The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, April 27, 1865, Image 1

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ircrmrcyi cr rs
I lUdgway, or Bcnzinger P. 0. Elk Co,
T. T. A R R AMR,
' Attorney at Law
Attorney' at Law, Ridgway Elk con
ty Pa., will attend to nil profession
business" promptly.
Attorneys and Couiiso'evs at Law, Offifi
in Chipin's Block, Ridgway Elk Co. Fa
Particular attention given to colicelions
and ali monies promptly remitted... Will
also practice iiv. n..ljoinir.or
j o ii n g ii ,Tri
Ridgway J lk County Pennrt
fct. Mary's Klk Comity Pa.
' DR. W. W. BIIAWj
Practices Medicines t Siirgevv
Centrevillo Klk Co. Pa.
Eclectic Physician,
(Lately of Barren county Pa.")
Will promptly unsver til professional
alls by nliTii t or Jay. Re.Videneo .mc,
door East of the l.ito residence of Uou.
J. L. Gillis.
11. C. R.
Co.. Ta.
Eaht.fy, Kcifev Elk
Will nt'end to all call
lit or day.
Ridgway, Elk County Fcr.r.'a.
Eagle Motel
Lttthersburg, CleiruVM Couaty Fa.
CFredriek Kob Proprietor ,hav.
Ing built a lirga ar.d con::.; ) l.o ::s hom-r-.
is now prepared to catsr 10 the wants of
the traveling public.
Lulhnrsburg, July Forli ISGi. ly.
Lutliersbuij; Clearfield County Pccna,
Luthersburir, July 27:h l&ol. tt".
N.vr()NT. UOTKL!
Corner of Ptach Street and
the Buffiilo,
K H 1 K P A .
ENOS B. HOYT, Propfictor
02-This House is nevr nr.d r'ed -ip
withe peeial caro f-r th' N'-.v;:n'nT.eo
and comfort of tines!, at u i ra"i;:;.
JJ.iooo STAi.t:'s a tt i.'i Ti.-J
RLlprni-, Kb, TV,
BlBi,T)ii3 Iioupc is ylca'ia'Iy slt.'n"'! nri
tho bank of the Ciiri n. in''.f l.-rv cu t
ef the town, is well pi "ivr 1 w' 1 ti.-n".
room ami etabliiifj. aurl i ho p' ,,p ;,-inr w'tl
pare no pains tn ren ter tao sta of h's
mests pleasant an't r.i: -o.ihlc.
Jiidgicrti Juty 28, ISO).
nYru' ho ' uITk
Mrs- E 0 C 1 r m n it t s ,
Ridgway Klk Cuaty I'e.iii.
Corner of .Market and Watkr ?t'c
Cktir field Pa
GEO. N COLBCRN, Pitnrrtir.Tort
8t. Mary's Ei.k Covntv,
E. W. BIGONV, Proprietor.
Omnibus running to and from tho Depot
free of charge.
.P.roalcv'.lh: Pa .C. N. Kretz. Pror.'r
This house bus been refitted and furiiLl.
ed iii a neat jtylo, is every wiy
adapted to the warns id the pi.llie.
11 U S I NT E 8 a
.'PA It 1 H
WOODS it W II 101 IT
Lock Haves', Clinton County Pa.
EALFRS in Flour, Grain and
l) Teed near tho Passenger Depot
llidgway Mi:.rket3.
Corrected weeek1)':
Apples, (dry) 3 busbcl 8
IJuckwhcat " . . .
1 50
4 00
2) U.
1 50
12 00
50 00
' Boards
' Hami
" per R
u u tl
P. W. BARRETT Editor
VOL. 5
-- ,.,--v.TT-TTT.I.HTTlSTlTrl
I 1 111 I j A IM'ilil II I A iX J'-IVI It U.Vlli
I ROM). I his great lino traverses
the Northern ami Northwest counties of
Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, on
Luke Erie, j
It has ben leased by the 1 tnisylua-
via litid Rend Comrinvy, and is opera-
C.l hy til em.
Its entire length ws opened fir f.3
s-ng.-r nod freight business, October
17th. 1C,1,
l,t iv E'isicarJ.
Through Mail Train 1 53 p.
Aocuramodaiion a,
I.tni w. IIV.;M.'(.m7.
Through Mail Train 12 Co p
Aeeoiiinioda'inn p.
in ,
rn.-?en'-or eavs rn tlirous-b without
change both ways bet wean Philadelphia
and Erie.
