The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, July 29, 1865, Image 1

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I ttTa ttrte t . t t. a tt r. t v
Bidgwny, or li-?ir?oi- P. 0. F.Ik Co
T. T. Ai; R A M S ,
A. T T n v. n 1: v a t I. a w
ZOCv' A.117AV. 7'.1.
Attorney's at Law, Itidgway Eik on
ty Pa., will attend to all profs-ion
business promptly.
ZFiiTrix& wild ..v..
""Attornovs aud CottiHelers nt Law, OP"tc
in Ohapin's Clock, Eidgway !!;!; Co. F"
Pnrtietilar attention giv n t .'U'H'ii.
and ali monies proi ipily V"i:!ii Wii'
also practice ia tiejolni-ig ci:r. tbs.
"jyThn c7i7ujl
attorney a'j lay?.
Kidgway, J Ik Cev.nty lV:ma
DR. W. JAl3rjl!LAklkY
St. Marye ilk Cot. My "a.
' DR. v7v77iIA V
rractice3 Medicines ': urg.-'rv
CeiilrcvIliV LM; Co. I'.i."
br. j. BbTri)"wlTLL
E c l i; cue P ii v a i c i a x ,
(Litoly el' Vrcn ewiy Fa)
Wil' promptly to? tii .io;'essr!'.'.
"-t-alls by nitfht of dry. Ran U-iico vu?,
door Et'St of the ktc n sidvuee oi llou.
J. L. Giliis
OB. C H. K.e-' E '
Co., Pa. Will :.uciiu n ml c.i'd
Bight or dey. Ju;y - I,
CATt.OS. .
. i..- U j i
Bidpway, Kik t.1.;.ir.ity "c;
hied. i:o:.ij ::,
litttlicrsbarg, CleaiSclJ Cc '. .!, V-
8Frcurlck Ko-b ?,;'. t
iog built a large and i
ii now prepared to e.Lter to uc v.u.;i
tho traveling pubi'e.
Luthenhurg, July lOtli 1'JO !.--;,
LUTJiEHsnrno jrorrr. ,
I.v.tlersburg C'loiiifiLid Km:?..
' v.'iiJjTam scnwj,.'i, i .
Lutbcraburg, July -Tib ltd. if.
Corner of Feacli CStrtct n:id
the BuJ'falo Ro?,
E 21 1 i; r A .
DNOS B. IIOYT, proprietor
8SS"Tbis IIoiKe is nv-.v ami f'.fed up
villi cjpeeial care for t' c-:ivuii"C n
and comfort of p.ue-fs at !.i.,.U r-ie i..f:t.
tfSpQOOD JiTAO-INO A ; i: r. ' ,1
LoZcHAirE'liOTIji,, "
Hiiliv'!. .V'- o.f.) p. i.,
BKi,Tlii3 hoao is h' 'iHiatR.l cn
the bank of the (.''.in-. i-i ti.u I -.u-r i-nd
of the town, h wu'.l ,-,;, I v.i.ii in, iisp'
room ttuJ stuMiliK, timl tiio proi.'itoi' v.'i'l
pare no jiiiins tii i ji: l-r ; !.o y .i
quests )leaiit ami u ii,':.-.
Jlulgtony Jut' 116, lH'r.
ii YiryrTr6u".sTj
H r s- E 0- C 1 e ra snta,
Trori stress
Ridgway El'c Co.taty LVj i :;..
Corner of M.vautT a:d Wa;it, 4:t'..
GEO. N COLTJURV, rK-.i:;!;:-
st'mary's icTii:Lr'-
St. IMary'8 Klk roi:vrv imn-xa,
M. WELIiENUO!!!', lV.p'r.
& A ; d 4 4 .4t5; t.'a, i ii
E. W. LKiOXV, l;ro(.. I,!,.-.
OniDibun ruiitd.ig ' ) 1 ;:- j,.. the XVj 1
ree of charge.
iUiiinokviiie 'a., c. :;. uv,--. i;- u-
luis bo;-se ba.s been !. ' i 1.
iCd ia a neat ttylc, iitrl Is every way
;idap;t l to the ,(;! :!; j '.:!;!!:;.
