THE E L K A D V 0 C A T E y jiji..; n'- sjjaiyj.',u gap A . . Scrofula nnd Scrofulous Disoascs. ' in Emery HiU-t, n well-lumen merchant of Ox ford, Maine. t lure tioM lnriro qiiantllirt of vonr Rarsapa ' i-a, Ivit m vt r vit one bottle wlil'-li fiileil of the -Irulertin-t unit f 1 1 1 b:ii i inn Ion to those who took I A fast n our iii-oplf fry it. they ngrea tliorc lm f. no nivilR'lm- iku it before iu our community." .-.uptions. Pimvlcn, Dlotclio.i, Pustules, Ul. : "rs, bores, una nil UiHeaaes of the tikia. iron Her. Ilobt. Kirnttnn, llrintot, Knilaml. - I only do tnjr duty to you .mil the public, wliMI ' :-lil my tcstii'iouv In tlltlt von putilisli ol' tlm mo. ni il virtue orvonr fvuts.ii ai ii.i.a. My lnu:). im:d1 ten, mi nillirtiusr humor in iier curd, , iinrt limr i'T ye.'irn, wlili-ti wo wero unnhle to ;v until we tried your tvUts.U'AIULt.A. ylio I ii wt II lor Koine mcatlm." 'm Mrs. June, A', i.'iec, a tr77 Av-Mirn tm,? riwh ' tr, Tirl In hlcf Ih illli!rliU 1 upe May ( ',., A'.. My l.iu(;ht 'r has piill'm-il for n year past will! a i tifiiloim iTiiiiliuii, wliii-li wna very tniiMvoin?. ;!iin;r nlforded nny relief tint 1 1 we-tried your i ...sAHliu.l..l,ivl,ili pooh romuli-ti-ly cured lier." 'in Chnrlis I', ti.rie, ;.;., or the nil, III lnn;rn V, Murray. t ('..., n -mufaelurtrs of enamelled ,.-,(.; ill,',tlt, A. . - I Itti.l for K.-verul yrars ft very trmiMesomo ' In my fa.v, prew iMtiHtantly wora il it ,lini- lire J n.v li- ititr. i cud tiemme. uu Intnl. . 'le :ih1u:iion. 1 tried (ilnvint every tliinu n man : i ol liolli le.lvire nnd medicine, lint without nny i f wdir.ti r, until I took Muir Saiiaimiiim a, i.nlnediiilely in ulc niv I'.eo worn', iih voii told lus .iimu ira inne; inl in n lew wivks tin new i'e;::!! t I'.thi imtli-r t!ie Idnteh.:!, n.i-I ni- i mini tiiv i:i.-i- i.i a pinoeiu iih ne y h'lily H, i i :ini uuj.ii, .my symptom-, ol ine t.i-irisp that inn-o,. i r.ijnv perfect lienltll, and Willloilt j;jt uwo I: to yjur S.viiSAi'Aiai.LA.'' TsipoUs Craoral Iiobility I'm-ify the i iiiOO'i. .''-ni Vr. l!,lt. .?ni.-iii. H .union Kf.. .Vein Yuri.- hie. vi.i:. I r.'Mnm fail to remove i:riiitiini i Sri-niit,'iii .f hy liie perHeveriiifjusetd' vour -t M'Altll.l.A. aed I linve .iut now cured an nttuck U'llivnanl An v .'m w iih it. Ko nlterativc wa ''' epials llie Sak.4 rAKl t.l.A voil have pup. , toe n tu ati 10 ine pcojue.' 'Vow J. 7An.i, ., Wuh-mmi. Ohio. Tor twelve er, I li i I llie yellow Krvsipi las my l-i-ht nrrn, iluriinj which tune I tried nil tlio 'iraie.l plirsieiaiia I could reach, and took liiin- is of iloll ir.i worth of lueilieiues. 'J'lio ulcers ;e no hid that Hi" ' Onln lieeiuue rUihle, nnd the . nrs ic CHIeil that lin' anil innit he amputated. I .in taking your S u: ; M'Al.lLH. Took two 1kS , and so: ie of your I'll.l -.. To-ether they luivo . a -ne. i am ie ov u wen anu luiuu las any noily. :x in a pnl'lic place, my uu Im known to every ' , 'u i;ii ) voiiiiliaun , , iuiu CXC11CB llie WOllUCl' Of 1 (fan. H -iry .lfonre, .V. P. P., fif Xewmtti, . i ., e e acwiyf r oi tnc iruiudtini raiuia- 'tt. 1 oi d vei:r SAn.kiAtll.t.t in m ::euer.d i 'i'(7,v, t ud for puni'i.twi t my family, li" blvoil. I orv hell' iced IVMiltrl. and led coll liiieiieo in . '.nemliiij r. to Hi.- uiiUfti.d." . Authnny's Fire, Kosa, Salt Ehoum, ti.-.:l i Head, Soro Eyes. hi Thir-,-,11 fi,-i:, r, lis-.. Hie til 'c ulilor rf tha 'I'liiihbuiui'-r;; it, iH.jcrat, J 'cmi-iylvania. ' lur only i lidd, aijout three veai-a of afre, was .. k. .1 by pimples on Iuh loreheiul. They rapidly .id until they lormi'd n loathsome nnd virulent , which cov.-ri-1 his tiiee, nn.l actually blinded ii.i'Knii. - days. A bkilful plivbician iippll.'d .le of pilvi r and other remedies, without nny rent ctlccl. l or fifteen lnv we punrdctl his "Is, l.-t wiih th in he fchould tear open tlie fea- '! J 1 corrupt wouud w hicii covered li is whole . Having tried every thin;; else we had nny e iroui.we hceiai ejvm vour 5AltSAl,AHIIlI.A, t applying th iodida ol pot.