T I I E E L ly A P V 0 C A T E. ItEi;VL.S' AMKRO$ FOR THE HAIR fffTHIS ELEOANT Il.Vlrt liRl'-SSlXO AP Wojj Mcurrii Hair Restorative Etill retains its precedence i" fashionable cir cles, and is .supcriJiug nil otlicr prepa. rations, not only in this country but also in Europe ami South America. Thou. sanJ.s of bottles are annually u-'cl in t!ic Court circles of Paris, London, St. Tc-l.-rsburg and Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is enormous. 5REEVIiS' AM 11 110. I A Is competed of .iu oily extract from hcrl'i of wonderf ul virtue, aud is highly bf " '4sl with a var'.ciy of cx.U:.s ltc perl 't elloetually prevents nd c.iusci it to grow -.g." It, in. ik.es the ;ivcs it a glossy appcar- io toilet is co'.ir.i!ito withou; it. in1'' i.j coins per laifte no'.no. the ha" ha' Sold by drU'rgosts and dealers ir. fancy )ods i:i all p;irls of tho civilized world. "Wholci-ale by all wholesale druggists in t c very city, and tit ' REEVES' AMHKOSIA l'El'OT, No. 02 Fultuu St., New York. ' " ERRORS OF YOlJTfl. A gontlcman who suffered for years from Nervous and fiencral lability. Nightly Emis -ions and Seminal Weak ness, the rosult of youthful indiscretion and eamo near ending his days in hope le.;s misery, will, for the sake of suil'er ing man, send to any one afllicted, the s'unplo moans u-ed by him which ciLet. cd a cure in a few weeks, after the fail, tiro of numerous medicines. Sen 1 a directed envelope and it will ost you nothing. Addess E DC. All THEM A IN E, Station L, 12Hth St., New York City. Consumption. A valuable treatise by a Retired JMiysieian, on the nature of Consump tion and its various stages, together with rules for self treatment, and tdmple pro scriptions which have cured thousands, will be sent, free of charge, to any one applying. It will cost you nothing, and may be the means of saving your money und peril.".'11' .'our life. Sena au oddres sod envelope to STEPHEN IMMUN, M. D. ; I Murray Street, New York City. March IT, '.) oin. Iraform?.tion Free T( )5N ENVOI'S S I.' V l'Eitf JIS, A C EN'TI.EMAN, curek. of Nervous Debility. Tneonipeteney Premature .)o. cav, nml outhlul J.ri-or, actuiiteil hy a desire to bci.clit others will be happy to furnish to all vho need it (free of charge,) the recipe and direction.; for wukiug tlie simple remcity used in ins case. Sufferers wishing to profit by iho Advertisers bad eyporiciiee, and pocss n sure rnd valuable roiuidy, can dos'iby addressing him at cue i nt his plucc of business. The lieceiptaiid full informa tion. of vital importance will be cheer, fully sent by leturn mail. ' Address JOHN 1. OQPEN; No. GO Nassau Street, New York. P. S. Nervous Suflereisof both sexes .will find this information invaluable. "(3 moths WH ISK ERS Y Vvil 1SK OS Do you want "Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian Compouud will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, .or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. Price, 81,00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely scaled, on receipt of price. " Address, WARNER & CO., Eos 1S8 Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. 25th '05 lyr. LOVE AND IIARIMON'Y. Any liaay or mntiemau sending mo their address, will receive full directions jor gaining tne attections ot tno oppo site ses, and which ill enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, .or beauty. Address Mrs. MARIE LEMOTLLE, Harlem P. 0., New York City. March 17,'G5-3m. OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET dirc;ti,;n' how to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without aid of doctor cf med icine. SenP by mail, free, on receipt .of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. P., 1130 Broadway, N. Y: H'ToiI WANT TO KNqw A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING -arelatin;to the human svstrin. inalo nd female ; the causes and treatment of iscmcs ; tlie marriage customs of the yvorld ; how to marry well and a thou sand thiegs never published before read the revised and enlarged edition of VMedical Common Sknse," a curi ous book for curious people, and a good book for every nip. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Trice cl.O. Contents Jablc sent free to any ad'L'ess. Books ,may be had at tho Book stor;;.?, or will 1)0 sent by mail, post paid on receipt of tlie price. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. D., 1130 Broadway, S.-Y. Administrators Notice- Letters of Administration have boon granted in duo form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. Mack vpnn the Estate of ElUha Mick, Late of Salem Md. de ceased. All persons havieg any claim against said Estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. Any person owing tho Estate, arc requested to uiako payment forth with. WILWAM MACK, AJminixtratur of tht Ftttc of Elha Meek, DeccoHl. ""Mune J 1th lviU. ATTENTION LEGION J All persons indebted to the late firms of Schoening & co., at Contreville, Pn.f and Luhr tO co., at &t. Slnry's Pa, are EARNESTLY PEQUESTED to come forward -vvitliout de lay and plank up their "spon duli.v," us wo close up our business by the 1st of April next. Our accounts must be .settled by that limepr tho fur will fiv somewhere. V. SCIKKXIXG & Co, Cenfi-cville. C. LP lilt Co, St. Miiy's. March, 4 th S(i3. m NEW PATENT ROTARY" FEED The following facts deiuonstrato that 'hesp Machines comprise the hi'hctl improvemcns in tin: cwwj Machine Art, viz 1. Each Mti-h'nc is guaranteed to give better itisfai-tiqii than any other Sewing Mael.iue in Market, or mouey lvfur.ded. 2. They have taken many of the JuJirnt ) nn'iniii at the most important ex. Iiiltilions ami fairs ever hold in the United Slates. o. They make tho hclc rtitch alike ou both sides thus saving more than half the thread and silk used in the raveling ridge seams of the loop-stitch and fcingle-tliread Sewing Machines 4, They are adapted to the widest range of heavy and light sewing. 5. Theyhave no rattling wires, or deli cate attachment-! to keep in repair. G. They iciiiirc notaking apart to clean or oil. and no ''Lessons" to set needle, regulate tension, or operate Machine Please call and examine, aud demon, strate for yourself, or send for circular with samples of sewing. N. 15. lowu aud Country Agcnt3 wanted. FIXKLE & LYON'S. S M. CO., No. 533 Broadway, New Yotk. ADMiNISTATOR'S N0riC2 Letters of Administration have been granted in duo form of Law, to the sub- seiber upon the Estate oi Thomas Over turf, late of Bcnezettc towuship Elk county, deceased, All persons having any claim against said Estate, are re quested to present them duly authenti cated ior settle ineut. Any person ow ing the Estate, arc requested to make payment lortbwitU. ANN OVERTURE Administratrix of the Manhood who yjhHUWt Lost, how He- stored . toKSS Jl,s published, uew edition of Dr Cul verwells CelebratedEssav cn (lie radicalcure (without medicine) ot M'EnMATORRlKEA, or seminal Weak ncss, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impo TEN'CY, Mental and Physical Incapublv Impediments to Marriage, etc. asoctp Co.nsv.mtion EriLErsY, and Fits, id uueeu dv seil-indutgeusc or sexual ex. travagance. fi-Prico, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cent3. Tha celebrated author in this admira. ble c?say clearly demonstrates, from a h i ty rears successful pratice, that they alarming consequences of self absucmu be radically cured w jthoutthedaDgerous use of internal medicine or the applica tion of the knife pointing out 'a mod. of cure, at once simple, certain and effect ual, bv means of which every sufferer no patter what his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately and radicclli. (fc-This Lccturo should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, jmslpid, on r ecrpt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address- the publishers. C1IAS J. C. KLINE f- CO 127 Bowery, Nev York, Post office box 45S0. NOTICE OPLIMITKD PARTNERSHIP NOTKE is hereby given that Theo-lr Palcn, heretofore residing at Allegany, Cat. tiiraugiH County, in the Kiate of Now York, but. now residiuat at Wilcox Elk County, Slalc of Peiineylvanin, and James Clark. residence at Plaeulield iu the State of New Jersey, l-r.ve fyi-i-ied a limited parlacrship pinsuui.i (o me Act oi Uie Ucneral Assembly of tbo Slate nf Pennsylvania, naased I lie 21 Ht of March lfWU, ei. tilled ",.n 'Act relative 'to limited partnership;)" r.ad its several fup plements, for the manufacture of Leather at Wilco aforesaid, upon the following termi to-wit: 1st. 