The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 09, 1865, Image 1

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    (, .C " vl.
at lav;.
ulpuoy, in- Bcnzingcr I. O. Elk Co
T. T. A E U A M S ,
A T T O 1! N r Y A T E A W
Attorney's at. Law, Kil,i;.v:iy Elk coun
ty Pa., will attend to all profession
business romptly.
( llAPI"it WILLI 11.
Attorneys nn 1 Cotuisiders at Law. C fll
in Cli ap'in's I'.lin.k, Bidgway Elk Co. P
Particular attention given to collection
and montei promptly rriiiiilnl. Wil
s.ko .Kii liu1 in adjoining c. untie-'.
JO II N G II A 1. Ti
lulgway I lk County IVnna
tit. Clary's Elk County I'a.
JVacticea MfriliciiK' iV; Surgery
Ccu 1icillo 1.1k Co. V;i.
DR. J S J3 0 R D W EL
E c i. j: C T I I" 1' II Y SICI A N ,
(Lately of Barren co::;ily Pa.)
Will promptly answer s.ll professional
(alls by night or day. Uesidonce one,
door East of tlio late residence of lion.
J. E. Gillis.
ffE. C. K. E.Mtr.r.v, Kirsey
S(.'o., Pa. Will attend to ail
niglit or day. July -1, ESdE
Fountain house,
joiy c. roi:-Ti:nni:iD, .;;?.,.
Kidpvay, Elk County Pcun'a.
THE!). KOK1J ,
Iae:Ie Hotel
Lutlicrsburcr, Cleurlicld County Pa.
tS7Frcilriok Kovb Proiiii. tor, liav.
- irtg built a large and commodious house,
! is uow prepared to cater to the wants cf
the traveling public.
Euthcrsbur, July lGtli 1SG1. ly.
irniin an -j: a n o tj:l,
Llttlicrsburg Cleaiiickl C junty Pcnna.
' V.'ILLIAM SCIIWKM, Proprietor.
i Luthcrsburg, July 'JTlli lGE tl".
! Corner of Peach Street and
f the Buffalo RoacL
E 11 1 K 1 A .
EN03 B. MOYT, Proprietor
-J-TVis House is new and fitted up
nitli c:peuial euro for the eonveniecen
nd comfort of guest?, at moderate raset.
X2riiOOI ST.MII.INO ArT.flli:u"1SiJ
iIxajiTaxoe hotel,
JHhiwi. I'll: lyiiinh J'it.t
-16.TI" house is iilonsiin ly iituatdl on
l bank of tl.! Clai ii.n, intliu lower end
.of the town, ii well iu-ovMe.1 wi.h liouso
room mil tl.-ihlinp, uiul ilie jiriiprii-tor will
ypure no p iins lii v.mi ler tlio i'.a ' of his
fli'as:uit :oi'l iireralile.
JliihjKuy July '1, lb'id.
Ti y b "io ri" ou "sTs
V O Y I N (J TON it M o o n E ,
I'iilgWiiy Klk County Penna.
Cou nek or Markkt and Watf.k S'tV,
Vlrnrfuhl J'a
GEO. N COLEEKN, 'ikhmui:tou
St. Maky'h Er.ic County ,i'i;NN.,
M. WE LliEN 1)015 K, Prop'r.
!vi '. 'v' V t- v?)
ATS, .ia iS V U is
t ?t r?
L.GVH. II 1 IIS, I'ii
):. W. EKIONV, Proprietor.
('.)uiiiibus iiinning to and from the IVpot
J'reu of charge.
M" OO II 111 Al E'OI'SE, Main St
Erookvillc I'a., (J. N. Kretz. Prop'r
Eliis hou-:e has been related and furnish
xol in a nout style, anil is every way
dapted to the wants of the public.
.$ U S I N E S S (J A 11 1 S
V-OfK lEWKN', CltNToN C(ii;mv J'A.
I EAEEI5S in l'l.iur, Crain and
J 1-eed near the I'i.s.-rngor Depot',
liidgway Market i.
