T II E E I K A I) V 0 C A T E 3LK ADVOCATE I'uMishcd Kvoiy Si.turdoy II - I'. W. lllKltl.TT. Ridgway. Pa. Aug. 19. 13G5- PrTtthii'lthtPnttt'i'i'COHlti'iriifhHwtintan T'aaurJ bi puny and unbribiJ i.V .'Win ' Ylc fyiJ but to Truth, Libert; anl Ltiu; .Vo favor swayt it jnJ no ffJr shall cite. ADVEKTISKISQ AGt.NCY 11 0 Nassau St., New Yoik the C.u.adas- they arc tuuboriod to con rrct lor us at our lowest rate.-. "h:mocuatu S r.vn. C$vkntion PosTroNFD. At the formal meetinj; ot the Democratic State Central Conunittee it was resolved that the State Cotiven. Uo:i should he calie 1 to meet at Harris hurg, on Wednesday, the 2 1st day of Juno, inst., but having since learned from a majority of thu Coinmit'ec. and I cinf advised by many oilier leading Duuioerats of the Si ne, that, a postpone ment to a later day woa'i.l, on many e. counts, be Acceptable, and is gencially desired. 1 hereby nivc notice that the i;.'St Democratic StatJ Convention ot Pennsylvania, will ooiive'ie at the Hal! ,f the' House ot Uepyoseiitiinvc. iu tlie city of lluirisbuig. on Thursday, the li-ith day ot August uet at one o'clock r. m. C. L. Wahm. Chairman. To WAN Da. June 1st lS'.i.i. V.'e have but t i-ingle apology toofTer for the non.i.peareiiee ot ihe A'lrnrntr for the last two wicks, and that is the illness of our forman. which required cur time aud attention. fc-yThc "ilyde ifou.se" on the 21st txehanged hands. Mr. Moore is now iropriotor. I rem tlif JJrovlvitle IUjinUiran, Pfatu or J. J.Y. TimJirsoN. A deep gloom wasi'ifl ever our caiinmmit on Inst .Vatuoltiy mnriiiiifr, by tlie reception of ft Teleiri nj'liie clispateli t'ruiii I'orstmnutli Hiio. inniuuiiciiiirtlitsudJonileatli cf Mr. 'J'lioiup con. tin l!ic ev, nini; l elovc he was in l is usual hea'uli. Hint ubout two o'cloolc next l,c Hveil but i. sliort lime n Iter tlie ntiaok. .inJce Tlion.pson was well known in this O.iaity, liaving resiJeJ here I'nrniuny years, ami n:i.-ttf the time in J uhlio husiness. He leinovt'l to r,.rlctr,onl lat sjn-uip. we v ill le.tiee his ileaiii more fully hereafter. V&.'ti th Ckd'jUll l' yullloin. SUNATOUIAb COSVKNTIOS . The ".uocraey of this Senatorial District, !:re no doubt aware that the time is up. preaching for holding a di-trie Cnven. t ion. Tho Disriet b.'iiiL'a r.e wore coin p.os. iog the counties of Clarion, Clearfield. Cameron, Elk and Forest, it becomes the duty of the Chairman of the respec tive county Committees, to fix a time and place for meeting, and ihe sooner the i'ublic know when aud where it is to be held the better. l EPilESEXTA I rVF. Co.N VKXTIOX. In accordance with an agreement made t the l ist Convention at Ii'dtw:iv, the mi.u. usiMJiiiuii. a. ... .. ne.t Cuui'eicnei ot ties I.epm-cMalivo J)i,tricf, will in-er at Luihi r-buri', on rti, the firs', dav of Septemlje next. tij'Tbe firm ot lii.ner & l'ms.c-s, Elio ci'y, continue to l.eep llo ir trade .,,cr.! i.o j.i.i. liu 2''.' ' ' , x. tensive'y, and well ihey may. for it is impossible to find a bettei stuck ot goods t heir line, in this section ot the country. T'hev are large'y cngii':"d in the munti factureol all kit. 1 ..f c'-i,fee!ii'i..n v. ai:l dealers will find their goods to be of the test rp'.ality tin I m .st ah able kind. They also keep constantly on loin. I an Assortment ((' Oranges J.( inon, Nuts, Foreign and Domestic Fr tits. Pickles. Oyster?, figure, Tobacco, Ac. 