Kr.i:r;r.NT FuTriNO Cars on Express
T;,!Mi5 I rit'i ways l:ctwrn Willia?;i.p.rt
and Piil'ie.viro, ar.d Williamsport ftud
Philal. lpM-..
Prir inioriiMth'.n respt-fttinp; Pas"cnjrr
l.u-.inesa jtf-ply at the S. E. corner 81) th
r;;.-l.:.i,rket H;.-..
tlhd P.r Frjjbt business of tho Com
pnnyV Arr-n'r:
8. i. Kir.!ion, Jr. Cor. loth aud
Market Sis.' Philadelphia.
' J.'iV. i;'i'.J-! Erie.
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. Tv. R. Bal
II II. TLwst.v:.
C-n't. F.djht Aj't. riuTct.
II. W. G V ' N N f. rt ,
(7,-,,'f. Tldid Ajt. VhlVa.
Jos. D. Pott.
Gtwrnl M'inrijrr, Wmrp't.
Dealer in
Ciothinj, & Men's Fnrni'Iiing Geoas
v,- rr.K sritr.t-T.
LorK (lives, C'i.ixtmV Co., 7a.
a i.) a ii p ii
t'eait i; t i-Jc, t'.lii
T X M M .
county Ia.
! J5.lJ.-i-:.
I iw.- eiai
eral'aeinrer of '.Vapronr..
Vi'.-ALStJ i'urnit in e, Mich as
, Tallies. Staims 'ed.-t"ad? and
All kind of llepairin done at
Ic rnti:s.
w t 1 1 ' u
1 r
-8. J I V
Tn tins mom formerly occupied by
Duet. Plakely.
"Prrsidrnt Judijn.
Hon. R. G White, Wellsborougb.
Atxm iitti; Jiidiji s,
Hon. V. S, Rroekway, Jay tp.
Hon. E. C. R.diultze,' St. Mary's.
P. Y. Hays", Rid-way
Pi DiirHotaiyj, Hey. and Rec.
Georgo Ed. W'eis, llidgway
District A'onu v,
L. J. Plakely Ridgway
Charles Luhr. St. Mary's
Cmiiti Surveyor,
Georgo Walniiley, St. Marys
f '"miiiM.-fjie-n,
Ch arl-sWei-, rt. Mary's
(ieo. Pitkiiisnii, llidgway.
Joseph ". Taylor, I'ox.
R. T. Kyler, Fox
Jacob Mct'auley, Pot,
I !I. D. Pen-.
Ccal Land3 For Sale.
hp in: sub
eriber offers for sale the
-U- Coal
privilege, utii l!io right of
mining and oilier minerals under 405
neivj ol sit;iated in Pox tp., Clear
field county 1'. ii ny Ivan in, within 2;
miles of tho llidgway & Sli iwmut 11. R.,
wliieh connects with the Phila. A Erio
R. 11., at Kidnway, with a ix foot vein '
ol Bi'umhious Coal upon it, which is
now ciouiiaiid!iig such enormous prices,
lor manufacturing purposes. For salo
uui.aji, terms ea.-ii, u good tit to given.
For fuiiber p-irtieulars, address
Cie uQeld P. O.,
Clearfield Co., Pa
NOTICE. The Dookn and accounl of
Jncab J. Stnrcr & Co.. and Charles II.
fi.-M iitor A Co . nf St Mnrv'i. hn.. l.A. m
I piaced in the hands of tlie undcrsignej fir
seiileuient. I'ai'iies indebted to either of
tho above firms, are notified that their ao.
euutiumuMba willed by rayment to 1L,
for GEllINO & CO, & 8TOKEE & CO.
t. Uury'a February, iu '66.-61.
Uidgway 1-i.k County Pesna.
Tho Bluebird.
O, do you hoar tho b'nabird,
The herald of the Spring
How cheerily he tffnes his pipe.
How bithclv he bluine3 his win:? ?
He breathes the native no'c of praise,
To the great Source of Good ;
The trees are vocal with his lays,
Instinct with gratitude.
J70 mounts upon bis downy wing,
He cleave the ambient air,
Inhales the balmy breath of spring,
i And wakes tho world of prayar.
The fertile earth, at Nature's voice,
UnlucLs her prceioui store,
And mount ana vale and plain rejoice,
To "reef, the ireuial boar.
The purlin;' stream, no longer bound
In winter's icy chain,
Rparkles beneath tho sunny ray,
And treely Hows ag.un.
