The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, June 01, 1865, Image 3

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    T HE ELK A D V 0 C A T E
jvnw ri:n him-.
We print below, from Hie tiecorJ, the pro
visions of A bill passed At tho last session of
Ihe Legislature, iuereiisiiiR tlie fees of Al.
rtermen, Justices of tlio l'eoco nnd Consta
Information or complaint, on behalf
rf (lie CrtmmoiiwciiUli, for cery
en words
Docliel entry on beliolf of the Com.
Warrant of mittimus on behalf of the
Common wealth
Writinjtan examination or complaint
of defendant, or a deposition, for
every ten words
AStninistcrini an oath or ntlinna-
Taking a recognisance in any crimi
nal case and returning t lie same
to court
Entering judgment, on conviction,
for tino
Ileoordinp conviction or copj tliere.
of, for every ten words
Warrant to levy fino or forfeit' ra
Hail piece and return or supersedeas
lUscliargc to jailor
Entering discontinuance in eases of
.assault and battery
Entering complaint of muster, mis
tress or apprentice
Kotiec to master, mistress or ap
prentice Ilcarii-jj parties nnd discharging
Holding inquisition unU r bin Hot J
and tenant act, or iu case of forci.
blc entry
Tcccpt (o Sheriff
Recording proceedings
Writ of restitution
Warrant to appraise damages
Warrant to sell strays
Warrant to nppraisn swine, return
advertising, ct cetera
.Entering action iu civil cases
Summon, cap. or sub. each
Kvcry additionalname aftur the first
Subpiena duces tecum
Entering return of summons and
qualifying constable
Entering of capias and bail bond
Every continuance of a suit
Trial nnd judgment
Entering judgment by confession
or by default
Taking special bail
Entering satisfaction
Entoring amicable suit
Entry rule to take deposit !on of wit-
Rule to take deposition of witnesses
Interrogatories, forevcty ten words
Entering return of rule
Entering rule to refer
llulo of refcrenco
Notice to each referee
Notice to a ptrty in any rasa
Entering a report of referee and
judgment thereon
Entering return of cxeeutson or stay
of plaintiff, ullo bona nou est in
ventus, or otherwise
Entering discontinuance or satisfae
tion 8cire facias in any case
Opening judgment for rehearing
Kelurn of proceedings in certiorari
or appeal, including recognisance
Transcript of judgment, including
Boceiving amount of judgment be
fore execution, or where oxecu
tion has issued nnd special bail
been entered within twenty days
aftsr judgment, and paving tho
same over, if ngt sxceoding ten
If above ten dollars, and not exece.
ding forty dollars
If above forty dollnrs, and not ex.
cocding sixty
If above sixty dollars
Every search where no other servies
is rendered to which any fee or
fees are attached
Entering complaint in writing in
caso of attachment and Qualifying
Entering return and appointing frse-
Advertisements, each
Order to sell goods
Order for relief of a pauper, each
Order for removal of pauper
Ordor to seize goods for maintenance
of wife and children
Orders for premium for wolf or
fox scalps to be paid by tho
Every acknowledgment or pro.
bate of a deed or other iu.-tru.
meat of writing
Taking and signing acknowledg
ment of indenture of nn ap
prentice, for each indenture
Cancelling indenture
Comparing and signing tax dupli
cate Marrying, each cmiple, nuktiij;
record thereof ultd ot-riiticatu
to put ties
Certificate and approbation of two
justices, to binding a$ appreu.
tice, by directors and over
seers of tho poor
Certificate to obtain laud war'ut
Swearing or affirming county
commissioner., assessors, ct
40 I
25 j
40 i
Executing warrant oa behalf of
the Commonwealth
Conveying to jail on mittimus
cr warrant
Arresting a vagrant, disorderly
person, or oth;r (iffcndf-r a-
rainst the laws, (without pro.
cess"), and bringing befoie a
Levying a fine forfeiture on a
'lulling the body iuto custody on
mittimus, where bail is ustor.
wards entered, before tho pri
soner delivered to the jailor
Sirving subcenas
Serving summon or noiiaa ou
referee, suitor, muster, mis
tress or apprentice, personally
or by copy each
A rreiliug on capias
Taking bail bond ou capias, or
for delivery of goods
Notifying plaiutiff where defen
dant has been arresled on ca.
pifcs to be paid by plaintiff.