'i'lie name of aiJ firm to be Theodjre Puleu ; 2nd. TUo geueral nature of the business transacted is the manufacture of leather : 31. Tlie name of the general partner is Theodore Pulen, now residing at li ilcox aforesaid ,- 4th. The amount of opiial fiintiibuted by the special partner James Clark, lo the common stock, it eigluetn thousand doll&rl ( 5th. The part nership i to continue from the ninth dty -4pril A. P. l3i, to the niDtbliay f f April A.U. 1?6'.. )itd Bl -UHcoi, June 23d . . . MMfe. DEMOKESTS MIRROR OF FASHON'S QU ARTt.Iil.Y JOVRNAL DU RAO NV Circulation 40,000 (largest in tliO world.) Euch number contains large and magnificent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations of tdl tho fashionable and Paris novelties, for ladies' atid children's Dross, useful inlbiiuatio.u, and tho four life-size l'al terns, cut ready for use, etc. efc. Yearly, SI ; single copies, 20 ccutl. I'ubli.'.hcd at Mme. DKJionF.sr's Enipo rium of Fashions, No. 473 Eroadway, N. Y. fl I.KMIl y AN r V A LIT A RLE I'ltKMIUMs ! ! ! rach Yearly Subscriber to JIiuc. Do morest's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to tho selection of 50 cents worth of-Extra Patterns, or n copy rf M inc. Pcrnorcst' Systmo fo Cutting Children's Process or for o0 c nts extra, tho Ladies' Ssy cm. For a club fo 5 subscribers at SI each will bo sent Person's, Arthur's or aiy other 2 magazine, or ncprspapcr for. cue year, or a splendid Photograph A"m. ior a club oi IS, tjodoy t, Ludv-s Hook or any other $d mairasino, or an clesan. gilt, or steel life'; Coiiib, prSidp Comb, A Liub oi W, Alme Demorcsts So Running StiUli Sewing Machine; or a Selt.tucking Attachment, or a full set of. Steel or U;lt Combs. A Club ol'Go.a new Whcclcrand Wild son's Sowing machine with llcmmcran- Self tucking Attachment. j uiui oi u.), a.'-pienaia ratert lever Gold Watch. -in ijuuflwuiuiBuiu uiiiLieu Louie All (1,. C.,1.,...M ...1.1I.J i.it.. r,..,i ., l .., .1 . ' inr-t in vim urn. uiiu iu lliu "uuer I OI t .i,,t,.i . ri II- 1 the club an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for one year. i i r.i , -i-i . i Anv milliner nt ?sl Riihapvinf inntci conf i 1 .!.: .... i..i. .:u i. ,., , ., . w i ovot htorl t no samp. n 1 1 fipnl n'fr.frtiini. i Back numbers ns specimens sont post. fare on receipt of 10 cents. Splendid terms for agents. Send for Circular. lICGiTJ&itCF ,'ECP. New Firm! New Woilc ! ! New Prices I ! ! The umicrfcignod, having opened a Boot & Shoo manufactory in Sehultz s Steam Tannery, St. Mary's, Pa., have discarded the "old man" ot high price's and shoddy work, and girded themselves with the "new man" of low prices and A. 1. work. They will keep constantly ou hand and maufacture toorder, custom made Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Etc. All of which they warrant will give satisfaction. Repairing done neatly and promptly. Customers can rely on receiving their orders at the promised time. SEXTON & BOILS, February 4th, 18G5. To Consumptives The undersigned having been rcstor- is to health iu a few weeks, by a very imple remeay, after, having suffered so. veral years, with a severe lung affection. and the dread disease, Causumption is euxious to make known tQ his fellow suf ferers the means of cure. To all who des'ne it, he will send a copy of the proscription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for prepar ing and using the same, which thy will find a ture cure tor Consumption, sthma, Bronchitis, Couoii9, Colds fcc. The only object of tho advertiser ;n sending tho prescription ia to benefit