'Jhcir Notion and Tiv deptirtment embrare all the f-mall wares in daily we. Paving particular atteiiti'.n to the v.).ules;de trade, and biiyi'iir in large h.N. they are uiublclto supply de.ileis at lnvit raIi ) iiees. Orders promptly and civefutly filled. The Moss and Elm Conli Candy cn. unues .11 de.nand. 1 he wholesale price i .per gross has been reduced, giving tho retailer ft larger mar i"- J-'-11- I -tf. v u PI rTV ( 1 1 I V C i i" the w,''l,' t'1'- mnviritys loiild govern -.itl-l, S. M. ri.n Mi I LL . ., hi - u-hcoos, the wilUfa-injcriiy ot the Atorthe E.-KAiA-.-cAind 1. , , hJu , ...i0M biHueuttalaud arrest en . ,,t. i.c . . . ; ,,,,,,(, ,,:M hi tic United Mates nnil I, , ... , ,.. Carln an .mother column will be 'J be tu H 1 f Judgi- pit l.inson hi Ridg foio. 1 (ho proceedings of what is called ; fray, is mine TX'lect deep ; anl is meet 11 ' llemocrati; County oiivoiitiou. , jh;, witj, -iiCMt i ii'-T mii,i,i,,js. c hoi.e that, those who received the nomination will he triumphantly cin ied through, even, if tl.ey find -'Jordan" a l ard road to travel. Wo will give our xiews more fully next week. J'rom to? Piitrinl I'n'on. TlIE Oemocratii Senatorial Conferees f.f ihe2:!J litriot. composed. if tin- c uu. tics of Cambria, Indiana and Ji Pcim.ii, :r.ct at Indiana on the 17th and ii' ioina. ted Kennedy L. l'-liid, Es , of .! t!. r t-oii county. It gives us pleasure to in'.ke this announecmeiit. Mr. I'.an d is j ot only a true leuioor.it, but be i a i run man upright, able and po u'i.i' j (' elected as lie tdiould be he w ill l e ii credit to his d'lriet and un honor t ilo Senate. Col. W hite will find in ?fr. Ulood a competitor whose merits i cd popularity are ot the fir-t order, and :l:at it will require Bitiioidiuary cffuits t. defbiil him. County Convention, The ilolettates to tlio County Cnnvoti. ti-ui met lit I'i.lgway August 17, an J crirMnizuJ at half past 3 o'clock p. in. at tho call of tho Hon. George Dickinson, chairman of County Committee. On motion Edward M'Croady of Fox was called to the chair, and Dr. W-James Elakely of St. Marys and il. T. Kylcrof were elected Secretaries. The creden lials of the delegates fruiii the the vrri. ous townships and the borough of St. Marys were lauded iu and a full dele gation found to be prescut. Mr. Juhu G. Hall ot llidgway oU'ered the follow ing resolution which was adopted : Whereas, It is cue of the cardinal ! uVctiii'Cs ol the llrmorrat'c Parly, that cive tin carurst and unqualified support to the nominees (if this coi.veiition and pledge ourselves to use uli honorable moans to ?ecure their election. 'Ihe next business before tho conven tion beina the selection of Conlerei.s to I ho Setiatoi iid Convention, t leoire 1). Messenger, d,,hn (.1. Ilallntid (reor;;: Dickinson were cho-ru to act in that capacity, nr.d on iimtioii, were instruc. ted to vote for Win. A. Wallace ol Cletiitiel I lor Senator, .laoob M'Caulev. I . W. Hays and Dr W..aiues Hialcely were chosen a Cot-fcrees to the Kc. rcsciitat-ve t'ouvention, iind weie in strue td to use all honorable means to secure the iinmitiuti ui of 'Dr. C. It. K.itlcy. Tlie Conferees to the several Conventions were also empowered to appoint Mi'.istitiitcs iu cu-e of inability on their put to attend. (Jeo. D. Me, senoer ot itidnway was nominated to fill i lie vacancy in the office ol' Associate .hid.Ltc, caused by the remov il of Hon. V S. Hioekway from the county, and Jesse Kyler to fill the phu'e ot Hon. V) C. Schiiitze, in case the latter shonl I ri siiiii. C. A Wilcox of I'ox was noiu ina ed by '.Helamatiou for tin; ollice of Auditor. Win. A- 15ly of Dox was chosen as Commissioner tor 3 years and Louis ol. mer of M. Marys for tne same office for 1 year. For the ollice of Coro tier I). 