T II E E L ,K A D V 0 C A T E Tin: ptenliiir t.u'ut or lrf't!i:o. hich t.:'. JSitiOFi . 1 lurks i: t!u- cur.'titiiiiuin of r .iillittii'i'-.i f tn.-u. H cither produces ur i tiroilureil ly an civ JS- i -V-S,S -lc-nvv the f.v: lent to v" "-v :"-;C " l'.ill i'lt.i ilim.-der mid bray, 'i !.c frrofulottJ i'eu!;i!iiii'.iik-;i is ;-Ti'i-ti-ly iiiirO'l ly l'vrciiri.'.l en.-o, low lii.orileiei di::i tioii t'roi:i unhealthy T ));!. irrj V r.ir, Mill iniiiy ii.-iijii -i, 1h- ur: ,V veil- fin;; vir', ln I. riliivo ril, ly ::l inffeticn. V lmte er I o i.it I.c ii'ilit.i-.y in the roll; liHitio::, ' fi i mi parents t ") children iii.t t'linl n !)'! fmirtli L'elier.'ii'.oii J " indeed, It t!:o v:ji el' Him w!:u miv-', " J will i -i'. the i rhililivi:." t ;l fii I. i :; i.r'iti'.tie I' ('in fathers upon their 1 ho liini'itfoi it criitititos tiiko ;t '.in f. eet ii ;lin;; to tint orpins it li! the Inn1.;-!. Seiofuhl produces ni-e f f. . !;.', mid linuliv (.''.ni.'itiiiiption ; in the rli'iuL, we1!iiii.'.i which H:'piirr.lc and he ' oi no tile.'tom ko'i'-j i;l the M.oioneh nnd li.wils, i!i i ..iieeu!i n! v ieeh !"-odtiee indi-f'-tii :i. i;;. ;i ii.i, im.i litii' i(uiiphiiiil.-i ; on t'.ie ni.ui, eruptive nnd uitaiv o:u itiloi tiou. 'l hose, id! havhv the miiiic '.lliu, leuhv ll.B Piiinu H iiirdy, viz., jnrili'':iihri and invtijoi'a tinti t' the hlood. l'jv'ty the Idooil, and ihefi i1. in. r..us lii'.li nipi in leave ymi. Willi li-. l ie. )':!!. or con upted l.hod. vott r.-iinnt h. -.ve Iseiilin; villi t!i.:t fifo of" tho Hosh" l.fa'.'d y. viki ciintiut l.iit 'i .-mdiiioin UUcuco. Ayor's Ga-'tapfirilla 5 1 ei !iij"'nniled from tl:o r.'.o.-t i ilVetiml nnti il i!i t'i'it tiicdienl f ietiev li-. ili.-eot'creil lot i. 'U ;.ri:fii:)f ili.-ti n.n r. i.nd for t'.o eu-e of Cu li oi'h is it cmaii.-i. 'J'hat it i tar fiw i : t any i.iher l rnieily yet (K'vi-ed. is l.r.o-.vii ly all who li.ivo;iwn it a trial. That it d 'i eoiiil ini' i r 1 1 ; s ily i str.ionliniiry in tin ; eil- t i!J i t!.M eh;- of coii!ninti, i i:iiii--i"i'io.ly ji!oetl ly the pre.it iimltitttilo l J if.:i -ly knim a an. I n. n-tika! h' eines it ':as oiaiii. lie.' t'i!o.viir iii.-i.'iti : King'fl Evil, cr OhiiildiHr Swellings, Tumors, Lrupticii j, iin;plo3. Elolchc3 r.nl Soic3, lli-ysiptlas, IvCoC cr fit. Anthony's Pii-e, S tit P.hcum, Scald Ilcr.d, Couglu from t'lberculons tlc;o:it3 in tlio lunrrs, White Swdim&s, EoLUity, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dycpiiii or liu"iijc5tioii, Syphilis and y)..liilitio Infections, ITercurir.l Lisoase3, I'eil'.tl'.1 7ealld03j J', nail, indeed, the whole -erio.i el' eon! lainH tltut aritu from impurity i f the l.lood. Jlir.ttto renovts of individual r:ies limy ho found in Avru's Ammucah A i. man w hieh is furnivheil to tlio dnijigists lor i.-ramito;:) it;trihmion, Vid.irein may ho j aincd the (lireeiions for its u.-e, nnd toino of tlie lein.ii'Uahlj ctire-i V hielt it lias lnado lnn all oiher reim dies had failed to nll'ord relief. U h'e lioes lire intrjio-ely taken from till tei tions el' the country, in older lliat i very riai'.er i.iay havo tic-cvs to funic one v. I;.) can fjivak to him of its 1 clioliH from j;' ii UI-...1 c.viiei'ieiteo. NeroTula denrC'SPe;! tho vita I ci.eieii, n ml tlmt leaves its vietiii'.s far more MiUject t ili.-insc and its fatal rc? tilts t! ,.n are l.tidil.y ceiiy'-iliiijons. Hence it till'!-! to idioitcii, i.r.d does greatly shorten, the iitira(.o (lii'.ation of human life. Tho ,ut iii.:oM.ir,ee of ti:e-e coiijiderations has h d e- io .-j i i:.' yen i i:i ic i ti ctii;-? n remedy which :iih ijfiue to i',.; i ai'e. '1 hU we r.ow i lie. to the t.i.Llie t i.i!i r the I iiine of Avr.u's .A!;.,rvi,iM.A, aithiii. ii il n oiii.o'id of iti'.u dii 1. 1: , . oii.e of r, iiicli ixn . d the host if sm . i i'.'u in .il'cr..tivo owi r. J:y its aid you tiir.y en tut y:,ii.