The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, December 31, 1864, Image 2
THE ELK ADVOCATE STM AY SHEEP. Camo to the premises of the mibscri J t:r, on or about the 1st; of November; :wo Ewes and 0110 Lutnb.. Tho owner i requested to come forward, provo )roperty,pay charge, anil take them .way or they will bo disposed of nccor- .'ling to law. . . ' 1 ..JKUKMIATl CALAIIAN. .. Vox township, Dee Ulst 1303. ' " Stray Cow. Came to the promises of tlic subseri icr in Ridgway township, Elk county, : n or about, llio 20th day of December, t black and w hite cow, wide bonis, about I or 5 years obi.' Tbe owner is reques ted to come forward, prove property, f jiy charges and take hdr away, or i he will be dippwed of according to law. ' TAT. CUNNING HAM." . Pec. 31st 1 804. Pd- $ 1,50 - 1 NOTICE : The annual meeting of tbe Stockholders of the iSbawnuit uid Ridgway Hail Road Company will bo held at their office, in Souther and, iu Ridgway on the lid Monday of Jauuary A.D., 18(35, at 2 o'clock p. m.,. to chose a 13oard of Dircc. lore for tbe ensuing year. - i IU5NRY SOUTHER, Prcs't. A LBERT V J LL1S, Sec'y. Furniture. a- m to v ci :i V a :' V V By this Sign wo Conquer. "Whenever the way Bcemslong, Or tilt lic.irt begins lo fail, Wo sing a more wom'crful song, And tell a moro marvelous tale." J I Will V 1, a.lSG. TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY or THE SEW lOUK MERCURY. " 1ST of Grand jurors -January terra. 1805.' Drawn u lor "m -fiVi ' vV j, MANUFACTURER OF SlodCI'n K1 Alltlqufe I'mili- ,.r - r I lire ' ' - -i ' . MAIN STREET, li Q. O K V I L LB , F E N N ' A . 'i'ete-a fetes, Sofas,- ' ' . Diavans,- Easy Chairs, Rocking Chairs, DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS, tid Upholstered warc of all kind, uho (Vni Cbab-s, Cain Ro'ckiilfr; Clmlls.' ' Common or "Windsor Chairs." iicadsteads, Tables, - '- Stands, .-- . , Bcaurcs. Light Stands, What-nots, Corner Stands, Wash Stands, -, Wardrobes, - Bookcases, (S'.c. &c. &c. ' Wo spare no pains in packing furni. iiiro so that it can bo shipped any dis. ;ineo without being injured. Do not lorgct the place. i . "BROWNS WARE ROOMS, pec, 21th 1804.-tf.' For Sale, The subscribers offers at private sale, rj span of bay horses, one five years old liexfc June, and the other seven years old nest May. They are both gentle, 1'ither in single or double harness. Per sons wishing to purcbaso the two or one, an see them by calling on tbo subscri ber, at bis residence, one mile North of Jcutrcville. WM. LEAHY. Kersey Doc. 23d 1854: "' ' :" THE rillDE OF THE FIRESIDE. In the prime of A vigorous intellectual manhood, the l'licnix of tlio weeklies Whirls its flight for the new year, over tlio wrecks of its Hugging and lifeless contemporaries, with its cyo fixed upon tlio suu, beneath w li it'll it owns no rivalry. rtc war. which las toppled down what, ever itliallow and baseless, has written no wrinkle on the bright aegis of our success. Our features for llio issue of 18U5 shnko tlio pillars, of whatever . has heretofore been deemed imperial in serial literature Both sides of the Atlantic render U8 tribute. . IVe shall continue tho thrilling romances of MissM. . Bbahhox, necromanoer of tho strong dark passions, to whom we pay more an u mill j than the entire capital of our imi tators, and add to our American staff tho champion jester of tho cap and bells, Josti tfii.i.iNos, who will commence with the first of January a sci ics of his well known inimi table comic dapers, written expressly for us, in Lis irresistibly convulsive vein. Harriet li. 1'rescott, the most, polished and iniigina tivcskclcluwritcr living; P. T. Jnrnum, tho world-famed showman and nutobiogrnpher ; Miss M.' A. Earlio, 1'aii'f'ax Bult'our, Dr. .1. II. liobiuson, and "Ned Bimtliuo", renown ed and versatilo novelette. writers, will oke out the sparkling contributions of suoh fa cile poets, feuilletonists, humorists, critics, travelers, parngraplusts, . cto., as Gcorgo Arnold, W. O. Eaton, Millie II'. Carpenter, George Alfred Townscnd, JuliaS. Ingraham, Edward WilleU, Goorgo Martini, Joseph Harbor, J. A. ratten, and others numerous enough and clever enough to. run all tho newspapers on tho Continent. The vivid