Corrected weeckly:
Apples, (dry) bu. hel - - - $ 1 (ill
Buckwheat " "... 1
Eeaiis, " "... 4 00
Butter " lij - - - I")
Beef " "... VOiAl
Board.! " M. - - - -'il 00
'oni " 1 il'.hel --- 1 .r0
l'lour " Lbl. - - - 10 00
Hides " lb - - 0
Hay " ton - - - E") 00
Oats " bu. --- SO
Wheat " ' - - M
Bve " " - - 1 "
Shingles " M. - - I M
Eggs doen -
Hams " lb - 25
lo.k . - 20
P. W. BARRETT Editor I N D L P E IT D 3 N
5 i
i;OAP. 'I bis great line traverses '
the Northern aii'i Northwest counties of
IVnnsvlvania lo the city ol Erie, on j
Lake Jlrie.
It has been h'ased by tbe 1 misilrn- I
v!" iiit' J'und Cunqxniy, aui is opera-
ed by tliem . I
Its enliro length V;.s opened i'br T - j
son:re!' and lrcivlit business, October
17tb. Eii-E ' !
AT llllHiWAV.
Li'rc fatalcur J.
Through MaU Traii 1 p. ::.
Aeeouimo dation ')
7,fre I'VjiiCflcJ.
Through Mail Train 1 "' V- w.
Aeeoinmodaiion m
Pasfengcr cars run through without
chance both ways between Philadelphia
and Eric. Sr.EKrisn Cass on Exprcrs
Trains both ways between. Williamsport
nnd Baltimore, and 'WiHiamsport tuid
For iuiortiiatton repeting EaFsenunr
business aprly at the &. L. corner ovta
and Market SSts.
And for ErDight;s of the Co'.u
panv's Agents:
S. 15. Kin-.-ton, Jr. Cor. ICth and
?Iarkc-t ts. 'Philadelphia.
J. W. Kcynolds Eric.
r. Erowu, Agent N. C. IE IE Bal
timore. II. II. Houston,
Cail. JWt'ylit Ajt. J'hua.
II. V. C.wiNNr.n,
Ccii I. Ticket Ayt. I'hll'a.
Jos. I). Eott.s,
Cnurol Mnnnyrr, l!')is;)V.
Dealer in
Clulliin", Hits, & Mon'a Furnislitiis Goods
, WATtii snu-:i:'i'.
Lock 1ak.-, (.': is ion t o.,
aT) o l imTTi yi .
Ccutrcvil'e, r.Kt counly la.
frJ-Oeneral Matmi'aeturer of Wagon?,
Buggies e.-ALSO Furniture, f-uch as
Bureaus, Tables, Stanos Bedstfadd and
Chairs. All kind of llepairiu done at
reasonable rates.
book "store;
In the room formeily occupied by
Doet. Blakelv.
IVr.nV, nt Jitil,;.'.
IIo:i. B. Ii White, Wcllsborough.
Aoa':itr J--';' h
rion. V. S, Brockway. Jay tp.
Hon. E. C. SchuUze, St. Mary's-
I. W. Hays, Bidgway
J'n.llu n'.tar'h JV- f,n'1
George Ed. Vei, Bidgway
J)l.trli t Attorney,
L. J. Bl.ikely Bidgway
j n ii.-iin-i r,
Charles Euhr. S t. M.try'a
..intij iS'ii'i'-''"'.
George Waliusloy, St. Marys
'mil ill 'inirr.i,
CharlesWeis, St. Maw's
(ieo. lii-kinsonfc Itidgway.
Joseph W. Taylor, Fo.';.
.1 itJltors,
R. T. Kyh r, l'os
Jacob Met'auley. Fox.
IE D. Derr, Bene.ett
Coal Lands Tor Sale-
riMIE subscriber (Eli-; for sale the
-- Coal joivilege, with the right of
mining and other minerals under I'm
acres ol l.m.1 situated in Fox tp., lear-
lield county Peuiivlvaiiia, wilhiu
' 1 miles of the Itidway it hawmut II. 11.,
... . ,i
y.hieli coi'i'.oets Willi the J iula. i, l.uc
11. IE, at Bidgway, with a six lout vein
ol Bituminous Coal upon it, which is
now commanding such enormous prices,
lor iiiauufaetui'U'.g purposes. For sale
cheap, terms cash, a good title given.
For further particulars, address
C. L. BA1111ETT,
Clearfield P. ().,
Clearfield Co., P.i
NliTH'l'. The il.nks and accounts uf
Jnculi J. Siuior & Co., mi l Clonks II.
tiei iupt & Co.. of IS I Miirj'h, linvc hc-en
placed in the lonnts nf thu uii-lur!pii(?-l fur
selileineiil . l'liitii-s iielcble'l l i-iiln-r of
til o uhuve linns, are n ititied tleii tliuii- lie
counts iinist be .-.el i!- l hy jmyiucm lo Ilie
imJcrsig"ed, wiiliiu !io d;-.ys.
