The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 28, 1910, Image 7

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    The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 1 75,000.00
Actual Resources over $650,000.00
Ion H. Kacohkb, Prai.
John H. Knucher
Henry 0. Delble
J. 0. Kino, Vlce-Pret.
J.O. Kln Daniel Nolan
J. B. Hammond
K. 0. 80BD0EIRS. Oaiblr
John H.Oorbett
K.H. Wll.on
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Bank That Docs Things
It requires time and energy and ripe experience to
make a bank. We claim all the essentials of an Efficient
Bank and offer in addition Absolute Safety.
Interest ptid on Savings Accounts, having liberal
withdrawal privileges.
Foreign Exchange issued on all parte of the world.
Capital and Surplus $130,000.00;
Resources $650,000.00
(Oldi gr, Bunk In nfCmintv)
Open Saturday Evening.
Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent
. Do you have insurance policies, deeds,
' stock certificates, mortgages, bonds, wills,
or other valuable papers, which might be
stolen or destroyed by fire?
Would it not be wise for you to rent one
of these boxes where your papers would be
absolutely safe and absolutely private?
You alone have the key. Only $2.00 per
j ear.
Ease of Manipulation, Total
Visibility, PerfectTabulation,
Susceptibility to Great Speed
Simplicity of Construction,
and Neatness ot Design.
Underwood .
Typewriter Company
(Incorporated) , ' '
Pittsburg Branch 641 Liberty Avenue.
Ollmpses of the People who are Pace
Inn To and Fro.
Additional personals on llrat and last
John Hewlett and family went to Kit
tanning lost week.
Miss Grace Clawson Is visiting la Fair
mount City tills week.
J. V. Young weut to Mayport Saturday
to visit old friends and relatives.
Frank C. Wiley, of Kittannlng, Is spend
ing the holidays In Reynoldsvllle.
Charles A. Hctrlck and family are
visiting In Mayport, Pa., this week.
Commissioner A. F. Roltz, of Brookvllle,
was In Reynoldsvlllo a day last week.
Mrs. Kuth Clark visited her son, Charles
D. Clark, at DuDols several days the past
Sheriff A. E. Galbraith, of Brookvllle,
came up to participate In the fun of
institute week.
Prof. W. M. Iilfo will go to Smethport In
January to speak before the teachers of
McKean county,
Robt. H. Wilson and wlfo spent Christ
mas In Brookvllle with their son, Dr. Held
Wilson and family.
Commissioner W. H. Kelly, was In
Reynoldsvlllo last week and took In one
session of the institute,
M. Fred Reed, of Boston, Mass., Is spend
ing the holidays at tho home of his father,
J. Van Reed, In this placo. '
J. N. Small, of West Reynoldsvllle,
spent Christmas at Limestone, Clarion
county, visiting his mother.
Mrs. Dr. John H. Murray attended a
social at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Irvln In Big Run last week.
J. Edward McKernan, of Youngstown, Is
a guest at tho homo of his father, Joseph
McKernan, In West Reynoldsvllle. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hinderliter spent
Christmas at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Edward Clecr, in Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Vina Baker, of Washington, Pa.,
visited Dr. A. J. Meek, and family at the
Baptist parsonage over Christmas.
Prof. Frank B. Glonn, principal of the
West Reynoldsvllle public schools, U spend
ing the vacation period at his home in
W. M. Rife and R. W. Clawges leave
Thursday morning to attend the annual
meeting of the State Teachers' Association
at Harrlsburg.
Misses Fannio and Laura Smith, of
Washington, Pa., were entertained by
Miss Maud Meek at the Baptist manse
over Christmas.
A. J. Postlethwolt and wife, of Fayette
City, are the guests of the latter 's mother,
Mrs. Hannuli Butler, and other relatives In
Reynoldsvllle, this week.
Miss Lucilla O'Hare, who is attending
school at St. Marys, Pa., is spending tho
holidays lit the huino of her father, John
O'llnrc, on Hill street.
Misses Margaret and Susie McKernan, of
Erie, are spending the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .McKernan,
in West Reynoldsvlllo.
Thomas C. Shields, traveling representa
tive for the United States Leather
Company, is spending the holidays with
his family In Reynoldsvllle.
Frank Degnan, who has been at East
Brady for some time, spent Christmas at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Degnan, in this place.
Jasper McEntlre and family, of Eleanora,
passed through Reynoldsvllle the past
week on their way to visit relatives at
Franklin, Pa., over Christmas.
Joel Baum, of Wimbledon, North Dakota,
is the guest of John Baum and family on
Main street, this week, and is also visiting
other relatives near Reynoldsvllle.
Harry F. Reynolds, of New York City, is
visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. R.