peuclls of Parley, Mcl.lellaft, and White, the first draughtsmen of the age, will make the new vclumo pictorial, and whatever of fugitive or meteoric note may nppear iluring the year, will atonco be en gaged and made available. In addition to its crisp and telling editori als ;. its delectable Gossipcra' Club, in which the iipteft and wittiest poems, caricatures, and hurlosriucs of the time first appear ; and its coquettish Ladies' rromcnalo, to which all the mothers, sweethearts, daughters, wives, and widows fit tbe land subscribe their experiences, THE NEW YORK MEK CVJIY will continue the faithful and co. gent. ' ' V1IOTOGRAPIIS OF TOPULAR . PEOPL1L highly illustrative of the oldest, ablest' and nrtifulest folk of tho era; the Great Fashion Article, by. Jonnia June, whose sprightly notes upon the latest and most perfect New York modes aro suggtBtive to ldadors of so ciety every where, and nniversally consulted doth in the metropolis and throughout tho aountrv : and commence a scries of illustra- ed Sketches . ot urotesque Aaveuiure m orcign Climes During the War, by Alfed Trample ; as well' as Hints upon Cookery, by Henry Gosling, the motropouian cum HIT, , . . . Prown Ellis Pancr Michael , : 5rown Jas. W. Chapo Milton Hewitt Jcrc Oxborne J. O. Kclts"John R. KerucrThai. Kapp Adam fjawreiice Yi. V. M'Vcan Cbas, Nearing Chas. C. Oyster Daniel C. Parks R. M. Sorg P.. Xavcrkis Jr., Rmutz John Slions II. 1?. Thompson Tel or Warner Henry Wilson II. R. Weed 15. F. Wainwrigbt Cornclcus Weigel G oo. Jr., Wimtner Sebastian Fox . St. Mary's. . BcDczotto. do Fox. Ronczottc. Fox. Reiizingcr. do Ridgwny. do Jones. 1'ox. Fox. Renjingor. Ridgway. do Fox.' Jones. Uonezcttc. Jay. Heuezette. St. Mary's, do IT 1ST of Traverse Jurors drawn for January term 1805 Aldon Edwin Davidson Danl. D. Ellingcr Albtn Fischer rhilip Fritz Martin Gilmore James Hays Isaao Howo Andrew Horton Hezckiah Iluller Geo. A. Jones Ryron Jesbergcr Anton Kylcr Eli P. Kylcr John Kylcr Jcsso Mo3ier John Moycr Coonrod Sr., Moyo Jas. II. Moyor John Nissel Geo. Jr., Nulf Geo; O'llara Peter Overturf Andrew Pauzar Peter Selle George Tcbmit Geo. Scbafer Geo. F. Turlcy Amol Vastbinder Samuel V aimer Louis Wacker Herman Webb Wm. M. Wheeler Gilman Winslow Cbas. Wood Wm. Wilcox Miner LICENSE NOTICE i Tho .following j.amed persons have filed in the Office of he Clerk of the Court isf Quarter Sessions rt Elk county, their Petitions for License the January Sessions next, agreeable io the Act of Assembly of March lid 1803, milled an ''An Act to regulate the eale of intoxicating Liquors," .&c : , TAVERN LICENSE. Mrs. J. T. Burroughs Centrcville, " Irs. E. 0. Clements, - Ridgway Oanicl C. Oyster, Hellen. f. Volk, St. Mary's, :. Boble, St. Mary's Michael Gcrg, St. Mary's. A. Fauchinart; St. Mary's. I.ouis Arncr, Wilcox. ,1. Windfcldcr, St. Mary's STORE LICENSE. 7'rcd, Rudolph, St. Mary's, tamos Coyne, St, Mary's, Joseph Willielm, St. Mary's GEO. ED. WEIS, Clerk, Ridgway, Deo'r. 10th 1861. Fox. Spring Creek. Fox. St. Mary's. Benzinger. ' , do r Fox. Fox. Fox. Jay. Bcuczette. lienzingcrT Fox, . do do do do Ridgway. Fox. Bcnzingei. Fox. do Benezcttc. Fox. Benzingcr. St. Mary's. do Jay. do St. Mary's. do Jay Ridgway. Benezette. Ridgway. , do ' STOCKHOLDERS NOTICE : The An nual Meeting of tho Stockholders 'of tho Oil Creek and Hidgway Railroad Company, will be held on Monday the ninth day of January, nt 12$ o'clock p. in., at No. 288 South Third Street Philadelphia. JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. Philadelphia, Deo. 23d 1801. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby , given that the following - ncCouYits lias been examined find passed by me, and remains filed on record in tins tmce for' inspection of heirs legates creditors and all others in any way interested and will be presented to ' the next Orphans' Court of Klk county to be held at the Court House in the town of Kidsrwav commencing on the first Monday of January 1865. Thfl account of Ann Overturf, Ad. ministratrix of all and singular tbo goods and chatels,' rights and credits which were of Thomas Overturf late of Bcnezetto township, deceased. " ALSO 2d partial account ot John Moycr, administrator of Lsaao Robinson deceased. - - Account of Mary Fisher & E. C. Schultzo, administrators of Charles Fisher deceased." ' GEO. ED. WEIS, the The first of the year will inanguralo thrilling triginol novelette bp Doctor J Kobmsou, entitled .