Flows, n3 lifo Cows in infancy,
Pu; e. ridietit and scroti?,
1 hrni!
.ih flower. aul field and flagrant
That annim
ate the scene.
Flows on till winter checks its tide,
And robs it of its bloom,
Like death, that in your youthful pride.
Cousigus U3 to the tomb. 1
Yet man, for whom these notes are sung,
Cor whom these waters flow.
For whom this vernal wealth abounds,
The monarch here below !
Man, on man ! with lofty brow,
With stubborn heart and knee,
Looks oe'r this m Tiling universo,
Ungrateful, Lord, to tho.
The. perils of (lie winter past,
Pprinc;, like a blooming bride,
The summers and the autumns hope,
Ailruiignily his prida 1
Thcre--thero be stands a rebel still,
A recreant ot that Power
That murmurs in each iimpil rill,
Aud breathes in every flower. "
Of all nri'.irement s for the mind,
From loie iUiwm to fishing,
There is'nt one taat you can find
fn very c!;i ip in "wishing."
A very clinicc diversion, too,
If we I' ut ripliily ut-e it.
Ami not, as we ih'h dpi to do,
rcnei l it aud almtc it.
I wish a common wish, iniiecd
My perse was sometliinn flatter;
That I might clear tho child of nesJ,
And noi my pride la fiat tor .
That I might make oppression rod
As only pMd can inako it.
And lui'iik iho tyrant's rod of steel
As only gold can break it.
I wish that sympathy and love,
And every human passion
That has in origin above.
Would coinu and keep in fashion ;
That scorn, and jealously, and hato,
Atidevuvy linso emotion,
Were buried fathoms de:p,
Deiicat'a tho waves of ucean !
I wish (lint friends were always true,
And motives always pure ;
I wih the good were not so few
I wish the had were ftwei ;
I wish that, parsons ne'er forgot
To heed their pious teaching ;
I wish llial practicing was nut
So ditrernit frjin preaching.
I wish ilmt modest worth might bi
Appraised with truth and cau dor ;
I i.-;h that innocence were freo
Vrom'lroachory ami dander .
I wish that men their vows would mind,
yii:H women ne'er were rovers ;
I wish that wives were always kind,
Ami husbauds always lovers.
I wish in fine fiat joy and ruirlh,
And every good ideal.
5I.i j- come, ere vl-i!e, throughout the earth,
To be thelorioe.s real ;
Till liod shall every creature bless
Willi his supremos! blessing.
And hope be lost in happiness,
And ishing in possessing.
"Pete, what am lub f asked a sable
youth, of bis companion, a perfect Afri.
can Plato.
"And you don't know nuffiu' about
him V
"No, Uncle Pete."
"Why your education is dreadfully
imperfect. Pou't you feel hiui in your
btissuin, to be sure V
Tho other iusertel bis hand beneath
his waistcoat.
'No, I don't Undo Pete."
'Ignorant nigger ! I am a strong
passion which rends de soul so seweroly
ilat even tituo itself can't heal it."
'Deo, Uuclo 1'eto, 1 know who bo in
"Who am it."
'Vita nt hfkrif, fi mm a Tfa .
rent so MWerely dat Johnson, da cob
Ucr utterly refusd to weud bitn ; and
I a.VB at e '8 at 0 dobblo Liuiself
ooulda't bed 'im."
- TERMS-SI 50 per Annum if paid in A tance
Tiiuhsday April 27th 1SC5
"If you marry that girl brother Tom. 1
"11 bnve nothing to do with her, I
on't visit her, nor call her sister, nor
peak to her !"
And Lizzie Dawton put on ns outra
ged and indignant an air as it was pos
ible for bur to assume.
"What's tho objection ?" naked Tom
n bis cjoI way, fi:;inn; his larje calm
yes upou the pretty face of his sister,
s she sat uneasily swaying half around
.nd back again on tin plana stool.
"Objection !" Tho youn? lady's
berry lip curled. "Who is she? Vv'Lat
s she r
"A pweet-tenipcrcd, trus hearted
.omig woman, who will make me n good
ittle wife. Are you not auawored, sis
ter of mine ?''
"A sewing girl 1" said Lizzie, con.
"What our mother was, as I have bc":n
told, before her murrage," answered
brother Tom. "And. if my eyes have
not deceived rue, she has been a setting
woman sinne. my recollection of her." "
''That's anotlier thing." said tin sis
ter. 'Mother was superior to her class
ind has risen above it."
