y- J Dress UptoDate. IS LAVISH IN FURS SEASON'S FASHION DEMANDS THE M08T LUXURIOUS. Increased Popularity of Motoring Calls Forth Fur Coats of Entirely New Type Proves Parlslennes Leaders of Fashion. Nothing Is too luxurious in furs! This season fashion simply demands the best. .lust another Instance that proves that Parlslennes are leaders of fash Ion. Last summer fair Frenchwomen wore stoles of ermine with lingerie frocks regardless of heat or cold. Now, that winter Is here, heavy fur garments are their whim. The increased popularity of motor ing has called forth fur roats of an entirely new type. These garments are fashioned on the lines of smart mannish topcoats and, of course, unique furs were necesBnry to make the vogue a success as every one al ways wants something different. Leopard skin, antelope and baby deer are quite the most popular, although pony skin and raccoon are also note- worthy. Fur-lined coats for motoring, as of yore, are favored by , conservative women. These luxurious topcoats are mostly of heavy broadcloth, yned with Bqulrrel and with large shawl collar of skunk or Persian lamb. Caracal coats of generous length are most befitting for shopping and daily events. Broadtail and Persian lamb are also Included in the same category. Evening coats also worn for for mal afternoon affairs are simply superb. Full length coats of Russian sable or ermine are the most queenly. One exquiBlte ooat recently seen was of snowy ermine with broad band of skunk around . the bottom, which curved gracefully at each side of the fjxnt. Sable and ermine are fre quently ' combined, while white fox and sealskin is another joyous har mony. Muffs are simply enormous and ab solutely flat. Indeed, some are so large and flimsy that they are almost burdensome. Quite the most extreme styles have wide centers of Persian silk, or velvet, with wide bands of fur. The large etoles to match are fashioned likewise, only so wide that they are more like shawls than mere neckpieces. These particular modes were created by Madame Agnes and Parisiennes have thoroughly approved them. . Women of moderate tastes are quite satisfied with the round and pillow muffs of conservative size, and stoles of usual proportions. PEN-RACK AND PEN-WIPER Very Useful Article for Hanging on Wall Near Wrtlng Table. In our sketch may be seen a very useful little article for hanging upon the wall by the side of the writing table. It consists of a combined pen wiper and pen-rack. The upper part for the pens Is made of a square piece of stiff cardboard, smoothly covered with silk and edged with a silk cord carried Into three little loops at each corner, and there is a long loop above by which it may be suspended from a nail In the wall. Two straps of ribbon are arranged on either aide and foldr " so that they form six little loop Into which the pens may be slipped in and held in the manner illustrated. Sewn on to the lower edge Is a pen wiper, made In the shape of a small book and covered with the same silk Pen-Rack and Pen-Wiper Combined. that has been used for the upper part, with a simple design worked upon It, and bound at the edges with narrow ribbon to match embroidery. Cloth leaves, on which the pens may be cleaned, are tacked Inside, and any small odd remnants of cloth will serve for the purpose, but they should be of a dark color for prefer ence. The combination of pen-wiper and pen-holder Is always - a useful one, as It enables the pen to be cleaned after It has been used, prior to being slipped into the holder, a thing which Is apt to be forgotten 1th a separate pen-wiper. TASTY VELVETEEN COSTUME I TO HOLD VEIL IN PLACE Pretty Effect Obtained by Using Shade of Amethyst With Wide Braid Trimming. Velveteen In a rich shade of ame thyst is used for this most effective costume, the trimming being wide braid that Is now so much used, and which looks specially well on vel veteen. " The sUIrt has the braid carried from the front panel round the sides Velveteen Walking Costume. - t and back; it Is also carried In the same lines round the sides and back . of coat, the fronts and "V" shaped opening being edged by it. Tabs of braid and . buttons form a further - trimming. r. Tbe muff and toque are of vel veteen to match the costume; both are trimmed with ermine. Materials required: 12 yard 24 inches wide, about 7 yards of braid, 7 yards silk for lining jacket. One Method Which Saves the Veil and Involves Hardly Any Trouble. A number of clever expeditions have dWn devised to hold a veil snugly under the chin without giving It an ugly line. Here is one method which saves the veil also and involves hard ly any trouble. Get the narrowest kind of round elastic, the same colot as the, veil (paint the while elastic with water colors for a colored veil) and whip it over the extreme edge of- the veil, taking up only a single thread all around. Include any cut I edges, but afterward pare thme off j neatly with a small pir of scissors. Fasten