11U SIN E .j S
a 't D
Iock Kavex,; C- iM i-TA.
I EALEUS in i-"h.:ir. and
XJ I'eed near ti e J'.t- e::ti- l0.ut
Itulgway Miirkots.
Corrected vecckly:
Apples, (dry) bushel - - - J
Buckwheat " " -Beans,
" '' ...
) I 00
1 oJ
c : u
2 i Oo
1 ;.o
12 00
50 00
1 oo
2 50
1 75
4 50
" lb ...
' ...
- -
" lusUel - - -
" bbl. - - -
" lb ...
" ton ...
" bu. .-.
,( ...
" " ...
" M.
' lb -
II idea
IWV. BARRETT Editor INDEPENDENT.' TERMS-$1 50 per Annum if paid in Advan;
VOL. 5
ti -h yA"tt p'.
I PHILADELPHIA ii ERIE 1. A 1 1 j- '
I l. This groat lino traverses
itlic i-.v: ii. rn ana Northwest counties of
j lYiiii.-vlvania to the citv of Eric, on '
I LM.e Erie.
j It hi;-, been leicd by the 1 't-,inytra- j
I f'il ." I'vtttl ('iji:n,(iii'. nnd i;J Oll'.ra- j
led by t!:tm.
j j iMeniire length w.n oj'Cned for pns. and fii-.ijjht business, October,
i TUiii OI; IV'.S.-'ilN'ClMl TRAINS
I .'.'HUH; WAV.
.,".( 7.'.(..'.cc(,i'.
TliiMtv.'t M.i;i Train 1 53 p. m.
' Ae Hi.-i:-'l-.ti'in a. us.
i TLuv.-b ?!.;!:: 12 S p. U.
I IV .)' f.-.r ( run tlr.v'.i; b without
j t ! :: ravi b:tff'.'Cii Philadelphia j
. r Tt.r1 i.-.v.-."1 on r.xpvess
vuv, aal WnSiatiaprt uu-1 1
! i-iivi niu'tvi i"-"pccl!n IVenster
at the S. E. corner clUth
1 A..d 1 r 1 business of mo Com
j p.'.n) Au'-iii?:
i X. 11. i;;i, Jr. Cor. IGth cnl
: r-l-iriii t J'liiiauilphia.
! .1 . i',r. i'.i '-ti' i It Iri'.
j V,MJ:-,v;u, Agent 0. R. R. Eal-
I IX. IT. II ,1-v-on,
j (.' 7. V i'Ac iVi(V'.
! IT. V.. Ovf::r?,
C:.,7. r4l-.-: Ajl. PhiVa.
,".:.. T-. I n.';
Gnfrvl iJ-majcr, Win pi.
Doaler in
I'.'iin-, ll-i'?, '. V.'ii's Furi'.i.-ilongGooiIs
WATi;!! STltEi'.T,
l.crr Have:;, (,'i.iMo.t Co., '.
ADOL Irlf T I 51. AI .
Ktkii-cviSIe, UllL county Sa.
r-'S" Cencral Jlanufaotnrer of '.."tfrous,
Rugbies ':e.-ALisO Furuit uiv, mic-'i as
lJuroaus, Tables, Stauas liedi-tead-;
Chair.-.-. A'.l hiud of llt'p'.tirin dene at
reasonable rates.
In (be room formerly occupied by
Dctt. l.'lakely.
"couiii'Y dTrecTry
Vrrtiitcnl Jil't'jr.
il'in. II. (I W hite, Wc'lsborougii.
Asx'H Jmt.ji K,
n . a - i- ii....' ' .. T ...
j iluii. II. C. .Sclmlto,"Ht. Mary's.
j P. W. Mays, Hid -way
I J-'i-iiilif-u'iliirj, lic'j. and Ex.
i fieorgo HI. Weis, Hidway
j Jimlnrt A'-'i'l-i.ry,
i L. J. Lhkely I'.idgv.i'.y
j l'i.lilV'11'i
j Charles f.ubr. S-t. Mary's
I L,tinli ,Surv"or,
1 George Valuchy, St. Marys
' ( I. ;. ( 'i 1 . v' I' '.,
i Ci:-in.--sV.".!;., .v't. Mary's
j 1 1, 1 h ';h;.-i.n, Itidway.
