ACCURACY CHEAP MOVABLE CORN CRIB VERACITY OF THE BIBLE "Yes, Henry, I've traveled Into vr ry corner of the globe." "The globe li a spherical body, nncle. Therefore It has no corners I" Chips. SKIN BEAUTY PROMOTED In the treatment of affections of the skin and scalp which torture, disfig ure, Itch, burn, scale and destroy the hair, as well as for preserving, purl lying and beautifying the complexion, fallible. Millions of women through out the world rely on these pure, sweet and gentle emollients for all pur poses of the toilet, bath and nursery, and for the sanative, antiseptic cleans ing of ulcerated, Inflamed mucous sur faces. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp, Bos ton, Mass., sole Proprietors of the Cu tlcura Remedies, will mall free, on re quest, their latest 82-page Cuticura Book on the skin and hair. 8tepmother of Mint Julep, Romance and poetry have delighted to weave garlands with which to cele brate and perpetuate the glory of the blue grass In old Kentucky, famed for Its fine horses, beautiful women and mint Kentucky has been designated as the home of the mint Julep, and ,4ts colonels have become famous all over the world for the easy and graceful way In which they drink whisky with a little dash of sugar and a sprig or two of mint In order, chiefly to over come the necessity for a large amount of water in the beverage. The true Kentucklan doesn't want his whisky drowned. It transpires, however, that the real home of the mint and the mint Julep Is right here In Missouri, whose crop of mint last year amounted to 7,668 ' pounds, or enough to make 1,224,820 Juleps. This amount Includes the mar keted product, only, co account having been taken of the countless thousands of Juleps which were compounded dur ing the year with a base of the undi luted moonshine whisky that never paid a cent of tax. St Louis Star. The General Opinion. "I hear you have a fine wife, old chap." "I have; everybody thinks It's a great pity she married me." Cause and Effect. "He's a poet of passion, isn't he 7" "Yes; I've seen him fly Into one when his verses were returned." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny, granules, easy to take. Do not gripe. The noblest motive Is the public good. Virgil. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permaaent Core CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fau. Purely vagi able act auraly but fenny a lbs liver. Stop after dinner dutrett i core rod i- otrinn improve the complexion brighten -Sheerer, Small K1L Saudi Dm, WllPrice, Genoine Signature Rich and Costly Furs fOSTI.Y FURS cone from TOCTt PAST OF THE COUNTS. Y. Ship them totba BSST FUK M AH KIT am) BIOKT FUt BODSB. Br ahipptaf direct to DS, yea receive far betut PUCES than roe bare MataMd tUtwbcra, bacmem Mil DIRECT MAMOTACTUBBM of HIGH GRADS row. WB HBED YOTJB FURS. MAKI US A SHIPMENT. Our PRICE LIST ll OUT, ASK FOB IT. Oil! PBICBS an MET to YOU. LEOPOLD GASSNER FUR CO. lVt2P; M $250,000 npirdleirS On gets it by highway men Tana of thouaande by Bad Bowl No dif- leranoe. lonatipatioa and dmad live; make the whole) system sick Every body knows rCASCARETS regulate ear Bowel and Liver troubles by simply doing Datura's work cmtil you gat well Uiona dm CASCARETS, Ufa Savarl CA8CARHT8 roc a bos for week's treatment, all drnirgiata. Biggest aeller SB toe world. Millioa boxes a month. nlTt?riTP WmtaaaE.rolmaa,Wrtn r II I fel J I aS t"o,il.U. BvokHtree' HI-hJ iror tmc aiT tvtcoiciNrz 'fof COUGHS B COLDS , W W Tg - X "a IfADTFTC SHELTER IN THE FARM YARD Excellent Manner of Stacking Hay Is Illustrated Also Protects the Animals. The illustration shows an excellent manner of slacking the straw, hay or coin fodder that it may be fed from the yard; this not only prevents the cattle from pulling it down and want ing same, but provides an excellent Bhelter for them from the weather, says the Farm Press. The uprights or postR are made of concrete and. so have greater durabili ty than if constructed of wood; these are easily molded by building a box form of the right height and about 15 Shelter for the Farm Yard. Inches square on the inside if only four posts are to be use; the concrete Is tamped inside same and when cured the frame may be erected upon them to form the foundation for the stack. When desired the number of pouts may be increased and the size of same decreased; thuB, if bIx poBts are used they will be amply strong if made 12 inches square; if eight posts are used they can be made ten inches square. The advantage of this shelter is very apparent to every farmer, as it Baves a large portion of the straw, etc., that would be wasted by the cattle trampling It into the yard. A manhole can be built through the center of stack and the straw thrown down through it in feeding, thus giv Ing the cattle a sheltered place to feed away from snow and rain. If well made, it is not the least un sightly. ORGANIC MATTER OF SOILS Necessary Element Is Secured by Crop Rotation by Plowing Under Green Crops and Manuring. (By D. W. FREAR, Colorado Agricultural College.) All cultivated soils and most virgin soils contain plant and animals' re mains, called organic matter. When