5 THE ELK ADYOCA T E Klli ADVOCATE l'ul.lisli-.l livery, Thursday. i". w. inimr.TT. ftidgway, Fa, April 13, 18Gu The Nation Called to Mourn!" l!l NiYA, A m il 1 Jth 1S(fi. Lincoln id dead. Mr. Howard an 1.1 .11 i .. son were uoin stabbed, will r.ot recover it id th.oii.rlit. Mr. Liucolu was u a tl.'.eatre, through the head, the as has escaped, lie went in to Mr Rewards house with the pretence of giv. mg i'ir. Ci'.waru, who wad sick, a pre. hi iption and stabbed him in lour places,!Curtis W ,d$ nc, which,, if satisfactory, von tnnv rn nut. I am under obligations to you flu II your attention, ami will be Had to re- Jciprocato favor when 1 can, 1 ours, ic , B. F. II. Lynn. Mr. Lynn, your mode of reciproca ting favors ih perfectly umjue. Its novelty entitles it to .1 patent. Mr. Lynn, you will pcrccivo by this letter, that you elaiia a balanco of 7 12, nrovidid, Curl W. ll.-irrntt iIppih it Pur vrr nr n vim taw nificfimrnr I VI IMI fit I inlKf IV nil. .run Villi "iu ilium, ii hi uuv nuui a ouuv.iiH bcr iu Ridgway township ; and you arcjj also, well aware that while you forbid jy your suuscnucrs io pay money over to Jjarrctt, ou account ol the &iaml News. Ills h for m : -szrr Yy London, March 20 ConsoJcs closed at 89 1 to 00 J for money. U. S. 5-20'a 50 to 67. Paris, March 29. The Marquis do La Lavalclti. Sena. - to, has been appointed Mondir of the BlJctween tho 3?tnff lintp Vino felnlcrior in place of M. Monitor, whose LQi H resignation has been accepted to day in :Ti.ythe Legislature. M. Kolb Bernard defended tho En j cyclical and its appended syllabus, an inc conduct ot the Jiouiati Uourts GRANT AND VICTORY the servant then alarmed Fred Seward insd (he assassin stabbed him in several places, bis recovery is duublfull, Mr. Lincoln has since died. Thsi is ofirckd and sivned by E- M . Stanton. mi i.j i i JJUllUlki VU ttVUUUIlb VI till? P., - m Dispatch rag, you sent this account cf hKlChmona nnd Petersburg Ours- MM. 1 rhiladelphia, April 12th. ftSJuHl ll Mayor Henry has bv proclamation, t.i. ... i 1 1:- pwuauu .uuuuajr evening nexi lor a puouo S illlimill'lf mn rif tl.ji Mif.i 1 n linnn if Bnniii'. ..;.: i .i 11.1111.0 tiuiuuus uiiu iiie peuue. New York. Anril 12th 81,00 to on ciiiployco of the Frovofita uurs- 1.1 , i ii . P ., .. . Bi - i ra uuuiuiciuuii a tiiie-juti eays luere ,iarsn,..,, in mugway, .or collection, untti r . . n,l Wis reason to believe that the Cabinet has 081 nul afl;,c; 001 19 V.,lTu- "a J x Kdecidcdon a settlement contained in with that amount. lie know., and so dog On Monday April Is, tho citizen, of- - '-com-- rvon. that t;inro r.ni fnrntvlinil thd ip.Iniii" intrn tcoro rlnptrninn trilh the nCWsi r ir . . A . . . . - .oncoi our note a or Hon. itoht. i;. ttr c ask a perusal ol the artuInolcout 01 ueioncr inn, iou.), no senttiat ivtcrsburg and Richmond, tho Sl,ee nd is expected to arrive here urns U . J:urctt, in reply to the ViCou ?o,w. jiooocs not Know, "ever., of rebcUon were in pn9Scs. cither to-day or to-morrow. Msmilch, which forbids subscribers, in Put jnu do, that only you sent hnu 'no$ . , , , , , , . T fi . v xr i -no.i. i.:....L .. ' iw,Lf.,, l,mJ,( t ni .gsion of Grants' victorious legions. ImM ' -New 1 ork, April 12th. i.ur i.;uiij, pijui IU llllll Uliy UUIlieva1"' 1'- "uw ..wu.j -""Ol .... . . p., . bi It .1 T ri ,1 I ! . . . . J X 1 1 .1111' . . .11' . 1 r.F lllrt rrlnVIAIla r9 Ktrflm !lf.1"rt ( "nuMrt Iri, nn.tA Mnrnn. .icavorcu to noiu nun out 10 mo niniiciiiu,"l-u,'""j u" i-t'i'k b,v"'"-ja v nn.u iuna ii . i .. i ,W ... . .. . j PM,tna ,i tiiA Ctk .i.,: r ... two, th people of that b bound between the up. per and nether millstone What was once a fair and flourishing State is now, for tKe most aart, a desert tho abode of beasts of prey in human forms. This is one ol tho ineffable charms of ctvil war. To kites, vultures, cormorants, and '! 