1 1 ii- -ii .1 I. ..
I o r o .1 a-. . 1 ay mr, i. us.
'A. T. Kkr. Fo.j
! .! ir ', lieCauley, l''"S.
' M. i). !. .T, ' Uoili.-7.eft
! Ccal Lxzli Tor Sale
; fnIlil r: ib-.cilbor oilers Lr fall
I C...d i riv'.'e;, v.itii tho ri-bt of
.in i other lutcerola under 4'..'5
a r. -j ol 1 itid situated in Fox tp., lear
I'.eld emiiity Peuusylvai.ia, within 2
i. ih'3 r,f 11,0 III luway & bawniut U.R.,
v . bieli connects with tho l'hila. & 1'Irio
!C 11., at Hi U-.vay, with a six foot vein
'. i Uiv 1 ..iiii'.ii-i Coal upon it, wbieh Li
'i'jvv eoM.oHiiiling tueii enormous price,
l-ji iiia iin'i.-tMiiu jmrpores. For sum
ciieap, terms cadi, a ;oud title given,
i'cr further particulars, address
Clearueld P. O.,
Clearli.dd Co., I'.i
NOTICl:. t'lio Hooks mill accounts of
Jiu'nb .J. Storm- & Co., anil (.'Link's II.
( Co.. of .St Vu.vy'b, lmve Lecn
placed in the haii'ls ol'the uinleiai-iiuil lor
i eiileinci.1. J'tifcies iuJi'btcd to cither of
tbu ubjvc ti.-uis, ure noiiticd thai their ae
coutila miit to fcitlcil by iayment to Ihc
uiidoioi('.0'l, within 'M ilays.
I. fit IK J. iiLA'T.LY, Any
f,r 0:-!MNO .1 CO, Jt .STOKKHi CO.
tAlury'a febmary, i.Cih '05. it.
I mm
If N e ll
Tho Little Drummer.
"Tis ol a little di'inunicr
The story I shall tell ;
Of Ito-iT he marched to battle,
And all that there befell.
Oot in the West with Lyou,
(Foronee the name was true,)
For whom the little drummer beat
His rul-tut-luo.
Our tirmy rose at rui iniplit,
Ten llio '.saiid men as one,
Ea'di glinting 011 liis knapsack,
And Htinlehing up his gun :
"Jonnml !" and oh' tin y started,
As nil trood soldiers do,
When ton V.itle drummer beats lor them
Hit; rn! ut-tj.
Aero. a rollin:' country,
Where the mist hoiran to rise ;
lVf many a blae'cf. tie 1 firm hc-usa,
Till th t pun was in. the : kies :
Thin we met. tho lJt-bel nt.-kcN,
Who skirmished ahd with dm -.v.
Wliilo tho lit 1 1 0 drummer heataud beat
Tho ral-titt-too.
Along the woo led hollo'.vj
The hue of battle ran,
Our center poured a volley.
Au 1 the fi-ht at ouco began ;
For the Kobe's anv.rcrsd shoutisg,
An 1 n s-hnwer of bullets flew ;
Vut sliil the little drummer beat
His rat ' I'tl-iov
lie .vtood an;';!-!"; his comrades.
A they quickly formed the line,
And when they raised their muskets
ITe watched tho barrels thine 1
When the volley rang, he ctcrUd !
For war to him, was new;
But still the little drummer beat
lib rat tat-too.
It was a tie-ht to &ee them
Thrt early Autumn 'Jay,
Our soldiers in their blue coats,
And the Rebel ranks iu gray:
Thesmoke that rolled between then;,
The balls that whistled through,
And tho little drummer as he beat
Hi ra.-t"l,o.
Ills comrades dropped around him
By fives and tens they fell,
Some pierced by Minie bullets,
Pome torn by shot and shell ;
Thc-y played our cannon,
Ai d a caisson's flew;
But still tho little drummer beat
Ilia rut tat too.