in back with a tight knot. The veil is slightly gathered on the elastic, fits nicely under the chin and over hat, and stretches when it is raised. It seems the best solution of a vexing problem of dress. New Embroideries. Wonderful effects of color are ob tainable In new embroideries. The tones are of autumn and possess the deep violet and purple and green of the grape. This Is done on linen, which is tan or a shade of brown, and rich effects are accomplished by this com blnatlon. Soft pillows and table covers done in these tones on brown linen or crash and used in a room with brown wick er furniture and hangings would b most effective. The new Dresden embroidery Is usu ally attractive. It Is dainty and suit able for a bedroom. It Is done on self colored linen in a dozen different tones with a single stitch and made in the form of garlands of prim little flowers. Outing Hats Large. Many of the felt outing hats are large, with rolling brims. TuIb line is becoming to the majority of wom en. The scarf, with Its ends dropping over the side, softens any line that may be too bard. You can depend upon a milliner to do all In his power to make an outing hat becoming, for tbe cost is comparatively reasonable, and therefore tbe popularity assured s Bags for Parasols. Put tbem in a bag till next season. Make it of unbleached muslin, cut in V shape. Finish at the top with a drawstring. If the bag is to protect white parasols, make it of blue cam bric. , ( Mistletoe la Dangerous, Few people who know mistletoe only as a desirable feature of Christ mas decorations understand that the plant la a parasite dangerous to the life of trees in the regions In which It grows. It la only a question of time, after mistletoe once begins to (Tow upon a tree before the tree It self will be killed. The parasite sap the life of the Infected branches. For tunately, it Is of slow growth, taking years to develop to large proportions, but when neglected, it invariably ruing all trees it reaches. English Women Smoke Pipes. The latest fancy of the woman smoker is a pipe not. the tiny affair that suffices for the Japanese, but a good-sized brier or a neat meer schaum. The pipe Is boldly carried along with a gold card case and chain purse. For tame time now the cig arette has given place to a cigar, mall In size and mild In quality. Women said they were tired of the cigarette, and wanted a bigger smoke. London MalL Cripple Rldee Bicycle. George Anstey, aged 12, a cripple, f Leicester, England, Is one of the most remarkable cyclists in the coun try. Both hit legs are withered and useless, but tbe Leicester Cripples' Guild baa provided him with a two wheeled pedalleea machine, with a padded tube, covering the axle bar. Aoroes this he lies face foremost, and with wooden clogs strapped to his hand he propels himself along the street and road in a marvelously rapid manner. He ha complete con trol of the machine, hi hands acting a pedal, steering gear, and brake combined. Pretty Qoed Definition. W hear some funny things in Fleet street sometimes, and the following definition of the height of aggravation, by a gentleman In rather shaky boot, whom we encountered in a well-known hostelry the other day, struck us a being particularly choice. "The 'eight of haggravatlon, gentle men,'' said this pothouse humorist, set ting hi pewter on the counter and looking round proudly, with the air of one about to let off a good thing, "the 'eight of haggravatlon why, trying to ketch a flea out o' f er ear with a pair of boxln gloves.'' Loudon Tit-Bits. An Alaskan Luncheon. Runner of woven Indian basketry, with white drawnwork dollies at each of the 12 covers, were used on an oval mahogany table. - The dollies were made at Bltka. - In the middle of the table a mirror held a tall central vase of frosted glass, surrounded by four mailer vases, all filled with white spring blossoms. The edge of the mirror was banked with the same flower. Four totem pole were placed on dollies in the angle made by the runner. Place card were water color of Alaskan scenery. Abalone shells held aalted nuts, and tiny Indian basket held bonbons. The soup spoon were of horn, several of the dishes used were made by Alaskan Indians, and the cakes were served on basket. The menu was as follows: Pol a son a la Bering Sea (halibut chowder), Yukon climbers (broiled salmon, po tatoes Julienne), snowbirds avec auroraborealls (roast duck with jelly), Shungnak river - turnips, Tanana beets, Skagway bash (salad), Fair banks nuggets (ripe strawberries ar ranged on Individual dishes around a central mound of powdered sugar), arctic slice (brick ice cream). Circle City delight (small cakes), Klondike nuggets (yellow cheese in round balls ca crackers), Nome firewater (coffee). Woman's Home Companion. Acknowledgment. Tou will admit that you owe great deal to your wife?" "I should say so," replied Mr. Cum rox. "I wouldn't be Invited to any of her receptions or muslcales if I wasn't