hcafllicted,andspcad information which ho conceives to oo invaiuiibic ; and he hopes every sufferer x ilj try his remedy, as it will cost theiu pothing, and may piove a blessmg. Parties wishiaa; tho cresonption will nlcasc address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williaiisburg, Kings County, New York. s UltE CU< FOR D1PTHEUIA 'iVALLIS IMPROVED MAGIC BALM W II A T : T II E B A L M W I L L P 0 Remove Obstructions, allay Inflpmstiops :aoilitate rcrspirauou ana ircuiauon, re duces Enlargements, and vitalize and trenglhen wealtcueu parls Ciampana liil- lious Colic, Nervous Ilea lacho, haraohc, Burns, Freezes, Toothache Sprains, Bruises, vc. ; and tor .Sprains, Bruises, Oalls, Heaves, Distemper, 4'- ia horses. Tho Quickest relief for pain of any l'ain Mller in use. There is no remedy that will act so promply in relieving tho ills enumerated as the Mairio Uilin, wluca deserves to re ceive the favor ot the pubUa. It is its own recommendation, and by tho perlorirancs of good works, where it ia know n, now cn- oys the highest reputation, ror sale ny I. I'owell, llouk & M'Vean, Knlgwny i a. Wholesale by Carters & Hall, k Wtrfeols Drug stores, Erie Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive' valuable prescription for the euro of Consumption, Asthma, Rrouchitia, and all throat and Luug'affectious, free of cnarj;c,j ny scnuing ite.ir puaresi to Rev. KUwAUl) A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., 3 months New Yorjc. FRANK X. ENZ Centreville, Elk county Pa Furniture. MANUFACTURER OF Modern nml Anllquo Furni ture. MAIN ST RET, B R 0 0 K Y I L L E ' P E N, 2J-'A. Tcte-a tctc:., Sofa.-j, Diavnij?, Easy Cliai-?, Rocking Chairs, DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS, And Upholstered ware of all kinds, also Cain Chairs, Cain Rocking Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. Bcadstcads, Tables, fcvtftllfls. Bcaurcs. Lipht Stands, 'Vhut-nols, Corner Stands, Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Bookcases, Ac. Ac. &c. Wc spare no pains in packing furni. ture so that it can bo shipped any uis tancc without beins injured. Do not forget tho place. " BROWN'S WARE ROOMS Dec. 21th;lSGl.-tf. Administrator's Sale. t "OjY order of the Orphans Court of tlin b D l r rti ! Oi i r t "couniy oi J'jir, in me ouuu oi i a., i t 11 11. t 1 1 shall expose to sale, by public venduo . ,v. n i ti n-i " "' V 7, n , , i wav, on luesnay xnc on aay oi January ' . . V J ! next ot 1 o clock p. M., as the property of Anthony Meyer, dec d - . J. ,J ' . . I lvc lots in St. Mary's, in tho said county of Elk, known nslots.Iso. nineteen (10) twenty one (21) twenty-eight (28) twcnty.four (2-i) .v.u twenty-six (2b) on cross street in front ou cross street one hundred (100) feet each and in depth at right nnglos two hundred (aUO) lcet. Terms ot sale, ono third ot tho pur chase money iu hand at conformation of sale and tho residue in two equal annual instalments thereafter, to be fcecurcd by Judgment,- ond and Morto-acre ANTHONY MEYE Administrator of ANTHONY MEY IR dce'd .N UTILE. Jmnireis in the cs Branch Insurance Company of Lock Haven Penna., must pay tho' amount due said company, levied by it in assess. ments, Nos. 0 & 10,' to the undersigned before, or duiing next Court week othartiso proceedings will bo commen cod against them, to compel such pay uient. LAURIE J. BLAKELY. Attorney for tho Co St. Mary s, Pa., Nov. 2tith 1801. GOPEY'S LADY'S 00K T II E Fashion Magazine of tho World LITERATURE, FINE ARTS AND FASIJIONS. Tho most magnificent neei engravings ou every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilej.; for the Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kit eu. Everything, in fact, to make a co'iu pleto Lady's Book. Tho Ladies Favonte For 35 Years. No Magazine has been able lo eompeto wim u. xsone attempt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every deptrtment of a household. These alone bra worth the price of the Book. Mouel Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG. Another