LU1ULJ. ULKt:i.Y. A-t'v
for GCRIXO & CO. & SrOl'.Lli i CO.
5.Mry' February, tth 'oo. ?.
1! I,
V'1-" ; ' V V ,t-es i v
KmawAY 1-i.K Co'JXTv Fkvna.
l' o i: T Ii Y .
l; klk; ION WHAT ? IT?
It. is ;o go to cHttrell to d.-y,
'J'o look devout an l peer.i to pray,
And ere to morrow's sun 'j-oi-s clown
Be dealing shin.ler; through the t.j'.vu.''
1 ops e very nanetini .uiious f.t.'-j
Ecnote the certain reijn id' irraee ?
Docs not a 'h;. that scowls at sin
Oltvcil hyp ier'.-y within?
Ts it to make our daily wall;
A nd of our own s.o- d i'a-': t i:-,';!c,
c! I.IE'll pr.!Cii-. N c; i:i! ,
And the-: laisj.e.i.l our prc;'..ii:s linn:
I- it f..r yoct cr crr,--l to f.-l.t,
'i'o call our zeal t!m rule ri.-'i'.,
NVh.-u what we wi-h is, a:, the he ',
'J'o ::ce i 1 1 r Church excel the n -t ''.
Is it to rear th.e Cbvi- Ven dress,
And. love to all mankin 1 pvo'c--,
And treat with sci.rn th.) ! u.ub'e poo:-,
And bar ag iin.-t them every door ''.
0, co, religion moans not this,
Its fruit mure sweet and ui'r is
Its prcccpcs tli's: to other;; io
As you would have t'leni do to yau.
It grieves to hear an ill report,
And scorns with human woes to sport
01 others' deeds it spi r.ks no
But tells of goo or keep'; it s'.iii.
And, Joes n l:!;ion (his iuiivirt ?
Then may its infl'ieum !i!l ee!: heivf,
O. ha-te"tiiat bl-siut joyful day,
Vhen all the earth m iv evil its sway t
J 'mh lu
; 1 !"((;' hcJj'r.
Alihcuj'.ll this place is but a few weeks
old, yet it is termed a city, and to all in
tents and purpo.-e.'i is a city. Think of
a town having a Post OiTice established
but four weeks, sending off in one day
1008 letters. The l'c.t ifliec :;lepr; arc
crowded on the arrival of the mails as
but few of the. largo cities are. It was
our fortune to bo in l'itholc last week.
It is well enough to 1fr about Pitholo ;
to learn that the roads between Pitholo,
and Titusville, Sliafeiv Milkr Farm and,
I'lumcr, are filled with loaded teams from
morning till night ; but yet no conception
of what it really is can 1 c had except by
actual occular
E T.ionstratk'ii. It is a
modern von
lor. But it is a reality now
But few
weeks ago, and one solitary
house vis all there was. .To daj , hun
dred3 f-f hou-'.s are built r.ud in process
of building, and iho g-.-ucral opinion is
that the place ci !;!;.:i:s over eight thou.i
and inhaliitauts. Tliere are but few
dwelling houses yet occupied; but stores.
boarding In
h'..te!s without number, aud jtill the tie
eommodatViiis for sleepin:; are very slim.
There is plenty to cat, but not enough
room to.-.leep, one takes '.odgli!'-:"
.. .i . , ....
in a ler.r, or unoor a wagon. o were
fortunate enough to procure a good room
and a co'.npara'.ively goDl be 1 ; but al
though there was a doorway to the room
there was no door, and there we ha I to
tay, wlili the mom open all night, and
all our money undi r the pill r. 1 1 fairly
makes us sdiuddor now to tie::!; .,w wc
slcef, with i it ' i i ti i' t,i' i a '. v ::-.. rt!i-',i-!.iEv.
no door to the room, and in a where
every man ii o-i the alert to nr. Ice a for
tune through an oversight of ".sonic oth
er iiian." However, it Was safe when
we awoko. Wo carried it until afir
breakfast, when wo stepped up to the
Captain's oiliee to netile, and them we
lost it. The landlord look it all for
lodging and breakfast ! Ho was very
kind, however, and a.-kid us to fmoko
at his cxi-cuse.
