The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, January 28, 1864, Image 1

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Tkiiljrwnv, or Eenzincer P. 0.1 Klk Co.
T. T. A U A M S ,
A I T 0 11 1 t V AT L A W
I L.W K IIA I 7; A, .1.
j "7 TuTiiER&"wirLis
T&V Jry's at Law, Ridgway Elk eon
V- l a.) will nt ton J to all profession
lock uayex, r..
liisiness promptly.
Altoruoys ami Counselors at Law, Offic
)n ;iiau imocic, luiigway i",:K to. l a
I'arti' ular attcutiou given to collections
and ali monies promptly remitted. Will
als practice in adjoining counties.
Mipvay, Elk Comity IVnna
Mary's Klk bounty Pa.
DRV rw7sHAWi
Iracticoa Medicines it (Surgery
jt.rcvnlo hi k vo. l a.
C I. K 0 T.l C 1 II Y 8 I C I A N
(Liitvly fi barren couuty l'a.)
pioinpliy answer fill profossional
Ku'nt or Jay. Kcsulcnco one,
i'-.ft of tlio late residence of Hon.
T7I. LUllU.
T l5. C. R.
I a Co.. l'a.
Eaki.ey, Kersey Elk
Will attend to all call
July 21, 1SGI.
aidit or Jay.
ISngle Hole!
jthersburg,' Clearfield County Pa.
jrFrcariek Korb Proprietor, hav
built a large and commodious housci
w prepared to cater to the wauls of
thj traveling public.
I'.hcraburg, July 10th ly.
l rr u -nil's n c'n a n o teI, ,
Lull.c'hliu?. t'lcarflridCo. l'a.
iUthcrsburg, July 27h 18(51. tf.
national hotel i
; turner of Peach Street and
the iiutiaio iioaa,
E R 1 I?, P A .
,ENOS B. HOYT, Propnctcr
6yThis House is now and Ct!cd up
cial care fjr too convenience
Lpucsta, at moderate rates.
Boot-jack Elk County Pa,
II. 15. SIIONS, Puop'r.
Ridgway Nov. 28th 1SG3.
Clearfield nousE,
iiottNint of Makkkt and Wateu St's
Ckarfdd Pa
LlEO. N C0LBU11N, Piioiihetoh
lr. jmaryh i.i.k bounty ii:nna,
f uiL'r t uvi,nir l,.V
LOt St JI ayi:x, l'a.
E. Vr. BIG ON V, Proprietor.
Ilmnibus running to aud from the Depot
rce of charge.
f J U S I N E SS C A II D S.
woods tt fiauGirrT'
rTcK. Haven, Clinton County Pa.
EALE11S in Flour, Ij ruin nud
j Feed near the Pusaenger Depot.
3 J
Corrected wccekly:
Apples, (di
"?!-fv Pcnna
ntfVMWU'tf MUM
bushel 8 3 50
... 1 00
... -J 00
lb ... 20
... ton
M. ... 10 00
bushel 1 50
bbl. ... 12 00
lb ... OS
ton ... SO 00
bu. --. 1 00
" ... 2 50
" -. 1 25
M. ... 1 50
dozen 20
1 8hiugles
1 y-wA
P. W. BARRETT Editor INDEPENDENT TEli -J-Jl 25 per Annum if paid in Advanco
1 U)A1. This great line traverses
Ihe Xort horn and Northwest counties of
Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on
Lake Eric.
It has been leased by the IrHnnylca
nia Hail Road Company, and is opera
ed by them.
Its entire length ws opened for pas'
rrngcr and freight business, October
17th, lSiil.
at mini wav.
Leave Etisticard.
Through Mail Train 1
53 p. in.
u. m.
Leave Witttcard.
Through Mail Train 12 S3 p.m.
Accommodation p. in.
Passenger curs run throu 'U without
chango both ways betweou Philadelphia
nud Erie.
Er.E'iKN r Sleeping Caus on Express
Trains both ways between Williatusport
Hud Baltimore, aa l Villialu-,port and
Philadelphia. .
For iutorrii-.tion rc-jp'rciiti" Pa.Mn?cr
business apply at the 1-3. comer 3'Jth
and Ma kct t...