- A LET 11 ii : OR ' THE CHILD OF THE CORD, which will bo followed by a splendid new story by Miss II. E. Draddon, written ex presslpforTUE NEW YORK MERCURY. Trial List for Jan- Term 1865. M. Burncll & Co. vs Jercmiab Elliott, Q. D. Mossenser vs Lepold .Heilbrun. er, ct al. Samuel Morison vs William $ Henry Derr, Mary Leipcr vs i nomas Struthees, et hi.' Reuben Wjnslpw vs Byron Jones, Robert O. Sanferd vs Charles Lecrgctt, Aloes Blank vs Cbas. II. Volk, John Tudcr vs Uyrus Uibson Daniel Dcnison vs C. F Luce. GEO. ED. WEIS, rrol'y. Information Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN; eurek of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature Do ray, and Youthful Lrror, actuated by desire to benefit others, will bo happy to 1'urnlsh to all who need it (freo of charge,') tbo rccipo and directions for making the simple remedy ;nsed in bis case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the Advertisers bad experience, and possess n pure rnd valuable remedy, can do so by .aiidjeing bim at orioo at. his placo of business. J lie Receipt and fnll mforma (tOB of vital importance will be cheer, fully sent by leturn mail. ' 1 ..Address JOHN B. 00 DEN; No. CO Nassau Street, New York. P.S. Nervous SufTcreisof both sexes Vf;Jl find this information iuvaluable. - (3 moths Notwithstanding the upward march of every article' of luxury and consumption, and -our enormously increased outlay for tho yearlbd j. the Star. Paper of the Republic with its torty columns or sierung original matter, will continue to be issued at six cent s a copy, and sold by all newsmen anu pen. odical-dcaler, in America. Its long and honorable history . insures its subscribers nrrainst the casualties and fatalities which have swept so many mushroom journals off tbe board, ana lett tuenpaironsuiscououiuic at the loss of their money, . To mail-subscribers our terms are : rash in advance : Sinc'o cocios, 250 a vear: three . comes, si ; six copies, ?io; nine copies, SUO. The party who sends us 520 for a club ot nino copies win receive au additional copy free. Six months suiiscrip tipns received. Canada subscribers must send twenty cents extra for eaoh subscrip tinn. to nav the American postage. Subscribers should bo careful to write nlainlv the name of their post-office, county and State. Specimen copies sent free to all applicant. Address, CAELDWELL & WHITNEY, Proprietor! of the Jtew York Mercury, "Nos. 48 Ann street and 113 Fulton street. New York City Court Proclamation- WHEREAS, Hon. R. G. Witite. President, and V. S. Broekway and E. C. Schultzo,. Associate Judges of tbe Court of Common Pleas, and Jus tices of tho Court of Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail' Dclivo. rv of Elk county, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered a Court of Common'Pleas, a Court of Quarter Ses sions, Orphans Court, and Court of Oy. cr and Tcrhiiuer and General Jail Deliv ery, lo be boldcn at ' Ridgway, in and for the county of Llk on tbo E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main businessof PHO TOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Head quarters for the following, viz : Stereoscopes and Stereos copic views. Of these we have on immense, assortment, including War Scenes, American and For eign cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statu ary, c, &o. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for the public Or private exhibition. ' .Our Catalogue will be -sent to any address on recoipt of Stamp. PIIGTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were the first to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture im mense quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being su perior in beauty and durability to any others. They will De sent uy roan, rat, en receipt of price. Ci-riN ALBUMS MADE 10 0BDEB."Sg CARD PHOTOGRAP3. Our Catalogue how embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, &o., vii ; about Reeristcr. Ridgway Nov. 18th 