''Suppose I answer your objections to
Harriot, and sy tint she is superior to
her class, i nd will riso above it. ? What
then? My father made a good matri
monial venture, and I may do tho
'Put why, brother Tom," urged the
sister, "don't you choose a wilo from
amonc: tboe on your own level V
"v hat do you mean by those on your
. , n ( . , , , J ,
own level ? Let us understand each
' From among those who move in our
own circ'o. From the educated, refined
and accomplished. "
"Such us the Misses Waltous, for in
stance." "Yes, or the Misses Edcns."
"W hose father supports them in idle
ness, nnd expo it tho joung men who
marry them to do the same. N w Liz
zie, the fact of the business is, I like
Mary Eden very well, mi l oneo cime.-o
near tolling in love with bet. that was
really f lightened. I did not go near
her pretty face again for sis months af. I
ter I felt the first niuvcmeut of the ton- j
der pas-ion." j
"Dear Mary! O, Torn! why cot
marry her? I ceuld love her as my own
"Can't afford it, pretty. I'm but a
poor young man, and bavo only my tii.
cuts nnd indusdry 10 help ire forward in
the world. Mary cant't. do anything
herself, and would expect tno to put her
in an establishment but little less costly
than the unc her father owns,"
"Oil, but, Tom there'll bo no necessity
fr going to housekeeping at first, And
then, yon know, her father is well off in
the world, nnd he'll give her a bouse,
and luriiish it, no doubt, when she is
But Tom shook bis bead.
"Mary Eden's father m ay or may not
be rio'i," he replied. "My own private.
opinion is, that be is living up to. if not
a little beyond lus income. And as to
the house and furuiture which Mary's
husband is going to get, that is some-
thing very fine to feed a fancy upon,
The real bricks aud mortar is another
"Oh. but Mr. Eden's rich Tom."
"The rich men of to day are our poor
men of to.moirow, Lizzie. I wouldn't
give the snap of a finger f jr a rich fath-
cr in-law as a dependence. I mean to
trust in myself, au honest purposo and
a clear conscience. Aud as for a wife,
I want a woman with life, purpose, in-
dustry and independence in her, not a
great bundle of silk, laecs, bonnets and
curl papers, with a pretty lirtle helpless
d nottiing doll, bidden somewhere in.
side of tho criii.iline circumvolution.
And then, again, Lizzie, I am something
of an independent young man, wonder,
fully given to tho work of takiug c no
of myself. 1 happen to bo at tho bottom
oi tin lauier, and it I ever get to the'
tep my own strongta will carry mo
there. Now, a wife on my back, instead
of one of tho rounds ol'a ladder, keep,
ingstep with me upwards, would bo a'
dead weight, and keep ma at or near
tliof'iot forever. No, no, pretty, I can-
not afford ouu of your finished boarding-
school misses for a wife the luxury is
too expeii-ive for me. Sol am going
to marry a girl who kuow.s something of
real life a true, good patient enduring,
self.denying, sweet darling little body,
who is not ashamed to earn her living
with tho needle. And I can tell vou
what, Dolly, I only wish you wero iiko
Harriet Pirker; there would bo forty
chances iu favor of your marrying a
ui iu of sense to those you bavo now.
Don't you know that a new society h is
been formed among young men, and
ihatacew society has been for-unj
imong juns men, and that some of tha
very best "catches" among them havo
jigned a pledge not to marry any girl
who ia not willing to commence matri-
nonial life with two rooms and kitobeo,
and who doesn't knew bow to Lake,
cook nnd sew, and to wash and iron into
the bargain ? I nru the President."
''Preposterous !'' exclaimed Lizzie.
"You'll cry sme other word when
you get on tho old maids' list, and see
your place filled in tho home of some
man that is n man lv a woman nho was
not ashamed of ueful employment when
she was a girl. I can tell you what, my
dainty litilo sister, there's a rcfoim ut
woik, and men worth having are begin
ning to choovj between no marriapo or
marriag.T with girls of plainer notion'!
and more useful accomplishments than
ara jxss;sse 1 by the bultcrflie? who
lounge on s ' fas ail tl ty knitting zephyr
or reading novels. S making up yov.r
min 1 to reform or old liiaiJism. An 3
now, as in all probability you undo1.-,
stand that I am in earnest about mar.
Tying Haniet Parker. I hope you will
reconsider your hasty roHolutior,3
about not spanking to your s:sfe ia law.
'The loss, let mo tell you, will till be on
your own side."
