T H E ELK ADVOC AT E Tnii peculiar tr.int or Infection which wo call Senium lurks in the constitutions of multitude of na n. It Cither produrvs or is prodne d ly an cn - loohlcd. viti'at. '1 Mnto e i. i.l t .. l.n....l.. "fc'- . tl l)iv II.IK'll, II, ' III VtfT lL"5.tlmt fluid become!" m- JS j5iifJ,s"eiMiipotciit to rustnin ''ATV.Sn.frtlio -v Hit t loroesinincir vigorous aeiion, una iloaves the fystein to "fjll into disorder nnd ' itiV. Tin MTofulotl coniaininafion is va-.-:;! V caused hy mercurial iliscnM', low . :n. disordered digestion from unhealthy o.l. impure air. 1iith and lililiy babi:, , 0 ,lrpro.-ili'j vices, r.nd, nllOM- I'll, by . vonercnl infection. Whatever 1 e i, i ;vin. i( is bcrodita'-y in the coiM'iliiiioii, . 'seending "from parents Id children unto I A' third and four:h g. in ration ;" iudord. it tin to he the rod of Ilim v hn i nys, ' I will it the ini. initios of the !'..thr;s liptm lltrir i ' ildr' li." 1 he diseases it originates t;:ko iriiuis nntttf. .Tooi'lin; to th." o-enn it . "ark'. In the lnnijs, tM-rofola produces berries, utid finnlly ( 'or. Miiiiiitii.il ; i:l the ':mds. Mnlliny which Mt;pn;;.to ami ' ine itli-ornn foi rs ; in the Monuich mid owol, ih r:in.i;i iiit iit s which produce, imli ttioti, ilysji-jifis, n i l iii or compliant ; on Vin. t ri.piivc and cutaneous elicolion. ' boo. nil I n-, ins flu- : me i i '"'.m. roijtdrc the I i no i'i vi.' ly. viz.. J ii i'.ir ti: :n v i d On ii-ra- n of the' I loud, l'urily the 1 lood. :md -e dan::. Tons ili ti' i ihhts leave yi.u. Willi i hip, full, or Corrupted Mood, you cannot ave health: villi that "l;i of the tlesh" . al'hv, you cannot have scrofulous disease. f- Ayer's Ecirsnparilla ' compounded from (he nio.n fl'oetriil nnti- . .os that medical .science has ilisn vered fur .is nftUrting distemper, and for the c-ttrc of ; iO disorders il ent.ui-. 'J'hat it is far f uie- ',nr to any oilier remedy y I ih isi d. i i novti hy all who have piven il : 1ii:d. That ! dues eiiir.hino virtues tniiy i Ntraerdinary i:i their ell'ei t upon this ch of ( oniphiintK, indi. putahly proven hy the proat iiiiiliitude r puhlii ly known and reiuaikahle ruro it : is iiiiide "of the following disenjos: King's ''3vil, cr Glandular Swellings Tumors, Irtjptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, . 'rysipelas, Kose or St. Anthony's Fire, '.lit Eheurn, Scald Head, Coughs from vibereulous deposits in the lunsjs, Whito vvellings, Debility, Dropsy. Nstiralgia, '. yspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and ; philitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, !. em.lle Weaknesses, nd. indeed, the wliolo . ries of eoini laints tiiat arise from impurity ' the Mood. Mimitc reports of individunl iscs may he fnuiul in Avr.n's Amliiicav ' i.manac. v Inch is furni.-licd to the iliii(j'jitt r gratuitous ilitrihution. wherein nuiy he . arned the din cttons fur it ue, and tomo the rcniarkahlo euros whirh it has made lion nil oilier remedies had failed to nrt'ord . lief. . Those cuft s are purposely taken : otn all sections of the country, in order t':at every reader may have access to forao no who can speak to liini of its benefits from ; ersonnl experience, sorofuln depresses the tal energies, and thus leaves its victims far ; ore subject to disease and its fatal results t an are healthy constitutions. Hence it s nds to fchorten, and does prenfly shorten, r .3 average duration cf human life. The st importance of those considerations has j: d tis to spend jenrs in j-erfectiiip a remedy fiieli in ndeijuatc to its cure This wc now Ter to the public under the name of Avr.tt's ; bsai wui.la, although it Is conipostd of j i qxedients, romc of which exceed the best f fianaparila in alterative power. I'y its : "d you may protect yourself from the sufTcr k. b; and dan(?er of these disorders. Purge c it the foul corruptions that rot and fester i the flood, purye cut the causes of disease, .mil vigorous health will follow, liy its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital 1 mctions, and thus expels the distempers ihieh lurk within the system or burst out n nr part of it. We know the public have been deceived I many compounds of .srsn;; 7, that j, -omised much and did nothing; but they v. ill neither be deceived nor disappointed in is. Its virtues have been proven by ubun iiint trial, and there remains no question of , -i snrpassin; excellence fur the cure of tho ; fliuting dh-eases it is intended to reach. . . 