1). Hyatt of Fox w is nominated by acclamation. For Sheriff were num. mated: James Malone of Fox D. V. Dariett of llid.'way, C. Waiui'u'lt ol De'iezett and C. Sextion ot St. Mars; after s-eveial ballots James M.ilone hav ing leceived a majority of votes was de clared the nominee of tho Convention. 1 . . . ' r 0 i way and Newton Lounsberry of Spring 'Creek wtio tiouiimited i.r Treasurer, I nd J. C. Cliar.iu was nominated on the fiit ballot. Hon. Ceo Dickinson was appointed chairman of the next standing Committee and the chair wns cm power ed to appoint as members of the same, oi o person tioni electoral district. Ou motion Convention Adjourned, EDWAltD MCUEADY, LVtaiVmtii, W. .TaMF.S liLAKELY, ) 11. T- "Kyi.kr, j Secretaries. Sr. Mauv's A fa. 9tli 1303. :Mr. Editor: That modest littl-j Elk, backwoods county, and uncivilized though she be, is an undevehiped oil country has been demonstrated. A vis- , .- -, ,, . it to tne iiumero'ts oil wells of our c Juir t . , , ; V wl" Py f ,r ,!l-- il e-''o J'JU ! may accumulate on your pedal estremi. ties in your mean leriiis, an 1 the rain, I punkles eta., with which you may be deluged, i:t the w n.ds. There are, ut ... rt'.mt IS wt:IH in iruK'sl wf COlll) etion in our County; an I thus far i.ot one engage I in fio cnterpri-e !ias . . . found othei than the most eiieoura-'in ' ii.d.u... nM i c.Mi'u.o.. 'I'll,., fl.-st .-,t well started in the cuuty was th-i one at St. Marv's. which was projeete 1 and st n iod in 1 G j ; l.nt a! in i eie l s ion alter, ahh.'iigh i vim .1 salt w ater ha I been .-truck. It is now 21 J feet deep, an l i-i th li 1 1 Is of a co.n i r.y d -ter. min.'d to pu-di it to completion, and w hat is ui. .re, hikvim, 'J he Eik County Improvement and Mining Co., company o.vuing 9JUJ i,eres I in 1, are sinUu r Weils on li.eir pli.peiiy, known as the 'Monster Lands'. At ihe well at .v'ea!rn la Siding, they hive found oil ; and are i.iov t ilb'ng their well iu older t" deteriiiiuu in what a. Ii i r.lits. Jl.l.- Will is teet deep. .r,r.c Mu,p Wu!s artM) U.ht., p,w nn thu pr .pii-iy of this company by th XI... . . 11 1 V. : ,j uiiit 1 ni .... Leaving l!ii!i.'way I fo io l near John. sonbui a Wi ll iu pioj of on tion belonging lo t'le - Ki-isn-i J'e.tru'rutii Cnrn:'iiii." some Oil n, ;;.i,) I',-. ' deep with en" 1 show ol'gu Tills : .-.!, a".. iiikiiiL- at present Ion lis ti t: o-.C ;di-A.; I'vli-le 1 to, t W ' a! L'" V.'i's-.M, ..bout :yy) ice d--.-p ; au-i o lit Wile X '. ! ' (.--it b.'.'.L f.. I j 1 1 , ' !'i oi!i :' i o:' i ranee . avnro n.'lno ; c '':i'p lion. Wl.;!.. :,t this we!!, th l 1 il't'lM 1 V. is hauled on. a ad a li.;li 1,-ii.c r l.c! 1 o''.?r ir. '!':. i'!,'t' n in of pump, iunite 1 iu.;t i'. ... 1 I I j a.i ion ,;e i stronoty )',,! m er a minute ; -j reat ipnn iity ot mif, which is uhi.iys fnund with nil, ciime from thu pump when it was emptied. The company iuteud eiukiug 10 wells ou their property; sud hivo iiitu ve coiisiiici ii cor i.muioocii umv o.i the machinery complete at WiicoX MJ" lion, and have already conttacted for the job. ' Success attend them ! The Clarion Cual ami Mineral OH Company are also sitikin;; a well, lit Wilcox station, with one of Morris Tus. kcr and Co's patent boring machines. The Machinery does its duly well ; and with a determination to find the oliaqen. ous tuasure. We ttust il may; and in luriru quantities, Uahi