And f.'r FrJgV. wa-.iQCfs of tlio Com
pany's Aont:
8. I. Kinsptivi,' Jr. Cor. 13tU aud
Market Sts.'i'lJladelph'.a.
J. W. Heynclds Erie.
.). M. Dri'.l, Agent N. 0. H. 1. Ual
timore. H. IT. IIor3TOV,
Gcn'l. Frctyhl Aj'l
II. W. G WINN Kit,
Pair a.
Goii'l. Tkhct Anl.
General Manajer, Ynnsp't.
Morchandiso Provisions &o., on the
Ready py system, tit prices much to
the advantage of purchasers.
Dealer in
Clothing, JI'ils, & Mnn'd Furnili:ng Gootb
Lock IIavkn, Clinton Co., Pa.
I? a a el a si,
Centrcville, Elk county Pa,
DO LP H T f.UM .
atrevitlo, canst;
General Manufacturer of
Iggics &c.-ALbO l urmture, sucli as
iiurcaua. Tables. Stana3 l!cdstfads and
Chairs. All kind of llcpairiu done at
reasonable rates.
' In tho room formerly occupied by
Duct. Dlakely.
Treti'dint Judge.
lion. 11. G White, AVcllsborough.
Associate .lud'jes,
Hon. V. S, Rrockway, Jay tp.
lion. E. C. Sehultzc, St. Mary's-
P. V. Hays, Ridg way
Prut lit: notary, Rig. and Rcc.
George Ed. Wcis, Ridgway
Dixlrirt AHontey,
L. J. Llakcly Ridgway
Charles Lul. . b'r. Mary's
('utility Surveyor,
George Walm.ley, St. Marys
(,'oiiimisxiuii' rg,
CharlesWeis, St. Mary's
Julius Jones, IJeuezett
Joshua Kecfer, Jones
R. T. Kylcr, Fox
Henry Varncr, Jone3
11. 1). Derr, Renczett
Ccal Lands For Sale-
rjp HE subscriber offers for sale the
Coul privilege, with tho right of
mining aud other minerals under Vb
acres of land situated iu Fox tp Clear
field county Pennsylvania, within 2
miles of the Ridgway & Shawmut R. II.,
which cuimeets with tho Phila. & Erie
R. R., at Ridgway, with a ix loot vein
of Bituuiinouu Coul upon it, vl.ieh is
now commanding such enormous prices,
for manufacturing purpo.-cs. Fur salo
cheap, terms caih, a good title yivcu.
For further particulars, address
Clearfield P. O.,
Clearfield Co., l'a
- '-1
I Mi I
Ridgway Elk County Penna.,
Pas3cd Avay.
EY J. imAlNKllD Mono AN.
'Twas when swct guileless flowers
Did deck the dell ;
.nd binl.s, through sunny hours,
Their joys did toll ;
Rack to hor pardoning God
Her hpiril flt;d ;
And, 'ncatli the raised nod,
W'c mado hor bed.
Flora's Kweet charms pince then
Have all grown pale;
In every gra?y glen,
On hill and dale,
Tho warbling birds have flown
All far away ;
And autumn. leaves have strewn
A mantle gray
Over her gravo tho snow
Doth lightly rest
A pretty robin now
Upon her breas t ;
The wind with mournful tone
Doth EL-eiu to sigh,
That e'en so fair a ouo
lu derail must lie-
Rut, though wo sadly miss
Her presence here,
Our lonely home to bless,
Our hearts to cheer ;
A little while, and wo
Shall meet again,
Whea from earth's cares we're free -
Have cioiscd life's main.
A few more summor-houra
To quic'tly fly ;
A few more beauteous flowers
To bloom and die ;
A few more notes of praise
From birds below ;
A few more wintry days
Of rain and snow.
A few more songs to rise,
And charm tho car ;
A few more weary sighs
To breath out hero ;
A few more hours to fjrieve,
A few of mirth,
Aud we'll bo called to leave
This changing earth.
And if we've lived aright
Whilst here below,
Unto a land of light
Wo then shall go;
To meet our cherished friends,
Upon that shoro
Where joyful meeting ends
Oh, iievormoro !
W. 0. EATON.
For tho p ast six months', Mrs.