'though under the same name, it is a very . liferent medicine from any other which has i en before lite people, and is far more ef- i.-tual than any other which has ever been . uilable to theui. I AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, i:ho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con , Bumption, and for the relief J of Consumptive patients in advanced stngoa of tho disease. This has been so long used and so uni- rs ail v known, that we need do no more i jn :u-siirc the public that its quality is kept j ? to the best it ever has been, and tluit it vfljr be relied on to do all it has ever done, l'reparcd by Uii. J. C. Avkr & Co., Vraclicul and Aiiubjliial ('wmists, J.oucll, Mass. iiold by all druggists every where. l'ULUTlUN (.:' i'A UTM'.ltSIlIP Nn'i ii i: is hereby fnven that the T'art- i .. 1." f .... t . .: i ... . . . i e ... ' i..'1-iiHi, ijiuuiii.'i iirj; ua.iii:.-, neieiijioi e ca.iied on by tho undersigned, under ilia liiiino ui' Chai !e:i it Isaac Hoi ton Jr., hi llii.-; day dissolved by nuitual cuu-cnt Vlie business of tho late fitiii, will be Kt'ilod up by l.-ano llortoii Jr. CHAUJ.HS llOUTON, I.-'AAC HOH'i'ON Jr. Ridgway, July loth LSiil. iissoni(TNiFA'ivrxKiiiTr NOTIC'i: is hereby iiven that the I'uttuership, Lutubcriii busines.s hero. I.jforc carried on by tho undersigned under the tirm name of llobm, Kly & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual foil, tent. eilAUUCS 110KT0X, 15. 1 KI.V. ISAAC HOUTON, Jr. Ilid-'wav, July 17th W. Administrators Notice- Letters of Administration have been jriautod in due form of Law, to the sub-K-ribcr Wtn. Mack; upon thc JMato of Llisha Jauk, Late of Salem Md. do ceased. Allpcrsous buying any claim gaiust said Estate, ait re.-jiu-sted to yreout them duly autbeutieuted lor fsol ilemcut. Any person owing the Estate, are .requested to make p.iyuitut forth- ''"'' WILLIAM MACK, jidiuiiiUtruiar cf the LtlUt of Llitlui Aiak, l)eciotr.b. Jullthl3Cl. . i 7i" ' f.5 U ALLY!' 11 A LAV! TKEMKNKOrS 1U SII TO Tlll- Ncw Store I j i ! T CENTUKVIIJ., V.LK CO. l'A I.i iiR, f(. na:.viNU it Sxf.r.iti.v.'iB n NEW ClOODi H A V E C U M K THE VmPLB Awake to thuiu I.jr.niT ! ;s nintiifis'cd b; the ui:l e r.s oeli an uio ,-i ilsily throng o H r.t.N HACKS" lot C HlJs ! All , hi.u'h. hi lKimostic Cotton (Joods arc t'ustomci s, onu and all exclain; '. Cheap Your Dress Goods ARE Our ttuck consists of S3 r v o o (1 s Mats & Ols5 G r o c c r i e s CLOTHING TIN WAKE, HARD WARE Oils and Paints, Wooden Ware. Pork, Flour, It is useless for us to attempt, to a full list of our stock, but invito ;ive one lor and all, to drop themselves. in, and examine JE-Srliutter, Eggs, I'ntatocs, drain Hides, C'alfsLius and all country produce ! ken ut market price, for goo'W Centre ville, April 25th 1803. Ccal Lands For Sale- rjni IE subscriber ofi'ors for tale the Coal privilege, with the right of mining and other minerals under 1'J.i acres ol land bituated in Fox tp., Clear field ooutity Pennsylvania, within -miles of the Uidgway & Shawmut It. II., which connects with tho l'hilu. & Erie It. 11., at ltidgwuy, with a six loot vein ut JJitutuinous Coal upon it, vhioh is now commanding such enormous prices, (oi manufacturing purposes. For sale cheap, terms cash, a good title given. For further particulars, address 0. L.HAUHETT, Clearfield