ignore ;
Yet Ph. Hips, Sumner, Chase and Wade
-Now howl tor sometuiu more
lut Phillips, fiuiLiier, Cli
Xow howl for somctliing more ;
Oh ! Phillips, &c.
The Yankee hosts of (Ireenback Chase,
We see from day to day ;
A rakinu' iiincii the darkey crowd,
'Way down iu Charleston bay;
Oh ! rivo us now the darkey votes,
And we wont ask a"y more;
Oh ! tr've es now, ,te.
Put Wiieti the dark- v gets il Vote,
An eijual he will ba ;
And I'i.iiiips. Siimuer, (.'base & Wade
Vill as!; his wench to tea;
And Phillips, it'iiiuncr, Chase ?ud
Will tisk his wench to Utj ;
Oh ! Philips, SiM.
Then comes ihe last, the grand Entile,
'I hrre is but one step more ;
Mi C'eeieition is the word,
l!v which thy S(ti.k foi power:
Oh ! give them but the
And they will ask no more ;
O.i . Live tueui but t it e uariiev 1
And they will ask no more.
Kxtract of a Letter from lion.
William I). Kelley.
PlIlb.U'LblMWA, Aug. 11. Tit the
Uui'ii Jim tlie Fuiii-lh Conyrensiunnl
l),'.frirt : A loiiijand Mtcccssf ul career
iu crime emboldens Ihe guilty. A re
cent illustration of this Jaw of human
nature impels me to violate my life long
rule ot conduct, and for once to notice
a political (-landerer. I do not, uow
ever, address you for the purpose of re.
pelling biij innuendoes or falsehoods.
My life has been passed among' you, and
if its record, familiar to you all, does
not reped them, 1 hav-s lived in vain.
My purpose is simply to pierce the mail
of ill.goitten gold in which the blander,
cr has clothed himself, and give you a
glimpse at the loathsome object it pro.
The papers of Friday announcing; that
Simon Cameron, of Dauphin county,
was serenaded by bis friends on the pre.
coding eveniug at the Oirard House in
fhis city, and availed himself of the 01.
easioti in vilify luy colleagues and
myself, ''the Congressmen of Philadel
phia," in a speech to hij assemblage.
1 was but a youth when I first heard
tho name of Simon Cameron, and it was
as the perpetrator of a great ciime. He
bud been made the agent of tlie Gov
ernment to carry a large amount of
Money, due them, to tho Winuebago
Indians, and had taken advantage of
their ignorance and helplessness to en
rich himself. Those of you who had
then attained to manhood, though you
may not, after tho lapse of ho many
years, revive the burning indignation
with which you regarded the infamous
swindler ot tbe poor Indians, willduiiht.
less remember that iusUiad of paying the
specie which the Government coulided
to him for the purpose, he retained it
and gave tlieui the notes of tho Midday
down bank, of whioh ho was an owner.
At their encampmeut iu the remote
wilderness fhcijj uotes were utterly
worthier';?. The Indians could uot use
thtiL lor any purpose there, uor carry them
O Jlid ll..t'ien sr redemption. JJ:;!
TERMS-$1 50 per Annum if raid in Advance
SATfinUY Si'pt'.'lJlb J", 1 fitll lSGu
vhat was that of Simon Camt ron ? Was
lot their los bis gain, ami wa- he not
0 much the richer by every uoto tint
iiilcu to come home lor redemption.
hotiiih they did sulfer and starve 1' And
hose ol you who not old enough to
einciuber all this, now know why this
io!d, bad man is same times spokcu of
y your scniots 11s the "irreat Winneba
go," and sometimes, ns "Old Nickapoo."
lor more thirty tliany r I have watch.
d the tortuous career of this man nod
have never seen reason to id. odon
fir.-t impiesicui of his character.
Whether nct'1113: with the Democnitic,
the Know. Xpthintf, or the liejmblie.m
Parfv, for ho has in turn di.v'iMced the 11
all, bo lias never been false to his criini
nal instincts, lie has endeavored t)
turn them al! to profitable account.