Rushuiorc had confined herself
doors, with the sola exception of three
or four times, when she felt compelled
to go out lo do a little shopping. She1
was yet but young ; but her naturally ,
slender framo, by thus being housed up, !
had gradually grown more slender ; and
bonks, music, drawing, painting, and
other means of in-door recreation had,
censed to vivify her. Coffee seemed
only bitter, tea insipid to her taste, and
only to add to that nervousness and bil
iousness which darkened her mind and
complexion, and made her tremulous at
trifles ; nn-1 while sho felt the necessity
of fresh air and exercise abroad, sho
had become so inert that the task of
dressing up aud walking forth, to bravo
the eyes of a staring world, seemed too
fearful to bo undertaken. Her bus-
bund's business so fatigued him, that ho
was but too glad to remain at homo and j
rest after he got there, without inclina-1
tion to accompany her abroad; and now, j
tho long borno monotony of her lifo
having rendered her peevish, she com.'
plained to bun about it ono sultry sum-
mer afternoon, wlien tlie suu had sent
him home earlier than usual.
"Oh, what a hot day, Lucy ! I envy
you this cool shade and quiet at home,"
s:iid her naln. dustv. and ricrsnirino- lins
band, as ho stretched himself out to cool . Tho police wouldn't permit such u mo.
upon the sofa. uopoly of room, let alone tho crowd. If
"Say warm, Marcus, say warm. Hot crinoline insists upon such expansion, it
is improper." ' is tolerated, but must suffer tho conso-
"I sav hot, and warm is improper, quenees ; but no such h'tinnlo is allowed
savo o tho cold-blooded creatures who 'to a man. The plan of walking length
have no natural Cro of their own, and wiso bus liefer yet been tried, to my
could talk etymologically conventional knowledge j liko chain-shot U uiUicult
iu a hot oven, Oh, that I had ten thou-1 enough in tho crowd."
sand icebergs insido of inc. Do givoj "Then let go my arm, and I will en.
luc a glass of lemouado and a map of tho deavor lo support myself!'' cried Mrs.
world; I want to look ut the North Rushmorn, loosening hold nnd walk-
' pole."
mjblfiitwf iff :
Saturday January 2$th 1S01
"I wish I could travel there, orsninv
whore," sighed his wife ; "anywhere fur
exercise ."
"Exercise ! Tho very thing I have
(oo much of, I wish it. v,:is so orde red
that we could share, Lucy, and sharo
''So d j T. 1 ought to go out more. I
leel real peaked and ready to drop down,
I fctay in so much."
''ou ought to rush rounl more,
Luey, that is true. Early in tho morn
ing would be 4 corM tune tor you, K'loro j
I get up. and when tho ;iir is cool and
p:iro. What a lino walk you might
have, every morning before breakfast,
in tho nearest park, all ulono by your
self:1' "All alone! How could I have a
fi no walk io that manner, while you
were at homo mornings. I deelaro I
believe you are asliMned to bo seen out
with me. Rut that is no wonder.
Every time 1 look iu the glas I am
a.Jiamed nf my own appearance. I am
getting nil dried up, and prematurely
old und homely. My natural color is
gmie, und I have changed from pink to
"Jt is not. my fault, llo.v can I do
all the walking I have to do about my
I busines and then, after I havo dragged
myself homo, dragmvsell out again with
you ? 1 w ish 1 could ; but I can't my
dour. The best of men don't have two
pair ofieg ; ; and if you don't feel like
walking out alone, I suppose tho be:-t
thing yuu can do is to tako a tonic."
"Take a tonic at my ago exclaimed
lie, nervously. '"Perhaps poison would
bo the best medicine for my complaints,
and satisfy you completely. Then you
would onioy yourself all tho moro, nud
would turn yiurseii very strong till ci a
sudden. For my part, I take no enjoy
ment in anything, aud dou't caro how
soon I die."
'Don't cry Luey, don't. This is too
affecting, this is," was tho anxious reply
to this desponding picture. "A thunder-shower
is coming up, my dear, and
that will lay the dust, end cool tho air,
and make you feel better ; and after it's
ever, if you say so, wo'll go and take a
walk down town, for now I romcnibci I
havo neglected one important errand."