P. O., Clearfield Co., Pu TLc Ktw. Vcik Weckly.Her nld. Tht (. I.trj-iifrnj cr in'jlit W'crrf, 'I'lio cxtetiHivo twid enmpre benni ve faeilitlis in ils" riCf-inn cnallestlicl'RO- 1 ItlKTOIt of tllO li'KKKt.Y lll KAM) to piianinlec tlio latest anil iiiol rclinblu in. lortitiition possibly Ut bo obtained, tint only lVoni nil pnrts of the United States, bttt frmn all part.' of the wm!d. Its 1:01.10 CarrespontlciiU, cngnired at. lic.'ivy ci st, and connected with each new li:aal :nal tuilitarv expedition of the I (.overiiinont prove that it is detcrniind to i " a u "PJ ""H-ovcre,. nv u, operations " r and ltnnii'diato report in its columns. It costs the proprietor over one. hundred (liousnnd dollars per year, to mainttiiu list corps of correspondents in the field. eiei " mr"r"l.,117nl,',B , ,. 1 .. x, . most experienced judges ; acids will not Rf- In its collation ot l'Ofei-n ews the)ctil Antiou uiadu luoveount. Iumov IlKR.vi.n luifi for years hold a hih po.si- 1 1, pn'inx in n.ai.nt nv acviox, has swoop ion, and it will endeavor in the future ! so(md", nr.d isn-t to he excelled in pcnorul to miminln flirt tni.,1 U l,m ni.'iMi,,!,! T 1 avroarancc. Tinms tiErnrnr.T one of tlic has special forrwpondr.iils" stationed' in .11 J.x. ! .i 1.1 " "' pii'i'-'l'-ii cinea m im- iy'.'iiu. i . its ttlct;ra'iliic anaiii'i tnuils extend to nhetitvor the electric wires moid retched When tho Atlantic cable, is laid, which feat will scon bo n complished, c!i";rams will be received from Europe and Asia, as well as from the United Stiitcs. Then our readers will have the events of the , week in ail parts ( I the civ.l'..cd world I rertulujly and clearly laid heforc'thcin. Tlicbroprictordcvot.cn a portion of I the paper Literature, Vasion, Agricul- turo, the Mechanic Arts, Spoitin"; JIat. ters, Business, Theatrical and l'inr.nci.il Reports, Cattle Markets, (Jencral News, and reports of all eveuts calculated to lor man excellent metropolitan newspapcr- j a weekly jihotorapho view of the cents j of the world and all at a very low price j The WKEKr.Y ilE.vi.uis issued every j .Saturday morning, nnd furnished atthe following rates : I One copy f 2 j Three copies f h'ive copies ii Ton copies IS Any larger number, ddrosscd to names of subscribers, 61 50 each. An extra copy be sent to every club of ton. Twenty copies, to one address, one xeir, So, aud any larger nutnbcratsanie price. An extra copy will bo sout to clubs of twenty. Advertisements to a limited number will he inserted in tho Veekly Her ald. The r.rr.Y ITeralo, three cents per copy. Ten dollars per year for three hundred and Sixty-three issues. Five dollars for .Six months. Two dollars and fifty cents for three months. J A J7ES;0 OR DON 1 KNNETT, Editor and Proprietor. Northwest corner of Fulton and Nassau streets. New York city, N. Y. There are no'travliug agents for the Herald. Volunteers and Conscripts' in snl licr.i or nnv others whI""k 10 ln crease t heir iiiooinc, there is no better way o- nt doifiJ so al tin? tune, than'from the sale o nf our watches. Tukv abb WAnitANTEti Ry.PBKSK.NTKn ! AS "l'artieul arly valuable for officers in the Army and travelers." Frank Lalic'af Feb. 21. "I'retliet, best an't cheapest timepieces over ofl'ered." .V. V.' Uluatratrd Nrira, Jan. ID. 'Very pretty nnd duratileVatohos'for the .-Srniy." N V. Arm; ft Saiy Jour. (io eminent flrgiin,) Aug.t20. I'Uno of the oldest and most reliable hous es in business." Louisville, 7iy., Journal. July 21. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS. Doing a IIuntiiir or Open Face or Lady's Heiitleiuan's Wnloh Comebine, with or Patent Self-Winding Improvement a most Pleasing Novell v. ONEOKTIIK l'UETTIEST, MOST CON' VKXIENT, AND decidedly the best uu l cheapest lime piecc for general and reliable f use ever offered. It has within it and con- nceted with ils machinery, ils own winding ! attachment, vendering a key entirely uniie j cessary. The eases of this Watch are com posed of io mvlals. the outoione being ; line 1'! car.u guld. H has the improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an I nocurato time-piece. Price superbly en graved, per ciuo of half dozen, $3Ul. .Sim ple Watclic? in neut morocco buics, $13 , slve wxrioms First Cliss irunting Time. Pieces for ace i ruey of movement , beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in prico, theso watches must insure universal approbation. An imitation so faultless that it can hard ly hu detected by the most experience, judges. The material being nf two mcials, the oilier one lirsl iiiality iMerlnig polver, while the inner one is Gci'man Silver, it cun not bo recognised by culling or heavy en graving, milking it, not in appearance, but in durability, Iho best reseinlihineo of SOL ID MT'KLINti SILVER in existence. The sale of Ihese Watches in the Army ii a source of enormous profit, retailing, as i hey very readily do, at $25 and upwards Many huiidre 1 dollars can bo made in c sins glo pav day by any one of ordinary busines. taut. Krt.T WHOLESALE ONLY ! In heavy burning eases, beaut ifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good mining order, by the hulf duzeu, $72. Sold only by tho case of sir! i'pou receipt of two dollars, as gunrontci of good faith, wo will send watches by ex press lo any part of the loyal States, collec ting balance of bill on delivery. This cu- sures liuyers against nana, giving in em their watches before payment is required. Soldiers in Ihe dmloiial slates mtit remit cash i" Ai.VANCB, as the cprcs aompanics prrintplvrilxi rrfusa making collections iu such ihtugcroits localities. Remember, Cm A in adoance from within lit army lain In i b' I statu I ll'i yuiirantie the ine delivery r all tcaU-het, wUclhor they are sent by mail of erprcss, ' ', Hubbard Bros., Sole Importers, OOLDIERS IN THE ARMY O and our people at home Arc now ollerclft" opportunity Uj whn-h thej can obtain a (iOOD & I UHA1M.K AT A in M n:( VKUY LOW l'KJUll. eiit vfiTCiius r ' AIIR A.T1 TO KF-CrTlMH ONi: VIIAlt nnd the buyer is aiioivcd L!ri Privilege of Examination. f d J? kx !n fnll :j A,.,l,m, A fn A c.a.-i lluntir.J 1 iiiit-V.jcc c!i-i.ver material, over which is cieclro -lino plated 11 k. pAld. most durable wrought, making tho imitation so fnu'tl. ss that it cannot b' i:'.:sr a RTicn:-ver offered to'" " r. - JcuUlors. .'...-iiie.o-s, hiaifiruiite, and (.-'s.ii's traveling travelling, will fin 1 them Mipenor I toiuv otiier : alteration of elii oite will uot ! afloot their n curnrv. Price, paei.-cj m geeu thnpe mid go id running order, only ib, or 1 rn.se ol o lor 5uui. i i silver 1mjv1jlk time hunting lev , ! i:rm, j V.Y.iT QUA LIT V SILVEJ CASKS, over j I which electro-line plated 13k. gold, himihir j j i i our Improved Duplex, nnd fiipcri'ir ud- j fusiod movements with ".Slop," to be used i ; .ii l inuiig horse!", etc. : has tunr iniicros ior Washington and fireeuwioh lime, sweep pecoiul, and all tho improvements. All in all, taking it beautiful and faultless up peaianeo and its superior movement into consideration, we regard il as decidedly the cheapest article of the kitid in tho market. Price, in cod runiiMig order, ?oo, of case of 6 for $200. r..)We ask nn pay in advance, but will forward cilher of them to responsible par ties, to any part of the loyal Slates, wiih bill payable to cxpresMinau when the goods are delivered, giving the buyer tho privil ege of examination, and, if n it satisfactory Ihe watch can bo returned at our epeno The cxp'iC.