The rtil'.t, tho left, the center
The fight was everywhere;
They pushed us hero wo wavered
. We drove and broke them thera.
Tho gray. backs fixed thier bayonets,
And charged the coata of blue :
But Ftill tho little drummer boat
His rat lutJoo.
'Where is our little drummer !"
His nearest comrades say,
When tho dreadful fight is over,
And tho smoke has cleared away,
As tho Uebcl corps was scattering
He urged them to pursue,
0 firioudy he beat and beat
The rat tat too !
He stood no mors among them,
For a bullet us it pped,
Had glanced and struck his ankle,
And stretched him with tho dead!
He crawled behind nciuuon,
And pale aud paler grew :
But still the little drummer beat
His rut. tut -too.
They bore him to tho surgeon,
A busy mau was be ;
"A drummer boj what alls him 1'
His comrades answered, ''See !''
As t'oey took him from from the stretcher;
A heavy brea.h bcd:ew,
And his tittle fingers strove to beat
The fit.'-j'.-tuo !
'iT.e ball bad spent its fury;
'A scratch," the r-urgeou said,
As be wound tho snowv bandago
Which the liut was st lining red I
"I must leave you now, old fellow."
"Oh ! take mo back with you,
For I know the men arc missing mo,
Aud the ,-at-tat.iw !"
Upou his comrade's shoulder
T'uey lifted him so graud,
With his dusty drum before lata,
Aud his drum. sticks iu bis baud !
To tha fiery front of battle,
That nearer, nearer drew
And cvertnoio he beat, aud beat,
His rat-lat.tou !
Tho wounded, as ho passed thorn,
Looked up aud ave a cheer :
And one iu dying blessed him,
Eel ween a smile aud tear 1
And the ray. backs they are Eying -Before
tho coats of blue,
For whom the littlo drummer beats
Uia .-at tat-too,
Whcu the west was red with sunset
SATURDAY July 29 13C5
The last pursuit was o'er ; 1
Brave Lyon rode the foremost, i
And !i. ,kcl (he name he bore!
And before him on his saddle,
As a weary child would do,
Pat the little drummer fast asleep,
With his ral
Short Patent Sf.rmon on Payment
or Beets. ;
nr now, jn. 1
TfXT. -If srahonctt, honorable uen
Gq yc anil-i'ny the mintor.-Anon.
My IlEARnts-There are '.tiitiy ecem.'
ing trifles ia this world which you are
too apt 1 0 overlook on account of their!
apparent unimportance, the neglect of
which h:n rlungei thousands into thy
deepest mire of misery, aud sunk their!
characters into iuextraeablu degredation j
Among these ostensible trifles, that of,
neglecting to pay one's honest, debts is
the me t common, and a'tended with the 1
ivor.-t of consequences. It takes oil all'
the silken furze from tho Cr.e threads of
feeling creutc-i a sort of misanthropic
eoldue;; about the heart skins off ail (
the cream that mav chance to rise upon ,
the milk of generosity and make men
look as savagely upon his brnther met;
as does a dog upon
while engaged in the f,ratityii.g employ,
mint of esliog his master's diutic.-. Ooe
debt begets inothev, I 'nave always ob
served that he who ewes a man a dollar
is sure alsj to owe him a grudge; aud
he is i.bvaya more ready to pay compound
interc.t on the latter than on the former.
01), friends, to bo over head and ears
in love is as bud a pu-dieaiucr.i as a per
son ought ever to be iu ; but to be so
deeply in debt that you can't sleep of
nights without being haunted by the
ghosts of roue insatiate creditor, is
enough to give a man the hydrophobia
make Lim bite a wheelbarrow cause it
io run mad, and create a general von
sternation among the lamp. posts.