Every -erson is talking about making
a fortune in a year or two when they
will soil out their leases an I retire. They
all expect the bubble tobuivt bouutime,
but think it will not within a couple ol
years, perhaps. They will continue in
business until within a few :u)tiths of
the collapse, and then sell out. There
are those, undoubtedly, who expect the
city and its business to le permanent, as
some largo hotels arc being built at a
great expense. .Many of the newly com.
pictcd stores have "For Sale" in the
We arc not certain, but .should judge
that there was one universal want in l it.
hole, that is women. There arc no la
dies to be seen on the fctrcets, in car
riages, or at windows. A few girls
rc CucJ iu LiltLtUi auJ JUSJ
- A . !
T . TKSJIS-S1 0 per Annum if paid ia
Satuiidav Sptumbor, 0 tli 1SG5
rootns, but twiilc froti) tlio dining rooms
I hey are seldom seen. But this want
will be overcome as 50011 as hou.-ev can
be made convenient. Families will then
t.tke op their re-idioi-'es there, and some
thing beside the-.o horid can be
The ainouni of oil loini produced i
ituinense. Ne y wells arc being devel
oped every week, and the number in nn
embryo condition is very many. of
toe Sisur well", which is near the great
1 '. S. well, is flowing now ai the r.ito of
ElO-'i barrels per day, thus ont. s'.rippiu r
'he E. S. well some hundreds of barrels
It has the effect to inspire in one a kind
of ewe, aim o-t fear, to witness the. throb,
bing and sealbing of eiiherof these Webs
The Tv. lu well is more steady in i" How
and the great stream co;n?s through the
tube incessantly, sometitnes moderate,
but momentarily with a desperate heave
it comes crowding or.f, and strikes heavily
against the f ide of the great vet, which
makes one's head Ji:;;'.y to look into from
the top of its covering. The gas comes
out in such quantities as to be scon eurb
ing for a Kiouent r.ftor a heavy throb
resembling the ci.-llf g cinoka from a
pipe or cigar, though it loo.-os itself much
sooner. And well may one bu fcr.rfttl
as he stands around these wonders ; for
the careless lighting of a match., cr a
flame of lire from any source, would cause
the iirneimeut to burn as a scroll in an
ios'.aLt, and every living and consumable
thing in tiie vicinity would be as though
it hnd never been.
The product of oil from the wells al
ready f truck, must be several thousand
barrels per day. This yield, at present,
is carried away by horse teams of Pluin
cr, Shaler, Miller FaTin, Titusville and
to the liver. Each team catries from
three to five barrels for a load. Some
teams consist of three horses, and such
are loaded with six bavrel.-;. Pome two
hor e tennis carry ibbs nun.bcr, but th.'y
make too heavy a load for the ic.ids of
that Cimnlry. If such roads were allow,
cd between Warren r.ud Tidioute, the
Commi.-'.loiiers would be arrested for
keeping them in a dangerous condition.
But down iherc we heard no complaints.
AVcut one thousand loads of oil is be
ing taken from the wells each day. The
caravans that pass over the roads tiro a
marvel to beh j'd. The price paid for
hauling to Shafer is per barrel,
distance t.f sis or seven miles. To Ti
tusville, a distance ol about eleven miles,
Z 'j.'-o per barrel. The oil is worth tit iho anout i-i per i-arrei. rooti tiiero
will be other facilities for ecttin-- tbe oil
to market than by hauling over the
roniis. a i: -.'fre-ni ; j in 1.0 ...tit- ,-,.,'
the reouth of the I'itholo creek to the
c. well, which wtil ttilie the oil irotn
'hat place. From the oulct the road 1
wiil run to Oil City. The outlet is in j
the river. Some four or five miles from'
the wells. A tube or pipe lo take the
oil to the liver, is also talked of, and we
believe, in proee-ss of b
.lid. Til,:
en'ei'i rises
teams that
1 relieve the thousands ti
: l.ow trugeing at their
heavy burdens. It is pitiful so see some
of the peer animals, with galled and
bloody shoulders, tugging (.long the un
even road.
There are other points of interest in
that region, but wo are reminded that
this article is drea-ly too prolix. At one
place, not many miles from Pitlmle, are
to be .'.a n (we know neit how many) per"
h;ts a hundred or more wells within a
short di '.aitce ef each other, none of
which are yielding any oil. The well;
arc not much talked ef. Failures arc
covered up, while the sueee-scs are apt
lo bo magnified. But it L hardly possi
ble to magnify the interests, growth and
enterpiuc ol I'itholo City.