His fio, bill, m is s irdid and nan I
den to this avarice. an'
j j1(J
measures honors by the prerji;:siu's they
expose to bis erasp. lie has no eon'i.
dence in the people and is aware that,
they distrust him. His speech on
Thursday evening was not characteristic
of him, for he is prone to use of instru.
merits. His habit is to point the stilet.
to, but to employ another baud to drive
it home. 7hoimh an active participant
in the polities of the countrv, and State
for more than half a century during
which long period he has pursued the j
profits of ollioe, of jobs, ol contracts, j
with eager and careless assiduity, he has .
never dared to riermit bis name, to be 1
presented to the rrople ot county or
state as a candidate tor an elective office.
He crawls to the feet of the appointing
power. He cues not who may be. Jving
so that he may "still be Vicar of Dray,"
aud to that end he chaffcrcs with, aud
corrupts week aud needy members "of
Conventions and the Legislatures of
both parties.
1 need not recite the disgraceful lacts
attending his several canvasses for tr.e
United States Senate. Their nauseous
odcr lingers in your nostrils to this hour.
In the lirst he iumjlit the votes of three
Democratic) members, and in the last bid
Uiiity thousand dollars (or the one vote
which would have elected him. 'ihe
last transaction was so flagrant that the
legislature was eon'.pelled to take cogni
zance of it. and il'justice b . not bane as
Weil as bin:'
Slate will y
the 1 iw and horor of oi;r
be vindic.i'ed.
. i'
Xosioue '.u'
luy poor reuiai
H n.tiV
l tie sp.,t, w here
finally rett, but I
mean that my cliilehon shall be able to
vindicate my name by pointing to thii
fact that Simon Cameron and hU confi
dential friends were ever hostile to me.
With grateful regards.
Yours very truly,
Y.'m. )'. !i:i.i i.v.
Vi:c:: of im: "Gileu ut: or
CltACV." 'I'he lieuiocraey id' the time,
honored Democratic county of Porks,
Pennsylvania, held one of their "old
fashioned" county meetings a few days
since, anil uddopled a series of eloquent
and forcible resolutions. We have not
room to publish all their proceeding--,
but cannot omit the resolutions endors
ing the restoration policy of president
Johnson, and approval of the Congivs-
siouai eonisu in wiaiu. iu uuu ijiiiiim j those I roiti ucariicij again, an,i piejge.s
seutinel aud leading llepresentative ol his solum word thai it' will be the list
the Democratic party ol that State, the time he will ask a nomination. Those
lion. S. E. Aneona : j letters, and others, are in poTses.sion of
llit'Jful. That the time will snon j your de legates and can, at any moment,
coinu w hen the passions of the warbavo ' be produced. Your delegates next in.
cooled, and nothing rcmaiuing but iu trodu.-ed to tho deleg;te3 from IWst
terrible burdens and its dark and county, gentlemen from Cleariiuld coun
bloody nieruories. tho people will u-ji. ' ty, ineu of iutJ.uuce and staudiug iu the
vcrsally recognize the infamous condu.a Dciu oevatie party, who positlvlly de
of the Eiack Kepublicau Majority in the dared to them. U;at Clculield cvJuty
Congress of the winter of EStid and '01, was not entitled to the candidate, and
iu refusing their support to any i-ehetnj that its citizens did not desire Dr. Doyer
...... I . . .l,l...,i! 1 i.i.e.'l
ot conciliation even to tsuuuut tho as their Hepreseiitativc. llavin cle.-jrly
Critteuden Coiiipromiie to a vote of the proven to them a'l 'hat they 'hal de
peoide. Audrew Johnson faid on De. minded, these g. :-i'.-i;;ou infonnel your
comber lS'.h, i30: ''This Congress ' delegates, that their ttutctueuts could
here has it iu its power to. save huve uo effect upon them as they were
this Union, even after South Carolina ' pledged to vote tor Dr. lioyer, and that
bus gone out." If Washington aud uo reasoning could induce theiu to vote
Jefferson uud Adams, notwithstanding against him, having but a bhort timo
their abhorrence of the foreign slave , before declared to your delegates that
trade, did not feel dishonored in pel . 1 tiiey were eutiroly iree, aud only wished
mining itscontiuuancc for 20 years, in 1 for cnligtennieut and were open to con.
order to create the Union, tho Sumner! viction. Your delegates have reason to
and Wadce and Wilsons might well have believe that no regular Convention was
yielded oiiictbing of their iauaticisin to held in Forest county, aud that tho iiti
jircseri f it Tbe future till hold them zem of that county were not consulted
responsible. j on that fciibject, bat that these gentle.