My dear friends tho debt that sits
heaviest on the conscience of a mortal
provided be b?s one is the duo
the printer. If pisses harder upou ot;o's
bosom than the nightmare gull; the
soul frets and chat's every ennobling
sentiment. niueczes all the juice of fra
ternal sympathy from the heart, and
leaves it drier than tho surface of a
roasted potato. A man who wrongs the
priuU-r out of a single emit can never
expect to enjoy comfort in this world,
and may well have doubts of finding
happiness in any other, lie will be sgro
to go dowu to the grave ere Time shall
have bedecked his brow with the silvery
blossoms of age ; and the green leaves! fall before tho first bud of
eujoymeut has expanded. It is true tho
mushrooms of peace may spring up dic
ing a short night of forgetfulneess, b it
they will all wither beneath the scorch
ing rays of remorse. How can you my
menus, ever have the wickedness uud j
cruelty to cheat the printer, when youj
consider how much he has done, and is !
every day doing, foryou. IIo has poured
into the tre asuries of your minds, scmo j
of tho most valuable gifts that any thing 1
short of a God can bestow ; ay, riches
with which you would not part for tho
possession of the world and a mortagage j
on a small corner of heaven. With the
keys of magic, us it were, he has opened !
the Iron .cased doors of tho human un
deriauding dispelled tho darkness of
ignorance, and lit up tho lamps of knowl
edge and wisdom. That mighty engine
the Pr?ss is surrottndsd by the glory
and its effulgence extends all over Clio
broad empire of tho mind, illuminating
ilia darkest avenues of tho heart; and
yet tho printer the man who tolls at
the lover of this soul enlightening in
strument is o.':eu robbed ol his hard.
earued broad by tboso whoru be has de. 1
livcred from meutal boii'tago, and placed
in a para liso to lay oil' and grow fat
upon tho fruits of his labors !
Oh, yun tiiigreatful sinners ! If you
have hearts softened with the dews of
meii-y, instead of giziards filled with
gravel take heed what I. say unto you.
If there be ono among you in this con
gregation whoso aecount is not settled
with tho printer, go and adjust it iinnie
diatcly, aud be able to hold your head
up in society, like a giraffe: be respected
by the wise and good fro a from tho
toiture ot a guilty conscience tho mor.
tIMcatiou of repeated duns and oeapo
fioin falling iato tho clutches of those
licensed thieves, tho lawyers. If you
are honest and honorable men, you will
go forthwith and p.ay tha printer. You
will not yatt for the morrow beeuuse
thcro is no to.morrow; it b but a vision,
ary receptacle of unredeemed promises;
au addled egg in tho great nest of the
future j the debtor's hope and tho cred.
dilor's curse. If you aro dishonest, low.
miuded sons of fciutiu, I don't supposo
you will ever pay the printer, as lona as
you fcavo do reputation to lose, uor char
acter to sustain, aud no nioralu to culti.
vatc. But, let me tell you, my Ineuds,
that if you don't do it, your putts to ;he
tomb will bo strowu with thorns, you
wdl have to rather our daily food from
brambles, your children will diooftho
NO 81
dyfcnlary, and you yuurrclvcs "ill never
enjoy the blessing of health. I once
called on a sick person whom the doctor?
had given up as a gone case. I asked
him if he had made his peace with bis
Maker ? He said he thought bo had
Square J up. I inquired if he bad for
pnen all his enemies ? He replied yes.
I then asked him if he had made his
peace with bis printer? lie hesitated for
a moment, and then said ho believed bo
owed him something like about two del.
lurs and filty cents, which he desired to
have paid before be bid good bye to the
world His desire was im ii;d;.ately gra
tified ; and from that moment he became
convalescent. ITe is now living in tlj t
enjoyment of hcultl; and prosperity, at
peace with his own onj.ncace, his (10J,
and the whole Ver' l. L':t this la au
example to you my friends. IV.rjiibx
tho printer ; tiiko tho papers; pay for
them in advance ; no .1 your days will bo
long upon tho earth, and overflowing
with Imury of'happiqo.iS.
My hearer ! p i; alt your tkbts and
keep t.r. honorable reckoning with your
fellow men; but. above all, keep paying,
by daily instalment, that evefb-ting
debt ol gr.-ititu io which you owe to Him
ffim whom you abt lined capital sulhii
ei:t to begin tho hist, 'rinsaction of life,
so that, when you cune to balance no.
counts at th'! day of general settlement,
all things may appear fair and abjve
board. 0 mote it be !