Exouting landlord's' wurraut or
serving execution .
Taking inventory o goods, each
Levying or distraining goods, or
polling tho same, for each dol
'hr not exceeding thirty dol.
For each dollar above- thirty dol
lars And half of tho paid commis
sion shall bo allowed whero
The money is paid niter hvy
without sale, but no conimis.
sion phall iu any casebc taken
on more than the real debt.
Advettising the pa mo
Executing attachment
Copy of venous paper, when dc.
matidcd, each item
Tutting tip notice of distress at
mansion house, or other pub.
lie place on the premises
50 Serving scire facias personally
I Executing a bail piece
20 j Serving by leaving a copy
I Tnvcling expenses in nil cases,
20 ,
20 !
for each mile circular
Brown's Bronchial Troches, when
allowed to dissolve in the month, Lav0
a direct iufiieneo to the affected pails
20 . the soothing effect to tho mucouj lining ;
0. ol the windpipe allays Pulmonary irrita
; tion and gives relief iu Cough Cilds,
: and the various Throat affections to
'which public speakers aid i-itigcrs are ;
Religious Toleration.
i Wo have met with n-Hhing better, in
1 pT 1 our lato reading, than the following,
1:0 from the pen of Jetoiny Taylor. It
20 ' suggests tho exfjuisito lines of Colcr
r' idt'c ;
j-j i "lie prayelh best who loveth well
j0 1 Roth man, and bird, and beast ;
10 ' lie prayeth best who loveth beat
00 1 All things both great and small,
1 Eor the dear (rod, who loveth us,
,;- lie mate and luvcth all."
io j
2a j Any zeal n proper lor religion but the ;
' zeal of tho sword au.l the zeal of an.)
10 , gcr; this is the bitterness of zeal, and it
', is a certain temptation to every man
j", ' against his duty ; for if the sword turns
10 preacher and dictates propositions by
15 : empire iu.stcad ol arguments, and engra-
10 ves them in men's hearts with a tioisnard
that it shall be death to believe what I
innocently and ignorcntly am pursuadod
of, it must needs be unsafo to "try the
spirits," to "try all thiugs," to make an
inquiry ; nnd yet without this liberty no
man can justify himself before God or
man, nor confidently fay that his reli
gion is best. This is iuordination of
zeal ; for Christ, by reproving St. Peter
for drawing his sword even in the cause
of Christ for his sacred and yet. injured
person, teaches us not to use the sword,
though in the cause of God or for God
himself, I end with a story which I Cud
in the Jews' books.
When Abraham sat at his tent-door,
according to his custom, waiting to en.
tertain strangers, ho espied an old man
stooping and leaning on his staff, weary
with ago and travel, coming towards
him, who was a hundred years of ago.
Ife received him kindly, washed his feet
prodded supper, caused him to sit down;
but observing that tho old man ate, and
prayed not, nor begged for a blessing
on his meat, h 3 asked h'.m why be did
not worship tho God of heaven. The
old man told him that he woishiped the
fire only, and acknowledged no other
God. At which answer Abraham grew
so zealously angry that he thrust the old
man out of his tent and exposed him to
all the evils of tho night and an unguar.
ded condition. When tho old man was
gone, God called to Abraluui and asked
him where tho ttrangor was. JIo re.
plied, I thrust him away because he did
not worship thee. God answered him,
I have suffered him theo hundred years,
utthough he dishonored me; and couldst
thou not endure him one night wheu he
gave thee no trouble ? Upon this, saith
the story Abraham fetched him back
again, uud gave him hospitable enter.
"t: I tainment and instruction Go
i thou and do likewise, and thy charity
will be rewarded by the God of Ahra
m j ham.
00 j V no. .mo. nt Aakcdote. Tho lato
Rev. Zeb Twitchell was the most noted
Methodist minuter in Vermont for
shiewd and laughable Bajinnts- In tho
pulpit be maintained a suitable gravity
of manner and expression, but out of
the pulpit he overt! jwed with fun.