J. Reynolds, on Grant street, and shaking
hands with his legion of friends in town.
Will Dohart, who has been employed at
Elmira, N. Y., for several years, spent the
Christmas holidays with 'his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Dehart, on Jackson street.
Bert T. Cox, who has been at Tecumpsch,
Michigan, for some time, is spending the
holidays at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William T. Cox, in Reynoldsvllle.
Charles Corbett and W. T. Darr, attor
neys of Brookvllle, will attend the Penn
sylvania banquetin New York City at the
new Hotel As tor to be given to President
Taft on Jauuary 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Swartz spent Christ
mas at the farm of the latter's father,
Emanuel Bchuckers, near EmerickvlUe and
incidentally filled themselves with turkey
and trimmings at the expense . of Mr.
Charles Crates, superintendent of the
Blaw Collapsible Steel Centering Co.'s
plant, and family, went to Crates, Clarion
county, Saturday to spend Christmas at
the old home of Mr. Crates.
L. M. Snyder and wife were at Summer
ville a few days last week, called there by
the death of Mrs. Snyder's grandmother,
Mrs. S. P. Anderson, which occurred Tues
day night, December 30th, at 13.00 o'clock.
Burial was made Saturday at 2.00 p. m.
Mrs. Anderson was 80 years old. '
Want Column.
Kateti One cent per word for each and
very Insertion.
Lost Ten dollars In making change on
my debit last week. Would appreciate
the return. P. Kochler. .
For Rent Six room house with bath, on
corner Hill nd Third streets. Mrs. C.
Foa Rest Modern 'mprovud eight room
house. Inquire it: riie Slur (JtHce.
FOR SALE Indian runner ducks and
Uvo wliito , leghorn pullets. Arthur
For Sale Buy driving horse. Inquire lit
The Star ottico. .,
FOR KENT Eight room house includiug
bath room, L. M. SNYDER.
Copyright Hail ickaAtr ft Mifl
YOUNG men of the strenuous life; y'
college men, business men, hustlers; 5jT:
these are the fellows we're especially for with H
1 Hart Schaffner & Marx g
gjjl clothes; new models .with youth and athletic vigor in them; good styles for
jjk older men, too. O ,
m Plenty of good things to wear, shirts, hats, underwear, neckwear. ThiB is 0 -
our store.
. Overcoats $18 to $ 60 .
g.rSuits $20 to $50
Remeniber we are ready for your Christmas buying. We haye one of the greatest
assortments of useful hristma? presents in the line of smoking jackets neckwear, gloves,
coat sweaters, umbrellas, caps in seal skin, fur and cloth caps, underwear in two piece
and combination suits, shirts plain and fancys, suit cases 'and bags.
We invite you to call early, make your selection and we will lay whatever you select
away for you. '
This the store to get what you want. Their is nothing in our line that you need
send ont of town for, as we have the greatest line ever showi in any city store.
GoodCIothes and,Furnishings
You are hereby Informed that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Summer
vllle Telephone Company will be held at the
ueneral office ot the company In Brookvllle,
Pa., on Wednesday, the 11th day ot January,
lllil.atthebourof ten o'clock a. m., tor the
purpose of electing a Hoard of Directors for
the Company, for the enBuins year, and for
the traduction of such ot ber business as may
prouerly com before until meeting,
J. K. Brown, President.
J. 8. Hah bond, Secretary.
I Meat Market
Hams, Bacon,
Corned Beef,
Tongues, Etc.
Poultry and Game
in Season-
Prompt Delivery.
Meat Market
Reynoldsvllle, - - Pa.
Uue the Boll 'Phone -
Central Pennsylvania Lime
H-0 is hydrated lime for drilling or broadcasting; it gives
quick results,
For best results from your land, USE LIME, ordinary
lime, fresh forkings, or, best of all, - i
Lime for chemical and building purposes.
Crushed limestone, any size, for concreting, k&
Lime and limestone for all purposes.
We are the largest limestone . manufacturers in
Prompt shipment by any railroad.
Works at Belief onte, Frankstown, Spring Meadows, Tyroney
"Prrart anr4 TTn?rti FfMna- .-
American Lime & Stone Co.,
Write for literature on Office: TYRONE, PA,
Lime and its uses.
The quality of Lamp Oil you use counts Im
mensely for or against your comfort and health.
There's a perfect oH .made for people who
give thought. It is
Family Favorite Oil
triple-refined from Pennsylvania Crude Oil the best ever
made. Full white 8 a me never flicker do aoot no odor.
Coats no more than inferior tank-wagon oils -saves money a
well aa eye nd comfort. Your dealer ha It in orif iui
barrel direct from the refineries,
Wavtrly Oil Works Co. iPntetsnmpltt$burg, Pa.