THE ELK ADVOCATE thcny. liou-'y Tim peculiar taint or infection which ve rnll Sciioi i t.A lurks in llic constitutions of multitutloB cf men. It either produces or is produced by nn cn- - fecblcd, vitiated utato - (if the Mood, wherein &thnt fluid becomes in- KfiJ'icoiiipctent to rustnin vigorous iiction, nnd Cleaves tlio fystoni to full into disorder and Tin- scrofulous contamination is va cuumed by mcreuriul disease, low Jixini', di-ordercd digeMinn troni unhealthy f.Midi impure uir, tiltli nnd filtliy haliits, the depressing vices, nnd, above nil, ly the venereal infection. Whatever be it i rigin, it is hereditary in the tonstitutioi', c'e-einding "lrom parents ti children unt.i the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it teems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will A i-iit the iniquities of the lathers upon their hihlren." 'I1 lie diseases it originates take vinous mines, iieeordin' to tlie organs it In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles and finally Consumption; in the j lands, swellings which MippurHte and be come ulcerous sores; in the stomach nnd bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, nnd liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive Mid cutaneous affections These, nil having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification nnd invigora tioil of the' blood. 1'urify the blood, nnd ihesc dangerous disteinpen leave you. With feeble, fold, or corrupted Mood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the llesh" l.iaUhy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor'a Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual miti- ilotcs that medical science has ttiscovercU tor ihis ntllicting distemper, end for the. cure uf the disorders it entails. That it is far t upc- rior to nny other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a Jrial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class cf complaints, is indisputably proven by the (neat multitude . f publicly known and remarkable cures it made "of the following diseases: King's Evil, cr Chndular Swellings, Tumors, EruptJcn3, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from 'uberculons deposits in tha lungs, Whito Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia cr Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Disease, i'tmiloWeaknesse'. n"tl indeed, the whole, scries of complaints that urise from impurity .f the blood. Minute reports of individual .iscj may be found in Arm's Amc-iucas Ai.mas.u-, which is furnished to the druggists tor gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, nnd somo f the remarkable cures which it lias made vlien all other remedies had failed to nllord relief. Those cases are purposely taken all sections of the country, in order 1 tint every reader may have access to foiuo who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses fho ital energies, and thus leaves its victims far wore subject to disease nnd its fatal results than nre healthy constitutions. Hence it tnds to shorten, and does greatly shorten, tl 10 average duration cf human life. The importance of these considerations lias 1- d us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now tier to the public under the name cf Aren't l-.vns.rAi;iLLA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of w hich exceed tho best f Sursaparilla in alterative power. By its id you may protect yourself from the siifl'er irg nnd danger of these disorders. Purge tt the foul corruptions that rot and fester j:i the blood, purge out the causes of disease, i nd vigorous health will follow, liy its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, nnd thus expels the distempers which lurk w ithin the sy.-tem or burst out n nny part of it. Wo know the public have been deceived )y many compounds of Harsapurilla, that j roniised much and did nothing; but they v ill neither he deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abun slant trial, nnd there remains no question of r surpassing excellence for the cure of tho Hlicling diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the saw name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than pny other which has ever been Available tu them. AYER'S ' CHERRY PECTORAL, Xho World's Grcnt Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for tho relief of Confiumptivo patients in advanced stagey of tho disease. This has been fo Ions used and ro uni versally known, that we need do no moro than assure the public that its quality is kept tip to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by )it. J. C. Avnu Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Miles. .Sold by all druggists every where. 3 W Arr agemen t! TREMENDOUS KUSII TO THE New Store of CENTREVILLE, ELK CO. PA. NEW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING THE PEOPL Awake to their Interest ! A manifested by tlie daily throng of customers exchanging: "i;rken backs" for Goods. -o All the Domestic Cotton Good arc high. Customci s, onu and all exclaim ! How Cheap Your DresB Good ARE My ttock conssiota of Dry Goods Hats & Caps, Grocer e s CLOTHING ATTENTION LEGION! All persona indebted to tlie atefhms of Schoening & co., 1 at cntreville, Pa,, and Lulir ! co., at &t. Mary's Fa, are EARNESTLY REQUESTED to come forward without de lay and plank up their "spon dnlix," as we close up our business by the 1st of April next. Our accounts must be settled by that time or the fur will flv somewhere. V. cnTCNI.a & Co, Cctitrevillc. C. LUIIIt & Co, St. Mary's. March, 4tli ISO,"). Manhood who 0, how Ke- -,$-- stoml. fe2?