Occasionally he would, if emergency
seemed to require, introduce something
queer into his sermon for the sale of
arousing tin flagging attention of his
50 hearers. It was he wdio origiuatcd the
story of the great mosquitoes.
50 I Seeing that his audience wore getting
sleepy, ho paused in his discourse and
digros?c I as follows :
"Urethrcn, you havn'tany idea of tho
j pu I'.-nng ot our missionaries iu the new
50 ! settloiiient.".1ou account of tho mosqui
I toes. Tho mofquitoes iu some of those
30 , regions are cnorainu3. A great many
of them will weigh a pouud and they
will get on the logs and bark wheu tho
j missionaries aio going along."
50 Uy this time all cars and eyes were
15 open, and he proceeded touuish his dis.
The next day one of his hearers called
him to account fur his telling lies iu the
20 pulpit.
I ..mi . .i
"mere never was a musquito mat
weighed a pound," said ho.
20 '15ut I didn t say one of them would
weigh a pound ; I said a great many of
them wuuM weigh a pound, aud I think
20 a million of thorn would."
"IJut you aaid they barked at the
00 missionaries.
"No, no, brother. I said they would
get on the l"gs anil bark "
In Benezetto Klk Co. 1'a., on Sun
day tho :Sth of May, by A. W. Gray
Esq., Mr. B. J. Jones to Miss A. E.
Jiong and prosperous life to the happy
couplo is our sincere wish.
Cmitko States Assessor's Omen, Nine
Xino- )
rille, V
teenth District, I'a., Ofliee, Curtuville
Clearfield County, Pa.
NOTICE is hereby given that the assess
ment lists, valuations nnd enumerations
made nnd taken within the nsm.ssment dis
trict composed of the County of Elk, by the
assistant assessor, under tho laws of the
United State, will remain open to nil per
Bon9 concerned for examination for the
spnee of 15 days from the Second day of
Juno A. D., 18(!, at the office of John C.
Tuther Est., Asst. Asretscr 3d Division
Kirtpwny in the sail county of Elk.
Aud, at the some place, the undersigned
assessor of this md'eot'inn District, will at
end on tho Kub. day of Juno 18-i-j, to re
ceiver, hear ami determine all appeals Tela,
live to nny erroneous or excessive valuations
enumrra' ions by the assistant assessor.
In regard to appeals, tUa law provides,
"7hnt the question to be determined by the
' asreror, ou nn appeal respecting the valu-ati-n
or enumeration of property, or ob
"jcols liable to duty or taxation, shall be,
."whether the valuation complained of boor
"bomtina just relation. or proportion to
"other valuations in the patio assessment
'district, and whether the enumeration bo
" cr be not correct. And ail appeals to the
"assessor as aforesaid, shall be niaJc in
"writing, nnd shall specify tho particular
"c-ausn, matter, o f thing respecting which a
"decision is request ed ; and shall, moreover,
"state the ground or principle of inequality
"or error complained of."
Assessor of the Nineteenth Collection Dist.
Curwensvillo, May 20th 'C.
NOTICE is hereby piven, that the Co
partnership heretofore existing under the
names of C. I,uhr & Co., nt St. Mary's and
Fred Srh-ening & Co., at Kersey, is dis
solved since the first day of April last, by
mutual consent. Tho books and accounts
for both establishments will bo left in tho
hands of Clms. Luhr St. Mary's for settle
ment. C'H.VS. I.UIU.
May, 13th lSo5.
NOTICE. All porsons indebted to bite
Firms of C. Luhr & Co, nnd Fred Schicning
& Co., are requested their accounts by the
first, of July next, either by noto or other
wise, wheu the accounts will then bo loft
for immediate collection. Persona indebted
to Fred Schoening & Co., will find their ac
counts at Centrcville until tho above statod
St. Mary's, May 15th ISO.'j.
