THE ELK ADVOCATE FUN AHEAD. Tho Great Metropolitan Circus! ?Esrs cheat worn J) Circes.' Two'Estalishmcnts Combin ed. TII3MOSP COVIM.KTETRAVKMNa EX. HIMTION ttVL'U OUUAN2ZUD. CIOXSISTISO of a munificent, omfil, j troupe uf E'liicstrinni mil L)uesiricn nes, ft corps of gymnasts Hil l'!, a company of rqnestro-diMi'uitisis, comedians oa.1 pantomiinists, a full complement of equerries. grou'Ji?, and chevaliers of the avenn. an.l a tut? enscm'.lc Brilliant Beyond Precedent. Comprising in its comprehensive iljtail A fctarry uaiaxy oVrtrd irom mo en ntc-m-tu crcitie 01 inc va- ruus nmin iieat cjcsiI establishments ol Lu rope and America. THE STUD OF HOUSES hns been chosen with no less csre, find in blood, be:iufv iind training can defy rivalry. THETUICK HOUSES AND EDU CATED MULES arcmnrvels of equine sagacity, nnd the lat ter, while falsifying the old' adage of "stub born us a mule," completely bewilder tho Epcctali-r w.tli iuiuiauliKe intellect, and com- r . . ., . , . ', I rn u-nsivp laci e rower u, snoit. in every pirticular, the (treat World Circus can lay claim to the title of the nirPO-AUKNlO MODEL OF THE AGE. The following gentlemen conipriso tho corps of Jatiagcrs and Directors. T. D. Dl.KHV, Vropriotor. ALEX. ROBINSON, Manager. Da. GEO. AV. STEVENS. Treasurer. LEON WUITTOXV. Equestrian Director. IT. OF. AVA1ILE, Leader of tho Eand. The cavalcade enterinjt town in grand pro cession preceded by the UEOKUECL'S DUL. THIN CHARIOT, the most magnificent spe cimen of art nnd elaborate workmansli ip ever paraded before tho public, (splendidly companioned mid driven and coiitroled by JACK MATES, tho champion Whip. Two Clowns at each performance. HIT. AM DAY. the (treat wit and modern Grinaldi, CIIAELES COVELLi, the talking and siusin? Clown, acknowledged as tho most nccnrtable man of hnninr. who over ns- ' Burned a motly nttirc, will occupy a promi nent portion in the department ofun. The Company Aro led by tlio following artists, each of whom is a widely celebrated star in his or Ler profession. MADAM MARIA U0UINS0N, The sun beam of the Cirque, the prima don na of Equestriennes, and a paragon of grace, beauty, feminine bravery and aristic excel lence. LITTLE ANNIE, The Juno liko Queen of the arena, nnd terpsithorcan artists, llcr classic poses upon tho slack wire, and her beautiful equipoise arc equally poetic and imcouipara. Lie. LA FA11UE ALICE, The beautiful little histrionic equestrienne. MILLELEOXETTE, The daring and magnificent horse woman. JOllX STAR, The champion two, four and six horse ri der. THE WIIITTONY BROTHERS, and Master Tommy. 1 he motly delineators of tho Grecian aad Roman schools of High Art, exemplified in their beautiful classic Ulyin pian melange. MASTER CIIA11LES. Tho Arbaeian master of tho Egyptian tcience, illusionist and prestidigitateur extraordinaire. SlttXOR WALLACE The great G lobe equillibriest, and malre tlu cirque Mil. Hilt AM DAY. Tho wit, jester, humorist and clown par excellence. A merry offshoot of Momus, a "fellow of inQnit d wit," and a genuine aud original specimen Of the Shakfpertan hnfo. ALEX. llOUIXSOX, Tlia motley associate aud quaint and quizzical compeer. Messrs. fill AS. LOXO GEO. XIX OXS, HENIIY HOWE. JOHN NOR. TON, BOU SMITH, JOE.. HEESI. DES. Acrobats Gymnasts aud Aiuphi thcatrica professors of la hunle rcole. THE MAGNIFICENT JOHNSTER. The prodigy of the menage, a superb Fpccimen of Llecd, r-ymmctry and intel ligence, will be introduced in bis educa ted performances,' by Madam Robinson. DR. STEVENS TROUPE OB EDUCATED DOGS AND MONKEYS. l'HOM ASULY AMFlIlTIlEATIlK, LONDON. The Famous Trick Hules, Sancho the spotted Spaniard, add l'uid J'ri, unhesitaingly pronouurcd tho wou ders of tho Mulo family, will be exhibi ted at each performance by tho traiucr, Mi Chas Covelle. SHELL? AUK. The incomprehensible Roau etc., all exhibited under n spacious oiiental pavilion amid stfaius of Orpheus liko music by the double bai.d of string aud wind