The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, January 07, 1864, Image 1

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    . ' t A ... U - i i i 1 1 i" i t
.i- X.
T. T. , A- k:AM-s"7
ATTOks it'-Af Law
7.fCA' JATkX.'PA.-
'cy's tit Law. Ridgway !1c can
, will attend to all profession
:w promptly,-
r;r at ait? erwiLprn.i y
fjn"vs and (. otinselers a,t Law, yilic
f J -TV; . 'tnr iiE?y KitOki'
I T,' I'vuihrniteplio'.) given lo dleetion.x
Vrf-i.iJi memos promptly rtmiteL Will
V'j jiractice in adjoining eouiiticft
A O II N ' G , II A L L
teuRIE J. BI.AKEI.Y . j
, i itit vn . j ii h ;oniiTtr I'linnn K
rlirv i 1 HI-' r r i
j 'a.
in ps & invgery
rUo. l'a.
jr r..r,cTjo.ravici as.
(Lately of Warren county Pn.)
tl. promptly anhwei; til professional,
jv nyht or uay. llcsulonce mie,
w Jvist.of liio li'.te residence of Hon.
C. II.
A" , Ta.
K ni.iiy, . Kersey 1 Klk
Will attend to all calls
July 21, ISfil..,
Xo.- Jay.
Iale Hotel
innthersburs.'CloirEclJ County Pa.
!' ' :o
(I Frc'Irick Korb Proprietor; hav.-
S(;kuilt a largdand comtnodious liouse,
' o4w prepared to cater to ttic wants oi
traveling public.
hthersbur's;, July IStb IBGt. ly.
.I'.LIAM SCIIWEM. Proprietor,
lUuKtersburg, July 27thn8G4. tf.
ner'of Peach Street and
the Buffalo Road.
Ji R 1 K 1J A ,
OS B. HOYT, Proprietor
,!s Hrase is now and fitted op
r Hejpoutit cii'.j for the convenience
16001101 01 giicswi, at moaerato rates.
t CaiANOE hoteT,
"A JCuricay, county l'a.,
iAVTT TTTAVr.T?. Prnn'r.
Up.Tkii ho;t8e in pleasantly situated on
tta'-'o It of ihr Clarion, in tho lower end
own, is -well provided 'Willi liouRD'
ITCi Tl nj stablinjr,, and the proprietor will
ftre n pains to render tho stay ot 111s
lost! plcasint and ajrreeablo.
Jywny July 23, 18UU.
ii y de iiousi:
TVfs. E- 0
tJgway, Elk County I'en'ia
fioot-iack Elk County Jf3,
rH. 14 S1I0N& L'aov'u.
,'..lli'l0'Wiiy Nov. 25th,iSo:i.
Cli'trfu hl l'a
COLr.l'P.N", Pitfifiui.ion
pAr.Y"'S "hotel.
l iil.K (''ii;Ni'V Pknna
h'. JSUiONY, Proprietor.
'Udi'iug to and from the Depot
I N E 8 F U A It D S.
OUS it WK1G11T,
Clintos County Pa.
ilX-S in 1' Inur, Oram and
fV?i-Amir tho Pasoiigr Depot.
villo Pa.,C. N. Kretz. Pivp'r
XhasLcen refitted and iuruisli
.. -at stylo,' anil., is every way
to the waib of tho jwbllc.
Klway aLarkets.
.,' (dry) " bushel
S 3
- 1
Iwheat "
P. W. B A RRE T T E di'tor1,, INDEPENDENT. ' TERKS-S1' $0 per Annum.;if 'paid . in v Advance
Vol s.'
. . , , -
'.v.i'- tins " line traverses
1 V'lumvK-n
to the city of Erie,- on
! Lake Krie. -
niias hccnWAd by the rrr.nyka.
f toad (.Vwmitf. and is opcrv.
fill )tV Ihr.m .,
1W Rnure long opened lor pas-1
FojiSer and cisht business, pctobcr
m.''1!8!" : L '"'""' ' ! !
1 I .'J V. A'
Jjrave Milliard.'
Through' Sfail Train
bii p.m.
a. in.
:Lcni:f'Vatwart7. '
Through Mail Train .,1.33 p. m.