18G4. ' " Administrator's Sale- BY order of the Orphans Uourt ot the county of Elk, in the State of Pa;, I shall expose to sale, by publio vendue or oat cry at tbe Court House in Ridg. way, on Tuesday the 3d day of January noxt at 1 o'clock P( M., as the property of Anthony Meyer, dee'd. Five lots in St. Mary's, in the said county ot Elk, known as lots, No. nineteen (19) twenty, one (21) twenty-eight (28) twenty.four (24) and twenty-six (20) on cross street, in front on cross street one nuuarcu (100) fcot cacb and in depth at right angles two hundred (200) feet. Terms of sale, one third! of tho pur. chase money iu band at conformation of sale and the esidue in two equal annual instalments thereafter, to be becurcd by Judgment, Bond and Mortgage ' ANTHONY MEYE Administrator of ANTHONY MEYER doo'd. SHERIFFS SALE. BY virtue of a writ Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to mo direc ted and delivered, I will expose to pub. I lie sale or out cry oa tbe first Monday of January 1805, at 1 o.clock p. m., at the Court House in Ridgway,' tho following described property to-wtl : ' All the right title interest and claim ofWm. H. Campbell the defendant within named of the following doscribed Real Estate to-iolt: All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in Jay township, Elk county Pennsylvania, bon.uded and described ns follows. Bo- tginning at the South East corner of the lot formerly known as tlio fllorcncaa lot. thence running cast to a lot owned by Robert Rothtock and others thenco south along said lino to tho North East corner of Wm. IP Cambells lino to the road, thence North, to the placo of bo- ginning, containing about twenty acres Ot tana, saia piece oi iudu aescnuea in a certain article of agreement, dated the 3d day of May, A. D., 1858, from Cbauncy Clinton to Wm. H. Camp, bell. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Wm. II. Camp bell and Michael Ovill. ' at thojsuit of Jay township, . . . " ShciifTs Office, Nov. 2Cth, 1861. J P. W. HAYS, Sheriff. MME- ADMiNISTATQR'S NOTICE Letters oi Administration have been granted in duo form of Lnw, to the pub sciber upon the Estate ofTbomas Over turf, late of Benezette township Elk county, deceased, All persons having any claim against said Estate, aro rc- niiAolnil t, npnunnf tliam jlnltf 0 11 1 b O tl 1 1 (uu.-iit v Jiihi. ..... ... cated for settlement,. Any person, ow ih$ theEsfalo, are requested to make payment forthwith. ANN OVERTURF Administratrix nfthe IV,7M M()NT:Y. A DATEfulllist PRISES PAYABLE TO of ALL can bo seen nt tho officers. Thesp and all other claims against tbe Government promptly collected. An Officer in the Army writes ; 'At inspection I noticed that a largo! crorjortion of the men's knapsacks con. taincd a box 'of Troches, being generally used by them for colds, etc." "Brown's lironchio ' Throrhes," should be in every soldier's knapsack or pocket, to be used opon tbe firet appearance of a cold or 'utigh. ! - j,;-'". Manhood who iWtIt, how Re S'J etoretl. Ysa'S'- Just published, a 'S'oJiii'$s new edition of 'Dr. Culverwells CelebratedEssay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea, or seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, lMPO tency, Mental and Physical Incapably impediments to Marriage, cte. asoctp Cohsumtion Erii.ErsY, and Fits, in, duced by solf-indulgense or sexual ex. travagance.' : JPairPrico, in a sealed envelope, only C cents. Tbo colebrated author in this adraira. ble essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful pratice, that the alarming consequences of self.abusemay be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the applica tion of tho knife pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effect, ual, by means of which ' every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. fcxThis Looture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpid, on recent of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. CHAS J. C. KLINE & CO.,' 127 Bowery, New York, Post office box 4586. Coal Lands For Sale- fW HE subscriber offers for salo tbe Coal - privilogo, with' the right , of joining and other minerals under 41)5 ncre? of land sitnatcd in Vox tp., Clear! tjclj' county