rrssa T HE ELK ADYOCA T E !-?? i"J9 ar WHISKERS 1 WHISKERS ! ' IH yon want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian Ctni pound will force Ihcni to Rro On the smoothest face or chin, at hair oa bahl heads, in Fix Weeks, rriee, $1,00. Sent by mail tny where, Jowly sealed, on receipt of price. Addr-ss WARNER & CO., Box 1 38 Brooklyn, X. Y. Fek. 25th C5 lyr. LOVE AND II ARIMONY . ' Any Lady ur Gentleman sending me their address, will receive lull directions fur gaining the affections of the eppo itescx, and which a ill enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, or beauty. Address Mrs. marie lemoille, Harlem P. O., New Yoik City. March 17, t5 oiu. pl.l KYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing Low to speedily restore sii-ht and give up spectacles, without aid ufdoctor of mid icinc Sent by mail, free, on receipt pf 1 0 CenK Address. E. B. FOt)TE, M. D., 1130 Broadway, N. Y: IFT6u"NTTtrKNOV A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating ti the human system, male and female; the cause? and treatment of diseases ; the man -iajje customs of the world ; how to marry well ami a thou sand things never published before read the revised and eulasccd pditiou of "Medical Common 5?vnsk," a enri ous book for curious people, &ud a pood book lor every one. 400 psiitc, 100 Illustrations. " Trice $1,Sh. "Contents tabic sent free to any address. Books may bo had at the Book store?, or will be scut by mail, post paid, pj; repoii.t or .1. - aii me price, .waitress E. B. FOOTE, M. P., 1130 Broadway, N. Y. ATTENTION t-EION ! All person indebted to the Jate firms of Sehoening & co., ,it Centreville, Pa., ami Luhr jet co., at St. Mm-) -'s Pa, are E A R N EST L Y REQUESTED to come forward without de lay and plr.nk up tlicjr "spon jdulix," as we oloso np our business by the 1st tof April next. Onr accounts must be fettled by that time or the fur will flv somewhere. F. SCIKEXING & Co, Centreville. C. LUHR A Co, St. Mary's, March, 4th ISO 9. ' . NOTICE. Tlic RoMy 44: i accounts t,t " Jacob J. Storer & Co.. wiJ .diaries U. 9 .Oering & Co.. of St Mary '4. liy ljcca (iplaced in the liauls,(f the uadcrigDed for ettlonient. l'mtios indebted to eitlicr cf .itJiB above firms, nro notified that tlioir ac- .Cfiunta miut be settled by payment to the ,undersig-ed, wit Inn 30 days. IAUKIK.T. UL Alt ELY, Atty ( Xiir GERIN'a & CO. & STOKKR & CO. St. Mary'i February, 25th Tit. Receipts & Expenditure . fit Elk County, for tho year ending Januarylst .S. .Cash paid Jo-wit : '0 Auditors clerk, $ 10 00 Road damages 11 00 Court & Oflico expenses 8 70 Fuel G4 37 Stationary Sc. 128 11 Miscellaneous expeusca 51 07 M. L. Ross court cryer 91) 0j) Sheriff's lees 70 00 Commonwealth coU 100 5$ r Justice fees 54 00 lrg,tinotarys fees 47 78 unus Jones, Com r bO 00 ('has. Yeis do J. V. Taylor do J. Keofer do 80 6.) 44 00 30 00 ,G. Dickinscn do 14 00! .J. C. Chapin, Com'rj Council 50 00 j U'riuting 32 29 20 j 4 15! Jtagi Prison expenses Assessors Constables Election rrppnses J. C M'AIlister, clerk Repairs atoad Views Jurors Jlevenue Sla.nts Bouuties on Foses Ac. For Seal Presses account of State tax jlnsuraeee Atijiu-tij; Morilian District ,Jttoi nf y .(eucral Iudexea Yelnwteer bounties Treasurer's commission ou 22 133 101 720 50 i 93! 