THE ELK ADVOCA T E COUNTING HOUSE ALMANAC. F H 1 8 6 4. M jg H -d n 50 J I H I -2 I H I I I r g i r 1 1 gl rU 5 5 1 ! s ? Jan. : "" 1 2 Julj 1 2 3456789 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 Feb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aug. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 Mar. 1 2 3 4 5 Sept 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 Apr. ,12 Oct. 1 3456 789 2345678 10 11, 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 i6 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Met 1,23456 7 Nov. 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 ,16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 Jim 1 2 3 4 Dec. 12 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 8 9 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 2. 28 29 30 31 Commissioners' teftle of Unseated Lauds in Elk count y. IN pursuance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 13th day of March, A. I). 1815 entitled "Au el to amend an act dircctiug the mode of ' selling un.eated lands or taxes, and for other purposes," and the supplements theieto. the CoiiiniissUtn trs of Elk county, will expose to I'UHLIC SALE, at the court house in Uidjiwuy en Friday the 12th day of February, A. D., 18G4, the following several tracts if land, situated and described as lollows : No. 4900 5004 5333 5032 4994 4850 2021 3666 4899 4998 4548 4537 2787 5383 5406 3668 3670. 3667. S669 4890 4897 4185 4899 5792 4867 5349 4996 4999 4180 Acre. 403 990 1100 100 150 579 400 350 100 550 912 653 ' 940 '1100 30C 1 350 350. 350 350 '200 25 83 100 1073 J 102 200 182 650 990 Warrantee. Jones, Warner and Andrews W. Williok George Mead C. F. Luce Charles Luhr Joseph Kidder John Nicholson Nichols and McPherron W. Willi'ik Owner unknown Nichols mid Mcpherson John Nicholson Nichols ind Mcpherson H. and II. and .J. Mis II. and II. and I. .lix Nichols and Mcl'hcrton do do do do do do Eli II. Dunn Warner and Andrews Chancy Brockway O. O. Shipman Robert Ilarria W. Willink George Mead W. Willink do James Wilson Townthip. Fox. Jay Gibson. Jay. Beneiett. Fox. Highland. do Jay. Meuezett. Spring Croek Kiilgwsy. Spring ('rook. Gibson, do Highland. ' do do do Fox. Jay. do do Itidgway. do Bencrett. do Gibson. Jay. oamissioneri Office, Deo. 28th 1 863. By order of the Commissioners, j. c McAllister, clerk. t Tabular Statement of the ) Male and Female and the 1 turned by the Assessors ol A Disraicrs. Beneiett Beniinger, Foi, ' Highland, Jonee, jjRidgway, e 3 m . Spring Creek, number of Taxable inhabitants in Elk county Pa. number of I'eaf, Dumb and Blind persons, as ra the several Boroughs and Towu-hips within said Balance due Treasurer By orders redeemed Treasurers commission 11,82 179,72 Cr (174.53 6,19 179,72 Fox School fund Dr To bnlanoe due fund last set. tlcment $ 5,53 .Taxes ree'd on Unseated lands 17,81 By di t. Tress. Receipt Treasurers commission Balance due fund Cr. 23,34 $ 5,53 1,03 16,78 23.34 Highland Road fund Dr To bnlanoe due fund at last set. $186,13 Taxes reed, ou Unseated lands 52,40 By orders redeemed Itelunilin order 1 reasurers cammissiou 238,53 Cr S227.33 3,55 7,65 238,53 Highland school fund Dr To bal. due lurid lastsettlem't $345,18 Taxes reed, from Unseated lands 18,05 By uist. Treas. Receipt Refunding order Treasurers commission 363,23 Cr $351,04 2,55 9,64 363,23 Jones Road fund Dr To bal. deu fund at last settlem't$ 3,03 Tax reed, on Uuseated lands 12,16 By order redeemed Treasurers commission Ballancc due fund Cr 15,19 $10,03 43 4,73 