in tho last stages of decay, organic matter is called humus. Hu mus is dark in color and imparts that color to soil when present in sufficient quantities. Organic matter is very light in weight. When partially decayed, and especially In the form of humus, It has the power to absorb and hold larger quantities of water than even the finest clays. Humus Is more plastic (sticky) than sand, and less plastic than clay. Consequently it is very valuable ip binding together sandy soils and loos ening up clayey soils. . When organic matter decays, sub stances called organic acids are pro duced which act on the soil mineral matter and help to make it soluble, so that It Is available to other plants. The food material which the organic matter contained is also broken down to its original form, and much of it is again built up Into plant tissue. Organic matter is gotten Into the soil by crop rotation, by plowing un der green crops, by manuring and by raising crops with extensive root sys tems. When added to soils in arid regions it should be well rotted. It is one of the most Important soil con stituents. The lack of It in soil is largely the cause of the decreased yields under the single, continuous cropping syBtem. PUTTING IN DRAINAGE TILES Many Acres of Land Could Be Made Most Productive if 6ytem of Underdralnlng Put In. (By 8. M. MILLER.) During the last few months there has been much discussion In the agri cultural press concerning the best In vestments for farmers. In my opinion there is no better and safer Invest ment for the average farmer than tile drainage on such parts of the farm as fail to produce maximum crops during wet seasons. There are many acres of naturally fertile soil that are not paying the owner the cost of working that could be made the most produc tive portion of the farm If a good sys tem of underdalning was put in. In many cases the first crop will pay the entire cost of drainage. Of course many farmers are so situated that they cannot afford to put in the complete drainage system at one time. My advice to such men Is to have their plans made at one time and do a little every year. In this way their work shall not be haphazard, discon nected efforts, but shall fit Into a pre viously worked -out system and form permanent part of It. ft Dries Grain Out Quickly and Permits It to Remain So All the Year Around. ' (Tty J. O. STEIN.) The walls of this corn crib are built of barrel staves; the roof may be of lap-siding or any kind of roofing you want. For the1 side walls, use two lengths of staves and run a pole on the mid dle, as shown in the cut to nail the staves on, mid run the two rods through the middle of the crib, one through poles and one through plates. WMM A Movable Corn Crib. The size of (he crib Is according to the amount of corn raised. The walls must slant out a little, as shown in the cut, as thlB will keep out the rain better. The floor is tight. Thl3 kind of a crib Is quite cheap and may be built of small poles nailed cIobo together if no barrel staves are at hand. Such a crib keeps the corn In good condition. It dries quickly and keeps dry all the year around, which Is not possible for corn kept In a' tight granary where it molds and spoils at once. EASILY-BUILT CLOD CRUSHER Found Extremely Useful on Soils With Many Lumps May Also Be Used as Roller. Upon heavy soils where there are many lumps or clods, this will be found of use, as it is more effective than the usual roller which presses the clod into the ground, but does not crush it, while the drag or boat shown in the ilustration will work wonders in a field where there are many clay Clod Crusher. lumps or clods. Heavy planks are nailed together in the manner shown in drawing with the edges lapped over each other; and to the top ol these two strips are bolted to hold it rigidly together. At the end of these strips two hooks are placed to which a chain can be attached for hitching the team to. The top is further weighted with rocks if needed. This aUo does very effective work as a substitute for a roller upon any Boil. Handling Manure. It la too bad that a good many farm ers waste energy in the handling ol manure. Why throw It in piles in the field to be forked again when it could be spread as quickly from the wagon? A manure spreader will do the work quicker and better and make farm life pleasanter for the boys. The fruit tree agents will soon be around. Don't give them all an order. Don't leave your valuable farm ma chinery standing unprotected In the field. Rabbits sometimes gnaw and dam age blackberry, raspbsrry and other bushes. A good implement house with a fully equipped repair shop can be built for $300. The great virtue of alfalfa is its ability to increase the nitrogen con tent of the soil. All plants which have the ability to add nitrogen to the soil, like alfalfa, are called legumes. The farmer can improve his prop erty cheaper than a person in almost any other business. Drainage lessens evaporation sim ply by removing the surplus snow and rain water by filtration. Put some manure around the goose berry, currant and raspberry bushes, if you didn't do it last month. It is the