"'i''1 ii ir ii 1 mil" 1 1 1 1 i i a a lamnrarrj.wirr.'i s tajlo y a, i ;j a m T. T: A BEAM S,, 'J AltOBRIT AT Law - . . . .. " LOCK- nATEK, PA. AttorttYVt Lw. Itidjfway Elk eatf y JV, will , tterj4 :4a .all profesiion wUiineee-pfojnptljj r. ; , - ,.. v -vCHAPIN & WILBUR. " Attorneys and Coonsetersat Law.' Offio inTJiapin's Black Ridgay Elk Co. Pa Particular attention given to collection and ali momcs tnvrniptly remitted. ' Will alto practice in adjoining counties. - ALSO.-nraaoh of tha Nation Claim a gnoy of Washington u. Cii conducted by HavTe.Tj Collina an&Jfrnra, fr the prose ntioa before Congress, Theourt of Claim art a the rerftTtmentil' of flovernment at WMhlnptMi. p. n . Rpp1, m(inn) fop Jn, R lid a WidowVanH MntlMt-t Armt T'eimiona, Soldier's Claim tor Bounty Money nnd Ar rears of Tay, rtent. Bounty I.a'nd, extra Pay and fn?ra1 claims agrtint the florcrn w.rntfir T)nrt.nr,etiti 'fcrnr f hx... aaaraettr. -Thone wih'nr artpliceftnn 0f i tho ".bora nature will b promntt and ra'U- I -t , . . . . J ..larHT Rcrnnnaoaatao By applying to the abeva named firm. , . - , , , . . , , JOHN G JT A T, I ATTORNEY AT LAW. . I Pulgway I lk County Pnrm DR. W. JAMES-BLAKELY .St-1 MjryVi, Klkl ronnty , Pa. s pr wTwrsHAW,.; , Prnotict'S Mi-didi es fc SiirgHrY' Centre ill llkCo., p . , LB- J. s: B 0 R D WE LL Eclectxjc. Physician, - Will promptly answer til profensional im ov niirat or (Jay. Uesidenee ono ioor East of tbe late residence of ' Hod. J. L. Gillia. OTLXS: R. Co., Pa. sight or day. Earliy, Kersey Elk Will attend to all , calls . July 21, 1861. a.s. mm M. D. KiR3Kr, Elk oounty P Till promptly altand to all calla in his profeseion. s h HOTEL CARDS. ' '' FRED. KORB'S, - EaIe Hotel ( Lnthersburg, Clearfield County Pa. tiiFretirick Korb Proprietor bay. ing built a large and ennnnodious house, ialiow propared to cater to the wants of the traveling public. " Lothersburs;, July 16th. 1884. ly." ' LUTHER RBURG lIOTEh7 Xutheribu, Clearfield C tr. Fn. i WILLIAM SC1IWEM, IVoprietor. Luthersbary. July 27th 18( t. tf. m N"TI()'. IIOiKL! Corner of Peach Street and the Buffalo Road, .. . : A R l.K J' A . -. ENOS B. HOYT, Proprietor ' CS-This House id new and fitted up With e pcoial care for the convenience and comfort of eusta, at miylerate rates. ' . , -exchange hoteT! t. , . , lii'ttiroi. Elk ronn'i Pn.,' . DAVID THAYER, Prop'r. 88.Thi house is pleasantly situated on tha bank of the CKricn. in the lower end f the town, t's well prorided wiih houae roam and stabliafc. and the proprietor will pre no paina to render the stay of bia sruests pleaaaat and afcreeabla. RMwott Ju.li 28, 1830. ny. i'E ifo us k , M E 0 CI e m e n t s , i,. Proprietress ' . ft-' i' fi ' i RidgwAy, : Klk County Tenna " Boot-jick Elk Oounty P. , II. it N S ',.up'k. 'Ridway N'ot. 23ih 1863. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, C Itt.VKK OF AlAllKKT ANU A'aTKR Sf'S i - i ' if i : Clunfiild Pa , 'GEO. N OOLBURN, Pkoprietob - ST MARY'S HOTEL- .MAaY'S Kl.lt ('OL'.M'Y 1'KNNA. W. WELLENUORF, Prop'r. 'AT, LEI? IZOUSS iAii.n s tt.., a-. . E. W. BIGONY, Proprietor. Omnibus running to and from tha Depot tree oi cnartre. - - u Jb'USINESS . C A It D 8 LAURIE J. BLAKELY, rrnnvrv Avn rniTNSRT.T.VP N AT LAW. - -a- i i r... : Bt. Gary's, Elk Couuty Pennylrania WOODS&VVIUGIlT Lock Haves, Clinto County Pa. I EALERS in Flour, Gram and J Ftd--nar the ' Vvwenger Depot H60R1IEAU HOUSE, Main St Brook vUle Pa.', C, N. Kreta. Prop'r ijThiB bouse has been, refitted and furnish id a nnat sririn fttt.l la eunru - nt h waste of the nbK. -wm wau M V V TV 01 W P. W, B A R RETT; Ed 1 1 vol s: DICKINSON & CoPE AtEI in Merchandise j'rov'miona Ac., on the t- Ufnil; ptf nytlrm, at prices inuoh ' to the advantage of purchasers. ! . Dealer in , ' ,"; riothimt. nta. & Men's Fu-nisliing GjJf 6 , watkr arnRRT. Lock tUTaa, CLiaroa Co.,' T's ;1" Centreville, Elk county Fa A DO L P II T I M M i ..