Court Proclamation
W11HKKA5, Uov. K. G. White,
President, and V. S. EitocKWAY
and E. C. Sciiur.TZB, ssoeiato Judges
of the 'Court of Common Picas, and Jus.
tices of the Court of Quarter Sessions
and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer
and Terminer, aud General Jail Delive
ry of Elk county, by their precepts to
mo directed, have ordered u Court of
Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Ses.
sions, Orphans' Court and Court of Oy
er and Terminer and General Jail Deliv
ery, to be holden at llidgway, in and
tor the county of Elk on tho
FmT Monday im Ji-ly 180).
being the 3d day of tho month and to
continue one week. Notice ia hereby
given to tho Coroner, Justices of the
Peace and Constables of the county ot
Elk, that they are by these precepts
commanded to be then and tliere in their
proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of
said day, with their rolls, records and
iuqu'.sitions, and o her remembrances, to
do those thiugs which their offices ap.
pertain to bo done, aud that all Justices
of said county make returns of all tho
recognizances entered into beforo them
to the Clerk of the Court as per Act of
Assembly, passed May 8th ISGt. And
those who aio bound by their recogni.
zans to prosecute tho prisoners that aro
or shall be in the jail of said county of
Elk, aud to be then and there to prose,
cute agtiiust them as shall be just.
P. W. HAYS, Sheriff.
May 11th, 1S05,
NOTICE. --Notice is hereby given,
that a quantity of logs were carried on
our lauds, on l't'iitiets liranch, iu
DcnezeUe tovuship, Hlk Co. Pa., dur
ing the. high water of March ISO.'),
with tho following marks, and letters :
S X i:, S T J, W D, h X M, 'A 15, C G
W, 11 F &c, AD, O T T O, D 3 in cen
ter, A & S, diamond, hart, harp. Also
two or three marls that wo do not k now
the meaning of. Tho owner or owners
thereof, arc required to prove property,
pay all legal charges and take them
away within three months from March
28th, A. D., ISO., otherwise they will
bo forfeited.
April 28th, '05. Pd. St.
Threo town lots for salo, adjoining the
Washington Hotel, Ceutro street, iu tho
Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa.
Likowiso 25 acres of land, I ol a milo
south east of tho Borough. Likewise
niufl hundred aures of good farm land.
Threo farms with good houses and barns
upon them, aud likewise Coal of an ex.
cellent quality, tho coal veins 4 feet
iu tnicKuess, wttn a gooa prospect or oil
on Pino creek, near Greenville. Clariou
Co., Pa.
Likewise one share in a flowing well,
in Oil City, and fivo interests in oil
lea.se3. Also fur sale a large and com
modious Hotel in Greenville, Clarion
Co., Pa.
For terms and othor particulars apply
to JACOB SUHCFFEK, at the Hotel
in (irceuvillc, C'arion Co., Pa.
M iy 12th, '(55. Pd It 50.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Iho annur.l election of Directors, of the
Kersey Oil & Mineral Company, will
bo hold at their ofiice, in Kousvillo Ve
nango Co. Pa., on Thursday, Juno the
1st, between the hours of ouo and four
o'clock p. m.
II. A. GUKUNSEY, Pres'l.
As classified and appraised by the un
dersigned, duly appointed appraiser of
Mercantile Taxes for the comity of Elk,
for the year 105.
UonoiGU or St. Mary's.
Class License
Bernard Eekl 14 $ 7 00
Fred Rudolph 14 7 00
James Coyne 12 12 50
Geo. Weis VI 12 50
Jos. Wilhehn 12 12 50
Jno. Krugh 13 10 00
ChristcttBuiko 1 4 7 00
James Blakely 1 4 7 00
Mrs. Mary Fisher. 14 7 00
Adnlph Fochlman Executor of
A. Kuntz 13 10 00
Bknezetti: Tp.
D. B. Window 14 7 00
IJ. E. Murey 11 7 (HI
Jay Tf.
Thomas To.ier 14 7 05
Fox Tp.
Fred Schfloning 1 12 50
M'Cauley & Taylor H 7 00
Pa. C. C. & R. R. Co. 1 4 7 00
Jno. Cook 14 7 00
Hyde & Reed H 7 00
D. C. Oyster 1 1 7 CO
S. Short 14 7 00
Ilouk& M'Venu 12 12 50
J. Powell 12 12 50
J- S. Hyde 12 12 50
J. S. Hyde (2nd Store) 12 12 50
Healy it Dill 12 12 50
Sriuxo CaiiEi; Tp,
A. S. Rhiues 1 4 7 00
J . J. Robinson 11 7 00
Jo.sts Tr.