' 4v Aqco'diinodation 4 1 p. m.
PasFcnjcY cars' run tlironirh without
cliaoire both ways between Philadelphia
' and Eric.'
Ki.f.oENT Sr.KKT'ixn Oars on Express
Tiins both WilUjn!-poi,tnfier them, therf softly shut arid 'locked
and Ualtimore, and.. Willianisport and tho door. ' ' ; '" : ' ' --'v' ':
l'hiladclphia. ' " . It wa9 all done now. The iWholise
- For inloruiation re? nectinor Passenircr tr.i4't-liiv)itei1 nhd fmnrKr furnttlirfil nr.
busiuess arJpl V at the S. E. corner GUth ,
and Market Sis.
And fr Freight business of tho Com
pany's Air'ents: ,
8. B. Kingfton, Jr. Cor. 13th and
iMarkct Sts. rhiladelplwa. .11
J. V. Reynolds Etfe. '
J. M. Drill, Agent N. 0. R. R. 15al
tiftiora. ' 1
Grn'l. Freight Ar'(. Putt a.
II. W.OwtNfJKR, - '
GWl Ticket Ajt. I til a." j
Jop. D. Potts,
' General Jllanntfer, Wmtp't.
Morchandiso Provisions &c., on the
Heady py system., at prices mnch to
the advantage of purchasers.
VJ. ..IT. -EaSSiaS "
, Dealer in
Clothing, Huts, k Men's Furnishing Goods
LorK Hayes, Clinton Co., Ta. i
if a u h 5s .
Centreville, 'Elk county Pa
ado "l'ViT TJMll 7" "
Centre Viilc. i:tk. countv
" . I pretty Mary finuyder, theliello of tho
ftQ'-Gcncral Mauufuoturer of '.Vagoiis.jviilaohis Nat's wife, How his
I'Uggioa iVe.-.VJ.&O l urniture, tuch ( s
ISuruaus, Tables, otanus J5e.Lst?ads and
Chairs. All kin 1 of llopairiu done at
rea.;ou:;ble rates. ,
l)nVYTr OriVTVil
JjJi nl iJIvSi
' 1
In the room formerly occupied by
D iet. P.lakely.
I'fflideut Juhj6. .' ,:' '
P. G White, Wellblorotigh.
dissociate Judys,
X , S, Lrockway, Jay tp.
E. C. Sehultzo, St. Mary's-
W. Hays, Ridgway
J'luticiiuan, Jiii. and Iiec.
George Ed. Weis, Ridgway
District Attorney,
J. C. Chapin, llidgway
Charles Luhr. St. Mary's
Cuiinty Surveyor,
George Valiii'.ley, St. Marys
dr.umUsitjnurt, 1 -
ChiiriosWvis, St. Mary's .
Julius Jones, Ueuezctt
Joshua Kcefur, Jonoo ' '
j ,) Auditors, ' 1 '
R. T. Kvler. - Fox o 1
Iloury Warn or- Jones ' ''!'
1L D. Pert. Bcnexett " . ' ' '
N0 TT ' r7T 0 Kbygi"Ve u TiLa t
there will re a' meeting of the Stockhol.
ders of the" Clarion River Navigation
Company, atV'0' ' Houe of Win. II.
Schram, Rr (ikv. ay villo 011 Saturduy tV
' December next, for the
an'uing the company and
ident auU oViuiau-
he act, of iscorpo-
1 to attend, 4
J;' '."2 " '.' . '".V. " 1 i ' ' '.! . : ;.'; ! 1 '!'
Kmc way Elk County Pkn'NA,,
p.v onAcr, rJAnrxcn. .;,
r ' ,;PfjuIre, wlioiv'ij tliH piano to ?"
'Here, .in this tooiu," .nnFwereJ a
licirty,: cheery vnicc. "A little ji;r
ther.'Hen j'tliat's right.".' ," .'t
"5ut, SqiTile, who's agoing 'to jilay
rn it;; Itdonsn t go itsftll, doea it,;
with a slv't'.vinlilo iil ' his litllo ffrav
eyes.' ' '' ' '" ' ,
iW?tr in 4 ,1(J mlfiWorj wilb an
,.....4-1.k ;- . ":'
0 . "
"A piano first and then a player."