-...... . Centrevi'Ic, I Ik county la 6SGeneral MatiuCiicturer of Wagons? Buggies &c.-rALSO Furniture, Eut:irs Bureaus, Tables. Stanas BedHfads and Chairs. . All kind of Repairia done at reasonable rates. . ' book store; ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PA. In the room formerly occupied by Poet. Blakely. a - 18(54 1864 arafiwSW mum. vl ij 1 ) HILADELPHI A & ERIE RAIL I - ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania , to the oity of Erie, on Lake Erie.: ..' , x : It has been leased by the tnnsyhn nia Had Road Company, and is opera ed by thetu. ti , 1 Its entire length was opened for ps sener and froight business, October 17th, 1S61. TIME. OF PASSENGER .TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. . Lcnyf Jj'tattcanf, Through Mail Train , ,12 21 p. m ; Accommodati in , . 9 45 a. in ,Lfnvn Wesftcard. Through Mail Train 11 3D a. m . Accommodation ... 5 33 p. in Passenger cars run through without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erio. Eleuknt Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Willianispnrt and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. , For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner 30th and Market S's. And for Frsight business of the Com pany's A cents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th .an 1 Market Sta. Philadelphia. J. ft' Reynold Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. 0. R. R. Ba tini ore. II II. HorraTOM, Gm'l. FroitjKt Aft. Phi'. FI. W. G winner, . Gtn't. Ticket Ajt. PM n Jos. D. Potts, , - . .. General Minn.yr, Wunp't. COUNTY DIRECTOR 7. VrenlJent Ju'lqe. Hon. R. G W bile. Wellsborougb. . Axori'aa Ju'ftt, Hon. -V. S, Brockway. Jay tp. Hon. R. C. Schultie, St. Mary's-' Sheriff. . . " " " P. W. Hays, Ridgway ProtltKHfturi, Reg. ami Jti c. Georgo EJ. Weis, RiJgway Dutrict Atlornry, J. C. Chapin, Ridgway . J rtaturer, Charles Luhr. St. Mary's . County Surveyor, George Walmsley, St. Marys . Oomminsioneri, Charles Weis, St. Mary's Julius Jones. Beoexe't Joshua Keefer, Jones Aiulitort, RT. Kylor, Fox . Henry Warner, Jones II. D. Derr, Bencjett Administrators Notice Letters of Administration have been granted in due form of Law, to the sub snriber Win. Mack upon the' Estate of Elisha Jick, Late of Salem MJ de ceased. All persons having aDy claim against said Estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated for set tlement.' Any person owing the Estate, are requested to make payment forth with. WILLIAM MACK. A'liAinittratcr of tha Eittt of Elitha Mxk ', Dcto$eh: - i. , Jnna 11th 18644 ;- ta-u ; 1 f o r INDEPENDENT, . .- TERMS-. 2 5 per Ari lkiDowAT Elk Oountt Pknna Butter Sixty Cents a Pound ' - Hark from th t niS -loli'lul sound, BiHter pi'iv i"rnt a tmund 1 ; Suit and pi!-y. war and thunder, ' 1 "av pf 'Sile aud piy for a cucumber. ; What ncikes it so? how can it be ? Two doMarx for a pound of tot . Seventy emits for cifftje ir)iind, : : A'f j 1 butter sixty cents a ponnJ. "' . , X-'- 1 ij-t , riav llicy say 1 ot the rrt,: - ' ' P:-rty dollar for a- fnrJ .Gra'n jt-a U, I'lid Gren ge'doWn," ,' A11 1 bu'tpr six'y cetiui a p'nnd ' Dry it'LtdH, tin. are more than double 1 o fiver your back it is some trouble ; I Bur latest fashions bfi contractors found, And butter sixty cents a pouno. - ' ' 1 -j; , ;' We soon shall have tostoptheslaunhter j As a pound of beef now costs a qu irter, And that sometimes is ne:tr the round, d And butter sixtj cents a pouud! : . ... , .