speciality wilh Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth 83 a year. Other Jagazines publish old worn-out mu sic ; but the subscribers to' Goat get it be fore the mupio stores. i: ' Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar ity with Uodey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co., of New York, tho millionaire,' me rchants, appear in Godey, tho only maga zine that lias ilieiq. ' Also, Fashions from the celebrated Brodie, of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. Vic give moro of them in a year than any other maga.'mo. In fact the Lady's Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. 11 a lion Ilarland, .4eircs of "Alone," rfjiMhn ru," "Most Side," -Xer.csis." aY.J "Jliria'ji rritcs for Godey each month, and for no other magazine. He have also retained all our old aud favorite contributors. T E R MS OP GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 165- (For which there can be no Deviation.) Tho following aro the terms of the Ladv Book fur lhOS. At present, we will veceivo tuubcrihera at the lollowinz rates. Hue no tico will bo given if we aro obliged to ad vance, whith v:i'l dcrenil upon ihe price of nflnni- i p . I I - lino copy, ono year f3 00 Two cullies, one veer 5 SO Three cupies, one 'ear Four copies, ono year Five copies, one year, and an e.Hra 7 50 10 00 copy to Hie person sending the club, making sij- copies Eilil copies ono year, and an eztra copy to the one Bending the club, making nine copies Eleven copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the oni cndiug;he club, making twelve copies ' ' Additions to any of the above $2 60 each subscriber. M 00 21 00 27 50 clubs, Godey'g Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Maga'ine will be sent, caeh one year, on recwpg'of 91 50. Ve have no club wilh any other .Vagaiine or Newspaper. ' The money must all be bcul at one time for any Cbrb, ' ' " ('ana'dfi subscribers must send 21 cents additional lor each subscriber. ; AddrckM Uj. a. godey. .. E. Corner Sttih ani Ciannut Stretrt Volunteers aud Conscripts! Tosollicrsor any ollmrs wishing to in. crense llioir income, (hero is no hcltcr way 0 doing so nt Ihip lime, thah.fVom the sale of our wntclics. They Ann W'Arbaxtkd as HnrnKSMTEn ! Particularly valuable for officers In tho Army aud travtlera." Frar.k Leslie's, Fell. '.VxsUiest., cst nnit cheapest limeflecfs ever ottered." Ar. 1'. llluslruieii Reit-jlJiin. 10. "Very prclly and durable Watches for (bo Irmv." N 1 . Xrmv ,fr Nurv Jour. (Gov ernment Orpnfi,) Aug. 20. "One yf tlijjpliltjt animosJ relia Jc liotis in business." Louisville, A'v., Journal, July 21. MAGIC TI$E OBSERVERS. Being a Ifunling or Open Face or Laily's JL?r.tlcman s watch Cotnebine, witi or riifent Self-Winding Iinpvovcmeui n most Plensins Ni.velty. "'" NEOK THE rRt'TTIKST. MOST CON- I iVKNIEXT. AND ilecidediy the best nn'l cheapest time piece for gencr:.! and rclmiiic use over offered. It has within it and con nected wilh its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unne cessary. 'A'-uc cases or tins Watcli tire com posed ot two metals, the outerone ncin finc lGcarat gold. It has the improved rul g action lever movement, and is warranted ay accurate lime-piece. Price superblj enn graved, per case of half doien. $"04. Snm pie watches in neat morocco noies, t-jo, First diss Hunting TimeTicces'' u r accu racy of movement, beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in price, these watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that it enn hard ly be detected by the most cxpericneo- judges. The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality (sterling r-ilver, while the inner one is German .Silver, it can not be recognised by cutting or licnvy cn, graving, making it, not in njipenrnnee. nut indura'iility, the best rcpemolanco of SOL il STA'KUXO SILVER in cxistercc. The sale of lhcs; Welches In (l. 