married to her." Disqualified. Her My brother won first prise in that amateur guessing contest, but they ruled him out as a professional. Him A professional? Her Yes. He's employed In the government bureau, you know. Lightning Change. The Manager Can you make quick change and double In a few part? The Actor Can I? Say, you know the scene In "Love and lobsters," where the hero and the villain are fighting, and a friend rushes in and separate 'em? Well, I played all three part one night when the other two fellow were ill. Echoes ef Munchausen. ' ' It was an absent-minded traveler 1 ho had lately taken to ballooning. "Tes," he observed Impressively. "It was a fearful journey. The machine, a thousand feet up, and no mora bal last, beaded straight for Siberia, and tbe rarefied air well, you know a well a I do what effect that ha on a balloon.. Yes, the peril was terri ble." Then the old bablt was too strong for him. "The wolyes detected our presence. A desperate race en sued. We felt their hot breath on the nape of our necks." London Globe. Not Altogether Dead. Mr. Robert Butler of Marlborough, England, has had the peculiar expe rience of hearing his death announc ed. ' He was attending the poor law conference at Exeter when on of the delegate moved that, in conse quence of the death of Mr. Butler, which they all regretted, another gen tleman, whom he named, should be appointed to fill his place as one of the representatives of , Wiltshire on the central committee. Mr. . Butler rose from his place on the platform and announced to the conference, amid much amusement, that, so far a he was aware, he was still alive and in good health, and would be pleased to continue in the office if the conference desired. Banker and Bank Notes. , Four men, three of whom were con nected with brokerage concerns In the Wall street district, were discussing United States paper currency and the disappearance of counterfeits. "We are o sure nowadays," said one of the party, "as to the genuineness of bills that little attention Is paid to them in handling, except as to de nomination." To prove his assertion he took a $10 yellowback from bis pocket, and, holding it up, asked who could- tell whose portrait It bore. No one knew, and by way of coaching the broker said It was tbe first treas urer of tbe United States. Again no one knew the name. "Why, It's Vlchael Hlllegaa," said the man loudly. "But In confidence, I'll tell )"ii, I didn't know It five minutes at.o." New York Tribune. Vivid at Least Dr. Hiram C. Cortlandt, the well- known theologian of Des Moines, said In a recent address: "Thomas A. Edison tells us that he thinks the soul Is not Immortal; but, after all, what does this great wizard know about souls? Hi forte is elec tricity and macutnery, and when he talks of souls he reminds me irresist ibly of tbe young lady who visited the Baldwin locomotive works and then told how a locomotive is made. " 'You pour,' she said, 'a lot of sand into a lot of boxes, and you throw old stove lids and things Into a furnace, and they you empty the molten stream Into a hole in the sand, and everybody yell and swears. Then you pour it out and let it cool and pound It, and then you put It In a thing that bores holes in it. Then you screw it to gether, and paint It, and put steam in It, and it goes splendidly; and they take It to a drafting room and make a bluep rtnt of It. But one thing I for got they have to make a boiler. One man gets inside and one gets outside, and they pound frightfully; and then they tie It to the other thing, and you ought to see It go!'" Largest of Whalee. The largest whale of Its type of which there ts sclentlflo record wa captured recently off Port Arthur, Tex. .. He measured sixty-three feet in length, and wa estimated to be about three hundred year old.' Cap tain Cob Plummer, mate of a United State pilot boat, lighted the monster In the shoals off the jetties, and the crew of his vessel captured the mam mal. The huge body wae towed ashore, exhibited and much photographed, be fore being cut up.- i tt ! . Rat Bounty Excites Merriment. Seattle, fearing the introduction of bubonic plague by rats, has offered a bounty of ten cents a rat : This move Tacoma, safe from Infection from tbe sea, to raucous laughter, and the Led ger say .that the bounty, "though not intended for rodents of ' Tacoma, Everett, , Belllngham and other, popu lous and busy centers, has been find ing Its way Into the pockets of non resident of Seattle for non-resident rat. But the joke would be on us If It were found that our rat popula tion had found its way Into the Seat tle census." Two Very Old Ladlee. We have heard a great deal lately about long-lived people, but It Is prob able that the oldest two people In the world today are Frau Dutklevltz and another old lady named Babavasllka. The former lives at Poaem, In Prus sian Poland, and was born on Febru ary 21, 1785. She Is therefore one hundred and twenty-Are years old. The