llcsoivcJ, That wo approve and en- men were merely privately pledged to
dorse the Constitutional principle au-, support hint and thus enable him "to
uouueed by the F.secutive of the Uni
ted Stales, ihiit to the people of the re.
spective States alone belongs the right
to regulate the (-ualilicatious of voters ;
and wo believe that aey attempt to in
terfera with or control ihat li-ht.
by militnry force or Congressional
trickery, will be a palpable usu.-patioti of
power, wnicu win iu gooo. lime uo cor-
ieeieu imu uirajM,
.SrsuiftJ, That we again heartily cu-1
uorse aud approve the course ol
approve the course ol ovr
Representative, Hon. S. K. Aucona, in
the last Congress. Ever ready to ns.
spoud iu au cxtrtiordiuary degree to tho
pnvate demanus of his touitnueuU up-;
oa h'.s timo and trouble, be was always,
to Us b hi h-v ia tl. fc-j,
;i - t iz. iff ir
o 9
NO 12
whenever necessary to support by voice
and vote the time honored principles of
The Tom ato. This common vep.u
bin, the ihr oi which has become uni"
versal in our country, is undoubtedly ibe
most healthy article of diet that, can be
placed ou tha tab'e. Its iiaiitios arc
most effective when cooked iu the ordi
narv Wav. but nsr.l in whiitiivr liinim
it may be, the effects are whole.-ome. A
distinguished idivsiciau thus sums lit) its
1 K That the tomato ia one of tbe uios'.
powerful aiericnts of the liver utid oilier
organs ; where calo,n l is indicated, it U
ono ot the most clieetive ami lea-.t harm,
fnl medical aeut.s known to the profes
sion. 2 That a chemical extract will ou.
tainea iioin if in it win siipeic.eoo tne use
oi calomel 1.1 Ibo cute ot diseases.
1 That he has Mtccisfudly treated
diarrloe i with this article ylone.
t That when iiso.l a an article of diet
It is almost sQVeiciiji) for dyspepsia and
iu lii'.stioll.
."1 That it should bo constantly ued
for dally lood. Either cooked or raw,
or iu the form of catsup, it is the most
healthy article now in u-e.
To tllO Democracy Ol 41k Co
Your delegates appointed at tiie late
County Convention, to attend the i!. p.
resentative Couyoiilio.i at Luthersburg.
Clearli.-M county Pa., respectfully oiler
t j yo'.i the tollowiug statement m expla
nation of their aeti in while at that place.
They preceded to tlie appointed place of
meeting atid there met the debiMle-;
from the counties of Clearfield and
Forest. Having been informed that
the delegates from the fotinur county
would, under all circums'anc js. support
lr T. J. Dover and iiiiist on his uomi
uatioti, thev obtained an interview with
I the delegates from Porost noutity iu or.
I der to ascertain t'neir ooinious ou tho
ciibjcct. TbeSiJ 2t'l't'eu,on infiriniid
them tha! they were entirely nnii
strutted and Would willingly east their
vutec for the candidate from Elli
county, in ease they could bn convinced
that Clearfield county was not entitled
to ihe Candidate, and that f'r. lioyer
had pledged himself not to ask the nom
ination this year. Y our delegate.- lirst
proved to then) that Cie.niLdd county
was not ctilitL'd to tbe candidate this
car, and that i-h.! was not entitled to
it last year, but that it. bad b.e:: obtain
e 1 at that rim i by i:jm:,s of f.ilshuo 1
and inkstaictncuts. 'i hey uest siiowcl
them letters Iroui Dr. Uoyer, one writ,
ten iu J uly 1 Mil and one iu August of
the .same year, in which that gentleman
distinctly state's to one of your delegates,
that he will not ask the 11 uniiiatiou this
yea.', that lie d jos n t consider Clear
field ceeiu'y entitled to itanl that she
will not .u& it, b'lt wi.l yield a
hearty support to any candidate that
Elk county may present, 'file siiieU
icance ot the August letter is enhance 1
irom the fact that it was written alter
j the convention hud been dissolved by
the secession of the Clearlield delegates,
I aud before the second convention bad
j assembled. It is also in this letter that
1 ho reii'iests the Elk delegates to meet
' .. . ,1 - t 1 ,
defeat tho uutiuiiiuus wish of the peo 1
1 .e ol Eik county, aud the wishes ol a
reat portion ot Cleaitield county. 1 us
' ., , , . .