consensus of opinion that a small farm well worked Is more profitable than a large one poorly worked. Grass roots must have protection from the winter frosts if good mead ows are secured and maintained from year to year. A two-foot piece of old steel rail from the railway track is a very con venient thing on the farm. It may be used as a cheap anvil. Manure Increases the capacity of a soil to hold water. This -t does by reason of the large antount of or ganic matter it contains. Without doubt one of the pressing problems with which the average western farmer has to deal Is that of securing reliable farm help. The corn grower should constantly bear In mind tnat while growing his corn, he la preparing for future wheat and other Bmall grain crops. The farmer who does not pull the leak plug out of his pump before the weather becomes cold enough to freeze it up solid while full fit water,, may not find It worth while doing so afterwards. Wdl tWtATrmrrrmTr.-m'"1' After a Visit to the Holy Land Even a 8keptlo Must Be Con vinced. One thing cannot fait to Impress every visitor to Dethlehem, and, In deed, to the Holy Land generally, who is imbued with true Christian faith and a proper sense of the sanctity of the location and of the events that have transpired there, and that Is the more than remarkable correspondence between (lie things and places shown us today as having been associated with the life and work of the Saviour and other events that enter Into the ! structure of our religious' faith and the descriptions and accounts of them, as furnished us In the pages of the Holy Scriptures. They agree with them in every respect and It is Im possible, after carefully considering I and comparing them, to doubt their I Identity, so exactly are they in accord with the Bible narrative. The work in the fields, the arrange ment of the buildings, the very arti cles of diet and clothing of ancient days are plainly recognizable In the doings and surroundings of today. In deed, where modern methods have not become obtrusive the manners and customs of the people remain much the same as In the days of the pres ence on earth of the Saviour. Be tween the descriptions given In the Bible of localities, climatic and geo graphical conditions, distances, etc., of these times and those of today there Is hardly any discrepancy. Even a skeptic, considering this remarkable accord of circumstances with the Biblical narrative, cannot but be con vinced of its veracity; to the believer It comes as a wonderful conviction, a satisfactory corroboration or en couragement to see things as those who described them so graphically saw them so long ago. Columbian Magazine. The Modern Way. A couple of young men on the Mar ket street viaduct the other evenlug offered a new version of an old saw. After they had passed a couple of auburn-haired damsels one of the young men took his stand at the curb and gazed up and down the bridge. "What are you looking for?" In quired his companion. Pointing to the red-headed girls, the foung man answered: "I'm trying to lee a white automobile." Toungstown Telegram. Ill-Mannered Chicken. Little Robert, 3 years of age, went with his grandmother to the chicken park to see her feed the chickens. When the little ones jumped upon the water dlBh and dipped their bills Into the water, he cried: "Oh, grand mother, they are putting their feet on the table." Of Course 8 he Must. "What time does the dance begin?" ""Nine o'clock." " "Then we must be there at 8:30." "What for?" "I must have at least an hour In the dressing room to rearrange my hair." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bears the I Signature : In TJse For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought 8treet Treatment Hewitt Have they been treating your street? Jewett Yes; they have been pour ing oil on the troubled macadam. Severe. "I don't think there Is an honest hair In his head." "That's right I believe he'd even cheat at checkers!" There's an Irony in nature that Is almost sure to bring those who pre scribe for the race around to taking their own medicine. Wirard Oil acts like a mustard plaster, except that it is more effective and is so much nicer and eleaner to use. Unfortunately, the people who marry in haste are not the only ones who repent at leisure. Krs. Winalow'a Booming- uyrnp for Children teething, eoflena the rums, redueee inflamma tion, alleys pain, anna wind oolio, S5o a bottle. The difference between a states man and a politician Is that the statesman la dead. PUTNAM esq a mm m sm FOR FULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION Professor llunyon has engaged a stall of specialists that art renowned leaders in their line. There is no question about their ability, they are the finest phy-, icians that colleges and hospitals have turned out and receive the highest ' salaries. He offers their service to you absolutely free of cost. No matte what your disease, or how many doctors you have tried, write to Profes eor Munyon's physicians and they will give your case careful and prompt attention and advise you what to do.