A. T. Aldrich 13 10 00
Jos. Windfeldcr 0 25 00
C II. Volk 0 25 00
Charles Hunt .10 15 00
Michael Hants 10 15 00
James M'Closkey,
Jo.nes Tr.
E. B. Phenix,
An appeal will bo hold nt the Court
House in llidgway on Wednesday July
5th, when all who are aggrieved by tho
ubove classification will bo heard.
Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes.
Juno 1st 1S65.
Letters ol Administration have been
granted iu duo form of Law, to the sub
seiber upon tho Estate of Thomas Ovcr
turf, late of Bcnezctto township Elk
county, deceased, All persons having
any claim against said Estate, are re
quested to present them duly authenti
cated for (settlement. Any pensou ow
ing tho Estate, aro requested to make
payment forthwith.
Administratrix of the
SIST of Grand Jurors Drawn for
July Term 18G5.
Blakely Dr. Jas. W. St. Mary's
Blakely James ' do
Barr John Benezetto
Cassidy Francis Bcnzinger
Chamberlain Jos S Fox
Dickinson Geo F llidgway
Doylo Richard W Benezetta
GoffAE Jay
Goodwin Thos J Jones
Hays En os Fox
Kuudel Wendliu Ft. Mary'a
Morcy Erasmus Benezetta
Mohan Lawrence Fox
Meredith Win II Fox
Miller John A Fox
M'Cauley Jacob Fox
Rathbun Geo W Bcnziugcr
Rubin:on Jos Jav
Rogers J oscy Fox
Spanglor Jacob A Jay
AVelleudorf Matthias Hi! Mary's
AYilbur Robert Fox
Zimmerman Louis U Fox.
fIST cf Traverse J
J July Term 1865,
Baner Anton
urors, Drawn for
St. Mary's
Fox f
Spring Creek
Spring Creek
St. Mary's
St. Mary's
1 llahel Edward
Burliugaiiie Jeremiah
Cummiugs Nathaniel
Cook Joseph Jr
Clover Martin
Dill Michael
Derr William
Dent Miles
Gray A. AV
Gallagher Win. II.
Hyatt Eddy
Hunhauser Anton
Hortou Isaac
Ilagerty Jas II .
Johnson David S.
Jones Julius
KylerR T.
Keruer Georga
Little Horace
Love James
Liudemuth Johu Z.
M'Cready Patrick
Messenger Geo. 1).
Moycr Jos. E.
Stockman John
Souther Edward
Sncariuger James
Sullivan Tim
Saltsman R. 1.
Thomas John S.
AYhitmore Jos. K.
AYileox A. I.
Winslow D. B.
Wescolt Ira
Valuer Louis
Two Valuable Lots for sale
in the Borough of St. Mary's
Elk Co., Pa
To be sold on tho first day of May,
A. D. 1305, at tho School house in tho
Borough of St. Mary's aforesaid, nt 2
o'clock in the afternoon. Upon one of
tho lots is creeled a good School house,
nonrly new and in good condition, 20 by
40 feet. This lot has 0U reef on the
Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. The
road leading to the rail road depot run
ning through the South end of (ho lot,
tho lot contains exclusive of tho road
800 1 square feet, 551) t square feet on
the North side of the depot mad and
3100 square feet on tho South Ride of do.
The other lot contains 8730 pquaro
feet, 5.88 4 square feet on the North side
of the road nnd 2855 square feet on
the South side of the road leading to
the railroad Depot. This lot has 0 1 3
feet 011 the rail road and 183-(3-10 feet
cm St. Mtehals Road. The road lead
iug to tho rail road Depot, runs through
(bo Southern part of tho lot.
Tho above lots will be sold single or
together, as may suit purchasers.
Plans of tho above lots may be seen
ou application to Goo. AViilmsy, Survey,
or, St. Mary's Pa.