38 47 00 00 50. 11 00 R i0 01 23 S 1,350 S to 70 227 40 SO 00 69 00 i47 SO 3,175 00 $7,7SS 32 Bceeivcd 154 70 do on $8,523 S4 disbursed 170 48 Refunding orders 18 39 Comity Auditors 22 50 Couiuiiision allowed Collect's 110 34 Total $8,930 13 Acuuivett biac?o from former Treasurer $ 920 52 do Taxoa on Cnaoated lauds 4,148 15 - do From collectors 3,311 82 do da lands sold by county 199 00 d Redemption on land 79 S5 Total S7.G04 84 AMOUNT due from Coliecteta of Elk .county, January 2d 1865. I isai. Xharles Winsluir, Benczetle Cbarlea BJtbjr, Bencinger Jacob Mover, Fox Lvi EUithorp IligUltod Jph Kb:.03on, Jaj Jgatph Pisinrt , Jan.'i 1S2 79 258 10 775 64 9 .11 125 Tl John Smuts, Rid-way C35 SG Michael Broner, St. Mary'a 212 27 C. W. PortcrGeld, Spring cr'k 324 25 1803. Ralph Johnston, BcncxcUc 17 57 Adam Jesperjrcr, Bcotinger 87 16 II. Carman, Spring creek 1G1 22 18G2. Joseph Koch, Fox 293 73 Nelson Gardner, Kidgway 111 49 1S59 D. S. Luther, Bidgway 173 24 J. R. Iawrcnce, Spring creek 5t 2! G. R. Wilcox, R,idSway 816 2S AMOUNT duo irou CHtl of Bounty tax, 1804. Win- Jonson, Benexcttc 51 94 .ldam JcsberEcr. Ben tinker 1.217 41) Levi EUithorp, Highland Chancy Clinton, Jay Joseph lleutsnickcr, Joues Geo. Ed. Wcis, Ridgxray Martin Pcrriu, Spring creek Jos. Winlelder, St. Alary s 2$ 1.855 S3U 2,785 i7l S5S P35Thosc marked with a star, have since paid a portion of their duplicate.. STATEMENT of the Assets and Lia hilitics of Elk county, on January 2d 1 Sl5. Assets: Amount of lax outitaudinjj ou Unseated lands 9 00 do of tax due from Coll. l,!V2 f! do of" " bounty tax 21, 052 00 do of Collectors 11,734 77 do from Sheriff Hays 70 30 -iW'-s $ 400 30.930 S,052 Liabilitio!). County orders otitstat.ding Bounty do do Excef s of Asspjs, Total S40,072 70 p. W. HAYS, Es.,., Sheritf of Elk Co. in account with said county for the year ending January 1st 1S05. Dr. To 8 Jury foes (.i) $4. $32 0C i-usis 01 uuuiuiuun caiiu -it " r'mes 111 do cases 70 00 " costs and Jury fees in v ominonwouitu eases ti l " County order 70 00 Total $294 72 CR. By balance duo Sheriff at last settlement " 23 50 " filling Jury wheel drnw- ond summoning Jurors 51 " Advertising 3 Kloctigtis 2 11 fees on 180 aedgps S Court 16 't fees in Cora th uases 34 county order .canceled 101 Balance- die por,ty Total $294 72 CHARLES LUHR, Esq- Treasurer of E'k county, in accouut with the County of Elk, for the yea; mi- PR. To balance due co. former settlement $ 823 12 Amount ree'd, from Coll. 3,311 81 id V Un- scated lands for the yr's 1S02& 1803 4,148 15 Purchase money on sold by couuiy 199 00 Redemption money on war. rant 4S90, 200 acres 79 35 Amount due Treasurer 134 vS Total CR. $8,849 02 By am't of county orders Redeemed Refundiug ordory Paid county Auditois Treasurers Commission on $8,482 93 18 39 22 50 $7,738 32 ots. at 2 per ct. 154 76 do do on $8,523 S4et. it 2 per ct 170 48 Total $8,849 C2 CHARLES LUUR, Ij , Treasurer of Elk county, tin aecouut with its sever. ; 1 Road funds, J nuary 1st 1805. Dr. Benexer.a.Koad lUJid, To ainouqt oi unseated ts' recoil J, f l, God a? CR. ftj orJ1 rdeemed : Comniiwloners r as per receipts $1,353 50 " treasurers t.ommission on $1,055 52 at 2 per ct. " Treasurers commission ou $1,353 50 cts. dibune4 at 2 per ct. " 1'alanee i;c fun4 S3 10 211 Total 11,055 Dr. Beucingar Road fund. To amount received from unseated lands $1,047 Balance d;o Tt'Murr 3 52 Total CR. Bv bal. duo former Treaa. 