t.rl: mu? Alim:x, sinking two wells, one 'Jo') feet deep, aud the other D'JO feet, have a pood prospect for oil. They have had lare. quantities of gas and suit from the well. Uohlicds well, at New Flanders, on the F.ijc Hottom.is 530 feet deep. From this well I ha 1 the pleasure ots-e-ing ami bmcliimj the pure petroleutu. The Messrs Coldwells, nre prepann ' to tube their well; and must have the credit ol i nosty and l,.r00 soldiers' paroles have being the Fioneers in biin-int,' oil from been tal.eu in tint city. A great many the bowels of Elk county, and I sin- j robbers and jajlmwkcrs have beeti ar eeitly h .pe their enterprise may be a- ! ro.ttl in Western Texas and much prop buiid'etitly rewarded. This firm o , crly recovered. some '2o,U0! acres of land in Elk county on tlie Claiion Itiver. and its Iributa- lies. The oil from tho well which I .iw was".mberoil."aud evidently oi the 1 purest quality The onuiity alone ro. UMins to oe demonsira!--.!. he oil winch . has been found on thu Clarion is ol the 1 best ciuilitv. aud land in its vicinity will ! ever be sought for in preference toother ' Rn y the Shelbyvilledistrict, - , I (Lnion candidates,) have a iniijonty as parts of tho county. j ar ng hwrJ ani, wil, probrtbly be Anofh.ir well, situate somosts mile9 i elected, froni Wilcox, comes next. jThis belongs Colonel Ptokes, the Union candidate to the Lennox Company; mounted m ' fl'om tho Chattanooga district, is also ... i ,, i ,' ahead, so far us heard from. Norcriorts "impatient charters yourcoricspondent . , ; . , ,., ' 1 , i have beeti received from A est lenncs. accompanied by Mr Lennox, and a ! 8(!(J guide to point out tho best blaek-bet ry I 'I he election in this city and through natches left Wilcox ; and alter a weary I t middle 'J'cunessec passed over very ' , , t . , 1 nuietlv, no such interest being marilfes- ride over a voung h'tt grown).' anl , ' , - , , f " r ted us was expected. J he votewas gen. promising roal came upon a derrick crally very light, over 2000 Votes less raising its uueo'nli head among the old , being cast in this city than there were trees of the forest, and rousMig echoes I registered voters. innumerable, by the click, and clank of j hammers and machinery. The prepara tions are pt oceedit g rapidly ; aud tho coin- pany will comiueiico boring within a few days. And so my visit to tho oil re. gions terminated ; a good supper at Ar. ocrs Wilcox House winding up the jti. bilee. Oilmen, whether proveibi illy gentlemen or not, I cant fiiy, but cer tainly those visited on my lata tour can lay undisputed claim to the title; all in- ionualion Utsirea was cheeilully given, und your correspondent will not forget them Iu the hope of soon visiting them c again he remains, VISIT OR. From Fortress Monroe. Had Conduct 1 Itetiirlng Sol dlciN. FonTRF.sa Mo.nkoe, Augutt 3 The Philadelphia Injui'-'r's special cor. respondent writcsas follows: "Thesteam. er Cossack, from City Point, for llalti- r..tir. v.-it!, it... Vir-ir M ,,m .i...lr,r tin 1 he stores were robbed I.e.. l . . t i. . x eveiy arueiu oi va mc. .ews oi u.e so , to Gen. Mnes, u .r to leave the ! cutrago was te!e'.'ra;hed to ! and he ordered the steam j "barf taking thehliers onboard. The j'.ossack was thou oiuered to liniuptiill i F.oad, and here i-ho is lying, delaiued ' till the stolen goo.Is will t.o resforcl iel nrtangemeiits niailu by the officers and li en ol the oil, tiding I'.