Pennsylvania, jvithin 2 miles of the Ridgway & Sbawmut R.R.j which connects with the 1'bUa.i & Ki io Jt. -R., at Ridgway; with a six loot vein it UituminQus Coal upon it, which is mv couwiiaudjug such enormous prices, or manufacturing purposes. . For saio ili cap, .terms cash, a good tiilo givou. a For further particulars, address " ' 7 0. L. BARRETT, Clearfield P. 0., Clearfield Co., P. lOOMaj-Generals, 200 Hrig-Generals, 275 Colonels, 109 Lieut. Colonels, 250 Other Officers, "a Navy Officers, 550 Statesmen, 130Divinos, " 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stage, 50 Prom nt women, FirstlMonday in . Jan 1865 being the 2d day of tbe month and to con tinue one week.' Notico is hereby giv en to the Coronor, Justices of the Peace and Constables -of the county of. Elk, that they aro by these precepts com manded to be then and there in their proper persons, nt 10 o'clodk,'' A'.' M., f said day, with their rolls; records and inqusitioiis, and other rcmembrAnees, to do those things which their offices apper tain to be donp, and that till Justices of said covnty'TJiake'returus of all tho' re cognizances entered into before them to tho Clork f the court as per Aet oif As. sembly, passed May 8th l834. And those who are bound by their rccognL zuus to prosecute the prisoiLpivi that are or shall bo iii the jail of said cotiuty of Elk, and to be then and there to prose. oute against them as shall be just. P- W. HAYS, Men December 3d 1864. ' 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits 8,000 Copies of Works otApf including productions of tborf celebra ted Engravings, Pifttfngs, Statues, &o. Catalogues sent jOSreeeipt of Stamp. An order for OfttrDoien Pictures from our Cat- -fR'l?' will bo filled on the recoipt of $1.80, and sent by mail, frek. lhotogra)hcrs and others ordering goods 0. O- D. will ploaae remit twenty-ftve per cent of tlio amount willi their order. E. &. If. T. ANTHONY & CO., Janufacturcr8 of Photographic Materials, m BROADWAY, NEW YOUK. t3The priett and Juiit.'y of our $ sodfj ran. uot fail to tatiifi. -.. -Nov. 19th, 'ii. 12mos. SOLDIERS IN" THE ARMY and our people air home Are now oflcrQ(iau opportunity,,.- which they can obtain a . .' GOOD &, DURABLE TIEN -PIEC : i ! .., i... ' AT A " ' " '.X '.' V;RY ;X9W FIGUK. , , ( oca .WATCns? . m-: " WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR nd tho buyer H allowed the ,v '' Privilege of Examination. BEFORE PAYMENT IS REQUIRED Imprcved Dvpicx in full Ri&g Actions. A first class Hunting Time-tyl'we , f Silver material, over wtiich is electro-fine lald 18 k, gold, inost ilutable'wrou'ght,' inhlcing the imitation so faultless that it cannot be detgettji -fronl ,lUf so)T,d timteijaf by tho most experiences! juuges i uum win uumi- ect it . London made movomeiit.- rnov kd rjiiTLri iii ruri.Kt'hT actios, hai sweep seconds, and is nil to be excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of the best AnncLKs ever offered for traders and speculators. L Engineers, " Emigrants andl persona travelling, will find them, .luperjor tosny other ( alteration of climate will not, affect their acoilrcy.' Trioe, packed in good shape and good running order, only $35, or rase of 6 for $200. t - . -SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEV i 't ' " "" ERS, - ' - ; ' -BEST QUALITY SILVES CASES, over which electro-fine plated 18k. gold, similar j i our Improved Duplex, and supcrioE, o fustcd movements with "Stop," to" be used n timing horses, cto. : has Four Indezea ior Washington and Greenwich time, sweep second, and all the improvements." AH in all, taking its beautiful and faultless 'op pearanoo and its superior movement into consideration, wo regard it as decidedly, the cheapest articlo of the kind in tho market. Price, in good running order, $35, of. case of 0 for $200. ". ' , Ksy-We ask no pay in advanee, but ' will forward either of them to responsible par tics, to any park of the loyal States,' wKB, bill payable to expressman when the goods are deliverec giving the buyer the privil ege of examination, and, if nit satisfactory the watch can be returned at our expense The express companies refuse making collections on BoMiers and other disloyal