latter, however, I nine months ber senior, having been born In May, 1784. She I (till a fairly hale old woman, and for nearly one hundred year worked in the fields. Her descendants number close on 100, and these now make her a joint allowance. She live at the village of Bavelsko, whose neighborhood she has never quitted during the whole of her long life. She remembers event which happened at the beginning of last century much more clearly than those of the last 40 years. Dundee Advertiser. Too Ardent a Lover. fiorgotto Fontano, an embroiderer who lives In the Rue Sevres in Paris, has found herself condemned to a month' Imprisonment for what seem to her a harmless act She was going home from a concert a few evenings ago when she decided she would like to see her fiance. As he happen to be a fireman whose station is In ber own neighborhood It occurred to her It would be very easy to summon him to her side by break ing the glass of the fire alarm and sounding a call. She did so anr in a few moment fire engine came from several direc tions, all laden with firemen, of course, but alas I her fiance was not among them, and more than that all the fire men were angry, and before she knew what had happened she was taken to a magistrate, who proceeded to make the course of true love run unsmoothly by sending her to prison for a month In spite of her tears and protests that she thought It would be a simple way of bringing nor fiance to her side. The Bright Side. Nebuehadnezzar wa lurching ta hi accustomed style. "All flesh being grass," he reflect!, "this must be Beef a la Mowed." And chuckling hoarsely, he took eav other chaw. Puck. .. Kindly Intentions. "A roan who enjoy seeing a woman In tears Is a brute." . "I don't know about that," replied Miss Cayenne. "One of the kindest husbands I know takes hi wife to ) all the emotional play." Take Himself 8erleuely. Nicola Tenia, dining by himself In a hotel's great dining room, take a table where be can be seen. Through out hi meal he wear a deeply to dlous, a completely absorbed, attitude. He may bring to the table a portfolio filled with papers. The he. may can with prolonged solemnity. In any event, he alts' an eloquent table of profundity. New York Press. Holidays In the State. Washington' birthday I a holiday In all states. Decoration day In all states but Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, -Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Labor day 1 observed everywhere. Virtu ally every state has legal holidays having to do with its own special af fair battle of New Orleans In Louis iana, Texan Independence and battle of San Jacinto In Texas, Admission day In California, and so on. Missis sippi Is like the federal government in lack of statutory holidays, but by common consent Independence day. Thanksgiving and Christmas are ob served. A new bne Is Columbus day in a few of the states. Planting Wedding Oak. Princess August Wllhelm, wife of the kaiser's fourth son, has set herself the task of reviving one of Germany' oldest customs, that according to which newly wedded couples Immediately af ter the marriage ceremony plant a cou ple of oak saplings side by side In a park or by the roadside of their na tive town. 'The town of Mulcbausen, In Thurln gla, 1 the first to respond to the prin cess' appeal. A municipal official ap pears at the church door after every wedding and Invites the bride an bridegroom to drive with him in a car-' rlage to a new road near the town and there plant oak saplings. , The tree planting Idea was started by a former elector of Brandenburg; with the object of repairing the rav age caused by the 30 years' war. The elector forbade young persons to mar ry until they had planted a number ef fruit trees. An Unnecessary Confession. A hearty laugh was occasioned at the Birmingham police court by a pris oner who gave himself away In a very delightful manner.' The man wa the first on the list, and the charge against him was merely one of being drunk and disorderly. He stepped Into the dock, however, just at the moment when the dock officer wa reading out ' a few of the case which were to come before the court that morning, and a guilty conscience apparently led him to mistake these items fcr a list of hie previous convictions. He stood passive enough while the officer read out about a dosen drunk and disorderlies, but when he came to) one "shopbreaking" the prisoner ex claimed excitedly, "That wa eight years ago, your honor," Everyone be gan to laugh, and the prisoner, realis ing the blunder he had made, at first looked very black Indeed, but finally saw the humorous side of the matter, and a broad smile spread over hla face. His blunder did not cost anything. Birmingham Mall. That Suit for Libel Against the Postum A disagreement about advertising arose with a "weekly" Journal. Following It, an attack on us appeared In their editorial columns; sneering at the claims we made particularly regarding Appendicitis. We replied through the regular papers and' the "weekly" thought we hit back rather too hard and thereupon sued for libel. The advertisement the "weekly" attacked us about claimed that In many case of appen dicitis an operation could be avoided by dis continuing Indigestible .food, washing out the bowels and- taking a predlgestad food Grape Nuts. . . -. t j t i . Observe we said MANY cases not all. Wouldn't that knowledge be a comfort to those who fear a surgeon's knife as they fear death? -. ..'