1!. ! jacais ii is a rare gou send. NEW advertisement; Drawjj. fi St. W 1ST of Grand Jurors - July Term 1865. Rlakcly Dr. Jas. W, Hlakely James I5ar,r John Cassidv IVmcw Chamberlain Jos S Dickinson Geo V Doyle Richard W on account ol tiic Umpntcli. .11 r J-.ynt.fj' lan, ninl docs. hA, hut his ti"urc3 doSft 01111 01 )'v circulation as a cnear, ananews the wildest excitement cnsuea.3 n.-m . uu uot. i?t-c the followiu;?. scoundrel-words, Mr. Lynn, whichTle 0U cnnnon wnOf0 10UJ tones hCrnz lst 8nd from Mcxico 2?th ,iavc When Curtis W. Barrett accepted thcr'V; tox yourself, but coniing from yon $1.cvorbci.atcd rtrou,rh cur hils for tl,cbc;n .rccf 'ycd- AlWt 12,000 French ,-em-y of your villainously despicableli;un,!J . a Recommendation. I hwS brought out and oneV AuBtrwus nre cu the,r way to L- f lliJgway, he was not awaro that'f TCS Cl'r! V - Irrctt1 " J0111" 1' , ,J r r0" out) n ! n ora. i.-i ..,..:.,....i... : :.. ..1 ibv vmtt showing lust 12 cents, which ahundrcd rounds fired from the LourtJ Entrants from the TJn ted .States to IVp Hi on I l,o f (glowing order, wliicli ivo find in tie WrSGoff A 1,4 T 111 r,f II.. I 1.1. f A fcf .v ,..,,. . w.c i.u mat. BUoodwin Thos J Kiw York, April t3th 18C5. Bllays P'noa MTo Maj- Ge. D1X : ?Knndcl WcndK-n M The Dcnnrtmpnt. nfiorMorey Krasmns mature conslihrthin and coneulnilon with the Lieutenant General upon tho results of the recent campaign, bus come to the fol lowing detcrminat'104, which will he carried : into effect by appropriate orders to be im mediately issued : 1st. To stop all drawing and recritlnn in the loya, States. 2d. To curtail purchases of arms, ammu- nitiuu, quartcricftitcr and commsary sup- f plies, tiJ rcd,upe tho expenses of the tuilli- tnry establishment in its several branches. yd. To rednce the number of general and staff officers to actual necessi.ies of the service. 4th- To remove all military restrictions upon trade and comm ercc, se far Asmny be "consistent with public safety. As soon as Mohan Lawrence Meredith Win II Miller John A M'Cauley Jacob Rathbun Geo W Robinson Jos Rogers Josey Spangler Jacob A Wcllendorf Matthias Wilbur Robert Zimmerman Louis U Marv'A do 1 Rcncrctto Hcnzingcr Fox Kidgwny UdheicMfl Jones Fox St. Mary's. UenencU Fox, Fo Fo Fox Uenxinger, Jay Fox. Jay 01. Mary'V l'ox Fox. wthc?e measures can be put in opcrati on, it iClover Martin in the community, neither wa. he awaro 1 tmus 10 3"ou lo il!,y. wuiiout avau-i-sfpuare, auinlst tho ringing ot pens anu uesico sutler tornoiy on their arrival 111 that it would rcuu'irc a length of thne!!n2 l'i'self of any deductions. Pti,e iouj ci)ecll, o( hundreds of our cx.Vf13' country and there is no hope for to wino out the disirraeo wli-i h w.viM .1 , ! . :,?. V.. einAA w tw.m'it"eJ.? a?'.n8.wo11 m .. 1 xt 1 T-rfiurir uij'ii well. The only reply we have to make tolled citizens. Never s.noo we became .. ,. ,.. (,;t!io article in the Kulgway Advocate, 111 ua citizen 01 mugway nave we seen suciirun 01tof savannah l-.-i.. but Sfl0n rB. Ti J :.. . 1. .1. . 1 1 . 1 iisraec iitta'.li to him ana might even pursue ..Ifn . ... I. II..... I..n.x..n.. .m.I'..'OI 1 ' : ",0 and rrovo.nan outburst of enthusiasm. .....mi., in 1111. -11.-1.111 unit,, uuu mi-jn , . tl,i ll, i iL'ii) uijreis inai even lor ono luomciii be ever was connected with your os i:muu.:iu 111 any manner wnaievcr. 