15,19 Elk & McKeno St. Road Dr To bat. due fund lust set tlcin't $151,13 Balance due Treasurer 3,78 By order redeemed Treasurers commission Cr 154,96 151.18 3,78 154,96 Jones School fund Dr To taxes reed, on unseated lands $6,08 Cr By dist. Treasurers receipt $5,83 Trpupur s commission 25 Total 6,08 Or Jay Road fuud To balanci-due fund $103 30 Tjx teed ou L'useatid lands 54 00 Iial"ie due Treasurer 1 76 Total 159 06 Cr. By oi dors redeemed 153 30 Treasurers commission 5 76 Total 159 06 Dr Jay .'chool fund To bal duotund last settlamcot 240 83 29 15 i J ulius Jones Commissioner Clias Wets Jos. W Taylor Joshua Keefer " Road Views J C Chapin Corur's counsel P W Barrett Ptinting Postage Prison expenses Assessors Constables Election expenses J C M'Allister Comr's clerk Repairs Jury fees Revenue stamps County Auditors Refunding orders Treasures commission Percentage allowed collectors Belief granted to families of vol. unteers 46 00 78 00 76 00 800 29 50 10 00 211 00 151 17 00 28 00 76 68 326 11 187 50 7147 925 81 6 00 27 00 31 60 194 95 141 74 318 50 $3580 19 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF ELK COUNTY on January, 4th 1864. Assets Amt of unseated taxes outstan ding $4386 08 Taxes outstanding in the hands of collectors 2067 45 Bal. due county by Treesurer 926 52 Total Liabilities County orders outstanding Amt due Sheriff Hays 7380 05 $178 93 25 75 Tota $204 68 Excess in tavoi of county $7175 37 BALANCES DUE FROM COLLEC TORS OF TAXES, January 4th 1864. Years, amount due. 183 E G Hays, Fox Sebastian Hahn, St Mary's boro. AJum Jesberger. ' Beniinger, ltaipn Johnston Jr. lieneictt, Chancy Clinton. Jerome Powell, Joseph Hetinickert Hiram Carman. William J. Stubbs, 1802 Kelson Gardner, JohnStoltie, Jacob Thorn, Joseph Koch, Martin Sore, 1861 David B. Winslow, W. C. Healy. .A'oah Strubel, H. X. Wilaoa, 1859 David S. Luther, John Coleman, 1858 S. K. Lawrence, Geo. R. Wilcox, Jay, tfidgway, Jones, $287 97 41 86 121 59 . 24 82 129 18 153 78 70 39 Spring Creek, 77 09 Highland, Ridgway, Jones, Jay, Fox, Beniinger, Beneiett, Hidgway. Jones, Beneiett, Ridgway, Gibson, 11 AH YI U A. I, L V ! TREMENDOUS RUSII TO THE New Store AT CENTREVILL, ELK CO. PA. Luhr, Scikenino & Sneerinoer's. NEW GOODS HAVE COME! THE PEOPLE. Awake to their Interest ! As is manifested by the daily thronjr. of customers exchanging "oreen backs" for Goods ! All the Domestic Cotton Goods are high. Custome. s, one and nil exclaim ! Ho-W Cheap Your Dress Goods ABE Our stock consists of Dry Goods 3 C9 80 67 6 97 151 88 ! 165 80 77 93 23 07 160 61 2 87 25 89 105 62 99 62 Spring Creek, 18 94 Ridgway, 162 31 Deaf and Dumb Blind Female Male Total. F M F M 1 103 104 222 222 1 1 4 339 343 16 7 7 101 108 1 98 99 4 467 471 9 126 135 1 64 65 1 I 28 1526 1554 A Md If on Settlement. JMES COYNE, Eqr. Treasurer Cf M pnuntT. ia account with tha bounty for the year 1863, with the tveral funds: Juary 4xh 1864. Dr. i baiance due county Last Beroent, $2,662,32 rax col. unseated lands 90,01 eeeived from collector 1 fifisi 71 lirchaae money or Lauds Kountj 37,79 I" i total Cr. 4,459,86 Ballance due Treasurer Cr. 1,94 434,14 Tax reed, on Unseated lauds Total Cr By dist. Treasurers Receipt Treasurers commission Balance due fund Total Dr Ridgway School fund To bal. due at last settlement Balance due Treasurer Total Cr By dist. treasurers receipt Tieasurerii commission Total Dr Spring Creek School To bal. due luud last settlement Cr By Dis. Treasurers receipt Treasurers commission Total Di St. Mary's borough Road & Corpora, Balance due fund latsettlem't 6 99 Tax reed, an Unseated lands Total Cr By balance due fuud Treasurers commission Total Dr St. Marys School fund To taxes paid on unseated lands Cr Balance due fund Traasures commisaion Total 270 03 240 88 6 75 22 40 270 03 96 33 1 41 97 73 93 03 4 73 97 73 fund 41 56 I 40 73 j 83 41 56 351 15 34 15 03 31 14 34 89 76 12 89 By dist Treasurers receipt $423,55 By Treasurers commission 10,59 434,14 Beniinger Road Dr. To amount collected on Un seated lands $54,32 Ballance due Treasurer 7,05 By commissioners receipts nor orders canceled $3,090,25 Orders canceled by Auditors 189,54 Paid couuty Auditors by order f Court 27,00 Refunding orders 31,60 Treasurers commission on ,338.39 2J per ct. 83,46 Treasurers commission en 4,459,68 2p-rct. -111,49 BfUlaoeedue county 926,52 - 1 lloul . : 4,459,83 Beneiett Road fund Dr. f ,To ataouat due fuud at last ' ttl.n.nt : llh ftp. Jj Road orders redeemed f 15,88 V. Beneiett school lupd yr Cr. 61,37 By Road orders redeemed $ 7,00 Bal. duo Treas. last settlement 51,51 Treasurers commission 2,73 61,37 Beniinger School f d Dr, . To taxes received on Ua seated lands . $27,12 Bal. dud fund at last settlement 17,38 Tj due t W'.'atiUuccul 13 O Oft - - - 44,50 k a:L TrcM. Reeeijt ,, $42,72 t4TreaicoaiM8aio. . , , .1,78 4v n v '.'t.i u i - - -V. ' 41 DrvV' 'Balance due . f-tx ,as, s,,2 - , Tasei reed. OB 1 -3 ,7 Dr St. Mary's corough School fund. To taxes reud. on unseated lands 4 89 Balance due trsasurer 1 77 Total 6 66 Cr By bal. due Treas' last settlcm't 6 38 Treasurers commission 28 Total 6 6'3 pECKIPTS AMD EXPEXD1 IX TURKS of Elk county, lor the year 1863: January 5th 1864 By balauce due Co. at last set. tlemeot, $2,662 32 Taxes coi. on Unseated lands 90 01 Received trout Collectors 1,669 74 Purchase money ou Lauds sold at Couuty 87 79 Jury Fees 8 00 Total 4,467 86 Amount Paid. 1 Charles M'Veau, Auditors clerk $12 00 Coroners Inquest - 580 ( J A lUthJum auditing Prothy acts 600 State Roaa View - 217 82 FmI j- - ... - 29 74 Stationary Blank books &.,' 136 50 Miscellaneous Expenses - ' '8 95 6'ourt orier fco t t ' t.i 60 00 Rlwriff tee )' J ' . 91 18 . Prothonotary's fee ,', f : -124 58 1' i 'onmujownalth costs, ,43 5o Juiticts lV.c-3 . y ; 18 59 iJcunties oa Vches, Foxes &e" 53 10 $2058 06 Those marked with a star, () have since paid in full. THE GREAT American Tea Cfompny, 51 Veasey Street, New York Since its organization, has created a new era in the history of Whoi.ksai.k Tras in this Country. they have introduced their selections TEAS, nnd are selling them at not over tw cents per pound above cost, never deviating for the one price asked. Another peculirity of the company is that their Tea Taster not only devotes his time to the selection of their teas as to quality, value and particular styles for particular localities of country, but he helps the tea bujer to choose out of their enormous stock such teas as are best adopted to his particular wnntu, and not only this but points out to him the best bargains. It is easy to see the incalculable advan tage a tea buyer hag in this establishment over all others. If lie is nojudgeof tea or the market, if his time is valuable he has all the benefits of a wel1 organized system of doing business, of an immense capital, of the judgement of a professional Tea Taster, and the knowledge of superior salesmen This enables all tea buyers no matter if they are thousands of miles from this mar ket to purchase on as good terms here as the New Pork merchants. Parties can