-.-k i,' fioin the -i.il'er-io;r ai d r!..; i r(.f :!.i o d.i.-i.nii. J'lirfiC out the f -.ill ieliti; tii r.s tiiat lot and fester in !ic 1 ,.r.l. r-tirc ( ul the ausis of iii: eae, n.l vi:;iir.-.us heat'.!, v ill follow. Uy its pecu liar billies this i miily t:n.til:i,o . tho vital iiiiu ii,ii5, ..ml thus c.n jn H the d:-teiii.ors whii h hole v::hi:t tl.o tj.-icm or 1 ui;t out ill) ar,y pa: t i f it. We J.i.1 :v iho r tiMie lava 1 e en deceived ! v many coi!')eio.d cf N.tjwiV,'., that :-f;nii- d n. in h and ('.;J r.oll.Iiif: hiit they li.ii'nerhe dcixivcil r.or ili-a; p'liiiti d m l.i-i. :n vi:ute have been rovon I y nhun . I. nit trial, and 'acre remains no q. option i,f I'.- o passin- excel' :: i for the cure vf tlio lilhiiiing lUscascf. it i-i iiiti-iided to r neh. .Milioii.'li und.r (!:, f.a:ie liiiim-, it i-. a very ditlet'i k' medicine from any other which ha l.i'-n l.i-t' .i'O the pti'ple. a. :.l i:i far more i f f ..'in! .h.itt any other v hich has ever hcen ! a'd.d.io i t thei.i. " ( inatllV 1'EOTOllAL, 'I'ha Wo rid' a Great F.eirtedy for Ccufths, Colds', Ineipitnt Con KUinption, tvnd lor tho relief &rOor.F.uuiptivo patients in nclvairccd etagea of tho o'looaso, This lias been (u lor.;; u-eil and so unl-er-aily 1'iioivn, that we need do no more than fo-itn the jiublio that it.s ijuality is kept up to tho hr.-t it nit has been, and that it jfliay bo lelied on to do i.ll it has ever done. . i'rfj'aved f.v )ii. J. t'. Ati h & Co., 'ruit '..ul :ih-.l Annlrtirnl ( fumistl, J.owell, Mass. ,K'jid by all diitijiiU every where. JH-SOUTIO.N' or l'AUTNKllSIJ IP NVirn F. 5 lierel.y f.ivcn that the f 'j: ic. 'ai;), Luiulieiin l.a.iiness hero. t.'.l.iiC narried on by tlta uadersiucd xitiijcv tlict iirm nai.ia of itoton, Illy k 'i. , i.-i thi d.iy d!..-:o!vcd ly uiulual con. riiAUh,i;.s liuiaox, 15. F. KLY, I SAAC JlOilTOX, Jr. niilr.v.iy, Jitiy 17th l-l. ('.dine to the y.vm.;.-c3 cf the Etiliscri tf!?', on cr about Ihs lhf. of November, f tt'V KwCo at: I ouo I.aiiib. Tlio cwntr U reiiuoiteJ to cotiio forward, .rove yropert)', pay charge-!, and take them fiivay or they will be disposed of accor li to law, JliUHMIAH 0 ALA II AN. J'oi township, loc. 'il :i loG"). qiiizv: Moxr.v. a ij.Tr.fuini.st ,t I'lUSKS l'AVAUl-1-: TO ofAU, Lu teca nt tho oll'tcem. Theso und f .W oilier claims aniutt the Goverumeut ,ro'.'i.t!y collected. A:: ()ffu i:;i in tuk Army whites j ''At iuspecti ;'i 1 ncticed thut a largo jf'ioportion of (ho uicu'a knupsacks coo. f inod a bos ol'Trot bes, bcint; c-uorally f .1 ly tkcm fir cold, ebj." "Jjrowu$ ;ruiih Jiirociirt, Miouu lie in Crcry ,-idicr 4 knapsack or poetet, to be used i jioa Jr. hist ajjieat.iLco ol a euld or '"'-V..V-'.'3- I'oH.U-il. vitiat-tl El:ltc ' , i,' -( tl. -I'hh1, therein V'V. , J."th: I fluid litfruMes i:t- .kTa'vV '..; SiVHrmiipi-ti-nt 1.) rulniii (ntt v" ' r,,TO: ,a lhi-1 . 'j ..... 4 T-T: v t ,., ,.i a r. t n'l nr. I - i A 1 -.1 IIHIIIM.II I l HII I III St. Mary's :o I lake pleasure in calling alien l ion of the public to my Clothing, For ladies Gentlemen and chil dren. o ttotfec, Sugar, can iii ill H9 4 A large stock zla tl 0 Oils sucli as candy raisins, nuts of dift erent kinds figs and all other goods of the kind usually kept A small assortment in tlio above line, will bo kept on hand and polel at low figucis My stock is full and cheap. Call and Post up before buying. St. Mary's, June U X804, ''mw1' 'iui ''iU lki mil W Elk County Pa. Boots and Shoes Tea, llice, i&c. ImI of C'onfectionars, Sslt If. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK THE Fashion Magazine of the World. LITKRATtRK, FINE ARTS AND FASHIONS. The most magnificent iStcel engravings on every subject that can interest belies. Crochet knitting. veiling. I'.mbroiilory, Articles for tlio Toilet for tlio I'rrlov. tlio lloudoir nnd the Kilch. on. JCvcrylhinp;, in fact, to make ft com plole Lahy's Hook. Tho Ladies Favonto For 35 Years No Mutruiino hits boon nble to compete with it. None nt tempt it. tiODiii a liECEirxa for every dcpnrtincnt of a household. These nlone arc worth the price of the Rook. Model t'ottnpea (no other Magazine gives thrni), with diaprnnis, 1)11' AWING IiKSSOXSFORTIIE VOL'NG. Another speciality with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSH, worth $3 ft year. Other ,1ngnzinrs publish old worn-out mu sic ; but the subscribers to Godey get it be fore the lnnyio stores. Gft'dening for Ladies. Another peculiar ily with Godey. Fushions from Messrs. A. T.'Stewnrt & Co., nf New York, the millionaire, me rchant), appear in Godey, the ouly maga zine that jinx ihcin. Also, Fashions from the celebrated Urodie, of New York. Ladies' Ilonncts. Wo give moro of them in a year than any other magazine. In fact the Lady's Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marlon Harland, .-luMrcja nf "Alone," 'fliddcn Path," "J(H .S'lfr," "A'fici," and "Miriam," writes for Godey caeli month, and for no other magazine. He have also retained all our old mid favorite contributors. T E H 51 S O F GODEY'S LADY'S; BOOK F0Rl?65- (for winch licre can lie no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lndy's Iiook for 18C5. At present, wc will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due no tice will bo civen if WB DIB nhliiroil In .1. vauee, which will depend upon the price of puier. no copy, ono year $3 00 Two copies, one year 5 50 Three copies, one year 7 50 l our copies, one year 10 00 iive copies, one year, and an extra copy to the pet son sending the club, making si.e copies 14 00 Light copies one year, and an cttra copy to the one sending tho club, milking nino copies 21 00 Eleven copies ono year, and an tr im copy to the ono sending the club, malting twelve copies 27 50 Additions to any of the abovo clubs, $2 50 pnnh fMiliHnrihni Godey'8 Lady's Book and Arthur's Home .unguium w iii oo sent, caou one year, on rcccips of $1 50. We have no ulub with any other .1agazine or Newsnnnio. i i - - Tho money must all be sent at ono time for any Club. Canada subscribers must, send 21 cents additional for each subscrihor. Address I. A. CJODKY. X. F. Comer Sixth and Cheitnut Strtett Philadijihia Pa, Volunteers and Conscripts,' To 6ulliers or any others withing to in. crease their income, there is no better way of doing so at thi? lime, thunj'roin the sale of our watches. Tiilv abc "WAauAxrEii as RUI'HESKXTKI) ! "Particularly valuable, for officers in the Army and travelers."- Frank l.eslits, Feb. "Prettiest, best nnu cheapest timepieces ever odered." X. Y. Illustrated Hens, Jan. 10. Very pretty and durable Watches for the -Irmy." N 1', Army d- Nury Jour. (Gov ernment Grgnn.) Aug. 20. "Ono of the oldest and most reliable hous es iu business.'- Lonisi-illc, Ky., Journal, July 21. MAGIC TIMS OBSERVERS. Being a Hunting or Open Face or Lady's Gentleman's Watch C'omebine, with or Patent Self winding Improvement a most PleiiNing Novelty. ONE OK T11K PKKTTIEST, MOST CON. VENIENT, AND decidedly the best and cheapest time-piece for general and reliable yse ever ottered. It lias within it and con nected with its machinery, its own windinif attachment, rendering a key entirely unne' cessury. The cases of this Wutch ure com posed of two metals, the outerone bein fine Id carat gold. It has the improved rubg sciian le'er iiiovemcnt, and is wurrantcd ay accurate time-piece. Price suerblj enn graved, per case of half dozen, $304. Sain pie Watches in neat morocco boxes, if 35, SLV TFA2CIIE,S! First diss Hunting Timo. Pieces for accu rUfii at wovewBut, beauty of material, and above vll, ch.iuu3 in price, these watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that it can hard ly be