1 10 nm,,lnirim, ,;i,f AMeAf tn Fnnllm !aunn T, atlU ,,V has gained bis cxpcricnco 5a dly. Ilchatioo i,itn.;r:c Dhnatch. AnriVM. i i,.r ,n n, " A .nk of 134U- .inm.n. 11-.. I.. ,v..n,il 1.,. , .1.. a..11 . p 1 r li. 1. v our r v 1 r 1 I'lum, undorhanl lings and bold lying. You-1 Have we, then, fallen so low that aVwas Qu Tncsdavi. turned with a hole in hersmokp stnnlt. 's office n, that the writer forwt.t. .t: ti. .l.-'-l 1. . -i -. jnicntj.w 1 ti-iu uuumi.. uu--ii,.. i...uU ,i.i i..Cj Aioany, yipni 14. cstab-, Ji .' 1 in,,, wires which kindled anew the patriotic! The Democrats at the charter election r. Ho- .Tfclccted their citv ticket bv an avcratre '".' ... r . . - - . . o- fPainW majority ot lii-iU. The vote was light. Vti.,,1. tl,n nl,l "ttmnili.r" nlnnn,l in rO.M I T : nnni-iif,! n i.rMninM tn li,.v t 7&.:.: l ,i.i 1 r,-.i The U. S. Ftcnmcr Circassian arrived i l " will be mnde known by publio order. (Signod) E. M. STA-tTftN. Secretary of War.j LIST of Traverse Jurors, Drawn for. .Tnlt. Tor-, idea Rancr Anton Hahel Edward Rurli ngamo Jeremiah Cutnmings Nathaniel Cook Joseph Jr JLatcr. ii. f?8Sr? J ust as we were going to press, we! received the lollowing JJispatcu ovcrj the wire: Raova, April 15th18G5. All Operator. We received a mcs. ...li ntl,.l..l t.-. ,l I. 11 I l-nt," .-.,. n...-, iiiu (iii'i i-y hi., .-xi. j.iiiii j uu 1111,-j t ntirely eonipctaut to endeavor to tako We could have borne all else. Verily thelhonor of the glori from others, that which you never pos-.Conturatly heaped upon by the Z.to Grant and hi J. T:-u -hZ ruiNrfrMli caused us to dive deeply inmcn rn-iii it in ujiii v.iu iui lumiuii iy r . . ... r . .... r:'A finrc.'.lf nu.l ..il. - tuchacour.se. Donot think it. Thcro!to oursc" a,K' render much upon ourgpeacc. ... . . . 1 i ... .1 .n , tl nn,l nno l,n,lrn,1 rm,n,lM firm! t "u 1 r,tu",tr. V'assian Bmvea ft BUB "" ' 1 u.uugw.., l.iai - . v. . w JTl. , ,, 1.H.1..1XC J . I I JBw- . ... . . .. , 'alu"u"J' lJe cquauron, wun ara rrcsideut i.incoin was snot las night, at nrions rvnnt. All nor.oi isi i i i f fia o i ins gailaut omccrs All hall 1 bright prospect andShc left Key Weston the 4th inst. the! to - i 1 . .-5. steamers uaieana u lancers. The health of the officers and Reamen on the is no soil in your muddy composition, in jj nenoss, ana littleness ; our want ol good; which the seeds of jiooincss could trer-hsenso and abundance of bad manners.t Li - 1; mninln Mrplrrtvrr thncd tihn nrn imf.ii.ri. tunate enough to know you, were to chaiiL'c from what vou now are would never recognize you. lint m ho beforelscnso to notlco 1,10 Diputch. observed, nil tbinrrs mean, von ran well V . sheet has told us so and wo musk li ufLid to bo; for are you not loyal ?liCVe it in this instance. Wcbavemadcfi Have not your hands dived deeply iutoj. not n t i ll. - i: I-.... 1 . 1 1 .... ..na ' ine piiuuu iiiiiu.i, ana nave you not MORE GOOD HEWS. No; Thatfd Southern coast wa? generally good ucwa oi imporiance was Drought. Boston, April 12 The steamer Asia, for Liverpool, pro- 10 o'clock, 30 minutes and mortallyf wounded assassin still not found. Ranova Office. Dill Michael Derr William Dent Miles Gray A. W Gallagher Win Hyatt Eddy Hanhauser Anton ITorton Isaac Ilagcrty Jas II. Johnson David S. Jones Julius Kyler R T. Kerner Gcorga Little Horace Love James Mndemuth John Z M'Cready Patrick Messenger Geo. D. Moyer Jos. E. Stockman John ii i ply able, to curi1"""1 Batc bJ tlic tl-uost reasoning of a and stab iuV which we were capable, had wo cxpec-lj no'iitcd an answer, befitting a gentleman toy -Mr Barrett, please find f tiiu lunuwiu" ciiiiiiiniiiin.iTinn nnd , ., ii . r- .u 1 3 lioaion. npn 12. Ki M" ; uisputaoie eviuenee ,c was m us, ot lacK R