assnnintioii ot vour deiOL'atei is n-ived
1 1 r
by the tact that at first they stated titey
1 uom not ;.,tr,-t. 1 ,m,i nfi.-vu-.,,. U i.,
' sisted they were ., 7 and that t;o
reasoning touU luvj any effect wpou
them. -Alter tuc .conversation ai;uve
iccoi uet, , y uur eieiegies vaiic l lor tlie
opening; of the convention, and after a
eoiisi ierable time were iiilormei bv mi,i
. of ttie delegates from Clearfield county,
that tbe Cltartold and Poreest dele -
gates had orgauized the conveutiou aud
elected their t"bairmau and that he bud
been appointed a eomuiitteo te iavjtc
tl-..ivV,;3'--'5.f'Q K!k vvny r-r?:?
ipate in tho pr "'.: !ia M V our d V.
g.-itts ciiilainiy cousidcied 1 ami they be1,
iieve that, th'j Deuiocr.v'y of J".il; count v
will. .coincide with th"io'; '.h-l ifn v hs'k
j equal ri;;lij w ill', ihe dcl"tf. fiom
I other cntciiH h. and oui's.tjUeiitly' that
I they bhguM have been intonned of the.
'ime of the opening of ih'! coiivcntion.
i and havn hei-ii i liowrd to iissi,i in tho
' wrmni.ilion. ( 'ins'derln ihi? preat
: breach not rniy ol etciHetre but ol ri;ht
in connection wi'h hr. fa'd tl;."t. tli'v
j rioin. nation cf Pr. l'oyer had been
I .' -iitivr-ly dcti-nnined on in spit-i
, of tint wi.-be oi tlo iconic of the.
dis'iie'. Vcatv '.leleat's relurucl an,
1 swear tii tr.e coininitlee 1 ppointol by th'
ron ;eili'jn. that ihey J.jclmod to tako
I any part on its pr'..eee,iiii 1. The com.
1 mi: tec eonvujed t!tis i.i.swc-r to iln
j convention, alter which they proceeded
j witii their businc.;, and in a nliort timo
liiinout.eed tn Pi-. Povrfr the fact of his.
j nomination. Your uoieates then, having
, obtained a suitable room, proceeded la
hold u convention of which the foi'ow
in are the iroeoedin,
I.t l Iili:si;Ui;(i, Sept, 1st '),".
'1 he delegates ap;iuinted by the con
....... : ... i i ... . . . . . . .
eoiiJii 01 i.ik. c'juiuv, 10 atteiiT tin.
i u,u":1 convention at tins plaeo, bavia..'
:n the inutility of mcetiiiir with the,
1 delegates from the otiier eom.lie:-, tho
! nomination of Dr,. i;.,y(r Vicing a fj;e
' lion eon..du-.i in, proceeded to take thii
! 1'oliowitiu' Hction. On motion It. T. Ky.
j Ier, isnbs'itate fir Jacob McC'iullyV
; w is called to the chair and If. Jamfj
j Elake'y eieetti 1 Secretary. -The Ojiio.i.
I tion of th'j noniiiiatiori of a Camiidato
' for the otilfM of Representative bein.i; in
; order. l)r ..!. It. E udey. of Elly county
: tvas clusoii ny hcjl.iuiativ'1,
j The following resolutions were iiei't
, adopted by utuniiiions con-tent:
; ll III l' I W ( eoosiib,!' ,b ..V....,
of II
- .7 - .-.-.. . . hi,, VII,. 11 1 1.. u
res .'iitative boloiiirs of riaht to
Eik equity lea tho prist-nt an4 eotyin
v.:jv, :;!,.
i Mi; We
' intention of ihe
1 counties to fore;:
,ave sect;
hat it ii tin,
ea'gales of the other
upon the District :k
Lan l 1 late ilistaseitii iu every suspect,
iu spt'.e of pledges and promises hereto,
fore made to ihe contrary, and in spib,
of all consideration of Jj.;i;or ind l;
ty, then fore
!? s-ifrof, That havti-g placed iu n ull
illation Dr. .It. E irley uf F.Ik eo-.iu'y,
(or th'j oilisc of licpres-ntittivy, w'
heartily reccmnuiend li(m to the support
ol tbe people ot this dl.itrict.
ftrt'ttinl, that the proceedings of tlii.
convention be published in tins Ell;
Advocate and Clearlield Kepubiicaij.