-ndi lotion, iih voit t. The Mro Ihv hi to In al h Ih ii w e lind given :.r.t hotlle. and vvm well when we had liiiii-linl ecoiid. '1 hr i hil'i's ei lahert, w hicii had como j.ri'iv a-jiiu. an.i he i. now as healthy and fair : oy oth-r. 'i 'he wholu iiti"liljoiliuoil predicted the chil i Lii;t tli.v 1 Sypliilia raid Morcuriul Dioe-o. em i:r. Ilinim Slout. t r St. Loui.i, Mig.iouri. I I'm I your fvuis.uwiiiu.A u mow i ll'ectiial teily lor the a coi.darv fymptonis of .Sii'hilis for sypiiilit!.' disease than any other we possess, prolc ion are indebted to you lor eouiu of tlw i liicdicim s we have." vi .1. J. l-'i-i nrh, .if. i., en cmhirnt jjujiu-ian of 1 -iv rcm: Mnra., vho is a pnmiiiieut tiicmocr of . l.i-ji.itutiu e i-f Masiui-huttts. im. Ayi It. My dear Sir: I li.ivo found your ':i.l'Ar:ii.i.A im excellent remedy for Syphilis, Ii of the priniiinj and tcconitury type, and elt'ee .1 in Fume cases that were too ohininutc to yield 'Iher n medic I do not know what we can era- iih more certainty of success, where, n power alterative, is reijuireu." ii. Cli'ifi. S. I'm T.inr, rXar Ilrutiwi,-!;, X.J., I dreailiiil ulcers on his f. irs, cauned by the nhiiso iie-rcury, or im miriut !i.- nn wdiich e;n'w more . more aL'jT.i ated for years, in iijiiie of every dy or ticaina ut Hint could be nppli 'd, until tlio . everins; um' of Avi'.k's Saksai'ahim.a relieved ... 1'ew cases can be found more iuveteraio unit tresshijr than this, iuij it took ucvcrul dozen U s to euro him. cuiorrhccn, Whitas, Foir.ala Weakness, ireitirally pro-lucud by internal SerofuUma fl- hou, and are very oficn cured bv the" nlterntiro . t of tins SAit.sAi'Aitii.i.A. Some canes require. ..ever, in aid of tlio Sai:sa1'.u;, the skilful ' hc.itiou oT local remedies. i.'i Wnj tiv?; niir!t nnd wiili-'y-cclcbratcd Dr. Jti'-ub Merrill, of Cliieinmiti. I have found your SArtsAi-.vitii.i.A mi cx-cellcnt rative in dise.iseii of females. Many of v rulartiy, l.c-icrrhii .i, In;.Tiial l'lceratlon, and d di oiliiy, ai-isiaef lioin tlu ueroitilouit liiathesis, .e yielded in it, and there are few that lio not, "n its elieel i properly nided by local treatment." '.(uly, uiiitilling to allow the publication of her tiiiiic, writes t My flativlitcr and invaelf luivo been eurerl nt a . uenuiLutinir i.eueorrhora ot loner bottles of your Saiuai,akili.a." standing, by .ouinatism. Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, i caused bv S.-rriili in the avstem, arc rutililly .i I by liiia L.r. S.UisAi'Ai-.ii.LA. AYER'S '"ATIIATITIC PILLS .-ess so many nilvantapes over the other iwtivos iu the market, anil tlioir sujicrior :: :dcs tire so universally known, tliatw e need t 'lo more tliun to assure the public theii -iiiy is iiiiiiiitained equal to t!ie best it cvei I't en, and that they may lie depended on to nil Unit tliev liavu ever done. i'rei ared by j. C. AVJ2IJ, M. D., & Co., .."ell, Jlasi., tnj sold by L'llU 3 Cl'IlU FOR LUrTHEIU.V V.'.VLLIS IMPROVED MAGIC BALM. V II A X T II E IS A L M W I L L D 0 f.rinovc Ol.structioru;, nllny infl.imations :i ci! i i :it p l'ci'.spir.'ilion and Circulation, ve . uccs liiilaveiuenis:, and vitalize nnd lenj'lien wcikoned parts Cinnip and ITil- in Coliit, Nervous lleudnclu), Karaelic, '.'urns, Freezoi, "'ootiinclie SpririiH, Untises, .' c. ; an-1 l'--r Sprain., liniises, UalU, Meavc.', IKsl' inpoi-, ,vc, in lu.rses. The fjiiic!;c:-t Vi uef for pain of nny Pain Killer n tis. There i no remedy that will act so promply in vi lievin the iils enumerated 4i 3 the Mn'i; lltilm, w hich deserves to ro i ei vo lite favor of the public. Il is its owu . ecoiuinetidaiioii. and by the perforia niu'o i f pood wovl.s, wheve it is know n, now on ioys the hitrhesi reputation, For sitle by ,r." Powell, lluuk .t M'Veau, Uidyway l'n. iVtioU'.i.ile by Carlirs & Hall, ii WarfeoU j ruj; stores, Krie I'a. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A jontlcnian who sufTercJ for yeftri friitn Nerv&ua anil General Debility. Nightly Emissions and Seminal Weak ' iss, the result of youthful indiscrelion .ml came near coding his days in hopo-t'.-t-s misery, will, for the sako of suffer ing man, send to any ono nffliotcd, the f i'.i le means used by him which effect. a eure in a few weeks, after tlio fail. t;re of numerous medicines. Send a fi. erteil envelope and it will cost you fcthing. ddress EDGAT1 TREMAINE, Stutiim h, lStUSt., New YorJi Cit;. C W A r i ft n g e m o nt THEMKNDOUS BIISII TO THE New Store of AT CENTKHVILLE, ELK CO. PA NEW GOODS D A I L Y ARRIVING PEOPLE Awake to their Interest ! As manifested by the daily tlironir o customers exchanging "ukee.n back" for Goods. -o All tlio Domestic Cotton Goods arc high. LWoiiie. s, oue and all excluim ! How Cheap Your Dress Good ARE My vtock consists of 1' o o s ats & Caps roccrics CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARD WARE Oils and Pain ts Wooden Ware, Pork, Flon It is useless for to attempt, to give a full list of the stock, but invito one and all, to drop iu, uud examine Jar themselves. ftT-Uutter, Eggs,. Potatoes, Grain Hides, Calfskins and all country produce akou at market price, for goods. Cenlrcvillc, June 1st, 1SG5. Consumption. A valuablo treatise by a Retired Physician, on tho naturo of Consump tion and iti various stages, together with rules forselftreatmcnt, and bimplo pre scriptions which have cured thousands, will be scut, free of chargo, to any ono applying. It will cost you nothing, and may be tho means of saving your money and perhaps your lifo. Sent) an oddrcs sed envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, JJ. D. 8i Murray Street, New York City. March 17, '05 3rn. In To. Consumptives. Tfic undersigned having been rcslor is to health in a few weeks, by a very ample remedy, after, having suffered so,, vcral years, with a severe liing affection! and the dread disease, Camumptinn is enxious to make known tohis fellow suf ferers the means of euro. To all who desire it,, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge.-) with the directions fur prepar ing and using the fame, whiuh thy will lind a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, UnoNrnrns.Couaiis, Cor,ns &c. The only objoct of tho advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit thcafllicted, and spead information which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may pinve a blessing. Parries wishiug the prescription will please address Jli:v. EDWARD A. WILSOX, Williamsburg, Kings County, Xnw York. Miinliood who 'sii Loot, how Re-'.'.- stored. :.;.vr.: Ju.t published, new edition of Tit- 's '. -.vrr!.-'-'.'x ' ''Vi'ii'.' ' Culverwells Celebrated Essay cn the riaficiiAure (without medicine) of yi'ERMATCKnuiEA.or seminal Weak ness, Involanfarv Seminal Losses. Impo. tkncv. Mental and I'hysical Incapably impeuimeiits to Marriage, etc. asoctp Umsumtion EriLKrsVj'and Fits, iu Quced by self-iuJubjcusc or sesual ex. travaganeo. fel'riec, in a sealml fnvrlmio,. G cents. 1 ' v The celebrated author iu this admira. hie essay clearly demonstrates, from a hiity years successful pratico, that they alarming consequences of self absucuni be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the applica tion of the kuifopointing out a mod. of cure, at once simple, certain andeffect ual, by means of which every sufferer no matter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately and rmJiccli'ij. (KrThis Lecture should 1 ifi in tlio hands of every youth and ev.cry man in the land. gent, under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any address, post-jn'd, on rcecpt of sis cunts, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. CI I AS J. C. KLINE d; CO.. 127 Rowcry, New York, Post, office bos 4580. REEVE.' AMHIlOUi Fon the iiAm rgms ixecunt iiaih