Aunt Bttsev "Rikd up."
-I declare if I warr.t riled up," said
Aunt Betsey Greene, droning the knit,
ting wot k iu her lap, and pushing her
Spectacles up over her rap border. "T de
clare ii I wau't ! If I could only have
taken that m m by tho collar, ai 1 u-ed
to my Ritebet; whcu he didn't 'too up to
.uit me, I'd have given him such a sha
king as he never heard on, I'll be
There he sat iu bis rocking chair,- his
foot on the fender, and kerit growling
out at I.i.y Jano to him lib bear.-:,
or fasten l;is collar, or some such un
reasonable thing, all tha vi li'de that she
aas trying to urcss those four young
ones, aud had tho headache that she
looked more like a ghot than a breath,
ing woman. If I was in-that eve place
they cail legislator, I'll bet there'd bo a
law passed to build a pcuitenti ny. cr
some other kind of a pen, for st;ch crit.
tors as he is with no mercy on a wo.
man whether she is sick or well, just
keeping up th:'ir-you do this' or 'do that'
from sun rising to sun eoU'h:.
But then there's Lizy Jane is most as
much to blame as he is. If she'd had a
bit of spunk ho liever'd have gut her
under his thumb that way. Mcstlikcly
ho begun to order her round before tho
honey. moon, when sho hadn't got her
eyes open no mor'n a threo days old' kit
ten, and tho't sho should bo blessed for.
.ever 'cause t,be'd got her neck in the
same yoko with his'u. If sho hain't
1.1 . 1 ...
lounu out nor mistaKO, ami h-vi some
tears to shed over 'cr icked idols,' as they
tell about iu poetry, I don't kuow what
kind of'stulT she's made of.
When I was married thank my lucky
stars I didu't get tied to any such kind
of crockery. Joshua wasn't uncommon
handsome to look at, tobesure any one
might havo thought of a brow.i earthen
plate side c-f n cLma vase, comparing him
with such a whiskered, scented up chap
as Lizy Jane's husband, but I can tell
you he is '-jut what I took him to bo,"
and I uever shed ono single tear finding
tbjt my 'idol' must be handled ear. full) ,
fussed over, waited on and run for to
keep it in good humor without fear vf
I did feel kind of spiteful whin Lin
dane set her head up and seted like she
kind rt crowed over mo, 'ciuse she'd
got a city husband; but ever slneo 1
stopped there, I've felt real ehri.-t'au
about it.
I tell you, girls, wheu a chip aks
yeu to stand 11,1 before a parson with him
you find out whether he cm stir nut of
his roeking-rhnir long enough to find his
boot or not, and hethc-r you are to bo
bead. v.itej- or help. meet alter you nr.
rice iu theCouuty of Matriiumv, .Slate
The French papers toil a story of a
Japanese cllicial of high rank who had
offended tho Emperor of Japrm, and had
the cotlv swurd of ceremony sent him
with which to perform tho "happy dis
patch," Instead of taking tho hint to
rip up his abdomen, betook Ihc sword,
escaped to a French ve-- el, aud sol 1th"
jewelled wcapou, in Paris, for IC'0,090
Wastu Not, .Vasti; Ndi. A geu
tie man who had put asido two bottles of
capital ale to recrento some friends, dis
covered just before dinner, that bis ser
vant, a oouutry bumpkin, had emptied
them both. "Scoundrel," said his mas.
ter. "whzt do vim ninnr, Kt. ibTa?"
"Why, sir, I saw plain cucugh by the
clouds that it pere going to thunder,soI
drauli up the ale at 000a, lust it should
turn sour : for tkco-n's nrthi- T An
abominate like vuste."
The Dandy,
Oh ! there is something noble - i
Soraefaing suulin-,o. I know
In that nondescript croatjp.ty
A rtiodeyu dandy beu
He is Dot the Latin "hornv'a
The Laiiu uq phrase
Expressing such a dandy
As w; see now-a days.
Twill toil you all about lum-u
About bis hamisoi;;j vest :
Ills prr-tly standing collar:
The oi'.r,non.l on bis breast.