11,050 7 05 2 75 Refunding orders ()rtlers redeemed Treasurers commission on $1,047 30cts. at 2 per ct Treasurers commission on $1,009 50ets(t; 2r.(iV;ct 1,000 00 20 19 $1,050 70 Total Dr Fox Road fund To amount of tax received on unseated land Ctt. fI,5G7 13 S 11 $2 By bal. due former Treas Refundinj orders Wi 90 Commissioners receipts of orders redeemed '' aT5 00 Treasurers commission r.n 81,507 lScurec'dataper c. ?1 84 Treasurers commission on ' " 81,1 IU 72 clUisburspd 22 33 Balauea' due fuud ' ' ' ?,90 74 Total 81,5&7 13 fir. Utghlavd Road Tuvl. To ami. of tat reivrd trom unat J lanli $!fJ U $6-.' 41 Cr. Bv amt. of orders redeemed $ 793 00 Treasurers coin. 011 $9S2 42 at 2 pr et. Rec. 19 C5 Treasurers enm. on TPS disbar ed at 2 per ct. 15 fif. lJalance due fund l ')S01 $082 42 Dr. Jay Road fund- To amount of tax received on unseated lands $1,933 33 CK. By amount paid former Trcas$ 1 70 Refunding orders 4 SO Orders redeemed 015 00 Treasurer iouimisio on 8 1 ,093 SR cts (Tit 2 per et. 21 7 Treasurers commission on $621 06 eu dhdiurscd balance due fund 12 42 438 03 Total $1,983 S3 !?. Ridwsy Road fund T amount aftsx rcs'd ia unseated lands 41,832 72 CR- By suit, of orders redeem'd $1,024 00 Tjessiircrs commission en ei,.i.j ,jet(; zperct 2t 0; Treasurers ciiu mission n $1,022 disburse.' (. 2 per ct 20 4S ; bahinco due fund 201 59 ! Total Dr Jones Road fund f 1 -.1 To hal. received from former Treasurer $ 4 7s Amount of tax received on xjuseatid l!;d$ 1,772 31 Total $1,777 04 Clt By balance due torimr Trcas. urer Elk & McKean Road miii'iiut 01 urueis reueciuca l,.iUo )) Treasurers commission ou I - ....... y.., $1,772 3 lets reed, nt 2 per ct 35 45 j Treasnrera com fission on ! $1,311 51 cta'at S.per ct 20 23 j balauce dut fund 40S 53 i Total $1,777 Dr. Spring Creek Road fund 04 1 0 tiKiOuiit ot tax rev'cuvj o; unseated lam's 838 S38 Additional Road tax Total CR. $1,070 30 By orders redeemed do do additional road Treasurers commission on $1,070 ;i rc,cd. t 2 per pi Treasurers coniinisioii e,n $1,580 OOcts disbursed balance duo fi;nd 918 002 31 31 00: 00 Total $1,670 36 Dr. St. Marys Road & Corporation To amount received Irom for 1- n. l? u mer Treasurer '. a ' 1 . uu u uu o, ,nx TP?1 ,on UOSM- 1 ea 110 f.ottf CR. By district Treas. receipts .$12 $ 61 $110 00 .treasurers commissian on $ 1 1 0 57 cts reed, at 2 per ct. 2 21 Treasurers commission on $125 "04 disbursed at 2 p.- pt 2 50 Balance due fund 10 90 TotqJ $125 01 GlJARf.ES LUHR Esq'. Treasurer of flk .eountx, in account with tho several chool Funds. Dr. iJencictte School Fund. To amount of tax received on un seated lands $(G1 P" CR. By bal. paid former Treasurer $ 191 District Treasurers receipts 550 00 7res. com. $t.G4 02 reed. 2 per ct 13 28 do do 551 94 disb. 2 do " It d;t balance due fund 1 77 Dr. Bcnzinger School fbnd Jo amount of tax received on unseated lands $521 24 balance due 7Yea;urer 150 ,12 iiy r!iiuiu orders district Treasuiers receipts 7Yeiurw eoma;isii;3 .n $"J1 St curetlatU tua 7-eaMiirer4 coimuijsirtu ou $631 5 cts disbursed $ 1 25 C50 00 it) 4 Ir. for School Kau.l, To bal. due fund last gelMrmont $ If. 73 ami. on reel, nnscaicil lands 785 f.i By refMLding tu Jcrs JisUitl 7asHrers rrseipla TVcm-crs commission ou $TS5 tiTcts rccd. ?. 