THE ELK ADVOCATE ELK ADVOCATE Published Every Thursday 11 v. u. mnnr.TT. Ridgway, Fa. July, 22 1865 ftereshall the ''ess the people's rifhts mainan T'navi d hi party and unbribed by gain ; Vtedyid but to truth, Liberty and Late, Xo furor tu ny lit and no f?ar ahull awe." sTm" Tktteng uX'&cTv A T ) V K B T I S K 1 N O AUF.NCY 11 9 Nassau St.. New Yoik and 1 0 State St., Boston S. M. I'ETTKNUILL & (V, nre the Agents for the Elk Advocatk ami the most itiGuoutial and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canada- they are authorized tocon raet lor us at our lowest rates. "Pkmochatio State Convention I'oSTroNF.n. At the formal meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee it was resolved that the State Couven. tion shouM be called to meet at Harris burg, on Wednesday, the 21st day of June, iust., but having since learned i'nmi majority of the Committee, aud being advised 'bv ' any other leading Democrats of th . . .ate, that a postpone ment to a later day would, on many ne. counts, bo acceptable, and is generally desired. T hereby give notice that the next Democratic Statj Convention of Pennsylvania, will convene at the Hall of the' House of Representatives, in the city of Ilarrisburjr, on Thursday, the 'J-lth day of August next at one o'clock r. m. C. L. Warp. Chairman. Towanua, June 1st 1805. mguWe have no special report from ny ot the oil wells now being bored in this icounty, but sufficient is known to place the finding of oil beyond a doubt. Bi)uPr. liordwell and Messenger, are about to start an extensive drug store in this place. We wish thorn success. Sfs,Tlio Democratic county conven tion, will bo held in the Court House in Ridgway, ou Thursday the 17th day of August. 6We call the attention of the School Teachers of Elk county, to the . letter published in thisissue, from James jilakely, County superintendent, fcayWe have been informed, that the 'Democratic Standing Committee for tho county, will meet in Ridgway on Friday, July the 28th, when the time for holding township meetings will be named, and notice given to the several districts. From the Clearfield Ripuhlicun. Senatorial Convention . Tho Democracy of this Senatorial District, are no doubt aware that the time is ap. viroaehing for holding a district Conven tion. The District beinga new one compos, ing the counties of Clarion, Clearfield, Cameron, Elk and Forest, it becomes the duty of the Chairman of the respec tive county Committees, to fix atimc and place for meeting, and the sooner the Public know when and where it is to be held the better. Representative Convention. In accordance with an agreemeut made i.t the last Convention at Ridgway, the next Conference of this Representative District, will meet at Luthersburg, ou Friday, the first day of September next. .Daigy Mail and Stage Line. On and after Monday, July the 24th 18G5, Mr. James Clark, will commeuce run. tiing a daily liuc of Stages between Kidgway and Brookville ; and having j iocured a contract from the Post Offic e Department, to carry the mail daily, in--tead of tri weekly, between the above jiamod points, will carry the same in ac- ordanoe with contract time. Mr. Clark lias also been appointed by the Union Express liuc, (which will connect with Adams Express at Brookville,) Agent, 10 which ha will give his sareful atten tion. Mr. Clark has for a number of ears past, had the coutract of carry ing tho mail on the ubove rt ufe, aud at sill times gave general satisfaction the name of "Jiai Clark" as stage proprietor and stage driver, is so favourably known that it would be useless forus to attempt to add a word, by way of a puff. We hope that Mr. Clark may be lib. ral!y tewarded for his energy and per severance, iu making tho Ridgway and brookville route, what it should have I rccn, years ago. fitirSee posters next week. The Remarkable Properties of Jirown's Bronchial Troches have been thoroughly tested since first introduced. The demand for them has steadily in. froduced. The demand for them has l-teadily iuoreased, and purely upon their i wn merits, they have found favor with fhose, who from Pulmonary, Bronchial, i r Asthmatic complaints require them, lor Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, 1 nd Influenza, they are entirely offica i inns, removing all obstructions, and in (.rHsinp at once the power and flVxihil j, of the voire The Fourth of July in Centre-ville- According to previous arrangements made for the celebration of Indepen dence day, the Sunday schools and citi zens met at 10 o'clock in the morning and wore formed into lino by the Mar. shalls ai d marched to Beech Wood 0 rove, where the Ladies had in waitipg a ta ble, 150 feet in length burdened with the delicacies of the season. Upon arriving at the Grove, Eddy Hyatt Esq., was elected president and Dr. W. W. Shaw, Secretary, after which the programme was read by the Secteta. ry. 1st. Music; which consisted of the singing of pieces appropriate to the cele bration of this anniversary." 