instruments, led bv the great direc tor, PROF. E. WAULE. Admission to all parts of the pavilion, iiu ccuts Children under 10 f cuts. years, lio JSwyDoors open at 1 and 7 P. M. This largo and Manilict-ut Eshiblish ' nicnt will exhibit ut Rid -way, Monday, .Tuue'Jath 1SG5. UNITED STATICS APTKALS. TAX I'sirtii Statim Assessor's (truer., Nine teenth District, l'a., Olfieo, Curweusvilk' ('leurtieM County, 1'u. NOTd'E li hereby given that the assess ment lists, valuations and enumerations niri'ie and taken withiu the assessment UU triet composed of the t'uuuty of E1U, by the uaoibtant assessor, uiiiitr the Ijws of the United buie-i, will remain open to all per tons concerned for cxauiiuutiun fur the t pace of 15 days fruui the Second day of June A. D., 18H5, at the office of John C. Luther Esq., Asst. Assessor "d Division UiJway in the said county of Klk. And, ut the same place, the undersigned liboessor of this colVotion District, will at tend od the 10th day ol June lbtio, to re ceive, hear and deteiuiiue all appeals rela tive to any erroneous or excessive valuatious enumerations by the assistant assessor. in regard to appeals, (lie law provides, "That the question to be determined by the "ufc&etsor, ou au appeal respecting the valu ation or enumeration of property, or ob "jects liable to duty or taxation, shall be, "whether the valuation complained of he or "bs not in a just relation or proportion to "other valuations in the fama assessment 'district, and whether the enumeration ho " or he not correct. And all appeals to tho " assessor as aforesaid, shall be made in "writiiij!, and nhall specify tho particular "cause, matter, of IhiiiR respect I iT hieUa "division isrequestcd ; and shall, moreover, "state tho promt 1 or principle of inequality "or error complained of." DAI." I EL LIVINGSTON, Assessor of the Nineteenth Collection Dist. Ctirwcnsville, May l!!Hh '05. PisTsnurnoN of copartnership- SOnCEi hereby given, that the Co partnership heretofore existing under tho iiamea of C. Luhr & Co., at St. Mary's nnd Ffed Schoeuing & Co., at Kersey, is dis solved since the first day of April last, by mutual consent. Tho books and account! for both establishments will ho left in the hands of Chas. Luhr St. Mary's for settle ment. CIIAS. LUHR. J AS. SNEIUNOKtt, FUED SCIUEHINO. May, 13th 1305. Court Proclamation- WHEREAS, Hon. li. O. White, President, and V. S. Drockway and E. C. Sciiultze, Associate Judges of tlio Court of'Ooniiuon l'lcas, and Jus. ticca of tho Court of Quarter Sessions ord flrritinna' iV.nrf n.i Pxiirf r.l Ovnr . ,p 1 . , . T .. ntui Tnrminpr. nnd ( .Tail Dolivn. - ry of Elk county, by their precepts to mo directed, have ordered a Court of I Common Pleas, u Court of Quarter Scs. I sions, Orphans' Court and Court of Oy-; cr aud Terminer and General Jail Dehv- j cry, to be holden at Ridgway, in and for the county of Elk on tho Fiust Monday in July 18G5. being tho i!d day of tho month ar.d to continue ono week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of tho Peace and Constables of tho county of Elk, that they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of Faid day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tilings which their oliices ap. pertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all tho recognizances entered into before them to the Clerk of tho Court as per Act of Assembly, passed May 8th 1864. And those who aro bound by their recogni. zans to prosecuto tho prisoners that aro or shall bo in the jail of said county of Elk, and to be then and there to prose, cute against them as shall be just. P. W. HAYS, Sheriff. May 11th, 18G5. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that a quantity of log3 wcro carried on our lands, on Benncts ' Branch, in Benezcttc township, Elk Co. Pa., dur ing tho high water of March 1865, with tho following marks, and letters : S X E, S T J, W D, L X M, HE, t) G i W, R F &c., AD, O T T O, D 3 in cen-1 tor, A & b, diamond, hart, harp. Also two or three marks that wo do not know the meaning of. The owner or owners thereof, are required to prove property, pay all legal charges aud take them i awaj,, within threo months from March jsin, .y. jj., they win be forfeited. TV. II. JOHNSON, WM. JOHNSON. April 23th, '65. Pd. 3t. VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALE. Threo town lots for sale, adjoining the i Washill t'iIII ITilti.l fl.intr,-. vlvnnt in (tin 1 IV.riiii.,!,'' ,.P Sf M.....,',. I'll, n.. !.. Likewise 25 acres of land, ol a mile south oust of the Borough. Likewise niuo huudrcd acres of goad farm land. Threo farms with good houses and barns upon them, aud likewise Coal of an ex cellent quality, the coal veins 4J feet in thickness, with a good prospect of oil on Pino creek, near Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. Likewise one share in a flowing well, in Oil City, and fivo interests in oil leases. Also for sale a largo and com modious Hotel in Greenville, Clarion I Co., Pa. For terms and other particulars apply to JACOB SCIIUFFER, at tho Hotel in Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. May 12th, '65. Pd ?1 50. Furniture. MANUFACTURER or Slodcrn and Auliuuo Furnl MAIN STREET, B R O O K V I L L E PEN N'A. Tete-a-tetcsj Sofas, Diavans, Easy Chairs, Rocking Chairs, DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS, And Upholstered waro of all kinds, also Cain Chairs, Cain Rocking Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. Buad.stcads, Tables, Stands, Beaures. Light Stands, What-uots, Corner Stands, Waiih Stands, Wardrobes, Bookcases, &o. etc. &c. We spare no pains in packing furni. ture so that it can bo shipped any dis tanco without being injured. Do not forget the place. BROWN'S WARE ROOS. Dee. 21th lSlil.-tf. FRANK X. ENZ .V II li ff l Tr , u Ji 11 V. Uj i Ccutrevill8, Elk COUnty Pa NOTICE Is hereby" given that the annual election of Directors, of the Kersey Oil & Mineral Company, will bo held at their office, in Ilousvillc Vo naiigo Co. l'a., on Thursday, Juno the 1st, between the hours of one and four o'clock p. m. L A. GUERNSEY, IWt. VENDERS OF MERCHANDISE. As classified and appraised by the un dursigncd, duly appointed appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for tho county of Elk, for the year 18G3. Borough of Sr. Mart's. Class 14 14 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 License Ucrnard Eekl Fred Rudolph James Coyno Geo. Weis Jos. Willielm Jno. Krugh Christe & Ruvko James Blakely Mrs. Mary Fisher f I 7 12 12 12 10 7 7 7 00 00 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 Adolph Fochtman Executor of A. Kuntz 13 Penezette Tp. 10 00 D. IJ. Winslow 14 14 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 00 00 B. 13. Morey Jay Tr. Thomas Tozicr 7 00 Fox Tr. Fred Scheming M'Cauley & Taylor Pa. C. C. & R. 11. Co. 12 7 7 7 7 7 7 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 Jno. Cook Hyde & Reed D. C. Oyster S. Short Ridqway Tr'. IIouk& M'Vcaa J. Powell J. S. Hyde J. S. Hyde (2nd Store) Hcaly & Dill 12 12 12 12 12 12" 50 12 12 12 12 7 7 10 50 50 50 50 00 00 00 OF Spring Creek Tr. A S. Rhinos 14 J. J. Robinson 14 J ones Tr. A. T. Aldrich 13 BREWERS IN THE BORO. ST. MARY'S. ; Jos. Windfeldcr 9 25 00 C. II. Volk 'J 25 00 Charles Haut 10 15 00 Michael Hantz 10 15 00 EATING HOUSES. Ridoway Tr. James M'Closkcy, P. T. Brooks, Jones Tr. E. B. Phenix, An appeal will bo hclJ at the Court IIouso in Ridgway on Wednesday July 5th, when all who are aggrieved by tho above classification will bo heard. W, C. IIEALY Appraiser of Mercantilo Taxes, Juno 1st 1805. ADMiNISTATOR'S NOTICE Letters of Administration have been granted in due form of Law, to the sub seiber upon tha Estate ofThomas Over turf, late of Beuozelto township Elk county, deceased, All persons having any claim against said Estate, are re quested to present; tBem duly authenti cated for settlement. Any person ow ing