-gimeiit, to re- 1 I ... V .... V il.!. ;,...,.. ,o. t .wm ... M iu. I'"--"'--"'' ,J '"-,III 1" I'M '""'ui Boijijieu ui .n-m'i.n .it-,.., iiiia v.... ... , uu v. j. j.,,,!,:,, ,,,. !,..,, ,!.,i 1 niMnim.r h rl,,ii, l,.l '- I mil u t Auoiuion . i o i ma loruv , oio icrs . '.-.. .. - ' - --' on .ii'j Toiiowiii'.; uay i lor convoying tlie morning to ret'!en!.-,i her coal luntrs, . .. , - . . '0 a red & white snr.tted cw iil.i.ut 7 -i i .i i- i w. . i- . . . , . , , I vote, MaynarJ. u2 liiaiontv . , . , ' . ,, ' 1 maiN of the l.uited btates, from Aur. U lule the boat was lying at the coal Soldier's' vote. First distriet-Con-ross. 1 J'''"rs had a calf, one re.l . U!tl 1vh 18(j5 t0 juue ay,h lg68 ia wharf, the meu went onshore and rob- Miller (Abolition.) 1:J m.,jirity ; a'eer nhi.iit 1 year old J he owucr is , ,,e f0iKwin routes in the state ofPeim. bed two stores, carrying the goods on I Jopesboro', Taylor. .):) ; Miller. 15. Uesire.I toconv.- fo.v.-aid. prove property, ; 8vIVai,i... h the schedule of departure J i..-r.j .1.. o..ck Lll, .... ..v., r I !klrK ... ua.O.p. (A bull- 'l'-' "imid arrivals here... pcethea. !.r ,uh Wour-c the owners for the goods de ! I, inner z i,;s to 15 mtry 1 ly to lay, while stii.yed. I the Caroline is l ijinj: tho i-hore end of ; ! the cable, an I this will ba ueo nuplished I Ion ill! H Tr qt; I y V MotlltT I on the 21 -it or 2J t. if tlio weither m id !i!li.l Dau;litLT Munl.-re-l '' i'" The w.ir steamers Terrible and " ; Spl '"i a'C als her2. 11 AliTfolt... ('(ijJN,. Auit 1 A hor. I T't l..ni!. t,iro iit,n,..,;n .1,' mi,r.l..r ,1 ... ,1., -' mi iiiii., t this m .ruing, at the vill.igo ot Oakland. in the town of Mancl.est, r. ' m 1. c 1 1 , .Mrs. ji.-ujanu:i Mark weather, ued , . ' ! 4 and her daughter llll.i, 1 1 years old, were nmna euoppea to ueatll tu their be.1. The blows, which were inflicted with in axe, severed ihe skull every time, and j the bodies presented a horrible highr They were also stable? 1 ir. uiiiiy places with a lurcher knife, which together, i with the axe, h is b-en louiid. j A son of Mrs. Starkweather, mo aud j Alb.it, twenty four years of age, is be- in txauitii.'.l to it ay l.y tho llartlifid J ami su-pieioiH are euteriaineii i-. !., Coiii;oiUca t lie I en ttile JeOJ. A sum o' lu-iiu y, !e.-s llianS iUUwere lottod in his drawer, together with the knile. lie first gave the liliiitu, r.nd loth Ids own bed and that of bis mother were found on lire. The daughter, when '.n,,,l (.till Io'omiIic.I lut .lied iu ten , - - -t - minutes aft.-rwatds. FHOM NEW OULE AN.S. New York, Agut 2. Ti e steamer Evening Star from New Oilrans oo the 'ith nil ., anivedat t li is jn.i t at noon to day. The Galveston eontspoiideiit of the Timis says there nre seven railroads in running order iu Texas. The Drowusville coricspnndent of the Times savs the nceounts from the into. rior represent a sad state ol affairs. The returned rebel pold'u.s have in a spirit of revenge turned upon I hose ho stayed at home nud nmrder and rob then;. : The Tim3 urtlie 2!'!l5 Mates'that they had Crst learned that thcTremont House, u ml a !ar-e portii u of Galve-.tot.. had been destroyed Ly lire, the military finally suppressing the L'umts. The United Stairs' troops have lag ged about thirty of the mi-creants who created po much terror in the interior by their robberies. The Houston T.h rjrnjih says that over .'UJUO oaths of tun. The "! lection'' in Tennessee Nasiivit.lk, Autru'it 3 In the Con. gressional election in this Mate to any, . , ' . . , 1 )(1 . . . now t.j,,et.ted that he will carry