"Well, I 'gWcsa' thi pl.iyer's engnge
icy nay there's riobody in town pla
uvjm. t wies K.- nl.ivrV rn.w.riHl
They aay there's liobody in town' may
" e!l as' Mary Smiyder. Pho'a'
brnu'r anyway' it' ever I rare one : isn't
she;fom?" :f " ', ' '.' ' :f
'fliero wa)i an cxpi'esslon ot'pndn and
perlcct happiness in 'the depths ofXat's
rtarK eyes, hut lie turnetl away suyty'
from the tnelllgent '"'glances of tha
men. ' 1 ' ' .' ; . ,,
; ''Take away hll those : pnc,kin-caes,
Hen, Hnd other Vubhish, an.! store them
in thflold barn, nnd: o-mdi;rov fmith'.
that fence'.- " '.' ' . , .
Tho men turned away. Nat ; looked
bent a few old heirlooms, from srarret to
It stood two Btorio:f ttnd a halt" hlrh,
painted white, with grben I?HiifIs taid a
piazza, a little way back from tho'strect.
in one ot the pleasantesc ' spots m
town, -i surrounded I y ' broad fields
stretchiffg' prettify-' almost, luiurlousl v.
iur a jiinn noiise. 110 nan g.ono niTy
mUes, and selected with tho greatest
care every article bf fuVuiture with, an
eye to somebody's fastc. " Nothing with
in h!s nihil n onii'ld hn ton nfiil '4nr !li!,t
somebody; and 80fieiiir'e Naf; hisliroad
forehead corrugated with Irpwns of nnx
iety, threaded his way among countless
rolls of carpeting; and1' bewildering ar
rays of parlor-scts and 'chamber-sots,
mirrors, and etagersi,and then" stopped
in helpless dismayat the task before him.
After -a while, with the assistance of tho
corteous upholsterer; he niade hisselee.
tion, paid tho bills, gave the 'directions
for their being sent, and, not a little
tired with this unwonted brain and eye
work, took the next train homo.
For whom was all this trouble taken ?
Who was this cherished somebody of
whom even now Nat thinking as He
stood, we are sorry to say,' i'i the unro
mantic attituiio of both' hands in his
pockets and softly whistling, while he
strolled in and out, from room to room,
up stairs and down, his face radiant with
happiness, his thoughts busy "with an
unclouded future only Ntit's wife.
J his is, Ins wile to be that nay weck-
grent loving hiart 'thrilled at the
thought! : Would she "bo pleased with
this? Would she want that alteied?
What would she say when she saw the
IPlanoY fc-hc ployed on a miserable
cracked thiua at home, and this was the
finest instrument money oonld purchase.
1 here must have been a little romauce
in Nat's coiunosilion, or ho would never
have thought of keeping all Vim arrange.
meiits a secret, to givo ner a piea-
surprise, it was past his power (o U
ttie new house a secret , else it is cort
he would ; and Mary bad been Bvo'r
in (linerent stages of its completi
from the time Nat's strong arm 1
been necessary to help her over the J
strueting timber, and half-laid floor,
take .1 peep into all the parts she eo'
till sho stood in it painted and plaste.
ind it was pronounced finished.
But since then. Nat had iuventad
sorta of reasons and excuses for keepi
her out, which, sunnose, he answei
to bis ceiiscieneo souio way. M.'
knew that it was being furnished, a
had all a woman's curiosity but :
had got tho impression that; everyth
was to bo very plain, and yort way
sure Nat did not contradict this idea
-His-Mary t Would anything ever
come between them to lessen their Jove
and happiness? She was fragile. IJoiy
tenderly he would cherish her! She
must not be burdened Vith' caro and
toil, as many farmers' wives were. ' Kili-J
eioht belf was 'already secured,' and
must be returned he could' afl'oijd', it...
Thi titormi of life must not ' comk ' lieir
Ins darlin'g. 'Her bltiri' 'cjis jihciuld
never weep one biUcr tertr t'btoiigTi bini
l.or heart never bo l'oraii instant lieavv
through any ne-lect of his; 'The imjit
fcieuthp tinkiMd words, tho unhap:
pine?H of other homes must neven h in
hU. Men yero said, to bo selfish. ,,Ho
promised his own heart that ho would
ever consmor iuary i.eiore inow.i.