When it is remembered, however, that
the money which put up all these build
ings was not the product of the place'
but t iken there by forigu adventurers'
a pan of the charm is lost. Many of
the people will always wish to be rich,
but never will be. A few have madr
hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions
of dollars, and the rest are experiment.'
ing; but like the alchemist, who tries to
transmute the metals info gold, they will
fail. As for us, a plaeo where quiet and
htiri.iness ruevnils. whnr.t sne.ll.o- V,,,,
surer pofit,, honor and ,-h ili.n.ion-
A '.Ivan oo
NO -i 1
about. d. is t. v i..-, lie ;'.
and hilt te bill' liv:! f :
is witnc-M .1 ;.! 1'itl, i.:
I 'itb'ile w.i !
of an (-xlraordin o v o
exists thn om'.E
lu til's j i: ,..,. ,s ...i.. -,
are n. rr c:-; ! -1 .
as Vet been I; tli ,,
ry he!-veon-!e,;e ; i
to be cavernous.
- -
t :-1: -:i .i.o 1. io,
(Ohio, otlei.-i tiie : . .11
iae, :
SoiiK ye:i; s ..i !.. iii -ve w ,., a ,-,-rt
l;r.vsi.;t in an te.j'-ioiog c-ei'i.v, ;h-t:e:-i
le. ver t i i.-d a c ' '. v. as a 1
jda-niiT, tin 1 Mr. P . a.: eo-;. : .,
doletidau',- t h" m'n'X-'f t: . i:ei.:.;
Muted to Mr. i' . t.s bu !o .-hi
truly, by Lis t'.i.ol, be pr-pori i.i..
S'pei '-h. But the ide:,: t ' i . I 1 i.i:,
very d;r,-re-.t ir.-o: wo i' 1. h i 1 t. : 1
from his eiien:; 1 t u e .cit:j ;'''
make an oxteiuperat. on.u speech, ii :
sp-'ko th:; one which he lei 1 p; !,
and which did not corr.vp e.d to the e i
Vhcn lo'hal .lei-lei bi:s:- h. Mr.
P . arose and beg in by uiaiiog ll.e
the ibli-.-.viug tite'.-l-te:
"Not in-'iiy l ii'-'s lr:.:si b 'r-. the;-'
liver. :i man v. r.o was evy de 1 .
one eeiy g- !t;g out to em a mill ::
wishing to conceal his deafne-s, 1
rea.--iue 1 with him a if:
"Now if any one comes abiog,
first ask me :
' What is that fn-1"
' A mill-shaft."
' 1 i ow long is it to b" '!'
' Ep to y m knot h .',.'
' What "will yoti take f..r il
Two dollars.'
' I will not give it-'
'Oh '. it's no tllt'i'ei-en .-e. If ye
somebody else wi'd.'
After a short Mine, a loan ridin
Will I,
d.ot !
-.'o'i i
' " 1
the road, stoiii'cd and
' How far is it to town V
1'armcr ' A mill shaft.' !
Traveler (in a louder tone.)' How
far is it to town '
Farmer 'En t yon kn it-holu.
Traveler (at tin: ton of his voiee)
IT,;-v f,r it it to -va ?'
Fiirm.r ; 'i'v; 0 o oil.-.
'IrivJer (by thl-t
'1 vo a notion 1 1 j;i. 0,1 a:i I g.'. J you
goo 1 thrashing.'
11 !
;" (
Farmer Oh! it's 110 deference.
If you uri't .oiuijl. . ly ed 0 -.vl.l.' "
' J ' ! 1 0 applio.ition to the e- isj of the
yot'.u ; liwver cm pi duly be se'ei. We
have not hoar 1 ol him since, but pr
sumo he- !:-u ab.m Euo I th: p-s of
. 1 Faith Cm i':; .e; ;n g :, r T
u 1 o:J;
viitee, llttio, t;,tie too many
i pc-r-'on-i, who live by barhciing
. cr lu'ifwo;'.;. 'flay are i- r !
! tin or.lei I': an t eee t
; a them,
; their own, and an
having a el
1 bony n.ii.i
a!i 01 in. " at 1: ; a. pr
: ...,t 1 .....,: , . . ; ... ...
I 10. I H UIIHI., 01
'. ' ". ' -
to is etioii v t x
Was d : 1 i ring a ; ;i
III ... ......Il ...