-rs companies refuse making collections on sodiers and other disloynl .States, conjo.)uetit'y all such orders must bp accompanied hy the cash to insuro lit te'ition. We make a deduction of two dol lars on either watch when the payment is forwarded in advance. Money siay be sent by express at our ex pense. THUS. GAFFERTV & CO., 83 an 1 5 Lroad St., epposite City liand Providor.ce, 11 L k , GODEY'S LADY'S BOOS T II E Fashion Magazine of tbe "WorlJ. IjITEHATUHB, FINE ARTS AN1 FASHIONS. Tho most magnificent Steel engravings on every subject thai can interest ladies. Crochet knitting,' Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Torlor, the Boudoir, and the Kitch. en. Everything, in fact, to make a com plete Lady's Rook. The Ladies Favorite For 35 Years No Magazine has been able to competo with it. None attempt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These alone are worth the price of tho Hook. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. DR AWING LESSONS FOR THE VO U N G . Another speciality with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3 n year. Other jlagazines publish old worn-out mu. hio ; but tho subscribers to Godey get it be fore Ihe nuii-io stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiar it v with (iodev. . Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co., of New York, the millionaire, me-i-ehiints, appear in Godey, the only maga zine lh:it lllPlil. Also. Fashions from the celebrated Rrodie. of Now York. Ladies' Rennets. Wc give more of them in a year than any other magazine, ln fact (ho Ladv's t!ook enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. Marlon Elarlasiil, ,l!..fir:j3 'nf "Ahne," 'l,i!:lin Fati," "Mont Sii;" ,'A'.MK!," mid "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, nnd for no other magazine. He have alto retaiued all our old and favorite contributors. T"E 11 M S 0 F GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOE. 1-65- (For ir.'iiWi tkre ennbe no Deviation.) The following are the terms of tho Lady's Rook for liiOi. At present, we w ill receive subscribers at the ludowing rates. Duo no tice will be given if we aro obliged to ad vance, which will depend upon tho prico pafer. One copy, one year ? ! 00 Two conies, one vear t fit) Three copies, one year Four copies, one year 7 no lo oo l ive copies, one year, and an erlra copy to the person .-ending tho club, making sir copies 14 Right copies one year, and an oj Ira copy lo the ono sending the club, making nine coiiies 21 00 00 Eleven copies cue year, and ano tra copy to the one fending the club, making twelve copies 27 Additions to any of the above clubs, $2 ol) each subscriber. Godey g Lady's Rook and Arthur's Horn Magazine will bo scut, each ono year, on rcceips of $4 Hit. Vie have no clubwiih any other .Vagazine or Newspaper. Tho moiiev uiusl all be sent nt ono lime for nnv f'toli. 1 Canada subscribers must send 21 cents additional for each subscriber. Address I.. A. CJOIJI'.V. -V. F. Corner Sutlt and Chestnut Streets, Vhilail-.ljihia Va, TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive) tiffcrcrg will receive h valuublo prescription ' for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, IJronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections, Tree of charge, by sending their address to Hev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wiliramtsburg, ' 1 ' ' Kings Co., 1 8 month New York. (9. fr7- St. Mary's :o: I lake treasure in calling' atten tion of the mbJic to my ttt-h-fti MM W&r T2!r fi' eh t.'A nm HI I'. i PS hf-J P-jf PWtt f: - 'IV RUI rJ liM M KiMX. feu m r m w sj p&: in.m rati z-xxw. . UF Clothing J!oots and Shoes For -Xiadics.jGeiitlemvn and chil drn. nf. i 1 Mk j '5 '--Q 7 7 iO. real's1 IjL i u ii n n va e &a .ran t n FT 'ZmrT' sG?-A jrCtTTN. Kra .., . IrJi- Av mm mm A large stock of Confectionary such as candy raisins, nuts of dif crcnt kinds figs and all other goods of the kind usually kept. ta wv a rsa A small assortment in tho above and sold at low uet9 My stock Call Post up before buying. ,SY. M ', Jmw 1 i 18G4 mm iM7$ muK mm E1S r? is full and cheap. and To v County Pa I t x" V. vx-, 'fw lino, will hn lcfnt nn liand i nil and cheap, id w W To f