Mrs. Rush more made no answer, for
her soul was now absorbed iu the terrors
of the thunder storm, tho deafening
crashes aud blinding flashes of which
teemed to indicate that the gods were
getting double-spares in a celestial ten.
pin alley by tho light of electricity. Tho
game lasted iia hour, aud so roused
Mrs. Riishmorc, and its close so inspired
her, that sho changed hor. dress tind
asscntuJ to tho proposal of her husband,
to accompany him dtwn-town, cn what
he called a short walk.
"What a difference the shower has
made in tho air !" said Ru-slmioro, as,
with his wife clinging fast to his arm,
they began their walk. "Wo havo on.
ly to walk two miles and a half down ;
but I could wish, for your sake, it was
twico as far, it will so invigorate you."
"Coming back will double tho dis
tance," murmured sho, "and perhaps I
may be able for tho task $ but if I faiut
away, it will uot bo from want of will but
strength, my system is so enfeebled. I
feci as if I was about eighty years
old." -
"You will feel about eighteen when
wo come back, tho jaunt will so revive
you up. btep nrm JiUcy lou t ao
, afraid to put your foot down.
ground won't sink under you."
"I feel like sinking into it, and as if I
had jut come from the tomb."
So much the more reason not to wish
to go back in a hurry. Don't press my
arm quito so hard, it hurts."
"The people jo.-ilo so. I fool
liko a
glass uuftio fcomooouy will sui.isu mo
if you don't guide mo moro carefully.''
"Don't be alarmed. Your hoops will
protect you and give you sufficient warn
ing. Great invention-hoops."
"If people wouldn't walk ou them
with their great muddy feet. My dress
is sadly soiled already with them; end
you walk on mo, too.
"I walk on you ? No, bless your soul,
love, I don't ; or, if I do, it is becauso
you cling so."
"No, it is becauso you are awkward,
Do pray havo some mercy on my bkirt.
Walk slanting."
"A pretty figure I should cut. Just
look dowifand try tho experiment. Now
you see. Here wo arc joined together
at tlio elbow, and 1 am walking 30 as not
j to touch your skirt. You aro erect or.
one side of tho way, and 1 am sl.intiug,
. like the loaning t-wer of Pisa, with iny
fort on tho cuil.stonn. Ilmv ini'l,"riMt !
' ing without aid. "I see bow it is. You
NO 23
know I am weak, and purposely provoko
me, to prevent my coming out again."
"I know that you ara nervous, Luey,
and I feci you arc rapidly petting
strong; for my arm liuiit hi black end
blue whero you havo ba u hugging ma
so. Rut I don't complain of that. On
the contrary, I rejoice at it, as evidence
of your reluming vigor."
"Vigor! My arm feels almost bro
ken, and my limbs arc tottering. My
head begins to ache, and my si lo pains
ma tho side whero y mr great rough
elbow stuck, vln l my foct feel blister
ed, and it is retting warm again aud
aud I .'hall catch my doaih of co'd,
the crossings are so damp and "
"lam quite willing to go buck, ifyo'i
wish it."
"No, Marcus," said tho invalid, reso.
reso. 1
in lcr, j
lufely. "I am out at last, tor a won
and I will wall; tn! 1 Jr i it 1 m i!;j a
scene in tho srcet." I
"Bravo, Luey ! I alm'n yoarfuv j
ncss. It will do you good to keep up
your spirits iu this way, and you will be I
gathering strength at every step, believo j
me. If we wish to regain our health j
we must in ike nn effort T declare, you i
jumped that pudllo handsomely you
aro gaining ower, Lucy, gaming pow
er; and I see tho returning bloom in
your check already."
"It is only because I am ashamed to
be so stared at by everybody. How vul.
gar to staro so. Don't I look oil i"
"No indeed. I niu prou 1 of your
appearance. You l.iok beautifully.
Nobody takes the slightest notion of you.
Lung seclusion makes yoa bashful ; that's
all. Your step is getting more and
more clastic. More bloom, more pmver.
lioiiv' better nna better iryana Ueei)
up with me a little laster f r I
wish fo accomplish that imporlaiij er
rand in time, if possible ; and on our )
way back it will bo so pleasant to think
wo have united
business with
and ki;hd two birds with ona ston
won't it? Hadn't you better take my
arm, lo csped'to matters '!"