'Army is I sourco of enormous profit, retailing, us liry ver y readily do, at 25 and upwards Many hu-ndred dclars can be made in n sins gle pay day by ally onu of ordinary busines. B?.AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved,- white enamel dial, and fancy cut. hands, in good tinning order, by the half dozen, $72. Sold only by the case of x'. ' Uren receipt of tr?o iiqllar3, as guarantee of good fiiiih, wc'Wifl send watches by ex press to any part ol the loyal btates, eollec ting balance of bill on delivery. This cn sures buyers against fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in the ilislounl ttatc Ml'isT remit Cash in AiiVANCR, as the express oompanies yeremploril.it refuses making collections in eucli dangerous localities. Remenibci',' CWi in advnnee from within the arm- lines i;l ebel tin Irs I We guarantee the tiff deliver; all watches, whether tlicv arg stiUby mail or express. ' ' Hubbard Bros., Sole Importer DISSOLUTION of FARTNERSIIIP Notice is hereby given that tho Partnership, LumLerin business ;Cro. toforo carried on by the tjnderr.ijjneo under the firm name of He-ton, fy & Co., is this day dbsol;cd, by j-iutuU pn. , sent CHARLES IIORTON, B. F. ELY. ISAAC IIORTON, Jr. RiJgway, July 17th 18G3. STRAY SHEEP. Came to the premises of the subscri ber, on or about tfyo' Jst of November, two pwes nnd ond Ltmb. Tho owner ia requested to cojiio forward, prove property, pay charges, and' take them away or they will bo disposed of accor ding to law. JEREMIAH CALAIIAN. Fox township, Dec. 31sf J365. '" T)RIZE MONEY. A DATEfull list 1- PBISES jJAYARLE TO of ALL anc bo seen at the ' officers. These and all other claims against the Government promptly collected. AN UFFICEll IN THE ARMY WRITES ) At inspection 1 noticed that a largo proportion of tho men's knapsacks con. tainod a box of Troches, being gcnorlly used by them tor colds, etc. "JJrotcn $ Jironclt.q Ikrccliet,. should pc in every soldier's knapsack or pocket, to bo used upon the first appearand w a oeld or ougu. Administrator's Notice. L ETTERS of Administration having bceu granted to the subscriber on tho estate of Goo. A. Kicnzle, lato o St. Marj's borough, deceased. Notice is hereby given, to all persons knowing themselves indebted to paid estate, to uiako immediate payment, aud all thoso having claims against said estate, will present tho'samo duly tuthcntiiited for settlement, " " . FREDERICK KIENZLK, ' Administrator, Ridgvay Nvo. 19A 1364. Coal Lands Eqr Sale. nfMIE subscriber ofTera for sale tho Coal privilege, v.ith the right of mining and Xu1 niiucrals under 405 acres oi land situated in Fox 'tp., (Mcar field couuty l'enusvlvaniri, within 2 miles of the Ridgway & Shawmut R.R., which connects frith' the Philii. 'Erie It. II.,' it Ridgway,' with a &iz obt vein ot Bituminous fjoul upon it,x which is now coitrau'dbg bucb enormous prices', for manufacturing purposes. For sale cheap, terms cash, a good title given. Fr further particulaii, address ' C. Iy. pAllRETJ"; Clearfield P. Q., At Ue rrckffoe. fl 'nU KA'Nl K1.S l'YAl 1 liF. Ko'f. 1, 2, ? 4&5. S Sanders piimniy X plrtprini primer;, ' k ' ' Alitchels Geography Si Allfig. Alitchc.l pu-yjai'v Gcoo;rapi)Y. Mont;eitlis pmary ' G (jpipliy, S)enciarion copy boolw." Webster's common school Dio- tlorjlwici"' " H" Browns Grammar, Towers do Murraya do Nos. 1 2 Sr. 3 plaiu cony boox Blan.lv Koo3.v " " ' ;A Letter uotefe writing papesn Ink Pcn3. Knvelope Pencil. QOLDIERS IN THE AHMV Y "uuyui peopio ai nome rc now oflcrcdau opportunity yi'l they can obtain a " " l" ' cpfD a. dur ai i iriLVF-m-a AT A ' . -. J VLRY LOW' WQURK. orn wATctiFS Ans Vappam d to m i r 'mv r vat. and the buyer is allowed the -1 " Trivilego of Kx.imination. : on m i a rxFA-r j ? av;; vjukl Imprrvcd Duplex in fU Rnyj Actions. A first class Huntinc Tiinc-Pnace of Silver nialcrial, over which ia rn. fi n a tilnln.i' 18 !t; gold, most durable wrought, making' tho iniiliirion so f-uiltlcss Ibnj ii canT.ut bo" detected 'from .'he solid niatori.,1 "j'y tho" most cxpcriinceajuIi3; ac'us will not af-' ect it. Londo'u mudfc movement. I.Mi'iiov Ki) I)irpi,i;x irt' ti ll n'rnv action, has sweep seconds, and is n it to be excelled in generaf nprrarniHc. ms is dkciuedlt one of tho nKST abticles ever oftercd, for (reVi and speculatois. Engineers. Euiigrants, ani persons travelling; will' find them supcrio? tonny other ; alte.