On motion tin convention ajjourupj.
It. T. KYLl'.l!, (iiainn ui
Y. J vmks I5i.Aici.bY, S.
Alter this ouventioii your delegates
conversed with many prominent Deuu.
crals from variotis parts of Cluuiiield
c , vlioiid'onne.l tutiii that they deplored
the nomination of Dr. Uoyer, and would
much prefer to see Dr. Earley as their
Ilepieseiittitive. 'I' i-oiitkmoii also
a-sei tod that the candidate for Kcpri.
sentativi: shou'd .ot come from Clearfield
county this year, as they vrerc not en.
titled to it and that Pr E ycr was p,,t
the choice of Us citiz jus.
Taking all these i'.ft in:., juiJ,jri
tto'i.yo'ir de!eat.:'s r!speeU'.illy huijest
to the I leinocacy of Elk counlv, tlw jn;i
tireofs'.i-taining theni iu tlieiractieitiaud
of yielding a hearty and unanimous sup.
port to the Candid itc tl;ey have uoiuina
tel. w. .tamps dlakely,
II. T. KYLE!!.
l'ru:n th
Vri- O
IJilX.lVM. 4. HtMiil'U.
The Democrats of Pennsylvania hayo
occasion to con-rrat'iiato tbeiuscKes t,u
the selection of Win. A. Wallace, ot Clear
tield, as Ciiainwau of the State Central
Committee for the ensuing year. Mr.
Wallace i,one of the most energetic and
promising young Pern jents in the Com.
inonwealth, a man of unimpeachable ii,
tegrity and admitte 1 talent, pos-essiug all
the necessary qualilicatiotis of boldness.
! tact and good ju Igiuijiit to make biiu an
acceptable und successful leader. As 4
State Senator tor three years, he woo an
enviable reputation, being acknowledged
as one ot the loreruost man of that body.
Several of his public speeches, on iiu'ior
taut political ia.-eio.-., d jvcloped a clear
I HwV ? '.'f intellect andthor nigh kno'.vle Ijt
j t politic il history ill it were rem ar!; abl
I iu one ot his years. The young Demo.
1 cracy have i:i Mr. Wu'!a:e a gallati! a.u I
i reliable representative. lie will bring
t j tlm duties of his position a zojlousde .
votion to principle, a iirtuness of eliarae.
' ler, aula spirit of activity that will open
u;j a new era iu me management 0; car
State polities.
Ar.i:un:i) Si.'iei or.. A sal affair
occurred t Pliillipsburg 0110 day last
week, by Mr. Jacob E jIj j atteiupliug to
con-suit siiici ie by cuttiug bis throat
with a razor. The night prior, t , the
occunetice, he had taken the keys of
the store of Messrs. Whiteom'; irnni
the pocket of the clerk and cutcre I the
store, taking therefrom a uan'ity ol
goods. His detection unoti tho subvj-
pient day led to the coiiiuusnoti of th'i
rasti act. .nr. l.cuo is well Lnowu 11
,..,i.t..i, ,...o.. ,.C,t.., 2..i -,ll . . :..
.,1 , .1.1. .01
this c I'.iuty, having hoot hotel s at S ik
Kick in this eountv, tit Eoek Haven a a I
, i, . 1 1 ... :. 1 j'i. .1 . t 1 ,
! ''' ' "' 'J'K ''r"'J-
JJrowu'.i Pr 'i.diTid Troche-'. Pro
; the Meticil Director of the 'lien.iii:
Hospital. Dentrn Uarraeks, near
j.oai ?, .'i.ircu 1 ojj.
Messrs. .loon f 1 Ir nrn V- s.o, I! .i.,.:
1 . 1 , . . 1 . . , .
1 M-,ss -l of v 1 .,. c. .,,i
i Crviecablo 'Troches' is b'jiu - ma.b- in
, tl,, .,i ubb b r b .vo. elnr,-,. 1
with very boueGoial and deeddel result ,
ui uilayi.ijt brone-'uial initatiou an 1 iu i'-
b;j t-oa itiveooi.a of iuucu3n;' ctUi-NJ :