2nd. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. V. Hewitt, in which ho invoked the perpetuation of our liberties, with for" ever the cessation of internal hostili ties, etc. Sd. The reading of the Declaration of Independence by Dr. W. W. Shaw. 4th. An oration by Dr. C. R. Earley, which was delivered in his usual plea, ing eloquence, and giving a brief histo ry of the period, when the Declaration of Independence was framed, and of the hardships which the colonies sustained in keeping their great pledge, also set ting forth their vicissitudes and depriva tions in procuring for us, their great Boon, the Independence of the colonies and concluded enjoining ministers, teach, cvs aud parents to inculcate a mild obe dience to the laws of order and peace. 13y request of the managers, the Pres ident gave all present a general and cor dial invitation to seats at the table, where pleasing to see, all seemed to en joy themselves to the utmost capacity. . Four or five hundred partook of the re fresbnicnts furnished, leaving enough for one or two hundred more. j To tho Ladies is duo a word spoken, in commendation for their taste and ( labor in selecting aud furnishing so ele. j gantly and abundantly, for tho occasion tho best the season and markets pro- duce. j The good order, general decorum and universal ajirceableness among alb where several nations were represented, made the whole affair pass of pleasantly and to the gratification of the mana- ( gera. MASSETER. COMMUNICATIONS. St. Mary's, Pa., July 13, '05. Editor of Elk Advocate : Sir : 1 have been requested by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of tho Pennsylva nia State Teachers Association, to give notice through the local papers that tho Association will hold its next annual meeting iu Centre Hail, Meadville Craw ford County, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the lst,2ud,and 3d days of August. I hope that quite a number of our teachers will make it couvuniout to at. tend ; it will bo an occasion of great in terest aud no doubt but it will amply repay for the time spent and what little ' outlay they may be put to iu attending. ' "Accommodations for Teacher attend, ing the convention have been secured at j reduced rates in Hotels and pii-j vate families." ''All tho Railroads ' leading to Meadville have generously agreed to remit one half of tho usual fares." JAMES BLAKELV, Co. SiijH Annuncements STATE LEGISLATURE. Wc aro authorized to announce tho name of Dr. C. R. Early, of Fox town ship, as a caudidato for Assembly, s'ib. jeet to the action ot the Democratic party, at tho ensuing primary meeting, and also to the decision o( the District Convention. SHERIFF. To the Democrats of Elk County : Fellow Citizens : At the solicitation ot many citizens, I hereby offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the coming Octo ber electiou, subject to your decision at the approaching county Conven tion. P. W. Barrett. Wiaro authoriiedlo announce Ihenameof subject to the action of the Democratic coun ty Convention. Via are authorized to announce the name of Neton Lounsbcry, of Sprint; Creektown. gliip, as a candidate for tho office of County treasurer, subject of the action of the Dcui. ocratic county Convention. NEWADVERTISEMENT3 LOST. Between Brockwayvillo and Hiram Woodward's, on tho Sinnamahouing, a small Day Book. Any person finding the same and leaving it at this office, will bo suitably rewarded. JAMES S. COLT. June29tl 1805. DIssot.UTloN.-Notico is hereby given that tho limited partnership, here tofore existing between Theodoro l'alen of Wilcox, Elk county, Pennsylvania, and .Tanios Clark of Plaiufiold of the State of New Jersey. Tor tho manufac ture of leather at Wilcox Elk county Pa. said partnership being formed under the Act of Assembly of the 21st March 18o6, entitled "An Act relative to limi ted partnerships" and its supplements, will be dissolved, fully and finally on Monday the 21st day of August A. 18(55; the said partnership then ceasing and determining by the mutual consent of the parties. THEO. PA LEX, JAMES CLARK. Wilcox July l'.ith 1805. 