Brother Tom understood bis own po
sition cntiroly. He was not a man to
stoop below bims'-lf in marrying. He
'could not unite himself wiih one win
was ignorant and unrefined nL'aii!;'
.that bis generously cui'.ivatil soul would
I have veva'ied. Bat he wanted a real.
not an arLiGjia1, wa inn who could
take her plaue be side him, as be sdd on
the lowest round of fortune's ladder,
and keep step with him upward. Such
, aonahe had found in Harriet Parker,
land be was indepcndeutcno'igh to make
. her bis wife.
I Lizzie soon discovered, after broth
! er Tom actually got married on corn-
; i t f. '
menced nouscKperiiUL'i
in two rooms, wiih
his modest, cheerful.
wife, tbi'ther new si-tor had about her
something that insensibly won the love,
commanded t lie respect and almost ex
torted the admiration of all who were so
fortunate as to make her acquaintance.
"Marriage, thev say. make or mars
a man," the brother overheard Lizzie
once saying, in an undertone to a lady
friend. "But it wid not mar the for
tune of brother Tom. Ht's got just the
wife to help liltn long in the world ;
and on-i tint will grace any posicion to
i which they may rb'e."
I 'My own sentini'" ts cs.ictlv. pretty,"
'spoke out brother To.'n. "Shu's a jew
el ; and worth a thousand of your paste
' and tinsel women. Itoldvouso. But,
you couldn't bolpvoino. ' Now, ifvou'll to a (l ess
maker or a milliner, r,r b arn to do any
useful work useful not pimply orna.
mental I mean, I will recommend you
to the new president of the society I
told you about. I had to reign when I
got married. He's a splendid specimen
and will make a husband worthy of a
An Amusing Incident.
Pat. entering. "Is Misthcr House
in ?"
Clerk. "No such mm lives here.
You must have made a oiistako iu the
: Pat
-"Och, now! don't vou beeomin'
any of your blarney Sure, an' didn't I
House's Tillegraph va tho out.
i Clerk. " h, I understand
to Mr. House's business."
j Pat. "Och ! yo do- Well, can ye
send to mo brother Mick, ia New
I York ?"
, Cleerk. "Y'es, havj you a written
message ?"
j Pat. "Oh, brother! Niver nale of
pivin' a niis-agi: in writin', at all, Niver
a wurd can be rade. Just give him this
five dollar biil, s ire, to pay the fiae the
blackguards put upon him."
Clerk. "Oh, we can't sen 1 nnn.-'yhy
telegrapy. Money must go by mail."
j Pat. "Sine, nn' what 'ud I g) buy
mule for? An' isn't three reeks of il!.-.
gaut mult
' Cleik.
I mean
I have in me bouse tdreadv?''
-"No; you dju't undeijtanJ.
Put. "Post, is it ?
In a le'.ihcr?
An' ye can't send it by tillograpl.?"
Clerk. .No. All we can do
if vou
have a message, we can send that. That
is, we charge the wiu wliii :! -j'rieitv,
and make it write in Ne.v York."
Pat "M.iko it ri-ht, is it? Well,
now, bedad, that's u thing imirdy! Ju-t
make it right with Miek, and l:;;Vs the
Clerk angrily. "Wo can't do any.
thing of tho sort- I mean v.o can write,
w-r-i-t e, print the words vou want to say
to your brother in New York."
"Pat scratching bis head with a
puzzled air, If you can do that, just
bu aft her discoors'm' wid him soon as ye
Clerk "But I tell you you must write
the message yon wish to send, on this
piece of paper,"
Pat, "Oeh, bad limit to it ! Niver
a bit can I write, surn !"
Clerk. "Well, I'll do it for you
What'i your brother's name ?"
Put- "Mick."
Clerk. "What is bis other name ?"
Pat. "Satna asme oo. Sure we're
brot hers." m '
Clcik. 'Yua, jesj I lni. th 7 f
what is he called ?"
Pat- 'what is ho culled, is it?
in the ould country thev called
'Sbillelah Mick" tek.weof the n- .
fine taato he bad nt swinaio' tbatrl.i
a twig, tin' many' tho sconce, sur' ' a
cracked like nn old (ay.pot when'
Cloik anarily. Oh, ronserml t
don't want to know anytbinj? abtfuv-.-
fighting propensities. I want to I t
his other rcme. It i Mick f
Pat 'Och, botheration, nol V C
Watt is my cousin bad luck to i- f
as lives in the county of Kerry, an' t c
been dead these five veais.'