They would,. iod perbutitmg, vovr old
together, loving ae.U. other wre entire
ly as they nearcd .he ravet , ,f
It grew twilight while he loitcrco
and mused.- Heawoko to tho gatli4(.
fUuwi. U went wtt, trying tne
,Qr aftp hB' had -locked d(,- 1hTon"h
fate, nod .-down 'the- oadrtill to
Saturday; January
1th' I'M
f,w. , ".4 fit;
1 - 'm '
came to A brown cotUiire."
The figurcV of two person (a , tidy
and geri'laiiian) trore visible through. t'Lc
pfirlar windor.s ; but ' when he entered
'inly cue was Ihai-c-hisOlury. She
met him near, tlje door.. ' "
'Yoa wore not alone a moment vgi't"
he nsked, shilling. 1 . .
. '.'Yes no. -Mr. Lyou canio. in for
Fred, but uoj, finding him went out."
There was eoiis'"aint anil embarrass,
ment iu horjaauuer. A fchadow.camd
lur lover's face.'- r . ; 1 '
'-1 thought Jir. Lyon was t,hdv(j;
gone hdiDe.yeateniay."' :
"He had iutcBded to, but Fred had
teaeod him to Stay, it day or twb'. linger,
promitiiiig , to cdompanv liim - to the
city."..-', , , ,; .
Jlary was Strait all tho evening.
She avoided the subject of their future.
There was a straaa;e lack of interest'
whon life referred to the new house, and j
ho lpft- her with a . heavy, iorcboditig
heart, for the first time. f
, ' .The matter was explained tho next
dr.y, by a h-tt'ir h? received from her,
short, but to the purpose. !'
1 ''That she hoped Mr. Verner would
Vift.ti blame her'booause she had ehaugo'd
her mjnj. Sho .didn't believe the
would be happy to marry farmer, and
settle down where she had always livedl
f he had begun too, lately, to think that
they; were not 'congenial.' Mr. Lyon
had remarked; it alao.: : Ha said '(:he
was never meant;, to bo .buried in tho
country, but ought to live in tho elt
with nothing to do but vi.-it. dre.-s, and
play the piano'. fhc" thought herself
iii 1 . 1
thohtbata city-life wc.ald suit her bettci-.
Sho hoped he. would release her from'
her engagcnient, and not mind ,j,t(it she'
did not marry him. She' knew he
would likeas" well, -and who' Would bo
stronger, to ibelp him in" the farm
work." .. . '-s ,
Nat Vcrncr did not curso the faith,
less girl as he road ; or, if curses were in
bis heart, his lips did not utter , thorn.
He sufFcred silently, with..ghastly couii.
tonance, the agony, an honest loving
heart like his must always suffer, when
its happiness is struck down, its faith
destroyed at one blow'.' ,
' Perhaps a moment's temptation .as
sailed him. v.hcn ho remombere'd her
beauty r.nd fascinations, and felt that he
1 eomd win her now with a promise of
the house might came her to relent.
For the first time ho regretted Lij se
crecy. ' ' " ;
' He started up at the idea. Do not
think him weak, lie oould not break
from tho chains she. his almost bride,
bad cast around him all at once, even
though she had proved herself weak and
faithleps. .She was ""young, tno; ho
could furgive something to her youth.
Cut thii manhood returned.' It wa.-i
a true woman's heart he wa-iitcd. What
would this purchased thing bo worth iu,
tho discipline of life ? 1
A rumor came to hitu the next day
that Mary Suuyder was engaged to Mr.
Lyon, and was to be married sojn..
Nat moved into hh now house. lie
would have dono it bad it killed bini.
Not only bis heart but his pride suffered
keenly. 'The whole village knew fur
whom ho. had built his limnc, for w'iom
ho furnished it', ami following him w
pitying looks ; but lie carried hiiinel
i I
a licr. blie
V-as youug, not over ttevcnteeu,- short
and blight, and a woll-shapud head,, and
wealth of black lair, aud sel't, dark,i in'
tc'lfifrent eyes, shaded with black heavy
laches, which Si3ldom, from their shy.
east jooked fully atjou.