Ills kids are lault)es
In fitting aud in shr.po,
You wonder at bis necktie,
And how that bow was wa
Ills little bands are prptly,
Soft, dainty, useless thipg
And on the ungat sparkle
Most beautiful sa! rings.
His bows tire quite a sluJy-rj
No painter could iinpait
. Unto the speaking cauva-'S
Their most bewilderioj; nil
And then his c.mverjtilion,
So ea-'ly it- flows,
That who it's to or what about,
Nobaiv caves, or Luowi.
"Yes, Miss," he lisps so sweetly,
Or '.My dear Miss Nell."
That I cua'l one half the t0tcljir.
I'iihis on paper tell.
Now don't mistake the datjdy,
Or 'h.i;l. c Ij 4 1 be Lv.ihi
Of bis white hand whcu he fl juris.!)
His gracjfal iit'.io cane.
Late on a Sunday nlorolng
IJ c -j'liiiet up tl.e aisle,
An esprciifmu ofjw .-co ue,1'
Upon his face tho ilulo.
Now I adniir; dandy
Ii';'s LU'-h a pretty pet,
Better than a canary,
Or bright. iwnged paroquet
Speak kindly to tho dandy,
And never give him pahf,
For softer than bis pietty liaudj
1.-; th ! t; lor d.iudv,s brain.
A Btixjer of Tuuths. Tha ''Lot?,
d )ii Punch," although it views the mat
ter i;i a jocose light, tells some homi
truths iu summing up some ct the "sweet
uses of adversity. This is the cata.
loguo :
You w car out your old clot Ices.
You are imt troubled with visitor...
You arc exbouorated from making
Bores do not b r.e yoi.
Sponges do not hauut your table.
Tax. gathers hurry past your door.
Itinerant bands do not play opposite
your windows.
You avoid the nuisance 01 serving oi
io 03c think. cf presenting ypu will,
a testimonial.
No tradesmen irritates by asking : -''It
there any other little f.rtiele you
wbh to. day, sir
Impostors know it is no use to bleed
You practice temperance
You snath-.? infinitely less poison thai;
l'lattereis do uot shoot their rubbish
iuto your cars.
Yon are saved many a debt, taany ft
deception, many a headache.
And lastly, if you have a true frieuil
iu the y.'orli, you are sere, in a very
short space ol time, to know it.
A horse which had been ''betted''
to run .'riui Boston at sunrise, and to ac
complish 1 lii miles to Portland before
sunset, on a wager of 81,00'J, fell and
died six miles from the placo of its des
tination, having made h)'J miles consid
erably withit; time,
Qae-'ii Victoria is expected to go to
Germany iu August, where there is to
be p. family meetiti'".-. an 1 the inaugura.
tiiii of a siatue to t'.o l.ito Tiincp Al.
b-rt, for whom, as -c London high cbn.i
j-mrtial ..! tl.e other day, "t.ho is still
pic to m um "
A s )! juvenile dandy said
to a t air pirta- r at a bail,
"J'en't ou think, tui.-v, .my inousta.
chic are becoming ?"
To which she :. piled :
"Well, sir, they may he coruiug, but
they have not yet arrived."
TUVA gay ami festive Kuglhhmiin
paid a visit t j Y':i ihiogtou Market, au I
t:pie 1 ton. a w 1 l.u.s. '-Ay,'.'' said
he, '.-awnt yo:i ;..--i,-.v liirg.-r apples than
those in this country?" 'Apples'." ex. the. vei:dcr,'-they uu't apples.
They're some green peas I've been shel -
If a man Lst-u:Ucu7ly-ieyaT" there is
an advantage iu boiujj tried by a court,
martial thcro being so good a prospect
of dying cf old atio beforo tho punish,
mcnt comes. The Cozens trial before
JJoub'.eday's couit has a3 far as tji
A Good 1ika. Tbu folio tug 'no
tioo' is jiostcd conspicuously in a publi.
cation ollioe out west :
"Shut this door an! a soaa A3 you
hive (loco tjlkiog 03 l'jcf.", tn
your mouth thofarac way."'