cportf d Captur0 Sol Ala. K Tfc KohSQ a subscriber. ml.lf.01 Zooa ""nners ana absence ot good a The Surrender of Lynchburg is olsoCeoded down tho harbor to-dnv' mn'ifiJ Communifiation. renortnil TIio Ttid.nl Cpna Fnrprt.'5S il.. J i -.i. a ' i M . . and Rhoddv. ith the r Entire Co r S8' nnr 0,. hort y alter the fall of Sumter,! mauds, captured-Montgomery, Ala.fJ fa, a IV-' 'he was electriqed said to be in Our I'ossession-Thc! T 1 lclph.a, April 12th. w.th joy, when it received the intelli Rcbcl Ram Stonewall Ordered toll , Jay oko reports the subscription toPenco that sme Rood could come out of leava tho Harbor of Lisbon Arii K 110 loan to aay " &-V2b,U00. The va! of the Niagara and Sacramento atfe'1 " subscription was 8102, Lisbon They Attempt to Sail Before000 from Chicago, and the larget Eas. tho Expiration ot their time and mcBI," w"iuu' ," J-ors fired unon One ofthecauicu ouSV,cro wcr 2'408 dividual eubscrip When we lowered ourself to an wen iu m,l in yom ;v wc ,la,j bccn fooish ;n ,h cstrcmc ag-a notice toH" ' . ? .. , ., horrowoi tncreirom a Of course you are am nnd swiar, and lie the dark. Curtis W. Barrett wa3 unprepared, tiicrctorc to see in your naiier. we. inf-nn vonr ra" a nntlpo In your subscribers in this reg'on, forbid-m .itn,t flinm 1 1 rmif f.i liiin nitu iii.iiini, nZ.'. itiw iiiv.ii. iw j "J- l" mil iinj wiviii j uil iipmitit of tl-.ii Dimiiiti-lf tli.-it lin linl r.vm- I', , ii,n,i ,..?..... . ..' ' . . .. . STo Maj. Gen. Dix nd had pa d onlv seven f dol an. a njfi .Cp'i V W "'"" 1 10 "8 Tho eapture of Seltna. Alabama, is twelve cents therelor; Now Mr. Lynn.Bino "oaa 01 our couimn-but eonUrmsSreportcd by Maj. Ucii Thomas. he proposes to provo that you have iiod,SU3 ln our lclit;r- Never yet was there al The surrender of Lynehbnrg, is by a witne-s, you, probably, will not ex Ja hound whose iustinct did not teach i,'oEoial!y reported. (Signed,") l. oilers in nv . pneiv I u.! , :i.i..i..v .1 - . 1 ?3 uiiun, We were aware at the time wc uoticcd the! J.,rr nP 1 1. n Titan.. I n1. . 1, l,J r.-iill. ll kill, j.'l.-Mtll,ll, lliaii UUI illUUIUUL that he had 4 was unanswerable ; tho uncrentlemaiilv H, board the Niagra killed. (Official.) War Department, Washington, April 12th, 2:30. tions ot 50 aDd 100. New York, April 12. Gold 1451, SNazaicth ; that there was yet ono loyal Jnian in leunessce, in other words' !that a Johnson called andy for short--' iwas, alter ftaviur pousistentlv voted: twith Davis, Toombes and Hunter, Wi- (ian anu wason ; alter being then, what ihe note calls disloyal, still willing and sabio to accept olhce and draw pay there- Eifor. Iclcgrams were sent over the Snearingcr James Sullivan Tim Saltsman R. P. Thomas John S. Whitmore Jos. K. Wilcox A. I. Winslow D. B. Weseott Ira Valuier Louis Bcniinzcr St. Mary' Jones Ridgway Fox Jay Jones Benezctte Bcnczette Jay Jones Fox Benringer Fox Ridgway Benezetto, Benezctte Fox Benzingor Fox Ridgway Benezetto Spring Creek Spring CrceV, Fox Bcnzingcr Jones St. Mary's St. Mary's Fox Jay Ridgway Jones Benezetto Jones Benzinger. ands also j-cet. jto avoid the l:ish. iGrants Letter to Lee Lee's Answer. Appomattox C. II., Va., April 9, 'Go. iUon. R. E. Leo; Commanding C. S. A In accordance with the A DMINISTRAT'OR'S NOTICH. . Notice is hereby tiiven. that Int. ters of administration on the ntnfn f Julius Vombaumen, late of Benzinger township, Elk couuty, deceased, havinir Jbeen prnntnil t thn j .11 o "v umui bilucu, on na.ann n ,1.1.1. 1 . 1 i11" luueuteu io saia estate are ra- i.eenun fiinii.-bed bvMr. B.F. If. Lvm-1 , , , . , ' , . , . '. 'iltiie burden ot proot : il iiiul asks Ins readers to jiubro whether?) . 