THE ELK ADVOCATE The peculiar taint or Infection which we. cull Scnort'LA lurks in the constitutions of multitudes of men. It cither produces or is produced ly nn cn - l'eeblcd. vitinteJ sUitc -u: ra'-JfeU-nves the ivstcm to "-v.cS-. fall into t'.i.' iirlrr ami decay. The scrofulous contamination is va-viou-ly mused ly inercuriiil disease, low livin j, disordered digestion from unhealthy f'od, impure air, liltli and filthy habits, the depre.-int vices, mid. nho. o nil, ly the venereal infection. Whatever I.e. i.s origin, it is lureditary In tho eom-titutior., descending " from parents t childn n unto tho third and fourth pcnonili'm ; " indeed, it Feenis to bo tho rod of ilim who says, "I will visit the iniit'.itics of tho f ithers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various name, according to the organs it attack':. ti the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercle-, and finally CotiMimption; in the Kland), swellitiL's which mppunite and be come ulci-rotis pores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi eestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints j on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous rdlections. These, all lui in Lf the same origin, require tho fame veniedy. viz., pm ideation and invigora tiin of the blood. Purity the blood, and these ilanpero'is iliU-uipc rs h avo you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, oil cannot have health; with tlmt "life of" the iles'i" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous dhease. Ayor's Sarsapnrilla Is compounded from the most cficctual anti dotes that medical science his discovered for this nlllictinp distemper, and lor the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior b any other remedy yd devised, is known by all who have piven it a trial. That it docs combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the prcat multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil, cr Giindular Swellings,' Tumors, Eruptions, Fimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Sald Head, Coughs from tubereukus deposits :'n tho lungs, White "Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Keuralgia, Dyspepsia cr Indigestion, Syphilis and Uyphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, iCEllle Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole . cries of complaints that arise from impurity t the blood. Minute reports cf individual cases may lc found in Avlk's Ajieiuca.v Almanac, which is furnished to the drugghts for pratuitous distribution, wherein may bo 'earned the directions for its use, and Eome . f the remarkable cures which it lias made vhen all other remedies bad failed to afford s cliff. Thure tases are purposely taken irom all sections of the country, in order ihat every reader may have access to some .ne who can speak to lam of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses tho ital enercicp, ni:d thus leaves its victims far more tuhject to disease and its fatal results iian mo healthy constitutions. Hence it t.nds to shorten, and does greatly shorten, tl.o average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations lias led us to spc ml years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to it3 cure. This we now ' Her to the public iu.iIit the name of's IrAHSAPAiiiLLA, although it is (imposed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best . f Sarsaparilta in alterative power. 13y its you may protect yourself from the sutler ing and danger of these disorders. Purge ,ut the foul corruptions tlult rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, end vigorous health will follow. Uy its pecu liar virtues tliU remedy stimulates the vital functions, mid thus expels the' distempers which lurk within the system or burst out r.n any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sariafarila, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither bo deceived nor disappointed in iliis. Its virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of us surpassing excellence for the cure of tho (.fflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very 'ifl'crent medicine from any other which has i cen before tho people, and is far more ef ' .ctual than any other which has ever been i vailallc to them. AYEH'S CHERRY PECTORAL. The World's Groat Kemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief I 01 consumptive patients in advanced Btnges of tho clisoasa. This 1as been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do oil it has ever