send orders and will be served by us as well as though they came them seves, being Bure to get the original pack ages, true weights and tares, and the teas are warranted as represented. We issue a price list of the company s eae, which will be sent to all who order it comprising JJjton, Young Hjton, Imperial, Gunpowder, Twankey and Skin, Oolong, Souchong, Oange ... and Ilyton Pohoe. Japan Tea of 'every detcription, colored and uncol'tred, . This list has each kind of tea divided into four classes, namely, Cargo, high Cargo Fine, Finest, that every one may understan, from description and the prices annexed that the company are determined to undersell the whole te trade. We guarantee to sell all our teas at mi over T (J CENTS per poud above cost, believing this to be attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying enormo'is prices. GKEAT AMERICAN TEA CO., Importers and Jobbers, Mo. 61 Vessey 8t., N. 1 Sept. U. 1883 mft. NOTItTZ To all whom it may coucern that the partnership heretofore existing between Hyde, Ilouck 5c Little, has this day been disolved, by mutual consent, nd the business will hereafter be conducted id the name of IJ7deaod Reed J. S. HYDE. For HYDE, HOUCK & LITTLE To Consumptives. Consumptive sufferers will receive a Valuable prescription : for the ' cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of charge J by sending their address to Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings Co.. New York. Hats Si Caps Groceries j 2 "S CLOTHING TIN WARE, HARDWARE, Oils and Paints. Mails , Wooden Ware, Pork & Flour, It is useless for us to attempt, to give a full list of our stock, but invite one and all, to drop in, and examine for themselves. l"Butter, Es, Potatoes, Grain. Hides, Call'bk ins and all country produce taken at market price, for goods. Centreville, April 25th, 1863. Administrarora Notice. Letters of Administration having been granted to the subscribers on the Estate of William S. Meredith, late of Fox tp., Elk county, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make iiuraedute payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authen. ttcated for settleraen to Jacob M'Cauley. ) ,. , . Elisabeth Meredith, Admr . Fox, Sept. 10th 1863. H. A. HA'RSONS BOOT & "SHOE SHOP - On Main Street. Siigway.Msy U 163. AYER'S Ire curing the Sick ! an extent ncrcr before known f any Mcalclne. .KVALIDS, READ AND JL'DGI FOR fOURSMIi itM.ES HAfE!, r.., ti kpowa rf'. T i;tiptnut Sirt, Phndtlthit, who chi pft4uca im found II ulniuAt tverv luiUt, Myi t ' I am huttpr ft nv of vmit C.vh.itic Film, tkftt I tav tMnA thrm bitr Siiiiitr mUirin, ft-r foinuiftft irr, itian unr mhrr within my knnw ltdgt. Manr of l? trirtnU hav'rtlit marked titflu frmn thm, and inriile with n. In belirina lhal thrj ailranrdiairT virtimi for drlrinf mil diraam and curina ih ntk. l liav trf itot (inly rfl'ertiial, but tar and plaaaaiil U Ha laksr nialitira wbicli muxt maka Ibria valuad 7 Ilia fMk, vlipn lhay ara known." rha vanarnbla rhanrtlli WAIDljtW wrilM iVaaa Bai- limiira, 15lh Ail, ISM t " Da. 1. 