1 lie ever received 3000, papers fcniativc ot the question land, announcing his cvPry movement ; mXTmZdi.T payTenT bt" If adoVlriiT r i,d.th- h-ing .laimsa , . . - "-'ame win present the same du v authcr his hat was plug or stovepipe, how he jticatcd forFsettIeraent au' nuthcn" nunuu.iuiuNM wneu Boine ireniie'.i inmi.,.. substance ofiSsecesh all so bold and. so gay-put aSHen!n.w A;t tq.u ii, lw,jUv Di i 1 1 t m - . (M w i 1UL11 1(11 i0, paper t' r!', Pa., Oct. lLilSGl. Mr,. Ct'RTis W. B.HP,F.rr To B. F. II. Lynn, )r Week ending July 2.1th to 15 papers SOs .1 11 IL "fill, ... Z. u 1 - O'.'Ul I'J i .1 " Aug. CthtoHO " i:5th to 180 : 20th to ISO ' 27th to 177 " Sept. 3d to ISO "10th to U0 ' "lTthtol.SO " 24th to 102 ' ' Oct. 1st to 141 ." " " 8thtol:i.") (Jclober 10th & 11th to 18 j.5 pistol to his head and playfully told him r.Sghe was "'a abiiahncr, and he'd better git jj v.Ruuti" 0D1 so on ad mascum. Audi EXECUTORS NOTICE. my letter to you of the 8th iust.. I nro Ii.. - i -. ,i , . t.jposu io receive inc surrender ot the ar- L5 .P T....l 1'- . ... miiiji ul .luiiutiu u'rniia on me iouow.is""1! ru mih. iau im. T .. . . T. ,, ii .. ,. &.i, i. , -u. j i i m i . C nereas. Letters Testampntarir li.. iii iei ins, io ivh : lvons oi an tne oi'M""-" "u " ure" luwarus asiungion,!?; . , z " j icate.ti'stopping at all principal stations on the i L0r, owcuuian ana t3... in . . i ' n .'. . . ... (5AntOn roclltmnn Mnniitno r 4V1-.. 1708 CR. July b'lilh, By Ca.,h Aug. 24th, i)ct. 1st, Hth, ii (i Balance due 827 72. You' are couvtetcd by 70 ft oo 1 003 3 Soi 88 20l H 1110 ispatcti was, SccV of w ': it held tho affii-.illcadiir's Army of the Cumberland, 1 r ... t.. . i ... fi v....i,..:iu A..;iiiii, t .intuitu in mi; ii ue.-liuil. iu il IUOUU, I'O-iJ imsiiuwt, xjnii 11111. j i. . .. .... Rt m: irnu ri.;pf Bi.,n-. ..iiiul! i'j ii.i 1,111.3 ii. niaau ua u iiai -us .-a ' d ii..i..9 ,i ...... I. . 1. :.. .1 1? We cJenied them, and entered fully onrU Vl to . offi d llr taa'oVaXh t fi"1 Y0cht eutor, of the l.,t our cleleuse; whereupon tho IispatchF.!in sr.,.,..,. f w. . tlignatea by me, tho other to be retained mU, as lu jcnkn Switha drivnllin-a.i.irn Rn it n nntfl t , ;nii;n,i ?., ..il ii,n,,r,i such oiiicers as you may dcsi-nate.1 sngnt toteti ot respect lor his un.lu...: P""?' 0 . -v- i imp uiviiiii in uiiihv fii uu, wuiKUifnii ,r. , w . 1 1. . 1 ; .. ., . at mm:,t n ,-.,.( ,i;,-.t ,.,,,,. 1 " o'ueers arc io give tncir inuivulual ' '"g i"yan v. uuaing always, tunc rt.. tnnrolns Tint, fii t:il-A nn anna nrvntt.cf l.rtPi"llir. lobnson lonlfPll n'lln nln" fiml 1, I...1H . . r -I . .1 VV 1 'fill 14 " - ' - I " ' ' Ii 11. 11: . L 11 1. IM j " ....... win .1 comment is unnecessary, fci ,V . ... wi'lnrarnmcnt nf tlm iiniiJSui ,,i:t Gil 3 II Jluntsviiie, Ala., April llth, J . jf.pj . , " -y ..i.., During the past week or ten days To Maj. Gen. Thomas : &Lro.".0Jim51d' A C'V 1 . ... , . .'.13 Tim I , Uu- Kir ij it FMi mn fi-Aln'.H"' "!'""'' UUIUIU.IUUUI BIKU U UhC r iowq nas neon litoi'.iv nronriimi wit hu ...viv.ii.niMf,,., j - ..i-i...i.i .v.,a ir..i.- -r.i. .... ... .. 