done. Prepared by Da. J. C. Aveu & Co., X'tacticat and Analytical ClutaistM, Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil druggists every where. ABSOLUTION cf PARTNERSHIP Notice h hereby riven that the l'artneifitiiji, J.umbennj' business here, lolora carrie 1 on by the undersized under t'.ic firm name of Hoton, Elv & Co., is thisduy dissolved by mutual con. tent. CHARLES MORTON, 15. r. ELY. ISAAC HORTON, Jr. Tiulgway, July 17th liiiJ. STRAY SUEEl. Came to the premises cf the rtihscri btr, ou or about tho 1st cf November, two Ewes and ono Lamb. Tho owner is requested ttj come forward, prove properly, pay charge, ami tike tliciu uway or they will be disposed of accor ding to law JEREMIAH CALAIIAN. Fix township, Pec. 31st lo05. IMilZE MONEY. A I'JUSES l'AYABLL UATEfull lint 4E TO of ALL uue bo seen at tho officers. These and k11 other claims tho Government jiromptly collected. An OfHCF.a in the Army writk.h ; 'At inspection I noticed that a larpro proportion of the men's kuapacks con. twined a box ol'Troches, being generally b'.ed by them lor colds, cte. "Jiroicn 1 Jlronchie Throiliet'' should bo in evrrj teddier'a kniaH(!k or pocket, to be used t'poo the first ppearnuu cf n cvld or 4 eSJtfc-iS . i "'"" the blood, wherein :"M l Itethnt fluid becomes in fMsU V-i f-ificonipetcnt to Mistni'i iOajSf ; MirafiSST'tnc vital forces in their 2C2UCv;viporou action, and St. Mary's 1 take pleasure tion of tSie public to my 1 0 Ing, Boots and Shoes Hi For JLatlies Gentlemen anil cliil ilrcn. o Sugar, e. A forge stock such as candy erent kinds Ha H B B U H W Blif goods of the kind usually kept, '.J 'i, J W'4i 'wj .....J Vi'J W '-4 'U 'alj W J A small assortment in the above lino, will be kept on hand and sold at low figuers My stock Call I Post up before buying. St. Mary's, June il 1864. Elk County fia. in calling atten Tea, llice, &c, 1 of Confectionary. raisins, nuts of dif tius and all other is full and cheap. and W3 nth D Mo GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK j THE Fashion IVrnojazine of the World. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS AND FASHIONS. The most maenificent Steel engravings on every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting, Kmbroidery, Articles for the Toilet, lor ine i ?riur, tuc uouuoir. ana tne Kitcu en. Every thing, in fact, to make a com plele Last's Hook. The Ladies Favorite For 35 Years- No Mniraiino has been able to compete with it. None attempt it. UODEY'S RECEIPTS for OTory department of a household. Tbtsc alone are worth the price of the lionk. Model lounges (no other Magazine gives them), with diagram?. PKAW1NG LESSONS FOR THE YOUNQ. Another speciality with Oodey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth S3 a year. Other Jfagnzines publish old worn-out mU' sic j but the subscribers to Oodey get it be fore the niu?ic stores. Gardening fur Ladies. Another peculiar ity with (iodey. Fashions from Messri. A. T. Stewart & Co., of New York, the millionaire, me rchants, appear in Godey, the only maga zine that lias them. Also, Fashions from the celebrated Brodie, of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. Wc give more of them in a year than any other magazine. Iu fact the Lady's llook enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marlon Harlnnd, Mlhreii nf "Alone," 'Iliddn Path," "Meet Side," "Xemuit," and "Miriam," writes for Oodey each month, and for no other magazine. He lmvealyo retained all our old aud favorite contributors. T E R MS OF GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1865- (For which there canbe no Deviation. The following are the terms of the Ladv's Book for 1805. At present, we will receive j subscribers at the following rates. Due no tice will be given if we ore obliged to ad vance, which will depend upon the price of paper. One copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, one year 6 00 Three copies, one year 7 60 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the pei son sending the club, making si copies 14 00 Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the ono Bending the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the one sending the club, making twelve copies 27 60 Additions to any of the above clubs, $2 60 each subscriber. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each ono year, on receips of $4 60. We have no club with any other .Vagazine or Ncwspcpc-r. The money must all be sent at one time for any Club. Canada subscribers must send 21 cents additional for eaeh subscriber. Address I4. A. GODEY. X. K. Corner Sixth and Cheitnut Street t Philadelphia Pa, Volunteers and Conscripts! To sol licrs or any others wishing to in. crense their income, there is no better way ot doing so at thit time, than, from the sale of our watcnes. iuky abb WAbbasstei) ab ItEPRKSliXTKD 1 "Particularly valuable for officers in the Army aud travelers." Prank Leslie's, Feb. HI. "Prettiest, best ana cheapest timepieces ever ouercu. j. i. illustrated Heies, Jan. 10. 'Very pretty and durab'e'Watches for the --Irmy. 1 . Army bary Jour. (Gov ernment Grgan,) Aug. 20. "One of the oldest nnd most reliable hous es in business." Louitville, Ku., Journal, July 21. - MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS. Being a Hunting or Open Face or Lady's Ueutlemnu's Watch Cuinebiue, with or Patent belt-n indiug Improvement a most PleuHine Novelty. NE OF THE PRETTIEST, MOST CONT. V ) VEMENT. AXU decidedly the beat and cheapest time-piece for general and reliable use ever onercd. It lias within it and con' nected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely uune cessury. The eases of (his Watch are com posed of two metals, the outerune bcin line 10 carat guld. It has the improved rubg action lever movement, and is warranted ay accurate time piece, l'rice supertilj enn craved, per case of half dozen, $304. 5am pie YuicUes in neat morocco boxes, $3o, SILVLV. WA2C11KSI rirst Cuss Hunting Time.Pieces for accu racy of movement, beauty cf material, nn above all, cheapness in pi ice, these watches must uisiiro universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that il can hard ly bo detected by the most experience judges. The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling silver, while the inner one is German Silver, it can not be recognised by cutting or heavy en, graving, making it, not iu appearance, nut in dura'iilny, the bet resemblance ot J5UI4 ID STA'ULING SILVEIt iu existence. The sale of these Watches in the Army is t sourco of enormous prufil, retailing, as hey very readily do, at $25 and upwards Many hundred dollars can He made in a sins g1e pay day by any ens of ordinary busiues, aiaet SS,AT WHOLESALE ONLY '. In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good uuuiug order, by the half dozen, 72. Sold o.ily by the case ofsU! Upon receipt of two dollars, us guarantee ofgoodfait'i, we will send watches by ex press to any part ot the loyal states, collec ting bulanco of bill on delivery. This en sures buyers against fraud, giving ihem their watcheB before payment is required. Soldiers iu the duloyul itatet mi st remit casU in aiivasce, as the ei-press aompanies peremptorily refutct making collections in such dangerous localities. ltemember, Cuth in advance from within the army linei In thel itatet I M'e guarantee the tafe delivery all watches, whether they are sent by mail or erprcts. Hubbard Bros., Sole Importers RALLY! 11ALZY TRKMENDOUS WISH TO TI1K New Store AT CENTREVILL, ELK CO. PA LuuR, Scikenp o & Sneerinoeb. EEW GOODS n A V E COME THE PEOPLE Awake to their Interest 1 As manifested by the daily throng of customers exchanging "orbin backs for Goods. All the Domestic Cotton Goods are hiirh. Customcis, on and nil exclaim ! How Cheap Your Dress Goods ARE Out stock consists of Dry Goods, flats & Ops? Groceries CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARD WARE Oils and Paints, Wooden Ware, Pork, Flour It is useless for us to attempt, to give a full list of our stock, but invito cue ami all, to drop iu, and examine for themselves. iyRutter, Eggs, Potatoes, Grain Hides, Calfskins aud all country produce taken at uurkut price, (or goods. Centrcville, April 25th 1863. Administrator's Notice. I" ETTERS of Administration having J becu granted to the subscriber ou tho estate of Geo. A. Kienzle, late 0 St. Mary's borough, deceased. .Notice is hereby given, rfo all persons koowiug themselves indebted to said estate, to make irmuediaU- payment, and all those having claims agaiust said estate, will present the same duly authenticated for settlement, FREDERICK KIENZLE, Admiuiitraiw. Riefgwg AW $th 1804. Just Received At'the Book Store, St. Marv's SAN UKUS HEADERS, No's. 1, 2! 