500 S A L E S M E X W A X T E D , TO SOLICIT AM) FILL ORPr.HS FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LIXCOLX, BY Dlt. L. 1. HIOCKETT, THE KMINKNT BIOClRArltER ASI II1 I'ORIA.N. TRICES, 83, f 3 50, 5 & $5. Also Sartain's Matchless PORTRAIT OF AISUAIIAM LIXCOLX, And other First Glass IJtoks and En-jravinys, o Deeds of Territory given, Guaranteeing Exclusive Right of Sale. Apply personally, or address, It. II. CI KU IX, rvnr.iniiEn, ROCHESTER, X. Y. General Offiec and Salesroom, an Main Street, corner of 'ater. United States Mail. Pennsylvania- Proposals will be received at the Con tract office of this Department until 3 p. m. of July 3lst 18(55, (to be decided on the following day) for convoying the mails of the United States, from Aug. ust 15th 1805, to Juno 3Uth 1808, ou the following routes in the state of Penn, sylvania. by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein specified, or such others as will make the desired connec. t'ons at the terminal office. The proposals must be eudorscd "Mail Proposals, State of Pennsylvania," and addressed to the Second Assistant Post, master General, Washington D. C. Route No. 2740. From Wilcox, by Kasson, to Smithport, 22 miles aud back, six times a week. Leave Wilcox daily, except Sunday, at 2 p. m., arrive at Wilcox by 9 p. m. Leave Smithport daily, except Sun. day, at 0 a. m. arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. in. Route No. 2740 A. From Wilcox by Williamsvillc and Sergeant, to Clcr. montvillo, 10 miles and back onjo a week. Leave Wilcox Saturday at 2 p. m. ' Arrivo at Clermontville by 7 p. m. Leave Clermontville Sat', at 8 a. m. Arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. m. For forms of proposals, guaranty and certificate aud conditions to bo incorpo rated in tho contracts, boo pamphlet ad. vertisements for conveying the mails in Pennsylvania, &c, dated, 10th Novem ber 1803, and 15th December 1804, to be found in the principal Post Offices. W. DEXN1SOX, Postmaster General. For Sale Stationary and Portable Engines, with new Patent Piston, complete for SAW MILLS OR BORING FOR OIL. --1 L S O- Portable Saw Mills. with Two Rotary Saws, rigged for Saw ing any sized loirs. ALSO DRIVING PIPE, Manufactured iu Sandusky, Ohio, and delivered at auy station on the Rail Road, cheaper and better, than can bo furnished by Eastern Manufacturers. fcayTor further information, address by letter the subscriber at Ridgway, P. O., Elk Co. Pa., or in person at Spring Creek, on tho Clarion River. Wm. Q. SWARTS, A yen t. July 1st 1S05. 2m. I'd. DMINlSTRATOll'S NOTIC li. Notice is hereby given, that let ters i f administration ou the estate of Julius Vombaunien, late of Benzingcr township, Elk eouutyydeeeased, haviug beeu granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate nre l quested to make immediate payment, aud those haviug claims agaiust the lianio will present the same duly authen ticated for settlement to, HER.lAN KOCH. Benzingcr April 13th 1801. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Whereas, Letters Testamentary hav ins been granted to Juo. Stockman and Anton Fochtmau, Executors of the last will and testament of Loreny Stockman, late of St. Mary's, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims against tho same will present them duly authcuti. cated for settlement. GEO. ED. WEIS, Register &c. NOTICE. Letters of Admiuistra tion cum testamento annexo, on tho cs tate of Anthony Kuutz, late of the bor ough of St. -Vary's, deceased, having been granted to the undeisigncd. All persons indebted to said estate aro re. I quested to make payment and those I having claims to present them without delay to ADOLPIIFOCIITMAX, St. Jary's, Elk Co. Pa. June 1st '05. Ow. New A r i' a g e m e n t ! TREMENDOUS RUSH TO THE tNew Store of CENTREV1LLE, ELK CO. PA. NEW GOODS D A I L Y A R R I V I X G THE PEOPLE Awake to their Interest ! A manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging "green backs" for G jods. -o All the Domestic Coltou Goods aro high. Customers, oua aud all exclaim ! How Cheap Your Dress Good ARE My stock consists of r y Goods Hats & Caps, Groceries W 'ia ''W W Mil '.13 tm CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARD WARE Oils and Paints Wooden Ware, Pork, Flour, It is useless fur to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invite oue ami all, to drop iu, and examine for themselves. JBs3r"Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Grain Hides, Calfskins and all country produce a ken at market price, for goods. Centreville, June 1st, 18G5. Administrators Notice Letters of Administration have been granted in due form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. Mack, upon Itie Estate of Elisha Mick, Late ef Salem Md. do ceased. All persons haviug any claim against said Estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. Auy person owing tho Estate, aro requested to mako payment forth with.. WILLIAM MACK, Administrator of the Ettte of Elisha Mir,', Ji. reosili. Juue 11 til IWi. DICKINSON k Co.