1'. Ataa Bin I hare Uk.n vmir Filta wit araal Kanafll, Sr tha liallaaanaaa, lanyuor, km m( appatHa, nd niliuua haadarba, hich liaa of lata taaia oaartaka via In tha aaainv. A law doaaa of rotir rifla curad aaa. I ava uard your Cbanv Pacuml manf yaara aa my laaitlr tir ronpha and colda with unfailinf autcaaa. Tou Make aiedirinai wbirb tara ; and I fral M a plaaaura to caiunMe irou fr lha irond you liava dona and ara doinf." IOHSJ P. BEATTY, Ea., Sat. of lb r.nn. Railroad Co.. M' ' P: . Jt. Oft; aJ.Jrtpaia, tMt. IS, IMS. Slr t I taka plrftrntra In adding my taatimuny to tka rTVitry of your ntadicinaa, haTing dariaad vary niatariaf i.aAt fmm tna uaa of huth yonr Pactnral and Catliarut .11 I am ntvrr withawt thrm in my family, nor ahall I .vat ttirwnt to ba, whila aiy anaana will pnura tlwai." Tha wiclaty wnnwnad 8. B. 8TEVKM8, M. D., af Want worth, N. H., writaa: 14 Having uaad yrnir Cavaiaavtc Piixa In my rractlra, I rarlify aliariatica Uiat they ara an (nvaltiabia ptit tii'a. In raaea of diaorderad ftinctiufM of tha livar.cauaiaf aadailte, india,aRtion, coativanaaa, and tha graat vaiaty di:(ra!aa that follow, thay ara a aurar ratnady Uiau ai.f .a In all caaaa wbara a purgative raaiaily la raqtilrad t..itftilantly Krommand tbaaa Pilla to ilia publia, aa parair to any other I bava avar found. Thay ara aura i Ihrir operation, and perfectly eafe quali!iee wbici ate them an (nvaljahla article for public yaa. I bare Air many yaara known your Cktrrj Pt9rl aa tba beat Cough madtcin in tba world ; and theee Pilla are im aa wie interior to that admirable preparation for lha Ifeja. went of diieaaea." - Jltum, M:, AW. M, 1&5S. " tla. J. r. A?a Dear Sir i I have bean afflicted (ran my birth with ecrofula in ita worn form, and now. aftajr twenty yeare' trial, and an untold of amount of eufbriag, have been completely cured in a MW weeka by year Pilla. With what feelinge of rejoicing I write ran only b imagined when you raaliaa what I have euSajrad.aad lew long. " Never until now have I been fraa from tbia leatbaeajo diieaa in aouie fliape. At timea it atuckad my ayaa, aad aiade me aliuoat blind, breldea tha unenduraida pain t al othera it aettlrd in tlie aealp of my head, and deatroyed Bay hair, and haa kept nia partly bald all my daya; emetimaa it came out in my face, and kept M for montha a raw aora. AImhii nine weeka ago I commenced taking ytmt thartic Pilla, and now am entirely free from tbo coniplainC kly ayea are well, my akin ia fair, and my hair haa earn mencrd a healthy growth ; all of whkb Biakaa m Stat alretdy anew person. Hoping tin. atatement may ba the maaneef eteey;a4 information that ahall do good to otiiora, I am, wila erarr aaitiiniant of gratitude. Youre, Ac, MARlA KICItK." ' I have km an tha above named Maria aiakar froaa er childhood, and her 'itement ia etrittly tnro. A nUHErr J. MUBBV , Ovaraaer of the Purbmoutb Manufacturing Co." ,Un. JttEI. PRATT, of Uia abip Mariea, Writea Sana Hoaton, 9,iii April, ISMt " Your Pilla have cured mo from a killeue tttaek wklak ants from derangeuient of the l.tver, whirb bed 'i mni vary aarioua. I had tailed of any relief by my Pbyaieian. and fnaii every remedy I could try but a law daaaa a ytatr Pilla have ctmipletety reetored ma to haaltb. I bar given thrm to my children for worme. with th beat of. fectrJ. 1'hey were pnmiitiy cured. I raroanmeiidad tbeaa to a friend for roetivenoee. whicb bad troubled Mm ftar montha ; lie told ma in a law daya Ibev bad eured blaa. Vou make tlie beat medicine ia Uat world ; and I am faaa V aay au." RVad thta.from the diallngtiiahad Solicitor of tka Saaraeab Ciatrt, whoaa brilliant abilitiaa have made kiaa web known, not only in Uiia but tha neighboring Staue. ' JfM OrfaaM, Sak Jrpral, ISM. " Sir i I have great eatiefaction ia aaauring yna tba myself and family have been very much benaSied by year mediciuea. My wife w aa cured, two yaara eineo, a aa v re and daiigenaie ctHigh, by your Catur Paeveaaa. and amra ttim liaa enjoyed par reel bealtb. My