1 ----- "V SPrtlnnfil Hoover nt. Pnmorvllln t .U iu, u,m ( ujeir COIlllJiaiiad. . . :. . m crty to be parked apo) stacked and turned over to the otaoers appointed by me receive them. This will not embrace the of the officers, nor their private or baggage. e-a:ti 1..., '. ----- paretl, as life jenkius informed t),e worldf " " ? V w 6 , Kny ?,tockman. n v. A'Aug y o, uuu u. uii Tiprsnni knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediafo nnrmant those haviLcr claims aniimt thU same will present them duly authentL ll'ISlS 1 11 i - P .1 TV . . jlVVJ.uuw x l uvivuui.tiiiiu b mi . .; , ... r,i.S!r T'u u" pi" 3 01 lno u,cl-a Men directly through Iro.u Sclma. rc-!3 as, artmery Ana pubiu prop Gi)d'UK ,tu,P,uuu Ul a P11ZC la nciegp0rt that place captured by Gou. WilJ otspain s lotteiy (a prize, though, thatSson's forces on the 2d iust. SsJIa very large number seemed anxious toy Gons. Forrest and Rhoddy, with their ToArensfcr.) There woro paople of creryHonl1 con"1Qn1ds captured Our f Gieolor. Biz0 nnd n,!nnL-.l, t'Ju demounted and charged the en- fJ ' i J j M Alt rnnr It nirnl nnri !initirn(i nil rintnrp' tianwith his straight black hair andgthem. They also report Mont tercet form; the ''irrepressible nigger," Keaptured. (Signed,) it. b. tillANaEtt, with his tangled wool and heels stickhu out a foot behind ; there wero Irish and Dutch ; French and English ; and for what wc know a small springliug of Fcjce Islanders Some came a3 substi tutes, and some to procure them. Som were here for tho purpose of trying to joinery i wei ligct exempt, and somo didn't care a d am whether they were or not. In fact it was a motley collection of the ijcnus homo, and he who stood on thes iteps of the Provost Marshal's offieo for yourself Mr. Lynn ot lie number one. Accompany, (he account u the following letter, Euie.Pa., Oct-llthlSG 1. Ma. Cuuns W. B.iuei5'fT, Ridgway Pa, VlPiO Sin . v...,. . . . f ... .i. ...1- : . ... 1 l T l. ... MtHipln lillt. lift nmnspil nt flin tnntiv nlmy p JVor oi yenieiuay, is ui iiauu, i iuivi ;3 1' - - jrnade the enclosed statement of your ac-pj-if character displayed- R rtoiint. "ivioar vou credit for the Caih r6-r3 Tim nf t!.n nUl.M m.l -li-lQ teivfld, wvrf tiir.es, I believe you did J;. . iatix.A'a offico for &mu& tii rt not pat your papers in time to sell sny,f, , Pj, . . . . TP .i ;. .. ,. anas bccij of tho luost trying character ;a io knowing the. uniuunt you hnve luiUA jo js Geo. II. Thomas. Major Generals. City Point, Va., April 12th. To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Sec'y of War : j T .1.1 1 i.- 1 ."! jiy uciiourg surnjnuuiou yesietuay io A. A. Cutcnant of Griffin's forces, at tbc head of a scouting party. (j Gen. Grint has ordered MeKpnzlo's'i brigade of cavalry to occupy tho town, ' . I . .'.If L"l I General I have received vour letter of this date, containing tho terms ol surrender of the army of northern Vir r. . - Tlginia as proposed by you. two hours any diy hist week, could not - It seems to be accorded bv tho uni As thev area..-.i r i.:,i u. r- t - , Ki ll - II . 1 " i ZtUiaill WUDUUI VI UlilUlUU IUUI JI. u. s have or-SLsubstantially the same as those expres.HL . , ... , J 11 to lcavolsod in your letter of tho 8th inst,, theyU0-Ayer & Cl?-8 Sawapanlla, Pectoral 1 ii it I teuva the deduction ti.r uoxt ,.Jbut perhaps none of them has had aa'hat .30,000 was' .ill that England would nhi )l,;l,-l ,,hn ll,s ui.ni.i.. n" ii.i.Wninrft iliw.-rnraliln nr nnliinna .littu I, iVOtO for Canada this VCir. Lord EicllO ...... . . iji ii. and take care ol public property, feigned,) U.A.Davis, Ass't Secretary of War, New lork, April 12 Ihe Portuguese authorities Jered tho rebel ram btonowall to leavclsed in your tlw harbor of Lisbon- Kal'e accepted m it n i . ii . .i T Ml l. . tna.a. guuboat eacramcuto was. a wm pjcceeuio aesia&aie the pro hourly expected. r per officers to carry tho stipulations into l o ice iiouse or commons Liord r.icno TAcuect. alluded to the debates in the Canadiauia Very respectfully, vour ob't serv't. parliament, where it has becu decided;! 