-DEALERS in Mwhandiso Provisions &c, on the Heady pay tyatcm, at prices much to the advantage of purchasers. ATTINTICN IIGICN! All persons indebted to the late firms of bVlioening fe co., at Centreville, Pa, and Lulir tO co., at At. Mary's Pa, are EARN ESTLY R EQUESTED to come forward without de lay ami f-lf.nk up their "spon dulix," as we close up our business by the 1st of April next. Our accounts must be settled by that time or the fur will flv somewhere. F. SCIICENIXG & Co. Centreville. C. LUHIl & Co, St. Mary's. March, 1th 18U5. Manhood who iSLost, how i.. k'W. v . Just published, new edition of Dr Culver wells Celebrated Essay oftlio radiculcaru (without lucdiciuej j o Si'KRMATORRHOiA, or seminal Weak-1 ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, I MPO TKNCV, Mental and Physical lucapably I Impediments to Marriage, cte. asoctp j Consumtion Epi lei'S v, and Fits, in i duccd bv F.clf-indul-reuso or sexual ex. I travagance. fistS-Pricc, iu a sealed envelope, only C cents. The celebrated author in this admira. ble essay clearly demonstrates, from a Uiity years successful praticc, that they alarming consequences of f-elf absuema be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or tho applica tion of the knife pointing out a mod. of cure, at once simple, certain aud effect ual, by means of which every sufferer no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. 07-This Lecture should bo in the hands of every youth and every man iu the land. Sent, under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any address, postpid, on reccpt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. CHAS J. C. KLINE it- CO., ' 127 Bowery, New York, Post office box 458G. It I EVES' AMI1ROS14 FOR THE II A 1 It rMllIIS ELEGANT HAIR DRESSING AND wonderful Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, aud is superseding all other prepa. rations, notouly in this country but also in Europe and South America. Thou, sands of bottles are annually used in tho Court circles of Paris, London, St. Pe tersburg aud Madrid, and tho sale in Cuba is enormous. BREEVES' MA BROSIA is composed of an oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of exquis. ite perfumes. It effectually prevents the hair falliug out, aud causes it to grow rapidly, thick and long. It makes the hair curl, aud gives it a glossy appear ance. No toilet is complete without it. Price 75 cents per largo bottle. Sold by druggests and dealers iu fancy goods iu all parts of the civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists in every city, aud at REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, No. 02 Fulton St., New York. NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED Tho followiug facts demonstrate that 'hcao Machines comprise tho hiyhct improvement in, the Hewing Mchinet Art, viz' 1. Each Mehine is guaranteed to give better satisfaction than any other Sewing Machine in Market, or money refutded. 2. They have taken many ot the highest premiums at the most important ex, hihitions and fairs ever held in the United States. 8. They make tho occ stitch aliko ou both side thud saving more than half the thread and silk used in the raveling ridge seams of the loop-stitch aud single-thread Sewing Machines- 4, Ihey are adapted to the widest range ot heavy and light sewiug. 5. They have no rattling wires, or deli cato attachments to keep iu repair, G. They iequire no taking apart to clean or oil. and no "Lessons" to set needle, regulate tension, or operate Machine Please call and examine and domon. strate for yourself, or send, foi circuar with samples of sewing. N. B. wauted. Town and Country Agents FINKLE & LYON'S. S M. CO , No. oCS Uroadwuy, New and Conscrips I To sol licrs or any others wishing to in. crrase their income, there is no better way In cluing so Rt th if time, than from the sale of our watches. Tiif.v Aim Warranted as Rui'RESENTr.n ! "Particularly valuable for officers in the Army and travelers." frank Leslie's, Feb. 21. '-Prettiest, best mm cheapest timepiece ever offered." X. Y. Illustrated Utict, Jan. 10. . t "Very pretty und durable Watches forth .lrmy." N J". Army i Navy Jour, (Gov ernment Grgnn.) Aug. 20. "One of the oldest nnd most reliuble houii es in business." Louisville, Ku., Journal, July 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS. Being n Hunting or Open Face or Lady's (.ienili-iimn's Wutch Comebine, with or Talent RelMVinding Improvement n