the dis- tiiet by 'JOOO majority. Maynard. Iiom thft Knnxville district,, Important From Colorado. i Indiau Demonstration on an Emigrant Traiu A Party of Soldiers attack. ed. Jci.EsnvRO, Colorado, July 31. A party of Indians attacked an emigrant , train forty miles west of here on Satur. day, killed two men and captured one wagon. On the tame day a large potty of In. diana surprised a camp of twenty. six eol-Jiera a few miles north of Valley Station, captured their stock and drove ' the men to the station. ' ,i ...... it -. War parties ol Indians have appeared in several places on the South Platte route lately, and there is no doubt but thero is u considerable foroe ot Iudiatis iu the vicinity M,.r,. tr..ar,Q nra rtn rvir, l.nro from the east. .... .1 ' The Election iti Tennessee Louisville, Aug. 3. Thevesult of the Tennessee election is as lollows : Franklin county Campell (Demo - crat,) l!vJ; Carter (Abolition,) OS;1 C..l.. li I . W.,...! Ittit. I.V.lL-itp J Kw.wtWilar M.wnil .ill IV M il'. - .. J J' ,, or. i ... (C fe,vi..iv,U0i . Cowan. Cooper( Abolition.) received ; 2 wotes in the Tenthd.stnct, in Frank- " ' ' i (Conservative,) 105 liu eounry, with uoj.p.tiuti. From hnjltiml. F ATHEa Point, July 31. A Valen lia telegram of the 19th says that tho steamers Great Eastern and Caroline hid arrived olF there nil well. The ' .Ii.. In, I. 1...... ",7 I U ... J..,'..n.?t .,f 1 i 11 1. atit .-oio.i tj 1 . 1 it u . 1 1 khiiuic.j.uI ! w1"1" 5 1 "'' :" Lib ouls an I i.) Con- j sei vatives. The net Eheral g.in :s . J ie eh nera has broken out iu liir - . . 11 . ., liiiiiiuli.ini, ani l.irjrt ii'iiubers ot the ; ,,,.,,,-, U .ve been attacked. IHsti uctiou v t'an Oil Well. lfir 1 1, ill Pa . Aitousfi Well No 19 on the 1 1 S ( ir ii. on Pit Hole creek, was de-nroyel by fire a 7 o'clock this evening. The well was fi li-ln-d yester day, and was 11 r.viu l about -)) b.uiels, but l lie: e b.-in no tanks up the oil wan allowed to flow ou the ground. S.nij.. twenty per-ons weie biauding in and around the derrick, some of wl.om it is liared were unable lo esL-ap", as the J ground lor l-jity feet urouiid was in one i ... , ,- fl., , ,.t I- I, ...... I , ..,,.:.... burned and they only saved their live by jumping into ihecieek. The well is still flowing and the oil burning. Tit JT(;r'(fj Wnsl.inpf on pftAcial -i.vs . Aninlior cnxe of insano iiepnl-c litis (nst on c'iri'c-1 licre. A y.Tun? la-lv. ai-iiii'ip; l,er felt' with pitnl, of tlio n.'ne pat'evii ,v tli?lt use.! 1-y Miss Harris. ,K'liliiic'i'ly elo.t K so'iJier, wl,o IkhI liiteoir.c nn iuc-.iistaiii luver, nnd ncvjre'.y, if nut fatally, wjiiu-I. in 3 him. MARIED. KHUvNlKO JiOMON. Inht.Marys ! July l!5ih 1S3."), ly Fev. Athannsius j lliutenach. Mr. Fredrick Sehoening to i T If mi .uiss i-i. ii. iionon. an O! i:,ik, coun- iy, i . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS! 1 FOlt f? II EH IFF. . FrM.ow Citizkns: I offer myself ,; to your consideration ns an JniUpnitlavt j Candidate for the office ot Sheriff, nnd if rife led, w ill discharge the duties of the office to the lest of mv ability. W.m. J. LEAHY. Fox August 20. M).ri. FOIIWAIM). M .1 It C II ! -0.0- MAKC1I r.IOUT INTO lilDCWAY ALONG .VAIN .S 711 LT.T TO Tin: Old h a p i n lit 4 'aJ 4 J H Where you will find Drugs, Sledieinrp. Oik Paints, Vainish, Enisles. S t a t e o n a r y , WATCHES, WARRAXTD ; SILVERWARE, WARRANTED; A general assortment of Va rieties and 0 Fancy Soaps. Violin Strings. Perfumeries, Albums, Yankee Notins, &c. Lasnp Oil hy the barrel!, Dye Stuffs. Instru ments aud Implements partaia ing to the DKUG BUSINESS, &c. Pure Liquors for Medical purposes, only. BO K DWELL & MESSENOEH. PJdgway, Aug. 17, '65. 