"Do you mean to insult mo, hir ?
was the staitling reply from a voice nc.v j t., ,,,-p, tosl00 jf hc attended closely, tho
to him. which ho was now by 110 means careful
Rushmoro turnel and stared at the j tl, j0 (lu the contrary, inspire 1 with a
speaker. Tn bis haste through the , fiorcoeDntcraptfornppsaranco.and thirs
crowd ho had left bis wife behind, and j ty f,.m Iin xioty aud unusual exertions,
unconsciously offered his aim to a strange j j10 Sndubo-l himself ou tho way with
,1 ... , ,!.
laay r.t ins suie ; nn i straipntw.iy cx-1
pla'uiincr, with a hurriel apology, ho'
stepped aside and waited for Lucy to
overtake him, uot doubting that hej
should discover her at once.
Unfortunately fur both parties, their j
temporary separation, which tho throng
had caused, so increased the nervousness I
of Mrs. Rushnioro, that whilo her bus-'
baud was ahead,- conversing with tho ,
unknown lady by mistake, sho sou.rht
refuge and relief in ao. rpotheeary's
snop, wncic, laini. paio, an a ui;i-ey, me j
combined solaco of soda, hartshorn, and j
a soat revived her, nnd whore she now I
impatiently awaited the ro-appcaraucj of :
her husband. '
But that equally anxious man, failing
to discover her, suddenly camo to tho
mortifying conclusion that his wife had
seen him accosting the stranger, r.nd an
gry, and jealous of supposed neglect, ha 1
determined to wheel about and return
homo alono. This idea caused hhu to
hasten in that direction, to overtake her
and explain ; and on his vay, by chance
glancing up a cross street, ho saw but
wo will iet him say what hcsiw nnd did.
On his subsequent discovery of his wife
in the apothecary shop, about fifteen
minutes afterward, bo explained him.
self as follows, with perspiring brow and
husky voice ;
"My dear, dear Lucy, I have baeu nil
this time running after another woman !
This comes of unlocking arms. But for
that, wo should not havo missed each
other in tho crowd, and you would not,
poor, feeble angel that you, have
been overthrown, aud trampled unlcr
foot, perhaps ? '
"No," replied sho, with soma show of
spite to this half interrogatory ; "I have
not been subjected to any violence nor
other ill-treatment from strangers only
cruel indifference from you, Marcus, or
I should not have como out upon th's
monstrous walk, to bo left to drop down
upon the burning pavement, whilo yo r
were paying your attentions so strange
women. JUU tho deeply lnjuro!
hypoehondriao fook another sniff of
hartshorn, by way of emphasis, which
iu turn ucarly took her head off.
"Strange woman, indeed!" declared
her husband. "1 offered my arm to one.
without looking at her, takiug hor to be
you, and slio thought I meant to ln.-uit
her: and recovering from that shock.
alter huutiny
for you, I
spiea a may nmr o.i, just auout. your
liguio, dressed iu precisely nidi t; s of al
and welLharuiouirui colors, with pro
oise.'y your stately way or currying your
head, exactly tho peculiar grae: of your
commanding .stride, quite as big a bunch
ef golden curls hanging down behind,
and, in fact, altogether so mush liko
you, at a distance, thai I could ultuost
have sworn ihut she had your two corns
on her lovely liitlo left fool but 1-4.
. . 1 1 1 . r . . 1
' tieui Goody TwJ.Slioei ! I ian sj fast
to overtake her, that when 1 rem-he I I was nearly out of breath ; and just
then, intending to touch her shouldrr,
I had sufficient strength to s.iy, 'Luoy !' "
when I stumbled, an 1 fell at hor hech
look at my dirty hands and knees
and then, while 1 was looking up, on all
fours, sho whirled around and gave mo.
a treucnd uH drubbing with her sun
sha le broke it ovci mo and my hat 1
look at my hat, ("yand bestnved:'.
upon me tho foreign namo of black
guard, on 1 swore, Luey, swore awfully
that sho was a lady, and no such woman .
us I took lier to bo I tivk her to bo
you, Luey! and if it had not been for
the intervention of a polico mao, whom
the called and told that I had undo an
attempt to demoralize tho integrity of
her ciiuoline, I might have fired worse,
and not escaped to toll you and take a
lililo eodi, with rod lavcuder, Mr.