2 per ft 7VeaHrrcmn)isi)n on (73 .S.kts diture t Valn-c dec fend u70 Ou J 7t 11 47 $so: 40 lr. Fox School r.uildin fund 7v)n.i. reed, on unseated linds ' cc. $;7 or i cfl 00 ti 2 00 loll ,-i2 By district Treasurer rcecipu 1 reHrera commifsion ou 37 eta ree d. 2 per ct Treasurer cie.mislon ou $10() 0l).;il;ur4 baiaiicc due fund lr. Jav School fund To amt. reed, of former fYcairr $ 2i 51 aiui. vjftav recJ. aiaied lauds Col f CR. Byrtfundinn ordora district Tivasurt-rs receipts Treasurers commission on S0O1 J1 clt reed, at 2 per ct Treasurer commission on $3; . Hi en disbursed bnlauoc due fund 3 IS 12 03 Pr. Joues Sckcc! fund. To suit, tax reed', uaseated lands CK. " ' ' By district Treasurers rectlj ta Treasurers eooimissioo on '" SSSi Ct eu i-ecd. at 2 por ct Tiessnres commisiiou un '' J J0 O0 disbursed at 2 per ct bulaac duo eaiiDlr $0 00 17 71 H 00 M 8.t 7 fiO $623 61 $S?5 SI Dr. Kidgway School Fund. To ant of tax received 'oa unseated lands By bal. due former Treas. District Treas. receipts 007,2 I U -L'ilO 0 Trcas. coin, on SGG7.23 ree'd at 2 pr et Treas. cote, on ?25I 41 dish, at 2 pr et. Balance due fund 13 sr. 03 44 $067 23 Dr. Spriug Crcik Si Wl Fnnd. amt. of tax received en unseated To lands 8 1301 27 ?301 27 $1200 00 20 03 24 00 51 21 Cr. By dist. trias. receipts Trcas. com. on $1301 27 Received at 2 pr et. Treas. com. on $1200 00 disbursed at 2 pr et Balance duo fun 4. 61. SO! 27 IV. S!. tin-? S,-)u.o3F(Jn.l. 1 w &ut. tux rotcivvi Hi", h'i $05 40 Cr. ' I''- Pad former treasurer 1 50 Treas. com. on $05 40 reed, at 2 pr et. Treas- com. on $51 77 disb. at 2 pret. Bal. due emmty 1 31 1 11 05 -10 Dr. Bounty Fund. Toauit. of tar Tw,l $3Sll 3 ! ... I vu:mui 1195 $5089 $1800 m Cr. By bounty orders redeemed Interest paid 011 fcontv c dcrs " Jre.13. com. on 5iS3i 0 roc. at2prct. 77 Trc53. com. on $i013 S3 tib. fcJ pr p:. 98 $5039 5i We the Commissi mors of Elk count, do report the forcgoiug as a correct statement of the Receipts and Expendi tures of Elk county for the year ending January 2nd 1805. OIIAS. WEI9. GEO. DICKINSON, JOS. W. TAYLOR, Commissioners. Attest; " ' J. C. Ji-'ALLISTER, Cl k. We tho undcrsigucd Auditois Ek county having duly convened at tho Commissioners oCJce ut Ridu ! 2ud day of .January, A. D. Riduuayon the 1805, and L.victr tmJited and a.Hnstod tt,n r MM j in accomit3 of tho sevcral fundS( Y0 una them correct at herein stated. In witness whereof, wc have hereunto set or bands tho day and year above mentioned. R. T. KYLER. HENRY D. DERR. JACOB M'CAULEY. Auditors Attest : J.C. M'Allister, Cl k. NEW i'ATENT ROTARY FEED The fUlo.ins iV dcu.ostrte ti,at these Machines couiprisa the AtyAcsl imprmwmtnU in the ti-trinj M-Ahiin .hty v i' 1. Each .V(e L gnarautecd to jivo MOiirr Rtusiiicuon than any other Sewing Machine iu Marketer uaouov "" . ' J...... i.U -i .1... J -.1 ...... ,..v v,, (,; r.l , ... 1Uv.y kcep CuiUIllly , J(m;i. ., ,,1Cfln-Ule frlM ,h nlnth d&, jv;iii at the nutsi tu.pv,itat;t --.i.jou hand and tnanfaetnrctoorder, custom !.4pvilA. !. 