- You are under, no obligations to them. It will not cost you a penny, only the postage stamp you put on i your letter. . All consultations are held strictly confidential. . Address Munyon's Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, B3d & Jefferson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. , , . - Fresh Air in Wintei Si. The Perfection Oil Hester Is finished in Japan or nickel. It burns for nine hours. It has a cool handle and a damper top. It has an automatic locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that the wick can be quickly clenaed. An Indicator always shows amount of oil In the font. The filler-cap does not need to be screwed down. It Is put In like a cork In a bottle, and Is attached to the font by a chain. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device In construction, and consequently, it csn always be essily unscrewed In an instant for rewlcking. The Perfection Oil Heater is strong, durable, well made, built for service, yet light and ornamental Dttkn Bimrywhm. If net at ytmrt, wrtli for iiscrlptbt circular to i wrui Ofvacy tf Iht . . Atlantic Refining Company EUREKA HARNESS OIL Sold by i Household Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY, EVER-READY TIN OILER . Is specially selected for any need In the home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can not break, Does not gum or become rancid. FOB SALS Y Atlantic Refining Company (Inc.) Philadelphia, Pa. Pimburt. Pa. laaitrs Ennfsttra Aromatlo 8pirlts. Mrs. Tarr Slstah Lobstock has Jest got a dlvo ce fum her busban'. Mrs. wombat Don' say? How much ammonia did de cou't done grant her? Puck. Some men are always looking for a chance to save money, and some are satisfied If they merely get it. Itch Cured ta SO Mlnntca ay WoolfoM'a Sanitary Lotlon.Never falls. At druggists. The woman who throws herself at a man's head seldom makes a hit. MCA U U U LJ U U Housework Drudgery Housework Is drudgery for the weak; woman. She brash, es, duett, and scrubs, or is oa her feet all day attending to the many details of the household, her back aehing , her temples throbbing, nerves quivering under the stress el pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest la bed Is not refreabintf, because the poor tired nerves do not per mit of refreshing- sleep. The real need of weak, nervous women is satisfied by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It Makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well. Thlt " Prtaertptlom" renarei Mka cans Hommm'3 . latlmm matlom mad alcmratlon, aad carta laaaa waakaaamea ao peculiar to women, it traaqalllKaa Ima aerraa, aaeouraiaa taa appaUta mad tndaeaa raatiul alaap. Dr. Pierce Is perfectly willing to let every one know what his " Favorite Prescription" contains, a complete list ol ingredients on the bottle-wrapper. E not let any onserup ulous drufjiat persuade you that his substitute of unknown composition is "hut at fi" In order that be may make ' a big er profit. Just smile aad shake yonr bead I Dr. Pieree's Pleasant Pellets cures liver ills. FADELESS DYES In winter, It is hard to get . fresh air In certain rooms. Some rooms in a house are usually colder than others, and if you open the windows it is hard again to heat the room property. If you keep the windows closed you don't get fresh air; if you keep them open you cannot quickly reheat the room. The Smokeless X Ahtolattlf moltlest azi odorless i solves the difficulty. You can leave the windows in a room open all day in winter, and when you close them apply a match to a Perfection Oil Heater and heat the room to any tern perature you desire In a few minutes. Is Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough as a wire black as a coal Dealer Everywhere FOB SALS BY ' Atlantic Refining Company (Inc.) Philadelphia, Pa. Piiuburs. Pa. AXLE GREASE Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Dealers every where. For sale by ' THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. (jnco mora tea) Philadelphia, Pa., and Pittsburg, Pa. RAW FURS THE OLDEST, FUR HOUSE IN AMERICA, JOSEPH ULLMANN, 18-20-22 West 20th Street, New York "Branch BatabllahmtnU tinder SAaCB NAaO at UIPUO. LONDON, , PARIS, , a Germany England . Franc Bnjlntand selling repreeentatlTM in all I rat portent For Merkete of the World, dletrlbotlnf each article where beet result, are obtained, eav able na to pay hlbeet market prices for rmv furs at all times. Our Raw For Onotatlena, Bhlpptn Tegs, ate will be eent t aay adilreea on nqneet. Beterenceei Any Mercantile Afency r Bank, PUASE MENTION THIS PAPM WHEN JUtawIMM. MANATEE-FLORIDA fimeaae e leaaaaDhiaa r pwaiOiinm Cnps Fmtt aad V CWp laaJi aow aniUU., da ipwlattee low rreicht estae to Eaatara NortWa Bartea via S. A. L. Rv. Tw. iad anaw a roar, aat S0O to SI XX) par aoM. ideal aUmalo roar found ae Iroaaor ao axtraaw hML write lot una bmd bootlet-k'e hea-eddne. I W. WHITE, Ceil larareal If b ao.aa an uae v. tf-' l(, va, dipt, tea TAPE WORM WITH HEAD Bare and qnlck remoTal guaranteed. S3. Druf glat Thoo. Nladllch, 1683 Second At., Near York City WANTED ErtrWAY" HICUMOKU UAO CO., Inc., Jtlchmond, Ta T.iThompson'i Eye W!er W. N. U, PITTSBURG, NO. 62-1910. ' W-VNjL r, TWB WW y.