Mrs.TSislimorc surveyed tho soiled
exterior of her volatile husband, an:l
comparing it with his confused interior
arrived at tho sudden .conclusion that
sho wanted to go home, as sojn as ha
had mala ac.quaiutanuo with Boap and
w iler and a brush, which wero quickly
put in use., and tho important errand waa
postponed, Marcm being now of the ex
pressed opinion that
"A series of devils had coma down in
I tho thunder storm, to tempt h'uu out to.
take a short walk with his wife, and dis.
j courage them from any wish for futuro
And so, engaging nrms, thoy rcsuin-
tjlc,:r poranibulation, steering for the
10,nc which both heartily regretted they
lia t ion.
"I cxp:et to live and dio in-door.s','
Marcus," murmund Lucy,' "and after
this day's experience with you, I feel
resigned to my fate but I don't wish to
dio in th? street, aud so you need not
drag mo along so fast as ou do. Poo-
avo slaringat us, you hurry so."
X ), it is biea'no yo'i are slow, my
j dear," replied ho, now beginning to feel
j irritable himself, under her continued,
' complaint 1. "I seo how it is. A bui'r
, uoss man liko mo has no business to bo
walking with u woman. Hereafter, my
! tortoise dove, T must commend you to tho
I charge of so-ii : gallant and sauntering
j man oflei-urj when you. wish to take an
j airing. I feel that you consider mo but
; an awkward ai l unworthy companion
j for a ftivll, nn 1 to please you and mako
j sure that I do not walk to fast for your
strength a i l ideas of propriety, I will
walk b-'hiud, if yo.i say so. Anything
for poaeo, and to get onco more homo
witho it further mishaps aad reproach
es." Mrs Re.-hnnro dropped his arm at
these woris, as if it had boeu a red hot
bar of iron, and tho much vexed bus.
band fell behind, whilo sho slowly sailed
ahead, to 1 nr.,11 1 to remonstrate, or onoo
I . . -
an occasional glass of ale, and purchased
a few buueh .'s of radi-Jies, eating as ha .
went on, sometimes 11 the wake of his .
wife, and somolim js passing her and ta
king tho lead far in advance, nffording
her an opportunity to sec with what ra
pidity and nonchalance ho disposed of
the ruby roots and tossed away their
groon .sprouts, regardless whom they hit,
and apparently indifferent to the fact.
that I13 hao, a lovoly woman lor a wil ),
t rjj tult s10 was flushing biliously
his conduct.
Tho return homo was thus rendered
quite ai vexatious as tho departure from
it, but it was r audio 1 ut last; and tho
weary pair in great tribulation re entered
it, victim.! of a combination of such pat
ty anaoyanecs as often servo more surely
to mako lifo miserable than great calam
ities, which allow the soul to possess itj
dignity though encompassed by sor
row.' The grand result of tho short walk
was that Mrs. Lucy Rushmoro was for
the timo cured of her long.chcrishod do
sire to walk out with her husband : and
until timo afforded them a more favora
ble condition of life, sho was content to
dispense with her husband's escort in
the .street, and, whea she went abroad,
to walk with womon.
CGl-Maglstrato "What brings yon
horo, sir''' ,
Prisoner "T ivo ofdjois, please your
Magistrate "Then I suppose liquor
has something to do with it?"
Prisonor "Yes, sir. they were both
a -
r-ji.A. litt!.! girl was told to rpell
ferment, mid givo its meaning, with a
sentence in which it was used" Tho
following was literally hor answer :
"F-c-r-m e-ii-t, a verb, signifying to
icork I love to ferment iu tho gar
d:n!" JG3rA Connecticut editor, having got
into a controversy with a cotemporary,
congratulated himself that his head wa
safe from a "doukey's heels." His
cotemporary astutely inferred from this,
that ho was unablo to mako both ca Is
! "icct
C;"JA doctor of di bitty did a fino
thing tho other d,iy in ringing' tho
changes ou "Ha lhat hath curs to hear,
let li'iu bear." "Ho that is accessible
to auric ular vibn.t m." sai l tho doctor,
'' lot him uot close the gato of bis tyui.
(CfA fast young nun, on his rotur.i
from bis first visit to tho Wevt, w:n
glowingly describing tha beauty of tho
situation end tho fertility of the soil,
whera ho hud spent about two mouths.
"How uboat tho water, Gu-i?" aAod uo
iuipuL-ivo friend. "I f.rjot to try it "