1 OTICE "Wlicroa. Letters Teta". 1 mentary to the Estate ol Michael payment J Utld liose having claims t against the same will present them dulv authenticated lor settlement to JOHN IURR. lieticzett tp., Eik county A. W. GRAY, Jay tp. Eik county j August 19th 1805, QTlt.VY CATTLE 'Jama t-j the ' . I ri".i,iii;Aa .i r. en,,.,... ,n v. HI I U1 1 Fox tn. An 19. 'Uo, GEO- FEST. r ISf of Grei. .Jnr.rs, drav . S J October Term 1S05 p,nilll)(il. .Miehael St; y , f)r ary s. I Uauer Geo. 1 Cui uiaii II iram Uevvald Nicholas Henziniter. Spring t'reck lieuziiiger Fox i ,io;;r A Hancock Liias Mo!i 111 John M ,en John M'Cau'lev Win. Jr Taylor Win. Sr Taylor George IJ Woudeily John Gross Win. Ritter Charles i do do do do do do Ib-minger lo do do St. Maryg do" do (lo llemzett do Spring creek "'- M 'nill . '..I"1",, ' . : J' 1 ., " ' 1 Itutijer Geor"3 ,,. . V," Wum-ley G-'or.i Johnson Wall-ice II Johns-iii Ralph Jr Moore Henry I) IS 'I of Traverso Jurors iliaiwa forOj, 1 J Iu ulier Term 1 S i ). lii own Mit lriel, Kn. Iti.n Itiitt Cliailej. liiilwij.v, IJel.riji llirnnrf Iti lttav, I'.r,i,ik j.j .Ininei. J.iy, ll.vlo .1 ilol, Si M-u-yj, I'.nik lisnili Sr. Fun, ('.iluinii, Jeii'iii iiii Fox. t.'.M.W ..,!m. F-.x. t'onk limii'l. It, 1, w i.y. Conl) T. I!. I'.iogwiiy, Dill lien.'jeil, lti,l;;w i.V- Duii'iv.iii la ik'S. Fx. U jc Frui X. Fox. Freelaii'l Ol wr, j'.-mti -M, Oei-jj Fr iii.'is. Mi. .'a .ys, (i ii- lner ,V. It. Si, M.ii'.vx. lilnver l.'liain.i-, Ueiuiint.ir, I Iol-Ioii I sii'.c -Jr. .ti.ten iy. liiaiy v. t". L-w-.v, Mylt .l,.-.',ii s. iti lw iy. iluiirli i.u-.i .. V . !L,'iL' .av 'l.'W.tl Fr in's!, n il. ri.X. limit H m t.. Sjiaiij.' tni-k, II linn hotuli, Itoiizoiiir, Kvlir A 1 Ko, Kyler Mays, l i.x, Kitlu O, 1'. F ix, K-nii. in.M-pr .lulu,, l'idju:t.v, l.ewin I. Hi, l!tn. .jeite. M,.iei- S pure. F..X. M" 1 1 I im ill o. ':. Miirry .Iwlin, F..-u?zeil. Meyer Jnliii, st. Mary's, I't-rriu Muriiii, Spro.15 Crej ' oirlei-jM-t Anl Imn.y, lieiumpi'i 'on.iiif. lii-ln'tiv, oi'.'er- James I'im-cU W. t'..::, -oeioii'i,iier .loloi. Si Gary's, Suilibsloia-i, 1 1 i.'liUiiiil S. hainiii Cleriiait, Si. M u-y' Sii!,cemi.ir Fr'il, Fx. SI, on .SaaiiKjn, Fox, l'u!..r .1 nines II 1'ux Wilcox L'l irk A- Fox, iVjnJf-jlJcr Josspli, St. Mary's, Wilbeba Jonph, St. Mmy's Ovel late cfJry township Elk county ; 11 wl" co nounng, nnu may oe u dee'd have been granted to the cnbscri. I ",,eBI,a ,ot. .t,"?ir1 Pe,f,!Ct .rostoratir-n. i. . . it . . i . . 1 I maa flAuirintr I!ip cimr will nlrivn ti-i . l'.state lire ivnonteil 'n r.i.,1-.. lininnlintn uiess 100. J"'""" - " "-o.- t nonuwHix & mj:sseivgi it, nmanisTX. D.-aleri iu Drugs and Chemicals, PAIXTS. OILS AX I VAUMSII. i,.rCiiii.ry & Toilet Articles & Stationary. Ji't'Jy'ctiy, Elk Vvunty Pcnna. Jf 1ST of Causes wt down f..r trial at '.lie October Term, 1SG5, of tie Elk Countv Common l'leas. Seth clover a Walter Bryant et ! Joy & Welch for use vs, Geo. II. Dowers Joseph S. Hyde et al vs H.O. Keilh etul Mill s Joy for use vs t!co. II. Mowers A. ro , j Kalpli Ilol vs A!c:.