detected by the most experience judges. The materiul being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Silver, it eup pot be recognisi'd by culiflg or licairy eu, graving, making it, not in appearance, but in durability, the host resemblance of SOL ID Sir. u LI NO SILVER in existence. l he sate 01 these Watches in tho Army is t source cf enormous profit, rctailintr. sb hey very readily do, at If 25 aud upwards Many hundred dollars can be made in a sins gle pay day by any one of ordinary busines. )act Bft-AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! Iu heavy burning cases, beautifully engraved, shite enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good unniug order, by the half dozen, $?2, Sold onty by the case ofi! Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, will send watches by ex press to any part of the loyal Slates, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers against fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in Me disloyal states must remit cash in AbVA&CE, as the epre8 sompanies peremptorily refuse! making collections in such dangerous loctlttles. Remember, Cash in advance from u ilhin the'army lines tn ebel states I . We guarantee the safe, delivery all vatchej, whetber they ar,e sect by mail orf erprcts. Hubbard Bros.. pje Importers RALLY! 1UXLY! TKEMKNDOUS 111!? II TO TJflK New Store AT CENTIIEVILL, ELK CO. PA LVHK, SCHCENINO i S.NEF.U1NGIR NEW GOODS HAVE COME THE PEOPLE AWAKK TO THEIR ISTKUKST ! As manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging "green backs" for Oaoils, All the Domestic Cotton Goods are high. CuBtomei s, one and nil esclaitn ! How Cheap Your Dress Goods ARE Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Hats & Ops, Groceries CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARDWARE Oils and Paints, Wooden Ware, Pork, PIouv It is useless for us to attempt, to give a full list of our stock, but invite ono and all, to drop in, and examine for themselyes. 2rRuUor, Eggs, Potatoes, Gruin Hidcw, Calfskius and ail country produce taken at market price, for goods. Cectreville, April 25th 1863. Administrator's LTotice. I' ETTERJ3 of 4-Jfl'uistrtion having J been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Geo. A. Kieoile, lato o St. Mark's borough, deceased. Notice is hereby giyen, tfl 11 persous knowiug themselves indebted to said estate, to make immediate paymeut, and frjl thos having claims againbt said estate, will present the aame duly authenticated tpr Mttlement, FREPRIC KIExXZLE, Adminithrator. Ritgt9(t yo9. 19A 1664. Just Heceived At the Bookstore, St. Marv'a SANDERS READERS. No', 1 V 4&5. ' " Sanders primary and j ictorial primer. AlitcLela Geography & Atlas. Mitchels primary Geography. M'Nally's Geography? 3 Monteithsprimary Gloginpliy. Speneiarion copy ba-is, Webster's common seftwA Die- tionaiie.". ' Browns Grammar. Towers do Murray a do " Nog. 1 2 &, 3 plaiu copy bookjs uiuiili tlUOKS, Letter note & writing papear Ink Pens luivelopes PenciU S.o', dfeo . O0LBIERS IN THE ARMY O and our people at home Are now offeredan opportunity which they can obtain a GOOD& DURABLE TIME-PIE1S AT A VERY LOW FIGURK. 0VR WATCHES ABE W.Alt RASED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR and the buyer is allowed the Privilege of Examination. J2SFCHE PATMFXT 18 REQUIRED Tmprcvcd Duplex in full Rulg Actions. A first class Hunting Time-Puce of Silver material, over which is electro-fine plated 18 k, gold, most durable wrought, making the imitation so fiultless that it cannot be detected from tho solid material by th most experienced judges ; acids will not af cct it. London made movement. Improv ed Duplex in rti.L bcdv actios, has Bwcep seconds, and is lut to bo excelled in general ajrcnintice. nis is decidedly one of the best articles ever offered for traders and speculators. Engineers, Emigrants, and persors travelling, will find thpm auporior toany other j alteration of cliraale will not affect their accuracy. Trioo, packed in good shape and good running order, only $35. or rase of 6 for $200. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEV ER9, BEST QUALITY S1LVEJ CASES, over which electro-fine plated 18 k. gold, similar ti our Improved Duplex, and superior ad? fusted movements with "Stup," to be used n timinc horses, ute. U tv,, t ,.,!., ior Washington and Greenwich time, sweep nepuuu, nnu an me unprQvements. All iu all, taking its beautiful and faultless ap pearance and its consideration, wo regard it as decidedly the euenpesi ariioio ot the kind in the market. Price, in ffood runnJntr onlei- SHS nf of6forS200. Rt75Wo ask no nnv in nilrnnnn ,,1 ;n forward cither of them tn wtinn':w ties, to any part of the loyal States, with unf p&j uuie iu expressman wuen me goods are delivered, giving the buyer the privil ege of examinalinn. nnrl if nit ai,!.f..i.. the watch can bo returned at our ezpensa i no express companies refuse making Collections on sailiem nn.-l ntliai. .i;ai..-i .... - V.Ub. HIUjl States, consequently nil such orders must uu uyeuuipaiucu ay ine casn to insure at tention. W0 mftllA B flAlliiAltyn n A lars on either watch when the payment It lorwarueuin uuvance. Mon?y moy be sent by express at our tx pensc. TITOS. GAFFERTY & CO., 03 anl 85 Lroad St., opposite City Band Trovidence, RI k, S, & H. T. Anthony & Co., Manufacturers of Photographio Materials, WHOLESALE AKU BSTA1L, 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Head, quarters for llje following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic, Views, Of these ,7e have an immense assortment, including M ar Scenes, American and For eign cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statu- aiy, -0., 4.0. Also, devolving Stereoscopes, il. ..,!: - , :t -.! r..' .v. .uv ,u,iiiu ur private exuiuuioii, uur Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Staxp. PIIQTOGRAPIIIC ALBUMS. We were the first to introduce these Into the United States, and we manufacture Im mense quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 60 cents to $50 each. Out ALtiL MS have the reputation of being su perior in beauty and durability to an others. They will be sent by mail, frm, ea re,ccipt of pi ice. Jtt3"( I.NK ALnLy3 ADE TO OHUER. JJ CARD PIIOTOGR4P7S. Our Catalogue now embraoes over FIVH THOUSAND different subjects to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, to., via J 100 Mzj GewAa, 200 Brig-Genesis, 276 CjalonclH, 109 Lieut. Colonel?, 250 Other Officers. 650 Statesmen, 140 Divines, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stage, 250 Other Officers, to ravy Othoers, 00 1 roui nt vt omen. 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. o.uuo Copies of works of Art, including productions of the most colebra; ted Engravings, Ptintings, Statues, 4o. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. Aij ordr for One Dozen Pictures from our Cat. alogiie will be $)l,cd on the receipt of $1.80, and sent by uuil, iske. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O- D- will please remit twenty-five per pent of the amount with their order. E. &.H. T. ANTHONY & CO., .Manufacturers of Photographio Materials, 601 BROADWAYNEW YORK. Ji2r The prices and yualitjj ftf wr yoods tan not fait to satisfy. Npy. l'Jth, 'jBf 12m.o$. NOTICE The Books f4 accounts of Jacob J. Stor.er & Co., and Charles 11. Gering & Co.. .of Si Mary'i. have beea pUoed in tbf hn,4 fit the undersigned for settlement. Parties indebted to either of the a&ove firis, are notified that their ao counts must be sauled by payment to th undetffcigvdi i;hin 30 day. LAURIE J. BLAKELY, AU'w GERING & CO, k. 6T0RER & Cf. 6t. Msry's February, 26th '95 6t.