cbildraa have .cvrral timea bran cured from ntlarbeof tbo InSa anta and Crrnip by iL It ia an mvaluakla reaaadr for tlia cinplaiiita. Ytair CvMaavic Tiixa bava aatlralf cured mo a dyepepeia amt cootiveneea, avhiab baa gmwn ui.n ma M aoma yeare. indeed, tbia ear m niiicb mora iiuiainaiit, from lha lacl thai I bad fluted aa gal relief from the beat Pny.iciana which Una eectiea af the conn I rj a(Tord, and from any of tba numeceee ramo. die. I had taken. " You nceiu to ua, Doctor, like a providential kleeaiag to Mir family, and you niay wall euiipnea wa ara set aa illilidfill of il. Youra raiirclfiilly, LtAVIlT TIIAXTER." Sf aafr CUmttr. Okie, jlfrU ,k, IS54. " Da. J. C. Area Honored Si t I have made a tkar o' h trial of the I'.VHaaTic PiLLa, left ma by your ageat aJ hxvt liven cured by thaiu of the dreadful Rhaiimatira. under which he found nie aunaring. The fir-t dune re lievad me. and a few iib.eqneiil have entirely removed ilia ili.ea.e. I feel in better health no ban U I aoma yenra Itafiere, w hwb 1 attribute entirely to Ua alTvcla of your CaTHaaric PiLLa. Yiaira with great i, UiCIL'8 U. MklCALV." , Tha above are all from peraon. who ara publicly known where they re.ide, atid wlio would toil make lhee atata Ciaiiia without a thorough conviction that they were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. A YEtt & CO., Practical aad Analytical ChamiaU. Lowell, Haa. A Democratic and Conserva tive- Panrr in the (Titv of Vow York. Tub New York Weeklt Argcs To .vaintain the Constitution and ta EESTORE THE OSION. The Aaa us will cout inue under iht sJUo. rial charge of its present conductors. -CAL9IRTCOMSTOCK. Wtl.T.IAM CA8 VEDY, AND ELON COMSTOCK, with ample special aaeistanee in every de part incut of the paper. To give additional value and importance to its columns, tho editors have made arrangements for articles upon the great quostious which now agitate the country, from the pens of HO!. HORATIO SEYMOUR, HON. CHAS. O'CNOR, HON. SANFORD E. CHURCH HON. SAMUEL J. TILDES, In every' department of newspaper eater, ptise tho NEW YORK AROUS will compare favorably with the ablest joar utls in the country. In Politica. in Liter nare, in business and Finance, In Agrieull tural Information, ia General News, aad especially in the completeness and accuracy of its reports of the Aoney, Produce, Caett and other markets, it will have no superior The Anous is issued on Thursday, and will reach subscribers, on all the prineiply mail routs, as early as Saturday of each week. Not withstanding the oitraordinaro ncrease in the cose of printinc paper, the proprietors yield to the urgent request of their political friends throughout tho country to furnish their paper to eiubs at tho very low rates heretofore charged. Ia doing so they will be compelled to rely upon (he so ivitty and patriotism of Democrats to see that large clubs are formed at every post office. The importance of circulating Dome crrvtio papers cannot be too strongly irapros. ped upon all who desire the suecoss of Dosse sraticd nnciples TERMS. Single subscribers per annum - $1,00 Throe eopias one year ....... g,00 Eight copies one year ........ 10,00 xXnlj eopioj.tVa. eoVrrle 0,09 ' Wo aannot give aVeatre copy for gottiag up clubs, a or can papers at one doll etc bo separately directed. . WSfln all eases tbo money mast aeeom. panjtheerderl , . . Lfttters. adTSst containing reaciitsaees orotnerwff e. th-Tula be directed to. the -an- dersigneu, eorwer: of. Broadway as Flace. Vow Tor. Jwaymd rtrk coi'Stccx ciEPiar