-.i!iJer .Mnyut xl ttiil , J. t'. rl ai in vs David S. I.ntl.er I Joseph f?. Hyde et al V3 J. c. Turn j Mk hael :snitrf.w at at vs timecn c ', Earl, ct al V. Fcrrv raiter ri J. rsl jsiupta GEO. ED. WE1S, Drothcuotaiy. DRUG STOUE- lot. C. 15. E.U LEY & II. II- r E8SLF.lt, wil! constantly keep on hand st tho old stand of )r C. it. Early, n full assort, incut of choice lrugs and Medicines, which will bo sold at the very lowest cash prices. t-5t.Prolcssional Calls will ls piomplly attended to, by II. II. Fessler. All consultation to Office business, will be strictly attct.dcd too by Euiley Fessler. Ker.-ey August 1st 1005. issoi.i;t!n.-Notice is hereby given that the hunted partnership, here- totore cxittiiiL' ncMveeii treouoro raier of Wilcos, Elk county, Peniifylvani:.' and .tames I. lurk ol PlamBeld of i State of New Jersey, for the manufii? ture of leather at Wilcox Elk County Pa. said partnership being formed under tin Actol Assembly ot the 21st March 183ii, entitied "An Act lelative to linii. j ted partnerships" and its fupplementj, j will be dissolved, fully and finally on I Mondav tho 21st day of August A. D- lSG-j; the said partnership then censing aud determining by the mutual oonsent ot the parties. TIIEO. PALEX, JAMES CLARK. Wilcox July 10th 18G5. TO COVtOlPTirES. Sufferers Wim Co.vsvmptios, asthma, Bronchitis, or any disensu ot the Throat or Limps, will be cheer fully furnished, without charge, with the remedy by the use of which the Rev. EinVAun A. WinsoN, of Williamsburg, New York, was completely restored to health, after having Euficred several years with that diead disease. Consump tion. To Consumptive sufferers, this remedy is worthy of aii immediate trn:l. 1G5 South e2ond Street, Williatv burgh, ICings County, New ork. Post Omcr. Department, A'ashington, June 19th 18G5. ) United States Mail. Pennsylvania. Propufih will be veceived at the Con tract office of this I'epartmcnt uutil 3 .. m. of July 3 1st lfS'd5, (to be decided i tiuIIS Bt ,ne .crilli,,a ,,nj,.e4. : ni flui a !J u- IlI'lL'n IIIU iluu I'ml nnnt.iin . I ... 1 1 . I. . . 1 i The .roposals mu.-t be endorsed "M..il 1 Proposals, State of Penueylvaria," tud htadri-ssod to the Second Assistant Poat. master (ieneral, Washington 1). C. JtoCTE No. 274J. From Wilcos, by Kuson, to Smithport, 22 milei and b.ck. fix times a week. Leave Wilcox daily , except Sunday, at 2 p. m , iirrivo ut Wilcox by 9 p. ui. Leave Smiihrort daily, except Sua. day, at U a. tu. arrivu at ileox by ? p. in. KnUTE No. 2710 A. From Wilcox b; illtjiiisvilie un,! aeremt. to Cb-r. inootviile, 1G miles aud back on ;o Week. J.eavo iie.is ,utur.iav at J p ill. Arrivu at Cleiluoniville by 7 p U. Leaeo Clermoiitville Sal', al 8 u. la, Arrive at Wiitox by 1 p ti:, For t.irins ot prnpor-als, guaranty ht:i ccii.fieate and conditions to l.c inoriG, raed iu the Coi tracts, see pamphlet ad, Veitiseinents tor oouvoyiii.; the m.iijs ia Pelin Ivauia. A.C., dated. l'Jttl Novell) ber lliJ. aud lu:J Keccmber LSdl, tti bo found iu tho principal Post O.lh-s j W. DENNl.SON, , Potmiister General, Imformatioa Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERER3, A (i EN 1'LE ! AN, etjrek of Nervom jXLility. 1 itc 'uipeteney Preinatute I)e. cay. iiu.1 Youthtul Error, actuated by a Je.niv to benefit o'liels. will ba bnni.v ,i I'uriiUh to all wlio ueed it ( free cf !.,,, z in.. Minpie remeoy use4 in lwi cue. Suil'erets wishitig to profit by the advertisers bad experience, and t,ikw.. ou iicsMog i,im at once at his place cf bu-iuess. The Eeeeipt and lull informa. .... . j uu -j 'ion "f vital imtioi lance will bechecr lui.y sent by leluni mail Address JOHN B. O'IDEN; No. GO Nai.-au Street, New York. .. -N'Lrvo i'iiLrcrt!ofboth xeses will hu l tb:s iulbriiiiUuia javuluuble. (3 tic'.bs