. The."weekly" writer said that wa a He. We replied that he was Ignorant of the facts. He was put on tbe stand and compelled to admit he waa not a Dr. and had no medical knowledge of appendicitis and never Investi gated to find out If tbe testlmonal letter to our Co. were genuine. A famous surgeon testified that when an operation was required Grape-Nuts would not obviate It. True. ' We never claimed that when an operation was required Grape-Nut would prevent it. The surgeon testified bacteria Igerms belp ed to bring on an attack and bacteria wa grown by undigested food frequently. We claimed and proved by other famous experts that undigested food was largely responsible for appendicitis. . We showed by expert testimony that many case are healed without a knife, but by stop ping the use of food which did not digest, and when food was required again it was helpful to use a predlgested food which did not over tax the weakened organs of digestion. When a pain In tbe right side appear It la not always necessary to be rushed off to a Cereal Co., Ltd., Gave to Bring Out Facts hospital and at the risk of death he cut. Plain common sense Bhows the better way is to stop food that evidently has not been digested. Then, when food Is required, use an easily digested food. Grape-Nuts or any other If you know It to be predlgested (partly digested before taking). We brought to Court analytical chemist from New York, Chicago and MIshawaka, Ind., who swore to the analysis of Grape-Nuts and that part of the starchy part of thet wheat and barley had been transformed into sugar, the kind of sugar produced in the human body by digesting starch (the large part of food). : V Some of the State chemist brought on by the "weekly" said Grape-Nuts could not be called a "predlgested" food because not all of It was digested outside the body. The other chemists said any food which had been partly or half digested outside the body was commonly known as "predlgested." Splitting hairs about the meaning of a word. It Is sufficient that If only one-half of the food Is "predlgested," it is easier on weakened stomach and bowels than food in which no part Is predlgested. To show the facts we introduce Dr. Tbos. Darlington, former chief of the N. Y. Board of Health, Dr. Ralph W. Webster, chief of the Chicago Laboratories, and Dr. B. Suchs, N. Y. If we .were a little severe In our denuncia tion of a writer, self-confessed Ignorant about appendicitis and its cause, It is possible the public will excuse ua, in view of the fact that our head, Mr. C. W. Post, ha made a lifetime tudy of food, food digestion and effects, and the conclusions are indorsed by many of the best medical authorities of the day. Is It possible that we - are at fault for suggesting, as a Father and Mother might, to one of the family who announced a pain In the side: "Stop using the food, greasy meats, gravies, mince pie, cheese, too much starchy a Splendid Chance food, etc., etc., which ha not been digested, then when again ready for food use Grape Nuts because it Is easy of digestion?" . Or should the child be at once carted off to a hospital and cut? We have known of many cases wherein the approaching signs of appendicitis have dis appeared by the suggestion being followed. No one better appreciates the value of a skilful physician when a person Is in the awful throes of acute appendicitis, but "an ounce of. prevention Is worth a pound of cure." , t Jurt plain old common sense is helpful even nowadays. This trial demonstrated Grape-Nut food I pure beyond question. U is partly predlgested. AppendlciUa generally ha rise from undi gested food. . - . ... It Is not "always necessary to operate. It Is best to BtoD ail toed. , When ready to beslnfeed'.pg use gested food.. predl- It Is lalutable and strone In Nnnrlahman It will pay fine returns In health to quit the heavy breakfasts and lunches and use less food but select food certainly known to con tain the elements nature requires to sustain the body. May we be permitted to suggest a breakfast of fruit. Grape-Nut and cream, two soft boiled eggs, and some hot toast and cocoa, milk or Postum? The question of whether Grape-Nuts doe or doe not contain theelements which nature requires for the nourishment of the brain, also of its purity, will be treated In later news paper article. - -, Good food Is Important and Its effect on the body la also Important "There)') a Reason" Postum Cereal Co.. Ltd.. Basil Creek. Mich. " V