11. E. Lee, General. swerving loyally, addin f.i.M ;i,.. l i- t i i i"i uu. juiiusi;ii kiuhuu fjuie l,iie auu 1(" J arjil spirited." Wich it vas wcry proverbcl. m We have not heard of a Johnson for ST ' ? P. ,SCnt Ume time, will son,e of your loyal wcf friptls fftll 110 nf hi rnnllnn nln, l.t!-l UiVJ. J!JJ. - - - v. f. . , ...... ,ftll,v. 1IIU I we may drop a tear to his tjnrit. Byron must nave had mm in bis minds in his minds eve. a ... y -. toMWuen he wrote. . , l!"But grieve what may, above thy sense, side armsS ,ess lier norx .e.r pr.w nor3eB..Nor earth nor sk y all C(j a ,j ,e Phis done, each officer anda ' .:ii i. .ii i l .. ii ,v""t " " "YTi. rol?e,rB"Nor cloud shall gather more, nor leaf luiuus uui io oc aisiuiDea oy united H Bjjan fan oiaios au.noniy :so ions as tnev ObscrveSuv- i i .i.. r.i. : r.Jt il,;- i i c i CJ A fe"3 uieniiiB iuiiu uuo BiJJill lors men (ioiuic nuu iuu luns iii lorce wuereg thee for all iuey ma, ; .eb,ue. Hi.jj crcepilg gha rcvel .Q ' '.Trv' , . a spoil Jjt- ueD- g-And fit thy cUy, to fertilize the soil." ' TTpAncilIAnTFwa nivnr1 fa Northern Virginia, Anril I). 1865 H To learn that our young friend, Lt.-Gen. U. S. Grant, Commaudiu- U BLicut- J- C-Luther has been appointedi WEIS, Register &e S. Assistant Assessor for Elk County'; No one more worthy could bo selected. vers vou let Mr. Jtmvcrt hare, u ith 11 CA.'tcllt 11,-i-ll llllll' Ii. .tnit 1ir.il f. ill troulle you fravc hud connected icjtliv t'icuu YQurs truly, B. F. 11. Lynn, Pr Pollock. r.J ..: i i. i i M.ei.uiiu v.mul. iuuiou.i, lUU C1uuim.u,j , , , . f . .. ;eon. Aud yt we ire vnawre tbat; Li NOTICE. The Stockholders of tho "Pennsylvania Cannel Coal Co," the -oiiavmut uannel Coal Co," and the "Shawniut and Ridgway RailJ Road ?,'. ,ar? fc.ereb notified that a meeting Will Ka I. 1 1 .1.1 IV ... "... . uuiueu at me omce or tne Treas urer of the first named comnnnv in , city of Boston (J. F. Juok (-ange; on Friday the four- icentn flay ot April next at II o'clock a. ni., to consider the accpntjmoA f . charter consolidating thoTthree.'cotport. Ii. Saltonstall, Pres't., P. C. C. Co W, S. Eaton, Pres't., S. C. C. Co. Henry Souther. Pres't . S .t, It n w Boston, March 21st j8,65. ' ' ' 5TW9 Valuable Lots for saTa an the Borough of St. MirW Elk Co.. Pa- " To be sold on the first day of May A. D. 1805, at tho School houo ic M.J Borough of St. Mary's nforesid, at S wcfeliave arrived, and the Portuguese au.V6,10t b3 Union soldier on Wednesday Jthorities have prohibited their sailingfafternoolli not far from this placo. His 1 tlfor 21 hours. tlod was tied to his horse, said to be a any has censured buu for uiifair.ness iuM Ihe Stonewall has liis examinations. Pcrbaos uo one could ;8port. Tho Niagara . . . ..Hil bo found in the Disiriet, who can so ftll 1,a nA.l'.'i lit lliii cnttur.iiiltiin L-Ull I 1 1 V, IIIMJIX.I.. .1 1UV CUIIOlUVllVll And again, Got. UOth 1801, II r. fit hose who have business with him .ynn scds the following letter, Erie, Pa., OctSOthlS iC. W Barrett, Esj il'ID Mid mm vl . i. i l .n.iM .r,, ujii . "uitjlorea jiito, we ueuevo, on accoum or iueijii, :ii i,a :,i : j:..i 1 m - - ' ' SJiy wiiii. ii. iiuin iiiiuiiijiiii-uiy, 'Ul.Kiltl.ln n( llinrnnil. If I I ,!.., fr,l, i)n l.l.OK 0V!3 ."-v.... ij wisuuvj n'laiyu -J Vii H. 11. Acgident. John Taylor, the Clerk 1 Tlw fed.ejrUrigate IfUgirj &i2 Sa Ualanee. 27 12 KiLLINU OF MoiiliEV. ti:e Gueril- ig tho subject grwarda1'' 4 letter fron) gamjy IfooV, date' rij. Elba 5th inst., gives the following ifo. lbbon, March 28. linntinn . iii . sailed from this 3 obley, the noted robber and raurdcr- and SacramentoSeri D(1 rl?ht hand man of Moseby, was Klixir of life, which Pliilosonher IimvpI and judge for yoursclve,;. Brown's Bronchial Troches clear and give strength to the voice of Singers, and are indispensable iq uuuo Speakers. 