$ Just published, '''',;! nW.V new edition of j)r CulverwellsCelebratedEssay ot the rutttcaicare without meuiciuej o Ppermatorrhcea, or scminul Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losscj, 1. M po tency, Mental aud Physical Incapably Impediments to Marriage, etc. asoctp C'ONSUMTION El'lLKI'SV, tttld PlTS. ID dticed by eelf-induleuso or sexual ex. travagance. JPirPrice, iu a scaled envelope, ouly 0 cents. The celebrated author in this adtnira. blc esiay clearly demonstrates, from a hiity rears successful pratice, that they aa Miiing couserjtienccs of sclf.absucma be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or tho applica tion of the knife pointing out a mod. of cure, at once simple, certain and effect ual, by means of which every sufferer no matter what his couditiou may be may euro himself cheaply, privately and radically. 07-This Lecturo should bo in tho hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, ponl-pul, on recept of i six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. CIIAS J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post office box 4580. Volunteers and Conscrips To solliers or any ntlirrs wislilnR to In. cronue their income, there is no belter wny lo doing so nt tliip time, limn from tlie rale of our wntclic. They are WArraxtkd as IEPFERESTKn 1 "Particularly viilmilile fnr officers in tho Army and travelers." Frank Lttlie'a, Feb. 21. "Prettiest, best nnd clienpest timepieces ever offered." X. 1'. Illustrated News, Jan. 10. "Very pretty nnd durable Watches fortlio .4rmy." N '. Arm; Jf Ncry Jour. (Gov ernment tirgnn. ) Aug. "One of the oldest nnd most reliable I10113 en in business." Louisville, Ky., Journal, July 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS' Being a Hunting or Open Face or I.ady'sor (lentlenian'B Wateli Comcliine, with Patent Self-Winding Improvement a most Pleasing Xi.vellv. NF.OK THE PRKTTIKST, MOST TON'. I ) VKXIKNT, AND decidedly the best nnd i cheapest tune-piece for general and reliable me ever offered. It has wiiliin it and coil' neeted wiihits miichinery. its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unne cessary. The of this Watch arc com posed of two nietnlH, the oiilerono bein fine 1 0 carat gold. It has the improved rubg action lever movement, nnd ia warranted ny accurate time piece. Price superbly onu graved, per case of half dozen, $!!04. vVniu pie Watches in ncot morocco bores, $i!5, SLVE WMGWKSl 1W dlS TIN WAKK, HAIll) WARE Oils and Paints KLEVKS' AMMROS14 FOR THE HAIR THIS ELEGANT HAIR PRESSING AND wonderful Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, and is superseding all other prcpa. rations, not only in this country but also in Europe and South America. Thou. Bauds of bottles are annually used in tho Court circles of Paris, London, St. Pe tersburc and Madrid, and tho sale in Cuba is enormous. BREEYES' MA BROSIA is composed of an oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of exquis. ite perfumos. It effectually prevents the hair falling out, and causes it to grow rapidly, thick and long. It makes the hair curl, and gives it a glossy appear ance No toilet is complete without it. Price ( ) cents per largo bottle. Sold by drungests aud dealers in faucy goods iu all parts of the civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists iu every city, aud at REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, No. 02 Fulton St., New York. First Cliss Hunting Time. Piecen for accu racy of movement, beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal npprobation. An imitntion so faultless that it can hard y be detected by the most experience udgea. The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Silver, it can not be recognised by cutting or heavy en, graving, making it, not in appearance, but indurabilitv, the best resemblance of SOL I DI STIRLING SILVER in existence. The sale of these Watches in the Army in source of enormous profit, retailing, as hey very readily do, at $C5 and upwards Many hundred dollars can he made in a sins glo pay day by any one of ordinary busines. BguAT WHOLESALE ONLY '. In hoavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fanry cut hands, in good unning order, by the half dozen, $72. Sold only by the case of star '. Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part of the loyal States, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers against fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in the disloyal states must remit cash in advancf, as the epres oompanics peremptorily refuses making collections in such dangerous localities. llcmeinber, Cash in advanee from leithin the army lints hi ebel states I We guarantee the safe delivery all watches, whether they are scut by mail orf eprcss, Hubbard Bors., Sole Importer St. Mary's Elk County Pa. :o I take pleasure in calling atten tion of the public to my GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK G7othig, OF Boots and Shoes. For Ladies, Gentemen and chil dren. o T II E S URE CTUK FOR UIPTHERIA NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED WALLIS IMPROVED MAGIC BALM. TV II A T IHEBAUnVHLBO Remove Obstructions, allay Inanimations ftcilitate Perspiration and Circulation, re- uccs Enlargements, and vitalize and itrengthcn weakened parts Ciamp and Ilil icus Colic, Nervouj Headache, Earache, urns, Freezes. Toothache Sprains, Nruises, j c, ; and for Sprains, Uruises, Galls, Distemper. Jc. in horses. The quickest relief for pain of any Pain Killer iii use. There U uo remedy that will act ro proinply in relieving the ills enumerated r.i the Magio Balm, which deserves to re ceive the favor ot the public It is its own recommendation, and by tho performance of good works, where it is knowu, now en joys the highest reputation, For sale by J. Powell, Hunk & M'Vean, Ridgway Pa. Wholesale by Carters & Hail, & Warfeols J rug stores, Erie Pa. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years fimu Nervous and General Debility, 3 iyrhtly Emissions and Seminal Weak En's, the result of youthful indiscretion and came near ending his days in hope los misery, will, for the sake of suQ'er irn man, send to any ono afflicted, the simple means used by him which effect. d it cure in a few weeks, after the fail. xe .l numerous medicines. Send a ,! irte-l envelope and it will coBt you oitl'irg. Addic-s EDGAR TREMIXE, Station L,128hSt., Nr York Tity. Wooden Ware, Pork, Flour, It is useless for to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invite ono and all. to drop iu, themselves. and examine for tJSrButtcr, Eggs, Potatoes, Grain Hides, Calfbkins and all country produce aken at market price, for good. Centrevillo, June 1st, 1865. Administrators Notice Letters of Aduiiuistratiou have been granted in due form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. Mack; upon the Estate of Eliaha JlVk, Late ot Salem Md. de ceased. All persons having any claim against said Estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. Any person owing the Estate, are requested to mako payment forth with. WILLIAM MACK, AdmiuUtrator of tin EMe of Eliiha Xcck, Vucaub. , June 11th 1861. The following facts demonstrate that these Machines comprise the htyhci improvements in tha Seiciitg Mcliinct Art, viz' 1. Each Hfchine is truarantecd to give better satisfaction than any other Sewing Machine in Market, or money refunded. 2. They have taken many of the hijh-at premiums at the moat important ex. hibitions and fairt ever held in the United States. 3. They make the och stitch alike on both sides thus saving more than half tho thread and silk used in the raveling ridge seams of tho loop-stitch and single-throad Sewing Machines- 4. Ihey are adapted to the widest range ot heavy and light 6ewing. 5. They have no rattling wires, or deli cate attachments to keep in repair, 6. They lequire uo taking apart to clcau or oil. and no "Lessons" to set needle, Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS AND FASHIONS. Tho most magnificen Steel engravings on every subject tha can interest ladies. Crochet knitting Xetthijr, Embroidery, Articles for tho Toileh for the Parlor, the Boudoir, and tho Kitct en. Everything, in fact, to make a coin pleto Lady's Book. The Ladies Favonto For 35 Years- No Magazine has been able to compete wiili it. None attempt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. Thcso alone are worth the price of the Book. Model Cottages (no other Mngazino gives them), with diagrams. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG. Another speciality with Godey. ORIGINAL MISIC, worth :s a year. Oilier .liigazines publish old worn-out mu sic ; but the subscribers to Godey get it be fore the mufio stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar ity wilh Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart &. Co., of New York, tho millionaire, mo relumts, appear in Godey, the only maga zine that has them. Also, Fashions from the celebrated Brodie, of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of ihein in year limn any other magazine. In fact tho Lady's Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marlon Ilurland, Authresa of 'Alone," ''Hidden J'ath," "Mots Side," 'Xemtsis," and 'Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no oilier magazine. H e have also retained all I our old aud favorite contributors. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, lliee &c., T E H M S O F GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 165- ( For uhich there can be no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1865. At present, we will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due no tice will be given if wo are obliged to ad vance, which will depend upon the price of paper. Ono copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, one year 6 50 Three copies, one year 7 00 Four copies, one yar 10 00 Fivecopios, one your, and an extra copy to the peison tending the club, A large stock of Confectionary ? such as candy raisins, nuts of dif erent kinds figs and all other goods of the kind usualy kept. ''ij j uU w'Tl '''ihJU4 'wilt '-Zumiu 'Ww '''' Sui) ''iuJ ''P wsw A small assortment in the above Hue, will bo kept on hanA aud sold at low figuers making six copies Lieut copies one year, and an etra regulate tension, or operate j Machine i inoid ta-i nnrt aviiminn nnn n i rimn I ... . Please call and examine and demon. strate for yourself, or send for circuar with samples of sewing. N. B. wanted. Town and Country Agents FINKLE & LYON'S. S M. CO., No. 538 Broadway, New York. ICKINSON & Co. DEALERS in Morchandi&e Provisions etc., on the Ready pay system, at prices much to tae advantage ot purchasers. It 00 SI 00 Eleven copies one year, and an er- tra copy to the one sending the club, making twelve copies 27 50 Addititus to any of the above clubs, $2 00 each subscriber. Qodey'a Lady's Book and Arthur's Horn Maguiine will be sent, each one year, on receips of $1 60. We have no club with any other Jfagazine or Newspaper. The money must all be sent at one time for any Club. Canada subscribers must send 24 cents additional for each subscriber. Addrens L, A'. E. Corner Sixth PhtM'Iphta Ft, A, GODEY. and Cktslnut Streets SKgSTMy stock is full and cheap Call and CD Post up hefore buying. if. St. Mary's June, 11 18(5 1.