-. . Thcy say that speculation oanws a'l ; True, tor rmr nigjri five wliite men i'.i!l; Ni.rs:-r.ir,j w iiteiuiiigoe-uiidergrouad, V lulu butter 'a sixty cents a pound 1. We are fightiug now. they say, " t In tho true and righteous way, To put tho nigger upund white men down, While butter's sixty ceuta a pound 1 0 1 this is a gloi ious war, , . , We should have had it long before, , . . And thanks we say to Old John Brown, For butter's sixty cents a pound 1 And thanks, we say. to Abe and Chase, And all them fellers-in that place 1 - For 'hey are bound to keep ua down While buttcr'8 sixty cents a pound 1' . - ' i-.' V ..' When first the boys went to the war, They always lel't rith a grand hurra'i ; But, now we hear no cheering sour.d While butter's sixty ceuta a pound. . ..: Old Abe, he hives to make a joke, r , nil said this war w?uld end in sniuke. The joke it good, as wa have touod, And butter's ixty cenU a pound 1 Where is the gradual emancipation ? Where its the honest compensation t Where is his inaugural that looked so . round ? " Where i$ butter ? sixty ecnls a pound ! CilO&ijS.-T love tho roosters crow, , ' I love to soo the piggies grow. I hate to see tha cows around When butter's sixty cents a v ' . - - pound. Josh Billings Answers Correspondents. his ' A MERir'US Your contribushun iz n hand. ." We liko its fluidness. It h ike ile on a hand hill. Na'ur h ii liil -( ifoo'! thing lor vu.' and vu ou-ht tew be willing tew dew a go-'d thinvr for n-itur. This line in v..nr pro.'uk.huM strikes us a very but ful and ongmal : ' .Ud la n the luxury of d-.w.n.j -ood' Gold. sm th h.-.elf m,re havo him pmul of such a line. And again : "Oh, would tr u p y" ov."in iuretfi at ithers pee uz :" vure idee ov introdusiiig the Skotch ackscnt into yours ile, iz vpry h.inpee. If vou nr-v er hav rod Robert Burns. ' vou will l e surpriised to larn that bis stile very 'much i-. se'iiliels j urs! hise more 'y 11 ;iv ' It iooi iinoc is bliss, 'tis follow to I,.-' i-e ' . This 8,-ntiinent iz y-t :iz tni i- "1. z common. Pope. I think, has 'iiiu thini: similar ; but awl grate m'nds stun t:mes exjircss theirselfs alike Your coiitrihu-hun will appear in our issu, WOH H VUt piklUI OI H MIT UUK" Ul -.1. 1 , 1 1 .1 . tho fop jp Ov it, ... , Flora Yu say that "Yure Adol. t.hus hz proved ui.trn, and yu must I.e. 1 never advise drth under enny circumstances, altho t proberly iz rh. ap. erj.st now tfc die than Uiz tew l.vo. Bi-ar up like a man 1111 ler yurn dispen- ashuns Take sum Pills; but if yn find that vu uri 10 bound ' up in Ad d. phus that fissick won't wurk.'hire out to teach a distrik skule, and it won't be 3 months before yu Van exklaim, with the. Pafriark ov old, Adolphus be d d ! . ""A-nniiiKsum.y azyuao, "this wurld is awl a fleetm c.rkus. for man's t .1. i , .. .. iiiusnun given, out tnai aintnorezun for Dot pitching in and being illusioned onsa lu a while. I wouldn't give a scut for a man who hadn't bin illusioned. and who didn't expect tew bet several times agin.' ' .i,.., PniLANPEH Yn ask ma which is the most best, the marrid or the sirierla condishun? Most evry boddy, at sum time in their life, huz trido the tsingle state . also, most everybody has banker- ed alter the double state, or marrid flgrj. dishun. I hsv f ride both states, and am reddy trw sware. that if a man kan pa n woman wno sau in pannanes on both sidea-without -burnin them, and r. . L - i r. : i . don't ka.iker t bb A .wlmmio'a kommit. . i, tne raarnea matt is .a u rth wl tew oppt, ' Btt after LJ LI - Satordat Dcenber 3d IS 'md state U a good deal like falling our of a chrrry tree ; if a person don'. happen tew git hurt, it it a good reaf. vu iur uut irieiinglt asm. Giving Joy to a Child- ' ' Blkmjkd be the hand that prepare? a ;u-nnre tor a child, there is no saying -h-n ami where it m;iy again bloom 1 lii-jii;, Does 11 '.it almost evoryboly nv ntijio.w souio kind hejvtcd iiiiiu. who : r.h i-va ! h'111 a kiiidnc's' in' the' ilulest 'tluva .1 childhood ? The .writer t t - : ( .il'ecls himself, at thts ui-an.'nt m :t b.ireiioted lul, stand. ng attha wood en (Voce of a poor littlo garden in 3 iittivti village, whila. tho longing eyes he