Imformation Free
A G EXTLK.M AN, curck of Nervous
Debility, Incompetency Premature De.
cay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a
desire to benefit others, will be happy to
furnish to all who need it (freo of
charge,") tho recipe aud directions for
making the simple remedy used in his
case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertisers bad experience, ind possess
a suro rnd valuable remedy, can do so by
addressing htm nt cnee at his place of
buine.-s. The Receipt and full informa
tion of vital importance will beehcer,
fully tent bv icturu mail.
Address ' JOHN B. OGDEX;
No. 00 Nassau Street, New York.
P.S. Nervous Suffcreis of both sexes
will fiud this information invaluable.
('i moths
Any Lady or Gmtleman sending me
their address, will receive lull directions
for gaining the affections of the oppo
site sex, and which will enable, them to
marry happily, irrespective of wealth.
or beauty. Address
Uarlcin P. O.,
New York City.
March 17,'Gcj-Sin.
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTERS of Administration having
JJ been granted to tho subscriber on
the estate of Geo. A. Kienzle, late 0
St. Mark's borough, deceased. Notice
is hereby given, to all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate, to
make immediate- payment, and all those
having claims against said estate, will
present the same duly authenticated for
Ridywag A 00. Wi 18G4.
J Notice is hereby given, that let
ters of administration on the estate of
Julius A'ombaumcn, late ot Bcnzinger
township, Elk county, deceased, having
been granted to tho" undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate arc re
quested to make immediate payment,
and those haviug claims against "tho
same will present the samo duly authen
ticated for settlement to,
Bcnzinger April 13th 18G4.
AVhereas, Letters Testamentary hav
ing been granted to Jno. Stockman and
Antou Fochtman, Executors of the last
will and testament of Lorcny Stockman,
late of St. Mary's, dee'd, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to sail
estate will make immediate payment,
and havirg claims against the
same will present them du'y auihenti.
cated for settlement.
GEO. ED. WEIS, Register itc
NOTICE. The Stockholders of the
''Pennsylvania Cannel Coal Co," the
'-Shawmut Cannel. Coal Co," and tho
"Shawmut nnd llidgway Rail- Road
Co," are hereby notified that a meeting
will be holden nt the office of the Treu
urer of the first named company, in tho
city of Boston (J. F. Juckerman No. 20
City Exchange) on Friday tho four
teenth day of April next at II o'clock
a. m., to consider tho acceptanco of a
charter consolidating the threo corpora,
L. Saltonstall, Pres't.. P. C. C. Co.
W. S. Eaton, Pres't., S. C. C. Co.
Henry Souther, Pres't., S. i- R. R. R.
Bostou, March 21st 1805.
relating to tho human system, malo
and female ; the causes aud treatment of
diseases j tho marriage custom of tha
world ; how to marry well and a thou
sand things never published beforo read
the revised and enlarged edition of
"Medical Common Sknse," a curi
ous book for curious people., and a good
book for every one. 4U0 paires, 100
lllustratious. Prico 1,50. Contents
tabic scut freo to any address. Books
may bo bad at tho Book stores, or will
bo sent by mail, post paid on receipt of
the prico. Add: ess
E. B. FOOTE, M. D.,
1 PJ0 Broadway, N y.
V C ! K l XSOX & Co.-DEAL?R7h,
U M lrchaudisa Provisions &o., ou the
Ready pay $i3lem, at prices much to
the advantage of purchasers.
NOTICE is hereby piven that Tlicodi
l'alen, heretofore residing at Allrpnny-. ft
tarnuRits County, in tlte State of New York
but now residing at H'ilcor Elk County.