most Pleasing Novelty. OXK OF THE PRETTIEST, MOST CON VENIENT. AND decidedly the best and cheapest, tune-piece for general and reliable use ever offered. It ha9 within it and con nected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unne cessary. The cases of this Watch are com posed of two metals, tho outcrone bcin jine 10 carat gold. It has (lie Improved rubg action lever movement, and is warranted ay accural o time-piece. Price superbly enn graved, per case of half dozen, $304. .Vain pie Watches in neat morocco bozes, $35, SlLVhV. JPA2CHES! First CUss Hunting Time. Pieces for' ccu racy of movement, beauty of material,, aad above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that it can hard- y he detected by the most experience. tidges. The material being of two metals,. he outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Silver, it can not be recognised by cutting or heavy en, graving, making it, not in appearance, but iudnra'ulil v, the best resemblance of SOL 111 STA'ltLING SILVER in existence. The sale of these Watches in the Army in source of enormous profit, retailing, is hey very readily do, at $2-" and upwards Many hundred dollnrs can be made in a sins gle pay day by any ono of ordinary busines. a,a:t BfSjUAT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, nnd fancy cut hands, in good unning order, by tho half dozen, $72. Sold only by the case of six! I'pon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part, of the loyal States, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers against fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in the disloyal ttatrs must remit cash in advaxok, as the express oompupies peremptorily refuses making collections jn such dangerous localities. Remember, Cash in advance, from within the army lines tn ebel states I We guarantee the safe delivery all watches, whether they arc sent by mail orf erpress. Hubbard Bors., Sole Importer. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK T II K Fashion Magazine of the Worltt. L1TE11ATUKK, FINE ARTS AN1 FASHIONS. Tho most magnificcn Steel engravings on every subject tha can interest ladies. Crochet knitting Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet for the Parlor, the lioudoir and the Kitch en. Everything, in fact, to make a com plete Lauy's Hook. The Ladies Favorite For 35 Years- No Magaiino has been able to compete with it. None attempt it. OOLlEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. Thcao alone nre worth the price of tho Book. ModeU'ottages (no other Magmine gives them), with diagrams. 1K AWING LESSONS FOR THE YOyNG. Another speciality with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3 year. Other .lagazines publish old worn-out mu sic ; but the subscribers to Godey get it bo lore the nui-io stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar ity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co., of New York, the millionaire, me rchants, appear in Godey, the only uiaga tine that has them. Also, Fashions from the celebrated Drodie, of New York. Ladies' Ronnets. We give more of them in a year than any other magazine. In fact tlie Lndy'sliook enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marlon Uarland, Authnsa of "Alone," "Hidden Path," "Moss Side," "Xtmesis," and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and fur no. other magazine. He have also retained all our old and favorite contributors. T K H M S O F GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 165- (For ichieh there can be no Deviation.) The following ore the terms of the Lady'a Book for ISlij. At present, we will reoeivo subscribers at the following rates. Une no tice will be given if we are obliged to ad. vnnco, which will depend upon the price of paper. One copy, ono year $3 00 Two copies, one year 5 60 Three copies, ono year 7 50 Four copies, ono year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an etra copy to the peison sending the club, nnking six copies s 1 1 00 I'w.l.. .;..., ..,... .i ., ,.... copy to the one sending the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven oopies one year, ami an ex tra copy to the one sendiug the club, making twelve copies 27 60 Additions to any of tho above clubs, $!i 60 each subscriber. Godey's Lady's Rook and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, eaoh one year, on reoeips of Si 60. We have no club with any other Jagazin or Newspaper. The money must all be sent at one time for auy Cluh. Canada subscribers uiust bend 24 eentg additional for each subscriber. Address L. 4. GODE1. AT F.. Corner Sitlh and OWni' Str'Ht rtilwlelpbit fa, Volunteers