the Estate, are requested to make payment forthwith. ANN OVERT URF Administratrix of the "IT 1ST of Grand Jurors Drawn for July Term 1805. Blakely Dr. Jas. V. St. Mary's Jlakcly James do I Barr John Bcnczetto j Cassidy Francis Bcnzinger Chamberlain Jos S Vox Dickinson Goo F Ridgway I 1 )oylo Richard W Benczetta Goff A E Jay I Goodwin Thos J Jones Hays En os Fox KunUcl Wendhn ol. Mary s Morey Erasmus Benczetta Mohan Lawrence Fox I Meredith Wnrll Fox Miller John A Fox M'Cauloy Jacob Fox Rathbuu Geo W Bcnzingcr Robinson Jos Jay Rogers Josey Fox Spanglcr Jacob A " Jay Wellendorf Matthias St. Mary's Wilbur Robert Fox Zimmerman Louis U Fox. W 1ST of Traverse Jurors. Drawn for July Term 18G5. Baner Anton Bahcl Edward Burlingamo Jeremiah Cummings Nathaniel Cook Joseph Jr Benzingcr St. Mary's Joucs Ridgway Fox Jay Joucs Bcnczctto 'Beuezotto Jay Jones Fox Benziuger Fox Ridgway Rouczctto Bcuezctto Fox Benzingcr Fox Ridgway Benczetta Spring Creek Spring Creek Fox Benziuger Jones St. Mary's St. Mary's Fox Jay Ridgway Jones Beuezelto Jones Btuziuger. Clover Martin Dill Michael Derr William Dent Miles Gray A. W Gallagher Win. II. Hyatt Eddy Hauhauscr Anton Hortou Isaac llagerty Jas II. Johnson David S. Jones Julius Kyler R T. Kerncr George Little Horace Love James Lindcinuth Johu Z. M'Crcady Patrick Messenger Geo. D. Moyer Jos. E. Stockman John Souther Edward Snearingcr James Sullivan Tim Saltdtnan R. P. Thomas John S. Whit wore Jos. K. ?Ss.Vb iUb10W D. B Wesoott Ira 'Valmtr Louis Two Valuable Lots for sale in tho Borough of St. Mary's Elk Co., Pa- To be sold on tho first day of May, A. 1'. 1K05, at the School house in the Borough of St. Mary's aforesaid, nt 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Upon ono of tho lots is erected a good School house, nearly new and in good condition, 20 by 40 feet. This lot has (ill feet on the Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. The read leading to tho rail road depot run ning through the South end of tho lot, the lot contains exclusive of tho road 8004 sfjuaro feet, 5504 square feet on the North side of the depot road and 3100 scpiarc feet on the South side of do. The other lot contains 8730 square feet, 5884 square feet on the North side of the road and 2855 squaro feet on the South side of the road ' leading to the railroad Depot. This lot hastily feet on the rail road and 183-G-10 feet on St. Michals Road. Tho road lead ing to the rail road Depot, runs through the southern part of the lot. lhe above lots will bo sold single or together, as may suit purchasers. rlans of tho above lot? may bo seen on application to Geo. Walmsy, Survey. or, St. Mary's Fa. Imformation Free TO N ERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN, curek of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature De. cay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to bencht others, will bo happy to furnish to all who need it (free of charge,) tho recipo and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case, fculterers wishing to proiit uy the advertisers bad experience, and possess a suro rnd valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Receipt and fnll informa tion of vital importance will be cheer, fully scut by icturn mail. Address JOHN li. OuUi'i.N; No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. P.S. Nervous Suffcrcisofboth sexes will find this information iu valuable. (3 moths LOVE AND I1ARIMONY. Any Lady or Gjntlcman sending me their address, will receive lull directions for gaining the affections of tho oppo site sex, and which will enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, or beauty. Address Mus. MARIE LEMOILLE, Harlem P. O., New York City. March 17, 65-3ra. Administrator's Notice LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber on tho estate of Geo. A. Kieuzle, late o St. Mary's borough, deceased. Notice is hereby given, to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment, and all those having claims against said estate, will present the same duly authenticated for settlement, FREDERICK KIENZLE, Administrator. Ridgn-aq Xon. 10th 1864. DM INISTR ATORVS NOTI C Notice is hereby given, that let ters of administration on-' the estate of Julius Vombaunieu, late of Benzingcr township, Elk county, deceased, having been granted to tho under6igucd, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, aud thoso having claims against "the same will present the same duly authen ticated for settlement to, HERMAN KOCH. Benzingcr April 13th 1801. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Whereas, Letters Testamentary hav ing been granted to Jno. Stockman and Anton Fochtman, Executors of the last will and testament of Loreny Stockman, late of St. Mary's, dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will mako immediate payment, and thoso havkg claims against tho same will present them duly authenti. cated for settlement. G EO. ED. WEIS, Register &o NOTICE. Tho Stockholders of the "Pennsylvania Cauucl Coal Co," tho ''Shawiuut Cannel Coal Co, and tho "Shawmut and Ridgway Rail Road Co," aro hereby notified that a meeting will bo holden nt the offico of the Treas urer of the first named company, in tho city of Boston (J. F. Juckerniau No. 20 City Exchange) on Friday tho four teenth day of April next at 11 o'clock a. in., to consider tho acceptance of a charter consolidating tho three corpora, tions. L. Saltonstall, Prcs't.. P. C. C. Co. W. S. Eaton, Prcs't., S. C. C. Co. Henry Souther, Pres't., S. it R. R. R. Bostou, March 21st 18G5. IF YOU WANT.TO KNOW A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the human system, male and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of tho world ; how to marry well and a thou sand things ucvr published before read the revised and enlarged edition of "MEKhOAi. Common Sense," a curb ous book for curious peoplo, and a good book lor every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Prico 81,50. Contents table sent free to any addross. Books may be had at tho Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on receipt of the price. Addiess H. B. FOOTE, M. D., 1130 Broadway, N. Y. DICKINSON & Co. DEALERS in More.handise Provisions &e., on the Ready pay tyilem, at prices much to the advantage oi purchasers. NOTICE OF LIMITED rAHTNKRSIf TP, NOTICE is hereby given tlitit Thco-lre rnlen, heretofore residing at Allcpnny, Cat. t(iraufus County, in tho riliilc of New York but. row residing at Wilcoz Elk County, Stale of Pennsylvania, and Jntnes Clark, residence at Plaeufield in the State of New Jersey, have formed a limited partnership pursuant to the Act of the General Assembly of the Stateof Pennsylvania, passed the 21t of March 1830, entitled "An Act relative to limited partnerships" nnd its several sup plements, for the manufacture of Leather nt Wilcozaforosnid, upon tho following terms to-pit : 1st. 'l'lm namo of paid firm t o be Tlieod .-re Palen ; 2nd. 7'iie (jcucral nature of the business trnnsnctcd is the manufacture of leather ; Sd. The nnmo of the pcncrnl partner is Theodore Pnlen, now residing at U'ilcox afnrpfnid ; Dli. The amount of Lrapiial contributed by tho rpecial rnrlncr funics Llark, to tin; common Flock s I ,. eihfrin thousand dollars ; oth. Tho nnrt nersliip is to continue from tho ninth da prilA. D. IP'S I, to the ninth dny of Aprv A-D. lSli'J. Dated at Kilgoz, Juiicid-l 18(34. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive cufTerers will receive valuable proscription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections, free of charge,"! by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, U lluamsbure, Kings Co., 3 months New York. "ATTENTION LEGION! All persons indebted to tire late firms of Sclioening it; co., at Cqntrevillo, P;i, and Lulir cG co., at St. Mary's P;i, are EARNESTLY REQUESTED to come forward without de lay and rlnnk up their "spoil dulix," as we close up our business by the 1st of April uext. Our accounts must be settled by that time or the fur will flv somewhere. F. SCIHENING & Co. Ccntrcvillc. C. LUHR k Co, St. Mary's. March, 4th 1805. BOOT &3II0F, SHOP. New Firm! New Work ! New Friers Tho undersigned, having opene d Boot & Shoo manufactory in Sch ultz's Steam Tannery, St. Mary's, Pa., have discarded tho "old man" of high prices and shoddy work, and girded the uiselvcs with the "new man" of low p rices and A. 1. work. They will keen constantly on hand and nianfaeturc toord cr, custom made Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, S lippcrs, Etc. All of which they warrant w ill givo satisfaction. Repairing done neatly and promptly. Customers can rely on receiving their orders at the promised time. SEXTON & BOILS, February 4th, 1SG5. MME. DEMORE3TS MIRRO.R OF FASHON'S QUARTERLY JOURNAL LU RA'J . . MONDE.) Circulation 40,000 (largest in the world.) Eituh number contains largo and niaguilicent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations of all tho fashionable and Paris novelties, for ladies' aud children's Dress, useful information, aud tho four life-size Patterns, cut ready for use, etc etc. Yearly, 81 ; single copies, 2G cents. Published utlUME. Demouest s Empo rium of Fashions, No. 473 Broadway, IS. X. rach Yearly Subscriber to Muic. Dc niorest's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to tho selection of 50 cents worth of Extra Patterns, or a copy of Mnio. Demorcst' Systino fo Cutting Children's Drcssess or for 50 cuts extra, the Ladies' Ssy cm. For a club fo 5 subscribers at 81 each will bo sent Person's, Arthur's or auy other 82 magazine or newspaper for ono year, or a splendid Photograph Album. For a club of S, Godey's Lady's Book or any other Zo magazine, or an clcgan gilt, or steel Lack Comb, or Sido Comb A Club of 10, Mino Demorest's 85 Runniug Stitch Sewing Machine, or Sclt.tucking Attachment, or a full set of Steel or Wilt Combs. A Club of 65, a new Wheeler aud Wild son s Sewing machine with Hemmeran Self tucking Attachment. A Club of 05, a splendid patcrt lever Gold Watch. All tho Subscsibcrs are entitled to the first premium, and to the getter up of the club an extra copy ol the Mirror of Fashions for ono year. Any number of 81 eubscriptionts sent towvrd making up a club, will be credited tho same as if sent altogthcr. Back numbers ns specimens seutnec. fare on receipt of 10 cents. Splendid terms for agents. Send for Circular. Administrators Notice Letters of Administration havo been gr.Mited in duo form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. Mack, upon tho Estato of Elisha J7ick, Late of Salem Md. de ceased. All persons having any claim against said Estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated fur set tlement. Any person owing tho Estato, are requested "to mako payment forth with. WILLIAM MACK, Administrator of the jte of Elisha Meek, Deceoseb. Jun&llthlSCl. IiuyE j;cM;y A tai i.uu r,t . 1 1'AEIS 1AYAP1E GO of A L ano 1c Ktn tittle ifTttis. 'Jloo j i d all c!a'ii:s rpa! tic Gtun at t pit u pt!y collected. An Oifh i n in ai!E Ahmy vitm ; ; 'At itiFj tttit n I toticrd a ),-) y.ifjfrlit n t;f the nt n's lrrpacl;s rii. laiiud a lex of Trrthe.s Lc!i g rrr.nabv wed by tlirm for colds, etc." "firr n n's Jlrcvihin Throchci," should be in every soldier's knapsack or pocket, to be wed upon the Cist appearance of a cold or ough. Admi.iistrator'3 Sale- fJY order ol the Orphans Court nf tie "-eounfy cf Elk, in the State of Ta., I shall expose to sale, by public vendue or out cry at tho Court House in Ridg. way, on Tuesday the 3d day of January next ot 1 o'clock r. M., as the property of Anthony Meyer, dee'd. Five lots in Ft Mary's, in the said county ot Eik, known as lots, No. nineteen (10) twenty one (21) twenty-eight (23) twenty.four (24) and twenty -fix (20) on crot street, in front on cross street one hnndreil (100) feet each and in