'I have osver changed mv mind rv Jspccting them from the first, excepting iio nun yci Detter oi that which I be fgan thinking well of. vor was received so;uo tiiua since, fiu-l you stand charged with Ja Credit with cash 8 The Lefldso Times Bjys, tfiaU sbort'horous)i bred aqima, andtjiusdrjyen o Rev. Henry Ward Beecmee gcmin,tlinri,iii.r.i. ri.nr.i, Oea. Stevens s headauartera. The got. Mi Ve understand that during thcprcsentgti; suieo Confederate drafts were ro-S(.ei1, blev8ns 8 beadquartera. Ihe sol. .yeck none of the drafted men will VcS'used by F. Francer Si Co., ot Liverpool, tuler wno cajrea ine oanon nas neen lli. .. ..!,: .pi . nronioteil to Ihfc rank or nmior. Mnn I jreauircd to r.port, a8 ar.nent on-H ftiey was so entirely iHiteatShecouid . ... . I iJ.Ii ..Il ln l i lLl..i.l I t:jiin vt.ii nun icLiur oi ine uipuaoei iroin 'the other. He has robbed jind murdered Wrjtfite a number of the residents of Loud Poun county, Va., the aged and the younj i having been ruthlessly slain by him. J'or pperi lost I will deduct $10 J'V yog.r services 0 ' ' .- .- Jmiiiniilii nl.nn ii. ln,l ,-, cn;i 1. U. t tho Fountain Iiouse, accidcntallya,""r" 'vwVi .u T. . ' CVVt.lVJ Will L VOil lw ihf dirtntfiiaoa nn i.:..,oi.u i,..i. ii i i t..5 n-f-rr- . - r - -"'0' MIU! U,UU,W6V IU ,UU M 1mtH. aillv.CU r,ll nftI1 1, 111 Led Pills aro the ffiektest remedies vetaRrou; discovered for the treatment of disease ,tt . . . Ul"iw"- Pn one C- that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is tho great L"'0,, . . r b Buearly new and in eoou condition. 2(1 ialOfeet. This lot has OU feet on thi sought fgr purifying the blood. Try ita Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. Tho io;a tuuiug io me ran rouu oepot run ning turougn tr.e coutn ena of the lof the lot contains exclusivo of the roaJ 8004 square feet, 5594 square feet on tne inorin Biue oi iup q.cpoi road and .1100 square feet ou the South side of do! The other lot epptains 8739 square feet, 5884 fjuare feet on the North sidq of the road and 2855 si nam faet An gth,c South side of the road leading to the tail road Depot. T-his lot has 61 ll Uieeton tho rail r.i,ad and 183-6-10 feet H,,n Si AI'iilioln TliMil TUi. ...J l..i " .. iiuuu. A iio I IMlll (CAIJI- ing to the rail road I)ep9t, r.us through tUe Southern part of the jot. ' The above lots will U sold sitirlaor together, as may suit purchasers. Phiis of the ubQye lots way be seen on upplicutbu to G. Wulwsy, Survei' or, St. lUty'i Pa. ' ' JnAKKli;i...ln Warren l'a., ou Thursday, April (j;h, at the house of J S. Wi,lbr, by Rev, Dr. Hamilton, Wv W, Wilbur, to Miss Annie M Barrett, both of Ridgwav Pa. 9 Jx; V balance of S7 last, wh1 purelessly baudJUis a ts volver. I. .1 l u.. . iu tne uso oi ure-uiui.-, j MisWUfci is in a bad way. hc; DiedGu Fxiday, Match 31st '65,9 MTMPKlVSflV I. nm.nA.. Willi. TiluW. Jr cnnr.f Willim nn.lM I IV. . . " V to Ali CiiMJ IU 'J """ii i y .ii' I'ersons cannot lie mo earctui.on tne noon, anu a seaman w.n tn oil . i, , v.o,, ,.i,.,i.i i,u i,..,,...t m..,.i..,i.. b niarv mvior. aea 'I vp.ir.i ii ninnttmia - p. - i . i ' . - una k-ii, u uiiuim vj ivimi UIOI1UIO, K J J 1 o J 1 ( . ..I' ,,, t 'I'liP ..i-sza..' llipi..-linrin n....l.,,l T . I . . 1 L1 11 I i 1 . .1 I " "" I Ltooibrt, Hio laala was Al.vet"ai.ti.oritv of tho Federal Gcveinmojt was UUCd. haa beeu unhcld bv l'rovoot Marsha 'f9 vcsacL thcrtupou aucborcJ. t (hat of the rtbe'j by LauL of guerrilla aud 10 d iys irchjndisfl Prjvisiona n on M Read, pay ft At em. at nrira imii..1i in the advantage of purchasers.