8 4&5. Sanders primary and pictorial primer. A'litchels Geography & Allan. Mitchels primary Geography. M'Nally'a Geography. Monteiths primary Geography. Spenciarion copy books, Webster's common school Did lionaries. Browns Grammar. Towers do Hurrays do Nos. 1 2 & 3 plain copy book. uianK nooKs, Letter note & writing paper . Ink Pens Envelo pes Pencil 8 QOLDIERS IN THE ARMY J and our people at homo Are now ofleredan opportunity w which they can obtain a GOOD & DURABLE TIME-PIKE AT A VERY LOW PIGURR. OCtt WATCUES ARB WA BRAISED TO KEEP TIME ONE TEAS and the buyer Is allowed the Privilege of Examination. BEFORE PAYMEXT IS XEQ UIREIi TmjtrcveJ Duplex in full Rulg Aetimi. A first class Hunting' Time-Puce of Silver material, over which is electro-fine plated 18 k, gold, most durable wrought, making the imitalion so faultless that it cannot be detected from the solid material by the most experienced judges ; acids will not af cct 11. London made movement. Impkot BD DlTlEX in FULL Rl'BY ACTION, llS IWtep seconds, and is njt to be excelled in general ai r enmnce. nis is decidedly one of the bkst articles ever offered for traders and speculators. .Engineers. Emigrants, and persons travelling, will find them superior toany other : alteration of climate will not affect their accuracy. Price, packed in good shape and good running order, only $35, or rase of 6 for $200. SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEV ERS BEST QUALITY SIl'vES CASES, over which electro-Due plated 18 k. gold, similar 1 1 our Improved Dupltx, and superior ad fusted movements with "Stop," to be used n timing horses, etc. ; has Four lndekes lor Washington and Greenwich time, sweep second, and all the improvements. All In all, taking its beautiful and faultiest ap pearance and its superior movement into consideration, we regard it as decidedly the cheapest article of the kind in the market. Price, in good running order, $35, of case of 6 forS200. 8(5?" We ask no pay in advance, bnt will forward either of them to responsible par ties, to any part of the loyal States, with bill payable to expressman when the good are deli vend, giving the buyer the privil ege of examination, and, if nit satisfactory the watch can be returned at our expense The express companies refnse making collections on soMiers and other disloyal States, consequently all such orders must be accompanied by the eash to insure at tention. We make a deduction of two dol lars on either watch when the payment it forwarded In advance. Money amy be sent by express at our ex pense. THUS. QAFFERTY & CO., 83 an 85 broad St., opposite City Band Providence, R I k, E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLCSALI AND BITAtt, 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. In aldition to our main business of PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Bead quarters for the following, vis t Stereoscopes and Stereoscopio Views. Of these we have an immense assortment, including ll'ar Scenes, Amerioan and For eign cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statu ary, c, &c. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for the public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address OB receipt of Staaip. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were the first to introduce these late the United States, and we manufacture Im mense quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 50 (cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being su perior in beauty and durability to any others. They will be sent by mail, last, en receipt of price. JUjjTl ISS AI.DV.M3 hade to ordsb."! CARD rilOTOGRAPZTS. Our Catalogue now embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, &o., vis about 100 Mnj Geacrals, 200 llrig lienerals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonels, 250 Other Officers, 550 Statesmen, 130 Divines, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stage, 10 Navy Officers, 50 ProuTnt Women, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits 3,000 Copies of Works of Art, including productions of the most celebra ted Engravings, Paintings, Statues, &o. Catalogues bent 011 receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Cat. alogue will be filled on the receipt of $1.80, and seut by mail, free. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. 1. will please remit tweutv-five oar j cent of the amount with their order. E. &. H. T. ANTHONY & CO., ianufucturers of Photographio Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The prices and quality of our geoit can not fail to satis fy. Nov. l'Jlh, '04. 12uios. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers trill receive valuable prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, god all throat aud Lung affections, free of ehurge, hv sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, KingtCo., 3 Booth New York.