depth at right angles two hundred (200) feet. Terms of sale, one third of the pur. chase money in hand at conformation of sale and tlio icsiduo m twocrjual annual instalments thereafter, to be secured by Judgment, Bond and Morfgticro ANTHONY MEYE Administrator of ANTHONY MEYER dcc'J Just Received j At the Eook Etcrc, St. Maiv's KAMIERS READERS, JNo s. 1, 2, o 4& 5. Sundei-3 primary and pictorial si -nner. Mitchels Geography & Atlas. Mitchels primary Geography. MiNally s Oeography. Monteiths primary Geography. Spenciarion copy books. Webster s common school Di c- tionaries. Browns Grammar. Towers do Murrays do JS os. 1 2it 3 plain copy books. Blank books, Letter note & writing paper Ink Vcns Envelopes Pencils- &c, &c . QOLDIERS IN THE ARMY O and our people at home me now oiioreuau oppuitunny wiucii they can obtain a GOOD & DURABLE TIME-PIECE AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. orn watches abb WAR RAN ED TO KEi:i TIM HONE YEAR ami the buyer is allowed the Privilege of Examination. D EEOKE 1'AYMEXT It LQ I lit ED Lnprvced Duplex in full 7'u.V Actions. A first class Hunting Xinio-l'iacc of Silver material, over which is electro- li no l'latcl IS k, poM, most durable wrought, iiiiiliiiiir the imitation so faultless that it ennuut bo detected from the solid material by tho most experienced judges ; acids will uot uf ect it.. London made movement. Imi'Kov r.i IVplf.x in FCLLKtinv action, has sweep second", nnd is n it to be excelled in general appearance, ins is HKCinKii.Y one of tho iiest AitiK-i.i:b ever offered for I tailors and speculators, .'nginners. Kinipraiits, and persons travelling, will fin 1 them superior toany other ; alteration of climate will not. affect their accuracy. Trice, packed in good shape and good runuing order, only $35, or rase of 6 for !? nO. SILVER DOC1ILE TIME HUNTING LEV ERF, BEST QUALITY SILVKK CASES, over wliich electro-fine plated lSk. gold, similar tiour Improved Duplex, and superior aJ fusted movements with "Stop," to be used n timing horses, etc. ; has Four lndczc ior Washington and Greenwich time, sweep second, and all the improvements. All in all, taking its beautiful and faultiest) ap pearance and its superior movement, into) consideration, we regard it ns deoidodly tlu cheapest article of the kind in the market. Trice, in good runn'ng order, 3o of casj of 6 for $200. ESWe nsk no pay in advance, but will forward cither of Iliem to responsible par ties, to any part of tho loyal Stales, with bill payable to expressman when the goodj are delivered, giving the buyer tlm privil ege of examination, nnd, il'njt satisfactory tho watch can be returned tit our epensa The express companies refuse making collections on sodiers and other disloyal States, consequently all such orders must bo accompanied by tho cash to insure at tention. We make a deduction of two dol lars on either watch when tho payment u forwarded in advance. Monsy May be sent by express at our ex pense. TIIOS. GAFFERTY & CO.. 03 ani 85 Uroad St., opposite City Rand l'rovidcnce, 11 1 k To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restor is to health in a few weeks, by a very ample remedy, after, having suffered se, veral years, with a severe lung afl'ection. and the dread diseaso, Caniuiuptiou is ensious to make known to his fellow suf ferers tho means of euro. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of tho prescription used, (free of charge,) with tho directions for prepar ing and using tho same, which thy will find u nun: cure for Consumption, Asthma, Riionoiutis, Couuiis, Co mm Ac. The only object of tho advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit thoallliotod,aud.spcad information which ho couceives to bo iuvaluublo; and ho hopes every MitTcrcr will try his remedy, m it will cost them nothing, and may piovo a blessing. Parries wbhiug lhe prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSOX, Williamsburg, Kins Couuty New YoiL