Clerk 'Confound it 1 Can't yo-. ''t
me your brother's other nomo ? It . :il
one beside Micheal, hasn't he?"
raf. 'Ob, yes, sure; why didu' t
be afibcr telliu' ma that's wbatyc v- .
r d before; for, sure as name' - k'
Finnegan, ye should ha' been towl.i
family namo of my ancestors, wi.. .t
Clerk 'Ah I Finnegan is the c V
rat 'Nr, jewel Mick Finue . ..
Nivcr tin R. Finnegan in the f. n-
sivin' Rory. He's listed for a sop
Clerk. -No matter about that:
for the massage. (Writes) 'To a
you in paying the Eve i.nposed on
I will sitid you five dollars by i
There that will do. Hero are ein'
v?or(is; the first ten will cost yon
cents, tho others twecty f'our n. .
seventy four in ail.'
'Pat Och, brother tho fir-.'
words! Sura Mick will oiver rci-
Send the last."
Clerk. 'We can't do that. 7
mnst pay forty cents, at r.ny rate 1
Pat, 'Surra a bit can I do thai!
you may tell Miek the reason of I.
ti i' no misojgo from mo was owiu'
occasion of the money it cost; and
explain the raaon of his not hear';. ..
me nt ali.'
Cieik. 'We can't do tny sucb '
Yu i must pay forty cents, or w: I
send no message at all.'
rat. 'Och'! beJad, it'll never
S jre I'll ray nivi.r a cint to send .
ssgo over yo;ir ould dirty wire i: . -
tf a tillegraph. Esrauttericg.j
Takk Mr Ha.vd, Papa"
dead of night I a:n frequently r
c I by a little hand stealing oat f
crib by my side, with the pleading .- .
"Pleas t ika my band, papa !''
Instantly the little boy's hand
pod, his fears vanish, and, no it! !
tho consciousness of hi3 father'
sence, lie falls into a sleep again.
We commend ibis lesson of
filial faith aud trust to the anxioe
rowing ones tint are fouud iu ;. .. :
every household.
Stretch forth your hand, s' t
moaraer, although you miy bo i
deepest darkness and gloom, an 1
and anxious suspense may clou ! .
pathway, aud that very act will
I lie presence of u loving, compa :
Father, and give you the peaco tL i
tolh all understanding.
The davkuess may not pass a'' '.
once ; night may enlold you in i.
embrace, but its terrors will hn '
ted. its gloum and sadue-s flee aw
in the simple urasp of toe Fatlur'
seet peace will bo given and r
rest security knowing that the"ir
Cometh." Cunjrey ilionulit!.
Tnu Roosv M cider A:.
Artiest. Yve learn that another
has been made with the view to '
cr the murderer of tho Roosi v"
This wr-ek one James Shrouds, :
near Morrow, was ta'en up, on a
of riot, but the real cause was a ?
ci on of his being engaged in the i'
ful tragedy referred to. Ha is r
be a la in of very suspicious ch.:
of tho prisoner, exclaimed "That
murderer of iiiv family !" He t.
ted to eseape. but was retaken, n
now in closely. It is stated that .
the time of tin murder he had b
the brewery in Cie vicinity, ir; .
about the Roosa family.
The following versus were wri:
England ia 1030. That was ju-.-yearj
ago. They might havo bevii
ten in America yesterday :
Unhapp'cr ago who ever saw,
When truth doth go for treas i.
Ev'ry blockhead's will is law,
Atid coxcomb's snnso is reason.
Religion's made the bawd ofsta'
To serve the pimps and pande: ;
Our liberty a prison gin,
Aud s:ou!idrtls our commaaderi.
O in.v wrofchol is our fate !
What dangers dj we rr.n ?
We must ba wicked to be great ;
And to be ju;t undouo.
"Do you think I'll pet justic
m; '!'' sai-l a culprit to his couus .
don't think you will, for I see tw
on tiie jary who Me opposed to ha::
wai the reply
"If Gabriel happens to light f
tho New England Puritan, theri
no resiirreeti m, for they will f .
him out ot his hum before ha can
a single toot 1"
SrinRT and Sweet. "Fine f
ing, Mr. O'Sd'.ivan." "Yes, sir :
ded'.y too fine a morning for sc.r.:
like you to be enjoying.
An Ind'i rubber horse car h
being invented, which, when )v:
will hold a c uiple dozen more,
8G5Wbon you tea a man on r.
light night trying to convince his
uw that it is improper to follow a
man, you may be eure that it i .
timo for him to join a tamperac