Suite of Pennsylvania, nnd James Chirlt,
residence at l'laenticld in the .Slate of New
Jpr-fioy, hnvo formed a limited parlnershi,.
pursuant to 1 lie Act of the General Assoinbt t
of the Slate nf Pennsylvania, passed the 1!) Ji
of March entitled "An Act relative t
limited p irtnr.ships" and its sevcrnl sup
plements, tor the manufacture 01 Leather at
Wileoj nf tresaid, upoti the following term
to-vril: 1st. The name of said firm to bt
Thco l .1 e l'nlen ; 2nd. 7he ccnernl naluro
of the business transacted is the maiuifrt ji
of leather : ;id. The name of the general
partner is Theodore Pnlen, now residing t
ll'ileox nforessid .- 4th. The amount of
capiiul I'ositribnted by the special pnrtner
.lni.H's Clmk. to the common stock, is
oijihtmn thousand dollars ; fith. The part
nership is to continue from the ninth ibir
.Ipril A. I). 18'1I, In tho niuthdny ot' ApriJ
A-l. lH'j'.i. Dated at Uilcoz, Ju...Ml
Consumptive sufferers will receive :
valuable prescription for the euro ol
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, v
all throat and Lung affections, freo of
chargc," by sending their address to
Kings Co ,
.'1 months New A' oik.
povHon? indebted to tin
latu firms ol Sidiociiiii A: co ,
nt Centrcville, o , i i d uln
tl: co., at St. Mnry's Ii, m o
to conic forward without de
lay and nknk up their "sjxn
dulix," as wo closo nji our
business by tho 1st of April
next. i r accounts must b
settled by that time or the fur
will 11 v somewhere.
V. SCIKENIXG , Co. (Vntievill.).
C. I.U11R Co, St. Mary's.
March, 1th 1JC.j.
New Finn !
New Work ! !
New Prices I ,
The undersigned, having opened a
Boot & Shoe manufactory iu Sehulu's
Steam Tannery, St. .Mary's, Pa., havu
discarded the "old man" ot high prices
and shoddy work, and girded themselves
with the '-new man of low prices and
A. 1. work. They will keep constantly
on hand aud manl'ucture toordor, custom
made Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. Slippers,
All of which they warrant will give
Repairing dona neatly end promptly.
Customers can rely on receiving their
orders at the promised time.
February 4th, ISO j.
Circulation 10,000 (largest iu tho
world.) Each number contains largo
and magnificent Fashion Plates, splcudid
illustrations of nil tho fashionable ami
Paris iioveltit s, fur ladies' and children's
Dress, useful information, and the four
life-size Patterns, cut ready for u.:C, etc.
etc. Yearly, 81 ; single copies, 20 cents.
Fubliidied at Mmk. Demoukst's Empo
rium of Fashions. No. 47o Droadvrav,
X. Y.
6PI.ES Mil A Nil VAL LA h i. E PI: l.M i I .Ms !
raeh Yearly Subscriber to Mme. De
morcst's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to
the selection of .50 cents worth of Extra
Patterns, cr a copy of M me. Demurest'
Systme i'o Cutting Children's res'c--s
or for 60 cuts extra, the Ladies Ssy
Fur a club fo ." subscriber at ? 1 each
will be smt Person's, Arthui's or any
other g'2 magazine or newspaper for 0110
year, or a splendid Photograph Album.
For a club of 8, Oodey's Lady's Book
or any other magazine, or an cdcyan
gilt, or bteel Back Comb, or Side Comb,
A Club of 10, Mine Demore.-t's fcj
Running Stitch Sewing Machine, or a
Sell. tucking Attachment, or a full et of
Steel or (iilt Combs.
A Club uf I3 "),a new Wheeler and Wild
son's Sewing machine with Itemmrraii
Self tucking Attachment.
A Club oft'), a splendid pa lot t lever
Gold Watch.
All tho Subscribers are VntitlpJ 1,1 t.lm
fiit premium, and to the getter up of
tne ciuu an extra copy of tho Mil ror of
Fashions for one year.
Any number of SI eubscrmtinntii mi t
tovverd makin-r ui a club, will b,.
credited the same as if sent altugther.
Back numbers as sneeimens knnt .-u-
fare 011 reeeijit of 10 cents.
rpiciiUia terms lor neonts. S.-n.I r,.r
Do you want Whiskers or Mou. tatdie,?
Our Grecian Compound will force them
to grow on the smoothest face or chin,
or hair on bald heads, in JX Weckl'
Price, 1,00. Sent by maii uiynher-,
dowdy scaled, on receipt of price
Address, WARNER t CO , Box J:
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Feb 20th J3. ly.