t ' i;jz5'1 on the fi.iwers which were bloom " iiiif there quietly in tbft brightness :'of a nuoboth morning iho possessor oamo torfh from his httlo. cottage ; he war a wool. cutter by , trade, and . sput ; the. whole week at work in the woods. lie h i l como into the grden to gath"r fl-iwors to stick in his coat when ho went trf churoli. He saw the boy and b'cak in off the most beautiful of his carna- tions it was streaked with red and white he gavo to him. Neither the giver nor the receiver spoke a word, and with atiouiidtng steps the boy ran home. And n w here, t a vast, distance from that home. ''ter so niiinv rvents. nf on many yws. the feeling of gratitude whicn agitatod the breast of that b)y expenses . itself ou paper., The earn' tio'i hai lo:ig since withered, but it how blooms a fresh. 1 " " A CniLoa Expeuiknt. A little girl about lour years eld trotted down to Atlanta Dock the other day, says a New York correspondent to buy eomi corn for her Jnothor's chicken's. . She had a pail in.hor baud in whjch to put jhe com, but before she. reached' the spot vrh'ere aha ' was uccustomod 1 to find r it, sho'camo to a cack of hooey. Tikis was not to bo passed Jby without, an effort to obtain some of it. The men at, work within the dock, uo obsr.rved by the child watched'' her at. tempts to reuih tho seet temptation, iler littlo anus wcr; too bLart for, the tnterprise. but after a Moment's eonsid cratiou. hhe took off her shoa and stock ing,' rolled up her drawers, and climb jog up on something againft which the ca.-k stood, let down her foot at.d ankle into the honev : then she drew it up. and with her hand scraped off the ooney into her pail. This she related until the pail was lull, when uhe weDt to tho waterside and wroed, and replacin" her shoe and. stocking, started with her spurt for "home. A man followed her an.3 heard her tell her mother that she had brought homo honev: 'but to all I questioning as to show how she obtained 'it, she wos mute. In a short' time she rcturneu to the deck for her chicken fiiod, when, a J" I understand, thero was quite an excitement over her, and a collection taken up to reward her inge. iiuitj not, 'tis to be hoped, to cocour Hge her bouc8ty. I' -- KTaltrinP' ; Th9 fiWinR is a wfitern descrip. t!on wai!rill!l . V group of splendid 01ie, is a the floor, and lovingly ma. ted j the sreuts encircle their partner's w llsfs witll om3 artll. Xne ,u,ltea M:l - "geutl. - man closely face to face. They iin- vei v erect, and lean a little back. The ladies l-nn a littlo forward. (Mu ti;. Now all wheel and whirl, circle rnrl. ' I t et and heel ot gents, go v:p :ap. rip, rap. Tip. vJ.adu- fuet go " .1 ' ,;P tippely tip, tap. Thtn all z rij.peiy.'clipj ety,' slippety, flippety. 'k'piety.hojipiiy. jumpity, ' suotppity. thump. ' Ludifs fly oft' by' centrifugal mouii tituni. 'Gents pull ladies bard and chif-e.- They reel,-awinn,' slide, -look tender, look silly, look dizzy, Feet Cy, 1 - u. fl ,. fl l T. . i-.- w mi, iiuuim u, , nil uii i V 11119 fly. bIiuktIiu - hiiiTirv stuggity, buggity, ; pullity, , squeozity cr(1119 between steelyards' au.l ' limber. prem-ity, ruppity, vi'i'i I no men like jeka," beetles aud' jointed X'a. The ...H.dena tuck down their china vory low, , or tawe ,i,em .ce.dintfi 1,;. Som gw'tHt f,eoiT. fhe ladies' fi'ces are trlirirl.t iinri I rvio n anni. Lima. ami ..11 bro-ight oiriiinst those of tho meu, or into (heir, bosoms, toes ngaiust toes. .Now they are again making a sound, gourgy peorgy, dcery peery, didy-pity. f.l'l'lllf.V n.iUKAV 'l'Kld itniiltd .n( j r v ..vs ,.i. much, but the extras are tlorious. It the llien were women, there would be no such' dancing. But they . are only meu, and so the thing goes on by wo. men's love of it.' , , . i ... . , .. . A .Grandmutper. As two urchins were trotting along together, ' oue of them fell and broke a nitcher ho wua uarrvins;., Heeommeneod crviiif. when the other boy esked him why vhe took on sot1 ,,,Ca'Uo,", said he, ."whprj J get home utoter will irbip me lor ; brcabin" tho mua."