"lalt.i. toe groans an I :
ers giving- ..! it-, e!
inipre i'o.e m-.tOie . Y
upon his o'..-;) (!-,, k i-'..
quiver, d like distant lie.
emi'hasir.ed his words by
upon toe taoie. la toe inoi-t .. .01 ;'.;-.
the 'tovc, agitated l,y bis j irrio. bi .v.s,
rolled over 0.1 the 11 1 or. !!. eher L.-wi-.
a high man in the thwr.-h, lit I i,.;.t,-l
himself near the conilb. t : of ; !.;ti ; he
stool inesoiu'e, whoila voice of his
minister came to It: tit hide:, witii ! iltli
"i'ifk Uj) tie Move, Brill. ier Lewis,
piek'up de stove, do Eoid v, ei't f t it
ba,-:i you." E'r-elu-r Ei - .' 10: 1 1 v,e
filleil up with mcricles 'f filto he hi:d
heard that evening, so he yielded to the
appeal o! his pre.i.-he.-,!-l t, ii .
stove but die. pe I it it.siiiiillv. and (iiru.
ing bis rept'oaciilul
ol faith, exclaimed
eyes to the di.-ciph- !
V in t.
t.'-Tim McG-jv.mii, a galljiil. f. -lb w
lost his ble in th 5 M .-xle-.i.. war. li b,
lost an ai 111 w lien a boy ly hiving tie
limb cru-hed iiieb-r ihe v. lu-el of a i oo-t
ing cart iu the -oull country." ) i is
surviving biother, Dennis, to ,-r e
boa-ting of Tim's exploits. I MVa-
nienstiig bar. room, the other cv. -ning-,
lUnuis began the oldthetneof th 1 Me.i.
cat. war, dwelling with particular cm-
,,.....-..- v., ...v. ..., mr- oeei-c.i
"Oeh, inurLhi-r, but ye ought to b ive
seen Tim at Lye sack a .'ed'ar ..,!. me
(meaning Basa.-a de hi Pahn.i). J 1 0
eought two Mexican blackguard; by the
culls of their necks and kilt thein both
as dead us In riins by Km-cLing th.-ir
heads together."
"How could that be," said the li.-.'ener,
"when vour lenl . ;
"Bless vour sow! ." answered lien',.;,
'one arm he, that's true enough for ye;
Dot then, ye see, Tim f..r?otul! -.boot
that when h
t into n Ii lit.''
... i- i i.. .. n. hi c,-. in.
Cue d.'slr.i rr, tlio Zivtofit, j
w .
' it :;!idi ii; l.l.c a siiwini
:': " i ilu! l-t of it )
. ii '.' i.fynr uc:iry woes,
: .'! .! tii- rot ii it;
ii i. i ' ) I ir( ) i')'is( ,
t ii- i;i hi' tlio in',-1 Hi ii ;
1 1
If y.nir friend ha-- gut a heart,
'I i .i e-.Iiing hue in hti
( a I away hi.- d.i; ker part,
I 'l:o ; ! . ohai's divine in bin,
t ' 0 1 .'n'p i t our lie.- t relcaf
r !."::::' :..s je-:! ol it;
-..i,. , : . l cr , gi n I,
E I.: the be t of if
l:e.l.e ... s!a,-;
Tl ;.;. . ' eperiment.
.!.. 1 il -; .oe .,;.-v. Mid great
- ' . j moni-.neul .
.1 . . . '11 i-flnod
M -.. i :t ' ilie lest of it ;
.1 a e..l. 1 e e.t.eOed thill 1,
'i"e:u v, Hi to i'- e tli- best of if
Ti ia tii.! I'oveis abovo,
hi. h, sustaining all of us,
El no e onto ). b-j'.;.l of love,
Bit: d. h great and small of us,
Ver 1. .ay befall
S.e -lows or tiie rest of it
We .-!: .,11 ova v.- one them all,
If v: lo-,';.. the best of it.
i i '-o 1 1 't iiU'K. On oi:e occsj.