Eitfior;;- .. .. ,. u ' .'.a' ' .
A vivid color, came tuto; tier fu,oa at
Vis.' voice." She; drew near the ; (able,
Moldiua rtic candle!. .'" , '
' ",Ehe,"'ho lep'catcd ' floldibg" "out
his haid- and takinone ot hers, wnicti
sho.w:u tbo shy to offeri "you know, do
jou not, that Mus was to have been Toy
wedding-day, iud (hfkt to;iight., am : a
deceived alniiist.hiurt-brokcu, man
Her fltae flushed" more dueply Trbm
sympathy .and agitation.
.'"Esther, cycrybod f U pitying mo. II
gar.uot Uur it. : i think you like. me. 1 1
Will be kiu4 t0 J you marry
me f . To.uiL'Ut r now,; ,
ipf. TO-pig
. Sha burst nto .tear strange, -tipt
hiippy tears' Vat shiji loved biin ,with
(wild, Idolatrous love1 ' She wduld'have
NO 22
v I
. r.
aoncgj Tto have sated htm oac
'pan? I"' '"i ' '
i yLrvev you plcaso," sho
sobbcd,nrTy.. , 1 .,..! ,
xVat. rose, went into the adjoining
room, and gave an order to Dun. t
An hbf "later and EstHbr w:ts his
', Meanwhile', Mary Pnnytler, had been
regretting herprcefpitation in di?carding
Mr.1 Vomer, especially as' Mr.. Lyon,
nothwithstandingall the hie he had
liiaDarcd to cypress bv m!fflr and look.
' had dcrtarteil vr.itKoiit proposing pauil
slie could have pimhcil heisclf with
vexation when sho heard bf th's luxury
with which- the iSojuires new houso was
furnished ; and when;slio learued oTthe 1
piano she fairly cried. Her father and
mother scolded her for letting such a
good chance go ; her sister taunted her,
and her brother ended with tho agreea
ble prediction that "Mary would 'bd an
'old maid, after al).v ' " '
' 31 try was weak', and silly, and vie'.lla.
ting y but she could make a resolution,
and sho did. ' ' ' ' ' l1 , ,
Tho minister had departed.' Esther, !
in her new and strange position,; 'was
hesitating whether to vanish M tho
kitchen ot remain, feeling that the first
was orjoly fitting, yet Alevimng that,
her presence was halt agreeable? to her
silent husband ; and. between, the two.
sho stood in the shadow of the room, pre
tending to put to rights some books and
ornaments. : "i ! ' ' 1 .' ',
1 The door opened,- Something glided
in.rthrew off some wrapping, a fid" knelt
at Nat's feet iiuall the spleildor of beauty
and esoitomrnt. : . 1 'hi -.?-."0
NatlYit sobbed,1 '.'t hav.v douo
wrong ; but oh', I have suffered !" ' , ' '
Nat's etttong framo shook' witli isar.
prise and airitation. . f 1 ' '
'Mary I",,- , ; ,z:-lrZ
Ilq ultotnptod to raisoohcr; but sho
duns to his knees.. . .,. . ;u.
'iNo, Nat ! . let me be at your feet.
This is a fitting place. "I, who hava
wronged you so cruelly ! but O Nat-bl
love you ; I Vnvc loved you all tho time.
Forgive me ... -
His face was luminous w'th rapture
and tenderness. ' '1
"Not there, my Mary. Cijiue to' my
heart !" and he raised her .-forcibly and
clasped her" passionately to him,. "()
God! what am I. saying! what have,. I
done !" And lie tlriist her from biin.
"O Nat ! are you so handhcartcd '! I
thought but a minute ago you had 'for
given inc. Can't you forgive me if"
And she raised her beautiful face bathed
in tears, to him, and fidded "her fair
white arms iu dofep grief and humility.
"No. Nat ; I don't deserve to be forgiv
.cn ; but I love you !" ' '
He was in terrible, .excitement the
veins in his forehead swollen out like
cords. ,.' .;
"Fool ! fool that. I have been ! Mary,
stop ! Hear mo'- My. own cursed fol
ly ha-; put a bar between us forever J
Mary, I am married."'