18-U, io.t!ieithT of April tihitioAi t,inin Wbt bcld in thcjmlo BoCts Shoc, Oaitcr. Slippers ' A - O. Tattl at a,:c:."JuDe 231 Cnitcd State. ) l.ti. 'jlsil i ! 3. They make the i4 tiite alike ou both sides thus s-aviim wore than half the thread and silk used iu the ravclitij tivljjc scrisef the hxp stitch aud single tbrcad tawing Machines - 4, Ihey are adapted to the n ict ruce ol heavy and light sewin. i. 'ihwyhavc no rattling v. ires, rr duli catc attaehmenu to keep iu i-ej;a;.r. fi. They iciuirc noukiuj; aprt '3 olcRif or oil. and uo "Lessons" to Set needle, TeuUte tciinioii, or operate Maehiuc Please ca!l and examine and demon, strate for yourself, or send fot eis-mlir with samples of scainii. N. B. -Town aud Country Ajjents VINKLE; & LYON'S. R M. CO , No. 638 liroadji'fy, Ncyv ADiliNISrATOIl'S NO HQ E Lcttcra cl Adminiatratiou have been granted in duo form of Lkv, to the suh scibcr upv.u the Estate, uf Thomas Over turf, late d1 Beucxctto towuship Elk county, deceased, All persons Ltviuj any claim againi-l said Estate, are re iiuostcd to p re.se u. thcui duly authenti cated for eettleiucut. Any perou ow. ii:g thoEtte, sirs) 'vcucited to uiAo pavjci;t,iorthitM. ANN OVERlVHr A )' iff r iff ia o r t h f WS'XZ&Lml, how R,-. .; stored. .5??F?PfF Just pnblishe.1, 'v,'m-!,;x new edition of rir Culverwells Celebrated Essay en the rmtieatctirc (without medicine) pf SrEn.M.TOHRH(K., or semiual Weak ei., Iq-oioalar; Sf un?.', Lcsici. Ixji-tkn-cv. Mental and Dhyjltil Incapably Impediments to Marriage, etc. asoctp Co.si-m-jon Emi.epsv 'and Firs. u duecd I? ie,Tuidult:onse or texuHl es. j tsy-l'iice, in a sealed invehac ohlv fcnli. The celebrated mjilcr in t'ai &dmija SllitZl Manning -i.nycqm.ee- t-1 self ol surma be radically cured wit lumt the dan geroi' iuc ui internal tppaiine or lij- ftpjlir.i ' tion of the knife -nointini; out 'a mod. ' ofeure, at onee simple.eortain andeffeet nal. ly means of winch eveiy (tiflVrrr i no mat lor what his condition mav be niay pure l.i;?eH fheftpl. piivitviy , ami nitti'rctlii fOfThis Lvclure should he in ttie hands of every voiuii and evcrv man in 1 the land. J r-ctit , uiiMorfoal, in a plain to any adlrcis, pott-pi J, on r crept six cents, or two post stamns. A,3,!r.-v-j l the imhli.-h. rs. puhl CHAS J. C Bowcrv, New KI.IXE.t CO.. York, I'ost olTice box 45VG. laME. DEMOREST3 MIRROR OF FASHGN'S Ql'AiniM.V JUVK.VA1. IiU RAQN!' MOMir.) Circulation 40.000 "(largest in the world.) Jv.ieii number contains lav;re and ninonifK-uit Ftihi.u Tlatc--, sjdotv'i illustrations of all the fashionable nnd I arts novelties, f,r ladies' and children's I'les, use:ut wihirmtilio, and the tour lile sizo Patterns, cut ready IW u., etc. cto. 1 earn-, SI : sin-rlo cunic.. 2(5 ecu!.'. I'lil.li.slio.l i.t Mme. Dj:siokkst's Empo- rium cf Fashions, No. 47.J Broadway, - - sri.ENi.ii) AXiyA:.;M.rii,v:iTtK.MiVMs'!! rnch Yearly Subscriber tQ SI me. Dp- inoresfs Mirror of Fashh.iis is cutiticd (0 the selection of 50 cents worth of Extra ' rrtiierus, or a copy ot iWnic. Iifinuresr Systiuc fo Cutting Children's pressors J or for b) vJrty extra, the Ladies' .sy em. J'or a club fo 5 subscribers at $1 each yill be sunt Person's, Arthur's or any other $2 magazine, or newspaper for one year, or a