-alion of cliriate will not' affect their accuracy: r, iie, packed in good shape and g;oi iunuing'order, only &io, or rase of C for $i!()0. SILVER DOUBLE TIME UUt',lNG L. BEST QUALITY SILVER CASES, ovr which electro-fine plated 18 k. goW, siiuilar Hour Improved Duplex, and superior" ad fusled movements with -"Stop," to bs used n timing horses, etc. has Four lnderes ior HashmsJotf and'Greehwic'i tinie, swoop' second., aiidf all th'6 improvements. All in' ail, (akin its' beautiful and faultless ap'-' ptaran'ce and its superior movement, into fonsIUeratlon, we regard it n's'deeidcdlv tho Hieape-4 article' of the kind in the mnrkct.' Price, iii gooa fuu'uje srSer,' :i5, of case of 6 for qp. ' v "Ve ask no piy in advance, but wiU forward cither of them lo responsible par ties, to any part of the loyal Stales, willi bill payable to expressman when ihe goods arc delivered, giving the buyer the privil ege of examination, nnd, ifnjt satisfactory the watcli can be returned at our e.-ptns-- Tho expross companies "i Jfiise wuVVifg collections on soidiers an'4 other disloyal States, conser;iicnlly ul) hucIi 'orders ni'usf Yj 'tqcpw'rihAletf y 'tho cash to iiisiire at1 tention. W c tnake a deduction of i wo dol lars on' cilher watch when the payment i lurirnrueii in advance. i'ion?y tidv lb scat ty cspress at our ex nsc. '. l' ' 'j ':" THUS. GATFEIVTV Jt I'll . Pf 93 an I 0 Broad St., opposite City Hand I'rovidcnte, It I k,' E. H. T. Anthony & C(.f Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND HKTAII,, 601 BROADWAY, N. V. In ad lit inn to bur main businesuof DiO- TOGltAriMO MATKlUALS.we are' Head quarters for the following,' vii: ' Stereoscopes and Stereoscopiq Views, Of lli eso we have an iinrncnso assirtr.:ei.t, incliicling ll'ar Pcencs, American and "For eign cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statu ary, .jc, &c.' A)so,'Hcvolving Stereoscopes, for Ihe public or 'private cihibiiion. Uui Catalogue will be scut to any address on receipt of Stamj). niGTOGUAl'IUC ALBUMS. We were the first to introduce theso In!.' the United Slates, and o Diiuij.OiC.mi) ii;i incnse ouanli'ics ir. great vhi-icly, ranging in priott fi'onl'SO cciffs to r!?o()" tach. (nr ALBUMS have the reputation of bcing'sh- penor in beauty and durability lo aJiy others. They will bo scut by mail, raui:, cn receipt of price. S&'nxn ALBUMS MADB to oanEn.3 pnD rnoTOGnirrs. Our Catalogue new mhiaccs over EI VQ THOUSAND Jifforent subjects (to which addilioniare continually being made) ot l'ortraits of Lmincnt Americans', So., vu ; aboui 100 Mai Generals, 5"0 Statesmen, 1M0 Divines, 1- j Authors, 10 Artists,' 125 Slage," 'JOO Bi ig-Generals, 75 Colonels, 10!) Lieut. Colonels, 2iO tliher Officers, io Navy Ollicers, 50 1'rom'ut n'oinod, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. J,,OU0 Coi.ieg of Works of Art. including rodutlions of the most celebra- loa l-.ngraviugs, 1 Hillings, Sialucs, ic. Catidogues sent on receipt of Slai'np. An oriTI-r for Oii o P-.n Pictures' from our Cat alogue will be filled on iKCreeeipt of $1.80, and sent by mait, Bke. "' ' J'hotographers and others ordering goods C. 6. J,-will jilcaee remit twenty-Hve pe' cent of the amoiilit with'thcir or'derV ' ' K. 4.11. T. ANTHONY '4' 'CO., .Vunufuclurers nf rhotogrsphia Materials 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORfc. gig The prices and quality vf our yoo 'i tnn i fcil t sntitfij. . '-'' "- ra. rjti!, 'Dl. linop. NQTKE The Books tad acoounis of Jscob J. Ftorer & Cq.. -and Charles II. Geriiij Cj .'rf' Si Marj', have bea.i placed in the haijds oftlia undersigned for settlement. Taffies Indebled to either ft the abov nruis, are notified 1hM tiicir counts inupt be settled ty paymeot to taj under'eigred, within 30 days. ' - ' ' L4l'I J. BLAKELY, Atf- J t'r.'i'lrt ttliia I'ri