' "Married!" she shrieked- To whom?"
"Esther Anion." ' . -.
"Esther Arden ! the girl your mother
brought up ? She,' your domestic, to be
mistress of all these, beautiful things?
Oh, say it isn't so, Nat!" '
"Ye?, yes ; it is true ! Wretch that
I am !" he said, almost besidq himself.
Pale, quiet, seemingly turned to stone,
Esther had remained amid all thifi cx
eitonicut. '
Tl-.o worm will turn. Every feeling
of womanhood outraged, she camo for
ward, her usually shy downcast eyes
bent large, and dark, ai.l steadily oa
the excited Mary.
" Yes, I am mistress ! What do you
wish here ?" , . , ' ' ,
"Mistress !" .Mary shriokcu scorn
fully ; "you claim him fpr your hus
band." ' ' 1
Esther saw Nat's shuddw of loathing,
heard his words of authority, "Go ' into
tU-oUnMriyum, n'oii V" j hut, strong
in tier indignation, quailed not,. .
""Notwhilcshe remains, she answered,
steadily.' ' 1
Ho took no further uotieo of hor. He
raided the uw almost insensible .Mary,
called hor by every endearing name re
proaching himself in every other breath
for liis mad tolly. When she revived
and wanted to go home, he'tendorly put
011 her . wrapping and supported her
from the room., ,. , .
j Esthqr stood where they Jiad left Tier,
gazlrig m'ecmrically at a leco 'f)'f white
paf or On the tlr near whero Mary bad
knelt 1 but she did not pick it ub. Sho
raised her hand to hor head, as if be
wildered. She felt a score of years older
than wtien tho evening.shaddws had bo-1
irim' to fall--a 'SOW of -years older
through suffering, j tihe had kvown she
had not Mr.jYpruor'n love; butbo had
looked. ff houop iu .hiw for j oonsidom-.
tion for herself. ' " , ,
- 1P00? Esthoi' I unloved-p'oathflJ, even
yet boand Vd keeping him -bound.
3h had . been stung and torturod . into
laying, what tho had but tbo flah of
passion bad passed, and she reproached
herself for her words. ' One thing- .only
remained forhertrfldo. x !1,a ,i" 1 ,
J .2atoame tobishome. i He was bowed
fwith "giMif.! He' oSime inlo the room ami
....I I.Li .A . . ' . ...
siooa ny tno nrepinoe, wnero lately sho,
his idol,' had knelt lit all her besnty
and humility but oh I how vainly t
The tuniUltbf his feelings wordj cannot
cxT)fe.-s-l tie h"iit forgiven Mary all.
0 bVwsed wovtls I She loved him had
loved him through all. Thd letter wa
only n 'inoiiicnt'a cdpiioo or a moment'st
n'ii"fins. I His though W came back
to the pi'cseut obHtaele to their happi.
unsar Ho scorned hfmwlf for it; but
he knew that ho haled poor innocent
Esther ; but ho hated himself most of
all. . Whore Esther ?" He Soared not;
ho wished he was ncTcr to see her again.
' Ile! saw tha folded papar lying on tho
flour. -' He picked it p, opeucd it,
rcnrignied the handwriting with a thrill.
ari l reaat . , 1 , 1
. "'PKAni'.sT, swKKtKST Jui.fA : Are
no( yottr poor Mary's'soriows as romantio;
as any you evi;r read of iu iWels? Oh,
if jjou were only hereto comfort and ad.
vise. nic. ! . To jthTnk th::tVnfter all. Mr.
Lyon has ginio off without 'proposing;
and it has most killed your poor fr;end,
fir she gave up so much iu expectation
ol'it ; and he was such a love, and had
such dear little hands aud feet. Don't
you think it very queer, wheu heseerasd
to idolize me so always complimenting
my eyes and complexion, aud felling m
that such beauty ought not to bo wasted
on a country-farmer I" I am sure I
thought he was sincere. ,
"Dearest Julia, I nni afraid t was not
quite Wise to reject Mr. Verncr : befom
1 was sure of the other and I uuder.
stand that ho MK Vernef has furnished
the new hou?e beautifully, and bought
tor me a splendid piano. '
"Since I heard that ttiottgh I novor
liked any one so well a"! Mr. Lvon, but
as I cannot have him T have niade up
my mind to make up with Mr.' Veruet.