- ,., . ! "What." said the other, "ain't vou . , . .. . ' got a granaoioltier livin house V at . yonr . "No !" was tho renl. A IUi. JP"ll't'.BU'""t".lMUll'iW spades 4 1 2 to 6 A. .1. I dig nnd throw up tha earth. Get sick and thro up my yesterday's rations. . ' 7 . o'clock Another . roll of drums Filing 'off into line and defiling my inexpressibles with mud and other sacred soil, drawing ramrods but norpay. No shelling out by government, but a cussed sight too much shelling out by Grant. 9 o 'dork. More drilling, but not' of the cotton kind. Wherewith ' to increase my present supply of one shirt." : '..-.. 10 a'fit- k.' .More digging. "Spadu'ar researches into the geological formation of tho earth. , Find it to comprise al. ternate stratas of sweat, ' sunstroke, swearing and blisters. 12 o click. Evidences ! of dinner. haw tapt. 1 awkck picking his teeth with a ten-pcany nail, and the corpora! taking a chew ot tobaoco. O, Maviat,if vou onlv knew what I havesutorja to save you from being ooroarded by the diahoiiejl l anks Itather than any of the Northern seum should blockade my dear Marinr, I'i divorce her. Col. Pluck oamo very nca i. ..i. ,. . . ueing suoi in toe uecs oy one oi iih owu t'fucers. Ihceoionel bad ja.3t got hia etafi together, and struck bis noble stecul with tt when Capt. Swipes levelled ii bottle at r,.m. fortunately the content miwied his jugular, and went down th natural way, I am reduced to a skele too. My eyes ere sunk so tar into ni nea'.t that 1 can loot down my windpipi clcau through my entire interior I there was a hole in thu top of my lies I'd make a first law.' tch'nTope (I've gi the glasses in n.e now ). My chin is s i , , .. . . sQarp nia. ii siuives iiseu. i m goin; on picket duy S-n ' ' Picket ilitiy i awful hard r ,r' .1 '! .- -v-i-v n'-h .1. . . . .y i iicu(, guii -f-v ! ' : ! we to look for him we :i m siu l,,:, u v oil toj. Eery u d i liu-bml. I'il'CKMiinN IIanpki, . P. S" 1 f you.- il I father has dranl upall thai U iw'lft'i'it juioo I icltathouie I il cium the ilemnohii down his throi and c 'ik l.ioi n,i with a boot heel Thar'a bo Marriar, Brains. An Ani?ric.in slnp-ofwa had put into an hnglisH p it, and I Hint Jitu'euunt went uslioie to rec uoitre. , In the course 6t hia travels 1 encountered a tavern where a numhc ot Uritish iifficvrs were carousing Th at uiieo rooogtuZHd the lieutenant' n tiouahty by his dress, and resolved amuse 'hem-telves by bullying him. . e'l, e .mrade," sai l ona, "you b hinijf tij the United States navy, see if" ' 'Rii.'ht'ras the answer. . "Now what would you say to a . m wh.) w.iuh say that your navy did u contain an otH.;er fit for a gunboat ' coiiiinned an I'jiirlishiii.iii. "I would blow his brain-, out." retur ed the lieutenant with great Coolness. . Thero was a silence ainonir her M jesty's serrante for a moment; finally of ot them, more muddled 4hau the rc managed to Mamtuer out -"W-well. Yank, l-IIaayit,"- : The American walked to his side, a replied calmly : 'It is lucky for you, shipmate, th you have no brains to blow out." btruck by the dignity of the answ. ! the offondor-tit once apologized, aud o hero was invited toj no thciness. Bri. An Irishman bring asked whe er he did not frequently converse w a friend in. Irish, replied : "No. indee Jemmy often speskes to mo in Ir j but I always answer him in Enslis': ' V, hy so I "Because, yon seo, I d. that I nnderst Tp?5'fV t, the married etat ia a llc.en and t.f'Well. I have ; and 1 might break ant JenaWj to kuo irth awl tew ott ' Bttt after awl, the twe ura and they daroo'i whip -ae." - InVV it. . v- ng:.K u a,.a n: t.i . , ( , ; : ' z -r: ' K txs'ltort v.,