G-u-m.-in residing in the couhter
into 1 oill'ilo with ham to sell.
tie" rest, he sold a do"eii or tvrt
e' :o ei h it. 1 keeper, wdio after,
ib toooitr.iileg the ncutencss of-
; 1 1 w, :
t-i a ( i
1.:- : eoteiy meii (
may tal
t.ei 1 aukecs, stael,
out votir Yankee
S.-ll -:
10 lell
but a Dutchman schcctcd mq
r as a Yankee never vas. lie
!:l :
' 1
:e hati! 5 dey vas canvass,
ts vou ucver see. 1 pay
t .1. :il! .- nice; and if you
ve, '. clivi t vas so lu.-ignifiecnt
1 it 1 eat six .'-even, ol deui hams
pefot" f fe.m l out dat dey vas made of?
I ;-TIi ' Xi 'v ink independent lia.-j
; the following; IV eii a mo'licr :
la! d'd I t. II i '1 what a time T had
with icy Elle Joe , ''
"No, what is it ': '
''Why 1 was showing him the martyrs,
thrown to the lions, and was talking very
s,,',1,!!'.' (o tr3'hig to make him fee
what a terrible thing it vas.'?
if T ' T M y s 1
, V'1" il U'A "c once' u" ,a Ju
at i,:;lt r""1' "ln. ay txhiud there,
1,0 wont ot a".V !
C'Geuer:.l (Irant really made a
1. i ... z . 1
I i-oe -ei. n iwu mi eoiiiiueiicmeiit. as
lie na-i oecuueil to speak, lietieral Uham-
1 ;.o s.ii ,
: l nave iricu 10 get den.
-:.!:, but he says "No," and
ys that woid he fueans it.
it moai's . Kiiethiiig." Grant
i itig, 'T continue to fight it
line." And that wt'.s his
(.;-.:.! ' 1 .-,
when he J
Leo know.
ir,k in,
out. on that
Sl.e. eh.
V""';'he follo.viiTg illustrates the way
" ;. ': .ll thrilling inci-
' E, r sr. A c .I '. e-pondent froiu
army g'yes 'his inf.- r 'sting item :
In bii. ie w 1 lo the bravo Captain
. A eiui:-:i! took of! his
1. Eis la t ',..-rd-: were "liu'ry me
he s-.e. vhere I fell."
: d
f 7'A good ,-ii-ry is (oil of a country
Me ii ..'us:, tit w ho- bou;o an itiueiant
p:-- i-'h er v. ; ; p. 1 -- 1 . -g the night, who,
1 b -1 tiii.e ci:,:e :md family prayers
v. '.. : . . to -.eo-ehing for a Bible,
fe: . ly pr ei 1 ti eiuple of torn leaves
e. the g 1 , 1 !.-. 1!,-, with the remark, "1
o ef I.e.-,- I w.h so near out of Bb
. v Pr. Mason stopped to
' pi. 1 I which attrao.
o.l e:. C..-iper the trage.
; .-.lo. rg said t ) him.
i.i-ig, sir do ministers 0'.'
a I .-11 1 th! ue-f ?"
t. sir '.' sill the Doctor :
d the g-.s;.ed have a righ".
dia l, c
the v .
j lo 1.1. ..w what the devil is about as well
, as o.h.r I. .Iks."
C:"i'"I iiio'irn for my bleeding coup
y," :: t'.iii titiiiy c.mtraetor tj
e a i- 1! ,'s'i hi i-i. "So you Ought,
a :! oito'li e!," replied Sherdian, "for
ibo-'.y leu bled her moro than you.
r-.7"Au fM.a.edingly modest young
'.V de-iring the leg (,f a chicken at the
le said : "I'll t-.he that part that
i,t !-, he ire-, d in .li-awers."
A i.e .- o in-, gci.,1. icn whosatoppo
o, in:: 1 di: t-.-!y said : "Ell take the
n thai ought to wear thebostlc !"
I rj.V somewhat juvenile dandy Said
... i.,',.- ,.:ir.r .,, a Lilt
I "Don't yonthink, wksmy moustaches
hire b, e-enin ; :"
I 'J',, which' "-.he rei.'ie.l
, "Well, sir, they may be coming, but
uo-y have not vet arrived."
:-'?.. A C. nncriiei.t Jonathan, is faking;
a w.iii; with hi., "gal," came to a toll
bri.lei', h. 11 bo, as honest as ho was
wont to be, faid, after paying his toll
which, was 010: cent, '-Come, Soke, you
ma t pay voir own tell, tu just as like
a-; not 1 shan't have you alter all."
I "' e eonnty, Iowa, has pail
I Sl-o.uOO f..r county and township
1 Emmie..- 1.1 1 the reb-f o' soldiers' fam