I am' sure Sou would advise it, Julia,
dear. They say he ha3 taken my" rcjec.
tion terribly hard ; but he loves bio to
distraction, acd I know lit" will forgivo
roc at tho 'first word. ' ;
'' "I shall tease hirn to live iu the city
after'wo are married. ' Mr. ' Lyon, lives
iu the city, and I hope we shall always
be friendly.' ' t must' close. Will tell
yoa all tho particulors in my ricxt.
' '"Tour loving , mary."
'- . -i 1
Ho nldud this . precious, documcut
slowly, .lie seemed dest'ieu . to go
through djflerctit phases of suiTcriugthis
evening; but let him bear this last un
noticed,. ;. .'; ;i' .- . ;..',.., ,
. i he next. morning it. ffx discovered
thai Esther bad- disappeared,, . Seaieh
"was niade for hcf'but iu v.aiu. ' She left
no traces. " '"'.; . . ' .'.
' Thd village was astonished. at the ncw3
of Squire' Nat's marriage, and tho im
mediate . clisappearance 6f' the ', bride.
Mary's visit,,too, to thd1 master of tho
house,' some way l'oaked out. Tlic'y had
not recovered from the 'intense excite
ment this qaused,1 when the. report eame
that the new" house 'was shut up tnd
Squire Nat had entered tho army.
Three ry ears ' passed. Nat. now
Colonel Nat Vomer, wis with his 'regi.
ment in North Carolina. He hid been
in several battles, and was already' con
splcuous"for his bravery. ' '
lie was one of ii group -of officers
standiug near the fbrt in conversation.
One of them was' saying to a nowJ
comer. . .'''.'.
"So you don't believe that a negro
oari be made to be honest, can improve
in short, that he has a soul ! Well,
proof is better thftu argument. I will
couvince you of part by taking you iuto
sortie"' of the schools ' established for
negroes. Yes, yes ; I know you think
that is another quixotic scheme of the
Government," but wait and ' see,1" you
captious critio- '-You'll bo a convert
yet,".-. ' . ..' ....
Laughing gayly, he led the way to tha
nearest sehoolhouse a rude building,
only a temporary affair.
A-fair, stately girl was giving out
words in spelling to a sablo class, rang
ing in years all the way from five to fifty.
She turned 11s they entered.
""Please excise our intrusion, Miss
Arnold, but 1 wished to conviodo a
skeptic of our party of one or two fact
that this visit will prove to him."
Sha bowed! with dignified , grace -and
motioned them to seats. As she did so,
her glanca fell Colonel Vernon. She
stood liko a statue far an instant, and
her fade became nshy palo, but, recollect
ing horsell, turned to ber class.. .
- Apparently tho fair te;icber was en
tirely absorbed in showing off the
knowledge of her class t and Hercules,
Alexander, and Scipio. Cleopatra, Joan,
and Dorothea did credit to .themselves
and hei ; but had they lost their way
from Kngliah into Greek, sho would not
have uotioed it. . , i , .
.,, "Shoot me if I look at niggers when
there's such a blamed pretty girl to look
at '." whispered a gay captain to Colonel
jVprner. "What's tho matter, Colonel.'
lou JooU tierce euougn to eat me. vo
you know, her? Is she anything to
you?" - ,
"Never heard her name before," re
plied the Colonel, trying to soften his
features, but with, little suecoss.
"She's a blamed sigbf too pretty to bo
fchut up hero with, tusso animals, con.
tfntjed tho Captain. "1 wonder if she's
good at a flirtation. ' She seems mighty
indiffereut to tho whole handsome lot
of us!'' -; ' 1
Tho Colonel smiled grimly. Tho gal.
hint captain stepped forward, asked her
some questions .concerning .the school,
but with very perceptiblp aumiration in
his eyes, to which sho replied briefly,
aud in a very business-liko way. .The
Captain could get no eucouragement 1 to
continue tho conversation ;' and soon
drew back, disappointed and chagrined.
,Sbo uotioed,. Lor vibitors' departure
with a sight inclination of tha head ; but
only turning partially toward them.
1 JT -