States, consequently all such orders must bo accompanied by the oash to insure at tention. We make a deduction of two dol lars on either watch when the payment is forwarded in advance . . . , Money may be sent by express at our ex pense. ' ' ' " r TIIOS. GAFFERTY A CO., ' 93 ani 83 Broad St., apposite City Bald Providence, R I k , To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restor is to health in a few weeks, by a very ample remedy, after, having suffered so, veral years, with a severe lung affection, and the dread disease, Camumption ris enxious to mako known to bis fellow suf ferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of tho proscription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for prepar ing and using tho same, whicl thy will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Couqns, Cojds &c. Tho only object of tlio advertiser in sending the prescription is to .benefit theanlicted,andspeadinlormauon which ho conceives to be ' invaluable ; and he hories every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may piove a blessing. ' Parios wishing the prescription will please address ' Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williansburg, Kings County, ' ' . ' New' York. Administrators Notice- . Letters of Adiuiuistration have : been grautod in duo form of Law, to tho sub scriber Wm. Mack; upon the Estate of Elisha 4tck, Late of Salem Md. do ceased; .All persons having any otaim against, said Estate, axa requested-to present them duly authenticated forsct tlemeut. Any porson owing the Estate, ai'o re nested to luako paymout forth with. -. . WILLIAM MACK, AdminUtralur of the Estte of gltilm Meek, JJcccoseo. Jirnellh 1861. . s I'reesess; Ssy. DEMORESTS , MIRROR OF FASHON'S U AUTEttt? ; JOURNATj IU : GRAND , - MONDE.) - - Circulation 40,000 (largest in the world.) Each number contains largo and magnificent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations of all tho fashionable and Paris novelties, for ladies' and children's Dress, useful information, and the four life-size Patterns, cut ready lor use, etc. etc. Yearly, $1 ; single copies, 20 cents, Published at Mme. Demorest's Empo rium of Fashions, No. 473 Broadway, N. Y:: 6PLEND1 D AND VALUABLE PREMIUMS!! rach Yearly Subscriber to BIme. De morest's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of Extra rrti(!lL5', If !1 L'Oby (If '!..''. 1 Systtue fo Cutting Children! or lor 50 ents extra, the Ladies em. For a club fo 5 subscribers at $1 each will be Bent Person's, Arthur's or any other ?2 magazine or newspaper for ouo year, or a splendid Photograph Album.' . For a club of 8. Godey's Lady's Book or any other $3 magazine, or an clegan, gilt, or steel Back Comb,' or Sido Comb. A Club of 10, Mmo Demorest's f5 Running Stitch Sowing Machine, or a Selt.tucking Attachment, or a full tct of Steel or (jilt Combs. A Club of 65, a new Wheeler and Wild son's Sewing liincbiuo witlillemuieran Self tucking Attachment! A Club of 05, asplondid patest lever Gold Watch. , All tho Subsesibcrs are entitled to tho first premium, and to tho getter up of the club an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for euo year. -u ' Any nuiaber of $1 subscriptionta seiit toward making up a club, will be credited the same as if scut altothcr. ' Back numbers as specimens eout post, fare on receipt of 10 cents. Splendid terms for agents. Send fo'r Circular. v Administrator's Notice. ; LETTERS of Administration having been granted to tho subscriber', on tho estato of Geo. A. Kicnzle, late of St. Marj's borough, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given, to all persous knowing themselves indebted to said ' estate, to mako immediate payment, and nil those having claims against said estate, will present the same duly authenticated for' settlement, FREDERICK KIENZLE, Administrator. Ridyieag Xov. KM 1864. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK : T II E ' Fashion Magazine of the World . I JTERATURK, FIN E ARTS AND FASHIONS. Tho - roost magmfiAep Steel engravingsoa every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting,' Embroidery, Autiohjsfpr the Toilet, -for the PBrlor, the Boudoir, and' the K.iioh. en. Everything, in fact,- to make a com plete Lady's Book. ' ,7 The Ladies Favorite For 35 : -Years. - ' No Magazine has been able to oompcta with it. None attempt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. Thsso alono aro worth the price of the Rook. ... Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. '"' . . DRAWING LESSONS F0RT1IE YOUNG Another speciality with Godcy. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3 a year' Other Jagazincs publish old worn-out mu sic ; but the subscribers to 'Gpdcy 'get if be fore the music stores. Gardening for Ladies.' ' Another peculiar ity with Godey. '. . i ' . fashions from Messrs. A. I. btewan oi Co., of .New. York, the millionaire, me rchants, appear in Godey, tho only' maga zine that has ihoui. Also, Fashions from the celebrated Brodie, of Now York. - ',' Ladies' Bonnets. We give more or them in a year than any other magazine, Lo tgt me t.auy's UooK enaoios every iauy vo fto her own bonnet maker. .-' '. ' uirs , of 'Alone,'" -Hidden Path," "Moit Side,". "A'etneiu," and t?.Virio7''.' I writes for Godey eaoh month, and for no other magazine. H eihaveadso retajrit& all our old and favorite contributors, . , NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, NOTICE is hereby given that Thco lore Palen, heretofore residing at Alle;;any, Cat taraugus County, in the State of New York, but now residing at Wilcor Elk Comity, UjtcofcmiRyWarrbvujnr rediueucu al i'lacuiiulil iu iliu iale of New Jersey, have formod a limited partnership pursuant to tho Act of the General Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania, passed the 21st of March 18oli, entitled "An Act relative to limited part uerubips" and its several sup plements, for the manufacture of Leather at Wilcoiaforceuid, upon the following terms to-wit: 1st. The namo of said firm to be Theodore Palen; 2nd. 7'he general nature of the business transacted is the manufacture of leather; 8d- The name of the goueral partner is Theodore Palen, now reading at ll'ilcox aforesaid ; -1th. The amount of eapiial contributed by the special partner James. Clark, to the common stock,' is eighteen thousand dollurs ; Cth. The part nership is to coiitinno from the ninth day ylpril A. I). 1884, tothe Biuthday of April A. D. 18G9. Dated at H ileoz, June 23d 1864. . ..- NOTICE-. Insurers iu the West Branch Insurance' Company of Lock Haven Pe'nua., must pay the nmount due said company, levied by it in assess ments, Nos. 9 & 10, lo the undersigned before, or duiing next Court week, otharwise proceedings will be commen ced agaiust them, to compel such pay. went."' 'i ' LAURIE J. BLAKELY. ' Attorney for the Co St. Mary's, Pa., Nov. 20th 1804. - TijE It M S .0, F , GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK , FOR 165- (Fur irhlrh there eanle no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1805. " At prcBeht.'WO will receive subscribers at the following rates.' Due no tice will bo given if wears obliged to ad vance, which will dejjond upon the pripe f paper. ' One copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, one year Three copies, one year Four copies, one year five cTTpj copy to the person sending the club, waning Clpicv : vear, and an extra 6 60 10 00 11 on j.igiu copies one year, and an extra ' ' copy to the one1 'sending (he club, ' ' ! making nine copies ' 21 00 Eleven copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the one sending the clnb, making twelve copies ' '27 50- Additions to any of the above, clubBy $2 50 each subscriber. , OodeV-'s T.nilvftt Ttnnlr nn1 Art)iii-1i Magazine will be sent, each Gae yea, oji receips of 4 60. We have no club with any other jtfagazina or Newspaper. The money must all be sent at one time for any Club. - ' ,' ', Canada subscribers must tend 24 cents additional for each subscriber. Address L. A. GODpY, .V. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Strteti Philadelphia Pa, , , . TO CONSUMPTIVES. . Consumptive sufferers will receiye a valuable prescription, for the ciire , of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat'and Lung affections,' freo of charge," by sending their address to'.'. Rev. EDWARD A.WILSON, ; Williamsburg, King Co., !i juoiitus New York.