nnrssixa and -"-woxdkufitl Hair Restorative still retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, and is superseding all other prepa. rations, not only in this country but also in Europe and South America. .Thou, sands of bottles are annually used in the Court circles of Paris, Loudon, St. Pe tersburg aud Madrid, and tho sale in Cuba is enormous. RREEVES' AM BROSIA is composed ofan oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variefv of csnuis ite perfumes. ,It effectually prevents j the hair falling out, and causes it to grow ! rapidly, thick and iong. t makes the hair curk and give it a glossy appear ance. No toilet i3 complete without it. Price 75 cents per largo bottle. Sold by druggosts and dealers ia fancy poods in all parts of the civilized world. Wholesale by nil wholesale druggists in every citv, and at REEVES' AMP.ROSIA. REPOT, No. 02 Fulton St., New York. NEW PATENT ROTARY FEEDj The following facta demonstrate that these Machines compri?o tho liiijlu:U improvements in the &ictny Machine Art, viz' 1. Each Machine U guaranteed to give Letter fatisfaetiou than nny other Suwing Jlachiuo in Market, or money refunded.- 2. They have taken many ot the Uiyhest prmiiums at tho mobt important ex. hihilions and fain ever held in tho United States. C. They make the oc?c stitch ulikc on Loth sides thus saving moro than half the thread and silk used in tho ravelin ride scams of the loop-stitch and single-thread Sewing Machines 1, Ihey are adapted to the widest range of heavy and light Hewing. 5. Theyjhavc no rattling wires, or doli cate attachments to keep in repair, G. They iefiiiro no taking apart to clean or oil, aud no "Lessons" to set needle, rcgulalo tension, or operate Machine 1'lcaAC call and examine and demon. btratc for yourself, or scud for circuar with samples of sowing. N. 1J. wautcd. Town and Country Agents 1INKLE k LYON'S. S M. CO., No. 533 Broidway, New York. Vluntecrs und Conscripts I To solliersor anv olliers winlilncr tn in. crense t licit- incomes, there in no ripttnr xenv in doing so tit thi. time, than;from tlio siilo of imr Wlliuncs. 1HEY ARM WARRANTED AS Hepresrxtk.d I "Particularly vnluttMo for officers in the Army and travelers." Frank Leslie's, Feb. tot. "Prcltiest, best ana cheapest timepieces ever on'ered." X J". UluttraUd Heti; Jnn. 10. "Very pretty ami durable Watches for the Army." N '. Arm; Nary Jour. (Gov ernment Organ.) Aug. i!0. "One of the oldest and most reliable hous es in business." Louiirillc, Ky., Journal, July 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS. Being a Hunting or Open Face or Lady's Gentleman's Watch Comebine, with or Patent Self-Winding Improvement n most Pletipitip; Nt velly. ONE OF THE PKETTIEST, MOST COX. VI'.XIENT, AXD decidedly tho bct and clienpcst time piece for general and reliable use over offered. Tl has within it and con nected willi its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unnc cessnry. The cases of this Watch are com posed of two mctitls, tho outerono bein fine 10 carat gold. It has the improved rubg nclion lever movement, and is warranted ay accurate time-piece. Price superbly eun graved, per case of half dozen, $801. Sntn pie W atche.3 in netit morocco boxes, $35, SILVK lKA2CUIi-S! First C'hsi3 Iluniing Time. Pieces for occtl racy of movement, beauty of material, oud above all, cheapness in price, these watches j must. niure universal approbation. An imitnion so faultless that it can hard ly be detected by the most experience- udges. The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Silver, it can not be recognised by cutting or heavy cn, grnving, tnnking il, not in appearance, but indurnbility. the best resemblance of SOL PI STIRLING SILVER in existence. The sale of these Watches ih the Army is t scuirco of enormous profit, retailing, as hey very readily do, at $25 and upwards Many hundred dollars enn be made in a sins gle pay day by any one of ordinary busines. njact r.VT WHOLESALE OXLY ! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good unning oruer, Dy t ne Halt Uozcn, if Tl. Hold only by the ease of six! Vpon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, wo will send watches by ex press to any part of the loyal States, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers against fraud, giving them tiieir watches before payment is required. Soldiers in the disluual elates MrsT remit cash ix advance, as tho crprcss aompanies perrmpioribi refuse making collections in such dangerous localities. Remember, Caih in advance from within the arm; lines tn ebel states I ll'c guarantee the safe delivery all u-a'cics, whether they are sent by mail or eprcss. Hubbard Bros.. Sole Importer LADY'S B00K GODEY'S T II E Fashion Magazine of tlio World. LITERATURE: FINE ARTS AND FASHIONS. Tho most magnificent Steel engravings on every sirbject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the 1'srlor, tho iioudoir. and the Kitch cn. Everything, in faot, to make a com pletc Lady-3 Hook. The Ladies Favorite For 35 Years- Xo Magazine lias been able to compete with it. Nono attempt it. GODEVS liECEIPTS for every department of a household. These alone are worth the price of the Book. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. 1I1 AWING LKSSOXS FOU THE YOUNG. Another speciality with Godey. OIMGIXAL MUSIC, worth $3 a year. Other ,1ngazincs publish ohl worn-out mu sic ; but the subscribers to Godey get it be fore the music stores.. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar lty with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. ?. Stewart & Co., of New York, the millionaire, me rchants, appear in Godey, the only maga zine that litis t li cm. Also, Fashions from the celebrated Brodie. of New York. j Ladies' liontiets. We give more of them i in a year than any other magazine In fact the Lady s Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marion Ilnrlaud, Amhrem of "Mont," "Hidden rath," "Moss Side," "Aaiiesifj" and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no other magazine, lie have also letained ull our 'old and favorite contributors. TERMS O F GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 165- (Fur nhich there can he no Deviation.) The following are I he terms of the Lady's Book for lSOo. At present, we will reccivo ntbscrihers at the following rates. Due no tice will bo given if we live obliged to ad vance, which will depend upon the price of paper. Ouo copy, ono year Two oopies, ono yeur Three copies, one year Four copies, ouo year Five copies, ono year, and an etra $3 00 5 50 7 50 10 00 copy to tho person sending the club, nuking su copies 14 00 Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the ono tending the club, making nine copies 21 00 hloven copies ono year, and an ex tra copy to the ono Heading the club, making twelve copios 27 50 Additions to any of tho above $2 50 each subscriber. clubs, Godey's Lady 's Book aud Arthur's Home Magazine will bo sent, each one year', on reoeips of $1 50. Wo have no club with any othor Jagazine or Xewspuper. The money must all be scut at one time for any Club. Canada subscribers must send 21 cents additional for each subscriber. Address L,. A, GODEY. .V. E Corner Sn ani Chu'nu! S'rtttt rinlai--ipkta Ft, I, IM . I take i)easurcin callin? nt ln- c? tion of the public to my 1 Cothig, ForJLadieSj Cnentemcn and chil dren . Coffee, Sugai 0 & HfnaaiBTf to o A arge stock of Confectionary, such as candy raisins, nutfc of dif crent kinds figs and all other geeds of the kind lisualy kept. NJ 'iiua -3 """J -J vr v', ' i A small assortment in the above line, will be kept on hatv and sold at low fijruer? My stock Call Post up hef ore huying. St. Mary's, June 11 1864. faT.B V m t ta OF Boots and Shoes o- Tea, Mice &c w, v" vj vWl'" i jii w --r -mm u w m is f till and cheap. and