splendid Photograph Album, For a club of 8, Godey's lady's Book or any other $:J magazine, or an elegan. gilt, or steel Back Comb, or Side Comb, A Club of 10, Mine Dciuorcot's 55 Running Stitch Sewing Machine, or a .Selt.tuckiiig Attachment, or a full set of Steel or Gilt Combs. A Club of 65, a new Wheeler and Wild son's Sewing inachin with Ileiuuierau Sclf tucklug Attachment. A Club of 0w, art lend id oatert lever Gold Watch.. ' All the S'ulwsilfeia (y.itfed to 11,0 first premium, and to tho petter up of the club au extra copy ofthc Miiror of Fashions for one Year. Any number ol $1 pubseriptiout.s sent tojvurd making up a club, will be credited tho same as if sent altogther. Back uujcr as specimens sent jKst. fare on reccj,.t of 10 cents. Splendid terms for agents. Send for CircuL;, ' EPOT 4SEOF,H0P. New Firm! New WtnU ? ! New Prices ! The' undesigned, baxiu.r om-ned , , cl. . 1 . o , , , Jsoot Mioc manufactory m Schu tt a Steam Tannery, St. rt w Mary's, Pa. have uisearaea tne "old man" ct high j aud fchoddy work, aud girded toeuiselve?. ilh. ih ct low prkes aud pvicca I .....1- ri in . . . i All of vhtoh xIkv n -'i .-' vsill iriv. . satisfaetioa Bcp.viriui; de&e ncsiiy m promptly 1 Customers can relv on iceckitv thei their , Mev at the promised time. SEXTON A BOI1.S, IVbnuiv lib, ISO V The undi-rine! bavinc been rcstor i waifihtn U-acd pV; Cupp ahd Bil-' is to luakh in a few week, bv a vpi r!!i'u c"Ut Sfrtt M(,ke' i .. . . ' " 1 l:.nn. ri-e7.s. TeMhae.be Stius. liruisos. ampierciucay, aitvr, liavmg iflercil te vcral vcars. with a ovre lua atle.Mioii! an I the dread diva.e, Caimmiptiou- -is :aiious to lurike kuowa tohis fellow aif fcrers the mean., of cure. To all who deiia it, he tvlt(j 4 cotyotlhe vreiiptiou teed, (iree vf bai- ) v ah U .$ife;tioo lor i.tvpsi iti.j an 1 using y Si.;)C, tl)V rU Cad . r ei.re for Co.v.si MrfiCS, AistuM. BftoNcuttKs, covtiiis, Coir AC. I he .mlyubjcoi of ihe advwui.-.er iu n-mtiug tuc prescription is r-ucCt i IhcalH.ete.ji.pciidirtformsiiouxxliieh; Uva;cive to bo ioCAluible, fioJ he! ncixs vvcry auUeiet will uy his rcu.idv, 1 it cost ilitui cotliins. ni vh 11...: v Paries i42 tie F-rwcnpnca vy Rtx. uDwAKlKK. WILSON, Willis TsHr, Kl'tfi CM'it?, I furniture. JFi. W A -V YW 9 M ANTJF AGf TTRHR OF, Modern nrnl An'iatto rnrnl- Inro. MAIM ST RET. BROOK YILLE PEN N'A TelekteJe, Sofa. J.0fiv-in, liiij Chir. RotViCjr Chairs, DBA WING-ROOM C ii A R3, j Atid Ujiholatered ware of all kkirta, also, j Cain Chairs, C5o Rocking Chairs. I Common or Windsor Chairs. J bmincsA. Tahlos. Stand. Yi nst oS; Ct.rcor Standi, ' War.h Standi, VrJrulcJ, Buukeasrs, . c. ic. We spare no pains iu packiiig furni. . ' 1,.., . lli! t , ft, 1... r-V.A.l ... .lid 1 tatioe -vrithout bring injured, ! forcct. the pl.iee. ' ..... ,r.i. .... v: ; . - 1 t . . . . iO l(U BRf tWN'S WARE ROOMS. Dee.24tir.lSt.4.-tf. Administrator's Sale BY order ol the Orphans Court of'tlm . county of Elk, in the S'ate of Pa , I .h:ill expose to sale, by public vendue or out i-rv at the Court ILu.-e in Ridg. way. on Tuesday the 3d day of January, nest at-1 o'clock V. M., as the properly, of Anthonv Mcvcr, dee'd. Five lots in ; St. Mary's, in the said county ot Elk, ' known as lots. No. nineteen (19) twentj-' one ("211 mc.itv-tiuht (2i front v.fuur , CA) iiu't twe.ity-?ix (2(i) on cross street, in front : (.100) fee en cross street one ! caoh and i.i depth bund red at right ! nr...., o t-, hin-di-i-d 1 i.0fr. iVt. j 'l yrms of sale.one third of the pur: chase money in baud at coulornmtion of j sale nad theiesidue in two equal annual ; iustulwcnts thereafter, to be secured bj i .ludgiucntBond and 'Movtpaeo ! ANTHONY MEYE Administrator of ANTHONY MEYER d cc'4. NOTICE. Insure s in :be Wca Pniiich Insurance Ccir.pacy of Lock Haven Pennu., must pay the' rtnonnt duo said company, levied byjit in assess mcnts, Nos. !) & 10, to the j-.ndcrsigncd before, or duiiug next (Vjirl week', othurwise proeeeuiugs will be commen ced against thew, to compel such payi tneut. ' ' ' LAURIE J. BLAKEEY. Attorney for the Co St. Mary's, Pa., Nov. 2Gth 18G4. Administrators Notice- hellers of Administration have been granted in due form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. Mack upon tbi Estate of EUsla Jek, Late of Salcia Ml. de ecssel. All j.crsoijs having any claim against said Estate, ate requested tj present tlcm duly avtB.cwtlcatcd forset tkuient. Any person owing tho Estate, art; relucted I j make payweut forth with. WILLIAM MAOIJ, AJmiiitfttir of the J2tt 0 JJuha Meek, ltrcrv&ti. June 11th liii4. N&ttcK op UMtrer partskusuic NOTICE is h.vby given that Theo lr r,-ua;i, hurutcforo re:idin(;at AI!gnny, Cat' trauffus Cjuiity, in the Slat of New York, 1 hnt now rv.iding at Wilcox JUk Couuty, Mate ol I cnnj ivaut, aa James Clark, rvsaideuce at Placnfield in th $int? tS New Jersey, have formed a limited partnership imrsuani la ih Act of tUaOuncral.lsst-iuJalv vt the State ef Pennsylvania, passed tho 21st j i .Marc a i?3t, &uuea "An Act relative ;to j liiuiitd pariuerihips" and its several sup- pWuitnii, fur i!it manufacture of Leather it j VVilcozaiorefaid, upon the folio ing terms I to-it : l it. The name of cajd firm to b Theod re PaVn ; 2nd fhe Rcrul natura ionaeoasine-sstransacteajatJiaaianutactura t...,.i,... .... .1, 1 1 VI. IIUV' , u . The aauie of tho ecneral 1 .... . T 1 pariiicr is Tlieo,l.r Palco, nw residing ' at liileix afui-eid .- The amount of ' !tV'llil coiuribmed hy ihj ,y j '' pe-;ial j aitner umcii e.oci;, is 1 iao.iau(dvii:ari ; Aih, Tiio rrt- Invert tyru u-i; t-iriHEEit WAl 1,1? IMPROVIP tlH.Vl,ntEt;UMUUl!0 I Ftiov Obstruction. a"5y laiairatiam ; ti.c.iiistt JtVrrj'irs.ttji ad CirvJlutiwn, r- turns. Freezes. J'eothachtf r.r'us, liruisos. ii. j aad tor .'riiis, IVmm, Gall. ltere, I'.mchiJici, ia tcr.-fj. Tba tui(kc,-t relief lor I'aiu yf aay Tain Killer in u.'c. There i-n Ktacdy 'tktt will act d psonsyily iu velievin? the' ills enumerate! a.- the Ma;iC lUlu, hieti deserves to r Ceive thciavorel tit public. It is its owa rceommen jaitott. aad fcy the pMforoianca of ffiod ifvliS, vilieic it 1 kaeva, now en va tu liii'je! Vff.w'atiia, for sale b7 Powell, Monk M'VtiA, Ridgway Ta Wbole.l t;y CaiHr St UL. jt Wrfeals lt(ji.rvs, Ju'icPa. 10 consum;t;:.'l.s 1 'c.n-utupivc tuffcrc rs will receive valuable i'1-Cacrif tion lor tbe cure ot Co.utuu-'pnoo, Asihr-Ja, Eroocbitis, au I ill throat sea Lua af vctions, frea of lrp, hricadinji tLi.r siJress to A'.VAM) A. WILSON, Vjil:iitt,bur., rtitr Co., S i?r.t4 Ntv Ycri.